taigus au, ah- sait hn- ln the .eeand. aM" la Slu tht as lin n sai ta the a hies, is-eut hnred F foar 199,119. Hard-hitlîng L,.îi. ('îg- gicla 9999 the 1op shagger in rire, rame as lie ba9nged ou leurzife 9,9 lies including Iwo double1,. Lu tripe anda ingle, W.î9neCassoîn cch teal99lîh..9e ,vice and singled, Soit,-iî 1919 ,ci 199c and 99as 1988 b 19 -l pli ,lier1 and Casso9n 9195194 lîic, and wl9aked once,. 14,19 1999 Gralth bel911a4 lbîec single,, T.-,8 Hood Ii95l9l once and99 Car%, N.yler lripled once. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY W. J. Allan .1 tR.R 3,r Mîllîl, cerub1ra999 h,î 86 fi1î f Iî,î 8,. 1î 91,99 24. Fr19991, andl91911 5..1199994a9119199honte1on1rune 21 and19 honodhm 9,919,' Irsn t,9am Toroînlî,, WiIl,vî claie, 'Long Bran919 lioîîn 19599. soi], DondaI1k, Ro919în19Id, and1 W Ja P . All%1ais ccIeebr9Ied 1i1., 86t8,i b1rihlav on J999 24. He i, 991,,9 raî99î91îî9. Pollock and Campbell Manuifacturerasof HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS 1 MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 ltç!or St, North, GATi? Tepm621-75» Hornby Bail CIub's l7thi Annual GARDEN PARTY Geatasi Hil of the Seaisan tl b held as HORNBY COMMUNITY PARK SATURDAY, JULY 18th Featuring .. BOYS. SOFTBALL GAMB - 7 P.M. SHARP No,,hen 11991,99 vs. Sontn Wellington Co-Op9 Iaseatadely Paloitamss Hear "Tha Abdaman Stinaamys" Judging af Haltan Casniy'a Dairy Pesetas. ALL STAR STAGE PROGRAM Bagins.ing et 8.45 P.m. S JOEY HOLLINGSWORTH Canada's 0,90)999 Song and Dance Me, Star on Ed Sulivan91 Sh999 * MILDRED MOVAY S HAL BEE * TRIXON * NANCY Mcil * DOUG ROMAINE * The Country Gentlemen * Jlmmy's Bandwagon S VINCE MOUNTFORD Mastr of Ceremosit, ADULT 75c Public Schitol Chfldreit Frac Gaed Parking Factiliie end P. A. girans 'Il __________________________________________ I BRAMPTON Driving School * Cars FuIIy Unsured *9 1964 Model Cars * Gotiernasent Licensed Instructors * Dual Confrols for Your Safety FUL WE GUARANTEEI PHONE COLLECT e.51-m5061.e BRAMPTON DRIVING SCHOOL 30 George St. N. Brampton 08L MNBA 0 #?~ODmO 0F ~ RBINHOD FOU MILSLIMTE MATI S MTO T B20 b0 0 0 4, ~~~'1 ihe Canadien Champ9on h>rdaJ)y9 1964 fou9rth place and 1 was really M ilton uyke Co be e Don, M99-491 and 1 havne been rin ' li Legion branches i Brm t njas L a u fl u 91919b.- c(Niagara aca). We Legoe Notesebg ornrut Brampt L.ad Ltaou Com. G.li t.Ror i r lh dulhc fo hh netio Cm.W .Rdel ue3 for Pat M W SPORTS A,1 rokn~, ,il,e a9hiSîthVg.îîri. rai9.,as Jî,I1.Pat.epuiedty Th ocal tyemns i oigI rag ccial ii v sua in9 the Clubnî9 ,~9 .91 ma]ua o , fii a.ga in 83 % cr l Lige, %voud he 19 in Wlr o h ots, ptiwl 1,14., Brach i 99.9 ,c , -, "I , h .il, AI.~ r,999.9 jaIi.asaduie.bci ot Mnd wscagdv 'Local Greens Active -" ~ IC- BOReg a9ll reirsins ih Tebles, Jiney n'9~,î 999991 9..199'999.999o9ok9î1,0.