Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 12

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64 7h. Canadlan Champlot, Weduosdaey, AprU 7th, M36 loterm.ediate.Choir TopsFestival W.l. Attends Printung Sumimary Day Ey Mrs. Cecil Patterton. Mrs. Frank Hall, Lucky draw was Wastago, Ont. Ronald is the onîy fifl metinget tc o nu by Mca. Ted Graves. Pro- son of Mr. and Mrs. Rogs Mark of Th th etngo h cHr-eeda tu te osed for Drumquin Torostu, tormerly of Omagh. We by Soutt 4-H club mas held on basebail1 clubs. wishthIe yousg couple muct tnp- Saturday April 3 in ttc club work-- New Menabers piness. room at 1.15 p.m. Mrs. Pattersos, Ttc Sacrament ufthtt Lords Mc. and Mrs. Harold Mark, Mr. leader, welcomed ttc girls af er Supper was observed in Omagb and Mrs. Milton Clemenlu, al of wbhict Beverley Hoey, president Presbterian Cturct un April 3. London, Ont., mere als guests mas lu ctarge ufthet meeting. Ttc Rev. Stantey Smitt, pastur mas at ttc Mark-Moore wedding un 4-H pledge mas recited and min- in ttc poîpit. Mr. and Mrs. Allas April 3, and enjuyed a stort visil utes rcad tv seccstary Diana Dot- Gilis were welcomed tu eturet itt tthei raun t. Mrs. George Pea- by. Ttc rolt cati "An Accesorv mcmlxi ctip tv profession of cuck un Sunday.,April 4. for ttc Clottes Closet' svas weri l aitt. Mr. and Mrs. Eart Smitt ut answered by thc 13 members. Ttc April meeting of ttc Percy Guept mcme Sunday visitors at Ttc aitendance ctart was mark- W. Merry Home and Setoot As-te tome ot Mr. and Mrs. W. C. cd by Deenie Kuenzig. Ttc girls sociation on Ttursday. April t aI Eves. Iben worked on teir tauudry 8.15 p.m., will te teldlutte audi- Muaie Festival bags, under te guidance uftheSte îium. Ttis milI bc Munie Nigtt Congratulations lutce students leaders, Mms. Keeruan and Mrs. witt att etoîrs and trios preseut- and directors ut Percy W. Merry Patterson. At refrestment time, ing rteir numbers as given at un te placinga aS Ste Music Fes. cookies and a teverage mere ser- Siders at te Music Festival on tival on April 5: ved by Rosalind Merry, Moira Jon- Aprit 5. Att parents are invitcd Su Frsl place, Intermediate ctoir es and Eleanor Smith. attend and enjuy Iis fine pro- grades 5 and 6, director Miss Cum- Ncxl meeting wilt t bcted 0on gram. mings. Friday, April 9, atter setou util Attend Weddtng Boys' chuir claus 8, s ec on d about 8 ocloek witb a break aI Mr. and Mrs. Grdon Robinson place; double duet class 7, tird 5.38 for a buffet supper. werc gonds uon Salurday April 3 place; bot directed ty Mc. Huin- Ssmmay Day aIt te medding u1thItir neptew in ter. Nearly 100 ladies f romt att parts Don Mitîs United Cburcb, Toron- S.A.B., class 5, second place, ufth tcocunty gatbered at Halton lu. mbcn Ronald Mark 100k as senior choir, class 9, second place; Manor on Ttorsday, April t fur is bride Miss Margaret Moore ut bot directed by Mc. Foster. a summary day on "Block Frint- ingn. Manv Institutes and auxiti- ~ ~ 5 5 ut 50 aries a fine cub'.