Servinig the comunity for 103 year. Authorized as Second Cias Mat1 -AP@ , ONTARIO, TMURSPY MARCH M, 1965 miiton.s own newspaper. Vol. 105.-No. 46. ythe Pet office Depatmet. oittawa. IWenty PageS.-Ten Cents. ---------- Asked 50, Got 30 Town Taxes Talke TWO M l ump Approve 30-Bed Hospital Addition Approvalo a 30-bed additionl Hospital officiais were hesit-lhandle all chronically ill in the rMihion Distr-ict Hlospital has ani Uo guess at the cost of the !county, as the Milton hospital is heenomte hv he nciro ll addtio untl a tudycanbecetay located for Oakville, àýý -4w ýeWý -U àý ee itso % i nni 'i 1iaIde of const ructioncosts. Ea -Burlington, Georgetown and Ac- 20 d - f $1560; and isce etive ths year to com more on W.(rOstleroucedta. ma t c- l-ed aicost $600,000 w t c h o sptlhaieneseil Milton taxpayers, wrnd awnt into education costs: a haltfutal$163,241 and account fur2o ad ere 1560;and l cap -Itl e nine th eIhboing mun, i lWTh ter anon will a 0tie atent bds s t 0,0 itedat- yci 'an v ii.dly 3.91 igi mr cieieti buhsy nditabs ee ovecwde week ago that the 95txrt ill for the high school and oemls niue 391 ple.A one er cheate oe' alie te atent beds m w lo15,000 rantd hroni bed atin the pyast ieight o rnin e nts wvould climb by one and a half and a half for the publie school Counity at 1 55 illsadp ilb granted il the taxes are the mledical - surgical (general) î11,000. Based on these figures, wt eea vrlwbd ob mill, go eve~moe baknewaToal ependture thi yea willrase 5,59 h eduatinraeor s el t pfaid infull bythie fir-sit(duecdaie, section el the lhospital, and a the approved addition could cost lound in corridors on most days. mill rate at 69 mills residential,l which direct taxes will raise set at $123,784; genreral governi-:20.05 residential an 28cl ill ' 7.Oe den ede taxt mal aprova by 2e0Cois HtnCutyCounc i haset iesurwger d orel ad 75.80 mills industrial - com- $668,391. Grants from Depart- mecnt $92,877; protection topr-mci, the samenra esan- f c so illiale the- board Ioo -1 d meca.Terate is a two milliment or Highways, the Provinc- sons and property $77,989; re- ly for. pubbicschlr,upporte. r De dates lorfilie tout im- ed itha uilin prgriinativeilyapproved grants of The Commission originally ap- mercial. latThe a•' andffrdtCouncierlchasa changedcifitsant xeamentsndthismuyearseare May. C7, Juh a, .ag.54,000 for meeach activea arereatment rovedi aIh i5-beddigchronicriadditionIc yveragcie lastratefpavrfor 1 aher grntsitac nt, rt for S3237; onservaionof h e h penalty and rebate method, el-2, Sept. 3 and Nov. 5. iiite >r |< inle planning bed a$600 rch tv ranic beds ut when h oca d iotetn, $40 inrasessmn thei 9ten ub5,075, hl 127,167s coerd iSecond Floor? 1Theicboard originally' went to the Commission sent two of it $1Lras ýe sinit er6 axin publ00ic hgscho l grant s.ndAlthlough il is not de linitely the 0.H.S.C. las[ fall to ask for doctors to view the hospital and Las wek' dfinteonean $83,00in ig scoo grnt. ecidedl, the addition could meant 50 beds, madle cupou 15 active mnterview the medical staff.To ahall mill increase wvas upped The balance of the funds% is de- a wnd Iloor lor the presenut 52. ltreatmient bedts and a 35-bed day s decision followed he lo this wveek when thle auditor dis- rived fromn miscellaneou ee.bdon-trvhpia on 0 rocwg.twsexcedouadta w covered anleri-ror in the high cies, sale of licence s cetic. Sieo ouh oýl ton 10the nchrome bl se wing w o ndtall bw h oa school board's'budget amountingl Spending is broýken down mn ,c*,tl'ott flui tecrm e vigwudbaf to $10,000, or- just over