îi.Hîia Moi , îIlirai,,,îîîîîandlflic 1199999,4 hing i9, 19991199 wi 9os9 ufie9 te fo h ocls 1nd TeAlML9 M\( Mil 9161 99 l d 119.99999 1i flle9999I9kl i ro.Il9,9L H-9999 v9%119 ,9. tit is , i iniigat arc inî millionI9fl %vas199.9 911P99919itSle. Li 919 Tîko 1919961,. olm\ i %feiieoi ad ai99aln9atsacr Oakville. inglo9, Georgetown, Burlingion,, o9n 11 999, .îllu 111 1911 11,11,o iî,lî,9, r , ci,- _ 911 , hich,1 9 led la the pre. .9Bilh, Claridge Ia he folie and Mîiton« Local '92 L,ilRtd - %V,,,k-9 W 1999" 1 19914ic aa99911 tuant9, ,,î i9 Mr.A. M. Monteot brighi spot in the MilIon ino911 ul9,,l, wel-e as 1911999,,,, î99 1999 9999'9;l9I99 09999999 £999. .9 9119 ,9,1. 9 29 aihfli Camp. p959,1 Ricky McTrash,.Wade Bekar and 1h99,.,9i9. and99a9cote9of1 53.9 C19999 Jo, lNi.nlS, 0127, w, put up199919,99, PROFESSIONAL JOCKEYS from l0ame of Orliario's kiggest tracks too Ihe bel fiI eti Naey Hg a111 9hige. 59,9 iîa(h c k919î69, tiona9.9l 199 l9,9491I9 IM,.k19199199 adhae Pak MllnonSîd a nd lreated approx imelely 75 fans for some hilarje9s hijinks. Shown 191 199999999 lyke games, the9 Sinclair a99d 14, C. Johnson) 999 I9.9l9999d tu rent iliei hall! Lin To". Zelasko, and4 Dermo man1 ,r, ai a99. barber shop are pire Bill McTrsh, are Jerry Harrison, Eric Walsh, George Gordon, Cliff PotIs, Ninh Sh.ck,' furie laver 0 he 9, Oakvil n m-ý 8991 Ta9999 or9 40 lngo h99999 A, Ile9 w11991 fils lavcaitc919 Billy Persan, John Livinqston, WAyne Scott, Cy Bnrnhof and teem Imanager Ed Dalton. ville and won9 a close 10 deci-, boule riat199 New1 99, Za.]..91 .1 anci999 fi9,9 1999 mes9 ho-.911 999 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o as.~9~1 oilaMark Hyatplaceua per- soP1,1994.and999plimen99994, 1999919119. .9191999991 fe19c 99 ueez bn in the fia ýMlitai lbi fl M9191999191 col,-99119999 "This slitllle911.99,I is 9.999999 fi Co>mbines Practice in Earnest Clossy Pm, Jocke Wade Bekaa pickd cu the 99191 1199199919 99ght the mi991 iii- IL ... Cmaeay~a4 t for.. Ra.IIn' 129, altack. Hugh, e 99 t91he clubs of9Po91 C,9i o pr-n bad, nysz For Girls" Provincial iourney Sàe..Bull Tqlits Maskal singled and 49919194. Ro-. Stieuis9îi119, 0.91991119991 MilaatonFamHaO99aîy 09Bo19td9 Smeo 89ai's Icading pro- be.rt Lawrence, Roger Ro9lev and \Us9 19911 91n tri, Milton Gren tion and rce and you'l bc buying HyBa W ikas 999 rally. giving Led9ith Food4 199919991 jockevs put on an in. Rickv McT9991 eah 19994 1999 999919 32 pI.9)9rs par11919 . a Faîm Hand 199 ail around economy. Miln atot i inme M.er1rn19,f bis el a t9,1.4îî. erestingshow ai Rotary Park singles. and Mark Hivall singlud, %%t Mî 1. Cairns. Mr' bcga, n pracl io n for fic O19". FIylwatters bare been in the9 on 09949, aflernoon as the. ic e Joli n").919 Mr,9919 1. P,[1,, tare19 9lyo n pr epO it mon99 Un9 . hab9it of gettiîîg off n a 1 9, sl o yed a ,n)119all game aga8991 Effective Rele M- Dîîn,9., and9 Mi. Tu,999,9 der the cd999t9999, ia i ih9911 £9 îarî and 8199, en r 1 v999 fi) 9999. Inemrrr, of 1the Milton Lioîns On 2999c 219 in Braipfon.1, 19999.191 .9 de a19 h999l91i 9 1~1aul 1199, apportent%. 