Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 14

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The Cenodian ChaMPion, -Wednesdey, April 7h 1965 M cf Intise pant tea- years we bave tise Mallon Sp fsens Associa-.01 hadt certain weeks set aside for 'trou tere a iive çf actlvlty and th almosft v9;ry tealis of lite f romt noise lat Saturday morning wisen "Red Cross Week 10 be kind ts)tise club played isost t0 cubs and le ycur neigihor week. Remtnll scouts trorm Milton, Palermo and ar îhey iave corne up wifis a a- 1s Trafalgar. Arn Coltar acfed as N, tisaI we really agree wtltis Na.. master of ceremnonles for tise day. fr tianal Wldirte /tek .If tarted Afler ta-o fine films were sisown t Atpril 4 and wll lasItishrougis un on ouf doorlite and starling of a l tl April 10. yousg butter Tise boys were grv. O1 Tthistscck, n r0p in ioii n avery constructive and interdi stads lon astiire Il bc no0 uig aIs on gan salely and sale- lag day and lw re qusts for fin- yingeneral by constable Larry t] ancial cuntributiuns.Tis sls an Kncale outhtie O.P.P. Detacisment ai educational a-tek during whichit trurn Mlton. Club memrbers Howe is baped al Casadians - etpec- ard Coulson, Ken Coulson, Percy P ially teacisersa- Il stress tise need Hall, Bud Ciester, Delrnar Coul- L tfor conservatiun ut uur idi te son and Paul Coulson, and several Mi and nalural resourccs wich mat otisers, prepared isot dogs and aj s% rapidly deplelta and polauI ng. tisey wondered "where did tisey Some peuple may t nd it d ffcuIt put put thern al? s ta appreciafe the mcd for conser- Ctub members Cook tise boys cl vation but in aur opinion i oulside and gave tiser a demon- v - wauld be a very dull ife if lise stratios offtrap sboofing and safe- 7r .1n1v ptace future generalions gun handling alter whicis tiese cuu;ld teeaild birds and animalis scout leaders took a hand in trapa a-autd be in a mnuseum or a zou. shooling and did vcry well. Tise MILTON MARKSMUN GUN CLUB members practiced siooing os'1 was tîrst orgunized astiJane baltishe enecotive had been anabte This weeci alto cleebrates lise Association offered tise Scouts tise Satrdy a Min lC rilerane n a asndne qurr pt la find a sotable shootinig range. Getting selta ire are Ken birtis o fane ut aur fruty great use uft ieir grounds for camp-p. jusf nons o 10 Sideroad. Seven shootera iried Chair sccoracy 1Jones. Ray Short, Mosg Nin Mark, Rlîkie Basseit, Vers Wilson, narais.JcMne.otprvdn tsyiad rpr and nearty every ont quaiied as a intesisai. Presideel ofthtie Les Zions and Jia- Siarpts. Jacks Jarvis. George Breeken supervision. Everyone set me d club, Ken Jones, reports fiere are about 40 a-tabers. Tise club -sort Pioteand iis son Runnie. al ufthlie pleased teiti tise day and iftt BrunIe and Disrict Gun Club and otly oe af a stries of accident 7 ~vm ~ .~+..~. ..representatives ufthtie Hamiltun prevention days tisat tise club hsop-V Gun Club recently jaurneyed f0 es lu tint up tiis year. If tiseseb -jNOT SO 1dITE" Las Vegas, Nevada, where lih- prugramts help ta prevent jusf i io a ~ ~ /e n 1*~ t Baby taISl may bc anu s ing partlcipated in tise Stardust tInOne accident a ycar, then fisey areE Stro Vng e r R ln o a o e n e t ltrîa a mati tw-year-sld but flot invifatianai Shoat. If is a credif wett teorthis -ie.h trmi iMi toor rm atise clubs tisaI Ronnie. juat Tise inlereat tisese 9-14 year-oid %oug.