Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 1

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,,., 's 41 :1 (lie ftbîal 4 l'pi Wo. 10S.-No. 48. Township Sch.oI budget Kits Record $168,830 Scisool Board ciairman Dr; Clif f Young presented a record budget to Nassagaweya Councillors Mon- day evening. calling for to tal1 spending of $168.830 on lise tosen- ships elementary scisool systemt. Wlile total spending is up it seas estimated increased assessment would maintain tise p r evi ou s years miii rate for publie scisooi purposes. 0f lise total budget taxpayers will contribute iess tisan isaif - $62,928. It is expected tise tosen- siips total miii rate sel be estais- lisbed in April and clerktreasurer C. Macîntyre expressed cautious optimism tisat 'it doesn't look ton bd. Geavel Tender During fise meeting township councillors also accepted tise ten- der of Holman Construction Ltd., Rockwood for gravet. Tise five- cigistis gravel crusised and delit. ered will be 82-cents a cubic yard; crusised and stockpiled at 55 cents a yard and off tise beit at 45 cents a yard. Members alsot e Approved payment of road accounts totalling $4017.10. 0 Renewed tise gravel pit lic. ense of B. F. Neary for 1965. e Autborieed tise road superin- tendent to attend a road scisoni at tise Guelpis University for tisree days in May. e Autborized tise assessment commîssioner and assessor to at- tend tise Association of Assessi*ng Officers of Ontario convention. in Ottawea il May. e Delegated Counillor Ross Gordon to attend a safety seminar in Burlington on Aprit 24. $.atisriW 8 ai5eemd Cia,.MaS by thsePont OftiCen DO*paettOtev MILTON, ONTARIO, WEO)NESDAV; APRIL 7îis, 1965 Lue 10 Feu& Endorse $40,OOO Arenas Floor Council Checks Vote Necessity A new floor was endorsed for Milton Arena wisen Milton Coun- cillors ipdicated tisey favoured tise $40000 first pisase of tise pro- ject for arena improvements ad- vanced by tise Arena Board. Tise necessity of a vote of tise citizens, boseever, is to be clarified. Board Cbairman Hboward Gris. wold tsid council two brine Unes bave been sisut off because of leaks and'seven more sboutd be disconiinued. Tise risk of being able tu, retain ice bas grosen grav- er eacis year be said, as be noted tise difficulty in iocating leaks in pipes buried in concrete. Reviewing tise Boards tbinking,, tise cisairman noted replacement1 of tise floor ai its present site would cosi $38000. It is possible,q isosever tu provide for a wider1 surface by spending a furtiser1 $2,000. Whitie tise widening will Te- duce tise seating on tise nonsh side ibis wiul later be overcomne in tise laier pisase of tise projeci tisat woutd include removal of tise nons seaui and ulîlization of a large garage area presently occo- pied by tise losn. Wooden supports on use seating on tise nonsh side seuid also s500e bave tu be repiaced and ibis1 MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL BOARD ield a brief mee iisg foillowe Directors standing in tise second rose are, fram lett, A. N. Keiliy, ing lise Hospfels annual meeting lail week, and re-elected Cisarles Milîs, Mrs. D. Sinson, Mrs. D. Plolemy, Mrs. L. Keene, John W. Ostler as ciairman, J. M. Ledseiiisvîce-chiarman, ad- Joisn W. Cisarlion and E. D. Maison. Absent direclors seere G. minîstralor Dllen McQuaeg aasecretacy and 1.