Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 1964, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Champion, Thursday, Sept. 24th, 1964' IIres hosiving Servies At St. Luke's Angica, Church Mirr.rGerrrge Pelleied. Ford a c f i-teeOnsciîdo ,,%c Hart'o hnt A ksgi, i, ter ice n îine llk-n it th, a teate_ cre heid et hi. Lait., Aîîiaae iliaîhdlinittîd ht chuch Sa 1""'tttt tt i G CL ring itîh Rv EMI il, ahatal, g , i,,M HI (Aibîth and p,iIIl teai.- -andîtiMi- latPi Mi îdM î'îcgaPllaîîtai înîng wlh Mr and Mrs W a-a- it ha e ding 'lAstin Hî .kniLdar Sprinîgs' mi" Carol- Or Ot anad Rbt Mi. and Mr,. Flod Blîhotite' Aigus, ai Weatd Patai thufi h. aab, onta Saittidat., .1 (aie i nhgîtîn îisiid and htir, *e l it, and a n" aîi ta t ia iaih hIPLI, îtîî Waii ' rlautanîît a (.Ih-- M". and lM ,i t, gPoltir Piaza. a i t llîîta iit 2011, aad1 clitend I Iha tousseau îaain bhl,-23. Of aO i Plei,,-alp ci fh,, bhrea ' Atend Wdding iPaiînion ude îlîtvr,xi. Me cand Mr,. Jde ýt - M hal Jhn Hllad Buealbrîait1"Ild. andl Mr,.Rolerti Mai% haiv aie e redifur, hair econd , Inîl ali a tatdaîl h( c ea'aliig mor heni ai il U iearsî ilv f Ta-Mite iane Wrillgeworth, and tour.BeiiLawrence ha I,.PailMal 'Il'i Herche Ln iad retrnd orber ened ver1 Chcehn Satlaa. ,i. W-.tae tnivtacite, Landae, MI,.,and Mfr,. Jamees M-hal and talnafiPm'lllatia 'etne, nddB I l 1dMi and M-. Robert formleh scd scat itYack Mrhalil and Wave and Mis- Univeil. vin eTormnto. We ttc-h Ptggî MaPhail wccdmai-gel- ihem ail antaîier aaesIul eaar. ne Andaveeeng %'ilh Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. WilliamnIll Mrs. Tomn Scter and soctif Faildenel Mi. and Mis. Clarece O akimu. CAMPBELLVILL! .St. Daivid's Girls' Group KerIrunfillelft aiiNERoseD Ls Wardei GInonillnae ad Enjoys FulCorn Fee d 'emuPclkSyai c -,eenaCt oucat seem fi et ae Bp Mr. George laglin chp 1 nfia-t. "Ila"o.ta heasi- Miseta Dataene and Malent. ng hall gain i nta ha,.tttt Su lng itavf,, hataee te haep- uîflh Staffa 20. lebe mein o S.DaidThcal te arim, d .at i M ss7uweyu Women's Institute Gi' G op w ih%,shl1i etno aura lI çr the tlute in ra corn rmat, t pae t(i 1110. The at i m - e thlal PIoic th Otaro hamio P/7S MiltOn# FoFuAir Exhihit NaIiha VzidrVnîia had haegaehip miOehtîaga, Ih b% BnneglTshotalsot,il%,Mr. ad MaatfisRobertttt"etttt ai he itnnataireport. dos a laîii iie e d .ttttttt ilo i 1-I tIll' i, tttk lt remeatinigthe îimpaorttance itiu t % sn and tittl Ot t it" h la i aflý1I t'-il, t on], adtfuti nanaation v.ih ra rctn, .1Edtiatd PtaXi nif, iMr.BL'- ,... iltitiitt~tk lt-t., wiui rc e a le t utg l] hi acmtDi t c tmsptaatth,-t-ttt Mîittt 0h l'. 