Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 13

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1 - t A COMPLETE GARDEN AND LAWN SERVICE Tii. ~aiad~an Champion, Wedne~c 1,000 frfm New York, Ont. There Milton Hosts Weekend Rotary C, "This has hemn one of the realty K. Y. Dicti, on behat! of Ihe dis. aecompanled by Sergeanit Piper I exceleneit Rotary Conference 1 trict presenled Mike and Vers Harvey Brush, presented a brieff hava attended In reresenling the Ledwith wilh a silver îray and program of Scotlsh dancing. 1 Presi dent of Ro.ar lolrnaîlon., two rail- icktes Io Basff. The Friday evenlng programn aIFP ~n Ostilt prei bmknthprsnain under the direction of B oh Mc- dents personal represenlative lu the district governor, Mr. Dicti Cuaig included a fellowship bof. the Milton-hosted weekend Dist- noled he had travelled an estimat- fet wifh music supplledby Tom- rict Conference in Hamilton told ed 18000 miles and mode 56 offic. mvy Renzeti, followed hy dancingf the guestu. He noled he hiadt reprei> aI visits lu theclcuhs helween otemscfThCrnt.O- sented the president ai 33 iler- mid-Juîs andI misî Janîjars, as well 1 icithe ming of the Cofrne f ent conferliceal upannineio! the75Conferenc" Mes th 1,0n0ler enes-.e .îs flan d îîîI79v isict70 \as inade bv Gîva Roberts who three-.day weekend conlerence ihat make.. Iis presentation,b , rhe d asee nlieenSecaers incfd- from clubs Iroughout Ontariouconcliided. te Haietto pMaersVic Copp and New York Stale making op In rcsponding lu thé presenla- Hlls PHo Maryrey ands the district in which Mike Led- ion the District Governor expres- DistrictM.vernorMîkaeyLedh wllh has served as governor dur- sed his pride in the Milon clubDitctGvro keLdth ing the pat ins months. lor the manner in which t8ev had Busineua Perlod Milon Rotary was reprcsented cunducted the conference; his Ptenary sessions on Satorday ln- by 39 of ils 42 members durine pride 118e, bet .place in Onario cluded discussions on empînyee. the conference, wilh the program lu bulid a laclry"I and in the employer relations, lIs by Ru-i heginning on Friday evening and D.istirict 'possibly une o! 1he ereat- tary Foundation Fellows from continuing through Sonday nous, et inRotary1.nersalionat. France and Walerdown, a revisw Prest Trip Ticket& Police Chorus of the Wells for India program, an Perennial Oighlight of the con- John Osîler. chairman o! the introduction of the new Interacl ference, the Governors Banquet Hall committec. presided for the movement and a report on the and BaIl on the Salurday evening, program that teatured the Hamil- Atantic City International Con. saw District Governor Mike Led. ton Police Mate Chorus that seon vention. wiîh honored hy the more than resounding aptntaîîse for their O audyIeRlr nso 6W0 guesis with a standing ovation sidging. 1On MitosClubthotedar nch o for his efiorts on hehaîf outh1e During the dancetba t tulowed sth Mr.lieClbRobeîa prsdng. district. the hanqutet, MitIons Kirk Brush, Featohur*zRet presenotono! ng po aune .gram was an exhibition o! lower1 arrangise by the Garden Club o! 28 Girls Judged Dundas. A RUSSIAN PI4YSICIAN, Dr. Viîaîy Korotich visilad Ontario Schoot for the Diaf, Milton, last week LC L 1,000 registrations were handled and spent a day touring the schoot and talking 10 staff members. Dr. Koroich ta a docfor of T lo eSe so vh'Duc Gowland with the assiat- crdiology, a wriîsr, a poeî and a transtator and is spending three months touring Canada on a Tests ls e ikating S asanse of members ofth1e Milton UNESCO. Flowship 10 observe our countrys education, culture and medicat practicas. He Milon Figure Skating Club hetd Rta Cepaitis, Cansta tango; Club and Iheir ives, augmented said 8e is especiatîy interested In youth culture and hopes lu pick up some helpfut ideas on hi$ ils mout succesuful test day un Susan radtev. Cansta tango; Su- 8v emptuyees from the Park Hast. tour, 10 fake back to Russias youlh rmotvement. He is shown here, standing aI atft, titit 0.S.D. March 30. 28 girls passed 44 ietst sant Arbîr, Cansta tango; Patsy ness College. Audiotogicat Services Advisor R. F. Argaîl, waf:hing teacher Miss J. Fou in te ore-achool cltnic. 