OLO-TIME ROCKING CHAIRS, lanytde bicls ry oldsmobîles ond hiokorry sticks in sohool tootot, toote ail Part of ltostenery foi the îoo performancoes of the N aioe Ninettos, Large tootdt alleoded o,, hellh ,,qht Shoo, o, rte photo are Mrs. Hap Emmot and Mît. Ed SIood, standingq aod Mît. Lotît Ar,o. Cootoood gnttttilt h M.tttth'tt Dtttt Menit i- ui"ttoot bc Concrete, Cloder, Slag and Sio1 B3LOCKS J. COOKE (Cosorsîe Blocks) LTD I NE 4-7763 LVIoNINGSj CALL JACK HALL MILTON TR 8.6365 INSURANCE r. R. FORD) MiNois Ont. TR "4357 SI. Paul's Mr. and Mrs. Club "Naie Ninet.6 Cast OR M UN % :1t r- a the Otario, Ho.,- Joli,, Sut,. ha, -n o l, MI- Pia nNwToronto. .0,5 MI, Joltt Pi,it S.ntît,I Mr.Hayward Sp a e t fil a ,.;**,,i. 5ton MI'. and- ~, Mr. al United W m nMeetEjyCnýt ,Lner iBIilCd Sun, By MersABtill [ltetSt.t'ott pertowiltto P-op1 prLiotîtr'i c e lMt , Ii S I tto fildtintofli tt.lt.tdtIlle htttttr re tito.ttPaP St' ' ,.ootOt 'vt ftield STOOY TELLER Mh I- J-~~ot ot,tziple tcoi t ht, Lit file IlMI jn ,ddI> h , i., tott-1 , tioti . N nTHE y l Mi.E Bfta i hr , ttt ttI,pnt. !tt lia, tur. U ION ALL , IL pii g t tilent inL lo e THE GOOD OLD DAYS, cooopiote ooih hoooped tEttîs aod oeier- t.,,,lici wtett Iiolýc duiotng the weetd performancoet t-hy ,î,oSt- sonieo of the old ii otumes.o Shooto le;;ttao jii, lo Mt, H, Maqot-, Mît. RefotS Garditooto Mît. Wi- o, ,,ro,,, Mt,. D. Eto,n and, Mis L, McNoi. ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCERY STORE BANANAS COURTLAND APPLES 2-lb for 29c 6 QI. Basket Ni,. 1 fOntarit,2-).CdoP POTATOES NEW CARROTS 10-lb, for 33c 2 Pkgs. for 19c Ali Ptttî,.o GriId REGAL BRAND COFFEE .... ...79c Bag KING SIZE FAB - SAVE 59c 99c Box NABOB JELLY DESSERTS 3 Pkgs. for 27c STOKLEY'S PING 37c WHITE SLICED BREAD 2 Large Loaves 39c iýilile l'lleLea o itt PORK SAUSAGE PORK CHOPS 45c IL PFrg 3c lb P-Ilkee Rinddlooo Lean P.,' SIDE BACON SHOULDER ROAST 2.1b. for 79e 39c IL FORD and MERCURY OWNERS WE STILL HAVE AN EXTENSIVE STOCK 0F GENUINE FORD PARTS ON HAND AND THE SKILL TO KEEP YOUR CAR RUNNING EFFICIENTLY 'WE "ABY YOUR CARW --WE HAVE - * GENUINE FORD PARTS * LATEST ELECTRONIC TEST * SPECIAL FORD TOOLING EQUIPMENT 0 ALIGNMENT AND WH-EEL S FORD STAFF SPECIALISTS BALANCING S TOP TUNE-UP PROCEDURES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP We Would Wtt-Ioin othe Opoilu o * INSPECT YOUR CAR S ESTIMATE ON REPAIRS For the Highest Quality Service Available at Reasonable Prices AT REED -REDFERN LTDl. YOUR CHEVROLET.OLDSMOBILE DEALER HIGH-WAY 25 SOUTH TR 8-2393 .7ù~ S4... Ph. 450-23W 'I -Wilsono e2-4 for 4; Joyce le' Mary 11) 641; Pedoalla Fon tain trgond 36; Jol- 27; Spot- uns, 5 for ttlong hiotoroy. MUNICIPALITy 0F ESQUESING Nomination Meeting of Esqoosinq ill1 b, held in ESQUESING COMMUNITY HALL, STEWARTTOWN -ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3Oth 1964at7.30 t'cock inthe eveig for the purpose of noiaig candidates fo the offices of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and COUNCILLORS fort he year 1965, and two mebesof the Shooi Board0p ofTnhip Sthooi Area Noý 1 bor the yoot 1965-1966. K. C. LINDSAY, Returneog Office, $10.95 ta $15.95 $11.95 ta $13.95 $6.95 to $8.95 $12.95$95 lit, ru i- l in o t ' I 'h, , ait in t I. , LI, ,, ,, sf06.95. 3-ff 236 MAIN4 ST. MILTON TR 8-3501 BRAMPTON Phos. 451-23. -I The Cariadtot, Ch rpio, Wedtoî,dlay, Nov, 18, 1964 3 Photo Hints Camera , Bablies Go Together Bo3ai ttdgo, drby the day tttg anotl th operaion,. feit eil,',o, b. kat. An eru G,, aINm i .bIl, dt,hghti.I hth, limlett . - , on, ihat ,.n*f ile gtinoîtth, wr to ,,,,K , to ,i -jo t hooiii l , Ait nc ( i] p l o ht.1t heo Siv,,lot ,t fi,, I~tofthouh- A crics u opito,, is do',ircbe et I 'ui l,, co' ltiI, t.d t Ii,' t, Izroiment for oç o or pi.otttd snapohui a , prim oppt,tunt, li-,î, o .lotogoS,.', otthogdu ioton, lr- ih, Imtttoin tih TI "lRISTIVO'S DEUmVIERY