Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 1964, p. 10

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THE1 SOtie ANNIVERSARY nf the inyinq nf te nnrnnrstnnc ni Beihet Unined C6uneh, Dennnncn. wa nteitnracd orn unOay as v.nnnked cnnrcqtnhnn ntcndnd bette ni te npevci sevcs HdnttniofTnrntnokcenithe mnnnqserviewhite R .Murn c ZiednnOfvnTrnto eae, nd t vnn sermnnv.,nMr. Hnmer,îcîîtMr.Linsn dadî ryPcktrpeetn thennncongtne nare son'.ntttnqinifrontftecshownncaennte cntan l n. ,c, trentnninnd fnvthe 1914 ninqofite ctnersînnîvThe'<n aead rwls ded icte on und ne' Il" RdCi-,tIl,'nE Onti, ttntnetcn innnn<nt A nnual "S ang R1dIIy ,ore ,onrIla In Lowville on Oct' 7 Acii ný1ýý Pnete eh "lietnnth THI S SUNDAY'S ýUI Sotnd C,11,nb ht.t,ngn clai iton, Ocn incneeand andpinoci1, Church Calendar ;u___ n'.nninPul' i. -n'iegcnd Calendar ý e.Pu id nd e. l-1 SpntttOF ,,L,:tcr Loc.<NOX PIES8Y1hIAN cHSiCH I PARI. 0Fres hrh Lwl \l- O nt i nnn1n miclie t mtCccLmil H antielnctt,', h n't e a. KIl L. Mnnse n,.A. St. Johnc's Chatoie, Nassagaw'ya tnt for tle tradtn penncnn 'Skn' TR 8-6166 TO 8-261l2 (The Aoglin CtoCehnof Cnada) a 1 '.t O coe, iciet usnenbtit and1 Recto' h.ctdeetnnnttn , n'.eegt endRneltncbfn RnP P E.nfftnCt Otet'. Pee'.bntui.tn Ch'.eb ia-in tecLnonncurMnkct" Ceýhn .pbetOn,n0 ilion Mr. Dannea it> igie DAt SP-TEMBER 27, 1964 St'IZA SETME 7 16 ptcno .nnd negan tn'.nn tin 30 SUDYS T iXVIII %,,I, scnd th., --cin IInIttt i49 Snn. Jenhns Ctenttt aogantni .nnd mnusic dnnecit 1030 g nn.-Petten Titne in Rtete>Coc, Venive. Nassagaeya (ve nvil koeceen tee'e'n hit .InnnnJ St. Geerge's Cech, LowvCitt radio and TV pIg ra , 11.1 e'gnnoiin trv n Keevink ng Leader Mnnda,, Seennte 28, It 8 p.. emn udc'. Rebeni %It. Field0 vinsten nf Sirccv -Lndin< AtO- nntiing. bev S W.nn S.OnI ville United Cbnenb. ho10'. de- . Oal Wea S Oibk' gnnnnof aceteinni Mn'.in .nd teeing on iteMpelcfnn ntdnOn a it in chonir leadetr.hip in ,ill bc hiclil in tri, Sun______ a,. nnnnbnveteong'.nnit .tn'.lgttng ,txr2 Rnnv cI, 210. BOSTON AND OMAGH H.i,eiginngLetn'.d Cin; t.- Oenvc PRESBYTIRIAN CHURCHES enc, her le Iad 60 m, MILTON GOSPEL HALL 1fnlMdrtr cnc.nbnbte'.o tnn 306eOntarionSi N. 1 8-022 Ren O J.KiL Mei3nnn, Mrn. tu,,,d 2-1a Chct'.tign'. ggihce'ed in th^ Ontx 32, Mtiln, Ont. Mrgn.s antn chonirlae t? tn jreo te e nnnbLordt,n ChtîtI TO 8-6066 TO 8-26.52 ad ha, nton Ittle' h. -,ild -Ie, ksi \OAY, SiPTE\11F0 27, tnvt nndj it nd huiheett..eentt LORD'S DAY. SEPT, 27tli 1964 Ot c n«ttn.S,,,i>, bcnn ~ ~ ~ ~ 103 nv.ttnt.nntttttn.m.-13ecgiîngnofRîen. i.OOantandt7.30 Cn ,. n«.tI it .15 ilp.m.-SnndcvSnitnei. Rnt. P. Otntdn \t RAe 05 Lu dn. Si (<n I al'n nlttt.tt 7On00p.m.-Gonecl Service. ttetntOnt. ptanttt n< Clii«tnt mIl',! Wedncndny. 