_ 1~ in' 1t ,4#,M uitcenet ... DUE TO INCREASING POSTAGE, AND PRODUCTION COSTS THE PRICE 0F THE CHAMPION WILL BE INCREASED EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1964. The following rates wilI apply: SINGLE COPY - 10c Annual Subscription in Canada - $4 Subscription fo U.S., England or other Cauntries - $7 While we regret this increase is necessary, rearder> vvil! lpr»r î ' fl fîr, change in the price of the paper since 1955, Your Co-operation wiII be Appreciated 7he CrwknCapè JIM DILLS, MANAGINC EDITOR STREET DA NC E ON DOWNTOWN MAIN ST. UN MILTON SFRIDAY, AUG. 7th S DANCING FROM 9 TO 12 S COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS 0 FUN S GAIETY - YOU'LL HAVE A HAPPY TIMEI Music by TINY HOPKINS and His Famous Music Makers W4q You'II Be the Ouests of the Retail Section Milton Chambrer of Commerce III - 14 The Canadian Champion, Thursday, July 3Oth, 19641I Your New Wed i NesonHome wed tNelsonPILAN CAREFULLY RIGHT AROUND HOME ihtedisotaprae aWlieu thoems atecicel arcb'. Lynda r C argo, D ouglas A nsty bernekn I, lr t sn Spend Honeymoon in England Bp RIRBY , e lan,,b l,ît,iccate Bakctet otuhtit id~~ AIr, ietr and ah.cg taf lotr MrDurant eepsprnet ofbat in eie eaot2 hus u o derae, ptco.tait.flicdfact- mt blcle ecepies ac ey guaeded To Serv ors tctteed. One je thi, vl rted NIdN ,itteUltttcdt.h,iti Mît Nir . C go ttttt t , * ie. ufr eln, hcti scret bt basofered tarehtc iol t Ral fi e ct td eeoith lie J.dt Il ceremtt,ttî t tttt.t uied tichier c il,,, antt'ti ball Sttve eettt pt tgcahcn ucsflho eovcl titia Ante Carg ttcttt' Do tt,,, i i the ik I 1r, î dietioi Crwll.'recl at'v urilet.,u g t t il al n 1rmamd jgr O,,urtted . ttptt. tcet,ethe dttchtli Mt. td "iît piitk eil Upe aaa rln oht e t in . e tP ave . lmd Orltetoft teitttcegette aue , Ltt . Ltttgit ci 2476 tt,,,r-uh.ttede.tt.an ht m.eiaitL prvttI t , t e cetn t ie, ctllgb he tte milier ttt be cee,1dceced t. Apptttht Litre, Btttittgttn and th e. cead sccci hcee rosel. M-ervwht n itiido t e nd Ftet spied ctder. SoCianNote 'c t he. fNt in ofttt ,,,,,,tt flic sttotMi. andc M-' i îe,i,,,I ( I c bIlIvilIcci% iotflcS.thý CHICKEN POT PIE ttttt'e pmaemeî cc cct t lube t-ilc EtServesh Miss Met-ici Netcett ofMitontcqeied go makbebttt'thein vu- B:,ctîî o t, H f,'htc. Eî hâal dc , frttiit i, c ;nILs eko a' vii in Hpe Ingrederî% ftur IDumPllnge tellitete ae htttidavig ttt Viltte trec impttrtant - the teceth, tu.i c a, o pîîîki Candacillge c .tiith 2 cl tttttttt ea Vancouert aned thttcgh thettavm tt ttntetttt ee'tirage ttt RCv. M J.Aitkcecttfiiiiti, ttt .iie- . Th, Ponectct , c sagtt.'