Theandin ~ .,A i.u**M~UUUU UM UPUUU UU MUU~wlsh t6 malleà'A.né nmodiflceil'd delfled lenoftit begfô î W iij s4e6ï (t)tn lan werelit eittl. lôn'blmen aio60 aaM 5 )iyable at.a 6i DU.HAY NRLT, .P iution rates are relatively Iigit, thail would normally lie provill- Incidentall we lielieve that by R AT MREM il may W eeldad itaI thea oVer-ii, offaet by a lowertlsaanormal (Contlnued on Page B4) In my neat îwo columns, .1 forecast. Conrbutions wil be aIl rata of entloyer - uno5ay would like to give sanie details' collectedt in te sane way and contributions scluld net te tue of the Canada Pension Plan, althtie sanie lime as income lax- creased. In suait cases, te pi- which will affect in somne way es and the administrattion of lien- vite plans contribtiîon rata New Avallable te Ambotn H@o.wlves every resident of Hilton Counly. efits will 'be lntegraled witit our might bie reduced by thte contri, Only 30 per cent of Canadian prescrit Old Âge Securlty and bîtion required undçr the Pedler-THAG workers are presentty covered Famîily Alloseances administra- al Plan, and ils itenefits miglit TH ' A M LI R .e ity private pension plans and tion,.lbe adjusted accordlngly. In otfser titere is no pôrtabitity of bull- Total Cost cases, te private plan may ce- ocredi tleweeti companies or ThtoacstfadnIra main entieely uncitanied, -wih- iPTettlcsto diita ils benefits augmenting tIsn av- sn otiter parts of Canada, ion lias been estimaîrd by te aifable f rom te Canada Pension The Canada Pension Plan is Chief Acluary 1tulie thus hield Plan. de-igned as a scoutl insorance down tu lthe relalivelv low figure May Pay Dfference mxîs:tire whiclî suIt trovide -in<>1ofiii-terith of one pur cent <of îîppîi iîiti lor inosi Canaîians conirijhîluî iv ai ngs. (2) A privale ptan mav simply lu pai icipale in a national cars Titan aie tive 'enelils snder lacite diffrence provided on- ings - relaled and portable pen- te Canada Pension Plan: (terlthe Pederal plan. The private sion planb- witit sirvivors'ble (1 timnýpnso. contributlion rates wuud then lie lits. Thte Canada Pension PtlaRnreen enios reduced accordingly. a panwhch il cvera ' Cna (2) Disabilily pensions. 13) Anotiter possibility woxld dian salary and wage earners, (341 iorpitnsioenis. blie adopl a benefit foramula with teecpino: ()Opas eeis which makes different adjoat- titeProexcei ovnmef: (5) lieatit ienels. menti for earnlngs aitove and bW- ployees - unies,, agrerd tu liy Integration wtih Private Plans low te Canada Pension Plan -te province. Tite adjUsîment of private pen- ceiting. (2) Memiters of the Canadian sion plans t cpresciedli4d Anotiter approacit may W - -tniae Armed Forces and the RCMP (an titrougitte Canda Penin adoptd in privale plans witit CORRCTION: A snookar pool teurnamnant wis it.ld reconlly et Rosa's Billirds, Mtilton, and (i amendimenl will allow these in Plan. Those reponsil for ah er etirement agen. TIse pri- ended Thuraciay *v.ning, Marchi 25, wlt ite final pieyoffs. Brian Gleeson wan declared cham- te Plan luter). privale pen.ionplanwil cfh evt plan benef ils migit bcWaic- pion and winnar of the $50 pela. money witen ha beut out Jackson Roman. Mr. Rowan won te (3) Those migratory workers to decide witherornot heyclc ed so as tu provide a levai f irst gamne but lot tite next ihre in te (ve p(ayoff to give Mr. Gleeson tae in agriculture. fi-hine and for- vicfory. John Komow waa consolation prize winnar of $25 witen ho boa) out Richard Jacobs in cslrv etc., wito do sot wîrk for te final garmi by on. black bil. Shows focm lsf1ta rigtit(n te photo are Richard Jacoits, lie sanie employer at teast 25 John Komow, Billiard Store owner Rnss Cescon, Brian Gleeson and Jackson Rowan. Titere dvas, or titosc wito do nul earn were 32 entered in tefourniment. (The Champion lait week