8 pm. - Peeper and t Rînten tere'tt.nd Cttnvet Cnntee'nnttn F Bible ceading. nt.ttnn ttgneletdtnc innit Thne -1,i, ,tneduredttt itcgtn 1 Ail are bcnttil vneIni e toi attendgnte i a 8.30 ci Vaittti- Pubnlic Sc.tctni lbhseSrvcs m itti veptt luin OnO %t Htnt'nttt pned ti t 'l' MANUEL BAPIT CNURCN 11-Non j, a dol'i or, h iff hgn cnnComerceial sînet, Mdlton .,t th, Mtittv on itigte Heb. 1,15, Mininicet Pnntnc Cinyinn Cnies Raiders End Season GlACE ANGLICAN CHUUCH Telcpnn Io. TOtnngin 8-4473 nA0-e ame Mitn, Ontaiio Lncd'n Dey Drop ..ecidngGane Rctr Bp Bnob Wetkin 1evý. T. M6. Dnetan .A., B.D. D.D SItROAY SEPTEMBFO 27, 1964 Thectttted.nd ttn.] gva n nneof socIntct 9.849nnt,-Snndgv ellnant'rnil <t ^m_ ierint n <ih Ane.,n 0ev, Cann . H. Mnc, MA,, ages. oinWrsp etr ttnn tn, l t -ek .n B.D. 1100 ae.-Meen nni hhttdt.tndn Pat, Flltttn. Tthn 7 .00 p.nt.-onnpci Servine. A nt ki tcn.tlltntn'ht1 Tt tntn XVIII IWennendnv, t p.v.-Bbtc 50>03 un nth t,0<ev. Rad- tbtn, g, SIJNDAY, SEPTEMBERO 27, 1964 en Pnyc Mcng nd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n nEtye ttMee8tinvg'Ctt nnnett vmd i, lt t,Lg .til a1 tri de n 15.9 gJ v ittCtvvntn.n IGNWAY GOSPEL cNuRCN 91< t..c t <n830n.vJuninr Snndnv Shttt THE PENTECetTAL ontetnttttn t 9. 0 n eieStng nnt ASCEMBILIES 0F CANADA -ndtO.-7netnt tnttItnt n1 t11c00 ani. nninn Pt.tttt and in-' gtnv g "a n I 1't2 rnn .td, Reven. Lod Dny .neItteIt-jnnngnee\th at2-14tint, 700pf.m-vntng Prvttet'tt.nd StJNOAY, SEPTEMRIER027, t964 met11 Fn'ntntneev- kte ie".ete 9.45ea.o.-SnOy Snbeel. teCmglen heIpct DOt Btlin pik[ 7 5 p.mn Adntit Cttnfititnngtne Clasesn fne al]. np th en <in a. he gin pntI,, he CIL< ,<[100 a.m-MnnnWeCip. cttcadtgflanee tee M-it e.jtt Ttendt, Snievben29. St Mi-> ed tnt Miltotn -th b S I t. W.t c.ai1.and Att Angnin folt< 7.00 p.t-.-Ennngeiiil Sentine. Ofie vvlitnnn thtcnhivtt Itn,,, Cnnevnvntn, 10 . tnedny. 8 pet. - Rtbte Stndy tn the fith innth Mee, 7t 9 < CNURCN 0F CHRIST, Oh¶AGH eeidPcns8ecMecbongo. l' ivnc tit tii . Tt h, MnLn'entde No. 5 Rîderend and >t Ln rvice8p.Yng Pepn t enne nigbîenetnp, hntte Trafalgar A ChuecntYnuCan Malt a thede Inn lie .c, Anggte ege SUNDAY, REPTEMBOR 27, 1964 Yenc Hoe ablete' tu bvihoe un the cnt' 10.15 amti-Bible Scbnni. Classes - nntn inn teeailaget. ST. PAULS CHURCH Thanhe Uctpo 10 . .nh.ig Wneettip. of Se nv il". bckt t ie bonk'. 8.08 ptn.Pt'cing ni thc ea o& TH UNITED CNURCH OF mer the Mti ogn OgeRadev,, t pel. CANADA entil the bncev neaon ttcvn in I'ttntdnp. 8 p.m.-Bbte Rtedy. Main St. nl Jamen Rt. Cnnctnbe Onrt' bnk' . t Shnv_ Wiliamne H. Bnnting, Rvecg-liet Feenecd 6v the unin ni the Pen onnHoustniand il ., ceekte 8786362 bvtcvin Methedent and Conge-' cn tivththetfeintcelteWarinWelnne AlyatYs tnnnnncrhebennada (1<61 ttnnnteen Don Sextth, ted, ECeri, Sentn SUNOSY, S(pTEMOFO 27, 1964 i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~H UnS'Me'nt.thte t e 74 NtTED CNURCN H 0)< nnn 0ete c " c tOF CANADA t TAlC!' TENt! Mtncntc On A. K. Gvtt <et. Hce".' a vannng te Pedentrt ' RR2.Mitn. Tlt-_ iIi9LOCii SCOlCItI an front, the Ontiein Scfit Ztnmemei United ChatoIe 9930 g v-Ai hte,, ced gieit, 9 LCagne. Lotn nf peopte in a bon- Appleby Lice ytvnvvcnd clnvt'. t teeet cit tc cc Ocgaeiet. Mce. T. O. Ceencit. t0am-cvNntnerv Depi., Reg nmlte rs ;h til Stebet bicr RALLYSUONOAY .Nnv'.e en charge. 