The Ca dia Champion, Wednesday, Match 31, 965 1 HARLEY... .to HALTON - i Ny DR. HARRY HARLEY, M.P. liS outmo toro t Ca.odogross nociiýci amin e be u t il.ei teledo eilatiun rn Pari ira rinisierod 'l ndIloIHC mn.Sevr 9 as %vru c l icii hi the Goviiici ft Ith pigotegislatii anad Pruvineof uebl [i neraieOpposition mI A io ang hn iip, il ru relimulher Fednral (fi,>iI eaint h Fica Cnc icci ialThe Pi.> o ria v o eoi, 1j k le l l r1 i l .* 1 tl v't t~> Illiii Coliiiillu i ili\ t\, F'ectl i, ii Il, uou Cî iiit ci ileiCLtîi Piiui Piîîîn I i îii leo rtiiîiîîc.îi',i h'0i i'ccu1 c iith. Hoiicvr, thc RCMP. ofcarges u Gi c- The dcbate has alIalamis, lriîriudiiciiË is Iiicccnt ai r, n lii.ivelv hburtscairivciton byi c II! SUbeSUC]Luuii ga(Iilîg UVCi-ilig;ii Cicditi eMuinbers. 1 [or iii utlc iit,u-, sii ff I'b Iliiiu iicciiii ho i Need Frenceh and Fnglish MILTON LEGION DART TRAM fînished second in nlrcounty dart play this year. More than t50 .îc o inele n dQu- 1 FhVcaiiiailIicyiii clIli illie sharp throwing dart shoolers atended the league finals in the Royal Canadian tLegion, MIton, Caîî,îda PnsiinPaii t iol t Oe il.d11 coiiiiiderclodillicit il on Saturday. Menibers of the Mlton team in front row are captais Bob Egglelon, John Ken- itrucilial Ille ic~~*l tilt b' iltiiii'uniiit ptictc oui nedy, Fred Johnson and Bob Kranlz. Shown in the second row are Cliff Miles, Don Horning, si thinÉie tiiiiciik il Ilile S it c i i lusltt[iciiti ,ICLu0o' Ted Foster, Stan Flinlon, Norno Pocock, Georg3 Mînney and A. IMossI Macleod. Members of Fecîli l plan, sii bat [lice tu. ii S icii i ho Milon Legion Ladies Auuîtîary prepared a fine lunch for the dort players. ai îltb u atl iiu'î~ il tii c.îc IA A A Aiiiicat ireports, icvic\%iiihlc IIi .îî; ticitciic, Pit t Miiic-,dii lilutciit)eil iii, Il c.,liickiii"I Junior rurilerS I ustiIIuIu suai "sacîlsitics, îîcîc gine i cliicti-, DuîiRubiuir, Mary I r troublehlit-iiipciISa) lîti lic pictident, uui'tai'i' ndci Moi ft. acmiid, an l[Coiiio0,li ttîili Ioc i' h u J nelsiniiiurn. Éh, rtutuîl Jîiiil uirFaiemiics.L1O Junîiour Farinicri: Pat pcic-ýlit itibtior trui'i, t in r ', ODunquet Dance onFIeriduy JH"« ii.IIiiieîin elui. Alaruinaiii-eicckmt,lliiuth,- Menifci, ut le01l, toit Junior F.rncr Ici' hethir turi,it sciu tanti'u Juc Losu,' oiriîiittlcu sicîrrtt a tud 1"'.i u>'u;cltctis ii coie %el-% poiiii ii ci arnual 'anqLutitNaîîaaau.r lic l uisIi ' numinatcd prutideiiloii r uth rnintiosunt uîrticle iCirgitt, Dirug MtLcaîî, Hirsun ht,uiîîr, îhich ic. 1t il)poc, tn.' Preibyterian Chîîcch, s%ith the'hniiiiglii gretingi runi thicour0- Itour'. Burt, Abert Bum. uirlavIot.îuu ilcrîsclurt i]CLII ladies ufthethuciSadscatcing foc c., huard cnd asked thecîsupport Theuucccrtiîcî lui'tlic sc,î'I Thic hanqueti tîîtlîîîîcct hi' a dettîloîrs mua. o'uthu Acturi Junous lor the corn-t1965-6harecas . luunîi, .Litancu ah Brooks lîtu Hait, itrure Progiess iDfficuit Jean Brition, Ic sidetnt onIthein,îg iar. A tht sîr is the Sfttr Junr ii,îiiitc Pttli hic- t ,il raN,îîîîî .