Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Nov 1964, p. 7

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tan apart- Le. TE g. c-26-5715 Oct. Ploe 145. c-s furcinheti v-T4-3372 ttable bed- atien. sut E 8-4473. v-2t6.8706 wtc a.pat- ,atdec and c-26-5757 t ,2 hI- t-mate ont- oda, Tuwn a-26-5656 roiatscdea- Carat Fat-h ithoide. TE a-26-3-5659 f ilf hiah fila-go bced- Nu. 5 Sida- ahittle. Ap- ot-batptun, t365-2448. c-26.2-5704 E- R :HINE VICE LIS .6861 Center cirs on cabiles. cii-tf 3ale :ar... LTON -Sales Milton IFTON 355 c-26 :SE- ..$695. ui.$895. o-. $195. 595. ;295. 159 5. $293. . $595. i Payment I. Used )UNIT LTD. caca- huaptai )NT. 3-3441 o-Jo ock Remova o i, c ac- i IL t-d Oat-nov i- 196RP64 9-7950 a-SU-t nch Ltd. ahfed Cccla AU 9-104 Perso>nal MAL MIAI" <C"tttiiii Instaîl Officiers PERSONAS- -oId wven tcec A. E. LeèPAGE LOO.f. Lodge Here stUwt i ot . llctne. ui Ofticeor olleo Miltont Ludgo Itcgbrook ore t 878-9743. c-26&5775 ES11ALTORS LIMITRO ..0.. 92 wer icotolced Mootdox ho J. T. Maoaci Df.O..M. and ___________________Metcbera cf the Toroate, Octaneo hi-. vIafi cih o goncd tact-watof Lglandi Oakvttte-Trafalgar Reat ta chctv Iafrnt districis3 and 36. .St-onur' Cacticous Service fan on, Nubto Granai: Jamesv Cil Ceios Yipes I Like! nLý acdiavvcectav A NQtie taOAKVILLE ivaa LùC aiîgo ta -aI . t- - - - fc Lino & BuckCuoncession ln the Eetqi e ANN JANE 513,0 utp-a a hvvt _____________ iOMS dcc. deeaetd. t-act bée honc, b raumts ont 2 Fleur-., Ioatuiog a fat-ge. spot- REAL STATE (Conllneed) Att pensostnavig clairesvag- fiogkitcttco.t-gliviogcrueot, anti thto Ectale ot Ao il Joc ctd on 137 a 65 ai!tn Hoicra, talc of the Townov f ut apcd fat, conao propot. Re- l Â.I~.Lv Mitton, Wtduw, deceancti, ahoa liv ooth anoiuvpciono The J.fl. Wvilloughbiy dicd un or about tho 1tt day ut pavoe ta t-cfl. -.PI Octuber. 1964, are horehy eut il-.1 > ie t sni ariclrsofýac Milton & Sons Ltd. au tho ocder-tigced on or heou e hal 7ch day of Decechber, 1964, $12,000, ptcd ta volt, 5 - rcnnalo ofler- -hich date the E-fate waI ht-tal bangaiowa, al o-l a pin, bc distrthatedoith regardactt- oicclvlcaad hIIk voald, as' 64 Seat-a' Conticuona Ser ve ta the ctaices ut which the uctder- phofit drt-c, oct!l advopcd. vignet uhati thec have noîtca, This iv au, idoof hocco fat- t- ocd theacndervtgoedwttcnuit ho' tirccetctTheaat- l aiflne.c meH m tiahte to na pet-aoc ut thoan Ril a-atf the cooconcev aacafo.ona o-c nftice.hyvht u bcbn Moonlighters Dream haincc