Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Mar 1965, p. 15

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w w. w...., . w w' . .< w a.iVWr"'r' -'-"'-~- - -- - -r'--------------- - --- -'- -" -------- ---- -- -. -.. -. "~ese>e.e . - - - - - <JOTTINGS u ~ ~ ~ B eI e ee e N S * IT 1$ becoming more and us ait te have te npeak French to mure difficuit te ust]ertand or lino in Canada. If ihone niho teave appreciat tht suggestions eman- Onehec cummusicate in Esgiish aiisg [rmm Oebe on th nobjeci thete seems nu vaut] reanon for ut' iingnliinm and icutnratinm. thone seho speak Engish tu itars Ose receni suggestio that a anoiher angnage. If those niho Fench-tanguage nniverity shonid go teonQebe find they cas bet be estebished in tht western commonicate with a second tan- provsincesn raines hackies on my guage isonid seema abundantin bacl. We are aireadv adldtct ier ihe shoîîtclcars i isithont iiiihia rc>tcitlo>gtage rattittnta' 'lits' reýsstt>eltttfecîer.itorpro- itnin i tti»tto i 'tittiu' itiat gtt ric't tutu s. n\l i e ici uin.theutteztclitd by Ihatýtz1ion.e DEMOCRACY in fonnded un * "FRENCH CANADA sel no .tht precepi ut clt by tht major'- longer sit idtle and seatcie hp- iiy. .h mnay bc frusniatisg te be tnis.n the isame f enctunive a isorits but it muni bc reaticet] prunisnciati rî'îditionnoverc'dn- thatiif mue are Io bc ruttd by uins caties, coite Frencl-Casadiann oritien, the conusons thaîuili oumside Ooehec are th victims ut eit ciilhe btyunt] comprehis- culturat genucide", nid ose st. brief presen ted to the Royal Com- minionson Biinguutism and Bi- e LIRE MANY, t have tireil ut cltinratiino. Tht t9h1 cennos the 'huadline - seeking spukiun- sitee 1, 300000 Canadiens utf ses" feom Oebeniho impty Frencthert'gin living ouuside Que îhty art speking for tht prov- bec, but onty 850,000 speke inets t]"om-teodden" in thuir French. temasds for morteand mort ,give' frem tht ther ite prov- * LT SEEMS utinecennars' for incti of ihis bruad country. BY BILL SM Raiher untt'tereting time to 'te a teacher, tht spring.Enen he- fore tht noc' han compietein gose, choot huards and princi- pets are (ippiso over togu and stoses, in tht (ulrnshope ut findisg a teacher onder ontet them. Thete eue tretteanuns for teaticee spin g sera'mhie. Tht irtiet ionart dtcathn asd retiremenin. The third and me- or caueeu for tht panic is the pupulation esplonios. Ciens- moitn are mltiptsing siib the rapidiiy oniabbits. En en uoneetit.etcieseonun ntoit of kid. And tht kids. ihe bahv robins. especi lu h--v-e nosmti>iut uîuted oie tem. Thertiore. accoedicg >0 tradit- ion, there mot hic e hodY. huc'- ecer ittleif t emhies e Momme Rubis. tnding up thece is tront ni the ciens, sufing somcthisg - pehhtcns, or pearin. or c -e n cornus - inie the gaping secsý. fi n tht time of ear thet lies principaln grinsing nitdlsî ai uid teachiers. poneisg onsthe carm ciih poientii e sc'on- es, snspping t thete eus civ- eand bifiîsg their uns chiid- rnaot tht tacs> beceusc' then've heerd bn thc' nneke-s ne - 'uais i he vine ihet cons tutus the niait cuum to flic bridge club te tht Strdes nitit tpartin o the eiue-chrch noice - ituttenre ing tuait utuicir siaLi lt>i, ihe tiniut e car liait>1us