DEADIINRES i Dace IcLawson 565; Roîî Feaiber- 223; Pete V,îî lie- 200, 202; Vie" g feagite erefarles are sîonîe 5518; MiltiCL o rd Fi5i6.1b 1i r.ip221, 211. ,d thaf fthe deadlise fors' Rki .1ke0s1o2îim Iîr22; Flinverq, ififii' f iîiîî iiles. <al IMi,l reporsis i12 mn o nasMx- il(li1' s; f iiiitiî ts, ii21 Mol- luin508f; ici] Hainies, uS oreslseets recfnved afier' et, 7 tîîî 22. fîîie Alexandîeri'vcl11 5 loii, 102; te wilibhI.-ifur.'Incls-s Vie ffcaps, 2 [oîr 80; Ai Bown-î Ion in a lofer Issue. Monday Bowling o i iîge, 2 lîîc 69; li tîc aiVil nithsfIngu9 my sibif tre- Matcb 24 lii67. poris up uif 10 arn. Tuesday Ladies' ligb isigle, Ste Gar Ladies' Special and If space permits, ihey wiif bîî'sk 247; ladies' ligb triple, Mait'cb25 be incîsidedfli lu iecueiit ii melia [i Ft.isc'i571. Ladîcios ' i sile. GAf,liSf seek's issuie. Iilierci lii ui'."li il," 'Itl IK,-rLo 71), lLI,iî" ligIi ilifu 55-. Aiîîoî.îllîssîî218, Alii , Xîle \,sî725 HoIy Rosary '.u,Isloî2111 flilici ooi] su Fes.I ol Aini Mardi 25 (3ifer i biilif pe Ste (I rîîî ld 1205, 208; 'iedîLa t .,ilo 19; Ladies' fIgbJoanne Artnoîldt 269. kV .4. (,iace [i-(,\\înî21fr; Las Sboilîls 24î, 192, 202, 6163;'yen". igb sinigle, Neeîles %%,o2341f pis foi 5f088; i218; Dîroibî Pcleil 229. Bert Churchill 275; miti's igh' Pins, 2168 pins lîli 495301; Spoiils, Dîber goiiiîles, Eio lDa3.w- triple, Cites. Vanler Bii tk 20-3, 210pins roii'46321. son 88: Ede Cr\îleîîi ian687;, ti 261, 204, 667. îmaî f4ililîl(,58. Difier gouu. sineles, Asila iii]' Narval Junior Farmers ' f *ve uiîi 7 liii 7; vil.îîlî s, 4 lii' molfer 231; Anîieiic' Vandoeiiiei Matrdiî8 - v'ol 213; Porc V.iiienlieiiel264; Ladies' lugit single,,iCa rlo111v n Mike Belvodcee239. 1e.ips 267; ladiies liefi h Ic e, Other gandtipule, Fraînk Peclîîllcî1iof% Il feaPs 645: uen hsing5île.,~ R ve 246, 2f3, 178, 637. Johnîî Wilsonî 312; riins Iil ti,îîî J ,. C > I . Buailes \von 5 for 112; Bluscet le. Johbn Wilson i685. 1 r PFey $50 iIIl 7 luor 103; Son-ol..c-Gtins, S lor- 93,:,Oiler giiîc single, Mat-, Aies- Mulions dog population fias Bonibers2 l'or 86; Jets, 0 lut 85;î1cicî r 48.rpe f onieai i Jokers, 4 for 84; Spoiters. 2 .îîI 06rgîiîîtl he. At Bi 000 ihopedpa f erosraoreiia 58; Wbat Nois, 3 lor 51. . ricge 623. 200 ring ownecs wiff be fiable Etinie Alesandîer \von 2 lot 97; for fines as of tiîorriiw fAfrif Miltan Ratepayers ,Vicoape.îs,.5 lîr 82. AI Biiîsî'iî' ). Maicli 23 1îiîge, 2 liii 67.;ffiiieo fiii VI'iol, As of Tunssfay, onfy 82 dog Laisiig ige A laB l loi (2. licences had been purchased Lades bib inleAm'lii as Mirchb15 ifor f96, nornpared 10 more nuit 323; ladies' igb ti'ple, Anuel- Lacli biginsîgle. Rîilî Mascîîî hail 300 In f964 Ail dogts sis la Basseon 705; ins bîhgb ciiogl..-262, ilaies' Iigli tipîle, RuibMi oofh faead -1c o Bitl Cairns 272; men*s bigl triple, sîî%31.îeî'sbgbslLfiebficeisMa ed. ise f e n lu S2 fsr Jobî Cipe.inl 611.Bai nos 1303;' oleli's igl ilpe.usales and sfiaycd fermafs, and Otber goncd singles, G Ioen d aî Bru'ce V'ann\'lier 612 * 4 for femafes. Sberisood 25011; rî Lttle, 242; Ohio giicsiogles, ODie Mciv I The owners of ifogu tnf(I- Reg G rci 249. 2î0t; Keiîb Dea sonî 238; AI Brsua n- cenced affer Afrif f arecial Olber gouci triples, C Ienda . .ricîgo222; Brucee V.