C2 Thse Cataan Champion, Tisasday, Jais iBIs, 1964 The humer and t, soute tf tatot t iltî M.oio Af shou tA tl ito fur an inter-- when the Hos-hait iais lu pre Des-dat, Par, ut floiitisî Cotal % ntitg I'ikfhth ot the rotningi att b the ttdgtta ot H.ttoa', Dart Prince,, tt îwo ttcî 4 humro ot R. R. 2, Actre andJt . lofe, ootiunottv knownr TV ai ,ii porr tt ontg ,tlhf Mifdrel h Moay, 5,,axot. 11.1 Bis', Nulle% M. C rang. Dong Rfomtaie, Thert. Coîotfr, Gvrttft ndo so if r,, Batdagon illt atta b,0 tî'oori in Itle pr,,g, ot tft isgiot ,ý 186 DESCENDANTS ai Thoas Beowredqe atteaded fite 1t 2h eoty as Vancouver atrd Catifotat rarmisers of tire Broararide 6.45 ptit. Thr tage pog-amttil Btoo'atdge faaiy roaatora ta Brompton receatto. Ftarnt as fat taratto aeed ta tisa reoaboa. porno isafarac Nos-thora RFaotric oi Brampton and tis Boous M Bibl ÀI 'e iff » C ff lif oo, hc isat;Ito Rovere vvreCnroonference O.pens Sunday 7tGIVING UPAttends Valley Forge Joenoree !Irish Evangelis- Will Preach T.i, n ti,,ta ,theotttofîf Waren Chatto,, otoh Sois,t ptotrse ttfo paot leadeSr andis Tho Rt. Jotha McIlotifa Irashissoshv rattrttafiaanfhao,,gt oa,, o Itti foltherto]orrcgr- Milton. f5 17rartid gtade f2 pretoa stafrr.,ro th hMil fouritooagatttt, thoa pttttaitg tttlt EutrtpetheaBrittish sltetoon actic, t irrîrît gta tftlm tto stutidao Milton Ditit Higis toa Ratar Cao,,.. Narttt Ainroaror at wel atf t.,trrrr. t.taa itg "Ihochoo. i ,rp'resoîing Mitton, Theatrip tuVatra Frge repcu hei itotihta'r- qtu it id. Warrena, rr ti sa ne h Bot- rook ttrra (o,, ualo, triot cthaotr, ot ecaoo ttai ui .too risr Gode Httt'tattro Bible! BîoottrSco t l lCurh.hrroa a ouat,; ot lle t and ttin t yonrat etrrr ,* ttr titr u- rt tfte Grocki (ratrrrso'tt.f tratot tre fat Jmoe atea Tisa Caoti- thr hfiltor r tht, htnci,aSî rotrhrScots have a rdfoaok scarftt rth greenttafrtrrofoaltu Pr,',,'thteraa ________________________________cale_ HortrI atttatt. Moanvotfriv rOiinnlMission, hocret,Mloi; ttt !leîScot,>rtr îinuditg Wra ren Hi oo, itrttard ttf fcvsiiind at tttok tcrrtuit, I ro ,irt,, futa- trris of ronoi.arr Sîrtîr trtir, t, irttrt th , t.raifo i-t . ,ttr BSttttt t ttttt other ITheoldnit Hottrtftior BStttt Wýt,,,,, ~ ~ ],i trrt th r ,)i oLtto r, hrrttg ttrd tlor tllerr titttton Moda tttttî -k tht, %cr ta [altit Hf I ' t, r ttPr Ctoatt, %%htte the ACTIVE LAWN BOWLERS oet out tau tise Miotton grens on Coaraerao St. ocatta erer arqa t oflthettekraraidotqeraistefaorite sport foaferheurs. Lawn oaing rrtras eeaqgoaq aon an Miton. for ove 50 yeees, isut is yeat tisete secar ta ise fearer aretaeas risao sti Ctlub amears hsave srted a aretaheesi drioe and tey tartre notrre ,,rtreatedi ta tearrnq tise clat ta showr op et tise greens on Moadea, Tosdey or hatuar feenarrqt Emtia Hitt ts shoartemilto atcloe siat wisre Ms. R. Kg rs D. Dowa ndsr Ken qew ookon. ORITUARY Active Milton Resident Albert Barton, 78, Dies A fo-rer isetoof ervie 'aoeatpoat on Moto Si. Bottal intationsfu tanho Townoof Mil tototý agi Mr. Sata,, o,îood a tona