11fi Plansi o nem eîiaiitciChtîDtri.iiltilaI aa t t.l-tii-, 'l h, o '- ta a,dc ai tha utieand Sanîdwicîh Rat R. Ptttttttt fA fai r i î, I î-îîîî l i . t -K iiahtiIahdhthaahîîaaiî.1h, HIIf,,t H11101f1,ýr I ment Asocatii n teNoemea tc' ttli Sti. m,î A't ha ta'efi liI titi i Mr . R. P.htcfiarh ailA 1,t a e tImi fied ocemb1aciaheîhrcîh.lItahWiia AiaeeaeîIR.o - tlonFo, Despile the cilli ceaihe ha Campnaliviiî and ttitttttttt tit itt "tfithIl i ,tl-t'CiiSua gicle enjoyed a delios crea1G orge tewcartimftR.R. 2 C e ,aca pttt['ilI lit eta-tttîg> ". Atit Il, o lit 11) Mr.and Mt-îiJ.DeWit ofWind- lanîA aitrdav.DItitt SîauIhfk 1.ft- M1 sur ere weeked guiectcaof Mr.1 cîAiiPli-ePand li,. a nd MIc Rop Pa'elie- and DoueSnnda with Mr. and Mec Dvid las, aice Mr. antd Mil.Thomncas eeroan ai Molet. ParkereofnilMtont, ' CenR1 Oceccavennci, atc.î Mite Boccie Inglisl e an ,,Councii G ains Mpprovaul ber ni coupeaIted e aLad Ingît ha c oiCt n aci ihc le'cight ecîecttiimen utPcec baume onAaturdaiaiaýni O Dg ame t Ro hatecian men alin r.. facaaweii nate lac David ilalîte O e op e t R a Amilay Meca 'and RobetîAttxnntihoarceai- AI apciI Il.i) t 'i M,.Stewat Ccip i-ho.,îandicg K c elalîaîlî i tc stute ha peinha c tinig[Culig-mth,vI. ,taaîln il otsi DaiiicPesthiecian BIair, htlliddicgtninineccai-io EceîngAieilac, ihei Mc îtMlti icJ.Kira rtings lt it ItuuIinflu, il Rsellcriilecîrecled an Onpand MccAiStancRobinotMt-ttt"'il" '111ti1tt1tIlltt i 11 - ened itth a all to \vachip fon cand Mtr Knth MaaîaînllMi. ttctttttilitaîttttti, ,,lit i - 1 1 Il adIi ti ttli t-tii i ti the Glad Tidinga.After the read-:an4 Mc.Jaimes Robaeson. rîtîî'î tuu itîtj"ttI, littttî l, i tt ingnofthe devoîtioaccvhi r es-n Bitbd-ac lcetiigciau Mi. E. hi,0lt lte ta ,, tct1t, ttt il ittiîltttli ien, accted bIlMclaake'-D.MahnMWllmRobrtail 1, itîiît iadhi, ittti -[ia 4tt01lt utlli caci, îîha alca aeieed Mrs. Miss Jan MtPbal .ltta ilelt iMa nI th ltîi atîtiItîîL i tiuîtttt it iiiîik DogilasIgiiait the paneltdi-Igicaind William Denni iîtaî1ttdll aka uti it tîîîîîtî i aCti- cuso nthacîtîdv 'Oiricnh C ertctNorer Ilitttiittita tiE \tpt tt vlii To Evaageliicm Otler parte J Anetiinteeted inetha Camp- elittati lle _____________, f were taken i vM C. iendrck.baietnne pcîîaNitai-dtîîîtaii i-aa it iî tiitl ni a ittiet ,,M . DtiiiIMt hbitlaioi- tur an'] lta-i", "', t'it î i iti I for, uî ' d'u i i, - h t,, legli mas n Indian Chisianîcande d tit aittii- ii ut h i t t imoli to MlccREesert- aecti.A i"'a iotai ai AtS i.ila Piaclea Mi 1 liii -ton it tit wel re teAl.in Caîch cbehl- 1 f iatof- "l' cccli eeca-taîl.79 pan Biaictîmcse a aili l\ - O it tuo i t-c itll lttil Tealîîean tcalhaerolicn e i h nttîati _____________________________ ccll itlh thitCladti Tdiiiac bcuit -latta l t , cia MctBceas loi scaiptiec. Mie Rdtai iaigiea- catac,-Mie BrailieÈi