Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Mar 1965, p. 2

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The Canadien Champion,..Wednesday. March 31. 19651 LOWVILLE Former Comrnunity Presdnt Dan Hunter of Hamilton Dies By Mrq. A. R. Coulter ta lcin the puipits next Sutsdga News was received last weeis of norning. the eat ofDanHurterin am. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cuspido of theetonA ofrDanHuierlof hem Hamilton and Mr. and Mr,,. Theoa Lowville cammunity for several v s andtamheir moiher urMris.e r years, 'Dan' was a lamiliar figure iRobt eiron Sunday ta Lo and frequent visitor in maiiy hom.-RoerbthdayonSuahih IoahTuedav es and saut bc greatly missed. Ma brhda h30. a uedvt Svmaih s xtededta is re'i Mes. Grant Colson oi Toronto atis adiae h o nlt nd son are visting wiih Mr. and lOSS. M. Loiiast Coul-art de thi vil M, du an Lc th m Kiri Nilîson. a Gtaictlat Vie- Tht Ltuisat le Matit Otartetie aria Collage Toronto, sery abus punteipaîlcainta a Hynîn Siag anal elivrcd tht message un "Jesus Musical Quaîrtette Cancart ed te Man' ut Zimmeeman anad Lots- this steeak aiKniox Preabylariaîî ile Unitedt Churclies an Sunday Chaci ai the Sisteen. Lloyd Oaki- norninig. Vernon MArihur tan- as ai Hamilton pertormad ut thle luced tlie service ai Zimîmerman atas argon thtet and sotisis avre nd Elmar Poster hud charge ut Mrs. Dreen Wilfard of Oakville .owvile. We are happy ta repart I and Dean Happer. Toronto. Ses- that Re. A. K. Grifitilis axpets eral frum tht'. area asa attendeat. 52116 i. " ta s - -7 -7 a lte Mars Aiktiîs,onfî[let-.ui t is-cal lis tisas-ite- aVioltt, ast daughiers - t-eicîî iMis. Wîlliin Watson)i ai Kilhtide, Shities, l hume and a suit. Robert iou Kit- bride. Alsa eleteivîe randi -- a~hilarena, Sandraî Cîi.it-. tui\îtnd - - Ca~Knas Wat-son. Bt îîî .îîat Statit McMulilcî. t4titlîei .adil arc, Lis.î(Mis. (ieîîge t atcasc ea %IM-Mallen ai Mil toit; Jean (is. Gien Dîllîîeîî)tut - - Rochieste, Michigan.iii lhlit.iiitNIa Mulien, Muit; Ktsuilceciit1, Wltîid Fecktft-ati 14Brapton:t Ru e Mr,.ArtPLk)dc-i PetrMMu ln.Milo;CiLi - Mr.HarodtMMNtl n Mitn Euh Mis.PurvHul)Mion --,gt ui taa Funee.îl stst as iud " I MURRAY CURRIE oi Milton became the second local plant Tuitsiais/M.aii 9.ît te \IcKoti, empioyae la ota Saperîmer Formata Feeda "Ouarier-Century Fuîee.îi "1Ioania-, Miltontiti Itilia- Club' at meek and a eeiied pin and cdock mere presenled Rv.T. Ni Aulstin i it .lipIilit durîng an employees' saieiy dînnier, Mr, Curne holdaithe Aimas itet,, inatiiaoint. ir eclLii dlock wmille plant manager Al Surbay dispiays the pin ihat mas Ptee i, ceDnl1sa presenied. Mn. Carne morked 20 peurs ilhlMtion Milita5 Paitheanon sacost r D it LaCii Co. balaie il mas soid la Superîmel fine years ago. and the gi, Evan Buih liitci Hl i .î company cauntnd île yaars ai service illi the former amner Kannacîli MMîttic la enabia hum lao jin the 25-year club, -- - - - -.--* -UJse Chiampional.îssîtieîis tait ST. GEORGES and iliçir leaders held a ba wling -Muckrilt ititiitptt.i pariy ta Mltun Satueduaenng. na.îmaetîîîg t'.s t 1iit - B h ag a i liey tetureilta Mi". F Bouse'. i tîts ctuiattiiaWat-it.