-t lit ts ee ilsiat 'Thall c tht elileceù redea' aes i 0.0 on ON 4iIton Platoon of Lorne Scots Reg't. $eeks Recruits for Training Program k - Tit, Miiiaa Pliaiaaa ai CI Coat- capahle aI ticciaa taeiietitm .aaaatectamp ai Niacra re -tkin Rg ttt c îtat to pi ci tatei ai 11. li Taut 1cr on incet ct jat Li il ita îtt tc i .t. i P.T itiett t t ,t SSX-v platia dtc et' Id e P FrakiE. CItiin licettincheithtecUig hl[ c ttt letc ta li,, t ht, egcd16alithit-t-tittilltand l it ic n invittacttintt a% fieldli htiî citgthe plai tttttî ji t alctticatdtlt-tta-t Titi caingmn rmtclt ont itaî,tl uýettt ct-t ilîî inî îap-,iid- men etttacl aitl %,tiItett he g lt,-tcd intlhavotk alith, igttld ,Ul -a tIttn aat i tcoin atc caar tAtt% a tli es iattttitp aatt Ih, Mltnaatiatoctiitt-ttettiîgatîtitTltîieepardarithe A' tee% flcîîir,tet nflit le-t- tai l tt. tir tîcta t c cttaeiic kit il r t-anditoak îîict Éi, ic cîait. îatiiîca ccîttî lîtk-tPIleii Tn- laata InitT a- diationhe itdaa cae look, acah t airhe o the pictaaa Th la ta ncit l iciaita Th - aie tac e uccad illl ace- , e e lcttth itaa.i aîe I'iectleatetttt p in. ilia h"ten I i , hamp Uttt CettlPlae adec . Ca paei 12 ie,, tecti lricH-t ciiii p t.a g t- ull ttt t H c a Gîte eeih il iteu f pareaSur il, gun ah otl rd de O Ced j e t ttll y M t - Re e i- eî ho' ta eeeep Ni tg n ot n i dec dei i k eP ý,, f .aiitictc(Iallci ci l z tiU. MA RERADING is impoain l the catîttt eeeects and Lt. Frcnk Chicq citemits ta tahe ali mec eftche Milton plcaaco ptaftcetc wiih meps. Ahaee ai lif, Sgt. Gcicp Saalter, Lt. Chicgss astt, givesîcnstrutctio aoPite GaryeGrayandtttts Macaiseccad Cps. Frank Puterc and Jîta Pawell. The Cacadicei Chamrpice., Tlttsdty, Sept. 17th, 1964 C5! RIRLE SHOOTINO i a cpart af the Latce Scots Req't trcaiin prcgccetcacd PiateGary Soulierand Prate Johnaaadea geteaiesaaltiatt LI. Frack Chîcci, affheeireetcttie aocte Milton aanit. HUP, TWO, TH-REE, FOUR: Mrceheaq drill ta eust a-te fccet af the eccaed traininga ptageam qivea ne cuits in the Lamne Scota Regîmenf, and Sgt. Geety Sauliet, tiqht, is shaeca etaîkîa aut hîs men. The ,ttlitic tettaît alsa seaetee t-cp teadtcq, cmmanictiaas and haffle tcttea instrutna the e-eeklv Thatedce patades. "Have You Guaranteed Tisai Vour FamiIy WilI i l ' Raceive Thse Truc Value 0f Your Business?" BRYN J.COSS NATIONAL LIFE Rapresecîatie C N D OveeS5pears ofOFC N D sc taMiltons a e l CALL 878-6778 Pal epholders cf tise- CONSULTANTr HEARING AID COCKHUTT Farmn& Industriai FARM EQUIPMENT,49 Equipment Ltci. 0F CANADA LT 9 t 248 Mattin St. Milton Bractford, Octario. 87-9753 YOUR NEW COCKSHUTT DEALER Ceattlscît is pleased le secee thts tamw decteeshus appciilttt-t tihipl quaitfted additicc la the fcst-ccaaîcc Cackshatt cegaczatiac sn Cacada. Chosentoie etthehigh sicedeeds set for cii Cectehatt dealers, so arese cwsssueed of depeedahie cssistance in checceag the ieest faem eqaipicit fer peer epeect ion. Fot atm ce uaed mclhnes and ieepemest... fer fast suppip cf pcrts and âccestcie ...fcexapert set-tace ce ait mates cf equipmecî ai ctcsccatie ceices ta. acueto a oei yo ur cea Caîkahati dealer olce. COCKCNUTT FARM EQUIPMENT 0F CANADA LIMITEO Brantford, Ontario. YOU'RE INVITED TO ... DEMONSTRATION DAYS 0F THE NEW COCKSHUTT LINE 0F FARM EQUIPMENT a.. TO BE HELD AT VALLEYVIEW FARMS lIES. & WED. SEPT. 22 & 23 T1ý Get There .. EXERCISINO WITH RIFLES, secte af the meen o tae h Miltac plataec ai the Lacce Scots Ragi- mentecesieaicctaepardc th MiltanAcaaesLI FCrantkChtg (hchiaeetcamea)lteds theqcaaop. The unit ieattcclnle cektcgne tî. cticsttaîeteth tainingcaaccta. $8,600 Prov. Grant Mount Nemo Project c-atge A. K-,t Httite \IPP Manageethate-tpeciatPra- t ietial gcat ai S800 e. th, It.[- Caeettttýn-viIae Aa.Iiîîc 'Mounet tdema Conca-ctitte Ait-. tht Netils Sal1 gt TI -Auathil, i,îpuh eal ti '1' . 37 t L j 1rteCd10, gad Silo jIBLOCKSIý J.COOKEIConcrellaRîackall NE 4-7763 EVIENINGS CALL JACK HALL 4 MILTON TE 846365 i.nfo onivatt ttiontan.d c t a,- dltd H et- tl gaIl iti îttce lion ,iltih- The Iheri i 15 ahu u i Il, i-h,1- 1o SUNDAT DINNER SPECIAL CHEF AiAD WVIVH FRENCH GRESSCS $10 ROS CHICKEN DINNER WITH APPLE JELLY MAUHED POPAUGRU OR FRENCH PRIES FRRSH GREEN PEAS ENGLISH PLUM FRUIT PUDDING SWEET SAUCE FOR RISIRVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 LIDO RESTAURANT loi Main AIR CONDITIONRD Milton MR. VAL SERRIE miii ba ie MILTON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBE R Phono TR 8-237 FOR AN APPOINTMRNT/ AT EATON'S STORE C5 or t inah privccy of yaur o,, GLAD YOU DIDt ktsteeaeci -1 FARM & INDUSTRIAL maent te gtee Hec ce Hediacceti and Accleats titaet chcage erogt i Ht is htqhle quaclttîd ta qieyu rfs eicnae ice oanyee f earic be. eH R A wmdi cisa shaweco atihe letesi adce ____n______________________ fieldeanddctcacsitctecreta tnstruetia a o taha i possible ta lit etrtccîly e ro wc h EQUIPMENT LTD. MILTON, ONT. ceeda hecetec hclp. Yauctact matae a saner bu- PHONE 878-9753 EATON'S Guarantee Goodt SA L ES ANOD SE R VIC E Satisfaclory or Money Ref undad ,iii ha signs sisowing tise way ..waîcs for aisen on tise roads 1