ihiari t' aaci ted e , oit i taca c r Mr,. Kaîtîta W Mahen tha fila. cpaiM'ai e .attend "The RaLl" ai Act-tt Cîea ibed edKcntH MTO: Knihich onteeteait-r i oitorenil chsandco t91hitiei A T N I N FARM ERS 8 p.. lait, atad t ha îaîilîl or Plnecai mia icie att MargartaiBanchardinl Plans 'Thani Cadtfte iit itt illeth(in te aîiilae. Nowis thie time to order your wunter supply of eiib Mcc .Fcad ACîlerotiti ,iia ton asegaec seaker and Il,, M M cL. 1111, O m a g h E T P L ,j.a - Mc e A tta t r titt i Bp M irc. C. Pa ttca a E EoP L hhait th.gý",: Su It - 'iii tSAut, Niig i a p-:(PAIN(OR WiTH MOLASSESI ,,tripions". Pctîtant I i ttu lh cîÎi0ai CakiltaTcafalgar,ti-t pramateîand a soc iit ia tit ,i lai titiothe laete"i-, Check aur off-car prices before you buy Sîh-1iîhidrn arc geitineg -1 li no ite r u-~il, îti niill justed >te ta na shadufla i>hi ha calaii ilelîtîîle i l of TîîO îîîîî otUoerPae Sapllc coenieAar, hateiing ilsaoretttna i Sie atnce hitîiiieiiniattt Il sFrYorSppiso in mie[ parte ai tht e aca aei Aitaetîtî aecn hapiarnt *0SHOW FENCE AND thelfalt aice arc t actieg. suait ,, 21. eO ht-eha iiietaa rocade iead te Mitoneral'i hie ten bolai cîncîet e0CORN CRIB WELDED FABRIC ceeekend.t aaa li-a apîad h ' I Friende nf Mite Jean MaPh.iliIi ahiellitta Ct ia. IFOR STORING CORN Mrc .lMCamik and eniid'îaîîîîaclae1-i a nimailli Sokes ara pieserd ta keewte v haa t-emcd ILI, peltfttg i 'iai arehemre tram MiltoneDitritit ttaaie,,tm k'ttttih aiitThii We alahave in stock a good pplpaof Hospitai and im pranîng nîta -le>tar'aihltat l'le a'îcm, t aOTAO...WSHRE Miss Megaret CaAaece a0i lInai ] IAO LWSAE New Yack i heidlavini euih Aanireenary1 Servics FOR MOST MAKES 0F FLOWS Mica Elileabeîh Kendy hie Atîetattt-c.t e rca e,îat i iii h we.hl ai CinagliPh ent.tt Mae ra Areatana' a ita-aCtestîtktcInfuRat' (id vof nanl fomera e7 neeo (titît-11 titi R-.itti iai 7 "fui Naceagoieea PrehbverciirI,lrin(-s 'i o itietal t i t, UMi. Chrc l d il oîfi ýo-' MAISTER FEEDS 1. SchreL in tAce en.ng. i i ul %a tau raa Mic.,Randra Bivih acd the tha trîedshîn ai abautlihîtîN CampheirilLe nmale quartette, ivceceace aga. consLtiatg ai Lloyd Rarip, Roert anA William ElliLot e o a -cbr nneî Phail, and acolampanied hp the niting? Ratent pliticci ac y, ASTER FEEDS .radcatohLe enfied, epecaLamaklleocieren anender.In te-e mai atemcrning. TAe Boc- dopa onethe cekend Otarie Lib- SEATON Lan Pecbterian churcichaoireorale choe a a ec e iader; oitn SEA TO N rendered maJ n Illte rnning. Conseenatinee hel Id c piancd1 ia 7-31 Congratuiations ta the inte- Haitnew locemoci, AedAa 1 0Di 87352-Georgetown 0 aediate C Otarie Champion- corncoamet. rAlvin Hamitn and Geegnt ýkîlIe MaortAI Ment'on,'tiht, thr PC pit'nt' and harbece tt i ceth