0 PLANS FOR the crection .1 Ilil and a cairn ta Evergi-cen Cemetery look me bock to fil. quine un t lie cri gin of the store pillar, a t the north entrance tu the Cernel Reviewing the his- tu 1 01 the John Milton Chapier 1 -O.D' E., 1 find this group cruel Ih.,c piliers - cach nine lect hil on a thirce faut base and 12 Icet apart - in 1924, soine 40 year, aigu. The hil J wa, publWiud bv the Champion al the finie of flic town*s centenifial and prepared bY Mrt, M. Hutu], ;lis,,, and Mil E. E. Yale" 1 l'o thai each piller Nue' over six tous. The gate pill a"s were pr«c.ýenied un the operring dav if the Milton Old BoVs, Bu- union. a DO SMALL pop;'HOW I evel, put lit ilicir tiiuc", a ci, civil ofun %vonciers. If ive Oauld jusi explain ellec(ivelv ;Ill lhere is to do in a IcI like Mil ton. the question rjiight lie .%Ii;'Icd for ail finie to conie. The ,>ri v il wav to know, ut course. i, tu live in a mall t-vm Ali,'l a period of it(t.itiýtment l'in suie flic itn,,Nur bu cristal clcar. The cru J %vould bc, as il is sa frequenilv now iir, rocand liere, "I've gui to gui a nighi r tw. ai h.ri 0 TWO MAJOR 011 Ontario St. south vviii bc pi.- cecclin, almost sitnultiineouýb. Work lias aircadv 'begun on flic t, te attt .t'ti, lute,. ou .,tA an 1k, il. A o til a i, r I fic,, fi inal .au , p- " lIl t,,, il,, II t t tANINtI OFF r,,,pul ,tt I, 1,tt tft Il, t,, ,, r 'otilt, t, ." lie ,: (L, J<'tin Sk. .1 tt ,,,,,,î,, 1 iicli t t1 .lu kln l 'oi ' iu u second Phase of constru ci ion ai [lie Ontario Schjaol for the Deaf and tenders have heurt calied for construction of the second court. tu, hume horagudadjacent taille pr-ent Halton Centennial Mari or. The population in thifit a,,, will surelv have one of the high. est densifies in town when flic trivai projects arc completed. The O.S.D. %vill have civet 500 stridents ail([ the second borne for the ag- ccl %%lit liting the accomm.ciali.n In Ille two bonnes tu about 370. 0 COUPLED WITH thi, inii- lu, fanal construction, however 11ill bc il cliclinitu herriage in IL ts toi, residential construction. The liIt 1.1, in flic Fallingbrosak arci, %cure il on Ihis surrimer, and Illerc are apparil no oth. et, block: ut loi, in juive, 0 l'r'S EXTREMELY dcrubilul (liiit thure %%,fil ever bc arfoilier harnv,ý millier in Charles Le- cocci's sirop on Main Si. And [bal i, Ili am, case J would piobablv never bc une Élizil could replace Charles who dird lat ,,cýk. 1 alvaNs cnjoý- cd if lezist iin annual chat iliere, flic varmil, of file Iiiil, juive. 1 pickeci up a %lurv on (lie amical meeting of flic Eergicen Cemeterv Co. Our chzItý ranged ILI flic carly liv- dr-, 111, l)-Iipiel, plavud hv il the ciciv curling club,, I, orne l'et 1 ecliion, on flic caille Io file %%illi tigerish fil- tc.,it" .,Id 1 al Ill"e li'ter, ing fi,,- ut ai, IL, theni quilibling about ,,huilier th- 'hould pend liliv hucl cri il (foliation to bu,,* liI,,kv,, luich wouId gui Ilium il piturc and il hall il coluirui lit the local il or b"'Il on il donal. ILL il cliý,1;Irliip l %\Iiicli %%()nid Il Ilium Ji parir. I-11ph. I vhicli %Ioll. Nuit have 1-g fin, 1. ci. \,ilh \"bat I'n, tais about. Wliat i ,lartud oui fi, - %va, that ce liad IL ilii, velck. j vilc gui (lui il, il ]citer - l intellig- ,lit and nit.kn. Ili 1,o l, il "I'L'i lire Il, IL %Ct*l iliLIiCgIt \%Li- zI ci, hilfi one ' la, 1 il .... k 1 ill ici[ fr-Lan, %oLu. ho,. hand 'L'humil, l', i, il hapli ard and thi, i, jaillir- Il ilfl a ,il, u-1, Io bc liij1,1,% 'l'a, liI,1,, tel illat III hopu -LIiuý pul Ille ab-1 as hap- Sh, kid. luil J, L louf., fini, 'iur., III ,Ili, L'IL 1,"'. 