î i irriiius o i thi, duc', Iriaki' îi i l]Iilicl Junior' Institîru t ofur tre cioin ic iîaî thieico'uiis a-onc ii[t. Juin Bru uon : tiruilîlcIIiti , tîi' tîiiuc: Bi'.i fi e , Eriî t in; Iiî',c ii C iiromm ns cv i 1964, iNas Iattrrii lur ontheu eV-!,iion, it i, tîupudniîîayn suispria uslN yci, ioicvliicetciit uiii E. TItt, Autirin; ait Jtîo î , n.cul . i l yrci ccît (i ii- i' cofing, ect ctiibucliii ied. d% Bitoîr. îuciutai', Ciilu - cAtinî. liet îciilîtiiiy nid liiîkiîîy îrîîîtl GEORGETOWN LEGION DART TRAM won top honors in the lntorcounty Dart League this year as they won season honors and the playoff championshîp as well. Competîtion in the boague was especîally keens thit year and the inason wound up on Saturday wîth Milton being the host touas for the playoff finals. Membnrî of the Georgetowan team shown in the photii are Bon Cash, Frank Richardson, Art Hall, Bob Nicholson, George G'Nei, Arch Pottach, Atf Oates, Floyd Ziegler, Harry Bottoits and Roy Pudiger. Ken De Rose was absent ut the tirne of the photo. The Inuni receîned the charnpionship trophy and individual players each received trophies. tî, lt ilîi«niLilly'îîîîrr dnont tlî Hiiusc ut Communs is dis- th,ît the consîltuents of Halton oi ,lci ii î ulct occluait wt soll il% cd ,andtan uclri on ttud, or are uppuud Lu an cection ut Ibis %r% 'iucit. mitil theinui s îsiJohas beco imu, and 1 agnue soloS this opte. 11 ,i iet îyu, oh%îîîitii, 1ilii trIistar,î lit ,andl the hudgcitfoc 19651 ion aod t hase su stated public- icinýj ull ontitic in l tliturpicîculuc aind paîcd. I g.thrtly. 5DdUbI if flot <ompletoly satisfied with ANY f resh ment you buy f rom LOBLAWS w e' N '5 ..LÇBLA .S SPARKLING FRE SHHESS! GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! CRISP & SOLID! TENDER2 CA&BBAGrE 2HAS35 GARDEN FRESH! YOUNG & TENDER! NEW SPRING CROP! TOP CAR ROTS 26UNCHES 215 - ~~0~~~ o--- k!7' *~0o ~ 00,0. ~0 *'o0~ 0000., SPECIAL! IMPORTED - SHORTr SHANMK LAMB 5 EGS WHOLE L Gor HALF LB. 5 SPECIALI CHOICE9 PORK TENDERLOINf--, LB. 95 SPECIALI MEATY L.& 2 c PORE SIDE SPARE RIRS . 5I SPECIALI LOBLAWS-SMALL LINK c 3 Little Pig Pork Sausage LB. a545c SPECIALI SWIFT'S PREMIUM - -idlb ONTARIO GROWN! CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE! TASTE LIKE FRESH PICKED APPLES! R McInosh PPLE GRADE......BASKET79 INDLESS SIDE BACON ~6 GARDN FRSH ROM RIZNA! WEE & MLD!SPECIALI RUPERT BRAND LARGE IINIIfIIIE PK RDEN S RO RZNADWE R&D msH 3 BNCHES29 c I B W TROUT ...............CK.à - . 00 - 0, -11- MEAT SPREADS CHEDDAR CHEESE CH EESE CHEESE SPREAD MARGARINE MAPLE SYRUP sPONE F L US MH0 CLARK'S SOUP GETL FLS PUDIBAPEFLCII 0'0K 0K ESETOPIG YME AM NVE RAGS PITTED DATES CUCUMBERS ASPARAGUS