9 lime. Take a>0ev entra tcenOnDinns n'bp-00e. i0n 0nneOi't< te nlop and look bntb wvv bc- LownIie United Chatoie cecen inclnnive viii Inct in fore you ttPnllthectidevnik. Guelph Lice the cbrccband pecced ne ________ Oegacitt, Mre. J. R. Danep. tbnie Ocprtvcntt ai the nec- Ttt. CacaO> Departannint ni Ag- RenOni- Rebeni - 10.t5 am. enO livrat. rictLtars cenai tlbt'ney in Ot- RM.LY RUNOAY tSt. Pvni'n Cbentb cnteeC lt yen' tainenle clargent Le lirn sciencesn Divine Wneebip - 11.0 a. the betpitniitv o nite vernbtp in Canada. A Warin Welceace ne Eepece and iniinvnbip. dnoneninntin il neenn > t t iv usn ino nnttind Chisitmas "On Our Doarstep" Study Book 1First in 1-istory n 0 nsand ri6e If<t, cent Issu ni Topic of Knox W omen,'s Society i Special Stamp For Christmas ýaî,d Jet Aliinthe 6e- nini isse 'tllie b, tnned potatge Robsn Anniintr W-MR bc- sn,<', book enitiedi "On. 0ev j i, 6e n. bl ie alintd d toi "tdi, forglar ae nntenndc'ciu I 'i,Ii Onnte.' Sbennikedteriet Illenpttncnnndf«nhenîn iîynSipnsniendcdtni>nt> .nninbnttiorenitiusintic 1. lookgi hteietg a ste ganve itorii i gn on ,nin Oeinbet 14,,1e tne 1elntypi Oen<nntininet nnniLt e <et<te oftht< -m.tnen in the t In nnnned todnihe Hontlae nih cnnneldor Clen fieg Crisma ttt. nttt.Illetttttdni.nn it < . hi<dtltheil fli nnie oeftvn -1 John R. 'Nichoîsnn, Pntmvnne me initie the npttnstt bip oi Alon, ,1tt, Li 1tttntdvoici itin nt~<n n"ii aguorie Lad- 1 Generni. Tbenn wiii 'bceinthe o,enntorencninndMndl finint ied itnnniCnd" i,-,' Ait], in the bnttdtv Obenl,' ngnp. ni Siniinrdesignn bin Il tvgt Oepnttnn e d, ttnttt t,tI- Ile Choir andtbnth eevans i[ttecentideonatnnînnda>î<-t io,,.tit Luittt.tnitntttfe'ngttet' .tntentionn and eontided euih rte ent issne. e os T nod8bnb <,n<ntnd,.ul the t ientttemn ci pie infec hyteselcirvr n- dttdednorlon MI v M'. BtaetditMr,. Wiisnnttinitennlnnntd sie angtnd tiaingdne'< steîec eViit t.ene.tnbnet tiCk gtnen in cý gepnnntet nttannd enn orktieie .n vnnn v Me. Aucde,, l.ent, tnt innk nid nicieline enebich nb cildnn in nîbneie nnik ttinCnticnn<i hnnmen ineinnnbit'ttrnt geeinnennl.tin innabnt'tcbînninnlnewadnn Crisitas'siar Aitnh i 898 Canndn Pn AIeec Inle Ont.'.ntkt<i ofnn nn ithe resuits thaltin g îvpiil Candign wniei ceceocntittpineciiî hnîînnrds ge Oen annined tIi1 t.ine Tbeîen'cn n discnssionn".een... The des.ign ns intended teu Xnncn 1891l", the 1964 i'.suns'.are '.,.it.n..<tnng 6,,,. bn nnne neineien n iefeiling ni Cbristivnn' the, fit Ccngadtcn postienintamP M_ Robi n in 'hage te peiitcble.ad lth ser liep tat Chita Tain t eiit ce n WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS for THE NEW FORD FAIRLANE FOR 1965 '65 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY -MI FORD GALAXIE FOR 1965 MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT BT TOMMY RENZETTI ,THE SI Her1 0 Ttic I i <tI JnI . if <ti il. n,,! C,_II FORD FALCON FOR 1965L $IN< CMING SOON THE ,rc FODTUDRIDFORD MUSTANG FOR 1 965 LSEn e Trade Now WitI, A Dealer You Know - On A Deal You Con Trust I TRAÀFALGAR MOTORS CO. LTD. 409 MAIN ST.' MILTON TR 8-2369 84 k

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