Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 11

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PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS from Milton and Acton attended lte University Womens Club of Milton and District on Thursday evening, bts ar s islk on "communiiy planning" by Dr. Ralpit Kreuger of the University of Waterloo. Chsiting aI lite gatitering are, from left, Robert Drink- sealier of Acton, University Women's presideni Mrs. P. Alimen, Dr. Kreuger and Milton Plan- ning Board Chairman M. S. Krnighan. RIGHT AROU ND HOME 't av ilE Pineapple oatmeai cookies are gar. Add egg. pineapple. vanilla ira.te pineappie bas aiways moisI and chcwy. You cao keep and almond extracl. is well bren a 'top of te pops ifruit lbem tat way if you put tem and btend in rotled oals. f or everybody. Inite soutitarn n a llgtty covered jar or tin. Drop by leaspoonfuls on greas- United States, tbey used lu bold Wben tbay starl 10 wiltî restore cd cookie siteel. Bake in pre- ite pineappie in surit higit es- them lu 11e by .plaring tem on ieatcd moderate, oven of1350. deg. tecu taI il coutd bc sees carve-d a baking siteel in a slow oven F. for 8-10 minutes. above te doors of many mas- (300 dng. F.) for lbree lu five * * sions as a symbol of bospitatity. minutes. Say 'naîmeai" 10 most peuple. Today. pineapples are apprec- PINEAPPLE OATMEAL and lbey immediatety ibink Of iated for titeir f irm flest,teir COOKIES porridge - tai Scoltisit break-1 sweeî refresbistg flavor and titeir Yield: about 3V2 dozen fast disit so beloved of stcm wllllngness 10 iend Ibesaseives to t cop once-sfted ai-purpose nursery nannies - yet titere is many deigitîful combinations. fluor absolutely no need 10 confine 1icces.siterbets. souffles, puncites. i leaspcton baking powder osîmeal. or roiied oaîs as il is jams. cakes and cookies are al I, caspoon sait somelimes called. lu lite break-, antancd by te addition of a !/2 cup stortening fast tabla. In todays recipe, for~ pineapples distinctive flavor. i rup granulaled sugar exampte. we bave cortbined ils 1 egg sesootit texture and subte f lavor I. Oaîmeat is also used in lanry t csp crustad pincapple, drain- wit ite sweeî juiriness of gui-no bake" cookies and witen youi cd dan pineapples lu make Pine- serve tem, nu one will suspect I leaspoon vasilla apple Oalmeal Cookies. that plain oalmeal 15 te main I leaspoon almond extract Neiter a pine. nor an apple. ingredient. 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oals te pineapple bs a collective tru* Si1t flour, baking poseder and formcd -by many separate f low- IIANCY OATMEAL CIOKtSs salI. Cream ebsortenlng and su- ers. A native of tropical Amer- "4 cup white sugar Vi cop milk Children's Aid Announce Staff 1 Tiree promotions and one of Tor transfer 10 supervisory roles wiit- te CI in te Society bave been announe- Couniý cd by J. Paut Joltiffe, Executive staff. Direclor of te Cildren's Aid The! Society ofthlie County of Halton. plans Titese appoinîments took effecl streni on April 1, 1965. ory st Mrs. Mary E. Gitimour bas been of.W. appoisled Protection Suparvisor. olive Site bas iteen a social worker wilb senior te Susciety for more titan 12 Soclet years. Mrs. Gilimour reccived ber make Bacitelor of Arts Degee frou te Witir University of Bristol and advanc- memi cd training in educalion and titan bavei look ber social saork training aI suret tite University of Birminghtam, ard ol Engtand. Mrs. Gilîmour resides 011.' aI R.R. 6 Milton. Chilid Cars C. Bryan Harris bhas bean ai> poinled Ciid Cara Suparvisor. Ha rreived is Bactelor ut Arts Degree frous Betitet Colaga. St. Paul Minnesota and ubtained bis Master of Social Work Dagrea fro)mte University of Toronto. Mr. Harris rasides in Hilton and bas bean associatad wiîtte Soc- iety since Sepîcusitr, 1961. Bryon M. Gra bas bccn ap- pointed Adoption Supervisor. Fol- luwing graduation fraus St. Micit- acî's Cotiege in Vermont, be earn- cd is Master of Arts Degrecata St. Mirbacî's Collage. University of Toronto and titan proceeded lu Isco years' training aI lite Seboot ut Social Work. aI tbe University of Toronto. Mr. Gero was associ- aled for severai years sit thlie Caltolia Citdran's Aid Society ot Mtropolilan Toronto and bas becs empioyed by te H ai1t on Ciidren's Aid Society since Sei> sambar. 