MES. KEN MOORE, tee et the mt3thett echo ectsted dct<cg the finitmeek, itthown helpig earl ttetytsoîceoeofthe sctelsmeoyj<igeoecpuzzlet. Maec o00l emetea4d toythaveeboeepechesedtforthe ,,hel Thetschool «< de- sigeed te meet the oeedc ot chîldteo and yooeegttettler ta get elong eith chldrent ho<t oe-e 09e. Alto shoe-t le thît photo ts Shaoo Cteetp. THE CO-OPIRATIVE NURSERY tchadl le Cempltelleille opencd lot week at St. Decîd's Church, mth 12 ehlden etrotled. Becaueofe paentt effot atd perticipation, the ectoilmeet tee et the scheel te tcttdetebly lomet thtet et e tegulot pth«etecnursery sctol. Met. J. R. Rdgewy,the teectieroand ditectet et theotehool, <t sheo watch<ttg toet-ytear-old An- nette Sehriel do tome painting. BIOCKS AND TRUCKS and ethet ploy th<,,g. ei] desigeed te, the ccîeytcec< et the yec<igctott, ae oceleblc et the tcnoceiand WayeMcMilleeand De« Betonetehee-ehec es<theylod oeoetthettrucks ,th lmhct. Nurttety choel etticilteepeuct scheeHt eoteeatfull scheel yer,t10 cecthc, oetng stttet helideyt. The echeel heett ae ftem 9 e.m. te 11.45 e,m, Mettday threegh Feidey. i KILBBIDE Local Croups Hold Successful Euchres By Mne. William Watont Ill McL-lsý) ISid1 T e Neilbi h 6 e Clb(tA iin th[i Welu t, Bai Pote ModN eeijg M. Mn ' 111 O1li1 MM l D,,g N I M- M<r4 - V S M Jae Wb-ý _____ Mei.1 M i, Mheue 1 M . M n<-C , c, lc l , l.k 6<44. Rm. W<-45<, in u <-<e,) M BS O DE C- KI . ,.<t l4,,tenttc d M, ,,c t<<a 1 ULe Ihe t i d ,,ilti ,lit- Mlic<.Olcet.clie Si t tIL«,ke. c <(444 ni' I; t* e euIl e c,t e43 t<e tiy MI.tand-i, Francîk«ct[,1 MILTON P ,cla gieiandteeit. M<r. «cd of he ampellill Mi Aig,ge M,.L,,ca i Mouc BYBRYTHINO BAN SMOOTHLY dct<eg the tîtti wcci cf epertteeetth C<pclc<le - ~ 4 opeteticetcte-c< theci e, Sr. Devcde Chcel< C6cphtllcille Iccelce yecgttett enrelle4 BIt<de,tttet. «e«eIe for theifittt eek, êt e,-ettet $12.50. The etellc<cttt tee fe, oe yeccgst)t ts $12.50 petr -4-cci c ,.cc c lc meeith. Yoecgtettae eliee-hetetasthe plccqes ct<teche M. RdeeV.Youn- <«<.6 u andtgiccilv eeiltie staeettedei thehel tieettttceekicd,-16<lletiec<ShartetCte<p, Getthîts p.te<icMi,. L.cIctitere, G eety. Chtttt<te Heowerd, Deet Geet, Ecelyc Kuc.i<, Weyyne McMllee< Dehhîe Meeto, Renide ie, 11,1- Hill et Jeda 4<, 4- R<dgee-ey< Wendy Rbets end Ert Ettety. i,.clML<, ic«e t 466 M,,. M,Lccc< .i Du,ih,c andI AT ANNUAL Mi ..<cti Mce. Jamesc Wciheclt 417 Out of W ork W111 ml,,, J. Fiser-,, <-6W nr e ofM 1e- <-dit,,,., gcc-i<c,45 ti M i n Mitt Peggy McPhait tO <4,,,« ie c))),, PPblie U ltuliic Mr, Ct «<c Rcid ce Seeda,< Nc<. Ceslettcii Employment LevelHigh Here C T e <tîctt <,t iiic trIIa iini, ' 10 dtitc i<.ci<-iNe.4e4.<tioi 300il ci, -Il c th4ettll Il ll, <-I,,,,, 49 1 ,,i«c< A mci î.pAtc ,ci«i l, .,ldiîcî --.4<,) St, .. E t Il oi ng i iff i, .\Pii i), (54 414e 44 :ur ccri< cIiiii<<444<4<4Ir it, <i, 31 19pd c 4 4.