ýtr wo orin e hsturned i8 years aId. ied for sec. boys showed jusl rvsta 1 mu prc.saIe or er nd place atter breakirtg 96 iirds musl active boys are interesfedN Solution for Planning Problem Iagedst arsa cotinusigOt fal uet ag c.d sepdaigihngotu osbl 11 n huln ngn n iuf n ny nirtscssounda. if is nul wie handicap. Jack Jarvia and George der proper guidance and interest To plan tise best use ut land teants lu be an urisanitc but livc 1take .a vrong mc.aurc rit uacot riridiculehisint o ruitihim liink did very teli aiso witi Geurge isy groups sucis as tise .P.P. and c for Iis district is munit casier lu tise country. sClip. isec is "cute. breaking 95 out ut 100. Nice Sportsmen titI maise iuntitg as tisan la impiement these plant. An error it citv panning luiss hoigelw.fidsousa prt1 hatu od ta sec a taiier and Thec club wouudlI kc lu thanis1 members ut tise University V/a- made in building ut super-isigh- o en.JcMrh adtoewohle mens Club of Milton and an equal a-aya and, neglecing improve- I'~a o upysdtoews sie number of maie guesîs concladed menla in tise centre Cttienit.r aditdlations aIso go lu John keep lis road open inlo tise club- afle isarin ancactien adnes Bea soutio ssutdbe l reair ufthb Hatos Sports ouar during tise tenter. afte herin an xcelen adressBes soutio wold c t reqireiiin'sAssoiaoteion su aI iast, Reporrs ludate rtdicaIe that by Dr. RaipisKrueger, ieadori tht deveiupment kept igist a rouss ui us s tI 5iuisttlcînnaoa Geograpisy departmnenl o tise Un- cihies audtosausing a nigsv. gshobtd rap hua irs 25 ucing alord intntr 16isea iversity otVWaterloo. VWii knawn sringsofhuiganghgw%ý tagtbrs rpsoig. 1etaecdlwfr194Te for is abiiiy in thiselnd ut coin-"Suburban tringe la unc-ordinat- . 4 'f M P r theisuma ut M lion surnisredut talatcn 1964 ere munlfy planning, Dr. Krueger test ed and unplanned. bhe ubsemsecd. 'te H gis a ut hebuHdait l i 36ord a-ris an t ail t ofgi heard by Aclon and Milon court- In looiing aisead. ie dectai cd Spormn's ctub drals t Thias. lais s ehunestly beliese, is cillors, planning huard. cammifîelegilafion is utderused. Ta-a- d nghis tis ubosa blpd rducrhiisnrber but i0 of adjuslment. and conservation Iirds ut aur planning boardshelbisouseand g usds ut i% sIl tua isgis authority members as well as dont plan, tise-. ast grant cas- members of tise club, tests. Tecisical staff is realy re- Tise seel-attended meeting a-as quired. t tise home otMrs. L.C. Mc0ual Anoîher problen is due fo reg- witb- presidient Mrs. P. Almen pre- ions, set up in horse and buggyidnadfsniglsepakrdaa iicsee lu esca- CO N G RA TU LA TIO N S e aas infraduced hy Mrs. M- sancl for somne reaso ." He eela Ous. A very inferesfing question s direcft-etected cousis couocil and ansa-er peiod continued in- aifh control user taxes, asses- To The W inners1 foràally wiile luncis was enjoyed. ment and planning woutd bc Car more effective, leasi ng torts rouit Dr. Krueger bas dune regional fes. oea hs a- ha tt calivatei 0f NoarIy $500 Merchandise Urban CemtntrNow cis. lu dea e a-ir -rc fflcalimae planning studies inWV/sf enrioo 0regionsi panning ailiouf regiai îe wa emr heoeigou u e counfy and is parlicuisriy inter- ai gasernrnst?"Gvnaa omr h pnn u u e esfed in tise probiem 0 f urban oeegvrmitldpr-M enM nsW arS r. bih.ments teelthtie peuple are t TO Canada is tastI cianging imb an eady fur leadershsip"asiicis cîoîsî ANI)THANKS TO ALL OF Yi urban country: over 80 per cent ut be providied isvexperts.. Hc citcl r d tise population lises in chies ut planning studies ashili tcscr sce-1 25,000 or over population and in lise ligisi of das Pcopeasant te 103 per cent of tise total lanti and rigisîs oser ticr ows land, ai- FOR COMING IN 1 ont pet cent othtie land. Wiile' c:d. "wcarc tis c scard-. ai lich big placet anatebaîl, Dr. Krueger land. explained. small fowns are de. He argcd is lisiei s iii"h, populafed. inormcd" and support loca an Currenlly, if seems eveîyane provincial guvcntucnL'.