(ai ii Bishop glue orlunch atrasards. hospitat caatiat a 86Putn -A tour t' is itg arrangcai loi catit C n im 14 CAMPSELLIVILLE tnintetalttai, ai 7 puti By Mr. Herry Rchaerdson Si. Gerges Angtican Churali Tht Mardi maeing of Camp. Lusa-ilte mas flled ta capaciîy on haklls ia'.St Daviats Prshîtartan Sunday maening tue the confirma- W.M.S. aas hlctat a the houmt of haun service cunducted by Rt, Res, Mi " K,- MPhedeaa on Mai-ah 25. Walter Bugnal. Bishop ut the Dia- Tha preetapana-a themaeti- case. assisted bs Ras, R. P. E. ing uili a verse uf ai lisna, andt Jeffares. Me.. A, T, M oore raod the Scrip- The candidates frum Si. turc, Mes. Ciras ga the Glati Gerges ara as folloss Peler ITtdings prasar. Mrs. Graratees Anderson, John Austen.' Valeie the ircsurra's repart andt Me, J. Ascali. PauaiCommuns. James Dut-.tMahun the lait andt supplias ra aes, DeiattuDlblet Ruthi La Page. part. Miss Smpson rtported CatI Middlebeuk. Lamne Miijce t-ee araesxHume Haipers. Eoh JudithîlPrica. Clristupher Rich ali asasus as-read as hthl leustrd ardsun. Douglas Sokes. and f rom liopa". S. Jons Mary Danois and Jan- Mes, A, T, Moore ha thetotpie, tc Maîhies, 'Theauglitht Yaaes ta Canadia' Bishup Bagnail preuclied ithes-liicha'. qote iterestîag. Fat- sermont and the chutir rcnaared uni1 luatng a liama lie meeting clos- anlliem. 1lad and thîe 12 ladies prescratcri- The G. A. Graup uf t S. Gorge's 1jused a social ime, *WEEKEND* SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE - HAND EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES Limited Quantity 5 REG. $1.98 PR. ». taon oi anather nasami Io t rte toaotpolice force iuriher ettphasîces lin gramîli ai île- aoroimnit î, and lie gramiag Nîli of the potine depariment. 3rd Game O.M.H.A Semi-Finalst MILTON ROTARY MIDGETS vs ST. MARYS SUNDAY, APRIL 4 2.15 p.,. MILTON ARENA MECHANICS Our service business is expanding so rapidly that WE REQUIRE SEVERAL GOOD MECHANICS. This is an excellent opportunity to loin a pro- gressive dealership. Working conditions are excellent. Truck expet tance helpful but flot essential. Halton Truck Sales Ltd. Hwy 25 North Milton 878-3121 SALE 0F HERITAGE PINE FURNITURE This is Beautif ut Authentic Crafted HOW Tro GET Furniture ' in'Rich, Hand Rubbed' i TO HERITAGE i Antique Finish.' '- FURNITURE SALE ... Drive Suth 0on Guelph Lis. - Turn Rigit et Plains Road (Clan's Restauranit) SAVE 30% OR MORE Thilt sale is on oun tunîiîune wiici doos sot qaite contr, le sur hilgiquaaity control but las ol deticient la steengi ... GO UNDER wAADA FIRST BRIDGE, THEN HERITAGE INTO RAMBLER H R T G TRAILER BUILDINGL1M1TED -TO us. AT THE RAMBLIR TRAILIR BUILDING 1254 Plains Rd. East Burlington CANADIAN HERITAGE Selid Pine Furniture le manufactured in Burlingten, Ontarie. Thecocmpany was estabiished noverai years age te previde first quallty furniture in traditional Cen- There is a wide range ef designs - trom the very rustic and exact cepies et old Canadien antiques te the more fermai styles with turned legs and carved, curving lines. Fun te duc- erete witi, tee, as accent piecestin e reem or an ce,- plot. room settinge .... Monitage Pin. wiii express youe geed tente. -I 1- Il________________________________ e LfEf MARVIN - ANGIf DICKINSON JOHN CASSAVtTTIS - RONALD REGAN IN ERNEST HEMINGWAYS "THE KILLERS" ASSIGNMENT SOUTH PACIFIC CARTOON - CLOWN JEWELS ADULT fNTERTAINMENT WED.THUS -F0 -AT.APRIL 