0, c"'I klicv, if -". tiltit a j v, flic,, III.At,, t,!SIi" i ui RI ',, WEDNESDAY'IlS WIT wlt,, A,',di, but~t mAt iltaIIIit a he,,k oft a t, ttt,,,t records goverfaments required i fin, cille ut* p.pcrw.i-k. Charif riirely stopped work for ou chats, but his off-hztnd manne made in one of mu more nourri able reporting jobs. l'Il mis those annual chats. 0 IT SHOULDN'T lie ruce sary, but a glimpse of the mai strect some days before th sweeping chaire is completed, in dicatus the importance of th anti-littering Ill passed by th courricil. So many toits wrapper and papers arratand without an thought to the overall picture o untidynes they creine. Conven lent ciel containers o marnai liimp si andard, are lie ignored. Now there's a dollar and cents penalty for littering Surelv fines %von't lie necessar to encourage "gourd hoti.sekeep i:il on the part of cveryonc who t ses the strecis ut the town. 0 will they? 0 CHALK ONE UP on the ,%ait. l'lie annual Ical riaking choire ai our housc bas ficela c.mpletc(l (I j'ope) wililiclui . griumbling %vord in ibis columil this veau. 1 reýolved last vear filai rcadcis %Ihla persistect fil fialloving ihis column sficuldn't lie uxposed ici, al luinual grille, anv more. And 1 made if. (Mi, vil did nu,( of the raking ffl yczir and growing children proir. cd il huiplul J At Icat once il uck. site', Il duprI >h, --, -I jul 1,ul like juniping off Ille duck > 1 10 "lie. crid Patience, bullo, g uýd jul Il J -wlil ' 'ýI voul Y,,.'ýl go right out and gel riniff, ,*le([ IL, orne oung but %%Iio couldli'l ke'l) ou in lin,.- And - il. Site illink, he', fil illa. flic pr-klent of flic Bijnk o Canada. Bol lie LI Ili,, i:ii * y chan", Il,, Ili. juifs boule. Sh, failli, fi, Ji, ,ILI ijri't Jeep il ý,InJ I ce r. f gilke fief- ILL il inovie, ýhe lii zIlup in ight iniitIt,, - zl;nd lill- flic (*,,tnbiI,,d elle, , , ,-. fi,,- ticket iijlacr, ilrid il,, niimI.gýr, tu go- tic,- ,Lit 01 Ille (liczItI. 101,11 if closes. Laq tu ,IIIIt,,l il. go 1. Afiicir and icach iLIl 111, kid, il, ilu, Coliplu hou il) pi- Ili, piijn. Ih, p'op . - Nsi , Ce k ' .11, c'Il h-n ILI Ille kid, I ci, elli.r. Ilapp,? NI,. Pjlitl? Il i, fi> .LuJI Si. Aitact Si. NI III Nad lc.L, fini, lzil, i, i'. as j'al t. 'a happ, and c.'it'j'tud IJlifiI." 0%! ho , lo pti C uil lIl' - If'F t',, le la tf I,I, Ie t fita Il .'.it i'tNN h, SuRSL, fni i 1h1 hIL -Ldral ,,,, ,, i ni Autunin Spieridour =THE GOOD OLD DAYS= fr ý. GLANCINS BACK TO 10 YEARS AGO In LILI s s- ri c LI S y IÉ ri y r I Par,,. 'i I P1L , t ,,,.l la t'nd,,.,.l',,, tie tg i i7,19 liii- hh, - k tl f i ' tS3 ,0011 th, ',, uio , t"' GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO A Message of RemnemhranceDay... ats ATS hp makets ýro IT ESSES UITS ,ý,pact of D,,y Iull of tire rieulorius il evokcý, fail fikI, a thuriclerclap. for when tire icgl,, 5-,d a,,d ,ldlle-,,gcd inc- in iiiiilliIolorcd lierots ýiFfeil Io atter, lion, - are swii)t hall, fil sprIt Io ail age .hen rven hvId a ... 