-8. Clemisso M ood, Mes. F. S. McOuat, Dr. J. W. McCutciseon andi Dr. C. tieesrer. Ode"tisrs of-lhe bilard lh iiftant r&«, lsf0 to. ngh, A.Martin. are Mr. l.edwilis, Mr. Clements, Mr. Oiler and Mr. McQuaig. John Ostier Chairman ta CI Pl tt wb, a ai E a di ni bi tt ýv Ir ri] al Ci It bi Pl tb cc et 01 ci Pl cc CI 11, hi vi 0 01 ni P Pl l Hospital's Busiest, Most Progressive YearH Hilton Disrict Hospital com- aries and seages seere tise iigest' Halton Cousty Hospulals As-oc- represenltative to te board, gave sv pietcd one ofis busiesi and e;.penditures ai 5289,494, repre- fati.on seas askcd 10 hetp lied a' i report on tise Auxitarv's 1964 M Most progressive years in 1964. seeting 70 per cent o! thec dollars solution to use bcd capacity sil- seork seiicis %ise iermed "a testa- and reports on tise year seere spent; medbcai and sorgical sup- nation. and it sas ond t,- ment ut continsed loyaity and cf encouragine and proof of tise plies $13,095 for 3.3 per cent; necd seas for a number of cisto- service."Site pointed out ltatic hospitils busy rote in commun- drugs and medicines $16,421 for fic beds located at tisis itospital., 176 members worked 6.000 isours 0 ity life sehefi tiey secte reviese- 3.8 pet cent; depreciation 524,476 10 serveche tis e couCoftY uîtil on beliali ut [lite patients. and Il cd aialise annual meeting Wed- for 2.9 per cent; and oliser sup- te nee.d developed lot cistonic had dotated a baby tenda. a i nesday eveing of lasi seeck plies and expenses $83.277 for 20 beds sn otsr areas. btaod back. isttte searmer,t John W. Osler, lise 1964 chair- per cent. Tisere seas a $336 Ciler- Tise County Couneil last Aug- mansc etcs.viaver and scvcrat mac.'sas tturned 10 tise office atime surplus fast year. ust approved tise requesi for pltysioliserapy cepanimnent it- for 1965 ith J. M. Lcdseiii as Slaatiea cscironic anld active reatîstent ems. vice - ciairman. admnisralor Hsia ttvics pcoiîybeds. lie revieed.and the OUH Hopta taitispitrilyS.C. was akdfra eiii. Site orceasi an acceleration of DaIllau E. McOuaig as secreiary rcvieseed n the brochure dsti c ecied periss i 0 î - and E. B. Ciements as treasucer. buted aithlie meeting sisosed aitead and build 20 cittunie bcds; askcd for more members tuof show Filou tere secte 1272 medical and and 10 active trealment beds. share te mark toad and "make i About 60 attended tise meeting surgicat paients admitted; 548 just last Tucsday afiernuon,,. a contribution toseards tise icaltb c Field in tise iospilal cafetcria, to major and minor operations per- sa-id tise ciairman. Since îheîi and lîappnv fls nib Searthlie officets' teports and sec formcd; 2,402 pitysioiiserapy tise management commihîce itas: as' hstiovay in hospial. p a film. "Fosition o! Trust' ah- reatmenls given; 3017 patents been seorking lu select an atchi- AdiiiaohDto cui oui the many ptôslems invoived reated in te emergeccy depari- tc sultrtii olt 1 av abeadministrators rn-ai i in te complex operation ai a ment. and 3500 X-ray examina- sebîl bc named. port.,teviewilg lise prograss on i itospitat.tions provided. Build This Year tise exipanision ofthlieisospitat. f One iighliglit ofthlie meeting In iis annual report, ctîaircsae ' Wc hilpe o itave iîuiîîl and reviewing vome slalistics ond seas tise presentalion of five-year John Ostler said the year seas ath spal 16oerin.H C pins to 19 employens seis comp- busy one, wiîtiste main activiy wislOd ihis ycar." thte ciairman ie-opia 04op elon h lted sota ir sfietis birday oaed n etpandieg ac- nul thegalisering. He said coted tise nomber tncbr thehopitl i is ift brthaycummodatiunv. He revbeseed hoc-e hwas o sure sesher tise ad- iscbies itad climbed tu 274 last ast December. ifleen of te 19 seo years ago. tise HospitaldionwIdî aas on fe.cclm--gnydptet sec prescrnt -1 accepitteir Board approacited lise Ontario . . t rraflcsv sing, av titis de- iConiicd 0o Page 8) pins frum tise president. HospitlIServices Commission io wudbletuficrh- Tise operating siatement shase for permission la cxtend lise letu decide. cd lise ispitai operated on rev-iospitai facîliti csand a decisiofi Mt. Oter revieserd some stffi enue of $427,099 duî-îng 1964. Sai mwas defertcd for une year. Tise cihanges, including lise resigna. dion of admnisraitrJohn D. cs.sdWilson.,seitajoined tise siait ui W j