one mill.ithie following manner: Counicil decided to budget for a. The Brakdown: $640 dieficit and keep the mill Education is again the big rte increase to an even two cost, accourting for $17,303 o:e na AUl for Education tu be raised, and 33.11 of the S t 5 7 a t n T x R t Counicillors noted that !thece- mills of the total. tire two mill increase this year Debenture charges this year to- Mi tons 5 areis $5,59 To Wn to Sel 6arbage BagS lalti)n C 1nt, i ie5.75 sil ,md po ] odrretenrhHalton mu- buidgeted r xp enPIditures-, l hrth le general levy and 1.65 foru i cipahues ý pay special levies to- Sl44 s trits, enralopra- the rods alling S102.174 on debentures is- Buv 0.00 ,- eil uta otorOSf ,rd b,-44lr -dpur- R expe- is, Ilhe coun sutid b h\ le countv for high Despite objections that council at no cost. "They cut our timle mn wais "going into the retail busi-, almost half," said one councillor. ness in opposition to local mer- Seil for $2.253 chants" counicil, by a 5-3 vote at Councillor Charles Best, chair, Monday's meeting, decided to man of sewvers and sanitati n purchase 50.000 Plastic garbage com mittee, displayedi a box of 0 bags to be sold to Milton citizens' bag's with ties, that the town aal ost their. cost. could purchase for S2.11 if they The town and KCL Packaging purchased 50,000 bags on one or- of Canada, Woodistock, recently der. Council finally agreed to his coniducted a towe test in the proposal that the 50,000 he pur- north Milton area to see how res- chased and sold at $2.25 (four idents liked stutting their garbage and a hait cent a bag) through 1 into the plastic bags instead of the town hall clerk's office, but the wecightyv, smelly garbage canis. it took an hour's argument before The company supplied the bags the miatter wvas finaitly settled. free, and six wýere given to each Objectors pointed out this put of 130 householdis in the designat.. the town mnto competition wvith ed area. |local merchants, who had to buy | People Like Them n in such small quantities, the duston a rtesflr d ou v h s l sm ia b gx o n a ly 1 them at a nominal cost. The vieclbtae dvrt elgpo town likes them because they: (1) iect and charge a 50 cent heiver5 take less tim e for the pi ck-up- fee to deliver the bags to bose. crews to collect; (2) keep the gar. holders' doors. It was arguth b bage disposai area necater because ,%was upping the cost of ht d g. the refuse wvould be tightly en. and the extra 50 cents mightds closed in the bags; and (3) might, courage residents from buyiln- save costs on garbage pick-up and: and the whofe point oft t a in could even prevent the towýn from inexpensive bags was hu e a having to buy a second garbage many residents usmng them as pos packer for pick-ups. I sible. * •Ad n It wýas pointed out that if ev-' Councillor Gerrv Adison %von erv householder in town used the dered what service club tol ll bags, the saving on the tax bill makeag oW-housec 125 pofl iton woule sd ealtecst vold the gthe transaction. Others sugges'ted extra benctitd tents wouldget (Continued on Page Five) luring the ,rth Halton Board. ty council nthe after- special tri- M. Maxted Clerk J'm ised for his ss of count- %n. In a fi- -s awarded ee days' va- work they Set New Salary Schedule igh School Budget $40ý6,500 1 pendlues f or l0 havebeen minennc:3,500 lor' auxiliary departmient lheads %was incre clun;ated ati540(,,500 h heMlic l- cierve, and S6,500 for extraneous by $100. to Istictphi >l Board paymntsnl. 