Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Nov 1964, p. 6

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CLASSIFIED AD VERTISI NG RATES -JIRTHO, DEATOIS. MORRIA'- ER, ENGACEMENTS - No carge- FOR RALE, FOR RENT. FTC- pan aaord therecait'r. 15 acooda. Sc poer acaicci dcýl ailler. -25c discoount a0ooo,ýd for paymtoat CObIINO EVFNTS, (SOIt 01 THANKR-$l lor fir t'a lo et. 10cafornaccald0I 1t 1H MEMORIAM--Si plc lita CLARRIFIEO OIAPI-y AR O I 91 ESTATE-51.20 pce ol c BOX NEMOFO aonlta c 25c aditiacacoci DEODOIA Cicacat ccd O]tla t 12 Nono, I*.-], Clattdcoal Dc pica, & Oc-1i Phone TR 8-2341 6 TihCe 1. aa O- t Wadoodo N - i1 l;(c] Born WERTER8FOi- M1 a" adO] Sc a lo a ti ta , Hoapialon CURRIE - icc Do 1 i a1 CoaIo a 9 4 lI.l I .i îr lot ,, ...t c ... pirh oc 1 II latt Gto do',0c F i o Sli Engagements Mo rond M', tIIi c ta.' 8850 n ri Bo l . a i i il t .'I 1, 1 ocaMinco MIl c' m e' n d St tac a Fl' L - aý,Il M '. acacaoc. F ' in th it F, 1100 ' I l Cards of Thanks MIooo and na thleit aIoitti i c Dr.toc a - Il ca cai clan ,li lo c]li a DiataiciHop toc c11oF o Specitilxh FSoI, ta, lcSco, lia MacEccbncndfl 0 Ianal c-27-5791 Sic .aa. 51 af Rt. PcoV, tictli, tcnch I a cateig. M'. co Fui t JoiltoOcaa I vatO labo l l1 cHn onl finendv and reatont tan t'Il I ntany ktodntana dootog int ta Miltont Dittl Floa'pocIO epecial thanha tal Fcilli aita pOp. the ladana, af abe C.W.1 tl, Hult, DO. Kenact. tbeatccac staff, tOn hitbeta oAMI boauclao ta il vtaff. Ford Matai' Ca.- occ plapetta annd avatt acho lnan way hetpad top toile and Icada-V. c-27-3795 Frnk lacsa cisa. CARDS 0F TIANKS (Conri J o aeFOR SALE (Continued)l FOR SALE (Continuedî_ HELP WANTED (Contîsuedî For Rent o'~ ~ a- o. caaFOR'a' 0 SALE -T'ahlc li pai :COR SALE - Lcarge goaaa FILL WOTD -Gaad tacot tant i ~~~ ,~ Iac TR 8-9843. c-2605768 p c o oi caclatan Chcampion, lot a nc. RI optl il FOR REN t-t to n and1 c bct ath IO A E Bo ci L lîto' aii îon 7ao t 0 la, . profale Rawligh ha ti Mclton. 8.54-9937. c-27-5677 c cI î.olatc nIlat IlIL 4220T c-27-5790' FOR SALE -OQacontoi aof used 12% Plotasc. Cca ootiooaa I ots Peol caota. Wic Rco I il Oa ta Fah a 1 AIE 10 coo atac. Tat Coovi Aihiocai Rap' ,c4oP~ariocclo.tiur Foat o N10Icic Dopa. K-204>903, 4005 Ribt FOR REN T 4'oav apd a i.H o 10 I.otac ita , c OIa SAL -oi 196. 0 c 2770 pitot, Baoao, St.,cta toto Ilti'ile toao Olio 9 .ia L Sa., Si. Hl'li Mlolacai naot ol PcFlcatao $30 taoothîs. .c.