Lost LOST-Buncir cf keve on long choie. Fioder kieutîs lcooe ai P. 0. Box 1330. c-20-5O3 LOST-Lodr't wvaoir. e'icirritc, Bell Si. oa Merlin St. Higir lOgir Seireol, loit toeck.' TO 8- 6780. Recoard. C-2095351 LOST - Stock erorler, kcqt' eekrr, vcinito Sel: itr ltre-Pied- rer.ia t-operetrcyas rcc.r'd lot' eoun. Pltee I cv ot Sclrtrr Store. c20-5352 Employment Wanted EM4'LOYMENT WANTED - I00111 boby cit en my9 oe hoe.e 5 tioce terekîr'. TO 8-6817. c'20-5338 'EMPLOYMEPIT WANTEýD - Will b srit cin len beotrne or' cilii cIode ligirI ireeeckeeteieo if en cool iromre. Phoe TO 8- 2467 ,c-20-5248 EMÏPLOYMENT WANTED - I havte o god kowlcdgr ef irekkereieg le thre triail bolacer oed extpertence iscgaiet ho de- Fer' ireet, de1ttedrlrkcrrservice, cal[ 87&ffl. c-20-5335 rMiscellaneous 878-9902 01005S TAXI 878-9962. iRelioileceeeteocc erce. Ood- riei diparctîed. c-20-5356 STAN 0000- lire Meeer Ltd., Allieu Van Lices, Coneat oper lecol ogent, 878-680, c-5-10-4346 t BRICK, irc, ir odte oed ce ýmntebrk. JohnePries,OR.R , Rtckereed, 808-2672, c-16-853079 00130300 CLEANINO. Cet ,oece Poli tindolo cleantieg dore, no". Colt 878-9661 aller 3 p or. MILTON U8-OOLSTERINO - Re-eplirclseeieg, eli pcorec c lto birerir tecite. F-cor pikott anrrcler.c TO 8ý9094, 358 Maie St. c 37-3188-îl OFIMEO Uhirrrlclet -u p' htrlcrereng, fereilte t-cfieiebieg, retrcleteteg. Prmptr scerce, bed ocîlity mert'.lo, Hile cot'k. xrrncltip. B.tilev Br-oc., TO 8-9741. c-49-9883-tf HUNTERS! 1Wonec - rl foltc grocd tect' lauriets te friti cir trriote camp le Holfeet'tee. Woeld Icroc te ccu frscond t'cck. Box 120 r Conadion Champion 1~ C_20 7 Mr'CULLOCH CHAIN SAWS S.l, and cru9 ritre ci Plaza Motors aM1Ibelo Pfrree TO 9-2967 c20î11 12 POODLES 'oîbateut Teorneut & k.rcrrnod. le Pppie'. cccv ooorlobhl - TIFFAN'S KENNELS ti 85 Proo Ch c k'. Dr. 2 8,rrgrrr 77015 b-12 2 ý45 HORSES BOARDED In04FW STABLF-ISDOOR 001>50 4ei Sidicg irerses cer bite Irr rire 7Palermo 827-3109 C 20 S Dead Stock 10, PACONI 7Dead Stock Removal r' LIMITRO IgettCaosi rice for decdcor i22 dicoiried cors ne ectorcet, 014 foersce', 4c lb. klceece Ne. 30IC64 - 196RP64 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippncl and Diecirlel Cents oaut Nloree et 24 Hoce Servicoe 11 Lic. Nos. 133-, 208-C-62 ctiiaterdown MU 9-1044 12-il S USE CHAMPION S CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RESUITS Cars for Sale IRAIIflft (wmdead ORA SEU (uuWIU.d Tie Cerrrida Charmrpion, Tirrray, Sept- 7rlrir 1964 7 For 'tour Next Car . . . $1 ,000 DOWN TRY BUCK< HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. TR "-380 VIEW THE RAMBLER VIEWMOUNT RAMBLER LTD. Beonre SOr South b feroe rpilî MILTON, ONT. li* Clearance Sale ON ALL 1964 RAMBLER AMERICANS Odev 3 LefI VIFW THE '65 Ramblers Mon., Soptembor 28îh USED CARS 1901 RAMIBIES cwrgon. 