-ijtus ut Itir HONBY wurk. Att were niccty dispiayed and sbowed many ideas for ustug Ibis painting hbby. Tberc were C m int e te i ef n pillow cases, place mats, scar C m inty C n r i etn tbeclots, drapes and curtatus, o o R t ra cl, bitls and a bust ut designs for Hp Mes. J. McCocrosi May, B. Burton and draw prise decorating table uapk lus and Mr. Tbompson. Christmas cards. Mcc. Jobs Busseli tcf t Maton Lunch mas scrved ty Mrs. F. Mcc. Geore Irussides ut Silver- last Tuesday morsiof for New HaIll ostccs for ttc eveuluf, as- wood WlI. presided and ceeicum- Smyrsa Beach, Flurida sto e mitt ise y h ais cd te ladies, A short comment- ber motter, Mrs. Harold Beatty, stste httcladveies. a se ary was given bp une lady from sebo is lu bospital Ibere. Our good ty a group uf old fricnds althtt eacb group participating in ttc mistes toltose ber and we trust tome of Mr. and Mrs. Vers Arch- display. Att expresced tbeir pîcas- ste citt fisd a decided improve- er os Saturday evening, Aprit 3. ure lu atlending ttc classes and ment sn ber m ters bealtb. wben Mc. and Mrs. Bilt Robinson gaining sew ideas and a facinating Ttc Nort Trafalgar Commun- wccc bonorcd. Folluisa a cuchre hobby. Miss Gtadys Featecclos ity Centre svas deecaled sn pink parîr, a presestatios ut a night spoke on tebaif of Hurnby w.l., aud white streamers os Friday table was made. A deliclous lunchs stating Ibat Il ladies had complet- cvening. April 2, sn bunor ut Ruth scas secved ciththttc ighligtlbc-te cd te course. Tteclasses mere Break, mtosc marciage lu Jobs isg a teautifuitp decorated cake hetd i t teborne ut Mrs. Russell Fortes ut Toronto, takes place made ty ttc tosîesc. Mc. and King, ose otIte leaders, assisted in ttc near future. Witt Mrs. Mrs. Robinson bave sutd t tei r hy Mrs. Hugb OConnor. Faut May and Ruth Masos as farmn and wilS te nmu v i n e tu Bes Raults bassesses, a number ut games Georgetown shortly. Miss Flint t rom thse etens and custests mccc enjoyed by ttc Week'a Blrthdoya branet f rom Toronto gae ashort nighbors and f ricnds present. Birtftday greetisgs and good tltk and many suggestions on Fulosing ttc pcugram, Ruth mistes go lu Bob Murdock Aprit acbieving ttc test recuits in tlock mas led 10 te ceai ut tonor and t, Richard Leslie April 9, Donna pristisg. te micceliancous stoscer ut giftt Marie Waters Aprit t0 and Kevin Mcs. K. Cossom, tome ecusum- tegan. Rutceas assistcd in op- Hoseden April Il. lt shumed a film produccd hv tte enluf ber gifts ty Jane Hall. Ste Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Oit Company on Handicrafts received many tovely and prochec- Peter Sctell on ttc occasion ut uf Canada, ai articles and thanked cveryonc their medding annivcrsary, Aprît Gredtings fron ttce Fedecaîed for Ibeir kindness and ttc deligbt- 13. Women's tustitule wcrc given tv fut evenine. A delicloos tunch Mrs. Jack Williamson IcIStfoc Hrs. Velma Morris. - ruugbt ttche es ing lu a close, a holiday in Florida last meek. Thanku mas cxtendcd tu Mr. £uar~y yWe arc sorry su notetat Archie and Mrs. Allen and ttc Auxiiary Summary Day for ttchel cKRing tas tees transtcrred from ut Se Mnorfortein tutc ork thc South WaterloHospital.CaltI Sfte anuon.or in h o Printing Course, spunsored ty tIhe and cs nom in Toronto General VI ftr o ines Extension trane utfte De part- Hospital. We mist hlm mdll. Vitr ment ut Agriculture toc the var -_______ Mc. and Mrs. W. C. Eves mere o-us institutes mas teld un Thurs- w..ECR recnt isiursWil thir 055day atternuon at ttc NatIon Mas- Scotch Block Womcn's Institute and tamily, Mm, and Hrs. Ronald o Auditorium. Leaders for ttcettctd their Haret 31 esetre party Eves and Russie Jr. at Mort Bay. OHornty tnstitute, Mrs. H. OCon- in Ligny Hall mitt 15 tables in Birttday greeîings Su H. Ruther- soc and Mcc. R. King