Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Mar 1965, p. 10

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82IRD The Canadian Champion, Wedinesday, March 31, 196DuB get Ergor The $10,000 budget error, report- Ailan Shaw Heads Recreation Association ellIastwee sbigi h i shool boarIdbbudget, ivasinîtthe Plan to Promote Sofibali for Youngsters I,-- a ChdIleampkon tva Ay Ms. Wllamn Walson divdîng the hos inlo age grou.pî socatooîIle tfinl pillans- ltite tloo lotcilo tt tito.pt Il1 AllaiTShaw WTT elected presi-belure oh icaly entering the lea u. d ttî tittlailnoio o00tO.IS andoooclioao ior ulai-t01i ,*nt oft he newly-foo'med K I -gse h WTT sugOceste Ibor pet--nu.tol.Lllittioilt isiojo IlotoIl, 7,1ici. [lie liglit 'clioi IL ' tlýIn .le and District Comunily haps a girls' leani he fui med il flic lui'imoi l .0laitih.oi it t1io ti Bel IFlet lt,îdied ati latuil tot1,1IClir. cilotoice terted ll ll ri c ol.creatiofl Assciation un March enough are inlereoolcd and if there cards, dancing, tlito', i uoat occaMrb 3u i 4blt b bile .Oloal 9. Robin Slow mas chusen vice- r il'tainIeHlo e-lunch, cocu ototloit tîte i'. 000M-. Fletcchero sf oi-noi rcotttititecl ut inligîtirv president, Ted Coeser vry u. Grdon Harris and Gary I rv'". oitKiteiceandcianda iembrLe Mrs. Carl Gervais Ireassrer, ex- Twiss nlunteere'd ouattend the On A1oil5theoinaloocoooo - Scoi(lililt iiK ilbiiil îi i 1e dI icie.oîccl joilI rate. [brI ezile emer Mo.R.IJlui-Haltun Sutbaîl leolgue meeting mtin o I o(co.0 Ooec 0,0, Il.ocooii:lro co, Mrs. Ross Haîhbottle, GoirdoandI teport ,îns- îtccssi.rrinter- Thete ic peoit]îOoiiw v, l Harris, M ns. J. lil.vccoo i t dIlltiton ai1 iie i,. octioog. Aloit bc elr io iî 27, rr à o. James Weîherell. - Shaw anti TeciCouic vouaiteo.recl etoli ILI 0 Il' At the suggetion of Mr. Sornes l led10 iriitoAtl iooa ulîellyASH ut the Burlinglon Recrealion De- eut' Softbaîl Assosciaiiun meetinog, unclîoa IoL patetan Action Commiîîee Thur-dav, Marcb 25. RperAiott i rsî.tl AvL c l C u l s A t n wTT tormed, ilb Gary Twiss Neei Help andtocalk os' Mr. Gcn. <t oL ca o p es A t n Jack Inglis an d Lloyd Coule ltu The group K luoking for voloîn- the inoter-. ul 1ihe r pubi mccl wilh tbe members uf the teer-. lu help wiîh organizing the pcaking eooîo- itt 1)1o %o i 0 C..~o a~4~ M .L Hall huard rgrding the possible hasetoall couachesmntagers. um- iloir speechles. R s eg w r h i h une o thecummunily h alla piles etc., u il io ie-ted cunact Stopper, Prograoi By Mrs. George Pellellerlu cItiSo , aic a lureir Ilowîer ar- rerealional taclity. secrelary, Ted Cuule aut87-6333. flc ,nnîoal Pot Luckipk-btperon C0ogratulautil Iotna Guira.ngemientt in itvase. Allan Shataihanked Mr. Sortcs Robin Stosu ias a1,ppo inlfecd Mreh 19, liunsoic bv oleUn- I od ton trotoing the publlic ipeak- Josephi (ontocl