MISCtLLANROUS letel8ifuhd AUCTION SALIS <ConfInu. AUCtiON SALES (CoMimi) w AI MA tI o*tlud Cars for Sale CAtS FOR SALE (Coilnuad) thm rnrîcrfin Chcmpinh, Wmrtno-idy, Marh 24, 1964 THE ADELINE HOME inl I HI For ourNe Ca Planners, Council Agree Sireet-ville has vacancies for FRANK PETCH CHRr Your Next Car . . meci. Good food and kindiv care. Auctioneer & Evaluator AUTOER1 CE eedbeQaiyYM aster Annexation Zones Yourmronthly nid age pension 30 Che StetP 5 Wondland Drive *IOF OBAPO Efficient Service BUCK HAMILTON A mase plit (I k 1vcC,rel 1m ein a nannin oard meet- cheque cottld covel- ihis. Phone CI.OSF.T TOr I3RAMPT Mim s 'Ce ', Ies I.%iet the ilcd 826-3681, Strcetssilie. b-39-348 Georgetowsn 'n(iAieLTa laig i ______ 7 -ri- - -Pentv of noom for a h 0011i- ATpe i r b, ete Ilt k'1 Ilo al wa.a Ic t 00EDR LANING Inad, up Tel. 877-2864 Phone 621-1589 titi tonme ith swimming pooi nd hiio 'rra ths t(l oo to âd i 10 8 16v., lor $2. onc in abotl c-44-t __C-46t' an fdn hr O N E BELL BROS. 1 Ml nn a 197 M tn adl in hait hour, ai Mtilton Laundro- 1____________ _____ antflis tnP 1ILki an g 18 970 dcadhang mat, 191 Mill Si., phone 878- CLAIG.,*,TR 380 nh . ile d" i ssl aenvnh O hn 6811. Open Monday, Tuesday, JPL u.IN451-6798 ~ c-i-il hr aron i lcsrs Plannu DavidThomii Thursday and Friday. 9 arn. AU9CTIOI'Nl' SALE c-OTeplnh11(oet efm hesg y p.m.; Wednesdav and Saiiirday, -rw T i pll Plnnn Ilatn nav f crIi hoi as fonhe 9 ar.- 5 p.m. c-44 -"705 Of Farcllure, Player Plana, Of Faim Machicery. Steers, Rveal Estate iý96 an no r leli Vo r elus rpcbt i OlP ntnset.Feed and Furnîlure A.0 ,e li-tni In Avciil %oir 't0 kI nooiv a. PLA TI Th rprvolie Estaie oi Ille The fI ~i' A. E. LerIPA J GI.fSAI k il-,1 w.t Mrnr stIeol BroomridM PL STC Tu BW.I~,( H. (LONG BILL) REALTORS LIMITED Hmggti&W o G R A E 223 River Place Cteqcen iof ROBINSON Se sr ttswe a un '1 iInîhliIi resalan G R A E Woaas.rd), Milton, on Loi 1, Sîh Line. lisqîîesing, 2 Mcmhers ofth1e Toronto, Ontario REAL. ESTATE BROKERS "'est, %crl~~;~% m wn BA SSATURDAY, MARCH 27 miles 0030fHonyo and Oakville - Trafalgar Real REED REDFERN 189 Main Si. -Mitont a 'C saaIheti secions O TVi B GAt1oloksap USAi .00 C 30'clack. Boards [,IM!TE-D Sundaye cnscertin tiiiiENT Otîceain O.K. bp <>akllle Milton residc-nts may parchase Hines l Bras iae rol;piano aiC iPcLMEN hc-alc lnenil- 51 Vears' Continuns Servicc briick buongalasw, living rîîarn Planningi Boardi cîî~lii Murii 1-1 iii te chu plasmag Higgiîîs tutlsiuabgebg ite cetetedsie nbrw ,na ii lic-place, clining aea. ex-ra rn h.i iiiid aîl ijiiîia- nei iati gthpehas i 6echstrtei sil, n rovn na avriau led, tractat chain-.; 2-lui MILTON 194CdIbl ue 8 i .