17 girls possing une sach. 12 pas- Moy. Cansta tango; Pauta Hay- Conterence- treosurer E. H. Cie. sîng îwo each and une passine word, Cansta tanigo; Patricia meels %as assisted 8v emptoyees - three. Cairns, Cansta tango; S asn dr a trom the Hank o! Montreat, Ham- *The girls and the Club pros must Knoll, C assia tango. ilion. LET S PLA Y BRUIM E* ' $3 3O 25 To Il 8e commendied for doiiig sawel Leanne Case, Cansta tango and Churchi Service Dy Bil uts ae 1 ater a rather disrupled çeason ut Doîch Watî; Anne Matton, Cansta MitIons president-cleet hk Thee ae îu bsi tyes ! tave uty 8e lubsui 1 be Marh, 965 sw lte ishnt The judging ta dune 8vîhrceeBerr, Cansta tango and Dutch ors- session on Sunday morning defense - a passive defense and considered. West muat play bis toIt !rom motor vehicle accid- ignated qualified by t8e Casadian anîd Du teti sa'tt; Helen Bell. studesîs representing te Fiji la- an active defense. In a passive parîser for presisely the king-10 ents rscorded by the Milton 0- Figure Skating Club. As ech girlt DuIi.h mlli; Margaret E 11 i 0t1t, lands. Brazil and India. Tite ses- defense, yuu. shuuld pay cau- of clubs. To reieve prîner utfFP.. deîachment in several years. gues ttrouogi her routine she is Dîtch sa-att; Suasn RohertIson, sion fottowed o chorcit service tioosly asd sol give declarer any onv probtemrs, West shouud teod as 51 separale accidents caused as nuch on 8cr own as though Dutrh waatz; S8ha % a MsiCux, sînducied 8v Rex. Jewitt Farr, addiîiusai chance 8v opening. the queen ut clubs, injuries îu 12 pecauns, and she were skating sn championship swinîg danse: Debra Smith. sasingHrtgln new sits. In an active defense, Tiis tead witt gixe 1he defense $33,025 in propsrly damage. competitios. She ta marked sut danre. Brigo you muaI try anything and per- tour tricks. Whes West regains OFF.. blamed one bad day, onty on te perfection ufth1e ex- At the ctosisg luseheon on Sun- hapa lts some chances. te ead asththlie trump king, o Mareit 17, tor te biggest day's emotion ufth1e figutres and danci. Sîîsan Vandecan, Fiesta tango, don Dr. Abtert G. Butzer, Minister a club ead %vll net wu triks tollin man vears.Thet ws the baîîdq oilterwoise.ind;wiAli %%ai ur;tAlie Emeritus E o!it Westminsterster resby- When you are detesding Ocu edsitsltotik otnmn vaa ia eslt o lno e us.Fiesta tango and aillos a- xit,; crias Chi-orh, Buffalo, dellvered band, you shouid decide whicb titere. day ut the bad driving condil. FoI typ o!defnseyouareusig. osImeea mnnes; ira, ins n Hghwy 41 nar ilo owing ta a liaI ut the gît.. Margaret Bell, Fiesta tango; Car- .î stiîsuloing address on A Lit i T types decls yare i ae i keLousuo uk ionshet ons ut ars40 and ruisn t hey passed; ol Tvrer, Fiesta tango; Janie tfor Lre. Thte noon tuncheon mas hand because te detenders guI ied for second and third. Bill mere invotved ln 16 separate ac- La ktr toi,1 tp aieMMta.peic xrh ieBfaoCu active mites they shoutd have Hamilton and Harry Frost iîh idents belmeen laIe aflernoon May rswuStdpeinr v g 14 stcp and tusxitut; AînArbic. wIo wil e next yeac's District been passive or visa versa.an ndih.Teewrnof- Mr rsopelmavfg o In Brios Hamiton and Gary Ellis. admdih.Teemr t s rsand Dutch walte; Andrea prelim - figures and swing dance. Conterence tosts. The Conference Hom con you tell which to t aities recorded ln March.. Caes, rti.fiuesad wn use? Oniy experience mi lel, Prextous eeka ssers sairn: Cvs rlm iue n wn battiereco beolter ~ firaI, Bran Hamilton and George dance; Cathy Hood. prelim. igur- ions. Here tsao hand lu Illusîrale Solty second, Gory Bi and Over I,500000 yotong people anres, Fiesta tango and swing daisp, what 1 mean.Harrv Frost; il o tîîrbdBil enrotled sn 40041 branches of lthe Sandra MeLaughiits prelim. fl gur- Dealer - South., Hamlon and George Sargent, Jusior Red Cross tn Canada andes and Fiesta tango; Nancy Hen- Neither ide vulserable. sait Duite Wilson and Lloyd the Deparîment o! National De-. IV prellm. figures and swing North Ke.lnce Schouu in Europe. dance. 