oitKitchenerc tut' is ime and aTsisance in or- spokesman for the action coin- îed cUChtireloWonoio o\Vsa t ic ,.otopeto ot loir Halton Courn- as guest speaker. MuosicalcIUtý ganiing tbe Associaion and Mrs. milIe mhicb o. lu rmccl Wilth he sSU ee-c, aer a deliciotoo Ioeo IIt\ o. hetd ast Ficl.ts nigbt i etilie!ios ere pteotcniec ho the Gay Odorico îhanked Mr. and Mms. bal board Mareh 29. Thuse pre. audience irai most appt crootosc(il loossittWriigleowicoilo ooul n Ninetici Ou.riet anoîo los. lo, James Wetherellt'raluowing the sent were asked u irrite un paper the short lroram t ttloooed COl c getoiso-i.Lt W ecc iteid î i Rail] But . meeting 10 be held in Ibeir home whal îbev îbuugbt siere te main iRer. W. Wilkinsoonovas, ttoot i tooht Doooa ,t "totollie fintatsloi Leslie Annte G-(l i ri1ani to and for the retresbmenli serred prublcmisconeroing the use ut ol ceremoiniei andteI o 1o1lto fel i-Ii lite Morden Ro. ot.ioghlcr io M r. anid Ms.Roblert ailler ihe meeting.the hall antI a posible soillun nitioneo ue U to oc Ilot' i iegie zi oinlte Go ateo, %%,s [)lfii. tee d.0 St FirsI on the agenda f the Kil.t- oi oese problemi. eîiga dcei -,le îllii oiciiogLikt-.cSttttol.ornititt bride and DiiIrctCunuio Il iras decideol ih,î flic Sttl - rîîp.îîhN, i, eiendoo10 toi Oi Apilot6 . Wuc i ii cbDot oMr. antI Mi-,. lIarotiWanîîanak Reraio iocialiun meeingcixecoitircomeeting îroîîî id be field N Shucote ireî fo-,, Orb ic i- riok oi lttlttioielU oi t beld in Kitbride hall, Tueidar , the secoondl Toeiot:oilIe rer r S tria I oitiOoni bistu l iii tijot oti Mi.osîtto Mo ,.oooot i'c lU Me March 23, wa the promotion of uroalbit n oore neetotîgi s otlc tic titetocldIleli îlO n 0ItlotVcîî rie[an sotballfor hoyi and girls in itos be reqîîiîeolin th- beginiiiitg toi1 Chli'to"Roiogi>,, th- igiit, toit Mr.,oîîot Mi,. liougoele-io area. A motion irai made by- Mci. Igel the hall îolling. BIGGER IDEAS I tool Or toIle tort oIieîicitt iltlieo titiolo ind Ito iSiiiio.î\ i II Lillycrup h01 as many teai sai The esi esecu tire îoeelioog iaî lOilol ciiilîî..ootAooitonotîrotMi.tant Mr. ae Pliet et oil possible he entered in the Haltnl iedfrTuday April b ai g in: D.îd. gi%île tca ditite. itttI. ttitetl i Iilite,( li 0 .îlî ii 01o le igl lt.. SotbalLeague. te motion Tas p.m. in the baIl. Il ai îoggeîicd Dad: Soit d 'tvoit lki t I otic ento t eitotSi. Polo Mlt ,iie Maii litt. Ml. fiont secondod hy Gordon Harris. that the presideni of the Ballon voure 1tonbig o n1it, toin, 1tiorL ilidCol(ottt h atI-«t lii co sOtit et.MI'o f lat Ite, latot îti A sui-vey will have lu be dune. -oothalt league woîld he iorited lu ine?tIillg Tilt.îînd MitoSegttiil adii,. o be itiMaiiolttncdtI possihly lhrough the ichools. tu attend. une otcettti.l u tb .Li o I oet cL tIitt tîîooi ocrloti ind ouI huwm many hors are lu- At the executire meeing ut the Son: 1 guessoroiu'etigtiltioil Iet icoir chair. andLt ot .tiottooMioo Pclttii MoPlt.oI ilt i t terested, then regisration and Kiihride Home and Sobtol Ai- Gieo-ooltt .