a teaanankeffortieu, at - R ~ I 309at1b erge's (noria- met ai ina hameoeerIeadanti t titi Do tMilloîltu ui', i 1ttlai ttMIe,. Lily Jitieon thaecening bel gat'ea ptien ilithe'"Atîîîh* aàln, 'Ili apteanher ..The meeting Book". Rai-. Jetiaresc altteaiha ,- n IaIno c hi, w-1, 1 opt.d titii a hYmn anedpraiee meeing and aee.mlunch %iae 'mii clutti TIti-Bihle aîiing usgitan bh erý v he omiln iiait S125.dit rsW.Patuland the "ThougbiethargeMre.King atianadaoit I II.the a%-un'i,.hiMt lata,.Tht. ha "Baihe Basket" ati Margar- i il lhitnptof iu t'Iela, mut ' Me 7tMeing t aritelhaikd ike pîtmî Il-ut uîîttutt ihivt 1- tta Iii-tha Tt.a anti Bake Baie ha meeting. l il.itkatnitlalltab, hlî en Otînha'28". Be- Speoiai Service tlîtCtttuttg lpilie,takimlte hediitareeî OneSaedavhapm.emhac,2li- attutattate iatt.1aIthae Cje tctThankýegiî ng Servicestatt Fauîeituîuiiî,uîînîuuîmi -Ilat- uactîl la, attiad arde beld inOtSi.ergeCitutth Lott liiitatitaita aiciii m ca taitad. tile.A commnan seraiceitttm di "t'aI 1, .. lu,' iiti1-1Ilta Plo, lIcuit ihe ncOtahet ahld tii[ ..atn ai 11 amnRe% halituimi' 'maande. e cumi-atihai.' Rat'.R Jalku, ltaii-tutuitt itiamîîttgamIlepalth,âalandeaeVaiaitntld h-i ,,-,k,"ttalitlilatî Read Artiieas thr at 930li.mand Itaim, hli ' tîtîa -a,"u Ilita i ' atît i je, F a- ritcc taai an zauitala Ia'e îîn uîiaî tbe 730 taluta' mut 'uli. I- tut ii ita a auil Curda," AtSiaueoge',. Miss Dominion of Canada Guesi For Chamber's Annual Trade Fair Milltn Chambere etCemmerce - rean Neic'oitiantl, miii molka Halde, Hîluen Ce-Opiraliv e Sop- wi] ine i i, lanneai Tracte an approrania Aatttodayn-ning. in, Ti-loTire Sale, C. Mac'- PîiiMl,,Arena Daoher 2; The Chatanhi maim-inc8oet 7', itai Ec Fiten, Mlton Fiee Mîtlt ni ;higlInighîe ostehi , t r, an 1 Pitamnoimin Bure-ait,The Caînaditîn in, hIt bthe hîi eaaii ieautîti iucke nîtaner chiah , Champion, MiltoDistrict Hoopi- i.. ttltetMeni sDinin-1i iaiitad %itiltiî i eld at-tai, j3ei tanee RiariaLloyid iti, C anadatpli'tti' iIrcel heChambibatah aitheaetîtive aime aaalec Rabin Fluor Mill,, pi ria li a tac penîng bhi Fa ir, %tînst ha haiîr a itictihît.Harris Atalianero and Richard- Matt h i Peiamenit, and prie. staee TOV. Laprev'ious vearsex n 1nmm 530000N ta $5W000 E îeeth Officiai Opelaig lubiehave pot op ta hait aoemil- ,et mata hanîii e ahiited by 281 h Hn Rvliontdolarsc' Wort, ni gonde on cielaPî,hiia Warke iili--- rui Ftsmaage lRe o ~en tht.aient and Hilon Paamne lae the ixth annoal MPODr.Hacec'Hail yaneIiMP.P. Maniaif haenhibiere tuAilha ehtu'ii aticmionai-e î ca Gerie Krr. WttenGrdn gi'ing aea meesimple,.or îenauîîamîHeantdiiTrade Faîfllieer ktland taettg ------ ponorig (c ra. attîc ith ahtiittCbatlac Harrie thav!flgeeLileoni-a t %aitabiapI-ices. ieen