1964. Mr Gero resides on Reditanit Cres.. in DaLville. New Supervisor Mrs. Joyce Page ut Ridge Drive n Oakvilie. wbo bas bdcomne Soi> ervisor of services 10 unmarried parents. Site reccived ber Bacht- elur of Arts Degrec trous Quaco's Uiniversity and Bacbaior of Social Work Degrceaf rom tae University Concrets, Cinder, Sisg and Silo BLOCKS ral J. COOK§ (Cencrete Ibcha LTD. -NE 47763 EVENINGI CALL JACK HALL MION TR 14368 Promotions orosis and was sopervîsor aI ilîdrens Aid Sociaty of Peeli y betore juining t alulab .se appoinimasis rasoit trousa ;made somae mots ago la ttaente Societys soparvis- I att and from ta rasignation j G. Janss.BA.,. MS.W., Exar- i Assistant. lu accapt a mura ýr position in Toronto. 'Tha ty is fortunaîr lta bcabilu o !tesa promotions trous in tae anks ut prescrit staff beas," Mr. Jolliffa slated. "I no doubîs Ihat titey wili en-C taI taeprescrlit igit stand- )f Agency service wili contin- t i Isp. vasilia ilw gra ins salit Pi csp oaimeal ýcsp coron ut nuls and citerrnes Combi na sugar. mutk, butaer vanilta and salin sauepan; brisg lu a 'noil lor t mis. Com- bina 1amatruonat, charries andflt.Pu boiling s' rup uvr ttceaatm,.l mixture. Stir wit a fort untit allthe usimeai is moisi. Shape 1010 round rook- acs un wax paper and lai sel until tira. NOTE: Titis racipe cas tc casily rhangad 10 make citorotata rook- tes. To ltae sogar stir isnlM , bsp rocua beore lthe ailk là added. DOm11lite cherries. For pan cookies spraad mix- ture in a 8" n 8" pan, lai set, titan rut inosquares. - Our Reàders D w fc rc a] ci ei D p p ti a, d d c si 0 p c c r ar KERR'S REXALL PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS K. H. ELSLEY, B.Sc., PISM. 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE TR &«492 - Affer Matra TR 84961 FREE DELIVIRY > REVION COSMETICS OVERDUE BOOKS May b. returned to Milton Public Library WITHOUT FINES until Saturday, April 17, at 5 p.m. April 10Ot. 17 is Library W.ek in Canada and amnesty has b.en granted on aIl overdue books. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. SALE 0F "Heritage" Pine Furniture, E VER Y SA TIIRDA Y FROM 8 AA.MI TO 12 NMON 0 WE MANUFACTURE 95 HANDCRAFTED FINE PIECES 0F BEAUTIFW. FURNITURE This is Beautiful Authentic Crafted HOW TO GET Furniture'in' Rich, Hand Rubbed' TO HERITAGE Antique Finish.' ' FURNITURE SALE S V 30o OR ... Drive Southt n SAVEipit MORE Ls -TuoR Git ulin This sale is os aur furaituro wiicl ousnest quite conform Rud CIn's Restaurant) bta ur iigit quality central but is sot defîciens in strenglt or appearance. ..GO UNDER ., CA N ADI1A N FIRST BRIDGE, ,I~tT~ TIIEN TURN LEFT H fEfR G E INTO RAMBLER FURNITURE TRAIIER BUILDING L 1MI1TE D -TO US. At THE RAMBLER TRAILER BUILDING Mmm__________ 1254 Plins Rd. East Buringjton WITH THANKS viited Milton a numnber of limes, Dear Mr. Dilîs. I regret very mueit sccing aucit Thte Milton Senior Citizens Club unaîtractive publicity for lte wis to1 ltank you mont slncerely Town of Temlscaming coome fromn for your excellent coverage space my native province. Since tom- for our Assonai Report. We do ing itere over fixe years ago, t spprcclaîe pour kindnenn and gen- bave ond lte peopIle, bot tronity. il givds our Senior Cille- Frencit and Englisit. very fine ens. Club a real lift, and wil i- people 10 live among. spire us logo forward titis