nîtueut huaidt]neunhci-rndeidung te take a houidan in Jemeica, or tf thev cas i ttoed i, gong to bed cith fthc un. Os tht cnt tantS arc fSectaspeners, siutiiog that nehotatessaoctaiay cut ot hasd. And os tht other hast] are ther taspayers, dtctering that tht beard mot hire thtc bet possibte teachers. Asd is betces are tht tee- chers, nith 10000 jobs open to îhem, tvtry oe, at irsi giance, betier than their pre- stnt use. Lenýt n-eekd, i cen in te city, and ont cf sher coricsity, t ayn hiere, dcopped is t tht hottt c'hieh intht centre of tee- cher - hirisg for tht comisg yeer. It nies interesting. Mn ienst usmpresniot> nus thet thtenhuit thisg ce-.bisg t'on hv ose ut th mttropcii- ten stcspapers. This enttcpcî- sisg sheet, on as effort tu crack tht musopoiy on tht tt, inscioun acreage utftechee- ednertising heid bn esuother nespeper, hed hirtd hall the gront]ftoer, and c-as pasing ouni fret papems, fret cottet, fret interview - acangisg inhatener thet i. The osin thing mining mas frectcte- chers. Picince an oid-feshiontd snie marhet. Nec' Orleans, 1855. O.K.? Noc'. pictuce a save marhet sn chich eecy nlave han tht ltet mnarket e pori on nant pricen ineket] onder hin tet rm, is chich evemn savc enastes potes- iai huners, in 'hieh every nlave s trectut choene hisnseni bo:ss or go becS to Oic Mann. I hed as evercýheimisig im- puise to jnmp op on cntet the, uphoitercd chairs and ccy * AT THE oniset I1noas sym- patheiic to thte nuggestiuns that Onebe citizens shnntd tiave more oppertonily ihan iheir cariier gcvernmenis or edctaionai syn- (cm fottrtd. Bot 1I (md iltifi cuit to appreciate or osîlersiand sehe French shuid bc spoken in our pruvincialIcigisiainrt or * il SElMS tomIle hti\v acthaet tuus tif bionîtint tt Îsior hitingsatinsonintide the piovînc uf iJuebtbe, il vl on fr..mia denire nortoredin flict hearin of the suajoriiv. Il meut sot be leginiateci ant ilil[iiot be furedît y ihone svhttseek change oeersighi. Indeed, tegisltiin and fi-ice wxviiiveey ilcier. * LIRE MANY oiside Qnettee t anm triesig te bhceatiitcd uncerntanîiing tif e prubteni tht sit snot bc quiekir nettieti, bot continîîeei provocation andttil suggentionnsewiti unin Icecimattv te nuggentI ihat Qnehec bc'iîvî'ted 'Osearce ont, "neEsgtish npecioi t: spirit bruthes, bot sonnet et ssind, limh esd graminar. Ihow mnch an>Imi1utteci?' Forrinsatin tir nn iun:l tt tun.eat iii.>> n'illtis, nitttantotntst i hehbar ses i100 supeneti, ant i v seile g> abboît sue tus the t, te' Ste'd neeiti it lootk ni lmvcc t nîtuld i tiu %f iltteha,>t1 n'as adîîitted t i i aiand hegan ia long and ,naccesniit cac a lltiisc. BHaienritînits field niue r iol tise minutes, tu set> niata heing utieied. tlw l l , il tii" Selttie,' nuete inîtînistn edardl,.