%s;licnîthics They're experts vaies il cornes ta economry. Tiey inow, teien il cornes ime or you luanuire ynun teal payment, chances are yoae VW a-iuîtil e loiing as ica as lise day yoa bongisl if. la 1953, a-e sold 960 Vlsaagees. And ai lasi soun, a fia- montisu ug, a-sfoasd 855 teere sill on tie road. Tiosisseiy.avies yoa wanttla bny s VW, yauIi Visd il's mot very diticat la gel bacing tram ast aoflise iasse campantes tisai stand beiid us. Or any boni,isase comonay or credit union yoa cbooae. CLUB EXECUTIVE MEMBERS Keni Jones, fRay Short and Vern Wil,,on are .id shuoters. Thec ilrce nii are showii here as lisy ias1tnî a targel. AVnd hennî,, tiVolkwaugt-iistoits ion about $1,000,00tebsa Ilianthe- aeapeti na ilew car in Cacida,ithpuy- intîs you a-sks are lieytlo ta-aller. Or fea-er. Does o VW derasvd a big does pîtymn otu very. la Martîy ass, yosr isode will do lise trick. And a-ste iokiîîq nl hnda of trados. Big sorr. Sonil cors. OId casrt, toi,îdsl sots. Compots. But lise reully ise Viing about bayirig n Votkswaogen ta listi ils prised tua- enouais sa yaa casn pay il al - in ove tua-p sua. Or a-e ccorne ta ta-ai. GIFT WINNERS Ken Marsh, Milton M. Sztenjer, Milton Mrs. T. Barnes, R.R. 6, Milton Mrs. Morie Furlane, R.R. 1, Milton G. F. Comber, Milton H. Craig Reid, R.R. 6, Milton Douglas Coulson, Milton Bruce Tyrreîl, R.R. 2, Burlington Wm. E. Bradley, R.R. 1, Hornby H. Speck, R.R. 1, Milton Bill Patterson, Milton Maynard Pattorson, R.R. 5, Milton Cîiff Houston, Milton Harvey Tasker, Milton L. Middleton, Milton Tom Ramshaw, R.R. 2, Milton Warren A. Charlton, Milton Paul Keity, Milton Arn Coulson, Lowviîîe John McTrach, R.R. 2, Campbelîvîîe Mrs. A. Galîoway, Milton PLEASE DROP IN AND PICK UP YOUR GIFT - BU S KNIGHT'SI F- MEN'S WEAR- 202 Main St. Milton 878.9941 Cancer'Canvass Church Ladi.' Plan Now Undàrwa.y, O7M Anniversary o Canvaaaing Tor thse 1965 Cancier >h W.M.S. and Ladis Aid oc t aiagowl o aisaaweya Preabyterlan week, and cold last until thecend isrlibld thisel regular meeting of April, Milton and district unit Dn Frida of last week instead of campaign chairman Mrs. T. M. he usoa day. Dustan reported tisis week. Tise president, Mrs. Norris was Sise has been busy this past In the chair for tise Ladies' Aid week splilting fown and district sdoee wtsdvoton M into segments, and lining up cap- [ornas gave a letter from a close tains to head thse work and ar- fiend of bers, Miss El nie Lavery range for volunteer canvassers tthe ladies f0, read. Misa Lavery for eaels 0f tise districts. Most ia rnissionary in Af rica asd told of the areas now have a captain, of sorne.ofthte work tise" were she said, and canvassing cauld doing. begin anytime as there is no one- Thse Board ut Managers asked dav blit, .i dthe canvassersar bal a member tramn Ladies' Aid Ire' to make Ibheir catis at i heir and fhe W.M.S. be appoinfed rel> Tisoeencmag e ctv i resenfatives faetise Comrnittee for $ h apinojcie i