cacavotnn ex celnt-t DATED ut Geogetown, thiv OAKVILLE vituation, clava ta doaatoaa, 27th day ut Octubet-, AD. 1964. $47,50 Jf priace, ec c tan t lancia t-ccd fat tacth boa ot Elinabeth Weover and 100t-ncvtfa, c1achatcoag LeuoclThisvivoagoodlivvtt-nt Jame R.RoatEecutuvat-oaicuta fondt gon veloa protoe-tat orn idcol ont-In" Elv theit- Soticitons, htldiagvbulvcn It-v lcct t- ccc Fait ptace Sf9,900. 5,800 DALE, BENINETT, LOTIMES onený3crggc .ý lw amn.Frapit & BANEt-oce pt-apctta, 41h line and iaa avant, colt Anou Ltav, 878- 23 Mill St., Gocrgeon, On t. 'Ir hova tae Inspectin ha lic00, c-26h3 pocinocct ibut. Notice to Creditors Tom Bradley South MilIton GAILT COSTUMES CHARACTERS at-ct coqghc hy t-ht- Choc,- AND OTHERS 878-9543 Attcaaccov t-ad bt-tal hangdalv. 3 piana naîneca-ma ai t-e Hniy Onoict-an-ot-inequaol-n [c the Entat of MILTON 2A5t- c-26 badinant-l, largc living -diacn loan onPaoity ai t-t- Ut-tac Hall hait-cloy ovnt-g, Ft-on let ES BROWN. lat cf the Ton- ot-oopooin kiictîon iI to h ih r rzwrnr r.Joan elnadNc shi o vtcatcvvg vioc vint Court acc nhont h Mat-y Faccacon n-ha oracqoond t-ht- pocty. tofHioFairiner, tJls C risiieX nOOUS cacoiacn-hi.odah ed unand pot-clIng, hot- ond bock- -RA ROSI TATE OROlCERS -c-, ri- a- nd Ilt Atlma Bt-va-, of thetcvid rc] ada' o.S,0 Towanship ut Enqaeviag, ovicîa 189 Main St. - Milton docv pwtonoc lac I 4,0mor0 i the ahace - ILoved daceavoshonpoccn a a oodHahatnc& Foten t Soc- $15,500 laif PciL 3 -ottt-nncc gogo ptic, 514,00.ol iogv Copacc heoEvocattto hbrakhbungaowoanh caroat. AntnoCoLirncv878-6980 ha Et-t ai Mihton Jooc -hpofanagodiac brutvufateofthe Townshipa.t "" t-nihankocv aict tvqociog, in the Caantc a! nhih amcltocaphotsand. i am and Acreages llton, Faomer, decoaved, ahao caf vpace, to go hodti o % cloi laed oc t6e 1th aI Septonchot claotavoc.,t,, tati hoacaniL thoae, haci, daor t h-,v t1)64bot-obtgie noticcteatil nithrctcantn iooîcadfilnm- toii-, tolanovvmoacov ilvroui iii exracuibhtl bii L 1ddîu untvotd aýnnt houm- ccvov bovin g dlama agoinvtli cana i.tt ivycao hivad Eviate boat thcv icvt lt fanac' and tonadie lnob, c-. totatll ai J.AE 78-9233. c~voOo'cecttfih&-d.it Drapes inohuocd la pi tocj __ hoe uodercrocioood Excot an St3700 fol pcicc, 3 -dtai Buying or Sellinig ,rheoae the t8th dov t fNovcac hL tal htt---tn lihon ccch ,r, 1964, alter ahicb data lcFct th ., Joihcocn Ou notrnci ic vclit-fo xeuo iiprcccd ta dit-fr- cinot- exorl Oaaroo anad t ta'att oniab t ef atolethoocstato, haaing regard ho,, cnt-t-ci