The Caniadian Champion, Wedneîday, March 17, 1965 13 150 Canvassers "Blitz", Town -- In Monday Red Cross Campaign Au esîîmatcdi 150 cauvassers,'humes iii be mss-ad, but if a headnd up by 30 captains and tbecuvssrduesnut eati un anynne thrcecmou execuise of the Mil- dunttuns wnuIdlie seelcuted ai ton Red Cruss, iii be jutuing in, th" Bank ut Motrea it b i m aune nîgh bi btta ut' Miltun hum- ce rsaiahaqurrsltbe Duriug n regular meeting ou ine Learued plans for enlarge- sMndysuig, nx sek assses euu ahu tt Muuday, Miltun Cuonctît me t hesemage tirneul When the cvcing s cuser, orgnu-, ques made payoabte tu Canadianr * Agreed lcange tbe sigus ytuni bal tceaîed ilu Otazes bupe busveibeir $1,500 oh- Rcd.Crus, ttnCampaigul, nus ai the tomu ntaces f fsecris- $168,000 lu 5175,000. The jenise fiited and rcady lu baud bec li tthere ai any imie. it rb t anes, utudveiscapital budget for tbe pueII user lu Dumintun lbeadquariers Bcstdes ueganieingftise pie-cani- the 1965 dates. eallcd fur $100,000. lu turiber tbe gour of skioRdtigueeisaddsrbtig * Aîked the clerk l net Ai last iseek's meceting ut Mil- Cross acruss the landi. literaiturc the eomîittee bas ccii gate a piebient f'utees ae ton, Cuoncit: Donations flu Banik tes 52 chters te cunmmercitat irins1 aiaKnegiCout c rss- AMn - ~n PauliKenebait.maneo lic eani and 21 industries, askîng lid st îîte W. 1. DcC public a A M ý78tgdN lrIl ag ,ni lct\n\.ssltit ltO ý o a lc a Hiisttal W.A.icas aPpiree 1 al 55c.i\vittlee lgle5,îsîeit Lantgtarettlleîî time * Larnd iat 0 pr cnt t'e The arile is stlcbeck- abeut 15 eausassers assigned lu- the Milieu Red Cossesxecultîce teaw ctionnuir esr enosf igtt [haigpans aud ssurk- cuerecaeb area. Thes hope nu tue iis canipaigu. plaqstiase narbae ue-fing nolieaidrcin ptic bbee noreturnaed. A cm- Tussu Hall renosations, Cucl tc reprt iras beiug sum marie-llue Charies nu. cop- Fay reporterd es W U cd, hibugbcaris indicatios eCu!ni lluGeîry AddsnLadie ' eW k-LOflg Spue. secte a niaurity tasurcd the sys, aiellibe eeligltinii fi T lent."" contri niBrou-n 'andMar as thcwppitreS tW. al:Sictreu teAeacarn e o End Cuirling Season asiHc salitvhicael a es vtand sliete ui' pei PM. -R les !12, Nichiits thle Hamtiltun Area Indusirial eldb e ce nddneoslrteMilo uln lb atFai .Mc 0h zti> i tysen p'l9, and Ecunumic Coil. 1luinait eildien using teaeaNovi i uh aisscin isSrev7 arp 80,jelîti on aApoetpyetO'aiInigîti. act iulsi eîîîisbte uiie. Tuel Weelieselas M NcMîlaîi ,Cy * t Apsdpaymeui unte 1-Tle (Pu lumotitiece as vînhulerbas becn ail tue)shurt, i't' dennan n. rI Meiti Sccn $5,139.95 as l pa aset ni , skdLu ýiuk mtbciSudasparki- belote long the clouies andhennis10 - liggiiîs 8, Nîchlis8. i construction outhie nesi mater pumping ctation ai Kelsu, ing in the Jasper S. rna along îî litibe caretloils laid asidie tuiIe Th - aN .. neio Agreed lu tale La page ad- Mrin Si.. and il iras snaggested eîd,1 lot clubs. liturescl, 8;Bel . Jbîîdeîsîe lu Jvait parkinig beissecuflic igb îeti 0-Bl ,Jîhîîî vertisement ai '540 lu the Jou- seueland C.P.R. îracks chouoldilTe main ladies' club leaiture -Nîiîîts 5,. Mii les 3;. illîîtîIl, naie HokvTunmn ok cpoii.tiis seasun sili bc a sccklngMIJu)lie .5 Hokeu Tuuat. boul epniîe. - hitipiel bcginning Mareh 22 anîd Ici.