5-2 10 9 5 Ke H-A 0 J 2 D-0 2 C-A J 2 Wet Eas S-K 2 S-Q 7 H-Ki10 5 H-97 4 D-A J10 95 D-8 64 3 C-0Q8 3 C-K 10 76 FR EE I S-A 8 6 4 3 D-K 7 C-9 5 4 South Wst Northst -A T-..GI Y Pesa I D Dble. 2DA i 2 S Posa 3 S Posa 4 S Ail Psa You moy thitist ia South bas - pusbed te idding a bit. At tei Actun Bridge Club, this hand1 tees ployed fixe imes and two MR E Bot uft Ilese made their con- tracts, so wmit acn me say The __________________________________ otiter three contracta mere aIl1 dimonda by West, doten varyîeg amounits, But 1tcdaim tat South sitoutd not mate tour spodes. West p isada the diomond ace and ce l s i a b g ceives te discouroging Ihree king. Westlooks aI is three heacta to the king and aI domt mys heart 10 tise ace, qosen,B u lng lu mort well foc declrer if 8e dues nul do something. West must gel active. A àpade lead is W ITH EVEKT out, o heart lead ta passive, a di- amond lead dosa noîhing sisce FREE D L V R Southt muaI have the king. Tiis $ A U C A E0YUCND -TYUSL WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT WEST END MUT MARK!? We Petwa" dBeend Bws Ofa. Th. c"d Ptday «U119 W. Mmavethe DotEn d, Te. to mOSS NOMP. Bags -- 'Hre's Your Chance« to Get Th.m Fre SALE SOON TO OBE GflNED SKANERVA'S ESSO Service Station FREE PICKUP 44Q MAIN M., MILTON OPIN ILL MIDNIotiT ANODILIVIRY î878-36414a 7 DAYS A WIK OR WE WILL APPLY AT MODEST COST :onference eleesed Pau1 D. Wlliama of Bod- falo 1 occeed Mlk6 Lidwlth sau District Governor in July. Milton Membere Those alfendlng f romt the Mil. ton Club at some or ail of Site fonctions teere Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. EarI Black, Dr. and Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Clements, Mr. and Mrs. C. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. D. Con- ley, Mitr. and Mms. Lloyd Davis, hîMr. and Mrs. K. Y. Dicti, Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Dille, C. Doble, Mr. and Mms. Ken lsley, Mr. and Mms. G. C. Gowland, Mc. and Mms. H. Gris- wold, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Hile, Harold Horren, M. and Mrs. Lou is Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ken- nedy, Mc. and Mms. Blis Knight. Mr. and Mms. J. M. Ledwith, Bd Litt, Don MacEachen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob MeCuals, Lachie Mc- Kersie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphy, Len MeNeil, Pets McMullen, Dait McQluaig, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nich- uts. Mr. and Mrs. John Osîler, Ray Olan, Mr. and Mca. Bert Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Recd, Mc. and Mrs. Glyn Roberts, Hans Stephas, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Servos, Toni Seto. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thomp- son. and Mr. and Mrs. Ho Wheeler. r ---------- - ---------- -------------- SAPw' Uniited Chuah MILTON RtV. J. L.GRAHAM, MINISTtR Mcl. H-arold Magee. Choir Director PALM SIJNDAY 11 A.M. - CONFIRMATION SERVICE 15 Youngl People end 10 Adulte wiIllh. R«elved lI. Memh.rship in lit. Poul's There wii b. a Good Priday Service on Friday, April 16th et 11 a&. LAIL ARE I NVITED START YOUR GARDEN NOW 1 LIZERS )UR GROUNDS JP AND GROW! y ND NAME &RE CARRIED FREE ESTIMATES Che.rfully Given... W. Wii Be Happy to Advise on Your Requirernents . . . No Job Too SrnaII - Or Too Large. CALL TR 8-2741 OR TI 8.2097 IRAINBOW GARDEN PRTONIT SLANDSCAPING 0 DESIGN *STONEWORK *MAINTENANCE ORPRICES i Imm ibs nlot .WE ARE RLAL AND ARE LOW 1 -..-~..aM EXPERIENCED '1 ------------- Iay, Aprîl 7th, 1965 Mr. &àMts. C"u April 3 Ladies' high single, T hela 1i Bosfleld 22'6; ladies' Iigit triple, Thelma Bousfield 606; miens sgh single, Bill Tomn 227; men', higi triple, Han-y Dverend 54. Other good singles, Ron Featit- erstone 221; Thelma Bousfleld 204; Ken Syer 219; Jack Bous- field 203, Grace Featherstone 205, 206. 058cr good triples, on Sye 517; Dave Lawson 506; . . - therstone 563; Bill Tomn 513; Bob Moffat 501. Rockels won 2 for 24; llvvers, 0 for 5; Bouscers, 7 for 28; Muf- fts, 5 for 27. Bowling o High single, Amelia Bassett 221; high triple, Amelia Bassets 381; Gter high singles, Editis Sharpe 215; Shirley Hall 203. Other -high triples, Alice Mos- ley 561; Edith Sharpe 551; Shirley Hall 518: Joyce Merkley 502. Needles won 2383 pins for 53371; Pins, 2269 pins lor 51799; Spools, 2113 pin- for 48439. uni

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