year. -g1.m ,1"., On bebalf 0f Hilton Senior Citizens Club. Secretary. L br r Elten lMrs. F. W. 1-ar- boulet, Serrelarv. Most ut ttc excellent bookts rer-g omninciddtu parants aI a ra- DEFENDS TOWN cent Homa and Sctool meeting1 Dear Sir: bava arrived aI lita Library. I bave jost been sitosn a clip- A brief description of tese wilîl ping tramnt e Toronto Star ra- no doobl ha of inlerest to ltose porting some comments by Magis- peuple wto missed te meeting. traIe K. M. Langdon ot Milton in for tbey orth on prubtems wici runnealions cit iteappearanre runrern ait parents aI nome lime in bis court ut four Francit-Can- doringthIeir cildrens growtb. odian youtt on a chtarge ut van- Ttc Wonderful Story ut How daism or titefl. Thte youtt's ad- Yuu Wera Born by Sidonie M. drens was given as Temlscaming. Grunabarg answers cleariy and Quebea. and tha Magistrale was naluraily a cbiid's first questions. said ta bhave "btamad ibair tark Kart de Srbweiniia carnes te of respect for proparty on siark siory îo a furter stage by prenant- polîrîng and court facîltlls 1 intae ing more farts on iirt and grosa- Quebea tosan wbaratey mare tlin10Growing Up. raised." Ciidren Cao Read ,s In tae first place, te youts. Dapending on your feelings con- witose names sacra givan. ara 001 crning Ibis lopir, you may wisi residents of the tosan of Temis- 10 read tese books tu yosr citild- caming. but possibly of some ren but A Slory About Yeou by otiter part ofthlie Coonty ut Tam- Marrion 0. Larrigo. Pt. D. and iscamingue. Que. Serondiy. our Helen Sootard M.A. wticb re- Police Ciief is an incorroptible,.ltes in simple larms tae story of impartial, and efficient policeman teir birtit and developusent can sabo bas sarved tae town failttoul- ta raad easily ty girls and boys y for many years and was tigiti> in tae 9 10 12 age groop. ragardcd by te laIe Mayor and Everylting tae young teenager Magistrale. W. N. lrwin. as te îs sail mwanî lu knosais dincossed by by our present Mayor. Frances B. Strain in Teen Days. Titis dispalcit received ronsider- Siete lls tem about bygiene. able publieity tare and naluraliy drass. posture. first jobs and ai- roosed many persons feelings. towanres and iban looks stili I am wriîing Ibis teaase. as a furtitar abead lu marriaga. naliva of Ontario sato ivad for Titis axcellent sarias of books soma vears in Guelph, and bave form stapping stones towards in- craasad knowiedga as tae ctiid kv' 'maturas and bis questions range CAMP DIRECTOI f rua tae simple lu lita more crom- Rav. J. K. L. MrGosrvn, miniia pes and ttoogitîfol. Milton. tas iteen am ed a direr- 'fou wiii al bave read te in- tor ut an istermadiate boy's' camp vitation tu an Open -lusse aI the aI Camp oa in Augusi. Library. The Board membars itave Ihope you wIl priaitt48is f 4vould be glad 10 aive a èopy of *r paper. Corne. q Ontimo. ienjos' Our -fisne Clbng, lussa- lnj, and camping fàatîes.' 'fours luy Edward M. Banks Boa 520, Temineamlng, Quebee. Notes organized and given titis because lbay arc most anxlous 10 maka people aware of lthe present ser- vices tbe library cao stopply 10 ail members of lte communiîy and 10 discuns plana for extend. ing titese in lthe future. If you itave sny questions or suggestions concerning lthe iibrary do come and lalk lousu about tbem. We look forward 10 meet- ing bot regular patrons and ltose, wito because they are so very busy, bave no1 bad lime lu visil lthe Llbrary before. Madge Aliwood, Librarian. rn9#Yrnitftifit t# fr THE MILTON LIBRARY BOARD AND STAFF Invite you to meet them at an OPEN HOUSE at your ibrary oýn Tuesday, April 13th, 1965 Between the hours of 3 and 5 and 7 and 9 COME AND DISCOVER OUR PRESENT SERVICES AND DISCUSS OUR FUTURE PLANS REPRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED 0 GREET EASTER with New POISE end BEAUTY ... Caîl or Comm ln T.day Wo An App.lntnnî ith sbauty DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS PHONE TR 8.2501 We're Ready For Easter ALL NEW SPRING FASHIONS Mare New - More Arriving Delly * IN FURNITURE EVERY WEEK . AT ... 