lie.Onlario Hospitl Association. and engaging ai' Dalton E. Me- mit emp NantTtb*r clt Ouaia as administratot. He also îcviewcd ather changes an staff A wa ft Ncisi onAmmlxation andtte strengihettinf vario W li en nee fi comlcid li nksee pprvcd cf oresiort-vlaffed deparîmenis. With engneeing comletd thnk e aproed ny ore He recaltcd lise diligent citorts oni sciedule for an addition to than te plans and spccilicat- of tise public relations Comiti tise tosens sewagc treatment lac- ons, ite argued. tee and tise Wumcnvs Ausiliary. ultis t MHilon Cuuncil Hsnday Couccillor Besi ouggesled count- Retaîn Aulonomy puite irakes on Laling ten- c i hould proceed trougis tise I lsn h hina derr untili orneling brter toder sagc. He leit Iis seold ncai~ls hs nn seas kcosen on anfiesatuan. improve tise tosen's chance of pord te subjeci aifte auso- Councillar Brian Bcst, citait- annesatian. lb anneflatian did' nocuyaiflise IBoard "Sisuuld ne- .- mac of lise seseer and sailalion nul make more land availatule. main in 'flice foiettantutfotîr commitice redplans seere lise tenders seosld nol have ta bc tiinking. n tise finlal stages and seere bc- accepted. He explained te pires- "'alt.s spause rec ny.ils ino ng submilted for necessary ap- enl plantisi operalief ut peak clhsocrcnlpitn pruvals. Tenders were planncd capacilv and an addition iii u îtishe gavernmcîst tas no de- for callisg titis wcek. siti a ýten- laite nine months ta compicec. sre sr intentiaon ta rinase locat der date of May 10. It was plan- Cn oAus auîlonaîsuy. My anly point in cii- lied la cail tise tenders Imo says. CctosJi rln iissaeei Sl m ,. Ose seauld bce for an immediate . nilo onson and Fay pressaon tise memitets ai luis start acd anoter would bc if tise quesliueed te procedure o! cal- corporation, tise importance ut prajeet seas carnicd out as a sebn- icg tenders untibitise toen seas mantaining ulsir auooomy. ter seork. in a position ta proceed. TIhis sisoutd really 'le nuorîsi- "We ail cryfuionqsick action letc. providing sse keep a maicis Prelliushary Approval troli or engineers. Titey camp- fui ceeonete IÙip1u level ai pat-- Freliminary approssai on the eue lise mork on scisedule and ienti cane and efficienst opuera- 51-75,000 projeci itad beenci btai- nose sec sant tai sit back and tion." lue concloded. FIVE YEAR PINS secte -used cd fromntishe Ontario Water Rne-sau." Cauncillor Besi objected. He inlroduced tise nesecst ptlepoeswowr m sources Cammission aomne tinte Councillar Bcst conciudcd use memiter o! tise board, E. . Ma- piaemoesmsa ereu ago, Councilior Besi reported. question seien ise agrccd to con- liton or Campiteilville. seio sns irsitfive feas, .aitishe Boird' Councilior C. Jeonson suggest- tact tise engineers sitit my ap-, jusi appaicled a week carlier. evesing ot insi week. Board CF cd counicil seouid flot seant to ologbes for cisasing tise projec'. WA. Report 5 is osn making tise awards sc proccecd on tise projeet if annex- and ask a deiay in-tise tender Mrs. J. CJonseay, W.A. presi- dics depariment and Mrs. Neuli ation wsano01acbievcd. "I dont Cali. dont for 1965 and the 1964 W.A. staff - îwo aftie 19 statters would be incorporated in liset- ta projeci. Objective of fisc Board, tise issirman suggested, would be to provide an excellent arena facility islît would cover its costs. Fori Dancing, Skating Tise floor planned will be 80 feel by 170 feet. If seul be iopped seili asmootis cementi material suit- abie for dancing or rouler skating. i;isting boards wiil bc replaced, anew snow pit consiructed in a iferent location and seats on tise ndrus side seul bc removed and te- ui. Plastic pipe seul be used le the ice systemt and tise ice ares wili be excavaied and refilled for improved drainage. Turning ta financing, tise chair- flan noted tise Board isad a capit- tl fond of $10,500 <ofssiiris$10,0800 ts.ild be appiied to tise fluor and ise 530.080 balance raised by de- 'enture. Titis seul form tise firsi bhase of tise revamping projeet bat seul require an estimated 130,000 additional over tise nexi three to five years. .Outdor Rinha? Councilior G. Addison seonder. cd if tise Board isad ever consld- red an ouldaor artificiat rinks on adjacent properiy ta tise ar- ena served f romtlise preseni plant. Tise Board cisairman not- d nu sucis plan isad been dis- us--ed but it mightbc bwsortis re- viewing. Councillor B. Besi pointed oui. hosever, lte importance of pro- viding adequate parking. Bols councillors referred-.to acounly .sened block of land ai tbec cor- ner of Hugis and Mary St. Da mage $650 in rwo Accidents Two serioos accidents resuli- ing in damage estimateci at SM5 vurc inveatigated by lise MIltan Polic Force during the pasl se ven days. A Matcis 31 accident on Main St. caused $3010 damage and asecond accident on Friday 'aused 5350 damage. Cars driven by Walter James lailey ut Garnet Si. and Nelson Howard of R. R. 2, Campbell- vile, cch received $150 damage wben tiseir veisicles coilided on Main St. on Marais 31. A car owned by Robert Hodge ol Fine Si. and parked on tise Oak St. and Pine St. rccived 1150 dantage on April 2. Tise da- mage tu lise second car driven by Don Herman of Martin St. sas estimaied at $200. Lights Out Mittons main corner' iraf fie ligisis were sisof[o Sundlay mors- ing so tosen and hydro crews could instaîl nese wiring. Ilydro Manager O. L. Hadley re- ported the seiring u n tise ligists isad neyer iseen replaeed since iisey seere firstinissialted, and seas getting isadly corroded and cauis- ing trouble. On Friday une "walk" ligisi quit working, and ont Sator- day anot'ber one seent. Tise nese cable seas replaced in about cour isours Sunday murning. seitis a police officer direcling iraftic dur. ing tise sisuidoset. -8tu1f Photo i ho severai Miltonu District Hou- mployed. isy lise'isospitai hor ils 's annuali'meeting Wednesday Chairman John W. Ostier, rigisi, to Miss Jean Battu of lise obutel- le Wilson ofthlie isusekeeping sa so arnedti ises. Members indicated tisey favor- ed proceeding wîtb tise project but asked tise clerk to investigate wietber it seas necessary to bave a vote of tise ratepayers on tise projeci. Councillor G. Addison observed tisai in about seven and a isalf minutes councîl isad endorsed a project tisai requircd about tise same amount of money as tlsey isad argued for isours in connec- tion witb a scisool room. He cm- phasized be was not opposed 10 tise arena floor, but suggcsted this sisould be kept in mind tise nexi time somelbing comes up for tise improvement of education or cul- turc. 't'm not a gond enougis phll- asopber to know sehat tise dif- ferénce in attitude means,' he concluded. Couneillor C. Joson, a mem- ber of tise arena Board, reealled tise arena purchase bad! received one of tis e basiest supporting votes of any iown projoci. He noied very littie hbad heen spent on it 10 restore h seben it wan purcisased, but it was aitishe point nose wbere it seould be dîfficui to face anotiser scason due 10 thse num ber of leaks tisat are develop- ing. "I would surcly not be good planning not to maintain tise pro- perty', ise observed. Three File Objections Over Apartment Freeze Milton Council bas reaffirmed iack of valid reasons to ats position in support of zoo prohibit multiple bousing un- ung bylaw amendments in the ilis discrimination against those face of lbrec objections fiied who would choose te live in ap- with tise Ontario Municipal artmenls; passed in bad faith; Board. the legislation is prohibitive Ta. Thc amendiment prohibits tise tiser than restrictive: it is flot construction of any multiple witbin tihe jurisdiction of thse dwelling unit in the