1,295. 1960 OAMOLHO '.can. 31,729.. 1961 1>5000 o.rgoe. 1799. 1998 FORD eodao. $595. 1937 1>000 $799. 1937 FORD. 1599. 957 VOI.KSWAi7FN. $499. 1960 VOIKSWAOEN. $799, 1997 PONrTIAC. $3995 PHONE 878-3441 ACTON DISTRICT Oely 2 irick irontesftrI, colin- $10,000 FULL PRICE e-I-Il ood cectie of ectcogec and C.rll or tire office 84 Circir St. E.,Acree orex te telepiroc 'building) JOHN R. HOLMES 'REAL ESTATE BROKER 84 Cirercir Street Foot, Ateon OFFICE 835.3-1650 FRAN3K SIMIONI or 8532784 c-20 HOMES - BUSINESS FARMS BEEF FARM ONE 0F THF BEOT 100 ocres. Fric Top., 9 eooet stor0e irbose, cocollit coedit- ion, Ifro and irock croite. lage rvigrom wthltire- plete, gîeoerreg frdotdcod flur, oilrnrce, irthi, 'bocki burn11e 60oO, 3loeleeditg p-c fur IlS cornle, odjoctoirîr fooîbeg rack'., cereeu irr oar., îlrillcd oeil, sil, brûot- rogeoandleeoe poieteut. gtoeunds al iet- Hretl.cepett flete cs afotirforrthepicc or' tire birtrirgo, $39,000. Additieeoal 100 trce con irepetorcae il tleorOttOiit ood creuor. 200 acres, r torre lrooor riot il t lrrtrt' er dbtoh, biti LIrP- b.rr,,. te gond conrtionr.e 1o g bockrots eai, trl irpleer- cet rlied, 'pcrcprg bore, geod '.ocrrr Formeroooirlerto ,rok lor rond leaniut soil. open 1cr oiller. Aekrog $38,000. Cooer bome,c on2ocres. 6- Imboae- ca' onl loteoe o,, ,e cf botir, bot o, aod rile irroogiroo, le ecelentrcoedtion, grand oct- ,Jli,17 fruit tre.ttteec, tt eorlo $.el.eet 10,500. Te rni,. Roy McConnell Sooltot Ph. 519-855-4411 Hillsburgh b1- __Real Estate J. A. Willoughby FM - & Sons Ltd. II!574&#II Realtors UNS U R AND Immediate Possession Lotroî rohi olebre, te red brick, boede te urbools oa uà~ cotte% shbopping, 3 bout' SIIESIC OICHWAP PRO8ESTY mts' and spocioetblivig r - 5zcio rurcoi ladon c 0, eonplc'teIe fici-bcd bose- ml ckore ent erclercst of TV eoor ndrt il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cr eop- od a]ýrkbe Aokiroo prie, 314,500 tour rocoeto c e ntoe, ecrarut- Cr6 At 4occk7 coîdere,rtoroerieeo, drap- 0447~~ an ot cuer exreo, corpeer CLOSE TO SCOIOOLS -CIcc andrnicceiotadcOpOdI lolt ir oeolrrrrciborne',ciolrge gai-ctienadirtie.Teoîyoen liied rcereron oror. Full ideol lcrnib' berne. Poli peie Ilrcoc $14,500. Lrrrer lot S97 S15,500. $7,000 D.P. Coul Acco pet motrer. Call CioI,, Humte Cotte' TO 860. 