1 fied fer Il leyI,,J 'l'o', gircat were checririlly ervloied Il fideoris duatli ,favely (ofl1(urlic-,I fur III, Lke of air icleal, aId -hur, wcLoil al 'hairacier, lof ýcallII. FI,, Ill IL, ri, ghastly Lruchics ainil 1-ihihil cJeýtruct.oii, il WiLS di) alle wile, Mil, -, unabled 1. -, abuse 1,s p,,tly III and plov, fils ,ght tc, rIk ItI)ol,ý Ille jais. TI,,.O s a ruesý -ge il, Dejy lot tire geIcra- flous who i- O 0- , to s,,,cc th, last wair, a,,,] Il , ', "Issage be brought honie Io theni Ilial tnessaqu Is sirriply this Howevýr lorlr; lie may live for iraterial Iiiiiigs, lit file und will oril,, chr, foi ai, dre., air Jcî1ý It I, the r-ýe of th, il JýicIL low fl.,Ide, thal ,, ,,ai, IL, yct foiward witil III deal tu capture the icarfs ,-I of I-La, 'io [""P.lýý Io r,,0, il,, reJf!-ý dt,,,,,Irý,,IoI of II, IL il a hIiiI,,g, ru-1 Il, j"'f fer Ira,, SLIIIIVI LIICIPIII Wal, YI! 111111ilt Ille by bread IL, ... fil, J Ji, i l, li.- il ý il III J'c i 1 tir,, LI a l I l d i 'd ...... 'I'r. 1> vv, ýiI;,I 1 - 11Y l"ILL I l'.. NI- il fi f ,,, Il., 1 1 ii0j - 'l ti- I, te, '"I' ... J, o l'Ili( ý"" ; If ils a strange paradox thai war, that Prost senseless, brutish and wasteful of bu- man phenomena, should best evoke front Mail those qualifies which most dislinguisli him from die merely animar. For sedum, save In time of vl can Man be iriduced to forsake fils pursuit of purely material ends - IIII comfort, security, slorh and sacrifice ail these and eveli ultiniately file iiself, in furtheralice of a), clerIl. Cour- age, fortitude, endurance, ce, [3assoI,, .cri. lice, urisel toblest of bu- man qualifies shine brighte agamst the chark inhumaffil hke a sil.er sword amid the muet. T®rdit, the world enjoys pedce, or whai passes for peace, and we have reverted to our seifisli, animal way of file. lit ihese silly, cynical times il lis only material thogs which matter, and il bas become fashionable ic, applaudi troupes of yourg mockers who derde every I of belhef, every quality of characier, and every institution of law, and state which have fashioned and preserv- cd fils civiiization vhose benefits Ive, a,,d bey, now enjoy. The onJy appeals madc to us tonfay are M®rse of the huckýr; we are urgecl te vote for this, te work for fhat, Io buy these simphil to enhance our own stafus, conil appearailce or Ivell-being. futur filIS diolICSS, self-sccking ýociciy, 1iý, One wl",Iicr., ,ý 0,0 il, A I rip, ,Ire ýo(ii1dc.d ILI file reri-cd fldg MietIier Cariadd is truly a dentocracy whelu iule is by a majorify or whether fiai iý niercly il l of oui wiiideriiig j'ou. Ori cul, IjýLjLd we ravr, IL trý)urt Io flic governing House of Collimons, eIiclof- cd by a niajority of the coriiiiiiitace niuiiibr- The repoit ciclO,,tly l som, favour dfýlo;ig tIIoýc clected tu goverri file 0, lie othcr band Ive have elle mari loii- ;iliitcj le leddirI9 a national j)ýiiy Il) opposc, throuctil IIIII, Loriceival)l(! IcLil nuialfy, file 1. cvca voie )il Ih,ý adoption or rejeclicri of file colunificc rc- j'l'Il ', canad"il If ba, fleuri -d Jilin 1,I11, b this day and agi, and cri, Ihis issue lalk t'Ir frolli clicap. il is Iragic if Ille dii[iillit cri IL co M'O Il"s cloue ILI g 1, ,1,,, ut, the i passo lhal sialled il,,-, ,,, tiori's bu5incss, althougli di the timc wc predicied if wouldii't, and that dichi't toke ôny special cystal ball. The flag adoption art ISSUC that billIPICICS, IC- qrcilibly, on discussions of the future of CoiifcderatiOll arld 111C (11SUI)fY fildt III loi oficii evidct)LccJ. The more Ialk flic iii-c cosily il bcconics, nul rocircly ira clollorý aiLd "A' t ,tt " '. I Il T.1J from flic files of file fi .Lli.» Champion, ILLI 9. 