reported Mr. Komow mas chtam- al leasl $250 a ear lrom teS pion and Mr. Gleeson was consolation inner. Tiis mas an error by or reporter and me apolo- lanie employer. S e L WE C gize to Mr. Cesconan d thiose con nected witi thte tournomesl for any incanvenience tiis may Coniotibutii i red FRIT and GROCIRY STORE have cîused.l onriutions are requ rme. S. [rom age 18 lu age 65 - provid- cd, of course, taI a imn has Taaty Sweet CamadianPaney CAMPMLLVILLI carnings onmiici tutacontriliste' Thte Plan provides for eqoal CANTALOUPE SPY APPLES trealment ofliot men and wo Large Six. - 29c ea. 69c Basket AALU~~~~~~ ~nies. A full pension milIliec cars- _____________ Y O Jffluv ft iir< W I cd lis making contriliutions for Ln Green Home Grosen Grien Crisp Youn PS e, G ideMoth rs aW.a 85 per cent of te lime fron te start f te Plan --or, for 3oung CUCUMBERS LETTUICE V NO INSTALLATION REQUIRED 1 ~Ia L ~people ironi dec 18 trougi tu1 2 for 35c 2 L. Heads for 31c Reili aaywhera - kichen, bathro.m, basemant ln eke sNews vuin rîirst Robin a loac osv epe By Mm Geoffl luifille osusein 1 sav peopl ter Ma e Leaf KERNEL CORN .....4 tins for 55c V EFFICIENT1 hope spning 15 lust around te for te W. t.block prinlisen mlengpnlgdi hi1 ____________________________Waahesanad apia-dris24 Ibs. of doîhea n o h o Shirley Elae, Doris Roinsmon. corner. course, were presenled sitit spa- pansions, il lhev have leen sick' Duncan lines - 9 Flavora '/t hr. Bets Ciarie, Aleta Scitriel. Linda Miss Audrey Cairns of Millon cial honor riblions ai thte Ssiiai Nemplegd. ilecnrj>u- CK IXS............ SmnitI, Bannie Inglia, George El-fiteld a linen sitomer for Miss mary Day al Hilton Cenleuisial inrt:18frcn ahlo,...2Bxsfr8c V FS la, Douglas Parker, Ben Bryce Anne Parker, public heatti nurse, Matior on Thursday. Others ai- it:1. arvntachtiSpinsa dry one.louai while aahier wamhi and William Robertson al al- on Salurday, and Mru;. Orville tending witi t veir displiys wers- ampluier asd employce - a ea~aa ss av lended the leadership training Wason of Tansley hetd a miseel- Miss Katarine MePhedran, Mrs. i coniniscd rata ol per cent -1 GLIDE SPRAY SAiR~ C 8V(Sa v 0c ..... 4c i V QUALITY I choot at St, Andremns Preshyter- laneous shower on Tuesday ev.William Coulter Sr., Mrs. Ken-i caers ings licîssen a tomer tMaa i Csidab i..i ian citurcit al day Saturday. eigthrhoMssPrer nemit oorf $s lydCas mla 6001 and an opper lumit of JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH ....---- 23c 0f. Dr. Plndiay Stewart f tisaI ix lu be married ta William fard, Miss Elizabeth Kennedyv, 1$50.he- EASY BUDGET wi churcit was tise theme speaker Frenchi of Georgetomn on April Mrs. William Coulter Jr., Mrs., pas th combined rate o) 3.6 per, - But Lean eamea on "Lov"laken rtfo Acts 1 15 al St. Davids Presityterian Howson Lush, Mrs. Alfred Petai- ;cenit ooiiici ame ovar S800, uititLea1 TIUMSLemURANOM overs 0Alr 0 s songdvt Mrs. Carl Becker and Miss'tha sainie eiing. PORK CHOPS BACK BACON S1 9 95TRSARNR ions ami worksitup groups on Mrs. Allant Moore mas iotsess J.r and rs. nM nrws~ mimum Pvomnîrhuin 43c IL .69c lb.* SE A D M N T AT N evangelism and stewardship, on Monday ta te Woens As- r.rnd MTu esda r ndrca lui a xi umpl c ntmribuilofSTUR DY - APRL lO wopplnning ami ptdY ieam ocaio qitigeek holiday in the Baiados. itrfîre lbe 1.8 pr cent af $4400)Maple Leaf Pres Loin S T R A P I 0h plae. .nninBbeslo udyms taken TIset Latder.airns Werir 0f iss Shirley Ella presided cv- or 579,20. Actuaries lurecast liai COTTAGE ROLLSPOKC PSDO N -NO BLGT N hyRe, , anono!DufsPrs-FoI aueral, woud,ma er te short business session of tiis rate c,îs hc expeeied tu f in- V.ucsurn PaPIN-cNkOBIGAId ityerian citurcit and Rev, G. buried at St. Davids Preshyterian St.Dvi Vnaasacusumna h Pa a cat20var-49 kb.5< b