'The S40i,500 total comi-'Thle Board ac-cepted %with re m thelnir au budLgel 01 fthe to- pares with last yaractual ex- the resigniations of Edwýard 1. u \,hn aavr il] raise penditures of S357,081. Pie, NMrs. M. Gray and 1 S214. Esu Sin 44.;(4 a nd Tis er'sle"v is rdued y Betiv Karpinlchik. The cont 1-- egýc S8.304. Provin1cial a surlsfom the pr*evious year of Mi-s Bonnie Ferguson wao glats ll onilribut, amlstimt S 11.469: and fthe anticipated 1proved and she wuiljoin the ýl0( . salc of flhe Martin St- school ait in Septemiber with respons l repniuein the budgect 537,400l. This reduces the amouunt tics ni Library and Junior EnE is or he ei f istucton n-levied lor nin taxes to Il, 631. Etecie nmSeptemiber Wil ladng alnie, sti atd a co paed it hit earc eN oi 'Tomn willserve as acting vice ý245,p() \mpre ith' 19(14 ex- 17ý 127. cipal, [lhe Board aninounced. Collect $1,731 for Red Cross "A success beyond all expt tions", was ille way Milton ased regret rd T. Miss tract s ap- staff isibili. nglish. lliam cprin- peta. --afPhoto MICHAEL AIKENHEAD, son of Dr. anidtMrs. D. A4enhead ind a studcent at Bruce, St. Pubic School, was iIndged wininer of the Milion CenteniiWý Con ,itteoe's recent slogani contest. He accepted a cheque for $10 froIý Cenitenniai Coýýnlttec chairrnn Norm Pearce ai a dinner meet- . . . - 'I - - , n -, - Takr n ide ing the committee held last week at th, etero , Hai Mde s wi inarthe past; start oa centnd bi n f9r7.he future'. It wil be usC par ofteCnda etn li 97 mmnng slogani was -ake pr e ed in, connection withi Milton l piou cIII 2(17.220. sn- c cdoe ýa dmeIu, m i n ilapr e i l iu I' hoo tion pas5764 pet cent IhII28 lankt operialinm; cntand Nia a ýawe 19.58 pe he k lo I.N ,o MTi SR I.00l i li atins lte in iia l eac ers. r , \-, lhe li ho.mdall ,50wh o i- 1The r n e i grou p ,n isfrom he thes were pathered a dan and 55,000 to58.500 inngou to rm hIlI aildiwn lo %mer 'Ilth ne in , 5,900 i goup three , ehr,,dI, olale St. Pirick , trom 5,5900 tIo 510, 000 anid ini IILý1 111 ý- 'o ' I 1111 1011 op turfr m 6.400 tlo $10,400. CH I pin ilh 150 Nepotiions ,ibetwýeenÉthe Board i 1" VM11ty I the Ilnl ing J 1111hIh threw ýImd Ithe ICt ea er- rp esn atv i SI. Pjt i i.11 and I llte ialo promlised ai retiremenclt gratl- hie- i, I m'nn'Iili 'oatin >i., m plan wounld lbe e tbih d thie Septemiber ierml. Pamenlt lori night's Red Cross blitz. More than 150 canvassers visited Mil- ton homes and collected $1,730 and it is expected the figure will reach $2,000 when all the receipts have been turned ln. The figure is considerably highier thian the $1,500 goal set by Milton's camipaign commit- tee. The Milton Red Cross Soc. lety has just recently been re- organized. Outline Pond Project, Announce Plan for '67 Historical Pageant Plans for, developing Milton',scsevral new groups %were repire- Ilhe project, Mr. P t aid .land b ) ", | he "dsi l a ol' a Il, f ini ei t 1967 Centennial projct were un- sented amiong fthe 43 persons im wa1Insl to worklwith thle Lo mii c a Iin tla di - meexp.i n n d )toI , p-il ment ,ut nfli locl mmnittee's 1 Chairmian Normian S. Peairc e.suggests anis 1land lbe bulilt ainillira sp mh i a . eda hit n nn ute·ttnd ne.te n eelpngth ar. He slleoe Milton's liIl d i menit or k 11ie rnoc I a gve at viewed how te committee i, ac. linked %iw fit -the soreilne b), a lpr-eIo' 1 enerv and neun iiiiý a dns h>r aceten, Iic ilon cepting Ithe Supersweet Formula 1 bridge.]lThe- cit .Prfs o t o up t, m w i oh d i/en ForminTheatre Group ael dmnera meeing o h, feld Wed. Feeds' gener-ous offer uofithe mill J. Weall, lfaso suggested al mlo ]rIli h.1 ge po u i xpcsthat atte c the i Cete l%, c ommiiigu ttee, k at ,Pond and plan, to clean and (del Nshoul hit built. lin 'Ic".