1 IFABIAN FURNITURE * Fauley Fumtur. Direct to eYu jSPRING ARRIVALS * Girls' Coala - 3i-6xa................ 34.97 * Girls' Arnel Skirtis - t 16 ....... $2,67 B oys' Hala .......................... 1.97 G iris' Dresse, - 4 14 .......12.117 - 3.77 Ladies Dresss - 8t 16 .......32.67 - $3.97 Infants' Pant Sets .................. 31.67 Girls' Sute -7 .14 .........34.97 -35.97 SAVEWAY - Self Serve Centre. I MAXWELL HOUSE I INSTANT COFFIE $1.49 FS«- ,ECÔNOMICAL RING YOUR LAUNDRY NERE AND BE RELAXED CANADIAN HERITAGE Solid Pins Furniture ls manufactured inS uelinglon, Ontario. The company was estabiiiteod several years ago to provide first quaîity fumniture in traditionaî Cas- adian styles end wood. There s s àwlde range of desîgni - froc te very rustic and exact copies of aid Canadien antiques to te more formeI styles wlth turned legs and carved, curvisg linos. Fun te dec- arate wlit, te., as accent pleces In a roomn or as com- pIets roons settings . .-.- Nertage Pine wilI express your good tasie. ! ;- «_________ SUPPORT THE MILTON AND DISTRICT UNIT 0F THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY APRIL CAMPAIGN New Style Barber Shop Enjoy Your Su nday Dinner at The Caravan FEATURING OUR FAMOUS CHICKEN DINNER FOR FOUR OR ? - $5.00 'AT HURE OR TAKE OUT1 LORI-ANNE SHOPPE Where Yeu Aîways Save TR 8-9512 1 RELAXED - REFRESHED RENOVATED ... flecause 'four Esster Outtit Hanflecas Ciesned and Preased by lte Experts atI... STOPpIl' CLEANERS AND TAILORS Fast Dependabie Servirce A Complote Spring Line of Family Shoes in the Latest Styles and Colors Economlcaliy Prlced for &Hllte FamiIy POLLOCK SHOIS Mutens .Famiiy 5h.. Contre 14ERE NOW... Curling Trophies Souvenirs, At Trays, Glattes and more nevel curling items MILTON PLAZA SMOKE AND GIFT SHOP 0 Open te 10 p.m. Inclueing Sundays PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE 0 Opes 24 Houri a Day DALU LAM~g MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN PHONE $78-2962 Now Iioder New Ownersbtp - Ses Our Ada SALEISfi SERVICE I in tlisePaper1 - ---------- L- _q Thse Coaeln.Champion, Wedn9sday, Aprfl 711s, 1965 MusicFestival :n A on ues. to' au sm o ont 10 disaed gît undcrway earIl6idaymorn. frof itu W,4ran Iaasthe open .d af-lte 37t1s lhe festlva wi .doj a of prlz- amualHaltn Fesivala ag s Gorso am support tjped. Titis yearst.festial lis ex- es titat includé sblelds, cups and pected to accosmspdae' over trôpities b e a r 1 n g the donors 6,000 singers fromi ail Halton naine. scitools except Eurlington. Sniders Scitool in Northt Oak- -The Library Board in conjunc- ville itosted the first dayssno. tion witit Canadiaen Library Week sters, wltb several scitools fromn is holding an open bouse Tuesday, ltaI ares competing for the tropit. April 13. Ail are invlted to drop les. They continue ail this week in In and see tbe library faciîities Oakville scbools. Next Tuesday Offered, f romt 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 thc North Halton section openssP.m. and the singers f rom alil shoots from Milton, Georgetown, Acton, Nassagawcya and Esquesing willil compete ail day Tuesday and again Wednesday evening 51 lite Robert Lttie Sclsool, Acton. l The festival was organized in 1928 by Haiton school inspector J. M. Denyes. Il was te first a county.wide festival in Ontario. A. MU I Over lte years te style of lte AsT MO R festival bas citanged - where in INSURANCE thte early festivals the emphasis CAMmIUVILu was on solo or duel numbers, the organizers now coneentrale' on U-L 4-2271 devlopng hoal ingngand o1

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