îacîîsntle huard. Bot thune Irioge benetits Cii5 schoot n sang culture; mustumn%, art gatterten. tcl ren, epera. Rural nchotttn her- aided ut oing, tishtsg, Ici,re- iv living. And boit> sigoed peuple up. on tîtese g> ounîts Tht bieds chu signed utir : %cehentîs. and]muni ut iheirtîtîr ses, going tu ihe ctutrv for ncitnnîing, lithing, skiing. Atîd tht Ispes tîttu iee]ur te> coin tes' lsu t petit] ni>>> tof Ii r sneekendn, and muses, ltoiig te toiunntfor- tle sttt flite hal' et, the heiglitihs AnsI1sait], us ait iitier-eniiîg tinte tu 'soc ateachc't. DOWN(S) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROT DOWNS ellnu anont ht rbetî[lt 'ht hghtghl cas flime tRt Ilassun-typeciohuhostse, heaeet] e, ometpertfcrmance tut lie' tVit BEEN gativeotiig abint susisumusg pool> thtc txcellent seunm. lutc-es a preit lait - flime coueitrnnit]e lteiY, aesct] es iing cuisine> tht sutthsitocktt] latedie]uuart] chut] euti ynu ttuinik unecetoumnits est] ibuaey, flite billiardsn oom, fte lias adultt, hut a rle siec spapet oiies cet] e helteret] plans for tht chiidre's pay- chtange rois thets>tnev-eret utce, Id iSe tu du-op e 1cm hints grount], oecfliepc-stvie cham- is pes tiroughmoiutlc' test mu lu [tl ou Siounce do spiorge piunhip t;pe golf coursetlttat nstow. oce in a c u1hieest]d taeaeday sit hc opten ehis Jone.Ast] a secoii ugit]igihi or hall a da% oit1 nork tu sec hum tile otiter atit unes. h1orittecil n-o uet I he est] isit tutIlemimesutg nutusre fi Fus ilmu pas ulippe> Ccati- ada Counniry Cub, Oekiite, a coopte ot %ceeks becS. On the int] invitation ut manager Kes Arnusieong. I etetudet] e prens reccepien est]tour ni tht ponh cucls ispe cub, est] paric ipa- ted intapecialI"est en seuood tuctuens'> pu-epe-cîl hy tihein chef, Camille. Yen 'ne got lu bc sua c of pruuss recepitin,teer ienre ibron foeinte casueut te get 1 eew pacin eacpaper nuter flic pu- htclvncSsîttconmucannuti t- lote pct]a]v"in'gdol- teesý. tOc c isc yond a t ioe yeu nd elt] titon ailt sinu'n- terfnltihiogs about îheir pret]uct or- pace or c lai-hiase-you> catch- iog son suhen vu'eenenrindnlg- et] eftIhe t] dor fice boneeaest ripe un gine iuutue nlc %ocit] on a n iinginrcetusn. toint muhieS ofif.O1tdont IluutuS t init ivtis hiemm i s t Iee utaccimuftue couons. Ne,,1 I num't site long lanc'vay m'nning sorth fnum flime North See-vice Rd. a hits ite c'est ut Kerr St., est] h non'> mention that member- ship fteesare abuce averaetbot wo'rttî e vucsent for ftht tosoey tuec cuh atterds. I ment eves mcentioasitenu acta tewnsesu- hens lrom Miltes esdthey'd iSe to have more. Nu, lIli jost say i von liink You'remnterested is the mont nleyas> cousns' club est] golisg lasoutnuh thcounstry.yo'l have un go àsec or yenî'oel. Ater at, jont honimnch frce puhticity cas lhey espeei nhen mlitesgive e goy e tree meat asy- seauy? SECOND TRIP ut mv reces t nuiings nues the day speni let NvceSietflhc Spot miens Showun Toronto. (TIis isnsti dneting, mlc imevuns it I]once os ii sent ytar.i WEDNESDAY'S WIT "V/hile in the Soth Pacific t s>tW s most unusudl bird. Il laid square eggn and talked.>' "V/bal dîd il say?" "Oucht" Ili Choi> -tu -u nttittg ibhute i the isitetie dec- shown bel mute.n otnce mmmvcarus geto[sedttualic su- cephol o e cps, cents, vit), ofi asmiais honset]in tIis c usg. h remlvitmj>tct tule htuu,, un spei inre. FIîîy tuuug. huwi o w bne ttrcious astd hanSuts limat off et a pesst'sg dug ni evemu lang- er proprtien, hnettesiecto n t- kimsp att flite nuis'ilsedtic-]u. tlc themmton, ndet ileves musncS ask a ites, il ncrm,. Ast] it'n aino rcaer iuit suiv ht flict unieompleie acun i ne mhcImle big dog, nd t]lite hig pcouplcIs' ltte îlog. hi 5it5 itSnittf