ît iesnaî cillaatu su it i as ii iti, îuiiîîiî sad andp arCintie wil p ccvi; ncwIv uiphnlvtcred chair; ros4 piasuil aupe iora asrg cci:e an alvi]leiea (ogr poiin[UrCanlI TOWN HALL 14 ail paintings, in gond frames; aîherct; pasi hoda wale 15~t~1lt ACRES stiace. wsiieiîse goici fille Muiiiil iea on îtIlle i utaltTicn tram Siivertone 21" TV, near ncw, Wil galr; pstee spraer, its 30 I Miles tram Taown 4 door Hardtop '300 IVi 1in 1 lernt î.îd lsctieel u i.p.Sîîl lc ii Trr ( lint tttC talr;we pae wfi 3 11300ll rce ero Badî, il vve Pi i is ls m p Sidý atr i T e egt tan i 2 x 15; tiovîercd Wiiîon ft haum; 7hI. Iiiiterna'tioal tI m $i8,000, chaice parcei ai rich gen. 12 ta chiiite rati) hbrickîinaliv large kiîcinan d tel tien thi is whal ie ui îigiî auighivis uif M ARCH 31 ~rap 9 x 12; siainat occasianat er lits C trautar; Braytau o-irlprv iadiatcfl v I e(tiPtne a'wr1 bic aelngad'ente i( j ndM, r liriýo a MARCH 31 hair; coilc and step tahles; cuti- ~ ed f and fru iti acitiisPlscitipei nscis;r iîhî.nelîgaî aiigv isai iciiiic liir Ail iliggîa- ai Oa siianer; Otitz 10" leeui grîndet; cipî,ii.uiiiisi iiii icliili.l LSi. îîheîikipiCi In packages of 50 inciding aak china cahinet viith aval gi-tss Cas 30I.bi -vtr sto rNu r hote them ine li-avîL rooni Oniail, Si io I n îîii Tii v R9en- tics at ends; oak camhinatinn haffet asse ai i a itai Clowne avi mme, Su6 a h ae atclOnai i n ak htit pieavttic sleighs; i hoarse electric 1init tî p 3,1i soct Im al nient Opem i l) us riiii $2-25 chrs: aak dic tahbiensi 4-bar I.HC. vide dittel k:BiulsT î99.2do adop 'vii5iîetuclie veritiii itt iishîig n hn ahnt etonigtlatius ac - .-164ce maa 6i,0 et rle iiii 2-do ado oc le N, ic Iniîii al itit rici Iiitilii ______________ 2 maniel ciacks: ntahoganv 100 M LTO Clapndet s-sîîîiîîpcsî. lesvcuni living i iiiiin suili liieiilie, kiit vhiiîii ho ciirîîi NED oakcase heu, tike he; rassin cari; Bissel tractiir lisc. MLO ,lit e hed: ouik d resser; wsh stansd; Internaitnal 3-secîtînr cîIli INSTANTLY APPEALîNG Ilaiii uitiiii ieit u , luitw p i , lavre sîisu lir ia e EV E TIL PA DA? -ak cotich; clak hait ,eat; sic Ceke tIL P Y D Y eu as sgon; 4 rackets; plate mir-toir rsîhher tires i sagan. tii S800akingt Pt ie, 7-ri îîîîhickll dim ilnlnL the iii a iolig e ll r-t. euHttaii4hu 1964 Biscayne Sedan i 711tliric ncîiînliriaiisîiiiîeîî,E T R mc; Ne olad n si rlre iIsiiga:iiis, aitînoo s, reeri.ir. P D I It costs onv 23c to rent $50 rorv ttaar and table iamps; fer- s C 3,0 i r] rc,3fi l nixto na lnii R C O for one ss-cc Iram Crescent. nre: c te thes ni sprcader, goas as lies: Intcr fin i îa!ii, tiielteut onf iise 6 evntîndet. ciiiipltev eqtiip- hick hontîîe, ini tiliiiiiiiui k au . apried flic-ac ri n-îîa ertiticnte tbls;rl drill, 5- i e dci ancd lansiscaped 70' s t6' 1 is v i ur kihei m sî- asi i u aî ii i o o rE tran e RENT mancv? Outre - itste kitchen chairs; enatcie v ttialsss 20tlie ansil 36 _is t.v Ls' liiinIý Aa larget antisn llL ro.Tukn,\i lt lIl moem s-a- JsiponWrite chroîme kitchen tabhle and tensionI Im 9f P.1uet 1'. 