Atbert Bor ton ai 16 Rober-tt'a Feotaho itl oi hi. ,Milton diî tîddrolv o' hrode ontpootiaocoeoand fluraoa ihtishomeo,,o Sa[ th poarde ahohooaae held in adoi%, Sîrit 4. Funeao Servitî n. uoHe al-oplaed i hetao fs-rm Glacet Angtican Choaris. Mil- Mttont Fir Tram ta,, arth Ctatton F H. Mioo Sttatang hi, tottr lyara Ma. Boar- MA .. B.Dý ofttating Intr- ton îîrrkot ,,t isece ti arant tottowed in o ttarro Crr-ý the ttti ohennet eriesI ntaay, Miltont. rr',otott he rouan etpanîto Ms-. Sas-t,, who aa hart, tin Mr. Stoa i, uarvived isfhi, England ta187 ame to t is, to- rt thir and Marsholl af Ton- coatt t in 1ad tin hoptemarr0m, Jack ot Lowva n ontde her t9i2 ha martri tht, totto Aghtos- Bottiso, Mat, D. Gel. Mos-v Anne Oowting, aris ps- tr,îtoChathar,ot1-orunerad- deoeased it on Sototn f959. ihitd srt ant file gtoai-gtritd F 0,0tataor tr too, Ma ir'oa Hoe %%a prdfaetaify Foaaraaîtbe of %rs.,to hittiteoandtonedagtr-Mary, datnr itshhtpptaitgaot pat Noighbsis and attt fri r,,Ke oftthe ttttîrtt Mittrttttitisifotv L-ott.Charles FrovFred Bickers-, proîlar [tomra II lrat, tttttat Bois Roodelt Ctittas-d Foot aad ha uttrit i i , BrttOS St' Lipti rettroarrt 1romtaho ttar in,1945 tho arrî ot Mllittato ahriss- hoi or, ataptoîrl htic WE BABY Milton Frott CarOp. Dîtring tisa tattoaig tior, t 'A Battan horlt! YOUR WATCH toteas-o hoîtin it'n Atand oaA o 'ta ptar.hil ta i aoott You wac Ire ai ELECTRICI TY' 1 ý hcos1c atn n ateto oreedied ttaaias. IS OUR B3USINESS Ou xpr asrie i Dol, hoa tTittise-o artht ira Oith, (tif nexe9 o * EATING * IRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADOIYIONAL OIJTLETS *OUTDOOR LEONTS Frceea Fs-ee Estimate Caîl FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC TOR 04I78 ,rU Mai t. Mu1sspa1 ,cii Rein (once//s ricnic ttt the aIItt rrd (lilalYttî,ICthrer, is oittg For Senior Citizens ut , ,.tl.iI Mitttt hortot Ctttot,,t, hout t Iti e t not tttth aita , , - ftind itoltt u ortoisFParki l Palrtntt. Bgtartrrti httît,*aito lu toiun tr rt,î totiap t, tise irtit 5,'0,1 il r itrrrrtrr, iri trot ý1u ui n tht, honao ttictt , tr i tttt, att tîre Yottth Centte iattoi ottit-, The, trot- il r ,aiedi tttt cý tt bittot Prtc,t,,oChiristhtlhobgit i hbutidig to.ît c"e.l ning ut .30jmu Nllipreado t -,k littti tîo fRt, Dett, , hiot, Bah Lokiag prt,iittg. B.tt' o tiblett t a, 5 'ittot~~~~~ ihii.tt att ariari tîto tilai t5 oî t tItty C t Can d orie tile l et in,. L Tb aitr Att jith r., i slec r uf ll 'Ntattt'tii itttaoit Poto. tit, titttt Attrao bart hîtine, taatts in ti At1,titi,tt ,arangemtstaofor a ha, tatp taRceFv lgo ,,ci, Niogaxa Folio oo SIV 30 tr uho-r. hi rîloa re horo in auria MMtlhtot. hrt pîtta i t rta CfC C haotttt , m r vho plaSoi ' "" rTV ult irurît ttth,tt Lttî - Att protcrot looks Part tn vu Io,trad giarnit Plotrd ant t The. Publtcti, todal trtî tttk lunch ttaî, ervv o ,l ut id t orrîo-l,l ttr [lie, 4 AToottrr - r' hld ,,ti l , trtrtt r,,.li E NOUGH TIDE EU * F IRST ½/ TON Er OFCLOTHES WITH A NEW KELVINATOR WRINGER WASHER] (OFFER GOOD JUI.Y 10 TO JULY 