1944 Il, III-] calhe, ou 'L.P'd J il,, Lu, lu lý,, Lu lit 1,11lua"I' silo,, LA N,,Iý ,L'IL 1-1 1hui, n'i',churi thl kill 'F', faci [bal the 'L'il fluibrun ILL fi, ci tir, Il druuJý1II, loin, c'-i lont rid- Je, 1110, , 1, ...... 1. Th, IL ,, j'afin, il if,, IýI% III ih, P inimi If "'irri, p,,(ýI t th, d"ffla, (il ýL1,- ,,, iluid lait" Iij,1,il"" il 'pl u( l'ilivi. M.P. IL, fil Iillitlt da', III [lie Iillicli Il, al-Id Il[ fier ý.it" thu 1--ri Il fil- il-il at file NI du ,, il i MIIi,,, S'off. lieu h, ih, niumbers of flic li rir FIL LI, . A 111 flair- il h, I, j -ILL hl, "fil' l'as M'il .... . Il lu, il fil , on If L, rit JILL" , fl,,It Irruld fi, ýjio di- hillir l'file, pul\ III ul- J'IL il" cnil, ,.Il rud If MI11 ... 1 1 J"'( il jh.,j lie -". -u h, -ILL j"Il III fil, -uu MfIýIII Ilid Il, j'Ili U 'il, d.- -u bui if 'Il; il,, Io GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO C.hampion,, N,,,. 5, 1914 1 il, adu quir' abo i L,,, il,, L ,il c.t ..,,, .it, . ', l l" t'.,, t h il,,, ,,l,,, Ih, 1-'u I.,11 'Lui, Ill"i rfil Lourt -,', fil O n i, .. . ........ ru i ILI il un, flic hi ....... ifiu', ýu. NI publ', In il JI I I il 1 fi l i ' l- IL 1, \ILI fil, M, kIr~I AOUNO DISRC INEVVS PRMDSR~ thtl t J t., t. t,.',"y t" 1 I- l i t, ,,,I.. , I . l, .. .. .... .. . I The Canadian Champion Pttbh'tbhA b> ftl,, Il P. an ti 1w t. A. 0i,0 kditit,,, Lhtt J.tc A. SM, Si., biton't, Ott. Nimber oft flic thIVN hl lace34.00 tin Canarde; $7.00 t,, al cur hietballe titan Canaîd. 0<0,,., t0partitttt, OIttama. t',',.' t" '~ t .1 i11 1 t,.. .,' 1 ' - Ii 1 , -1, "'t "' Il h I .t ' I L .. .. . 1,I l t.. . l' Il ,altLI Ph tlp1, A , h ý " , I I 11 I nt . 9PMv4 JQTTINGS UY JIM OILL8 l'I H I, Il, Jt t," Sam4 aa 5 0 . BV BU1 600KW DowN(S) IN THIS CORNER alIE Eill DUEflo T-ken fr.- the fillels of the Crin- adiLm Champion, Il 4, 1934. A tu il 1 .1 160 ou Tu- clav nilýll ILL III, Il niL21,1 da"e, il ' Milton l'i.11 fils viciu. il, -Il a bout 115 and in Act.n 140. Ail tfur-, -houf, -le lill.d 1. , , u1fi'ral, Iportcd, "ilh ,,, luill, loi filet -u- flic fi,], ai Ili, [L'hon of 1, Pl-, il,, M.Itli ou 1 , I ,fil% III LI't ,,,k ' Illzlili, tri 111, li il, rL.ýIII ga. Hall. Ineýu1Icd il, [Il, lop filimd,11, Bill Di.on, (;Il huin, Burin JiI,], T "' 1 ý"Cý " Cun.ingham, Bill 0,n III Gla, and Kill, M,,,-ý M(u' flair 450 tir, irc", hall audil Il (ILI Satur d'l' night Ih, Roliur, Club il,, ýI.ilLIIl piulv toi LA Millou namp, ilid olh', uni IL) . ...... i,- LI file local Lu- , s'III, pip, Band lo got th, ci,- %rl,,,I,,i,,- ', ..i",PlcIl il, fil, lirai, il, jit -III 'Il fha, p',itjou et fil, pa- ,-,pied b\ flir, touthe, Ilitli rca,(,nabIF- alio,,ance foi jgiiatui-c, -Il net bc Ilia2ztd fil but rW flic adcticilePi -Il bc J In, ai pipli, able Il il,, tý-p,,gtphial ci t,,iI, p gI".,I, lu ell ai . "I I"i". iz.'od, "' LI flot bc i'old. Adverlising is nierclu lu, iller tu self and el lie %,ithdi-iiývn ai are linie."