s r r r t.-~ A COW MAY HAVI IF IT DOEI NOT S5 FROTIINS 1H THE P ONLY ENOUGH MILI NUTRIENT WHICH1 NEtO ROBIN HOW0 MARTIN ST. v v v v v Dairy Dollars j naeîot Prantital nantbod of butiling a btgS ptodctog, bt0b prtoh bd s byrormmo, coed e pîthtn broondto prooeton nd a tî Pannd pîaeed fendinR and maemtt programme that toclados . . . FORMULA FENDS4 E ALS THE FRED ShiE WILL CONSUME, RUT IPPLY ENOUON ENERGY, MINERALS. AND r ROPORTIONS NEED8D UNE WILL FRODUCE ÇI N SHORTEST SUPPLV WITN RESPECT TO S WILL LIMIT PRODUCTION. FEEDS ARE BALANCED ANDI PALATABLE. Fed Formula ed 0 VIIO OF FLOUR MILLS LIMITED jd MILTON TE 8.2311 rw dr àr Ar rd "a 1 The Canadien Chemptatt, Wdcn,,sdlap Nov. dîh, 1964 C3 HALTOPI MANOR St. Luire Subiect of Sernm. Mewy ut 5Oth Analversury The cbcrchservice nSnday Atklgr.nhcttamthe ocnofn - alottacan, Oclaher 18 nas con- Gottttal and niertt Votk nîZ, t'P duclndhpyDr. T. M. Dustan, wtlh Mio toootod and rea0tA thoe 5fr,.eRap Waters as organhis. otttttdtttg messges ctame froto Dc~~~~~~D DlattttolStp HEttto Httktv, M.P. FIMton Dtr. Duan' att iain 12 of ttttp Cttotry, Rot' L. RoyaoftGodett- a portion of Chaplir 3oflthekhad RevtLSut cMdlantâ Secttad Epttlk no Ttnttthp. Mrt. Royal antd Mrt Sefir futif- Dr. Danlan' sernmo nt ba i nttt'tottttsttrMttttpatt keeytag ailStht biprttcular Sao- -tls dey, abto ws Sî. Labo', Dy., A ltong tue- table hat ketta Dr. Dattan decrtbed St. ttke LIÉp At flic autditortuttantd .tt ii as acle of the mottt wnadertet fal toil olme oftttt lriadt' ad me nta hoe Netw Tetametnt. Ho i t tttt.igitkttt pttttd tu. wat ayhysicient>aand aGoattke, Tht-s IodtttotMto.L.Thnp , heing af GrraS htrth. He na atton. Mtt. A. OitDonald, ir. F. fne nhlandoflictGopetl o -The vStortLDttdta tre htmacî tatttttttt ttttgt. tchthaldlttattîattboqttl He gtrrt u at pitloe otf Chrit otttattt Ot .Ak Stteaîhrough the eyeof at.Gi to telow ntfot otti S.t A lnot ad a Gentile. ekthett tttt antod h th Refrt Chrttanocan lcara ltt [tat.gerO gitît t Miltont. ýIvlyt ai-t threo ways n wahtch ta tttnhbl tracttte and otoiioustoot'ool LtSa. Rach . at oin Swt v t to lmnswr sandwichestttott.ttttlttithot diho, Ilragaa dfrttdaondtlyhpttt..ttttttoot frulttttaktoîado. let Sphtgtghattgt MILTON ROTARY CLUR "Peatltz"1 on Wadttrsday aterioi n wat ve sccesstîl as mrat naiocndîthawrdad' d Allth, aadWî %,labes id 40 Roteatr a taasd Milton hom,,s attd safd ovet $500 wotth of patttts. 1h,, tattat, rvangettot. b chttto ltvtng oottîte flic, totok lsth ar foot hons and raly eory home inthteotot as std. Shoootrdplaytg SainbAes.eienry Oaitttdofitt sdthtottofttlthonn ttof therpnthat et o saletoarRta-tLache MtertToph eto adChabr Theohaatty oflmttîytlophbou- Ment,, ,- jury toto Io aveo Clatke. Prooeods ftoo the peantsale gooardo the oary Cohttortrtrty pojttt. prortdod a httght .ttnoophoro lot Mis. -lto ta lie, Ith wc'd- LhoOiiettoa, c.i orvM oat. c orryoenjayahlo roooptktt ta tht dittg oitot toto ,tt ad ou otptott Assessment Up plaitud thi il Itrat addttion tb auditlattat an Saaday alteroraaa gtodo _________ ctaht.t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d- Il. ThBuatt otttE ottot 'nt tSilding Itopoot W., :'i marrie cope iint rcic ausn oQO Jttth lhtn t.nhormer nhot a nd Gottotto t tdt, Ato,ý dt t1. Att tht Eo ottt'ttdo I ts tot tt n i tl ototl teit.tt' andt O,"it t id tl a fu ioadcptitome eitiot cet