86 TH4 Pr QI Ch 1) "e ii..i i r c 7 ccc1 cAd'-,P." CNUECN 0F CHRIST, OMAGN Se. 5 S.Oeread celd 4t tes Si XDAY. tIPTF.MBF.R 21i 1'ic4 10.15 are.- Bhe Bhecl. Clase fce ail sers. 11.00 are. Meeetsg Weechîp. 8.00 ps.-ýPechtsg eftîhe tics pet. i'Xcecdev. t s m.-Suir Stedy. Wiiicm H. Beelieo. Eeceg'Iiet THE UNITED CNUECN OF CANADA ieicle, Bec. A. K. Ot-iit, R. R. 2, ites. Zbrserseais United Cheesis Apptisirj Lins Organst. Mes. IL Gi Cee-set. Dit-tee Weretjp o'iO c m. csuday Seiseel -0 l GB Lesecrille unkleal Chas-eh Guelpht Lie Organst, Mt-'. J. R. Daces. Beedet- Scireel 10.00 a.M. Dictne Wceeip 113am. A Wart. Wrlcoe ta Beersene TUE rENTBECCiCAL Pirose PR t-9972 Bes. TA t 9678 Rcgi 44 ASMBL5F.t OF CANADA Teedct- Alterseese -cni:Rv VLCllef Tieet-dct- Eveetege LBGAL Leed's Day t'edcy Memiege CNEsY lC csi \t)XC Si Pl 5 1 e ,61 KEtiT Y. IC 9.45 e.se.-Beedcv Sch.ht Beetitr Selicitor. Netary Pabie Ci 'ce'. ce cli. tir MaieStrert lOB0 c.m.-Mceeg Weeeh'p. ____________ - Teispirce TA 8-44891 7.00 iem.-Evegcic Bt-t-c-r. t-eedc. 8 tlm-m B.isl tdy i Decice et Chiropraetiec HUTCHINOON & THOMPSON ced Pecît' t Meeting. A. P. KENT, D.C. Bceivlee'. aed Beticitees tetelce. t pr..Cceeg Pepiets 237 Rieg'. Ceuet Ct-secet T. t.Helehieý,îsce iretied Cot-nee Marcsn SL. t'a D L Themp'.es A LheecB Yee Cee Metis Modv ee'dp cdy 219 Mette St., Milles 878-2841 t-cee Honte tP or-0 tP.-s _________ ST, PAUL'S CNUICH Ttedycd Frîdcy ScARPE and Nid-SOtS ef 9 am. le h p se. W. B. BHARPB THE UNITED CMUECN 0F Balerdet- It arem re 3 pre, A. J. NICHOLS CANADA Phoe 87t2001 Baret'.trrs, Beticiterrs and Xraie hi ci 'ie Xi. Nottarie'. Pablie - t,,mcd th no fcett linott Ptceý 207 Mary Bt., Miltes hc Ivt.te. Mltit.î,it Lor (it t.,. FUBFBAL DIRECTORS Teepiroe TA 8-2339 gttcctci. iiChu, i tCtIl. t-i 'ce~.iciivuiiiii e t hiKtRtIP FICHEBAt HOME PUBLIC LIBABY ORX PR 8-4452 Wena ..............Cte'ed! ILo1 ie ric Wcceii- NtgtsorLtey Tharedp -L....... OB3 -5 B7 - 9p.e. te, C il, C.D icecc ti Piday -L...... t-.S.3., 7-9 p.se. le'."j 'Cct-IZiî tmeot ceeil Satcdap -............ 9.0-12, i -B ttc, Detît me - SiI- - McIiec' 1 INSURANCA c i lic ,imi î vill hi,,, il________________________________ pii t ihc t ii' AACIFTECT Paets c -- icait ehiime DENNEY CHARLES ____________ ihýno e ti tire Niiecere RspresetisB e ti be inscpeîcic Bt-etc CO-OPE-RATORB IINSURANCE DONALD E. BKINNER tecel Ncuse nhaege. ASSOCIATION B.AecB. - M.RÀ.i.C. The Beccreest et Beptiee etill Bpeesoesd Bt- 17A Mill Btreet, Bati 2, Actes cdiretii etetce Fsdratis ef Agriculture Trtrptese t53-2740 Bi PeuisC o etied Ic vee Ate -Firer- Patsitp asd Part.o îire Btcpiitiiite cfil t'. ci hjp Licbity - Accidetnt & Biketsts 20 Biavetast Rd.. Porn Credit hi. Pelle Ciretei Ceme ectiv j Pire TA 7-2084 ,74-3428 weinte îire je ctli recse. i Gsergetaown Otfica Statue Ny Appeietreet Check into an exoiting CANADIAN PACIFIC holiday! Teenit Dotne tii litet, Farttttt il aitse. Greai trier. Alats and Caibrat Crisîet. Fundy Fery etve. Htelts and testititros Cîaaa White Eceren tliees t Euroe. taler tSi let Espre sev c ci tad trd liintg tee ortteit Aet ortn HIOLITD OtL THE XIX WTt QMau63 ser ea I-- 0éla. of1 SS12102 Iiii7cii. e"' [t ofcjghi tecirce i.eccenciec Tes., Oct 27tir ai t padtcLiciittieittnDc..1iî11 Thecsceeictut ci ecitciL'l-%c ore llcm.eccJce. 5i1, lui yF~ tt't', 1 Fr... Ille ict,,n e- cci. cc- XC Tilt' BASIC PEE lo i~girt-itcch ceueve t 0i,,',ei,,,, olr i ilhcnIl'eec,,lecteýit 11 rieiltciieBtio o isuABiCesEex A tttnirtst stimireef te applicasis msest Be sreerreifo tea chisTe [Bve te eilîit et atrelet ar cary attp chots i wsiet. APt-I't[ANIS MU ST Bt' i6 Yt'CS tiF Ut' [OR ttXCB. i tttt,-i ii ttt1Llieil lt-icil Io theXs. c c ' i-, lieceiaiscd fice ithe fllcett ci - lol, IiNiICABt CHAIRMAN, MAS. D. A. 15 cOL.VA 7-3334; MBB. DCLBEBT DOIASt Te 8-497; BCTBEAh MAS, B. iG.i( PIGR 8-2279. APPLICATION POR NIGNT BCNOOL CLASIWOBRK Compt-ce atît Mcil BEPORO OCTOBR5 I.96, le "Tise seceasITo i Jgis Cisoar". Mmr. R. G. Kisg, B.. 1,ttrsiy- PtAS tNOI ME IN tcie Mcc. tihiehi Mi, ADOBES Be; majlinegecet-appitctcatisrý yea ncee'.ceeechcaccetcfhlcii yot- le et ehiet et.ous A1epicat'ie mustic le ireb Oct. 5, 1964 ScceeutChoctd .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... .. P .N . et 1,00, tirs iralasce aftie fer'es t ie pcid et tire tit-et clats et îeeded MRO. DBLBBRT DOWNB. Chirama N4EW CARS SES? the ertel ereesT sky ept t-7e 464- NONS?"They den't betld cars lite C..arol Leslie, D. Dolby Enjoy ment ofFirderies, wen tire. e neatotmoeile tttet Bas tees Mission Work in BhiI Q ý 5c4 4-H club Week ...Porm bdycupeinaolso, Topic For Knox W.M.S Ct.o .t je el the' ttcericte eîeireosob adOeetgttGiel's Ti l e t. 7T qrP t4e .Ybt~ MARIE M.-NEII. Nort.h lItl tlob and [rie Dilce 'ceuX l teesi" tiet-ett woee wteh gedetds'l' h eh t or lar n iln, E Ie IL, tf ticîHcteb Seethl4-t Cilb a lielilsect-7eetdXetlktedeff Ctruetce a nteeteCerbeee, -IlM h1ddiL hil1 , i - - - - %%,-e the I.ci il e er. vtille itice Hltes Reraletir' it - e leinjg wecit' and iremrpeeseare th .