pioinoca "lar onnootool ot-gi n-c ,nlttnthocairescoi %chichi i notananatpaaatthoulibi, laoo.Iý voilt tloi ocolaoov lion vhctt bacc IloI notice. TeIoi.ta -" Dotod at Milice thia, t5th dov Il Oatohnr, 1964. S13,900 flt pcca hdoacn ýe b r i c Ilbt-t ala ,, hon otaa, :o HOALTON & PEEL TRUIST & tuant ta nhavctocn Opcn ta cal, ANNA CAIRNS 878-6980 OAVtNGS COMPANYS, l Execut-., 340 Moin St. E. 262 Galbait-c St-oct Eavt, VILLAGE HOME Ooacvitta, Oncorio 1bd iS14t-0R tai! poka 4 ccic J. A. IELLIOTT 878-9233i tKacntb Y.Dick, fotte-h, ofcL, gaoag if71 Cnuct St.,N. i .Miltofn, Ontacia, la-coilta dtvc tg, lacn ic - c ni a6 iisoiciitorthocin. i n tc tJolithvac n tot -ilitr-- oTHI-3 -ac oono otahi, t-o aO nnla'oin hone t Ilainoat oll TOWN 0F hi 'a.Auction Sales 1 BULNTNFARM AT THE LÉGtON HALL Sacacaiay, tho at-t-on Haof n itav BURLNGTOaJ e, tat 1-- tfoc, 2-c Golden Anniversar"' qoandta a-M odMolat oct tf c c oaicvailchtatocahnaclIl acd Mitcird St-h, oqht iat-pannfacotheltltot-ie Ward Boundaries iccint t-riam ont-oic SALE iMcv. Matin t- an t-it-dot tmal n-hit- hnc hatano cacmo ralFRANK PETCH halkaodv Tht- mtchi at-t-t dcncand np loca Che t-t ac 'tauhor t - The Canait aý 1910 -OLICT1001EER -1964 Sont tand hot fancit n'brave' a1 pasn madet ao appi Bat 878-2095 878-6057 SOTURSAY. NOVEMBER 21 --------________________ oeootaoan cdoopioi At Il o. n taho 1thceOntocaoiouiipaltBaocad! c-26 GeorgetwncSales arn I ou, tant t-nccotbch .1d fac, I ve f nius n irelucc hutbandtualler :rttcaoushlt-aothevntsoad 'unabo 2 -Anc pot-an doit ilicd. Cotc g ta ohIct ta tht- appoian FRANK PFTC ,onati lIa thaleiotca- lt Gort-cown Tcf 672864.Cm .G idi atn0 a-ith 16e Clokcla ut h4tf hi 1 o îdl Ii Bodligton, atthcn tnour- ~ V Sports Wei FnUte Shu lahdoatoz, On-l o--n, foinn, tban don tru iho dotcetth R LTR AND THE KINOSMAY FARM roIng t,,i1 Gccvl i-DL\prd tNhliabea ni -h citons INSURAN CE JERSEY SALE Onb l p[i Aiavao flo 1il -cntý1,I1 tho houadaries ut hoi propos. Dat-adi Oc Pit l on, 1111anaoiilu h Lafian Holtan Ch-colo,, taone Wod,oond tha pIo ijfry&SenNrhBe lan il Saot,ý clt-no 6-c-c doit--' naciaf the- pt-npaod non TSNOSTAK oi on, 30 tai-o1 S'ont \lii,a ndno ITSN IT K " rtlieOct. Too ýl,,,1,....i Cil i to I,-Pp,tna, Lttota'o-,oifn- cidv, -ct-c onoitobta at-tin-ofn h ai alw o pi- NOVEMBER 10th. 1964 B, AI hak h-ccd E-AtI vs SC! ANý 000 Moi nvo atthcOficeau otha Town 36 hces uiabefrgardug Ast-30pon SIlh,(Jt N a'ncLL tact dat-ctgbosiness hnou.tiIt la cich afrtuh toite-. 