îI ,. taai . 'n FOR 00 8881, - c27-572 ai hoa87 75 Mitoc4SBI'259 Phono 870-6755. c-27-5723 i ~ ~ Rt c (Ilaa tct oc FR Sgoa5ot cil 4I-id FOR SALE C ati'nd lcFdioa'l FOR RENT-Eociaic hot acatat FOR SALE-Appot Moîtaloaha Fl.a and aaod colia dacaaca1 la t l'c setalc. Phone FOR SMi la']-5cit Oaa (att' FR/. 82190and cre g an2D403-aut0,an 2 ORDER CLERK Mi]:Ixel tYIçto. TR 8-2345. c-t Focl. rdonaac H ia' 878-9874. Oaa Baoag oataaoot]ttooaat. 000l- c 24"; ohata c t 'ie, t coci lItE RINI' Lotaioctcl lied- 0-27-5729 lacot lOoucitld TO 8-03,. 71 ta'] t ' 1 Icoo Sctcocs aiza laaoOciaatiltiaoitt tao, o cici icti t] tldac IN' 02.50 iL oaa .cc'î cacc I ila 1c iaaccooci.a'c . bt ica 0cetral a tion TR uit7 aoa~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -cc ta aca.k1. o ctlOaat.îaTi1ktkj7cc? itac iIîoao. ta. 42reil 07N4I otaaiai' tO ais aFRRN 2 laait OtRtt Itac to tFc'ORta11 SALE 1990l Piz 42 itt la946 l acti tFct tatactII ve clie bi nlacI, .aitt iTR 8441c0 ci, I,,LF - iin-27-572781i ,la,,a îcao Meto r;a 1957 BaiaIc 27-5787 F co O i a a 1 il,] 87 193 c27-5730 I iMi O OO icac Ooh ta'ac 1990 COca. t-iao crlatî a, Na e liaiN -i.1 aa 100R tAIE.-l COio. 2'claoa sel tct FO SpI otloýtri a ctpilcin an 1955 Oldttaadta]lo; 1904 Pooi0lLN aoo pa o OciacoO Np oa.odît icclîca Stationto c lItaai opI rcuctn paocto otiaca, garage,. l I , L , pSîc, %ehiio ad oudiif Assoclatea nu arries SIIn nado.adlaol a cta 1110 8-9Q2 t' 27i-la 5675aa' itk'c 27 fl 9000 ocîcalOit> at9 854-2533. 0-2035702 878-(,8002. c-27-3790* I: Sa 'clau,lic20 (-27FRSOE LaciaSi580070 a lttao1 FOR RENT' 9- 1 allat- ait i, 30po c-2795667 1octl nidoccoItatct D.akhto oi ocin tob.2ttInltc lonctdctod FORt OOccLnýiF ýoicItFFNo v2 Fd g tod Falot- PHONE 878-6051 TO 806297. c 26-5757 cacaf "l . FI, r itot. ' , u,' AcIo b-20-11114 27 FOR RENI'O Noola hut t. ,714 ch.27-5727 ý %,195 -1) LOc toi d cacaI Sacllaccol it iii-i, rv i n 1-O0 SOIF Pa'llaoc Fiîco an g-oa iS 78O 82711. _________________ co opcoct gt-oavdt. 3 alto- 111 OR 1 ISALdE ac h 1901 Pootacac Stalt LIa 4-daoa' c-12798FOI al oi t Miltaon coctiLtAlo Doo- _________________________ 2 a Opa, Ol 1909 accdao ttct65, ;îdcacocalita,0tan M iscellaneous eoo ie 10 8 2432. c-2795724 P ,8 1'047 a 27-5799 colla ntdoiatanrF Appla V. E. 11951110) Piacaccol pino, '" jt1 11 StltaO Coming Events 110Sl oa 0 b w Mc aiSîtn. R. R.2 Milacato til an' 1ndlca 3oohllcl la voi NS _ 1 FORîîîî taEîI Oc latta. pata oI to La la IROt 8239 til a279000i F00 SOLE %aoaca o cltiSt 9 -1 Rid', (ltatla'n Odcocia ttOn at Naca' 9 1colcoaco. C i -acnil\Iocoictcttoo S75; IF octoctt' Mitalon 73 lac Pict 87F93351. 