ý.Il 2 inI i.epi,t.e uj eîh junior p.eh.'Ii L gctc Ce mtieip. eideeeeetimpecttfe t it er Il ri, ' eon, t. c ,,i,,Ce o, fil s, Ui.f<isg"a r J sf C~ itrie Win ms-tree Stragr c.Bcr heie.tetresc t. iice'..e Sc1e th c.coo GIetelte odeittc r j. : catioal WEiie.etuelden e the ptee1 Td gaeegeset reiejae te eetttthe lInaelilt- Teh, ceMtl, Nelýl l.1L- cI" C. .ee Xl ii.. cih et ite e MiiceIL ahflEII Wciunuaaag ','X cte elte T . c [hem teee tir thee s are ee osir hW UIEUI oe noltin gtke.ec cL Lht' Me" jel -cte andep FeBeeeieg ohf yt cuat ,n'Il 1" ý'nlj'k";"hl -I eittlie lii (Xci,, Si.t w Wc'tf epeceece aihe ce etvder thosee t or U vde s c d cd esle 1t~ i- i. L i 'cc Pet, iteS iteitii ttn, ' Lic 'îleccLI S.eic.eectMieto iel- Ltt Tc, Bei. ttIciiiteM rrt 'i i a r l lci f.1e,.\i,, -te.a Mi..ilt..-e ctemirtrseeete eeee esir=riair b oieies i- Cheet c.et c .t.ecc. X e' i tl ti ieel ci te t, i l in c. ett iteteltclt he ec o i , or 670 e ileto i This tlc t i ,- e tire.i -I hrn BctO lttt ete S c or B t . E vote et A ei e Cir el i cah et tie e tdo.t e i ttc B e edici l ,eî .t i1vlLo s t ent c n in e tcip l . . eîc it , Pc. l ooeke Baidiegn cdrn ot c i p . andce le d ireeth etanhd. o n h o i L tas (eho Mtl Aai h,.eleeîe DL Htii Tit et, leli m cc.c it.lte- teo ccp tht'i Mils Bem Biee ise li,' M c tel et'e" cIi ltic Tio i..tete ..,c Xr.'ol Xte ta i t e moans XIl ilHettel, Mi, BlpngIi KeeLt t-t tiz teh i iLt,I et cleueb w.rk, tire hapys.ee htp .et tir iems O T M I e.e ii. hieii 't et e o' Peu h he , , e , in gi t , hctc t c c tlie c e e aeiei. M irel, L. Reltedev . l'h, e\l Ite foittC E of ie eteee eettie St. Ih Toont o. ct'-c , Lcct.- II II \ l etAi . i elc I ec ti c e iii týii e tt' C aeic'~ lece Id .t.1 . ', ~ ~ e i ,c ee . i e e . met.' X c cerer et l i ege A thues a A en on 0 0 L i g t f t e o r d p ir i n , t e l i , )L I Lc l c t-in , t t t i t l . tee, ,tt e i e l e ic t dertt l . i i l t e 'i tt, t . î t i î t t i î i ,i r u ieXi n e t B i d n s t e M l o i a h w n e ..tettitc cii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MI .cicee(.c A.EE hatmn DK.' Helcetltc [h, gis.Be Tii'et i hic es djeon-pc rt'tiree Xc ~ ~ ~ Tl hoslc iX S.t Tct'c l t o.' Ml'c. tit eî' angltiEec..elt hrdase teh ..îc.e dct e tîitck tiec j te .tcte hiir eft-e Setdesee T ay Even.ng c. i.eeeteeee.i.tt .eicleei' c. thctilec Miscc.. p.~ Bee,'c' e lcle ireeiicîe iericict cetd ttIo' tire ile î l icl ct Oscee r reeie ee.scem d Fia on "titeel i.eic.eeette'.c ceteriti.'dce -M-il. HaenNhd~ede trhcejscemd eefctttirste.d te.t the tm tt tStrc ei ti i et i. L.ici X c j ceceîe. hhtee i' eei ie ejee.tigcs. e e cr, c ,.teeeg the BeteEtcd *ri«id pogssible te ePEi 197 Bh citlc.lc .cett ecîlecîhe. hpr, Ti t, - tceeceje i.