tc t suatch e teesaiget] girl sehocnnouid tip tht seilles ai 225 pouents, mniscing aronone se owni n iih al tmn pekioigceepop mue ipgec thas Seicpain ofml u bandti. It>>lltiti.' mtsi muguuucr. i ituie Lmm lv u-uu 'cimic'id mIe iii te cuis ahoutIltîe Otisuem l k- lisp cun ts -itmg draggei aummuuull bn a St, Bren-tnt] hat mitt hase Zone a gicet] 210ponds ToC)tn)p tifof, inccmcd fic oglîmt pceopishat] the pretitn pets.,est] the goot] tooing gai- .spertet]aont]wilh the ogly, tairy-tacet] pedigrees etaithetu hierin. OI]itnsah, i t nues e igimis et lcrhisisg est] edoctioset show, suttt morth the price ut admis- sien. Be sure to teke the kidu admn; oeuf yî.r. Winter Shadows THE GOOD OLD DAYS GLANCING BACK TÔ 10 YEARS AO Take fromn the files of The Ca- dian Champion, Mareh 24, 1955. Merch hroight with it a rare mixture utfnitather ibis wttk. Tuesdey morsing, a ighting flanh erupted sn tht sky and hit the home ut Me. and Mrs. Frank MeMsier os Munisn St. Eident- iv tht boit came in the bock ditor, stayed arond for eanwhite anti ended hy hiiting the trost haltafîutt&tlnn»osMisMc- Stastel nt>n[lie eutia m polsocup between mater teps ini Se bathrtaum, nihite tht boit pasecd iheir daughier Caret in th lalit.Late hai ai>rno, ga i 'nds op Io 60 mites ait hoortutre aS30ittot ntrip off the i lM. M.Marnhall, ehout e mite ioaegrein the MeMasier home. The Milton Red Ctruns han nu oar cotiecied 5800 ce tsun$1,500 objlective in the currenicaîir- patgs for tonds. Vuiunieern have heen cenvansisg in heir individ- mi fo te a iid theseutid-winle origaeizaeiuv. Then nniit continue teit appeat tucetiv. The charter for MiltesnRenerai Hlospiti.îihan heen rectved, chiot nini ltht direciors, J. W> gît> to votîncee i tis week.Tt> was cspined the charter ai- Hïow OMdis OU?..a. Hem oît]is etd? Beaune a dnfusîios sosie>senecessar y te tht Natiesel fmptoymesl Ssrevice, applîcnsnfte positions 45 act] oner eue cianset] as lder meehers. Thteider mn t the moiee posltrous Ibis sîteatuos noes e St. Inte tNttoyalfunployuueni Sernice area thot inniodes Milles there mmm 40 nes ant] 60 moutuen regutersd and sehkisg eus- playetot nis age greup. Tht Empleymesl Sereine office reportîs Ial us theur daity toc- tant I wmouhers of al agen. tbey areeoelees osablet eliser tht Sent applureels >0 a ire> sueuply Senause he n cever tht arlitrary ntipu- laret] hîrucg age. Me hale Iousace ee>i"eider moiher" en receroise le nonh a breet] section et the pepoltion ansel eu oer the age 45. Why, us the toms of Mitron there are mort thon 2.000 neer the age of 45, asd tSar reprenents 33 pet ceci et tht toms s total popelation. Enutrepràeeur, Anyon?. Thîn tomen ouit] de iîh a 1>11e 'entre- p rCC arsn ii p. tut a rorreril uinelhtly citter iusurd bhpIle taink ni Cotirerns. Imo et Peler F. Dranker'n n>eiat lectuaren, dehetret ai the Ueivernity of Teiontonue u eoienenlDr. Drucker n isoeen su> ni t t ceg-e Ile icGradueîn tsi>t' {Slool etfi-ewaYoufUnierseinty. le bus lecues Mu.Druaker sugesls >e seent t i>nesn for enrrepueeeorshîp. Tht points ha>t oue> lis basin tee detîveeîîg cte îiepeeneoisýhip lices becs obserondt hroegh hi> ntudot]yet"use fem trayt sonestul boni- - ns .wiîh do coespiuously etier thon tIssu compelîloîn -.. Me hauetlaben ths liberty et apptyîeg flite poittsn e the buosieessoet tuiccpat 900- teurýtîsnce tbey epply an mcli us lit field] as n tha> t fîsdosuuy. The piott-noi neggesls "fliteetntetprenetur loe one iet u opount radtier tetrtotuteu us Ho e îetnhîuiîgutmult] Sbt it mc outl geair soute et ou>rcollectîne munuicpal Sifk uug un the opperi>utien lha> tuint. rather 1h t> lueîeg chansedaroutut]aeut]arouet ndflp u ie tri>. "kutucîuînuueuu'>Iiut cuiîlip us b lite ascelu letrie oet shange as nis eppotasîly, ant]file aceniltrine et 'the lead]ership is change' in the unique tank oetfluSenetrepreneor>. Se eue» en e cnîdeî the change thaî dalp nue- rouîuds os as inconneniennce ihlal hamnpees oui progrens in tSe rut mn h avecaceeed. It moult] bc rsreshîeg if me ceuit] denelep as eppeecialion of ccange raiher th an aIter et i. u(i>tuu>rîttu-ul wmuittu e irtreeuss tlittrusdouug Ite rgltttlugs' tlitý iis hmi te dm>gcee mutb.fevrry tom»i dcuiceu ceus lor mctrattp deen tuent tbings mbîcb he conssdee n s bs oms suint] Dr. Merlin Gue ýpeîl, eut authuuîly on ageîeg, lhan nucledthal umîncl a euuelp u sol roachet] unO>t 40 peusus et cgt att]il etaîtuainisett a>Ibtis peak untit170. Deder the rburary 45 yearclasnsificaiîneme haut a teeltîp percenuage et eut towr» t> is trtquety aruedtha> hîuîng "eider moîhers' nhken pensioentplanun morkubte. Du scanned thîs Oce mil> au> îtiuanrîetîn> aat] he suggestet] le moit neve le> cge Se a barrieur le hîrîîg a cenîpeleel t itatyeneIt the hiroug vrude penion .rrangeîiee> nte posnible, il shoutt] serelp Inn possible lu muif ot soutie ther basin tee the hîrîeg fbat moult] Se equaltp acepuabtele heuboh pouies. TIse Natotal uplinue>nt euvcne nug- ges5a nune îolicy wmeoict] e uhiene fe et nuaiied deppîtcantiugcîdtess ut agn This seenun to e keaenielligentîlappîuach Ie the effteetuse et out tountip'ns eniresoannon, uts people. te be fihe rghi lhîeg tee the muucnicplilp. lei sutiuiuiiy flue professe> suggnn>n thue thi l ite9> euce neiute]iuentereeuue r- shup: uuck.eg fiheetoserit> bosniens Ileme tslty effoctivoe, idueg aed nopleîuîeg Ilhe tcoreclo..wy l,,lueli.'ue'.sluoec.ctcfriureg trif liec u>uîus "Eftfectîeiv rtuue cis r,>i muk -. .- hiart] cri eut]. ndcli meuh s dote heten if bu-et] r) ou suc wdsat crcts fits and wym hp.mib, is ur1tae ad]mhý,u.hau is ne>pnr>t] te rmol> tînt' ut and] mhp - MnCbhae afeeling filai ut al Ithe omîtn goocnitg fres rouit] be teubuet] mîlh soute cellectve enlrepreneursluîp Ihle rom ncourse moult] Seture is foies and] ils detîberatieuns ut-cen prductve. Perils of Our . iMonreal Star) Mlienceru pu,ent yen hcoiae il teju t>"> t pUuose udti tuOî f lic luetglu l outem et tose ueetute realty iciiejîi it>nuli> iir of lis euutuiehunuîeul1965 'ere tus lettr.. Ilitece vrîmoi, fnt ctetrs ite sut h eu>'» t :otee tcregotautly wmli un ait ritemfue>n u le tomuche acb detergeuitu teer, Belle», HETTttR haut li n eteury denigînunt]lent yei; Tîtose neur soIs moite muer gel te sîtolue auuytluîg uuituBratndt, i. tunoe uîîorsettp coot]crnîent] m cury ether lstatut] as uîuerîor. Tht chlduen niho are seoelnairty realet] i tose ctannroouuî tests blt hey gel leouse oiy "flue rontrot b it]d" oet leeuýtaun lrh