eykolflic-t,, totttoototoottt.th tttattt AL ttotdri-b m lc, l. Im Al the adtoriu M'ayrti'ftic ' Lc iiur. uvl n 'n o,;, hn -b lersdt tataor and tghhardoc .tu Cotniontoo Attd Btti M,,,t Doto- S1,39,15 do oot hot o5428 4al7. Alle to t-%, toI ci. ot ttM., onndtcongatatttiottt.andetcdl u .1 - Sto il loitttlltotooto.1tAtnodionttotooaotbootodt.otiottHuldIhtttnid'idoatto[ tes tht.d 'tadtatat boto. M h. and ta ttttto pl o No tto flc td o tok "hn tottttot20 % totttt etdonatan t- tht w Ittot tt.ottod,ýe l,t tata .ttde lhcit0e otot 100 M, tttoo Mho,.~ tod" flit Dil o tn fic o ult io lt oot 1 423 lCiks Itale CtitlrfcMuem Ilih fictt ,ti, an Mott rrdodt , MI tad Oit . Foio Ilttt ,ctgito iltIci fileCotttt th't ll ttyttptttt tto ' tom tatd hooi baets t a tableo doettot ILi T it u pitod Cootoiclor G. Car- tnttitilot Enhoto. th aÉlrot-tief-toddhtg ttk jecOflqUf, Vl clIffI arae t.otio idf oeatiffat plant tatd two vWED'E tt ittttott otaaitiyoitYt[hoe _____________ aauqaott hod ta-nt troot ho , o a,,.r ttiottod bcad" hte oddoid. acm r ftl Union Gott le0 tatie flri otbtttEt,,Poko Noume BillCort I'reident -cv. l ilt ttEqaotttt'n a i tobtoît 0 i t M. amt it t VW tSttto lotr hvehertme be, ui1 )lc!ii 1 il 011 fic-holornei os lsW ATCH totov ttaroa edtflicoiottt d hon T il AiciftCotti W. Ettthatl U hooo Hottoae,, tooto Blltt Att Acco tiltbu tAott doit'iitoo co oposeif Wlidn NDOW tlie a ti ao noh to atttttdtot. Élu %tc Gotgtot hoattieh Itootto OU .atoFtatotCHa oGttoto to ilt W, Attdý% E 21.o Rotl btttot Oit t i Etth t tt-i. Air MitoCn t FOR chtu atchOietrottcroo-it toto h-,to- Otot cartv-ot ,.oto G ooiltonoto -c, ttt'ttthOiiOWINDOi td(i o rct-, R.S ito ,ltOi S Dtt t>t Mittoo ttt tli di thttOme tin ttttodli topo ition otttttiiddoioa D %virtlt Rod ilo Tototto trioralo..ETh o to . , ti,t itt ih tot0avit R-tttpoekn do.iMr,itoittotttto. itttbakr t aJcttttt di a tt. Huty ATR r Pad is. Hître aoa .tOZ,1 0tct0tttttmn il , t t lutttt i, t h, at r thoto d ltdt h.1 tSyt[ooi t to tdd 'tuiteiio -ýsc Aruuuirqetlonrcivn h i.1 eice nS E I L Ito%--oi tozdTonto wa ,ghondgtto .T htopo tO giF ýlt ofl ot uh, iot . ootohdotjliardlefl ilE o t oatot t iscussto n. Ca roit rtd attito tatotlo tttoaodICIII ttt ,odS iEtt oo otto otn jl ii ei \a cuito pt O tttoottokttLero k Son to~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~pb .tOitttttt. I1,t ii ctttt, t tfio ltg too opoottotto ttotî v, iooiot totht MATMAKE S. httA tDle, .CoritiOiot il h iloir.tttt tt teot0 .iotto d \otth ioot otoMt i to ttiho t ao'O no brao FtayI o d tits Pttootim i Gmure t ,,dotttt -01 .1t1ott toi tealz ot oy sligT M R E ot a tootoottzýi [let totoi Il ,llt, oolIe lettttiso u gt t *ýif' t%, ttttttt d 1ý~~~ \l.iitt,É- nilo \ Li\*oi TOTS TO TEENS NyItta, 1t1 Qaatllit S IeI 3yr. For $l Glace, .ad finisa Vaotrlp aI Pdtt,. latanlW Roart' $1.77 Girl, Jnailliers. 2.6t $2.77 Ski Jicocrt' 2.Sa 35.97 Ski Jaktottt 7.14 $7.971 I Pot. Sonaa Suîtî 56,97 2 Po. Son Sait, $9.97 Iltait Mltait. Swtono, $t.88 SAVEWAY Self Serntice Contre Wre youana S-T-R-t.T.C-H htDla ...... o kop hdEt ottito acti thoto nltrin, I MORE LEMSUE . LESS WORK..I Ilar a fc ntn paou ta end ail paon * nn.bdap drudgerita Sp bringlo0 yaar PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE MILTON FLAZA 0 Opent 24 hrs. a Day O BIG SPECIAL! PAINT-BY-NUMBER Compieta Destgr Rarga Reg. $6.95-Special s4.881 MILTON PLAZA SMOKE