îttclchT-" tl,, Mceiite ce t e cori . vyne s m -I, -od rh iIl] Ite-cqtii an ig i.ee n'1sorltieiu h ci-lt i akd ad %h ic ie ba.n L, h Rcee l O r.e t eic l e aig a w n rfl im . F d y M o in or i, I L , IL L L11 i .e n ,dee .l l t'c e e c i, n ilie pte 14. ec e le e sl i c n el i l lll e ls . n ci tc rc-t î . uc . r o l a d N i etoc io- - o t ho te,1 i 3 tu tia [te. X .ep lci e t e itrs ., ieih, tetinicet 1 eli tle] . et rî, itti lt.-' boreotllip d t Fser Bai h T~iSSUNDi\bok aS c rier X....ici...v ciiilg cee i.ic o e T rot o.hcelc BOlct- i Andei.ct e endci limti ll Xlms-os cedbrte Miee ocaso ongt1teM INSeMITO i'i h p ,, ki,, 'teu liteo Thelti grad e c t endcs Pee -ei X Tcc t e c e iC cte cir i ee.tt V.ttt Mol l îîîtit E D E F R T -ilh n ntJ i sA daoi 1,-, t 's Li keti,îî i c cmche-d £u lt, o hý A il olg rbr8 san h l rchd i C a len a il,,î putlic t.... ccd tn - lhIcg,ît W'ic i e hetes til icci. t SIpi. Mi, e. f ,eeeil t'ondac .,' eii. -.c>C il M.t 1 %îc hu l eii te i isit l lo Che. 'izge ,icecicicitcithi Xtt.L II cti,e. t r le.g'nd i t*ii il .0 t -ce ,q i tet,i c X i. h .k lice tettn l l. Tcce eiegiL . V..o t, I lîî e"e tt.tlt 'î~ l ec P 'nW '-t e itcLIe-iet il...ii.i HCoei.orietlctetetiC l e..'cec B c ltth cci cis, in r, ccc'.i leh i.- n l.ct ciýlelti .,egtice eM t.o ett .i e .'c e A T R A Trlseites N..k ,icllr a-2end [li, Uni\t White D"ticg illle Hel I tel ce., i Si~~ ~ ~~~ XDX o,,r, II Bit of5 -l..,... t - ,t-, te cîc Ontaio -t. . tero c c - t-ct l h R \ iAe, the il' . and cy .. 0.ce Feceuon ce G, S pa MsldhS a.U ia as C cttI l. lino B.i C.. tt e t Mhte t- i cesi - u ,alr b o - , (l v,, Ca h Mit cii-t.lc Soirt teio ]-itll .. titcci.g,, -tît -I Uctett tiItciipe:'cton tic'm teri \,l. att--cl Sctt . Ktc ec e nd il M cce t h c T li g MCTO RT E F I MiAttr I ...or e' C. ch Ttlell e - e11i...e lcct e tILtcml î-1t;eî C i i Pt-ce l ec t lirk y, ngi cn i ce.. firti "'te C ontr sti 'is l e M IeLîî T- N ARE N A 't .' . M;;:;ttt B.A. Tit -c ion' Cu, ccc aaey! l t-.cît Ille c. io 'tee Cthe Bte et je ciiede Aeicai,c eil l ,ie.. 1d mirs1s.eW TR 8 TR 82oý2 (The Anglican Church ofth Cancacdaittiti Cca,{' e- ie (ciloý It et tfi- mc iIb_ Jli a"p o s o h v v..PP E. t eSt rs 1 1i ici Civ .cttt lion. et l cîeeee c KRlec wil..cea l. .îttce Uci 1-ec lt ircer,. * Etir PersesLv ln te pisambis bo l w ; l t i s tee " be or Ttc eceicllc tOntariohs. ,ce pct i X ci ci Mtt i..1e e PiiiC ti i - 7 1N T LA SSN ECTS I -R 2o,.i 1t(4 hiittDitiAý.fi itcî i iît i.