juts> onci'> umro> tcoce'. lige>inteltank> etnd toîsrreue s mit cu trughiutîclet lin ltutet OU1 fa ige tut lin,> soep penider. The Canadian Champion Ptbhuhl bDi sPrie ig ad tPhi gt îlo it] fAIll i] Ciel JdebA IS, M faýijgl i I t Dji N" Fieo Pubtushet] rrery Wet]sesdan ail 1t1Mate Si , Multns.tînt. Mermbter eftfhe C.W N-A. Ibe Onlano-t3orbre Dumnion C W NAest] Canadien Cnmmosity Newspepemn Repre- senlatîmens. Smbnriptionsn panbleis et]a- sasse, $400 in Canada; 57.00 ina ai coun- tits etuer thas Canada. Autuoruaed anSeond] Cienn Mail, Pont Qfficet Departmest, Ottama. Artoieuunuuîy mn taup- rpiednmus ti nftor la>.d, n he ruent oetvtnogeaphmî ai ro h amtPorneu>feth tseadvcrfiuns c pacc su - opun t hn hr crnouuntirs»tegrueher n'mlhhnîannonabhie atiemacefou- nunaiîc, culltirne>bhecharget]fte-, huthe balane oi the et],,>tint. i nit hbc peut]1cr ai 1ule ippliehie rate. 'Il lu> mite ennuI mut tiuugaptucîil cime et] set tunnuf gonds ne ne rvices et a mreeg price, gonds or nvrvicc!8nuay sot bt soit]. Adnetiing isnIoureiy an offer te seit and nmay bce snuihtuuns a> cnv ime:' iewu the grnup te preceed on pltans for raisiig fonds nemard tht estimated $600,000 total cent. Tht meeting et the cemmitte cected et e pubtie meeting tat year, in ptenned this eveisg iThurnday). Members cf the committet are J. Wright, R. Mar- ris, B. MacN'ao, A. Service, Mrs. V. Norrin, Mrs. Cheter Ser- vice, (Sot>ge Benhoite. Mrs. M. B ioun,Ltnmerst>n Ford and Wil- tu id id. t<cquiremenin nocre decîded upoît and committees named when e meeting mes cutted te be- gin active preparetions fer the hoitoieg ut e ciubhouse for Mit- tons Cubs, Scouts, Guides and Broc sien. Over 30 attended the meeting ceiied by tht Scout Groop Cuimmitte in thetotwn hait on Moodey. Rus Howarth nies chetrinan. A buitding com- mitîce o asnanmed with James Bocnasncha irmen and Loyd Davisn an viee-chairmen. Members are Thomas Marsh, Fred John- n, Ken Brush, Minet Claire end Chartes Joncs. James Belt is eha'irman oi ihe inuscial cem- miiiec nith Bcad Ctements as vice-ehairnuan. Members are Dr. Rîddett, F. Denihurni and Mrs. Dukes. GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AO Taken frons the files of The Cas. adiatu Champion, Mareh 22, 1945. l'i c'reguter i-mosthty sueti- îîîg ot Milton Counicit cas fieid utn Tuentavevening. Counscittotn S. A. Fan, C. G. Riddeit, J. A. Rosit, Ci. C. Gumasd, R. H. Pioh- cmri Reeve k. H. Heshap uîd St-tuti George H. Dawsonn ai- ieod(lctt,uceh Se Maso> pîesid' trip. A tepuaiusnifiuscs em- pionce, Oas p rescnriit oreqUesi a cgot 60 cecnts an hour in- tut olthe 45 ccenis sni heing p.îid. N o uscucasec'en granied. 'Se sotevhan disappeat ed t titio, tietsoistiiCtiseknanti Scouts aie gutg tut altienupi an- tiotpatueiclcltcctioîn ttcSatn- clan. Il nuor bundie is miscd, plcti is, Heu] ai 8t nd .itaN 5o ihic Iu crurtoge tut haiilu pîcked op te,'. Bondles -n I'l-lIii ciMcDttiie's Gcrage, Statu tSi. Milton. lic cotributioetniofthe ssi- t Lîtt'Attnctlthe c' surtd i- tee- the \i.tr, %%absttic ilictite una eddrens guven hy Miss SVnbiI Bts- nett, barriste,. betore tht mem- hers et tht Wemen's Casudias Club oin Fides. Miss Btnset, c ho cas inieodnced hy tht pets- ideot. Mes. W. B. Ciemenis, ap- peeied