Barnstin sdRiterSt.N ottiadeeey nFia, s igYung Peuples meeting on Sun- 1 vitoutliquidaling any aifte49 lb57 l. fron WetminterSt.Pauls a cousin of Mr. and'Mrs. Edgar dy evenine miten Bannie Mmii- isvi5tmesl reserve. I____________________________ ( t t H R W R Guelpit. C alent, - nlen look charge of thte worsltap, C ,eoflteu rM elisotA sW sdDaAR E ai Foloin is eenn bnqe, Brtdy relig b Jonperioci. lBen Bryce assisled 111 te assomptions require cd E lie DMCTIer, Ow'C a Hootenany - dance mas iteld Wieeliitan Sr., Robert Inelis, president mitit an evening of ft-1mde, actoaries areunlit l ERM 136 MAIN SVEMLON TU 8-6011 mIich was losed witIs evening Gloria Purdy, George Robinson, lomsiip and games and conlesl -nmaa a rda endali le lger terniffu T. . devotions, Al reported an educa- Jennîfer Andremis, Bruce Evanis. tiscludinag charades aoned peis- tioal ay.Sunday visitors mit Mr. and uvrd. Lunch follomed. Plan Bak Br. William Robierts and Bever -_______ Theltmeting of thely were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ru-CAWOEPRFM CeampWteGrucida Bronon-Reicitert of Toronto, Mr.,and Joihi Portes. Trevor Houston hl MalbethegroupeoMrsiWatee r Mrs. Roy Rolerts of Burlinglon and Steve Gervais pertormed itel atit soe Mes. al er' ami Mrs. Ciarles Roberts, Rutteir comedy ici ity invitation il Bamy rwiitg. onald e n- madndKatharineBaxilîno, te Si. Cathairines Figure Skating fur he othe an Dauhte Mr.andMr. Denny Peterâon Carnivîl Saiurday evenisg. Titeir faq or b Molsrad agter and family of Oakville ere Sus- impersonalion of tree charma- bnc aonA 10tbe8Isld at3th Mas-ay visilors mt Mr. and Mrs. men. mas hilarlous and mas seelI oieh s Baibly ri28argth60 em.Alfred Peterson. received iy tise audience o! 2200. pt lc it a rs . mlHcnein ie n. lbosa pot uckdinerMea, Stewart Cramp and Mes. -tise Champion clîusificds for tinue tcis asommer mitIs bires, E HVTOA CE camping, swimming in order for _________________________ tIse girls ta giet tteir badges. Ap- plication fanms for Camp Wyoka a Clifford must bW sent witb deposit ot Bn. Grdon Miltz a Glen Wilianms by April 15. eggs and Inies liy tIe Guides, and plans made for a baSe maie in Eastre vacation. Guide oook- le day miiibW May 8. Mms. Jas. on are tIse nominating commit. CS T E TRT tee for élection o! officers. Next meeting will WcIeld May 25 t te sanie home. Mrs. L. J. Kenny gave tIse secretacys re- Port and thanked tIeste soes, *AL1A S A E TO B M V D HS NE T WEI mIsa gave tIse financial report. A social hall boue follomed, U C R A ET EM V D T I E T W E Mr and Mes, Fred Pui o! Lindsay mere dtnner guests of W A Mrs, Allan Moore on Sunday. family Dlnss M r. rs;nEdgar Calma SH were hsooredYonCanGettheDaeal famîly dinner antIshe home o Mr. and Mes. Sari Cairns of Buling. * Co*et th D a ton on tIse occasion o lbeir 45th O0 0 0 medding analvecaary. TIos. aI- NT tendlng mer. M. and Mm, Joins Nicholson and family of MMI- grave and Mr. and Mms. Lle FOR EASTER" o&eAl a s W ntdo N w F r Dates and family o! Dixie,o 'eA w y an e na N w F r Sympattiy is extended tb Me- and ars. Loi-ne Michel on tise recent deatis of a cousin, tIse lata it-f x ust William James Daragh o! Mount Forest mbo mas buried aI Bissa U M M U gameya Presbyterian CemeteryJ Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Elsley EL E R and famly o! Hilton were Sunt day guets of M. and tirs. A. T. aMors. HFrm LuDAVISe TRY US AND SEE - WE DON'T DICKER - WE DEAL Mur.nti hmca. omoan Lute- dSala« frein Our fin siaaaeîant of serrlngs, nocklace., pis, vacaion i lorida tise past brace.iefai, diam.nd drille, watcs an adîy thar meek to our snow baiis at sîilli fine. git f l fIwlIy - or Chhna. reain, but tIse temparatslro on Bonday maltoti montga! isa snose away. 9111 als111l"M i À 1 y - --0 rln-,Mzý I.T 7, wmMwý 7-- 7- 1