279957083 Oppla Doci Lactop ,aî , adller ilt nIa ' c cOtR 91F- Stc ca] nollaicoc Paototal- - pi-, bal 7 I anc 1 89151. c 20'- 5751) 1111 05] ataci. Ict Milton F.air Oconnî c 27-5733 tan F , aaaclctt 878063 0 1 c779,81F c-27-57$6 NN1FD--C I L IlaOtl O i, i t- a1\lo iocd cOl. II,1MII Iclcn Faca c i, ttat 100 T -~ 21 1 to itp- IF ~1 01 03\i IcoLo cool, l 8occ 78a1743. c-27-09 ti 11"LIl F1\1d la. -a110 S l 2 liatît litait FOR SIt' Acta atil Ilac Oa' lcOa l] c c aicilî 2ttîa tIle Ilcon c'ttc a taIt attat la. 'Ilý':Kt, i o 1n]l 12, nittciltIlt\cFoabiingotootc aia.ci1t ocScS not.n STNRIO AFISh MocoILIc.2n, otaocooc ao t7 tai72 on] coa a 1 8.2024. laci i Lotoc- Ccampbefll oa Boa 1L c27-501 Ooa S't lntL a Coaýt ýtOt (Cal ii t, 7 poti TR 8 9178 c 734 talli. Oinol coîc i Otto quca INFI la poalc. tccl cagoi 8280680. c-591043401 c 27290008 c0 -AI \')ý a". o.lpllll3 a7 andl Iliii,,[ 1110 SOI]. 1,d Moool Vcc 2232. 0lt i Il 112N calIcote pacta- (tc Il ai a actai aicaI Itcc accctto, aa 8c tcca otai c t. 1 c 729 09'coO ltc It col cai ca i t illic Il ao, 530724. to- 877-1tatica' sac 10 Il il1 SSI Ocaccgtaa -, Icl Icot cnd r\nlllO49 IlUdo 32030. c354il MIIO 11 -tIIOSIRING -at 8cc 7800482.c7S cal aOI cal toa cI tallanad i . O I.n lctii'tacc. a. la TFInilin -27-578S_________ cac atat acîîaa as pc tP 111 tcN I"'- a '774c -)tlii0 08 822F4. c 91cEmpioy ment wanteo si. aS7i Il07 _IIIco ,haci IOR~~~~~o ciA donc.I dotaa OcR SAEoacruk n Pa k. B, t' arf il, 1\ l A IF,1 ý I c U L 744 clIa N îl Rai il ala do., FR lacacoI 80 00 Ko11a Spriogliolat lirea Oc il 'l o oalt.aatl Gcl.lo c 2279002 tOtal,.1ci1ot loo' pliot'; lliia, ct Occacc, Cole, 1 o C A N S W (OR Ol'NF - Li . a icol 1 acd A9'o %Itc'tt0 îlotaaid tact2 oto t 00 a 1110 SSII k'ttct atac'ivd, 9a atSît cco d '-scae cad Scacic aO ofSocaN o No, Slo catî ,iiii actant "FRi Oc hocco lot o'Fiae acta F i Plaza Motors pic, Oaa B k, 0 it Roctccpcln - -4i7t 27 50035 Soî,\aco, 191 Mill Si. T 8-2711l Help W anted Malioca 12cai 0011 0 ON lanicc 1 n'n aodn. 120ý i CR R 11 - 3- sa l 7 lciaEcli (cctpol FOR SALE a HELP WANTELc tF\ h (ID CLERK TYPIST t and c ton Oc tata) -tI"'1"t l I'; R \ la pta itc t LOS anl FiUfl he ta' 1 1 1 3, Oi, ccl "Fil Oiccccc SNOW TIRES \c tOc862a 2. cc<cO IO I-G l tOnn -101- RF,,- .Ft7o P l Ot IR F101. 