3otdai t-oiontncl t-cca an olO ft t-4 Ploins Reoai Eat, lac l'Ifi ac minnmomlit- NI Voc e att-o- nanon ql cni n1 -ota tO fFifi R a la coco Sf iota lc No, N48233-64. ,caooî t-oa Ot-citi [R 8-6447.- tolto- ci aloiin.( WILLIAM K. StMS, Clark, BULDN fi ifotfo t Frot-a ni 5 t illad lt-p d t ol -, Waa itttoi la t!,itit ILL.. RoL il itîîtd 1254 Plains Rondi Eat.c, x12ietcJ- ce a0fal RO nnetlato tv JtnIilgt.nntn-IIIa,,io noan-oîid( attnl, Bttc-tingtaaOvt t-l 1 Mitn vota, catch ta-I n ctatiicio or boil iroltitif ,il]ta liit \tLon flac fitoaoo Nicocio Bulngo, n. -5- . 350 httachta ...1'r le Oia-cnct-c to Innda-it. acolitaitanSo' cao ohcnocc ntc and 10 FL.PIEMor 3t-atcoc,otD-no "ailata-"*Je-ato-. Aito-oco ihtn canna cil Real Estate bcrco oc :d l lt-cd -rtdt-hta Mactl ,aao toc ita , t o f -ot i l L---ioi -tc-----t qotaltv ntiot - 42 1caitocacoot 'la lot-hi- tait-h t- Ca.tptonttuf ii noc tic-, ltii, 10 ACRES baeei oc i, ltet-aid-ccnd thcvc chteictict-a Sinon II ncInic ,toat-iacctiil- ic ing.ioa Cal' o 8. . dimit th,-.naii Ili, bDcc lt-t it-- hAta a ,t o t'a caac lata ,it Tiool taot, Sita - $100 conoIl o llIP, er. 30 ht - Ifol hodctal v i5 1,Loa1 !It fo-ccd lt, - ,aL fi , an.a.o.n. ocn ULL DOWN PAYMENT Liai-e*i, o ipicinfoa0necl,a anttortOit8-trsaMnd h-cv oooadt ic no n-dti act-p o l' fa-c 00 onmcoi honnî Moothiv FPavaetf cacaon acton latta 87 t-i oc tat-cai Fitt29tlai2-ao.c, ,titýoaatItint ctici aaatvttotoio cct Dotal (lit tat-t titi ttttO iii rn h- aitit oit aIaiocn 451-6798 - yitn-ita Tcnn ltil- Acttna StanaIit ,AI h, h lion cl(Iii coo 0,0 -- ' FARM WANTED -oinco o- td aia dnaci, t aiaor sa o -tWat, it-ac oh0o N-o NotaL., ,, CASH BUVER UP TO OFFICE [tOURS vhaatd qatc lIa high rotiafs v tico Do-acih -ctata vtccaii, 1-7i V-,Ciott-inta Solo hfdl ac tha GEORGE- Amitice Dopy- hooatlcie Theo cJs clita oocind t-ho 35,000 WANTS FARM Mat-day throtgh Poidap TOWNI SALES ARENA f' ilect hightigh. ai tho taIl Valt toio taf sa- nito l-a, lt-cn t-cfe et-vvoc buse, but cviii 9 . ion)ctîp.. ant-h ni No. 70 [tact- tao- mie chactooltto ott-cad ndtac cala von loa . a-to h vcdor utheo typa- Movt hoccOitme Id iecllur vi dcotsantd firpiao-. Souclat--9 a.. tns5p.c. choange 40)ion the7th tIlnd the ao orIllinhchtatahatP taped1 nt tOc Ilofa Heotcd huildings. Luach nnoit- faronod, As yiat-cach1 IfaIdican ncoctaî tutn font-acru. Conaond A. Leage 310 Main Street, Milton ohia. Fat- cataoaguorut inforat-t Slenbeat anoont taIý ha a Esato ticiteti 878-6292 EOCKWOOD INTERNATIONAL -Wtttceau-cia coaprohiotnt