18 ONLY) Motde] K-131 Tht, matcthin,,i îhtrr o,,r, tnc tinr- pcl , turci i, orr p r,hi lieu-rtrr Regulae $149.95 NOW s"129 * 9 With Trace, Mailet K-231 The ,t loo if q ootitv i,- oapprnt Kelvinato Wringer Washer Guarantees infl war'. Bit. Io grto Your ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ht tiiiirwse urneeicue w er n ro t-le srti. "Aii,'Celt' HALTON COO0P .ua$195 SUPPLIESNOW SUPPLIESs"149-9-5 Brante St. Milton TR 8-2391 'With Ttrade MILTON DISTRICT'S otdest resideot, Ms-s. Roisert Stgages (104f, atteoded Browrsdge Famttp Memorrot Service iseld te Asisove United Cisort on Stondoay Jufy 5. Nearty 200 isad attend- ed tise Bao-ataatdge Forrty reonioo tise preos day at tise Brampton, fair groandcs. Mes. Bitgger is sisoai hsoldtog ttie-voee otd Matis Ward Berottirdqe. Seated isaside ier- s Ms. Filery Broarrdge, tise o1lest lady pteseet o-th tistie Sromeride oautel Attse isacs, lft ta trqist are Wttfrtd F. troro, itstoran of tise a faty Earte K. Beoaridqe, oewtp etected poesi- dent of tierertootassociationi andJ. Wrt Broridge, peeseat ownro of tise Hotaestead osatih ias isoett ta tise Baotorrdge famta far ooea 140 yeers. Purchase of Ligny School Completed by Scotch Block W.. MatO . McGtisson at isosfts To, fruttfhaadodhecsataaaahi field at tsa taisol antd ment. o tho otoois 0t tht, Scotci adh sci tvfia committro tan hart area ttsad to hetog piostia toiis WlI. fur'ttot,'Jutv tot- choarge. The Augitetinotg ilrttt he. ng Thr firs aicir-paott.toot. Ma. ilflCitrarrivtaitof tht, rsift Ar, RIrigho pautttlotn un porrît %%,tthsficr Ode and tisheÀ Murottstrtewart Coti. Theot[ho PET ER T. WILLIMS, D.D.S. Dtit ing th hobusines meeoti oerarioir nartrottad tis this WISHES TO ANNOUNCE rtnren ortts il Schoo trr a Thse Opening of hîs Office hoSîte , For fthe General Pract (ce Theo 4-H prtit hatut o AItIt t vt'ork tt raomptaied ilt, OF DENTISTRY ttt ritrrnrriatif.r,. Missthr- unHume ogave ier ommar rait Glod LrîrttinDOre,". TisaFer- ori t,,,,,, ang totota nuitahrs 14 Martirn Street ilo MILTON, ONTARIO PHONE 878-3391 The, rittg riord t tis is 'I Sincreac your interest i ncome 120 0 Interest on 5year Guaranteed 5% for 1 and 2 years lssued in even or odd amounts from $100 $50,000. Interest paid half-yearly by choque, June and December 30. Investors include many Insurance Companties, Municipalities, Societies, Chiurches, Cemnetery Trusts, Estates etc. 40/o SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4% interest paid, reckoned on the minimum quarterly balance. Your plaid cheques serve as receipto and may be obtained at the of- fice each month. Chiîdreo's Arcoonts Wetcomed $1 steets en account Ask for free Aime saee. SAVE DY MAIL FEE POSTAOR.PAID ENVELOPES SUPPLIED. CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thuasday 9.00-5.00 Fridays 'til 6.30 Safurdays 9.00-12.00 noon Your Local Trust Company HALTON & PEEL TRUST & -SAVINGS COMPANY 449 BRANT STT U?.RRNOTON RL R. JAMES MANAGER NE 4-1861 SPECIAL REPRISENTATIVE LORNE SKUCE - RESIDENCE VA 7-2097 se ..........