town. municipality. Caine 1Town No New Aiaeeetiie Objections te tise legislation Tise Ciamber of Commerce cx- are normatiy fiied with the Ont- pressed concern that sufficient ario Municipal Board, wiso ehen new asssessment wseflt being determine Ihe necessity of a 10- added 1t akte care of tise increas- cal icating. Under new po e ing debenture load on tise tosen. dure. isowes'er, thse Objections are The Chamber estinmated new de- iorwardcd by tise board ta tise bentures 'being added could Te- îown. Tise losn tisen must malte present a 6.4 miii increase to a decision on tisem and returfi maintain payments, If sufficient tisem tu tise 0M.B. new assesisment seas not deveiop- Tise objections f iled were fromn cd. P. K. McWiiiams, tisc Milton Members in separate resolu- Cisamber of Commerce and tiens reaffirmed tise toens posi- Tisree Key Developers. tion in relation toe ach of tise oh- Basic objeotions indicated jections. ID Roy Ssrely, tiss STise seeckec man disiscd c Q beauty. Tempe ratone warm son, nu2 l~ og or ice Sweekesd to afler a long ha Oh, ecdiha daYs, but no loi Tisera had b, robins reparue Sverlibie hadb top doses, is1 copants shiteri breezes. But ibis sec Cars eutse Twenty-lwo Pagea.-Ton Cents. Milton, Friends At Fanerai for Rev. J. L. Blair A former mînister a! St. Paulu Unted Gisurcis, Milton, tise Rev. James Lowry Blair, BJ., passed aseay on Saturday at tise United Churcis Parsonage at Wsterford. Rev. Blair came ta tise Hilton cburab front Allna Crsbg ln Ap- -il, 1948, andrmaetovsegb years antili h. e aceped cIta Jordan Chanchin lJon, 1956. Ah- out five yeara ago, be moved ta n9V. J. L BLAIR Waterford and waas silil active in lise life of that cisurcis when bis deatis came Saturday. He leaves tus sife, tise former Helen Mitchell; two sans, Donald James and David Wilam, botis at borne; and two sisters, Misa Myrtie Blair of London and El- izabeth A. Blair of Heepeler. He restcd at tise Moti Funenal Homne, Waterford, until Tuesday afternonn, seien thse funeral ser- vice was iscld fromt Waterford United Cisurcis. Interment seas in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Lon- don. Several friends front Mil. ton attended tise funeral evime This MUST Be Spring! iy Downs Cisurcisgoers went isalleus. Tisera waa one report cf a MUST is t Neigisiors cxchanged pîcas- lady harisecuitsg in ber back id the secatlser- antries over tise back fence Yard in tise Fallinbrook mare. p for us ws a with neigisbors lisey isadnt but ail a Champion photogra- seen since iast fail. piser couid find in any 0f those es in tise 50s, a liundreds of chitdrcn caogbt back yards was mud. snos or rain or colds from tearing around oui- One man went out and seept .a real dandy doors in less clotises tisan tbey a winters accumulation of gel out-of-doors sisould bave seora. tend and debris from bis aide- ,ard sinter. Mercisanîs began putling walk. ýad a fcw warm aseay tise sinter gonds and con- Green tbumb types survcyed lng streicises. centraiing tiseir displays an tise iheir soggy gardens and porn- been a couple of arrivai of tise news sason. dered plans for later in tise d. Tise odd con- Someone rcportcd CL ui ps Spring. been seen silhils posised up two incises above Kids flocked onta the road- gay teenager oc-t-hIe groosd, attd somebody ese wys ta skip rope and play ring in tise wintry iopped that sitis daffodils tise marbles and huiid mud dams samneiscigisi. in fisc diicbes. ckcnd! Wow t Prom a ireetop, a brigisl rd Pottisg tise lic to an aid isited ..Sonte cardinlsn a n f pig saying, everybody talked about i- malf.1 T - -A-- I.-aso I-nr - Fpesenfor ssalks - still a man sitis a long pale tu the sometising about it - they gai mcanig itavy ek, clotises Woodward St. bridge, sebera ootsbde and cnjoyed it. -but tluey secte salkine t ce seas jamming tise creek. Nose if Spring only lasîs ... Chamber Lays Plans for Second Annual Spring Carnival, Miss Chamber Contest Who wseuIl bc Hion's Miss as more rides and more hootiss more prices seli be awarded ln Cisamher o! Commerce. 