aprecrat, with t-t-ct- TE 8-3161 LiMiTES otvoomeaursiiswe asadoanonha'rs t-vvtit-n-1 or Sait- Ma e rst-- gatve golforv ni the- divtrcia a lt-w an. O natv hcltchn condition., LOUIS KEENE -Bau t-7 Gortonac, Ont-caio moretchanacest pIn I c lcit Be- t-odv ta aciat vaut- Foppyl LOUISLEO9 Phano (416f 877-4101 swings balat-c tht-t- Pa atChaccono anti Sana Clauv Cunt- 41 es. 558-3287 c.261 878-659 h-tf theit- t-tuba lut- tht- accatot- !oncccc as tuas appt-rno eaesaay. I filletht Canoti an Chamyin- Wt-tcriaNv 41h, 7 11 Showers Honor Popular Bride-sto-Be 4-H Club Girls Learo About Muffins By Mra.CeciltFatrstot Stooct,N 2cîc oa, utatf ,tcooocc lita 11 Ii a-ai conahccbdc.t.hc a! Navoonhcdtat oiti an [tCcoda -i acILth iaooanoinc-cLho 21,hohcob"ng ofa-vc o ai haa otntiihnna i- Bat-tata t-ari, Sica AAIah-cc-o nctahnr Mr,.VidtcBol l nd ocdOoaacoMa Kaen, Mont- Fino- Salt ac M-Ah Pl. Apple,în , Atct e ccvotccu codo a nn-tn tn-nna nah Io onla ana. oui 30todtc,o nod oaviaaiiat-an ahonco tnn a-c St-lct lI -ta an, Octahot- 26ý Mac'lnt10tMItat-ctIIato-cOccaaat icootOdu oica acta *cccd. A Mo- H-aI Pci0'- t-an t , Pt-o aoc l. [ici 1 itctfhtittt ht-choc !coohcn c-cl and taa c o li t-a I a--ait- M-chu Mouftin.a CAMPRRIIVILLR tli Ocpo tutf Att-oi Roii t- t-t- Ways, Means Organizer TalksL- olII 'e To Guide, Brownie Auxiliary ciao t-att t-attap.a-tit bp Mrc. George Icgfli ct-g at-ch di attc ca aatccc tait. tan Jv att-a i i -- ao Tho Mr,.OmarotVon.SaýleaboncooJolphOBiantifna-ctz nt ian],cai-i :pto:nIl t-caca t-ttcfi Ocah-c nt-no ohn t-t Ot-0c , on, hOc hopt- ai Oc incaLL non- lac I lad t-o Oc--c Ilu Gaiint on -c n , Maac a Ict-c ni an! . Idl, n iai On ' i ncaco ita at-oit-alita M-tnatMKý,-01nli". ocaîcofIat-t- l-Oc-t ccc!-, t---ttt i ttct-a-t t-lOt oicttt a a t-ctM- i.V.lL.k i l,- ocînon j;cnloî'h Niaa Dlnaaîlcnaao niLI Att O" SCaa-lnl n-c--c. ha Mr,,. tott atttt-tt 1 t-l lt-ti -iLIl,, onat.t hctt ta-c , e Ilcf t A.A, on th toi- t-t- t-t- L Iit lt--t-t--t-t--t t t-cf l a tila t-h lt- , li-c Ilo ' i Malfon -O t-n no ýla i- -oO I Oan OiiMea -na- tadinco Ilo b'h !nanvolb, O-- a t t-c-ti, tu iolacfiito att-ai . L h , ta-c lta t-il it-îiii. t- tii ILII toO cta iti 1-Oi lt- ia t-a itaing p ,i oo - t-Oi ilto a --c--ot A ct-a O, -tcaît- tacaa iuuh ta o coca coti lt-o-tla- ,il] pii 'vt , --.itc- A ttFlIl It-F1G-l 1--t1t-,, -1 -ta N ccc ct ît c t t c il . tip Lc S cl i ct a ch 7t c - i t a O A ---. R tl- (;"i,[, k j"' N - c .c 7(,, a-i ont-O tA-al tit-lîîîAtfiîî AIccf f'ta