27-5731lt 'cc o a cana9 -Ion la tadd onai i Oaa~~~~ ~~ ofatcc Etn 0c nyccccO ISaa c 1 i OR S.ot.adc' iipiFaed i a ai t c175 Il2 ta TIPI'N TIRE SALES PlIiNEIR 81,O3131 SI on 1t IF, (loch 24 11000 ALOVICL ait ~ ~ ~ ~ S 111ZII FR11 W a aialOla-t3 Rola O] t lc cl ittiatl Champion -lalOt Boxoo 1ttc) aicoa - fl Boa 140 i o]tcn I lîlit c ' tc 2tt tai F. t'7 ciictttti taa attî 't DECORATING CLEANERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS PLABTERERS c , clai c17 . .t t' ' 7aa 'a l N - Fia . Sco' 'O att t c t t a 1.11 calai INTERIOR KNIGHTtS 1DRY CLEANERS LID DECCRATING Sccictccuaalozcd SERVICES eDtLcaac Eootoot pon Avaodobio ooai citaodtt * >d, Fo.Ftc a,.Pcs 1 e Alt i o an od Rep.iota * 1111 0 s re P icn aDcccaciior le clcdncdc.flcicn sVoooPman 0 Ai % opdDo un atlD 'FI ione II I I CALL TR 8-9941 c , 1. oc or, Ouca pîc t o I acI lcati cati pîlani. cccIf A. C. CANNON PLASTERINO & SON CONTRACTOR J. BRADSHAWF tESI-RSt.LONIRAVI'ORA *it Fccc Coaloot Itoctuot Repairs Non, oaaII ..od I Aitcia*tt.n.OaOO cooli kooncico1t "F Plan, aca] ac c'cttaciae. "alta 9. cacao a23 t N'ecaototFi'naIca TR 8-4424 Ri EPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANK RAY CLANPUPN BUILDING CONTRACTORS [TI 111 : &tt toi EN toIN * ita a cc atlL Panl vId Bill Mc"cowt aS1WIN AHN SALES - SERVICE RENTALS EcN IRli ooc'II cMilton Fabric Conter .c.,ctata Rapatotta Il ncatacatact" a cho itne. Tenders TENDER The Halton Region Conservation Authority I cttt %IIt] il calt i a DIc. cacl caa 0..In a 1 OF, ci IN 11.)00. 225Ol IO cA P EU ou .. c a- -aa'aa-n *Ala ...lt OF MILTON R LRCTRICAI-SERVICE *Looaoctct,.da itldaantaî o Al ch Fa F0 1 a.oiIla 1 IRO8t111 228RMainaSt. ctaTV and RADIO SERVICE caald coc n]h. la ~ ~ ~ ~ cHI ci ltELc al.ttia EICTOIC aIL 4-2263 _________________ c 2-2o 5t,58e IND3dOTRIAL ' i LOMMERCIAL DURNAN FOtailclti'I cii laa 'cMRCA chi .c.' dcc c cac - ~ J WELL DRILLINO ea DOMESII ORNAMRNTAL MR0N 'IV AND OPEl tANCES talc 1 e LURCHATINO 0 IIfk SALES & SERVICE fi I t.i ttI tac Si'cthriin uW'adlu~~~~ IVSTI H ILONI' Phalapa Tape Reoatdeta iacdcctcc'.ctti '.B UTN C mpeeEeti Home Oran na lo * R£CA. Scoa'eo. TV. Applianoat i) t, Auloda. Fcid Olacca. I lBE 2, Miltona, Ont. 66 Chartea St. Miton AWNINOR & 100H RAILINOS *Spat o IV an taîtsîce Atati t il,, 225 MaccaF Sa, c-t o- 111.1KELLY TO 8-9820 222 MaAIN ST. TO 84 'ita4F49091O Phane Borlnîttaln NEttan 4-6025 TR 8-9513 BILLc KEL o - , 371 8 0-27o I Cars for Sale For Your INeI Car... TRY BUCK HAMILTON BELL BROS. nI- &1111 cIlt 1959 AUSTIN WESTMINSTER A90 6 cylitadot, Haalp montelan, oeil, ieo tires and hoake lin- vnga. log ligOta. aaaip lighl and cIao k. $295. Ot- Bait ODfer 877-2133 Mfter 5 p.m. c-27 SALE Only 10%/ Down Payment THESE CARS MUST BE SOLO J963 RAMBLER tadan. $1,595. 