11 îîîî L in,%oid.i da lo-s iiu tirePea e m srvaik inta any Crescent office cNls ag 0- - okhtttii n e xetias. Clotse tissehiiit, iiiiifle in5~ li ,icii sîîîlli iiu adtlth anage yo t tosoe eluiaorI f-i.tefrg grinde nu4i l d-v heit: 1 stîttst fur chlîitsîî tsetii 16 lo 8 COUNTRY HOME ti ar ý a ic s seîîlîi - aîîi iti,-nandlei th grs*asun i sore mant ttt.re hogrhise musiar atnd compiessar; t ilu rent same money. Vie respect atar suith cîass-tap freeer Mas- sel Sisutr parlpes appoin istitî.Utl -itieiiii lire Cn îiiiiIT RO T nar castamets anîd their reasans tag au ingersuasher; Oew Singer B1utc TR() a9n0d 2-orHrSp 6 luuiziu 9,900 11 uit pieu -ast lie îîuîperîsý Il\aiod for vvanting money. s0 thcees na vacuam cleanet: Ravmond con- II -iil tucks goad tire tI- Ful qupe. n-\crvar, tc ce ad ican le uIo A r- stake c k g o i r î H1S ae!uuti.IjLoqll'ýliI, ý red tape, just a simple credit te- vertcd eiectric scsing machine; hoolA TE *ýli, iii' otl an i l quieeit ev oseinv tt immres; 40 gai.oldrn, 'V5~L len %i h ut . îuîul, k it- eclil, iii uîuîîi'l 1tl e I LNTON THEATRE qurmn.nwBselrag shampoaier: covuwshoalleuuteîs andi hiankels,: I MILTON -ojn 196 CbvBlArFRSiiuii.î eieîîi l OY DTHEATR Bissel] carpet suere ciuipdvvil l.i ge ulo%%,, 196 C vBe i AONS Rase china dinner set lot 12- sil- m manv smaii art Monihin ver ta erie ehs ai - tiller; may salatces 10- ptîsnîeîî su unî i -siorev lisue.' 0-doir siion wvagon, V-8 mai-meisîîil ic u St Ipai O iy Pîpv Amoant Teem Pavment StgHornearring set: aid glsilet nutmerosus ta lisi, in guail rie tial pir i ilii aitamauaie, radioa passer 95 .îcue. nieur Mîîiî,s rie il îli i IIîthsd ty icii Coiivaaas Show Irovi I manths) . tggas FEEDS-300 haies ivt cuit hi.is bisa, clave iii choriiee With siec-ilnp, pîu r hake,, whte-i tiaek, O ruuîn niîiiiciivcd îIiî i cuii.i il àuituui t1,2s0iîet 5 - S 105.75 12 S10.00 cuî giuuss: silver: china: orna- 300 hales 2nuI cuit haut in gîaad t-\ cash il pricis iipOit Ai vii vs tits, sua-Oc-ns, sers dlem, lovv hunîe. Pcie S32,000. Indststrlal Patk- 395.42 20 24.00 et: )aes oking atensils: hipe: qutantil r i x ise graini. talimilv ianit hfslouse %%!fil akcie- iuhae vali.tiee't u-l-Tl ihi -ia i i iî 71065 24 30.00 aid pictutres and trames:; id LV SO K - I ~ 2 is v els îh r.îîv ua tr-3îuu îîî C îlî iiinîe ti I i , 1, Ill Ini iltu -îî U.IO T THAR 710e65 24 sicet a u 70 tht, aý1 li iltoniu iaie i. il oh.t lligîî1.10a n u b hIiagi i 1 111, umii - i l ,), titi.CI il t. 1 1- l MaIVESIs THdEAST Sa 1,014.07 30 02,00 cage and stand: tailei set; hedt IET C 1 anIem ls t o i ak 00 yF rLd 2060 36 7.0 ding: ie.uther ticks: cuishions: s;1 tu sterE a p iece 5 700 mi .ic lunv li liuu, c .I p is 1963in Su e 8 lcP.uiili liittii. .tc-îi 2060 3 7710 garden mouis: ludiers: 2 îrsunkv: F R IU E -8 i ,elnpe".Ii iiiit-ltý i aila\ aes W dS ,S n Larger amouts up la $3000 Cunu 11e riîsdnn uoiste i, u ia eh Ms itli 9 39 ' e t ut% 4t ecmle taeiig eruta: ilt rL: Oldsmobile 4-doo ,l ipuucl leliu, ii- an -vl neve lui vel ba _leu te ci u iîiiiî uii,,seh MARcH 15 MARCH 27 anul, otil be or il haut rockue:rutu anud mcahiaan haîiiîîh qthhi lt:uu ut 878-2095 878-6057 -u,,ttituuti un i l, ld inice No rag;go l aoaypa ii qipd o crva-0t' KEEFE CENTRE CRESCENT FINANCE tluernsacisilIl t.msoudiNciuN uec nIiccsaili.lill of sale. sjiu ,ui ltut.s mclig oiHat Tca ei eyd ivr Eaus in es s l V ier okek n aru ha'1r8mrk c46 Ma1 il m ih.c iatpaluy D. C. PUNNELL, Manager TERMISt CASH. i o erudetk inu atmo:cc ch.uAl W llu hbr t8i Main Si. E., phoine 878-2171. FRANK PETCH. Auctioneer , 19u6in macine 2e SAirin 4-doe e\%nt rahie hi ROYL NTRtOMUE c-O6 6-39 Tel. 877-2810 doubhle steel heuts: t Simmnium Radhtio. in thecuuulhs. ssfrsture. MARCH 15 - APRII. 15 single steel hed: t doublhe maîuic WA). Au.Cu e-tuvr ut CLEARING hbed; i chesi ofl dravuets; 1Ima- sprtllt ad Ille udi Ceiaviv OS5 NOW oI AUT. SAE hgt rse nsit irov ti Realtors i 196 Mecr gr u -ci 1 ouh es India Dispîoy mitral-: iAL In CI ak etesii rrunien tendvitC t Tir pl uners ciî t caves; 6 chrome kituluco 64 Yeats' Continuous Service 1/2 Ton Pick Up callJî p \%il po is for - -li, chom tice c ouiiofic suis MARCH 20 - APRIL 18 O PN 04 0 NSSAAWYAstîol. ahi pune kitchen chairs: North Milton Onai Soit cotftlîî v lee. RT ALE 0f Holstein CaIlle, Homses, 1nmp-ýa -:e S13nt~ t- bunull%ý OvnuaSrni OAri pamu: Climax eiectrîc siasher: l3200. nc.uî briek hun.luu it 1962 Thunderbird 0 MOTORCADE liemecîts, Hay, Grain, Housebold * 87 3272 -odAtqeec ,idmnotui inner.vagon; 2 comhimi uîu l o hit, uii 3 tu.hH 2uuii Gooa,~~ AsIqe etc attî snv uoars: seretal (Adc m)i main hhtutti - pe. huhromuuîn Convertible MITN MR22 - APRII. 3 AUTO STORE Tsundrinchtsecssliatati.Oîiticets Ijheiîc with 0tis 878-3272pmu,2tOtuuiiîa OtLAEXNR alct u- li fluo an ilfable.iuu~TEAR mut aIdegnc usmmda catpcnicr uuu kiuutuei e-tiiiI g26.0t0 origintac tutOYisa AtEAD tRiiA instrucutions tram THURS, .i% his lw oli 'ie, l\ll iln FR1i SATl' MOrle 25262 TaHAR 32 Bronte St. S. - Milton JOHN ROBERTSON til oes; titWaerhi cinii k: d O.istmculierhigad etI-.c i), To self bs auclia ila the tarmi tutt clisîu,, cinait, glas, anti vit- îîu,îîî icî i-Sut Orcloottutt ir 1962 GaaiM00Sdn "ILNRF LED L HS 25262 - e - "*Car and tuck pats, lo 8, co'3. Tsip. oi Nassa a'lieu phevCIs lii CalaxA 5A00 Sea CRiHAR usesoi e va. vimumteut uni 2nci 1ine. 21 Nu mum-ete as the auu is oldi. tIIi i mv goodmu illttih, homuue, vumrits ic u laio -uS A N TO F BLUEkn MiteNS '-41l mie o t Muilai. in Tf-SMO CASH. - Iucmies cho' tulm ms ('ltIi1.\a aiTlý EI A EiMA C 4 -A RL1 " BP gasoine and uit SATURDAY, MARCH 27 FRANK' PETCH, Aucioner, Annau kLaitus 878-980 l RF HE TR Commencing ai 1,00 ott.tuck lelephane 877-2864. 