îc ev ci ,ý W Ictiec Bndrjce îî i -i clii e..ieîs (r irsU e ete :osUto etr e.... B SO AN OI M AGN ce-i. Tt Stel 6î tcc ce jeth aicilct -y 6e c12 cpc ccthe PRSYESAIHRHE cts CXXXY Cceetieictc he1cc 1K)ei Bell Ni\sc nle-hct r' lee R.ll\ D- In S~ ic..ores Medet-cîcit ) Fle ' h iii .,,[ ý il ilh ,mý,, o c - fitt l' ' I cnO e o R sie t fHatn C u t MITO OSELHLL Bc i t Mttc..eig ,îm eh ev-e-îted t Li sîi) tt ci htcee-ell t Mt ltTtX CX CP IU ilirs "ti,i uend t-ltceMilict hmilc .hhieci lce h-cc -M LiON MM NIGHT SCH O LA SE tit ce Oecut Xl.eeec tciletiech..Oi.cCi ie ci Au e tdi Be . XStit cl. [eCC seil net- ttpp)ii,, \cit atten 11e. tpE METEOR '..-t "" H MLO AM C ISSE, ONiAAi DUAIN N C OPE TON W 7.00 cl pm-G eepsl S et-cc:. l C10 Xc.- iitec terr \tc.tttcitt] tifi t-t..' TH E CRCv r tif l Frnl f 3 5.J m ua c Aid> wed~~c:;~~coJt~A,,1,-il [cil.- Borer bat -rrle ANi TR VE LE S G U h DEi oîx AND TIEi 2lod oig1 Txie TleeoBi th ee l ce7,.t-e L . c... tnl,11Icseiaimln Rve e.clito hîti c', frce\ tcccgSinaur i.... i, T30 pin- enn i...'rlýh1'i ,ino A. GUD DENTALR Scici. te',".l i, tndn ti.'i t 4al DadSf ing16 le et y Swn an io_______SIL___1._________a___nn lifi ated zI, LlTI e" du Eloenar Ee tro and C HreW Cloxth ,ing o lttieetttc 'I l ttc" EMMANUE BAPTIBS C(UEC CABADIA PA i A iA sh r w.c s C, lleP . Has I ha nc hemll lit i2, iel Milic Btcdcr' Tie Pesone Mlctonit 17 Adv-cê7Se i Ineete Pctc C--c Cis t.i ct T e moIt hLe.f. Ireer 17 ceoL Math S t. 6 Elementary Machineo,,Lî' Siro 1 MllieryT A CO T phecBYERIN T RC HEg t I447 ilie 45 55 cmilt-es l . T eS it h P, riisse 82t491 c , _, Beinnr Artr 19n Floricultur GLCE AGOLA L NEJUCNor -ninn om lii hi, tnooipled si -ikIP 8h Inlrm diti Art 20 Smocki Bt-ciroo i r . N., eCce Si2)2 - Miltu i vhi 't'ý \Il- tli, Tzc.c, et.e t"In pmI ccitt- Mtlic Be M cI ce, B i. BD., , T Rc 8m ôt..eic S.t..cI "rc ci'ui iciir pme;di dchi AC eCO TI i 9)- Advtce Art 21jj Leathirerin ninlti,.Lrl1- i t voiiviins(o E irn Sch. l S C K a i 10, Begineri Typin 22I' horostes Bc.Ceet . Mces, MA: a0,lNI. SFFMet-js Weeh1 19(,4 ________ Ccreo RIA. CA.io ilht i il[mBi~i Typing 23 Pasel -I H WateeL CLoASSE CO p. oreve Ss,iigDo t -rend Aolli e sat 12 RA, Masn 24d Copena eli MPT.011SY Ci..- Aedle i ii est i CCII ho( Icecic etl eivce.iecvc iceeeiseee Tee.. onlti.c 1.0am -Braigo ra. L Wtceedc. t pmill Ohe c Sledh j____ride__ _ ',irMteIId ' S t-cti c'on etE MILTO H IG.H eueic SCHOi BceeeRDce AN N e t cE Xh.WN [cIGH CSES. 7.0 . .--"'pe Xerice 1e Preevet-ona MFrench 13esthcA buanpcts Ad AIG WA GOPLC U CNi1 e hitl lom e !I Milles, Lire tee il. Titi, lIt-c N cel'e t, tper te tir isg asd Mat [c C ber cmd Beit are p T t.e mBe FA E dc pt the th: