F HADWARE C~ Authorized Dcalec Don Merritt, Owner TR 8-6011 0 LAY-AWAY 0 BUDGET PLANS MILTON ON ALL ZENIT APPLIANCES -- AND OTHER ODDS AND ENDS We Must Mako Room for New Models Coming in ... ,ZENITH W ASHER, 10 lb. Tub .-........ .......... DRYER Big 20 IL.Capacity ............. - ... Ref rigorator - 12 cu. ft . ............. ... Manual Defrost 2-DOOR FREEZER - REFRIGERATOR ....... 14 Cu. Ft. Automatic Dfrost USE CRUS? EASY PAYMENT1 Reg. Price SALE PRICE $119.95 $94.50 W.T. $189.95 $159.95 $269.95 $214.95 W.T $299.95 $269.95 W.T. PLAN TAPPAN 3;0 ELUXE RANGE $19995 $169.95 "I like this armchair banking' Banling hy mail noves tinte, travel and park- ing pruslitîs for costomers osf a chartcrcd bank. It's anc of îaaay maya your local brancit helpu make modem itankiîîg se simple, so convenient. Frotîsyctar un a 0C0- chair, yoo consmand nearly thc fuît range of bock services. You con send deposits, niake withdramaln, transfer fonds -... or bondie almoot ony other banking busi- ness, including somne types of lons, Special mailing fanms are avoulable, There arecno extra bock charges. At home or omoy, yole con couaI on prompt, persocal attention te ail your banking needa. TIIE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY T'hrough 5,650 branches, off arrois Canada, the chartered banks bring full-rantge banking withiéa the îeach of cscryone. 9 Tise'anadien Champ'ion, Wededy a.21,16 ..J£aeu i. . Fv ccie t; Threeî Iniured Dit dides uriiugScoëschurh srvie wth usi bytheAt Same Spot-on Highway À401 nassed chairs of ail the town and L lmt0Lties u lig S or sw ., . .district churcises. i ln poor driving conditions on Higis- Second accidetssaW0dam* Pl n FgdL inçhe n-Jtneby ced, and ather ideas submitfed b cmd ai ligie separate Weissoaf Riveoide Thef otcoisnaio jtny eln rt s p8 L sflonta the meeting inctudcd a steer .accidents lttesm spot, with- accident, Garnet J. W. Shouldc Iunéhýun for thre MiltonLadie nBaceYm CrtRu ssquare dances, asxsocia v1te, Trnt ufrd bum -Carpioncerubinnur fo hcldernytheus-:which thrcecpcrsans were icjured ankie and whiptash, and passent Culn lhwlsied ntieny vce, Gnt:Barskp. dnent, npragrmc - j cnddamage tolalled $6200. crLarrv Shauldice receîvcd faciat new carling rink on Friday Tise USA AFENOdetadporm with tI'n acerati ons and whiplash, wheil tacs and luncisean w il bu an ven ATEN N speciat emphasisuon chisidvcn - Most serjoos of those injuv.td teir car was ic collision with ail ay ven beinnng a 9.5 110 har: 1 Ka SmthHelsuch as piccics, suap bos derbies, %vas Lionet George Bryan of Loi te ail dy evet hegan ngaI 915 11 harpI - Ky Sm ul dg and dott parades. don, suto was rushed tau.spit t aacdienb ledment Lee$8Ta in tise monig swthtise îrst en Colson, Lie Framu vice, Gtad c uhsitluevnto Tot lmgen ase$800. mar.Th scndîag wll Merttt sktp. 2 - Paf Watters, Ths commitice has agreed ta sûtl.fering a broken wrist, ch-tt o hdintheu aflcrnoc folowîng