1962 Renault Sedan AUDLE E URPH I- ,.,ttuitii Thei i lieus cil WATCH FOR shuR1SlS andibuîRiNg - 2 OernCi1ie ir Radia. 1imi-sts t twner. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2 P.M. an ililuI car-e.~vmtts ca teavimOt lt urcmttui MON.-TUES. WED. MARCIl 29-30-31 c il' GRAND OPENING Soa- 142008 charnuing umtpiglvinu - 63 SU D O"ý ODSMO OE 20 HOLSTEINS-O casus. miik R¶eal tsat lmtovi bridk. 3 hedmiatn, tui,- 1960 Chev Station Wagon "63S U DO " ODSMO OE SPECIALS ing, 2 Icsh ut tlime mut sale: 6 _______ ut-uIining monut. tut gc kicheu V-8,.s aiuuuiatic, umulîu. one %C,, Ci EtF ROBERTSON MRAtRCII (tnniliIcaeia1e heier, liversom; iiirs huîbalirt ri , fuii tlic liset vsuiiti-C Nc - MId S Eqanta si hoenl y te duni in a hOe 5 mornils nid. 2 heitc-rmischite s, 6issasnd,2hles Fuit Service and Satisfactiion ment, lenteut luit, excclt II %;ilrn\Cato TRESUR IS qoaN sthia hfd%,t% a h NET -E Cosl Oltîgles 6.50BU lub a .0,dube NEXT WEEK oc-cs tutti Bneetiung dames unta he Consuui dos hu.cî,r se lî amuId- siaN ai sale. Lasivg hens. BRAhET oiuppiig. Cuait Att.l Ci-itis 1960 Chtev Biscayne THR-RST SiPRle 1--36.50 I 1.50,obe MI KE ARMSTRONG DAuit kRY EO2thPumN Sandc1 879-6980. 4-door "M N' FA OIESO Ta Fn-e civeritight parking Manager pipe: cream separaîtor. IC ni:EALTOR & INSURANCE -Raduio hi. , omete- ROCK' HUDSONRI SOR T' Wodymik sutc, can tinup- 310 Main Street, Milton Fail Homean ROCKt HUDSONr - mmcict in typc-; 2-wvheet hus ross M.H. Fml oe Y Phone 878-3661 dise.' t2plate: set drnag isarravis: 878-6292 t $9.900. O utumv inisaiuls e\kîiihý Cartoon - Frack DuckTH C-Oh hac drill; siatkung plaie, mi,: 2- 25 George St. - Brampton lî.uî t andut moder tiuicm u lii 15-looieSO IE tarruas tractat piauu: M.. lanti 1999 2991oil 1ue gTHE tt. u sp taller: Inl. masser: sitie rake anti Uvk h.rmi guHrOW aTItM4doo champ rake: 7' M.H. hintier. $15800- 3hbesraam cluis hrick g.uudev n luiit trtees. locaiel - ii ado MONDAY THROUOH THURSDAY - Ose Complets ODSM O tnt. 7' hintier: tarm wagon, osungalo. ia excellent caîluiit panra Uuuelp utc-,n mu-t 8h mm Auction Sales steel vihecis: larvi wagon on loti, large cavihinatiatu living ClupOlv. ls lh J. A. tiliili ranIs. equpei ht ct vu ega aheeil i8pt.- HOTEL __________________ uisher anti viagon rack; -et anti liing tnît, kibma huh 0709231 FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 7 asd 9 p.m.i cg&Uvesy BRADMAR ACRES COMPLETE vieighs: vianure spreaciet: steel maII hait hasemnt nilOc15 ota ovril SATURDAY MATINE Tel 362-184 REGISTERED vinne aad carse cal ilr ayd traîumun19 molctelcu P. s î Atomalie. ratiom, vihitlcuis, tvrk nt car:s; in miiis antils Cehal 9 Ale\ mhi Pok . i 15 Acres ,isîî ,vh,,cl uIisds, cumlottatri JERSEY DISPERSAL tains scte; 2tatks; stvs kil Aiesitond One varke. O -atihs 30. J Brne, es; cetiar