~~~ *Ailterseas rcNcîeetrem lstngtrnietbece e M-lîrnie . MîCi7; * Prulaimed Davligbi Saving teHat 1ConsHcath Unit, Çýinnig trînlti thwe i gui t latîp.i . Rîuleb:'isid- Tinie lu Ne etiectise rom Aprilý h inîiln Cobair%îsîtpcibeInnnLadin es ehs Sfil e ctuîn Bi 1:1C-cs0_ 25 ai 2 a.nî u Ociner 31 att ir u qilifid ptc1snîbminls- tnLdc iolý" tîcusd lisoniu ai1 pectoîs andunue man Nsias pies- These gisse cornte il a-15elriglt nieNrh5~5teîl ieilli t lite i ing1 lelegisation tu per'mit lHalion î atealutne. Tie lterci dca e aî"sfîlie" r "rock"ssi overnvorD p t nittnicipaliltis tue cul rce a 1 retlt lcli ,îi usti utciiîitg untlnotflc 1hebeacilDe at mile anuenesPecd lmii n uie itbdîac ibis seiecunless - anetabruem wsiaibeseceen * siteîs djacent tlu sehoots, Iîture hlp eauNecoud. in tcîsîl, Thes ble lenttetlîv istLosCu - otitIlt tîsIeisicicntts - ui isii sCu ________ - - ~ -- f~litece - îîîl lisi tnspiet cil,' Disiiti ' et (u ic PhilM'ic fb eI RUUN Ibcahgrndfil ucie rse,îseîiiît tutl iet,îi eP I'l ~ ~~ I ~ ~ fininlcnllnh g lt tnen leNmI i :r . .1 M AtION wunue I - 1tkî re ( ie.rbrIl Ile Lieclu MU m ill,lI- COUNILMPS-3Bell 9. Barrî 12; Ici healt il ne' s unI Swe lali,1ales 5; A udîcus lutmeitiWeSeîie.-- ,,4,gU 9UU5WU UUIfWU UU4; - Ola 2, lietdeîsîît 5. le-t-iclests ,l 1,.[l At tlicnrregulr meetingin tbe *Appu vd u n ces nfilieN LonîChiel,utt'îecanie t, Cuonts AeLnntrtleu iBuilding houn . atecr he Wee npe CAR, TRUCK COLLIDE tiýee lilcîr sîsîen onTcsu,,,,elscuneill uîtoS225-and. utorieu te b 1 ar.trc iclisin unMainî Mnucit Ianlti onîîLutscclcals * Lcarned that tbe total recont Wed Centrul Depaîtlment luth îeiended budget tut the Agienl- CeunIs Adînînistration Buiding, muie, ELM.O. cndtPlanning Cnni- j * Ociegateet Geu-getucu iDep-' nîiteecîuidNe 52200Budetuts-Recce Hunier lu attend acn tee- the fI M0. \udt Ne S30500 jýenceniArnpttnt as a el- sîhîte te suggcsted agrîcultluea senlatise uf the Cuonts E.M-O.h budget s S10,450 and the soggesl cummitîce. cd pa-nning budget i^s3,20 . SeHeard -areportlttIha t the * Wete telet that the pnssible Cnunts Health Unit supptîediniai- construîctiontalttshetet sin eicls lue the disintectîonofuet civie bIlui1 d i nlg s and municipal andt ceitars, assislcd the E.M.O. n buildings is heîng iuîsstigated. celn-up oepcr ti lnsan i ls Ceunccl i lunoo inlu une lui the broughti n supplies ofl1deînkîný,g Ceunits Building anî l aIsi sug-saler doring the ecceu lodi gesi the Tesi c ut Daes lie cenîie- the Dieu Wiitams