1901 RAMBLER sedlan, 1 vatnan caca, atotica $1,293. 1901 ENVOT wagon. $085. 1960 VOLKRWAOEN dalava wtail adio. $393. 1998 ROMBLER teainat, acta mt- ait toc ocataal $795. 1958 PONTIAC ciait. $783. 1938 FORD. $495. 1937 FORDl $295 1957 PONIlAC. $483. 1930 CHEVROLET. $195. 1939 FORD $193. 1957 PLYMOUI Il. $49. Sale on Brand New 1965 Ramblers VIEWMOUNT RAMBLER LTD. Ocacato At. South onece haoitlî MILTON, ONT. PHONE 878-3441 Dead Stock PACONIc Dead Stock Removal LIMITRO F lct (caS Pvicev fordeadner dtiýbad catat and hanten. 013 Fclat, 4c 1hi. Licenco No. 301C64 - 196RP604 Phono ZEnith 9-7950 c-50-Il Walnut Ranch Ltd. Ct-itpled atad Diahled Cavas and Hantas 24 Hnan Serves Lîc. Nas. 133-RP, 208-C-62 Waîordown MU 9-1044 12-tk Legal Notice to Credîtors leIn hEstale nf ARN 14001 IIOLMES, Wldnvv. decand. Ali peioit iaciag octan I o fl ic Cîliaie ol Amo Iac lil .i lItai Town ta MailaccOF Wicioo. cicccact.%N cSdO liaooauto lle day1 ano Occtabit 4.O ac, heioeh ottit cc-a iF ttc tota it.actcofasain, Io flic oca'goaid 000 hailtaca iao 7Fa it dca c beroatac, 19t4. latît Flac to Ici0lo Eai, loacil tI til la \11acai ta ildt cIlF, a la aF c ct ic la, Ntticttt il ca t ttlia-tIF ani ae'it ttlttt Flot aicn lct DATED iii Geotrgetowta, Itai 171li di elI Occohet. A.D. 1964. Fizeth Necavt' and Jacte, R. Botl Evacaîtana, lIa c toit Saiticittana. îAlott. RFNNETT. LAIIMER & RAINER. 23 Mill St., Getangetowon, Ont. IF Y0001 A HUNTR FOR BARDA INS TouRI Pind RIg Garnie in - 1H THE CHAMPION WANT AD51 t o FI Noti 1; 1il Ny of or the vnga Co. the Es Spa wn, Haîlan, died noa 1964, ha Paraaar the alal have a pnaPerty the undt orbefon bar, 1%6 Eveonîni bute the onty ta than sh2 Dalvd of Octal HAL 54V Enc 282 Ockt hyt Raya Cie Fi VI Tl NII COL Notice Flic Vote lave pava t. t, Ca] cl h e cel ot nansth And 101 I" ta loti nji,- ta ha 4ch day tîcd t 1904. 7ý C. t Clerk vc MUE TC NOTICE tha' 'iI haic c"R. R. a, oaao oaa mu, .liciosc il i tatal ,Ied cct ýST D BEI NO NO Fit cd th i1964. K7. C. i ý ,,, 1 1, ,1ý lI, , IIIIIT d .- _ - - - ___ - 1 I

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