> od a l"" ""ot ""i t enncial, the eo l iv ivd Ilsyee nin g o a l ee dredge Ithe ponld, instalil new ' Better Project ili " "l,, d" ". joli he shIow% would keep ci th e l.e gio cil e cI iii rainage facilities, and clean up| l i"i d 'kils " 0"*l * flc 1 " lit tle theate" rou an :h Omthderhig shlg of seeci lichebush area surrouniding thel 'M r. Pearce called lor rep1 e loi a of Miltonin ontheic da\,s fl dle anual Iproduti( ons-- 1m. inclued a scpnd hoo ir ws sec . ý ond to imake it into a more Itl c .ativesinoIi'every orga100m h l l tibesli t thrio.ugh ing the1p, em ol anid lisl e-it sen th iIll ond whceich was l o hieautiful Public Parksite. The I"" 1 ""a11)" c co drv prjet nvkig sen ~ ~ ~ ~r 1stetw etnilpo p ar t i-mitiee, or I< llte more, ga /i-Mrl(iahnuis lrmlyasim ject ; presentiation ol the cash pond was an integrlprofM -tin an ididu sweh e gte pr mtn te n ad pi tot he .oy inniing the slo- ton 's developmient, for- Jasper sociled, he beter or proect| D il ganl contest ; l 111humlorous look into Martin bhuilt fthe fir-Nt mill arounci anhe lle M i rlf i lton eal d opnd i Ilhe Millon of thle year .1867;. and which Milton grew. and lhe dug uhoek., tw ilon the da\ of le 1nd Promises ot incre ased support1 the Pond to harnie-sIlhe water ,«11S pam G atn, \who uwas dic im mOnkpn o Inle throughi the In o, Iromi townl counicillors and other I that powered the mdiil in ihs early of seeOlvretaroulnsm- ihpinersavln1pe grup rprsete i fiedi - r days.17orontlo hetore nmovmlg ItoMill"". ers, tlh e gallv 9s, the rst w gru Srepkre nte a t e ine •landscape architect fromt outlinied to fthe commnitteei s Thý'[is week's issue contains wI, the depresion fthe 10 \o Sfi ciek Mil ore I liteest Guelphlhas becomne interested in ! plans for- al centiennial page-ant news ofr budget-setting meet. uto thIle d i,ton'sown 1n)e0 TheCenen al om ite was iings. At a lance(the bd- icn1957 \\nd lthrough to te lcii organlized a vear ago and hAgt a mean tonfliaccnturyhence een actiývl phoninig a local Pro- ge Contyeu nci:52,60' T d ir opi llie Mr i , a n a 1 9 6 7 c e i tto n( i ilSI O r m -iSn arl u e wa, planneid Ilo inter-est more lo. year). eeco sitrse n hl cal~~~~ti gopinpripangad Milton Council: A two fo sitge such a productioni. mil increcase to 69 resident. enas so ld satti Po1iC m n sN g t a e lialand 75.80 mbrorhepl1sw. 5iie m nercli, for $910,582 ttaIhe fll ,wIng all lor Ilhe I k • Winter's hird tierce snow%-:w enatranýpo t imlon1 a ltl onepedlre. O ti he pg ihn ad Suk Riiînç Nomes torm (the last, it i, hoped) 1tr-ol and Itruk il altecillidmg %iton ratepayer ill raisle ï.11 l d. Fe gylshd te i area Wednes- %with flve other -vehlicles. ( on B il ris lest Sogan Ef5f, 0St f t05 dlý affernoon and eveninig of stable fimi pt.wo w aul iehm i ..l a ek ad cusd in m rIus akd tecrie n te e ligihSchool Hoard: ne lw o u t Hos aiton c on t ounae Ilen. able lheadachecs for moictorists side ol fi ithero L was still iin the 406,500 la pednn - wi in slgn n th tn drorsediany moveito\have the car \whlen the itruck ollded with crease oft nearly $50,000 over gn loganl -11,1l. voting areas In this county as , O.P.P. rpo lelte wo l , bil le 2251fas f th illio ass pccl iI linfic M . East and West Halton", during lit tie-up in, lte i istory , on, Arel e si detsinvo'lvd in Ilhe 12 ,516 of hs fgure. Aikenhewad, Ilrce-ive Iii,, Ih Its meeting Tuesday. lHIighway 401 just weýst nofithe accidents included Arthur Sith • H0 alton Region Conser-, h>ri 1I0. Mr. PeciILL