în Vliet 268, a $50 fine. Sherwouai 683; Bill Cairnis 638;i Helen Cbampoux 6t6. Huvskies %von 5Sfor 99; Be 7 lîr 98; Whippets, 5 our 9 Pit ers, 5Sfor 92; Gie *bvocinîs u 9f; Buldogs, 2 fur 87;Lcils for 84;Tecrriers, 2 lii 84. Early Birds Stîtb26 Ladies' bigh single, JuanWtr 268; ladies' bigb tile, JonWt ers 675; men's igb snieBil Shield]s 317; mens, iîiýhtrpe Jfack Parîkinsoîn 729. Olhiir gooi]sî ac k Prlic son 277, 274; Acîcr ci M. a 4:ý June Golîl 239; D.ise H1ry 21?1 Ras Wcatrs 230; IvanîîCi )vnL 223. Bob Buîrke 223;. 1' lZg 216; Lson Bei Ce 206. Ccl %e maen 284, Ras' GraY 203; BrueMe Kerr 20, linor McKerrî00 016cr good triples. JeckGol 672; lene McKerr 633; RegC( 652; fry McLelland 627; o'e Marsb 6t5. Deanswon 3 fur 17; Len, o 7 Rav W., 2 for tb; RusG.4 C r14 Jack, S for 12; Si.în, 2 lu 8 48 AII.y Rockers Mach c29 Ladies' igb sinîgle, Jecan "An- dre" MeGinnîs 314; ladies' bgb triple, June Coul] 701, (202, 201, 298), Oîber goîîd siiglcs, J une Gîîclî 298; MarionîîC lîosieî 211; let-i Dance 262. Oîber gouil triples. Marion111Ches ter 641, 159, 291, 19111 Donna Fas 639, (256, 152, 231 i; Peg McPbaîl 610, (149, 256, 205). KouI Rats %von 3 for 52, Four Pins, 4lîr 50;friliers, 5ifor 47; The fanarfian rhamrinn, Wedrnf-nrfay, Marrhi, 1961; 83 REINERY FIRES cAn in'eresting alk on fire prio- Icion anis fil clighliîtg ai Oak-' Arthur A. JOhnISOf O.D. wasdi h blbight olithe Helion OTMERS Muul Aid Assoiaitions Marcb uh dyAfano meceting in Qakviller re c e i 1 1 v. usà fen liakvi le Fireieletr Ken Poîliok,ý ii a ite îîher id illiepilani lie i Thursday, Evening pmIteLllîlliaff. ii. g le lk ndbcîl FdyM rin Ile îdangers lfrin FdyMo iq lvlie îîl oindilsilr. *Vfllie molli- PHONE lB 8-9972 al Aid plans III set op a prugrain wheicbv 0.ikville lie clparîiln 184 MAIN ST., MILTON c n c Il loi belli il lire ' 010 brea, kouîtblelîe. INTERESTING DISPIAYS filled ei'Ory rovo ofth,- Percy Merry Public Sihool ou Thursclay, March 18i A aIgeOj-' ber ciof paenss mre o re nd eih lier youngsters for theeinnual op0en bouse as tedire rs anid studorils had worked fo- meeks t0 iake sure the euenieg mould be a success. A paricularly iuiereslivg historical display rould ho fouid oinbe Social Studies roors ih iteresing lacis about Canadien and mari] hislory and defeuce easu reî used loday iu bthe esern world. Miv. Sherin and ber daughier Susan aod MrF. J. Johnson aird K aren aris showmi nspecîing a pair of anique rifles. A VERY SUCCESSFUL "fînanrial blîîz" for the Milton Red Cross Socicig is h,àd'.SI ,1Moîi.y eueningmwiibmore tban 150 canvassers vis irgiîos Mitoribhoîîe' TI.'lnRe rOSocvîiy ini Mlton isiv usi getiîng oiganîzed agaîn in Mlton aid raîipaigo chaire iii Dr. P.îuî Ke'nti as is happy wîîh the resulis of the blîle. More than $1.700 mas roiinrind cii Moriîil.y it gfii ,and anr other section of the 10100 mes canvassed later in the meek. Showcou r01i1i n u ey ai cariîpaigu headquariers in the Bank of Monieai, are Dr. Kini and campaîgo vire.îchvu,,ir Don Haywaid. Dave Thom'as, 0. G. McDomnîl, D. Cruîrbshanb, Mis. Hayoard an] Mis. J.\ are show[) looking on. Head Pins , 5Ior 46; Pin Hecls, 5 fur 44; Scuîîlebcîms. 