< i. 4 344<n E<Th) plcc Ib4 ,, <<<il],i teNa ti a E,,-ip 444<44 i ei 417 1,4 «<cIN hi.A«I , FeDeic ,m lr II -$1900 oveni tic e t <c l, lu O,-to dae r <4Il, MR.r' VAS L SERI deeîl,yir.ti '<' iclbe<M.MOi1 nedda etrCa- admrpe OURili Po han TR 8-2371 Sc<tia Ho enttli k neret ilur FORcrlI ANii,, APPOINTMEN Seibrno an uweel cw adCo-f AIai Erint Store Clini quiekýr qusin aothsjo,1wuenglo INDOW Corneil an ho ueia m Peylean. lit n - ing or tr, piiiSc<,ii1,.....41 SPECIALS AT WEST END MEAT MARKET OYe leatere Redi Braond Bt open Thor. and Frldcy tit w. sevs The. Est End, Tes maSS HOIMBS, Frsp. tti fle peivcy ut yocc owt htotnte iitc. yc ch,,ciî< yo 1teci<p cd Iii.hiy tacd4 gice yen prott- ccealed<-î<tcor, tnittypc ci 4,cdtîegeoblom. Ho -<11 el-c ele1e- ce e It4ett edacee te this ftcldi atd clfntctitt nce ietrementst bl ee ,,,k,<.tcc,.ehle t itcîitclly toypersan mho «<cdc hiceccc holp. Tooscamiekasatar bOy - EATONeS Guarantee Gooclo Satisfactory or Monoy Refundoui ho would have the maney lie need- cd ta buy that car. And this is flot an ufluSual case. 0f course Ibis actual Customor was flot nsmed Fred Molick, but thonl are more and mosdels ci the spred of your money -fast. How yau oeed? Welfare Supervisor To Speak at C.N.I.B. 4 <d,~ 24, at< S PaIUi ted Che<li. Maine SI TIh,cc< «iii ik,~ Ile oi ,ila ,pp,, <,,,.<i<g lu, h'g< ,l6.311 <<c ,.and ice, ,icl] h <c (15 «< g <4[ iHk t, Mi , 44,, i- cIl- Agce.c< ,tiii 1 weii- Sevc Pr HARMACY St. .t 14 Matintt SI. FREE DELIVERY TR 8-2343 Win a Free Trip to BERMUDA k,, Mitont Pttorttcy Yttte iIFT BONANZA CENTRE ci Tickets Wttt Ptttctctoc. ian, got r boan pie with ail kinds of obs coming ta The -Seotia ta have their mrs solved-quiekly. orrying about your oi want a nom car- etf a Seotia Plan Car t ic lcce-yoo gel life 4< ,c <Ill î<kc f eaic-aed ycit gct service tisaI oakes probletos disappear -muet mnoney do 6dtý A&BN A HOUSEKEEPING CENTRE we-ho, lile girlt cari ptote«d they ae moethets e«d yeot<q hoys cac det <-6 lîke "Ded", n eft<ho me,, pepclet spets et the tchecl. Mrs. Btyee Etce<y, the checmn eft ho scheel cemtcc3,c es thee-c hcîe en the hectekcepcg centre wth Wctdy Roetsc, Recdetdge-e6, Fcetyc Kcchnihend DeanGee. Tle chel p<etemetrov<dtt tot et, ectdem play petied e-<th apptepriett equipmtt4t e-hec the wetho, cs stabtle. Thc Cecedie, Chempeon, Wednetdey, Nev. 18, 1964 C3 YOU GET A BIG BONUS WHEN YOU SHOP IN MILTON THIS CHRISTMAS FREE TRIP TO BERMUDA OR CASH FOR 10 DATS - FOR TWO INCLUDES AIR FARt - MEALS - MOTEL 2nd PRIZE $100 BOND 3rd PRIZE $50 BOND PLUS OTHER PRIZES OVER $1,o00 IN PRIZES IN MILTON CHRISTMAS "GIFT BONANZA" * Enter as Many Times as You Wisb YOU MAY WIN! Free Entry for Every $1 in Purchases H E R ES WHERE --- Haiton c Op supplies Ricadsoc s TV & Appiaceces Chttistie & Woodis Real Estate Lido Rettautant City Cloticie,t Fashioe Btccty t.o-ttgê Miltont Sho, Repair Petetela Shoe Roorn Pure Food Eaeoy Miltn Moto, Saies F.W.B. FitzgeraId, lttsttce Chose's Hote Appliacts Ketterce's Est. Service Dctt<s Teoco Service Picea Stioke & GiNt Shop Fabitn Fttreitut. Thce Lori-Antnt Sheppe Stopp<t Clecoors & Lautitirer Anerso's Barber Shop Alice Clernts & Son Whtite Driuetettcct Dotte, TV &R Applitocos 14 «t<Pa<<4, & WellIppt Alteetets Futt Metrtet Lee & Gard't Barbe, Shop Bales Broc. OnyE0Shopping Days LeftI Sponsoreti bs tics Roati Dtivison Mtlton Chattbe, ot Comre. -I Tri.Cocets Athictit Suepplies Milton Inn Nctcl CrestNHardwaere West End Meat Markcet Howrncd<t Bctgaic Centre Mercis Stctiotcery Dceis Jerneliers Seiritc Store Miton Depertent Store Rcight's Mecrs Wear Fred Mili's Ciothuctg Klers Reetell Pharrnaty The Flore Shcppc Sper's Fcrniiy Fcsicioes Ledwtth<s Food Markiets Bedcett<s Fiee Shet Camteoli's et Miltont Brice Best Real Betate, Treaalar Motors Co. Ltd. Milton Fhcteeety Miltone Febtit Ceette Tom, Oce Shcs Park Face, Dairy Bar C. 0