allcudcd, plav. Ttc prize mi nners werc lad- tord and W. C. Eves recentty, and alung citt Mcc. R . Wilson, Mca. ies' iet Mcc. D.Doumnu, second tu Keitb Merry on April 5. McKay. Mrc. C. Falterson and Mcc. Jessie MeCann, mens hlgt We are ptcaucd lu report tat Miss Gladys Featheruton mho scas Clam*e Robertsoan, second Bille De- Chester C. MeDometi returncd commentatur forte gcoup. Coet ersmel ccsre tome from St. Josepb's Hospital, MsWHslernernk c ySt.fe mtMss Eva Chis-d Hamilton, afler many meeks o r.Wut andn rnk r yth omtte is v hs ilînesa. He is couvaîcscing aI is utd Mcc. Russell Ltte and Jüe holca, Mrs. J. Irving, Mra. H. Hec- tome and me juin in misbing hlm oa Mount Forest mere guesîs aS ry, Mca. R. W. Ocedge, Mcc. S. a speedy retors 10 bheatît. airihday dinner aithSe hume 0f Harrop and Mrs. E. French. Frind wllbcsorytolernMc. and Mcc. Ernie Ras un Sun -______ tat Archie King bau heen movcd d 'prl4 If you apply paint 100 lbiclyt, trom Gaît HospitaltoSuToronto Mc. and Mcc. Mcl Penny visited pour tinisbed surface may bave General Hospital for speciai ireat- mitb Mr. and Mcc. A. Marctment srinkies in it. Yuu cas ensure a ment. un Sunday, April 4. smoot finish by carefullp trust- Bfrtlsday Tisse Greetingc and good iches are ing or rlting oui your paint. Witt Happ birhdacxtcnded tu Mr. and Mrs. Oage top qualiîy paint, excessive tbick- Hap itdy Su our young Lauruen on te occasion ufthSeir neus is nus rcquircd. triendu, Stepten Dolby, 14 un Ap- edn niesrArl7 cil 7; Jettrcy Bath, 11 on ttche edig 3;erac, piw7 Shiaron Batles, 12 on te 6; Ricky AucthoisSole Lose, 12 un ttc 3; Roy May, 15 on St. Stephenus Anglican C'burcb Kth e yslie 3 n ttc4;5 vin e a;GI Ste acion csae otf armt Set 9;siAndy ohrnthe55 on ttc 9; theGuidmctin cage te ar bof Roycc, 13 usnteIl; Donald Plant, BitS Robinson tact meek. A vcry 7 unte 6; Rubis Rumbtîom, 9cocccessfut aflersooun as report- un ttc 3; Wendy Prestige. 8 on ttc cd. A ecere convencd hy Mr. and Club beld their reglar card par Hrs. Verse Guuding mas bctd aI ty in tbe Hort Trafalgar Cors HeCurdys centre itt a fine aS. munity Centre on Salorday eve- tendance and guod ime for aIt. ning. April 3. Prises mccc amard- Winncrs toc tigt scores, Mc. Trim- cd lu Mrs. Tes Epeke, Mcc C. bIc. Dan Kirk, Mcc. Hillar and May, dram prize Mrs. Break, Ctîft Please Place Your Ordor Early FORt * lster Lilies *Cut Flowsrs *Potted Mums *Hydrangeis *Gloxinias CALL GORTER FLORIST KILBRIDE Phets MIllets- TE 54213 -Staff Phto CONSTRUCTION CREW WORKMEN bave been bttlling bitter cold lemperotores inteir atlempt lu complote te Milton District Higt Sctool addition on time. It lu topedthaInluSoptember of this yeac, al tigt ctool students in Milton wiii te altendlng tte Wllilams Avenue tetool, Wten tte addition lu the ctool is completed, Ibere will be e double gymnosiont, o largo cafe- Inria, science lobs, stops and tome economic rooms, in addition to the eightlnom claîtroomu. TE LARGE CAFETERIA at the Milton District Higt Sctooi seemus Harley f0 Halton ... ýta te sean ng campintian os te mtole $700.000 projet lu rapidly takinig shape. Included inl the addition to te tigt uctool lCuntinued Frum Page B2) is anoter gymnaciose. te square cafeteria, eight classrooms, a Ibis appcuact wilt commend il-liitrory, tmo science labs sud Smo tome economic roomu. Pre- self pacticutarlYtv Surstrchtou ently classes are tning teld aithSe