.ll pilc tein' 4 levttc'tt.tecttt btkieg Fltt- R.rckie. rttliecnt'ntitg .,h.rtci st.ctt ettctdctI Etei cplit (l .cg A carThtios tthot itteci il originat quites fesoo atTett eecs an eol necss shud b ' At .".î, TeL," tt -'. e i de c hose, tti btt,,ck and tand etical Ilt bttttee-ge il jumping tacoclttions, co tttbty by yeer lo,uieg 1, tahiv aried b ator, 2/3 ttt t cee l (rouitt ttt te m runttttg dec, thete 'riend, side Iedl t Matthed atndtt t"Theebtit tedd' pe.he Ait railu ceetyci ets- yet'eb Peseel cîc,.tt lu pce c i d.ci nuaiir bg et ,,, etctttctejte, The bridc te e ajtW go i o tr,,tt' jink ca,,enations for, the huile% Acaeu nlss fyu bl cteî t,.c Livkingtt tiiurn ieci thep t, ttchceOt.,i g l',,h I,, d c ri n a-lca rp onrhr nru. Boit iittteder. Add twi' ___________thcli ivove fi c l t piee t cbtc,'cc tt ccc atc tre î,it.St'ttiit.t. ,Il 40 hum,'. cu,c , Mi e n,îtt .cktttkctttct ct-t.ttt n Crote trtceetauitt' ct.it,.bttttc. cto i .cirl b oft'whi.tetroi-'tli ct. om to.t Brmpt on.Ilcîti c, t,,, .,id bceect ci ,htc Wt,',tcc cc,,,ptiitilc utîi I,:fi Uppet- Czltcti. Villagce., i cer Ait t,gctber fteer, b.,kitc ptttt b, ~ ~ n bcc -tte C , ktic Act, , Sortc doti,,, ctc tt b rDcp entc bciitg Ini g, b, i rti le ,c i.A t Took vcile ,c c'rn., , andcgt.ct ,,,,,.stocki.,îttctdessertîîic ABB SALR c,,c, fBramtonCand , ecetti,u F,1,,,,c idîî,htt ,cetdt p uI,,,,o l and fyit e itt , cRE SCL HRIPTION bt teesadlse. and frnd miI~ dA uiiiier.t. k.r ilt scetcc e, 24U PRESCRIPTION SRVC hct t Pu Tc b i c c.tt' NI,,. [i. ic ttetct' cdii.. tttct t ml ,. i tect,.d ceice TR 8-4492 - Afler Heurs TR 8.6961 k hn. t n ,, Campbtellt. andc,, .i j, .c,,,cet l ,'. FOLI.OWINO WEDOING VOWS cn Nelson United Cheete te. , il c,, the logis et,, be d lbspo viegie IEDLVR RVO OM TC et' eiBa p.,ad a-o'"hoto. The bi,d'e ýthe form~tt.er "ed Carg et 2476 Appiebe îît -î,,ti. , .ic., tateu I','olI t ,,o. _______ Bur,,eectoi, idactetteteya eiecheTthe greemî icickeaut ciant Il tîcteef t, Ce.cpbetIiîe. Ox-Curie Tue Methed Library N otes iomemaert Chooses eUtensî,a Carefully ý11rI ahbag, ~ '~ lutNIUE R G By IBRARIAN MISA E. BRAUN Wttî, il,, I,.ici A . t,, b ,,i t ,ttttt typet il,,, 70- .c,it'i. c 1 te inn FIT SIC'. DE PP I ou la ' 1-"il e I' L 'do!co kig ha ttcar f i i t. ti a ma tik'. maS loekuuaofhit , n tict.,te c" I, li i, ,,îl\IIIil,-irttiit h .C titi t il it inti.ttti.î __ __ _ __ __,_ dlg D C l',lo i me or3 mt Tt c ttc itir cm anhtcb a,tc.tct iai tt %î,tic Met,,,l ii id, lri lare andittt.ctc ,-ti~ TiE.,t t c,k itiu Ito- o 'f - ia %,ii >1 la ,pu l l. z,,, lood an tVcnuncg an n,,,- Brokncicett.c ,cltc.cdtten lcire t,,or iti,'u c TecSe N itt i Mi t ciii),reicc tetî',.tct \\"'L" i im g -- Itiitour c ctîc.,î.itt..l' Dam p e t I .