Properfy. Mrs. D. Hendersus for Sa' s beraio t Df a LA. and Miss Jessie Dunkie fordi Sunday s cratied of f wbe apMSt. weefi ersna ive i was found thie flowers that were Appot rsan oosta be donated ta tise cisurcises in Aen reort tck ok as gaynbaokheMilton and district, were nat iseer secretary. aalbe Plans were made ta quit t a quill ait tiseborne of Mrs. Robtn- so.This week a cammiltee was Lay Plans for appoinfed ta look alter a bootis aI Mr. A. Allen's tale. Vacation Schoo i Mrs. Mullen opened tise W.M.S. Plans far Multon's annual Daily neefing witis devofions from fisc Vacation Bible Scisool were form- tatter Glad Tidings program. If ulted aI a meeting last weei. Tise eau decided 10 appoint a commit- Grace Anglican Cisurcis, Sf. Paul's te to prepare a program for tise United and Knox Presisyterian 70fh anniversary of Nassagaweya will again sponsor tise fwo-week W.M.S. Tise special meeting will scisool tram July 5 ta 16. se iseld in tiseftî. Tise cornmiftee Beginnera are ta ment at Kon, is Mrs. M. F'. Malien. Mrs. Ed Primary in St. Paul's and Juniors Dredge. Miss Jessie Dunkie and at Grace. Each church ls secking isrs. D. tiendertan. leaders ta assisl wilis lie teacs- Invitations were read tramn ing aI t he cbitdrcn during lise lwu- Dat's W.M.S. and Campiselîville week scisoal. W.M.S. lu attend liseir Easlcr meetings. Mrs. J. Hathsaway was program Ed Dredge read an Ea .1er taemn. convener and gave an Easîer met- Tise meeting was iseld in thie sage an daetis, iurial and resur- lovely nets home ut Mr. and Mrs. recetion isased on lise 201is Cbap- Jiack Roberts. Mrs. Malien tisank- fer ot Si. Jaisn, verses 1-10. Mrs. ed Mrs. Roberts for ber isome and Beck taak tise Scriplare and Msr%. daintv lunciswisicis ail ýnjoveLI- Attention Farmers Now is the Time to Book Your Seed -Grain -AND - Gro-kotod Grass & Clover Seeds FORSPRING W. have ample supplies of top qualiiy Reg. No. 1, Cees. No. 1, 1and Canada No. 1 Grades of Seed Grain in most varietiet. ALSO We have a complete line of GRO.KOTED GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS of the highest quality end grades. DON'T DELAY - ORDER- TODAYj "THE ARITHMETIC 0F GOOD CROPS" Good soif, Weil Fertiized + Goad Cuitivation i Graded and Treaied Seed- Good Cropt SEED MIXING - We have just recently purchased ia Bumstead Grass Seed Mixer and this coming spring we will be able f0 mix your grass seed mixture of your seed mixture choice. No charge for mixing. SEED CLEANING & TREATING-Our Seed Cleaner and Treater is now operating daily. If you have a surplus of good home grown grain coul us and make an appointmenl f0 have your seed cleaned and treated. AMMONIUM NITRATIE FERTILIZER - Now is the time f0 apply Ammonium Nitrate f0 your faill wheaf, hay and pasture f ields. Approx. 80 lbs. per acre wilI give you several more bushels of wheat per acre or a better stand in your hay or pasture fields. AMMONIUM NITRATE will be in short supply this spring. CALL US TODAY AND PLACE YOUR ORDER 0 WE HAVE A FERTILIZER SPREADER I AVAILABLE FOR BROADCASTING FERTILIZER W. stock a full in. .f MASTER FEEDS FDMASTR F70IIS (S TewArTtoN) Just about every finance manager in Canada wiII give you credit for buying this car. PLAZA MOTORS, Milton Plaza, Tel.; TR 8-2962 ............... ..... ..... ............ ............... ....................... ............... ............. .. . .............

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