11.9999999 Club and the9 Milton Midgel Clarke piî91hed an 999ing and ai ai'% finie Flo9 Slîapp n d Bus 91 K9iigl1"9 fini, 9999999, 199999,9 tarno bail rectum. Cy "The G99' Bom n et hir of919, 9) on rel95 9ief hall19 Men's Wear, 1191, mincir A611519, 19989,9 the y makie il 19.c19. ba and Jerrv "The Fly" Hacci. pouce Milton tu a 9-7 win Cla,e WRONG NAMES leam9 of girls thir19c9 999ars 91 Brcnda Berry pilcbcd the %vin son 99ere the top p99îr9r9 foi, in relier aI Wade Bekar, p119199'd A 9999 9 fi9,99 of 7 I 9i1a 999 and tarderhave been invild ( fu 19puIniks, %viril914999 Ke,îî 119e joky9s9h09 pa o.t ou atr i at, unir9199 9999 19999919i919gmat l ct,,9999.l9.99 9.999o 199989 99 1 Io' Parlicipate in Ille Pi-tîinc'al 19159994 livi 1,199.nng 9991999199 11i95199 the9ko9 119i9l g19oalr 91999.9991.9999,1 throghou siru9 ouiilr tnnrnamenî~~~ 198 Ao99 1 lI, nd,îv nig19 Tri-C,,îînlî A'h the 9091991 and aianagcd Io skip cd in9 nifuiv 4919n9e 9ffort H1, R,i,.î,- gladuat.999 pholo, is.a" anno99l 999991, un499 the9 Ijuif, S99999119.'crise Millon 81999.9a9 e aes 999 e r s1,itgling in the9 99s 1199, engin1999d iv99 double, Bol, il, file rear to9999999911 9 lorlîdiclin of th9e Provincial m.îcy 21-13, 19891gain 91 th i fis9.evenlh inning. There waïa df9411 . *9 Ne\vç.me9, Mark C19aî 99-,99,, 1c99il: 9 0,,ckl'î, t ,v9 tr on t'h191 -, 119.arnt Icas,î. frence o pni o 129on99 the99 fiaSîîîohigesadarpe,,; T A T R I E 19r la and wi 9fac 9laei ci819. 149 A,,,, 899999.919Ik ureu [or999 199,r ai- flic éanne a. the9 Mîiltn MilonlRoge R99919,,and Robet Ch (Ii,tolîhv Thoms,. Doî,,.,,î., Pol Check intoTR TO TI E cWeland oOshawaîiis ve., , 119Flvvvaitc,9 and lielpetIl9 8999eutra cl.îime a 204 vco iLwrne ah ued a 2, "~'299999999l999nd ing-ý'" \ilz, 9919M119 z919,9.,11. Jh C i. os n19ti n Besides plavitg in 819e licu9, sure [19e 9919 withl a 19.î,,s lo9.4999 91191) the, I9ckevs991 insse i 99 994le and John Arnold h9999inl Ma I.9 19,,l.Kî, îîî an exoîtîng nrn9 99 sr league, 119e single M,î,9,, K' 199,î n aIed , 99895 ,9199 i. W9,81.1 99 9979B,,,9 , \ii .9191 îIt, steCNADIA O abn n er0ice, pî.ing exhibition games wit919 peut99 a 9999ba c for55 ri, L-, A19998 75 ans allen9led 19,9 lu9 ri.cenre desig 59 9,9910 lutrins 1,991 oul1 9,1 999999 To-1 (Caîîî. Regna Reinke s,9,,9î94garie. The jockeys are oachedî PACs F10ic ad fut njght (T19999499) they v9is.î9 Piîh.k 9 919 99n 1 the , mori]orte Thunder,,. b,' Pal Renillard, the999149 ac-91999I strengthoand makethe 9,19fra8 aemlhaL-m itcs an99 %%a 5999 nit the tiv9ejockey i North1 Ame,19a. A U M ~ ~ h ay! 19,9184094 reoîly self- 8,î,m the, Pic1kering Minou l,' 9999 9. 18199999 119 onth am Sund9v 19 W EmýB lkes 4 19 Leagu9 an9d 91999 engage in il 1,îI,,î1 194 .,k,î, 91999 9194 Jerry Ha9rrison. 