pasîs: quuanîiîy ot tom- 5000 UNDER CONSTRUCTiO Country Home ~ îiiuuiu n c hem: 50 ha aaus o caîmu in Aslishuast Cur i-O 6e-titri i utm NeusaI Ont, hags a no. ot sacks: O steel har- bungalows siiti attlcucitI ilSm 23.00L li Ptiieiu us- :99Fr ea APRIL t, 1965 tels haleti hay anti sîravi. age, paseti i-ua-c, clisse de mus 2-i stucs Foruatduuie CountrySe a At~~bai iscumOL FUcarRE garagu,, Imiu Station Vri A1,00 p.m., ai the HOSEOLowRnTUE scisimui. its mlii igutie. titit baturr , lunc hgarge, 40 ii, tto Wagon ~ GEORGETOWN SALES ARENA ANTIQUES - Dresser: heti anti uls amn psme 1 viel tîcecti anti antiscapeui, 10 Aitiunuttic. r.îuiu, 2 ltime, wihite- lu mile vaath Na. 7 Hviv. ~~~~~~~8 ptings anti mattress. viash 11,m TOREY BRICK ilM u er m hlc tretvmiîuis(iisa iiiuî miles norlh ofi interchange «, t tnis ermv tihsne o t h1e cuumr ssiiit 1 uc-uc oi iit 30 peruu iers, tI ac mtes of oi Na. 401 Hies., an the 716 Lice, ai titavers, viainat. 120 vears muid; lundîs otimtpuiscul cil kiltcet f i% t'iusIîhem les, ý acrce mii sta Georgetawn)t. hetisitie table, viainut. 120 seau s ing mmii4 becIimuuv ati heu les. surtîicieuuîs %tuer tu 1958 Meteor 2 Door AYuifl 100 HEAD - 55 miking lemai- aid oripuai ant qiis tmp ah, mi asentecnt, .stchcu siesutti o n puveul tumut, 4 ii Raio, wrIievv.ults, cotnptetetsIPRP -,a groupa tf ocepiionaiiv mit- es; mail mi trots anti piciares: ar c. Askig i OOl. Cti etv i i h1cuslet mi euisis.fcici im yco-s viuth sauriti goati vik swsing miit mildi: mne Art Pea.uc 0706447. îhîvkrc tr cscsol hui ing utiters: 45 Young caille,. a disidO: liotrats table. .ui gîte tir ail sCIIîl trhis 19.57 Chev Bel Air Sedan goati choice of fa il treshc-ciog Kitchen table; kuudhcn cabinet; RENTALS pruipet mv i s sets su i-tit Auumîic, V îma, rui hc-iesgautqoluy ea iios ichec chairs; rmckinp chairs: O paît ime pal-si e r oir parties vihit)rris li V-8s s m ine, Vetio, ancd calmes. itcher chairs: lavin chairs; vi 1 - BIEDROO APARTME-NT - r ilcesteul mmm h M2se , 00 rwat2s -litho sut e tmp This hert ius in luine condition chrdn ba:rdim uatr W t t ia brmcduuuuu, relut- D).P. Conîtalct J. A. Ettiuuu aur har Orle sea ut s.mucnty. anti olters gauti qaity, m ilky tioar tamps anti table lamp: preuamuir. Mupie Guets Aparu i .ppitimuisucu 878.9233 Milîton. toundaîlan Jerseys. large eut, (200) knines; ivrk.s anti cvins, $115 uunuisish incauinu BIIY NOW AT Credlit arrangc-ments avaitahie spooan,; 40" eteclric suave, fllke heai lictuici, issuruu, %v sien, -' sm j /y (£m muth 48 hr, namice. Heateti nultid- An meca ni ioimne, Aalui itA - buîvin or setling cotacmet ing. unh valaiin1 gotat condition: entra targFe UNLMIED- ea miunch ttuuurcuuvrinp PRO'FESIO..qNAL ARTS BLDG.- vuumur Wiilauîgtîhv represcni.utivs Dontmis thi opvttoiis bevi icvirt iecîic lipnas ingeteîrieiucutig, dt ciii ANN CARNS878-980 REE