2 tor 42; ing Pins, 2 lîîr 42; Hot Sbîîls, 2 tir 41. Mr. & Mrs. Club Marcb 29 Ladies' igb single, M i 1 dr ec o Ford 248; ladies' bîgb triple, Tbel; me Bnslield 573; mens bîgb sin- geBilTom 3t2; mens, igb 1trip T le, Jack Bousîreli] 670. A. T. MOORE 016cr gondsngecvela INUA C son 235 216; Jeck Buslîld 257,ý NUA C 226; Helen Waikins 225; Ed Liii, CAMPBELLVILLE 230; Helen Molt2t 215 urotbî" UL 4-2271 Brandon 211. Diber gond triples,.DBob illai 64f, Bihl Totm661, Ccl liii573; rn >1ý LIN EL ECI,e,, CMPANY LT D. C 1.ur; NDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1ER 3 MIL.TON 24 HOUR MAINTENANCE SERVICE 878-2206 There's A NEW SIGN of SERVICE AT JOHNSON BROS. IT'S YOUR GUARANTEE 0F FINE AUTOMOTIVE SALES AND SERVICE TRADE NOW- CHOOSE YOUR NEW 1965 PLYMOUTH TEST DRIVE ONE THIS WEEJ< MAIN ST. MILTON NOW I AT Mc m-NEW ýcKIM'S HOLDERS FOR THE NEW PLASTIC Garbage Bags " PERMANENT " WILL I4OLD ALL GARBAGE BAGS UP TO 28" x 40" " FASTENS TO WALL " Top cLOSES AND SEALS TOP 0F GARBAGE BAG BETWEEN USES ONLY WNILE THEY LAST IMcKIM HARDWAREI 260 Main St. "It Serves You Rf ghl" TR 89222 j Attention Farmers Now is the Time ta Book Your Seed -Grain AND- Gro-koted Grass& Clover Seeds FOR SPRING W. have ample supplies of top qualify Reg. No. 1, Cerf. No. 1, and Canada No. 1 Grades of Seed Grain in mont varieties. ALSO We have a compf eefine of GRO-KOTED GRASS CLOVER SEEDS of the higisest qualitiy and grades. DON'T DELAY - ORDER - TODAY "TIHE ARITI4METI C 0F GOOD CROPS" Good soil, Meli Fertilzed- Good Culfîvation 1Graded and Treaied Send- Good Crops SEED MIXING- We have jusf recenfly purchased a Bumsfead Grass Seed Mixer and this coming spring we wiilI be able f0, mix your grass seed mixture of your seed mixture choice. No charge for mixing. SEED CLEANING & TREATING-Our Seed Cleaner and Treafer is now operafing daily. If you have a surplus of good homne grown grain cail us and make an appoinfmenf f0 have your seed cleaned and freated. AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZER - Now is the time f0 apply Ammonium Nifrafe to your fall wheaf, hay and pasfure fields. Approx. 80 lbs. per acre wiII give you several more bushels of wheaf per acre or a heffer stand in your hay or pasfure fields. AMMONIUM NITRATE will be in short suppiy fhis spring. CALL US TODAY AND PLACE YOUR ORDER 0 WE HAVE A FERTILIZER SPREADER AVAIl ABLE FOR I BROADCASTING FERTILIZER We'stock a fuil lino of4 MASTER FEEDS- MASTER FEEDS (Stewarttown> QUALITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY Boawling leaguse re day. Sesi Congratulations! TO THE WINNER *0OF OUR SR BABY BO-NUS CONTESI MRSa ROY ELLIS RA 1 - MILTON Drawn iay Mis. Gordon Kranfz 163 Mais 'v i Mlon THEM SUMMER ABY BONUS CONTEST STARTS 500H. PLAN NOW TO CASH YOUR BABY BONUS CHEQUES AT MI LTON DEPARYMENT STORE. MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 2W0 Main St. TR 11-9261 IN A DRESSY PUMP Slip lîlfo the cnmiorlabte viorli] of Niuraiiers ... mrce v'.îlkble herl idroI uuiniioiin tast, AIl hua ln i dîe, uv r ilat is aiît asiiu $159.5 250 MAIN ST. MILTON /Ja4tIdM878-3501 BRAMPTON QI 8 Qoen Sf. W. >ne oeiPl.. 45123156 r,À5rUW,É,rAVC, mmumud M'lm L. DIAL 877-3512 R.R. NO. 2, GEORGETOWN