878 2621 104 ANSE SCVfSS-Hculecrn Cosy Bungalow bock Hucglo,,t o11 motif Holdngfn 7rrodrco'rrrluneCottag, kri'.g eîlu-n itb ocre. linge kricbecr ted bath- a.. ,cl t cei SI3,950 Crrrrec eoin, id- eo r be col c c lot $S97.29 peC, erocri C.11 Hlcc cord,. 1-eotred lot crut Crrrke 978 9070. g.tt .rf Aokieg $7.000. Cr1I Anc Cirrrrrr TO 8-6980. 'THE WOOKS". 118.000-6 are- conrlot, rootrpiere nitr H i Hom rrck lrroeHoiocor. 10 Acres & Stream. c.ecr o.dee epOOOt , - 0010hote1.h rtnk,b6Ol 0,iv270 oiIeelhroe, Modern 1'2.irocbrreob Scortc-cicrge , 3 oiicr bedrooer,I.g boitt I orn Miton, Tceroisioabe. c1ilir Iirlo'co. ecelon g.tt' (.41 Bob Lokireg tien -il o'.d 2 ares' clihri'00 00000 .rpple chr.d. cor, 0 "'*HAVk ttt?"-(beeked voutr peopete le socl oorcagetcitir et urcec cotetoc-cor ccc. 16 Mile (teck 000'.'cf tbrotrgir horne, conit'.t, cor ce brotrcl'oeire ceod cstre. FoS tal]%* obte pll cr111 en prce $21.00 Cr11 J. A. 'Ellirrît crcHI,occ'ullicito'.,- TO 8-92933 vo.gcfWeomilliepoe.dr.o- ooclteroc'rirhNu nua rcqoretr. (fr11 lLecton Farms & Acreages sarles oCon Clooc e r'., occec ortI gocut OFFICE ItOfIRS burilding lotI. CtII J. A. uni dr 0[,rrrl 11l"da r '[5 $9fI3 FOR SALE $12.90 oking price fer trio benatilel 2 - iredreen irenge- leow, rg irrickr constructieoe, plocstereu thlreegiret, ceirl cery pleneont living tocre, kit- chen wtu drning otr, tlt rucrser iredront titir dourle clee, snoiler' becI cuent, roUir cedor mcnd clecel, broadlete, toet ceflter'. et- tocireut goroge, inditect lîgirî ieg cornpleîrle ecoîled, elec- rio lircfiog osiseely $100 ycott e'.ore attr'ctive lor 100' x. 200', 1001 ircloto tire villoge cf Conrilîcille ce tire Goelphr Lice. Excellenr for colkieg coopte or for tetit'cttre. 15,060 casoiownte rteqie. i o p G. W. Goldstraw Seel ForcIe Stoket Coepirelleif le UL 4-2213 R. J. Inglis Agent UL 8-2702 c720 Christie&Woods REAL ESTATO BOOKERS 189 Mole St. - MilIce Si13,900 folt pr'iee. 3-bireeee irick irotme, t.re dicreg rten, kit- ciren wtrt maoiogone ce e irords, celot'ed irotir, fefl 'bae irh ir and poeelleot den. condition and cllcered ce a etr large lot, lenceut and poccd drice. $14,000 firî prce, oplir-lecel 3- iorcl'oeri brick iromte, tiled kit' cHoc, r'ccr'coioo tocom otîir irar an .eltieep.rce. cilooteut ce THE BRAIDA P$OPHY for rire Graend Ciraepion [ercle Aequ ra-,ocre> l in Chr orý " li r of Millc ef tairrorrqerreAor faloeord credeer Ceerrr