pr1cee Theewsn debate on thc Hlighiway 25 overpass, where an of Camblvlle vil IHisi op ol vation Athority: A 7e per Ithe award and iloncd eoio re seno d b Depuyestimnated 200 cars were hield up Aton amd Edizabeth iSunth iiol capita Increase with $740,620 M\ichl'sl slogan: "lepoid' ReeveR.l Go dwn of Acton. t loru evra houri, lollowing a ýR. R. 1,C nevle. total spending. Nine local flhe pasi; slau ilt li the last mleeting Mr. Goodwin r1ashi of accidents. The storm n celd mel couincils shore $175,048 nif !lor thc nu re w' \oul cli e had presiented the motion hut jThe accidenits saw two pesons fithe lih Nbrary hood, mea hoal this amlountl. onlnwthMtn mo cto fo der ilt ice of iliuri. hilc 8 vhic vere ir-and NojIth 1ol 0 ii :qtth i .dc a i n u budget 1 hrlon meeting. toi thelic ene icto sort out the snarl. trodu(ce nd thank the st faurstiswe cm i te oy D w tinder the announiced plan 1tIled traffic and hegm theictediouisspaker licthe (entennia lin ar oii trs on Pags 4 ad 5,coke nd cc Do rmks spfltHaltoinbinto two ridings for jbofmesiatn wa 'apar.mite«- Inr e Im le aspsin s 7aJnior expresse1dpCio o Provincial voting, the dIvIded led to be 16 dfeetacdns einta vnn eetae hckesries Bnd , Womn'sor 100aIl ltuden lt wo subm iding formerly known as Hal-|and when it was ;all overthy to make il through the slormIl 1) hoNe serB6, B,diolns IC 1entriesin te copelioin. ton was designated Burlington totalled up $24,857 P inlryd. the meting'. But il didn"i matter. NFarm 6,News C2 a C3, H ig hnorIle mtetin $5 . and Oakville. The county move 1 mages. The spe sker, Prolessor .ohn We SchoolNHwghlights C4. ner were KiolarentMelna$h Is to have the designations East1 During thec rash of accidentsalo Guelph couldn't bethere(otiudo Pg,) Halton and West Halton, a police cruiser was damaged, either. (otnidu ae8 rd M i Mllili n IN RECOGNITION OF 1 years of service as congregalional and budget treasurer of Knox Pres- byterian Churchi, officials made a presentation Sunday to Cec. Dobie. Clerk of Session K. Y. l k M.DoiR vJ. KL. McGowni and Mr. Dobie's successor Keni Hassard are shown in the pholo, as Mr. Dobic accepts the gold watch rom te minis er. r.- onprdsdtebn mnanager for accepting this "very onerous and responsible task" and told the congregation Mr. Dobie was "a faithful steward with the talents he has given," before retiring from the post earlier this year. posswhe i apnied he1%5m ill tolal Lon estimiated S1,215.,schlool construction du co b udgei tThelaie et 5.735 44 tthli, totailIthe counity le%-,, ye A f te former Nor mi Llre ains uncntI'lged fr iom 1l mills Nwill raise S452,420, Distiit IHigh School B th'. pr \'os-al. :with Iteh alame coming from the Memibers oA the couri Lay, I expendian-et i nt Ihe De)partmnit olIHighways and aicewdhebgtin (county udget r 557,050i<n su1'rplus Irom 1964 ol 593,483. ne eso and patid b 52;1)400 1>r i Il u ..h I i- w ltare ; Oak\ ile wNill conjtribute 1 hie bute lo>treasurer M iss N aS21.2 lor pi,ic ,, opersons ld]ugt amount .111to the county for her Nwork. Deputy ( proper i dut l93 97 for wilh its levy mnAking up S699,473; Anldrews wau, also prais en m vroe nt B rlngonis nexi xwith S610,374; ellerts during the illneb fflictheiG, rgton ill pav S91.204; E,- tv clerk Garfield Browv ¡s ¡ln lgla11 and queinig S57,698; Milton S51,599; rnal gesturie. miembers ihln imm me lederal ad Acton S41,ô93; and Nassagaweyýa both an adcditional thre pa i21 per1Hmems m iaking S24.573. .cation for thle extra v up ç22t,.19. in addhition to thle genecral and hazd been doing. At Centennial Dinner