7.8-9.10 "CLEOPATRA" ELIZABETH TAYLOR - RICHARD BURTON RfX HARRISON Owing ol nagth ONE showm earh nighl ai 8 p.m. ADULT fNTERTAINMENT MATINEE SATURDAY, APRIL 10 AT 2 P.M. SHOWING "Snow White and the 3 Stooges" SHOW TIMES MONDAY TI4ROUGH THUIRSOAY - On. Complot* pregrom oach evenîng ut 8 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY et 7 and 9 p.,. SATURDAY MATINEE - 2 P.M. BN OFMON TREAL amullq Finance m ~~~fPlan Bring Il your personal credit needs unone roof LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS Miton Brenci: RAYMOND MURPHY, Manager HOWBY lnwint': lncia' iii Mr-.r q tc-n; HO~lBYsecond, Mtts. Tes Eyake anîd araw, H4fçiah Society Bernard ti (laytttg as a man)t; Cubs, Scouts Present Ceramics Kiln sDoaJMcCarrn nd ursSMrWdn -Elected President a ond MeCaron an drRe By Mn Jsi cCarrou R. teflures ai Campbettvilte. AI On bichait ai' the Cubs and Tom St ahtaad. The annuat Faiher and Son speciat tribute wilas paid Kenny Scouts, Johnny Saunders present- Lunch was served by thiehos-i Reeve Herb. Merry ofi Oakvitle, lad sith anty 180 udapîed and banquet of the It Horalis Cats Ratttedge whea ait jaineutin the cd Mrs. Jeffares sith acrmntess, Mrs. Chartes MeCtrron aad Warden of Hattan County for 1,660 destroycd; 21 cuis and t3 and Scouts was beid in S. Stepli- stagtng oi the birthduy sang. ktfr _b las -antgi'.u ucMes. Frank MeCarean, assistedi h5it965, was re-etec ted president ai daogs wara rescued dairing the crns Anglican Churcis Hait an A atcliis toast licef dinner Stinshine Scttotl. Me-.. Jeattîssthe, tadties.thQavttHîmnScisaieu; li Soeyablae TLtsday aeoing, March 23, actli s',as serteti lia Ille tiothcar',tri tliretank liia s-at ntfor i lits IMis..Doncaster rettirnet honteflic grtips annuai mectng ini iaveltcd 14,786 mites ta attend about 80 i a9tinattuîca-. Dti t i, oat. tics'. atii ilit a-presseaci ttic ltut giiatsiietittct oaNssta.Ns cssUA takviti a t-iwcct.Thé Saaîct(v196 accidettts atnd tke 96 ret'- inastet aicretîtoties. ittIroattced itanutltafic ladies. Canait Mas- standtiig rni cittitaTi utataa,[ Fr-itta. WC wistî ler ail the siit iaitsiat ottliiMi iea iittt rtti sur. the head table achicl i itlualat vcttl, rooiaut Ciouai n sais picet- films cetîtieat. tTranisis tors" anîd test ai lîiéth and acîcame bierrt it'.s tei as tialvitte, liacita tsastati i spectars inade 37 Bob Coalisan, Assistant Culi Mas-c at trca enstt lip ai anngSsei i li 9bc.iîsy scar of activtîy anal repitris crueltte investigations, laid iire tac JhnBrsstt Pt Iippa,,ncc. t, aîtî nsis, lisPauaI Suiba. Prte niHu at" The Youîng Peuple aiEcles Un- aitite antîtat meeting stiasad: tcharges aatd cinvictcd anc par- Canon Maxsell,.Gat.Dvwaere shusan. A sociat geltotg-iicd Churcli cîjuyed an evenin teewr h4dushntc o;at sitcc uigt6 BatTa Higins, ssi.îanîilicrtaonducittttficcscening. li tle saiiga MtalSrailstýh Saiicthili78 iof these lutnta, iraIs. white rais, a tamb. Seuu tMaste; BobhGia sSiii3Yasfubn aitcria, Torotiî, un S a tuedilas.y.îdtpictl l, istii/cas, 319 claims' îttk aa avtbrar B.îute Etnîintr, Res%.