hitetiai tuerkf, ethepi t- planenng lie aient1. i taa"Loal iruto ehibiîitnal cî _________________ Babyow Vm hmamotnniMatare. Milton Mat-, ReedRectern id. ai Sales, Hecînan Rqcipment, THE PRUDENTIAI. ASSURANCE Rad esticaLii sponsor. NaomnHart (ACF Managment), COMPANY APPOWNTMENT ch Il titibtii hait ceth 10r W J. Kec ihe Cancer Soiety, man tapi cee oc ha erd pion Choie' Hoe Apptanaee ,Milton z-grandciihampion"anoArddo- Chamber ni'CommenteCnadian ntd bh the C ofC 'Al priaesI Meie Ca. Park Faem Datry nvil ha merhadileatoucherN:Captiaad LemhecK.DucnanTV, gecît aiantiocalmerhant. 1Hato Mttiic Cptralititiaitel a- Mite Dem ie inofCanada 1965, lTelcphonî Co.,Pmnei'iBhaae Mitl- îîîaîîeMi, Mt L a F'eaiitee D-piriment Shi ,Miton ST. GEORGE'S Mrs. Lily Jay Hosts " Afternoon W.A. Meet Bp Mca H.Richardaon laken ireintne Lving Mieage. Th itîrnoan %WA. ni-Si. Mec Cootithe HtriaiCon. B.A., .CLU. Me. H.D, MeNaient . MB-E. QC. Geneni Mantage lar Canada ai TAc Pruenteini Asae oempanyLimited, anonnanthetAcaddition ai Mr. H. H. Anderson, RA., CLU. ne the staff oftteCompeopas Lia AceneaDit'intio, Mr. Andet-son han Anen ap- peintedSuertintenadennnoLifc Agencien for Canada and lli hc reteatatile tor th. a.pc,- ^ciien entd danctement of etLn PriertetoinmntePeedentiet, Mr.Andersnngaincd idce - peeenetin acemie admini- strationt Auth le Heme OGinf antdhfid. Free cpont sin' pcam hc hasnhbeemanage o . uteeemf.1 ite ronein. Is it a big car? Is it a small car? Is it a compact? r ~ j Yeso lic ai 'tllsa-agen 1500. Ite a big car becaune il can carry seven chilairen, e moîher aod eighî omiien. Or ticmiii tuilai liregraane-apn iîiog dîwn. It'sa sa rai!car becaute itsihrec e Itl herter IhanMasti staatiogons., And ie a compact becaune we dent i atie a single inch of spaCe. Ti'ec eeue e i iien aîaiay icecp tin iite hack. Su peu have a 52 Imfot flat ioediag area. And up under te front haed iliar' aîrutk. Juet lite e nVaksmagenis famnut beefie-nhaped sedan. AndI aur \'W 1500 bas -il lie utîlîtr odvanîoges ai the mare fomiiiar iaeking X'aiktwagent. Il geint beiter foeting jen cid aid0,1Cm T 'uý,tadiae tîcegine weighî je aver the drive whentit. Theres no, radietar la freeze ar boit Andit il ducini uemiiciogon. l'he VW 1500 usuaiiy gels about 35 miles an a gallen. Tithat goica oiîng moy mii tepen chiidren and e moiher.' PLAZA MOTORSI, Milton Plaza, Phone Tr 8-2962 THE NEXT BEST THING To A NEW CAR 15 A GOOD USED ONE OUR 1965 CARS ARE NOW HERE BUT WE MUST CLEAR OUR 1964 NEW CARS AND DEMONSTRATORS We Alto Have a Good Se.hction of Reconditjoned Used VWts from 1956 Up. Se. Them ait PLAZA MOTORS Milton Plaza Miton TR 8-2962 cjTt I lers 0 ý, k ýd 0 ar l ked.

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