Ftiiioit-t, ,ilctt - IL o1i n-1Jit-t act a atý \I' to-lt- -lu llan itt nocn-o a-e [a t-oc\Ictc t-ihroa tc Bt-t-at- fou d il v" hci -tttitt t ioO ct- fo,%i, -o - a o 1 ,i, Atth tntIttn lt-ta t-a-c îlo-a h ht-a SD l ta ing ciolan -o c Oct-t Att botit i i--a- a mi"",tt,,ttJudithttl-JanetIhtLActa Ol , aIlt-t. c la' Att11h ft-tt-- at-an tanna, an th, a- MOFFAT la- ht-.flt Ah oa ta . anotid atcttcta at-Oc t - nCul-, " fana pa'idoha on otdi, Luncheon, Bake Sale m."1"fflhaaMnnIh'thtpoa t-ah, Solo himilp ano- Ch-c-cc- HlI by Ladies' Aid a-iaali-on, i'l-c O co t-W -c cionat tOc. ,, lo-o o hlc. a-t--r TLdi'Ad . N , -- Att-t- nil Att. A ihc l Mr,.in tncîlancttcll nde toaOoa ch21ot Th-- ho d cai1,J Nic~Idi i n t ou i At -ct-i Mc V-tt , i tOit-a JLýi( t-toto , i- 1 iai loaa Ct-at- 1.00 ht-i lt-t-t-t-t-tli B rId. W Il Lotina acao- B -Lacat A IlR -occc ioco, -,ainiin,îaalan-t Ici . Ca- OThFaO , ont ild cc laio'n ct 0ca.o at il at, l tnLi htttItSIKt N ',te ccIh : ,oao.-c J cacai t-cacao l t-a I ,uccuolta i tat u ul - t oct-at-a 'citý2 ::-t titi n fit- Mcooota oaiHtdtMo tAta tlac, i tant, latin Ah A la h-itacto 10' con Not 2, cf!I lt O i. " [Otcoo (,ait0i-h II t- lt-a-t Pottal anNat(, -l a c ah Att ne oc At Etc n t- ctal plaa -il anc CLO .. . npa an Nan 2 P dcaoti cot-ca-c Ohaatca-i,- 11ct-ntckna-ta Ah-fi Wiani Pooon,,\ Aocoao -k t, l e e atctt-oc t-Oit aiid fui iKio, t-,, Laî-g ata ccaa t t-- 'l Ilot at,, - ci. tn--b t-, t-'.c mpe lt- .11 ftl-tait Attbl SAl-il lc ui -l a acco ot c-t- lt-oaa ai t lt-a .1,att ita l- ot, cti î o iio- If - lt--a- ti-o oa at c-to Ihac i- îa c-oc a t-c li t ioooo î -tc- - Natac ht- i ta ltf t. t t-t--i c uaol at-t- li e L0oto tat -oa o otai ai-tat- o c i iai-c t-toc!. t,,t tt t-ut t-ltct- 00 i-t tat tcilo lt, ,ct Ai tfdttac , . laot-oc , o- i,oa - lOo' t--O a l-c ct-I Iloota ooau tlt iîîît a! oit-t-t c -l cai- l t-.uciua.uoi. A f Otaîttia cai t, , ta-c ii Atmde .îîî Mca In Fftc la lhi t- I t- , ii ,toa ILI t i, -it- ctc-ct t-S -tl t-lI t-i P taca. tItdti tlod t J cM - trn l Oil i C t T bc i t kla \ Oi Il fi ta _ , Bq ,L Ottc '[ENJOYTiHE CHRYSIER WAY OF LIFE LONG ANS tMPOSINS 1N APtARANCE, THt 1965 CNRTSLtE CONVtPS A SENSE OF CRtUFNtSS ANS ÉLÉGANCt INAT StVtS THAT UNMISTARARLt AURA 0F SaccoîS, CHRPSlaIS HAS SPORES NO EFFORT tN 1965 TO BRINO THE VERT BEST TO POil 10 ENSURE IRAI MORE IRAN EVER BEFORE t-tact-lL ENt-Oc TH-E CHRYSIER WAT 0F LIPt! CHOOSE THE WINDSOR, SARATOGA OR NEW YORKER AT

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