tunthe comen present te ascziiihenuises et thte pper- mni vswchîhlien hetere ihem tor gining ieadeenhup us tht creties ut hetie c'ndiionsnst enty in Canadc but ihroghout tht Conugrauatiotn arcetended t Rid Beucnridge, chu wn ei iuteur. ý n n udging geais sceit. tutcnt] vegtetehies et tht antntai showi npunnorcd by Hal- ion ('tp)lnupuuseneni Annocia- tio tue uetî tu Miltoun tantSatue- Outa toi cit meeting of the Dir- tt.,ut thie Hclton Cuuniy llltsin Hr-ccdc-r' Club heid in lue cgrcutura t ofice. Milton, egiutua epeesesicuive J. E. WIt>ctosk cli' preent] ssiuh a ita»dsutuc' buteicae. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AO Taken front tht fles o! Tht Cas- adieu> Chamnpionî, Mareh Il, 1915. Flicluuutni>arm Ni tucught ouon iti' curliu~'ng i, k limitest].s'alte> centan cenceif. IniIl pci uuctnc'engagenmenthlePetsnuet ijiidiiim liede nuivR. tL-Hein.u s. tii-i-t utI luf> l mainu'bui->e it titis', icdii> t>> un' Il. K ,'Sîtmuun unt s iluA', ttu Hl SuuîîluR.u1. O Fi(ahu.k \Vtti>>i . 5 Cliu,untîmu,- t'. R>,, t t v ic, a, S. 1 DtN, CIsoeto. t S\Robe>lnon, i. Luti E. \\ti '.cio . 55' i cîk, Di. Ll,> itsuto , c Jîndi i1 tutu,ht E.iutunu ' t F . îî tl.1. F. lt ic, R. 3Il. (t aicui>, t-t ai.. 't Ms J.ouoctu. J. J. peanonk, E. ihuueop. E. 't rner, J. TocS, C. H. Kart, A. Arum, niief., tee»>ge Geseiand, S. Oti-sS. R. HeNin. W. E. Mc- kcradu, Chon haut ast] A. S. Rutl- Mu ttui an. Batteouunue han c-cii- tenonn uso unas ha> o ouemieri ta' nce escinedto iehis mtn ýtcii-n lui S>tsatier est] flcoNic luct]u tut ueet]. Tht Mil- tue khcpmct tut IlleDaughicrs of elic sîtui ý iliumsboxitf %.ster- t> cuIlueuuuuuct]dlin- i-orflatu- osn 1hw V'ctonia Club in pe- tu--iig iii> ,u>ttte> stititie ni. t ic Pusni, ctcr temcealis con- siic tii'>ttg ,u suusmautfilatmi lîtmat- ici-tutu Canadien Sett]iern ai the lio>>nt lillietsî'cu mmcdruc.it e1iu otoqnn'e long cennideca- Io "tlieicu epaît et the mai] 'utto gin g tuthiea nudiers geen tri ut,,,, mitent utîten. i stund go kUflÂI~ AIOUND IN EYV3 TOME DISTRICT RllîRI ilsîttîN I tIie i n iitlii' bin ic>'> itt n'about loi 1 \ Ii A Iliet ki, \ý , tIle 011i1dlot m.1 tii ii ittild niti>it'lii i ti iccidit i1 nitilt tè i> l. itîtt 'l .1t>>' Illei il .>.tt i iii i>, n i n oc t'it ueei , titt it i î lictitît .î(o>>uittg itt cti tt m lin tu na e ar 511(1tiii ki l t : lit l, iitci Il, o i îîî'milîî n tiir rpe cii ion 1 lt' Ii, 'k it it>liecitiiin i tîttîtîtioc iti in hel-îicîi iui otît ic'iîîi mlii't i'tnt' Rie> îîî' aii o i,>t Iilî' Iititi,, t ii î , ttt it acp unit ll l \ iA lI'tC I R A uî,îîîp i u mit tti>n, itti>> iied pilit îenc mngi t>o > >" St 'ttt> ,,l il LAC îîîi tii' 'îîîî Illeît>, '> ', 't>itit *tî c ofs t>,,'. a iii i e > pt i, i itlioniî> ii)n t'unr\i tut0 îî'în'de I*ii - hi t ,f iii, , 1 ii lePi.i in s m l ,M> -Itiioik, tt ttn.tî il11 ,l Ic l(lll i I, t i( t e q li ,c iit cc ibv a Ac 01 1Iic t it I CIno > ic tIl) ttt CI1a ittttcgR,; ti n m tic t *il L"illti>ii hi5'N i toII]it,'» 'tii ( lt i eiii .iii (cîltiJ. tt>tlt'î>lîiti'gI ll i îl îîî 1>>'>> tcie ci i.ii'ic s 'ura ['etogi et ai ueitc>ti'iid inarture'. d ý 1% J alole ii Ile ýi [li lim a Wd itîaaî ewpsri\ svea 1

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