area. Totl cosi. e te censteci in of a lallîtlof the asistance sca S3390 elere 01ie plans arc heîng e Deided le, hase an aetial maede nir thi-nncw civie adînin- nîap surieys taken of the ceuuty~ .,ieitioul builditng. ai a cetul S5897. Diresctor, Assistent Quit LC. S. Chirmun Decines Any Comment BtitNdtche ancd the a-i citee ofithe Haltenn Cletctîicn\ Net dSoietis beccie- thIiîtplsitiis, il si, an-a niinsced tiis seck- At Tuedasiý meting et Hal-' inni Ceui' Ceuncil, ftie CtildC %Vellîre eemmnittee reperted J. Pau] Jlltte, Directer, bad ten- decd hi, reignattun and tei coiiitc di scussilig a ire-r placcerneit.i. t cas agreed te inake a pi ceeLatien un beblil ut flite Coîîutttc.teM. Jollille. Hure Since 1960 liecha, ten et cngas C.AS. lut ece te sn Januatrs. '1960. Pi i g Io te Hattn, lie \a edîecated in China anci Canada. tic cied î itt ithe Suciets lue Ct îpplcd Chlidtnin Ontarile and Mauiteba,. ti ca Cae %ceker in tic Big Bîlice nterient, cas DII ce tîîî of tle iteitelplit aindWel- iigiîîîî Chtîldccts ief, natil csecuitî secietaty oethflic ave KERR REXALL PHARA PRESCRIPTIO K. H. ELSCEY 24 HOUR PRESCF P DELIVERY - TR 8-4492 - At- the Chiildi-n Fond, cndt assîtanl manage-seil Peel Faînîls NOcitate and Childcits Srieesetgattief- I allen. GCoenecleu nillacier Dougas I CA S. Buard ul Dlrecturs, deelin- cd n comment unte resignal- nsr unuil aller a Board mccl- iuig nsle ek îben Mr. Jllilles re-ignait ionuc-il be dealt citIN M. Jnliiîie ciso retoseet lu make a talement. Tu TueunnoCA-S- Thte ssistant Direelce, Wiliaîtî Cule, mmcnd Haletnt C. A. S ieccars auoanld bis t csîg- nationu Iecoetelicie litt'ai ndci April. Mi. Janes sisleP- pit11 ii ir apositon mut ibe Mttupoitlan Tonîntît Childe-ens, Aid, %Ic-bNec ili ue nnchargen i about 35 caseceeorkciý. BIl ui nilci alc pesentl ic cil, 0t MilIon. Es IACY NS t, 8.5c.,PhM. RIPTION SERVICE REVION COSMETICS or Meurs IR 8-6961 nq ý JUST ARRIVED! MATERNITY FASHIONS * Tops - Skirts - Slims - Dresses MILTON DEPARTMENT STOREj 200 MAIN ST. 87-9261 ! sultect in peupeets damage est1- nîaîcd aI 1460, Miltun Police-te- port.bAearclriienn'oBeuns'*% beltnitBtiunieSt. %%as i lu i 1Inn citb a pa-ked iruck onee Ns Mîntie MeGuinnis ut R. R. 2.Reksnnd. Daînageto the Nshuit car ca S$400. Nuone cas Ma,fieý itIeitItiie i 200 C i. î Cltaî les îycî i Net îît, l,î c uir t tee tI-tîîîîcille- elî -t Niagra lt,sccilaî-NNa ,o îîIl Ii lo iîîîîît RîsI"le suoi i te cllsclîet 111C-iIl-cUtilILe. BELL UJNES 71e by Arnoldi Blacliford, your telephone jes manager ANNUAL REPORT TIME Flite Cîctîttause Arti'ai Rept lii94,t'hîJ n ile 1l Ie zIlý tel ~~ ~it Ilie Miltonii îteî, liatîs nd1ýuc tluit 111,15lie iile titg te)CI c il e rls,îîî elittîersîs.1, il lîlku Ile 'lutii 't ietii I dd,îiedileî[lie îicm i, t si Ie lui ie sînîle -222,475 iuciudiitg 259 i itt511 oit, lIis s cIi itîc is[lite liiici lim11e ii îîî,îc lit, ct iatd ci 20(ij.ii00 iepliuîîs ieeadcieeetitutl iniglc cii I1965 itie195 9aisu el l lc lgîtuere ,.IItIvs C,,1 Ie I0cIi e lti esui i elzdthiti ltlooik tlîîîti tituee ils in i'. iiCoiitiî,tiiis ncep tiîîu it 1880, LcîtuIf1913 - tu i cîti Ileic lît t200,00IiO lcl pi uîîcs inisu ie ttî Iti, ie 1lit -t SUnfil WaS iit, tîîi iIlle sel"-i I -(ci LoIiv*dIlete sst tci Nlîîsi peuptle u\iiititiictsii'lti li ie letiiiie iltngli isq ILllU C tleV Ci )ild Il cnuuhcuuc-ut peoipl i se uedilcciiarseýti-eil.ii i i lite ii iIl le patîternîu t aelîtî.biAi Ilec endut 19î4,iilîc Comptianytis lce4.3 tmilioliieieplittiitc is,,icaiititimie \itiile-ici-y toffice aittitanii tiitutiteil 92'11 » 'iiet iies ni eJutIeuuItui0lyuiOtItauuil, QICiicc,,Laill.idi i tIlie NInuuitiie i bAnd tiietiffit telcîi tuti -ilm lus lie iiolil Io Ille o 1ciitlittsofiCauiilthiIiiiesses ad >ill il ilscti Ile impitl ittut c uit c i iin h-s Ittt lc-il - ceii el) Itiepiiil I lii i t is e "i ii ui s tis. tuti'964.,lit csatnpl, 7.'..c0itntuci lpliouîucs iýcIe in IoIIIc lltîtc îîîiîîcd ci tb 7.5esinlu , adl 1', citinlu195.. tiP Ii tu i tsi, a îIC hIt ic iion it Ic lt-s.IIîIdIIi filti i s ii cio c tiii( i\itii 1,11111 lic e icl it 's illitici ui111N 111i Sîlîl sîteailite lui. Ile e ll11. lo - u ii-l i t s l is ilisý - ',) i lt i iI lu-iIseic cil it1ltîît lit Ciii 1ýilladlie tcli ii 11 ,,,,(et Inly il \ýiii le c0 la v Iioi ~44t -7 QA luost Sprit(- EVERYTHING NEW! ê SELECTED ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR FASHION 4#x IDEAS AND BUDGET IN MIND' Now is the Time f0 Choose Your Spring Wardrobe and Footwear for the Entire Family Choase Your SPRING HAT From aur Large Selection ... of the Most Flattering Styles and Colors. $4.98 f0 $12.95 GLOVES C lin neiy Ce uts by Kucner $1.98 BY NICCOLINI POR THE 5S 1" FIGURE AND UNDER lu Nemeil Sprîng Tweeds $16.95 YOUR NEW SPRINO HANDBAG lu a Vrînly of Shopes and Clots PiuICED TO SUIT f VERY TASTE -. From $3.98 "SHIRT TALES" BLOUSES N PLAINS - STRIPES OR PRINTS - 3 COLLAR STYLES TO CHOOSE FR060 Aise Anailubie tn Bleedîng Madrac $2.98 f0 $4.98 SERANO LINEN SKIRTS by Casulaire LADIES' REVERSIBLE ALL WEATHER c OAT S P'ETIT ES Brown and Ndvy Fil t)e)t' $1 4.95 LADIES' DRESSES N JUNIOR, MISSES AND H/cF IE M ly 1y GcHu-t t--ce.M,îksîý From $1.95 t MENS ITOP COATS 3-46$21.95 SBROWN AND 011/cL SAME IN BOYS' it$13,95 $4.98 KIDS'SPRING GIRLS DRESSES by TEMPO and ENCOR un Crusp COTTON FABRIC SIZES 4 lu 6x From $2.98 COAT and HAT SET SIZES 7lie 14 S'uni 2 lu 3x From $4.98 From $6.98 BOYS' REVERSIBLE Ail Weafher COATS Use Our E asl Layaway Pic OPEN A FRIENDIY BUDGET ACCOUN1 4 , $9095 k MILTON Department Store 2Main St. Open Fridaysl'ii 9 p.m. 878-9261 Our Milton Camp& 15 MONDAY, MARC-I LET'S ALL HELP YNiwe SPin Sun acu o We Carry G.WG. Cawbay King JE AN S and Work Clothing RE fer rn "n 1- -il Yellow - Pink - Blue - Navy