îcdh c,'tq,.tc Ait quti Iltitio o, tiitable stttt andct cî,,ttttii _cf arc______11 .k,'cctctic'cttc heet,' l, e.ectc.t h. tt11ti "le, i' t,,, le' tic ini t,1,bzLore1 ýht,re plansc' and gi tet c e hic,'.fticttie .uteit 'ig Lîc tii uti ondî thutu lfi ..Vr t'., and buc., tte ccural i t ME ORALNG AVN Titi Frnc $58,0l ho-,Inil 0 0ST C .e a eleblidfic. ni,-Fn(nin ikl Lt TttctI itc',I i,,,,-ii, ull ii Ii, ion.t- iie TeeheC2ll .t i ac pe ta..zt _ v c t T h, c c Rte,, h, i , ( c..t... thc Sc t, .t t ,*I .t , a , a hh.itoe . ci, pic Dtiet uic Me- O rdnd tat be, ,,Id in D etaill l Ai lceM , incD ri, N R VN tAc b ok ca.e c h ui t t c oi Ic t ei o .T e D u k n F r tle , lr 1 fi , t he 6 W t S ,N rh, AL WAuf C O M E MDER ï, PROVINCIALh-- PEROD Brocn hcek' tn, ttctp teebs tpc ceit Tfo l ici AAn FURNI-aýTeehne617U 58* 0 TURE ciottc ttio cect el t t hu do nof N cni., ,hlihne mai ex ed ci il, i.,'.f' 5f5irrlil h h ce, tctitt te,,l -trcl 'Td M O N . AUGt 3cdS[-c an acri, The, Macet SuýIti LitI, ilia THEl BIG. N BA K FIitt Arbi, oaîtc C 'titt cit.P FI. laM ,aH bi A ie Th, Prhig , i,,litd ce sl Th Tehnqu or (Cîvtcg H1t thtic,. ici ticptici .,,, tA ýnU Mdr aLea!d pep in u the book,. tER itOV NCIA i titi Or MILTONp FAIRGROUND1Srili, - a d t co o c , t u . e dli t t i t i t t t i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c o o l U R N T R A N S A D A PRITTY FI grourid are PLANT ENI ecatiteerCi RATItE MI. Jan, y/ soht tu," 116. t, Mct]sk MILT GEOI ERIN MA? In tihe ni Caneda's 32,600 w S.fely Le r Irigues t * our fat MILTON, ONT. This Sale By Ordor of Trustees Ai Name Brand Higis Grade Merchandise - AIli Under Guarantee By the Varjous Most Prominent Manufacturer$. SALE CONSISTS IN PART 0F: Laeet Model Auloorelic Rîfrinerators - Slottes - Wrtegoe Wasllers - Console and Portable T.V. Sots - Fuit Stereo, Coobiationi Fi Ses - Hand Tufledprutmed Couches and Chains - 0.0cm0e Cherry Triple Dresser Badroant Suites - toaodinueee aod Moern Betltoom Seiles - Twne Bedroor Suile - Secliongal Frovincial Livieg Roer Suite - Loose Cushion Bonk Colemporary Sottes '- colonial Chesterfield Suites ie C reosl Fresg. - Bed Chesterftetd Seiles - Bn Dodo _-M.ltresses AlSites -3 ad 4 Seer Tftd BokLiving Roem Selles on Moyt Colons and Dosigons - Table and Ftoor Lalps -Fine Occasioat Moder -Froincial and Perci Tabtes and Chairs - Wine Firoside Chairs - Kiluirn aed Diogette Suites. DIC. Fine Stoek of BrOoltoom Ortental and Demesti R G : Ruge en Maey Colors and Stzes ALSO - NUMBIR OF CUSTOM MADE DRAFES - KNITTING MACHINE TERMS No Réserve - Cash, Cheques Accepted Goods on View Ail Day Saturday and Monday UpF ta Time of Sale SALE UNOIR SUPERVISION 0F JEFF'S FURNITURE, TORONTO