Hstcr Powell, Norma Harap lc1l a dinner meeting in mid- i îjuries. concussion, facial lacera- latise lcurth accident,acr hli M noalnhenOfctl1r c ocMcuîkix- en ac a s ie tsi represen ti- tucnsand otiser injuries. Hi s car erisen isy Edmund Asenaulf of the, non , unche viceJ ,suvolcesig skp. t teatil] tganization drose oitishe roit. ctoswn an cas Oakvitte and a parked car awned stil loptoft tlat rit misci ac i Ktts.Etsic Wceber Jackiu Bee- uIi stussc iiilti-,hnLsnadtstss-d iitati- DahtnielD.Watsi>n.Port Credit. tth ladies' sctiot %issi tkc ptrtiicsP> Nicsistsskip. -s-isii îl t îîîiîci .î'i itildmis i i 19sîjiett, seh,501ussae tn ttc Fiitý iu po5vrn uiNoakMotets BrosstFac ____ MKtssvicGcne Barri skips. ____________prscal First Deaw5 - Mts. JaisnStmpson, Anc t iv cietsttpîeto TOO FAST Theu lit t draw af tise su ssan Currtc, Noîma Ktchcn vice, BoitF rs an i Highway 40t aithtie Filt t Lins-, buanfr ie aie ecin nReed skip. 6 - B-tris Case, Ruth Nassagaweya. Tise lirst, invotving1 Skidding is tise cause of a Janoarv 5. Wnners for tise foust Allen, Katscrînu T roncs vice, Peg- Djkc Sv f tetvii oemilag rpoto o cidnsi fordtsaca olw:Te-gv Jhno kp.7-Wn New- im eS ar l car rceived $1,000 damage, isap- lise winter months. Or rather, if da m JneAdrw Mr eIJesuîc Andrson, June Tren- By Vera Godlng petîcî ai 715 pm. anuJthtie tusî s tise immediate coue; tise reat Bell, Lc Grîuwotd and Helen sîc vcAccu Connlty skip.sIr ivncuesnaly lwsdiig Straîn; Tucuday pm.,Gtadys 9 - Frn Hîltte Mry Hood, Mas sTckig nitegul tenHiltond ft he uhict ipîncd taaiend22.0st for tise obviats condit- MerîtDcc ae ugyJonBotvicc, Mry Suibus skip. \ L c ticc Ford is ugain a 0-0 deadlockis î.î ins, son and Accu Connetty, Thursday W U W'vitil, Ptouba n a Ti-CaunIy, Januavy 7, a.mn., Lie Faley, Mit- THURSDAY MORNING ~ Itn lsPetn nSc s and Pal NichaIs; Thuvsday p. m., Annta Jensen, Marg lati vice. Lit n~ ing.e. - Fds o -lid b Mille Seetan, uneMcCaigFare kip.2 -Effrt Wigh, Sith ad maîî,ged Ny 'cern Dais Kennedy and Anne Con- Suc Wood. Hilcia Hill vice, Jeant 1a.. i o... .. ntictte im te, u thce1 0 ' /~ p2 netty; Toesday, Janoary 12, arn., MeDuffe skip. 3 - Juan Ruhrl;, penaain tieskicoittie gpenalty kioeu 1 #a P 0 ,m Marg Otan, Lyn Grismotd, Sadie Florence Mahan, Pal Nobhle vice,SlfPht ecngbthpnaykier Higgins and Helen Strain; Tues- Jane Andrewsu skip. 4 - Hlen NORNBY CUSS AND SCOUTS hase been cas ng labels, bon laps, carton fronts and oliser enaisted tise locals tlu gel hy. day p.m., Jane McCuaig, Pat Ni- Bell, Frac Oster, Carat Rusunet> coupons for Imo years, atempting ta raise enougis"points"- to in a pnîze fram tise Golden ui e ittn, bol t shegame usas chas, egg Joaso an Gee sec.Mitie uveîctn uip. Book for Charily aorgonizal on ta preseat a sewing macitn tatisestudents of Sunsiine Scisool. ,tceelled hecanse of badl wather. Barr; Thursday, January 14, arn., 5 - M-rac Cîilds, Je-n Doug- Satudayisey ouned up heir00909 point and borned tise twa-year collecton that con- Ts m - - -- Liz Fartev, Jonc Andrews, Milite as, Peggs Johson iceCacrclo p e oet mk is rsntalsThela Sonsis necdur d F aial- Osweelman and Mrs. Hendersan; l-endieruaî skip. h - Ruth McKi- tiecatnancatnofcuos hyhp omkthprstto oSnhn dr orae.TeFd rvltuA' Thurubday p.m., Millie Smeetman, non, Lois Thamputta. LinGri- ig Scou Week i ebrur.Sis wn ise burntng ceremony are Grop Committe epreseata- toun Turdavfra6p.m.Ia Jane McCuaig, Doris Kennedy %voicd lice, Sadie Higgin kl ieMrs c c neSaderCub lcader Bob Cookson, and Allan and John Martin, John and gu fi f On Satra t5p and Anne Connetty. 7 - Lt; Frame, Eleanu Bron, JdySauders ad Gl ser.thePie nsu d wilvstow tn othr news reporled titis Marie MoMittan stic, PatNici ni etuat Ming- sseek, Jonc McCaaig sutît skip a skp. f - Mars AddisonElv Squrcmelsnike rondn Y 8783272 - oi or es 'Miton rink in a ladies bonupiet Eearut, Nuima Harrop sieGenpel.i oriso vin u-blestl. in Georgeowna on Jcas2 arui> liernquî HUSA ~R N ninterRecoimmenids Central tc~ma on b akeBcoBaRe rl 1,10 sisatp: t - Jitaut War- . Gtads Merrill, Elatîse Drits, Juan RandelieiC entrol fer W eIIs, R eservoirs TIEDYMRIG Ynsm, CatroiJuhis, JeanRe sIsalto tacnro aii1eLg "ztî pi t iI tuliti- t MILTON -! a 9.10 .tî. sait: 1t- HeîDick, stc, Glalsu Mervi tiskip.3Mr ntetI' is n e vudb ald Apimî1.tAits tilt Mena Martin, Jeanit MDuffe vice, L. Sitipseit, Ruts Gars ,Jri nMilo uts îal ecsono ideiiîg oftsemn Lis- Fartles skip. 2 - CarttlHender- T ens tlt stc, MarisiEtutes su-as rconmunduct bu s,î6,ncu t K st-e sas tîvgeîl, ut cccnece,-,Under New Management su, eas itu BvtiGrstnskip, 4 - Mvs.W.emen tue.Bc;Hle tu Hilton Couns-it Mon- sîvu dspaî-tîticnt.tt ,ppitts tu stcJuu Adîîu ki> 3Ecitt15,HceîtCounsun, Mari-t Martin davs, qite np tIosxttuttîhu. THURS.-FRI.-SAT. JAN. 21-22-23 Ci-derman, Hulsît Bll. Juan Reid viue, Jonc McCuaig skit. M. Hsulc cote thtie pîceettvs- ut., Mr Oanuit. 5Vta 9- Katlrvsn Hu--ecke. Helen -lcm teqoireu tise presenceofa DRETSSESTRY Dawns, Hilda Hill,. Pal Noble' Gtirdiseutse, Helen Strain s-tus-, li-tii aIhtî%%scilsuilIt itsure escru- MARLON BRANDO -- DAVID NIVEN- SHIRLEY JONES DR SE stc., Jonce Roustev skip. i Hitla Hampsan skip. b - Ras-s tiing slapcraing atiufactivv . Caroon - "Rough and Tumblewead C AT 5 - Srs. Eut Feuler Morne SmitH - - - Powe-lSîsetta Cîta- tIn cunnecîing tise Relutso clt it Short Sobîect - "Lion City"C AT ChlttuluMittiontRoberlto ice %avvc. es Andrsonsktî. ite suppis, lttc suggesîecî l t Sa, W fIIMATINE SATURDAY AT 2 PM. SUITS Lin GttsntId ukip. 6 - Elcao 7-BarbAikncaBeitha Grex- - timre il, ceniraie te clniiili Bresun ,Juin RoesrtsMaiaiMc-tn onHur ic Antiis-Coitparitethit %\ld îîiui iclîs [nuti,sMON.-TUES-WED. JAN. 25-26-27 SPORTS WEAR Mîlorencetus ai Hîg.D uc.cu ,îviitk.taisvtl nIpnî>tlsrtt"A S-}IOT IN THE DARK" SLEEPWEAR Rutu ButMit Aultîsu M Tits-I îtutut tse sinltiluus s FOR OUR EXTPETER SELLERS --ELKE SOMMIRSAC SS R S !b ,ar îfte$9e, aitl tutii.l UE O Caroon - Woollen Underwhere hti t s tc îflielsts-il pîttîsu LUBEnJOShort Sobîect -Sea Sports oI Tahiti Futher-Son Dinner, "200" DrOIW ecul t> hîeiue,%s et %26,160 n uIitt, _CALL US AUTEERIN N) tî a-Putitstt on ,The precision of Our lbJNR,-R.ST AN. 28-29-30 1 Hihlgh in ' n oy M e t i>~i ouAuiitt'r - 10.terms of emother gong q "THE FALL 0F THE 1ROMAN EMPIRE" IAtht-no banquet, a accu. In a uku dis-t for IINes he, jet.in ruggod weather. COLORSCOPE gusspae h brudcats su of uttesulalesu Lton Lewin Sales Repty Nesi Week\ Cali - or comae in lodéy SPI OE STEPHEN BOYD N.HL Ho kevu T rv Ski.andI 50551 Rîcks ubi useenin-, Tîte su,îlsvcomnîtîte tutu SOPArLORN-Pahnig ud nght, n h is-of i nuvu tructed te costcicîe :ci its-Cato -Pnenln 1monhrc fda suds e Lton RoîtalEllîs nuis naîîîsu, proîposuai aut pîcushî l -,ol A E ciilg Is itise Liens Cubsoifints-club sb,îîrman. ntut- a-mettuationCttit DAOWVTIME Mitunsmeeting Mondty cil te tains anul teasmotf Liens vcîc Consttrutctionin tt its ýp" itlît- OerCoplot tiHlt-cl. n. nd cio pltsenuotring tu tthMi -:uihoul Littîi loa ns ues d -ingtc B.At. SERuICE MONDAY TNROUGH THURSDAY -OaCmlI " 1 'a ~ < > p Ail ts- Lionîs ittitglit thisvoscuits tau nalsith-titigg. The cu lub , tt lM. lîsuts lpi pregram eachevanieg ai 8 p.m. 7 1 #0 « » ouI otemeig n ls ppoe ecifoesI ndi %%cIciýIii-Onario St. ei Na. 10 Slderoad FRIDAY and SATURDAY aI 7 and 9 p.m. tue6 ho nss-nulguculu eîîtoucd Duraînte,- uile teLion Marie sîtiti oluitiandcontruuctintuti1ilMiton TR 8-6741 SATURDAY MATINEE - 2 P.M. te cllsiciluis titan-t vfliitnsd bu Duvaîsîs, viîois in hispitat, andubchcos-nt pileul n limte t,> it,s - 0e .. 0p 2 anS.Mlo goest Blt Hesittu tlak an Uic ilo ts Mi. M. Lecisiti uil' iltus-%ns-il in i c nitu At»il Open7an e M*24 Mi S.Mlo Itue iaex snaiissquu. -lupîtlitsed. Ru -si tte utssi, Suîîdey 9 a a. Bo10P.m. ion sutan uuucv erpciout foilosnd. - siisus-v ,tuîî-ci soîîîuil i Aînitsg îloe gucul -'ns-tu- Districs- EIGHT PROSPECTS upes 2ledersuli îîtlisthels-îu, Donc> nov Blt Waît utBramp- Nasuagausesa Toswnsit>Coutîsîl toit,,îîut ils t s o nîîs. vs-us-ilvlu acsci liscu fur asn ,s- Pîrsi Drew 1u'essori, and iglt applications $1R00 DAMAGE Walter R. Cettont cf Toronto vccuicsns-d ilMoidav'ucourt-'Milltsn IIPP.us-Ismivi S-ci 0illt uvoît irsî ps e iuthlIs-firt cf it meeting. Thescouuncit deuideul iact,îîae oiusig a ingle-csar ,- lise 200 Club" dis-ts tiat Ou i old intcricsvs bcluvc aîakinig uucîtin lue Sidssîîîîal eîîi _________________________________ lîclul duîing tise ms-ting. Mrs. a cliee ts- Fit si Liti.n qssi . Tituis Mils Lalisam, 10-1 Mcaduvrook cd,î s oflattstssk. Dci sel f lic Dr. Miltoît, andI Go>don Mcuonstîl u- ,cChiaîposi,îstaitsis laorcar avsss SLinsîîGuîriis\is.i R R. _______________________________________________ of Letono sus-vs-secoindipris-e uin - quuk uuls. :3 Mitont.t