Williams Avenue Higt Sctool teahes. ndthe Martin Sitigt sctool, t en tte addition la, tte Pla otsWî't Do- - Williams Auvenue setoo i s completed. tte Martin Si. uctool Ttc Canada Pension Plan citt mii tbe concerted inia a Senior Public Setool for grades seven MOT take over or ahsort ce-! and eigt. serves taltbare tees utou p tv privair pension plans. Tte Canada Pension Plan wiSlI N MOT remuve any igtls tu on P anwil ut ecomputsors URSES: elits aIready acqored udr priNextccc k, I l dItail ttc: riats, plans Ttc tnthe. public tabn t pu u on iu r:w*Carry a Compwoet.lisof prtvatc~~~~~ pln ct t hSUNIFORMS r O0 SHOES IREPAIRS ARE EASY WHEN YOU 0 HOSE I USE OUR MILTON DEPARTMENT ITOOL DENTAL 20MinS.MtIT M * w W M- a- Mm k We have mîny tools and squlpment for the handy min - hors are just a fsw - cali us for what you need 0 SKILSAWS 0 FLOOR SANDERS 0 MOUSE JACKS 9 VISER SANDERS 0 ELECTRIC DRILLS 0 PIPE TOOLS 0 SUMP PUIMPS ALSO - 40 CUP COFFEE MAKER FOR PARTIES AND GROUPS MITN ADAR Paper Collection THIS SATURDAY 9.00 kM. Your Co-Operation WiII Help Our Milton Scouts Papers Shoul d b. donate their vehicIs-MiIton Motor Securely Tied Saes, Trafalgar Motors, DII'. Auto Please Place Your Body, Mowbray's ls, Smth's Trans. Papers on the port. Streets by 8 a.m. 1__________1________I for Collection For Information Cali Louis Keene, 878-3287 -Dont forget 10 visit ttc Lib- rarys "Open liouse' on Tucsday, April 13. EvMerynlu meteume. e Lýv For Easter Featuring te Nevveut "NUDE" SHADE as mcli as aIl otter manteti stades. Came in nom for yaar test selection. Looking for THE CAR 0F THE YEAR It's at JOHNSON BROS. *And many years to corne (Chrysier Products last and last the guarantee proves if.) QUALITY DOESN'T COME IN ALL NEW CARS, BUT YOU'LL FINO IT IN EVERY PLYMOUTH, VALIANT AND CHRYSLER ... COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER . .. TRY THEM OUT. A GOOD SELECTION, ON OUR LOT NOW SEE THEM TODAY. TOMORROW OR THE DAY AFTER. WE'LL STILI HAVE A G000 SELECTION. There's the... * Plymoulfi BIOGER ... ALL.NEW PLYMOUTH'65 - A flashing miIe-eating tiger on the road . .. a lite, sleek beauty in the driveway. Bigger than ever - inside and out. Choose from 28 brilliant models in 4 great series. Sport Fury - Fury 111 - Fury Il - Savoy and the... n Valiant New Valiant 200 Series ... Bigger, Bolder, Powered to Performi New Valiant 100 Series . .. Nifty, Thrifty, Priced ta Pleasel Two completely new series that give the discerning new-ear buyer a choice of beauty, performance and thrift that has neyer been equalled. ..the oeCHYSE THIS YEAR MORE THAN EVER BEFORE ENJOY THE CHRYSLER WAY 0F LIN - For 1965 Chrysier tas attained nom heiglts of tandsomeness, nom levols of luxury and dramatic new dimensions in style and performance. New Yorker - Saratoga 300 - Windsor Convenient Tradsr's "On the Spot" Financing Too I I" Lg'ioni Nos D1OtICT SAet Delhi mas t onI 0 »Seus td unfurtunately MitIons 'C' teatu mas defegted after a fotar-wgy tie. Ttc dutible feoturlng Gerg Winney, Hua. f Angus) Mci=d Fred Jotnson and AI Powell prov- lu, te very effective, but nul quISe enough. Singles mas playcd by Fred Johnson. INDUSTIIIAL DAUTS This cuming Wedncsdav wilt wrap up tte ludusîriat ODar t League, witb Trafalgar Motors in top place tu date. ELECIONS 1 Please note, election ut officers April 12.

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