Alorsn Nor Ho -rel V' Merrrn. Sire oineer r, e oeerîe eoerbrror ar Acloe Oei Fe r. AUCTION SALES lCeetineedî AUCTION SALE BOATS %-c'IloCOodc opc',rrrIr. Openrr nudn rrlrr0 lrkr.r.llrr clier. bort. rooloro ccc 1"" S11.200 ful perioo. haren dc.ordcOo',Lreeolrroîr p-,k $ c 3 bedetorn rrpcroir e, living dlin. or cr erîfs Sale of Lanu cfg ond kiionr dortlire, s ro Il ierrer. in, ari f 01 ANDI1î ilri t, i01 flîl bocreert. Cetrice Si9 ni orIe~reo, T. ARKELL ROAD MARINE rý rr*,' io!,:t roourt l ror Arkcfl Sool 00,0 H\r. Ne 6 ol. e ,'.o fle tr.c 121h r- Cooeir o mre, 010,00 foUi peice, 3 orrîo roItih olr îr . F errce rrr 1902, lorr BOl Brrr A-beueoorn cgolowo, obrrnr co Il 401 0.1.0 , &crrcc reldi6. ont cidieg, clectto ircol, oeIl OATHODAY, HLPTPNI0I O 2lerhI rrreri or- PIrrl e rrl tI,rrG liredocopcttseoclot. 1.30p.r. dloon , orr ' 1li e,, l. Vore, CornpbeHtr0oce reo. se1 oie3 1 1,errlrrand a esstcle bose, steel barn, r.k- ino Hr d PoinS 5 loet ee. Oic ~AUCTION SALE ? Ir"Âlco rlire Sc, Curtr 10 acote eotc. Peiced fernm $2,5116 1_ Hro rr rire Frrrrrrr i Arr rrrrr t 3 3,500. Or Medemr n cd Antiqee Fui-cec I' rirr Brrrlding, 0.roe Ire, rin lere, BOlires, Etc. il' oe obrrl tr.err CoUl __ Irel, Couor Il fHrllarre rrn er Th, propell dro rIre 8r I J.)64,e Ilr l O O n 7 M. 8-8-RSON S'Il Ilorrrrl 0 Irî ,>,lrcý o r lir 878-2095 87-65 Lor 14, or oooo llH ih, i c-20~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n wa,1,nlnil I r ,'II Io I of0 Cig.rnoo rr Ir 10 li lere.l nd,- olNo 7 rouI Nrr. 10, SATURDAP. SFPTInMBI B27 AIA IASI) 010(11'50 ' I..lCE Ar 10 ',l. I , .1 o i A. E. Le E AtJoll firrrrl lrr.lrr rrr rrrr errer'o MIALTORS, LIMITD cur-, g.r'.orr elr.lrr el, Trrlil N-r Menthere8lheTereîe.Ogîaielcer, dcokci. olcirrrl 1> andfl.ienOle-Treeelgeefteal A clercn loiî" oi. c." potcI ir eluâe Beards. Mu,[l beocr -I.rî,1l lIter 2, le rire'. lol" 51 Yeoee' Ceedecoces Seroice TERSMO (ASII. ,rorrrlrhoe,iltoir 13500NbuPI-Tf Il ArrrîrrreFRNKr CH,'OMMFS(INGotîrr: po r' $ o,300 r ie eolosae %cfol dcc% b-13 8.rro -I7rr rere r84 r1 lrer rIlrr rrr,,lr, beortilel hor rug brH. EXTUNSIVIý rr 1 [rIre,- lag coeru îotege ' boeder AUCTION SALE Isîor' e.lro lIn'. b extr ar e eoc err, I' rrr1 rrrrr rr'lr 2r ' ko, r i oreu poe orang e en oîd Cerri,rr iron rl. E roble opPreuiottd. îeîde 2h jIred lir to ae.r '-ilH' reo, 25 ocre, ce rire edge of rire e', freob, 34 Iter ,SeIl ccc. jjI, Irei o 1 - a: iI oorpreeetowitirooit circbretti;So 5 re ta --.