1%5? bave been ordercd. tisis years campetitian, Mr. Bart- Plans for te second annual A gala parade us planned for lett indbealed. Girls mushing tu Sprint; Carcival and Miss Cham- tlise opening nigisi. enter must itave their entrica ber a! Commerce compeuition Wanted: Girls mnade by May h. becseatncd. An serre launeised Manday even ing aI Belseran nom and Mayf ile announcement o! tise contesisel a meeting o!flte Chambers Re- committee invites Milton or dis- appear in next week's Chsampion. tail Commiliee, and from ail in- trict girls to enter tise"Mbss C. o! dications Ihis yars celebratuon C." conlesi and lte jodging seil T sitould bc bigger and belter titan iake place during Carnival Week. ilve iTOIIMI ever. Ht. Barîleit is boping for 20 tu 30 Thte sertk-toute carnival selibc entrants ibis fear. so tise îudgîcg f y e siaged May 16 ta 15 and local mer- nsay bave ta bc broken dase nto sau S W *E W citants seulbc giving tickets for a preliminary and a final before Posiîble NJL geas o f the rides sili your purcisase at teir lise sinner and title-bolder for future sel be eompeting bsers, .stores. John Hartieli. Reiccil Com- 1965 is eamed. bl te week-lang Sevenlla Anu miîîeecishairman, said tise carcival Lasi years 5100 bond prizc for al Ti-Cosmty juveie Hockey situold bc beller titan last ycar's thtesinner seili bc repeatcd, and loienansent wuie uetarta ln MUi- i.' c,... 's.. i . - ..... r-s., s. ~ ~ ~, tonArens on Salurday mornlaag. Ramn Would Flood Auditorium O.K. High School Drainage Plan A qîiick rau c nose sili flood tains finanutal assistance ou not, use neye building and te nese aud-isc empbasteed. itoritu,' Higlis siool trasîci.D Smith luld niseufbers oI Miltont No Surplus Couneit Handay as he pressed lut hl mas nolcd ant extra $3,200 appî-ovcul lu proccd on a drain- ss'ould bc avalable in tise Boards age Itrajeet. nic capital account sicce the $700,000 Ht. Smiths ise e riginal debenlare issue itad becs soid andi Wiliams Avecue scîsoul uas buiiushe fonds temporarily rainvested "dosvn ils a Itole" and %vas ssbject to cars intcrest. Mir. Smiu s. la easy flooding. lie abked loves prcsscd agreeahie surprise but approsal ta instail a diteis partial- suggestcul lundis seeabm on the iy on ioss'n pnspertv ta drain ta constructben isroiecî. He douhted thse creek. Cunrently some drain- thora would be any surplus in age is to a neigitbsring property. tise contingencyfond afler neces- Tise trustees suggested tise tosen sary mtres bati becis caverad, uigiti contrbbute financial1s to Council grantcd aproval for thse prajecti lIti ili provîde a use drainage projeet to cross tosen stores semer fonrlise section o! properîf and agrecd to look St rond. Tise job mont be dlone, cost sbaring seien the project bu boseever, seietiser tise Board ah- compieteci. The Miggeat and probabty lie beat .tuseniie tournament la Canada seul fature 32 teama from as close s Mon tese fer away au Ottawas. Tounsameni officiaIs promlas 42 exiting contens for lise E- pected 4,0g0 apeetators sWho wUii troup te, the siens for lise an- nual spectacle. Tise tourney. founded ln 1959 by former MUt- tonian Art Snarbas continued to grow and tis year an aIl- tlnse bigla of32 leainsa ve en- iered. For complote details and a sebedule for dthe t four days of tise tounamesut red flu Champion sports pegls. fou r and f Ise. Other featurea n hi is aest Cîsaslfledaesa6 and 7, smin- or hockeY learn photos BI and B7, Your MYcL. reporte on B2, Rotary Confereesce 85, sports- me newa B6, edlltorinla CI, bowling C4, tfauan esC& MMOMWARMOMMAiý

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