AND GIFT SHOP a Oen, te 10 p.e. inalodino So,,dcys Our Superior Dry Cleaning Ser- vice Puts fthe Sparkie Back in ClaUses.. CALL US TODAVI S TOP p 'S CLEANEES AND TAILORS Phaote 878-2t72 far Errec Pkk.,ty Lori-Anne Saves You Money for Christmas WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL 0F THE8 WEEK FOR 0UR FRR.CHRISTMAS SAVINGO This Weec Save on Ladies' HaRo.. SAVE 20% BY SHOPPING NOW at the LORI-ANNE SHOPPE 1 100E O ALWAVS SAVE TE 8.9512 NEW STYLE BARBER SHOP O pra S:nto:otooy ay Phone TR 8-3231. . For Banquet Service for Clubs and Groups - . . WtII serve yoa year fayotte feeds, propred te perfectton. tho etttesFIero is Fliaat. The beico is large, and the cecI is modest. Nisb aed NotaIt. dMaI«LE MU A T O Atdreoe Ye-outs RESTAURA MN T N PLAZA LOWVILLI Women Conduct Talent Sale DEALER PLAZAky1M TR PHOaNE 878-2962 MOAF R VOLKSWAGEN e SOME OWNERS CLAIM THEIR VW DRIVES THM Up THE8 WALL W,, dun'I kna ot I llerb - bat wedo Ian,, bhai tbry Iha faoRrIic ftn car ader wlaîn candI- fions antd the herp erin aIg pnoblen rna en cln caîde.î days. COME IN AND SEL UR STOCK OE VAIlIOIiS NE.W AND RECONDITIONED MODILS L O B L A W 'S BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS For tbe Iaî.,* in WEEKLY SPECIAL COSSACK I 45EV HALVIOS OR SLICLS hot ina a [aIl variely aI fief DEL MONTE PEACHES ocatrien iaealî h oala E S napleîo dîtpîap for ln POLLOCK SHOES 2 fr69c MIlton's Fa<ntty SIioe Centre -Get--a Romaniïtîc FOR YOUR HOME ... New Hairdlo FOR GIFTS ... Stplod Bp Eaperts, GivttBody Bp Our H MEFJNINN Solt Gentio Permanent. Cali TodavI NMEARNM N eATH' VALUES D eA H'S orlttotpftoom in ou oous, HAIR STYLING FABIAN FURNITURE PHONE TR 8-2501 Patny Potîtro Darect te You FOR AN RARLY APPOINTMRNT DIAL TE 8-2091 N 0W!l He.re's yoor opportunity to w a DE LUXE Hoover Constellation at a remnarkably low price! Completcly equippcd with doal -porpase rug and floor nozlo, crovico tool, fabrir nozzlo, duîotîtg bîuoh anti 4 9 - tool rack.$ 4 LIMITRO QUANTITT - TERMS $7.00 MONTHLY SEE THE COMPLETE SELECTION 0F HOOVER CLEANERS AND POLISHERS AT CICR4NHARWARWE N RERRITT Auonslad Daer, Daier 136 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TE 846011 Enjoy Brazil Sïudy, Slides Nurtoit ae vle ud By Mns. F. O. ColIIng to sel] The proceds [romo tic il.ttt %i uopplv hMonced dkît. The Etein nit o f.iothe U W 1 salego l Spport n ophatgit] Tt ti foltlo i, aat.ttioh frc of ,nt t the hlm orFMto «Vurern tGtt'howho sben"dopt- chartgeoit luçor oicial MkArthur otn Wedneod.ty- cien . ho. 1 biait. hoItit optooti The fileki \ltt G.Matitottheprei Lunchot. erc ant'dtadodcl tFOl Gude, (let, conductod cA~hi,ýsns ano,.,d ýt t0tnct',toittd ho ait. Mrto K. (Goitillho ka inharge! Ganst Spdakoer Scttytoto ieo. The Gritliti ,M the wrship pot kd. Mrt. E. TIhl Rev WiItrd C. Pichott.! -É, t, tili dov iith Rot. Codeun gavh h tudv Bootktttl on 13 . ,i[n e n r M. \IClood. tthh-httdtdtkooi t mepnt, ocpiod tho ant Mr. and MI,. Fo.tlhott.. bh1 otry ctt 0 pocpti I ,cLott 'ille Untited Chotdti Coiittng tttoodod Miltontrivrs Mtdthtti.ored ith.tlp.tttoGtttîoh,tt TitljtUited Avinais-r, goc,,. ttPerc, GMl dut. 1 -c, tatlet niht. antd 1Chtttth. Guctph. Davitd Grittiths ltttt.t anrd CttJinigtttto gutttt eac ncmerbrugitsocihngasisec ]istahe by icdbnhe hlFotlilol EASY to PARK * * EASY to SHOP Open Ail Day Wednesday Open Thurs. & Fri Nîglits