îtnd Mri'leTîtuit ie i-tî lub îht.' .i~ h eits. acce Itv tîttits .ad 853 aeris. te1iiin t1 t tii i o ileit l , .351i 1 , 1'.10titindant('ti,927ecttiand k.ilatattiîicbanditct' OBIUAR t iiiiiititLtst.iitt 11i. tsWîtî t. Kittens Meet flitc ît tetati,ît patin a5ea _______ îsîîleîtîp l20, flie pi itics te The ltiarth itcetinu ut flitc4-t- PanBradtev leh sailhlic h lier.tk -____h______ >,car' hetd ta fi tinhL hute tîcw ii iiIHitaicîtu tClatî, Hîînh Cos ille-TrattIc tigh Sehuo oîa vIlanlrlaiîthe clititiTais-cit itî, as fheld an Saturday, u rrta elteBllvtc ASFRSL R. J. M cM ulIen a vnnMth3aiacrL ac27athhoeo r.JunF . ihfoBelvle ASORAE Rodbertn Joh3n M trd aruMultlilimaiMsiMili - sahare thes marc husîcat lis Milton Caunctî's garliage bags RuanJui MMule ti ER. s p- larîs. -McKa a(t1.30 pm. Tht président, hetet1tle ilishotit, Site etgo ait sale th ssteak ai the Tosan 3, Miltun, (Milton Heiglîts) ditattteMeeanalilie. a - - suddanly ai is horte uSaltchMrdandhae Douigas G rets and ttendaa Bdly upcned the t-c udtmTtrir-Hl lîa t5,Sb ut day, March 6. He wsa in hi, 67th e children haveli toiltaliolidaîs ig silth te4-lt pîcalcThe ral portsa odtm.TertunHllfici$25frapck deay. Mrh. Ha asaiîtnsh7ll o da. catlaas ansssrcd hy flicint d unday night. ugo ci S50sa-tîlitics. Tht hags mare sar e alen liad tfi%, a Paî lte Geltatattasisties train naighors rccttiily îesîed in tht nurîhara ai Miltun Hights t lo epiI- lsat, ;heshes ai c esîtu l nîcîlicîs presen t.lanal ritends are esîcnded ta M es, ecatiuo-t t lass nîd sacra quita 37 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r sarJitltsairig t eLck Mai almeiti ai ie Duiîg flise sot kîîg peetoa Mrs, Tcal Roîbinson, ai Milîtîn Dtirtitt ealieised lis the residents in Violat Haîmilton un Nuvenibat SouthllPeut Meittiti al ttiitiaMKsiîtaîidttgrso t optl ets 10. 928.Cooîultt, - huli tatuiakflic h haîtaits tuertht Ha10d, au td9i2i8M.îtiBtitda g-ccings unal hastlt packist[or shousandsliuswed ___________________________ Brick Ca., ten svent hum thle tutu t-r ina isn ait Aprilt hein ilie vaus ta du slip slitiiig. lu thar.îiluad, a liseseat 9l11, Midiiiel rttpp.iiic ait A1ril 2. L.t1rIiitsiPcssîîcss demunsti ied ~8837 liassent tloP, I licahe 911 risLnîîcHill un AtitSl , RitaMais-ncotitieîî utîîfîlite tatterît titi Il MILTON 8837 Ca. Liai, and altîd heca cîîplîîseal1uai Getlies v î ontittiiAp- tiv. Tîi heoils iltissarkedaon therefor flite pasit 7vcaîr,. ili . tvleu iîîtdîv lags. Tht nexi H stas a menîberi.ut liv litiCard Party nitîclte si ,il bliîcIat -taSa tairdav, THURS-FRI.-SAT. APRIL 1-2-3 dépendent OtaeroftîhelicDtatel VIC AUGRRafFine St. baame Si. Peeit', tîttînt t Cutti ietda îAptî 3 aiî1.30 p.i. Lfanchli st touaîna tracti tîased atliaittll ti thle seaenth isenîber oft he 1lattasuccesfulatl titis titi Sau- eat lis lie hotîîîss - "MAN'S FAVORITE SPORT" Miltîn ini lits ctiiiersei. Mton Pltte Faîte an March i tîîLasevcitt, Mait 27 in flic C-îigr.ltiiîitiitîoriiMr. and Mis. He esa . ieilier taitGise Att 1.Bornanad educaaled ita Mit-Ntrth Tt.iiai itoiniîîiÇen. Willi.initIcî'.on the it ils ai01 ROCK HUDSON- PAULA PRfNTISS - COLOR glican Cliat-a , Milioti ltii, Vîis 22? eurs nid and lie. Tiiee stae u15 lits iptiti'cusit o, Dîai W.îse, ai MiloniCartoon - Frank Duck Mi-, MeMallei îîîS îthesîîîîîî ixsîn taitait. Falive ChintRay atItiltii/es ue1îss.îaddfic lt ti, iititHsialt, Matîth 18, 1965.AIE AURA T2PM ,nhsrprs iiti dî MONDAYil ATUESA APRILT 5.6 1 m MUR@ Il il Fý

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