îîtt liti t ltitni.tclili',ILgl.oti lit 10 tutu o A TRACTOR TRAILER hauuing several ions of luorber skidded inb the creek2 abier ourig ou make the curve on the Guelpb Lino ai Loonville store. Damag rot oaoeenive but workmen had a dîttîcoît l'me grtting it oui of te ie Iruck skîdded ito the creek, luit norrowly miisotg a foot bridge îouth ai Ili LISTEI) AS DRINKERS - %ctlcliubli tal i ct.olc. Fr [lcr ui i fc'ittt'tt tI l"ua o icî oete 409 loit i1Lt000,00 ,lepolillile loi.i- lite dcii o(,loiKintg',llogltoi. o nlooi tooltor ccdcon i l ilC, lliug 76hpot .I liW 'ie toi he 1lTttiiicr liiti tt i z;rcl.1o j) a d,4 w0 îîocîîîo-LI ol ll.titoootra i Uc ciet cciiig on Ille Kiogis 1ligil\iiot I llic Oîîai.îo o tîcir More lion 911fper ceni tof al itIlie Red Cru'. iiottk in Canaaliý ,1,11 Io licjjltjotliio.onchiuttltvceto. i Os s i c M. HIGH i MEMC 62 Wat Tel /I,--*' -I O SECIE ENVELOà /0LOILAW, SPECIAL! ALL 13c VARIEIES-GERBERSc DABY roonS 8 JARS 89C SPECIAL! - m - - w w -w CS ECALI WHITE, YELLOW or PINK-WHITE SWAN 32 FL.83 .ÇEIL UNYFAN 3 T C CFL SPECIALI PINK, WHITE or LILAC ASPARAGUS TIPS ........20Z UNs 9#: FACE~J~L ma-r w a a a a 'u-q u"o ------ .---..--..-.-.-..-.- HEN PRIOE00 FROZEN FOODS - AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SPECIAL! FANCY WHOLE KERNEL SPECIAL! - 49 CUDNEY FANCY SLICED 1- 2 .....TIWD II73c No fIBLETS CORN .......'...3 1.4 mSP............ cROCKER DELUPEGf. CU E ~MIXEFS VARITI ..........L ROLL PKG. 45 C 4000s c PKGS. 5 -FL. OZ. c P. TINS 5 PKGS. 85C ISAUT IEÈEF VI1STAà PRESTIGE TOOTIIPASTE jommm amwnom aw l..... .............- -N -M ELO§A NEl- ON T Tz lI.ONE16Z TOAM0o 04:OKTT 00,0F0ozT4,TO i t 2 0#49LAMTue«TIIRISH onoFRANCO OTOOTOT I "$nAl£ "LAM .inoimu JET ION AMI S UilRF POTATO CHIPS Q&NENINB OUK CLARK S STEW SPA GOH E TT I 0 Il.010COUPON -1- IJNIfl 1-SI ON£0&.o.pK&0-0 . IL O, - OlO R OI, OE 16OZ. KG.OE O ..T..A. .... ONE ICI..T TON 3 TI. OZ.ICT r. 0 I. r- TO T TO T T TNo 10HIT0MI ..01.1. - S TMAL -U .o.C.,. -1 CEREAL NUME IU szuVITSL ARGEL FOOD OLVES SALAI RELISI PEACH ESLIUDIOY AAMSAN T TI. SNAS 01il OU.. TO-NITOLT10011,01 .......... LODLAWS STORE HOURS MILTON: Mon, Tue%., Wed, - 9 ar..lu 6 p.r.; Tlîîrs., Fni. - 9 aoi- in 9 pin.; Saturday - 8.30 aon. lii 6 pm. SMIIAU KITCI LOILAIS -T'm 1 III ut Lowville recety ige to the truck mos shallow rreek. The he Guelph U ne. >ilock and :ampbell GRADE MEMORIAI.S DRIAt ENGRAVING ,r St. North GALT lephone 621-7580 1 . - - li v- emmqPRFMMMMPRMM v w- m- à% ý. o.. 1 ON[ GIANT luce CU[ Il Offl Iz-oz. T.M WOOD WAX "'" -- & '*'"' ' 1 Offl 12-OZ, ALA0 TIN fuRNITURE w x 1

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