îer1,erlrcrrlre rmtrt ire see 10 ire irciroved. veot-olt.. rI t rtr.lt rr Tire rîeleo loction foi'rr ool, 9l'nr 2er rJI 'r Seor len r rr 11W utren iroeor iido-zctor. bobo chore, r" l. l ldlI rge rîih o driSed ccli ond 3 rones eoo e l tl I, rý'l i, Lo,2ad l loer t rioi] bote. rrl prrcc OrieroI.d lor. -rir i d k Serieot r 329,000. rîorz r,.. WFDNES3AP. OCTOBIEB 7 rlrr.drrrrrr h coete, Milto,Oiolrge lied.l N,, rcrr ' n rloere ire le rdr ouplusoodde, lrge kit TERO[00.rii], 1, re, il,,.'ere - ,beo.,livig lra ndcpr e Cf sole.o Li drirrg rom Tis b al- i Lcorir orriii îîrr rrlrrr Ho. o oarge .111e tbiriorrld Mr-, c f irfionîr reoke a onereui pilrocerl 8pr'co. o'a k> srrlr rrl o "gio Pr ico $18.300. E1.1-1on &, irorolfo 1lt -e lrrr -,rrlrer 5,1, PHON0E MILTON TR 8-1161 A70 rîrîl, og trir'a ,o o , Homne Piore Ooo.(rerieclrkil" Tom Bradley CLFInABINC Il - c (Co, 1 TRicegle 8-9549 AUCTION SALE i11 0111 R i 1 11 'Il 0110RO Louis Keene 0f Moet,, VFo Mocirînet .rrrlerrrrP 854-2634 Delco 8-qelemnti Fred, e 20 Peenheee Fi.t R,".. oI ' Auction Sales LoI A0 1.i IQ5 eranrdloroei Aa 2,4l or'rrrr l hr Il,'il d ol rrl 4 r.rre ouoe 4r96c, or r Ini in r I r Il rkrr r A UCTION MO050000 Sl'PTI.MOB 251b r ' AcrioNE . iîneeo de.rt oOr' ri 310 Main Street, Milton Ne recrore faoilliooCe borli rnilk Colier; 87-692 ANNA CAIRNS 878-6980 'I li riig' rnecie, Hoo. gr drIn 87-22340 Maie St. E. Hamîlton-Milgrove etroto', sonene fcreerlrre, J. A.ELITT87-23 on & oe . Swap Shop TFRMS' CASH. 878-6592 88923Nu Hv. . Miilgeeoe, 2-, tmri. FRANK ItFTCI'I Arririeer, 87-5219 Couet St. N. N. ttf Cleppleones Corers. Phroee G«Cec',. e877-2864. C-20 c-20 c-20 b-19, 1 i01 tir e b,ý. â roc, bic 1hi dor. ti loto, 1904. 55110(1 W. FRANK> HîeiI r0 r o -to.4 S IT reeer, oe rk _oI ,r , r .rr rr I I lI o, l-rrIrrl, e" , n"r o. ýî I oi rrke' l ELECTRIC -CO. LTD FOR DEPENDABLE tLtCTRICAL SER VICE Maintenane Comercial cees etne Foe Fredpy Servce CAkL TO 8-2206 il MONTH LABOUR AND PARTS WARRANTY is anothe'r big difference in Electrohome TV! Ce TV el a-u 5 ,.T , ,rr r , F 1e 1a 1 e, ler' fr, FVERF lrit '. Feclurrrr' ilre new CENTURION ktCHASSIS SEE THE DIFFERENCE FOR YOURSELF IN ELECTROHOME Prices Stars ait $199.50 for Madel Skown Corrvsrrrr'r Morsrly Ter mir as Low as $9,001a Mîrrîl PLENTY 0F EPAiRKING Ai C H A SES HOME APPLIANCES 181 Miii St. Tel.: 878-3221 1l r Il i 1-,ot rrr hl i,- pli I [Rît I Thrr rr,.r e' - 'r ' o rr k o N R 1 l, i r, Il IIIÈAL ÉSIAte K»nda»4 i -*ML MAI111 (C-9mme -lialton WPT, fscll Loi Ihi, Il on, -o leo fi, Ihili l", l"I'd 11alton