9, 99 ce9999qe9eninth Velum 5999 flaire , 14119 in 9 Mito 9o , e Comet-Mete199, riul1 clownî9 Gordon, Eric Wailh, Geor95e Gnr, ScncCneRi ae.9iketm d 89 2.0 8.91.91t Rot19,v Pa. î 1 7-13. 9991919 5899999 sav'iii 1î, Polan Joh9. n19 Licing,9î,n. Cv FRUIT fn R CR T R ra aeAak and1 991119199991 fr19în 0999919, S89 I.îoi inning. 19(11 tîc 9989994an Samn Nadalin. Verne, Wa4en,1 Britisa Columah Sostadayo C,îhain,. în n d.9 Si. 819e bases lnaded, 299919, î.1 rr519C,, Gus 14ow19a, ChuGadn ra9knks Cathrins, Wnon e rblid Bo CiickTRACTOR TIRES 5999.99 0,9919,9. 199999 a991 suehmernGevind 6899 Pa,î9999,99 BEETS oesadrot cosCnd. Hanse Ltagne ,9 It il fine catchdeep I n centre lion for 1the Lions. Roger WiId 3Eace ORANGES Multipie rik design for eos- Las[ Thur9,l.99 9999î1îî, Miron9 S99fiel. loîng piched for Milton9. 39 Dozhff Wht9999slnrst uop. is steerinq oni ragged ner- Ph199991999, e a9,9 riv 1199,9 lesli W.,îkin, pilhed the w99 29c 39c Do.SprD8Je .rs an Heovy duty corritruc- ..MioCahaecaehcl Vanee cuit ng n 9relief "-1990n plane golf and4 bridge .99 mGee iecotnns pound gve long serviceglfi. 19199 a 22-8 viclo,,'. :in 91111 3999 091i9,999 Il.~ JaeDnoihreenuhtevmcegm .i e orTaelAeto Aller a jiiîîrv sîar,. the Coln-îca go gani for9 th191, e Spuinik, î1ng919,9195911. HOMEGROWN CABBAGE ... 15c Head (lie piî.hin.î 91 91999999 Van9î199"9 9999 19,91, 19, Lorraine9 Ron s.9i Campineli's - Chickea Needie ior Crtaaiml orPoag C SH on C RR w9111 fine Fieldling 999991999. The9, STN IG IE ETEI U I ---- _HLDYALTEWYWT a9s,9am 999919 l in99511 the fr.11,9. STNtG E ETESU I in Sc 0119A ESAWf7 AHadCA Y ,îdp1299119i W9îk9î9 19,,l 6,t W L T CPgae il, e 15% Bod a4p dan,,L'l Wilkins99 l9îî,,îl 12991999. Cobie 88 0 Bou Coupon: rive99 hioi ienn I iPaePariv 141 l. I ... 3 1 2 PRIZE LIQUID DETERGENT -- 2 for 89c Franes anfrd ent he iI1 40 2BUY ONE GET ONE FREE) ineon th9e 919n4 for119e Thun-î. TRUCK RENTAL 49,19194,, but, 19el,99î999î9le.,,9 SCHEDULE occ9s9on9l 999999 in the9 field ai- Mo999999' 99999 93-199nt, 28 King St. GIANT SIZE TIDE- -- -- ---79c lowig sve ,l nrri 9 ion. v9.PhaLln.99';L9 199,T, Tri-Cn,înl, Alhleli91 Supplies ,,,n Colla%.ge Btrand rame lîack 919995)1 in the 1.99 T19999991.19', Ju991 6..Tri-C2991999 MILTON TOILET TISSUE -----. ---------- 4 rolis for 33c inning. but a cls 9119999ii1 ai 1 Comnes:99 819.9,9,99, vs Led. . SCHUYLER BROS. LTD. thr aenre u ui--vih.Moving day a19ea^- I so BCof GNA ICNIC LaMS S59 Main Milton TR 8-2349 we hae ai) th9e t95991991t BLGN AS 5 * ~ 14 . Truckk with hîi19, lihe 3-l. for $1 39c LB. Bantam s LIa4srîrcstraan naplac Lean Bait Peamseal Hîtsr PORK CHOPS BACK BACON- Trou nce O akville 18-4 -5 LB.ratu Made oreLB Milton~ Banl,,, tileshd Ke P an pithe for9 Milon SI88-27 PARE RIBLETS _ .------------- 4-1b. for $1 o A 1 999999199r.14 bit 1919019 DnSIALdaludsee is nld 9981 Ida aî neno and Inu9e flic 878923 fontD in A Ti LA STi a miroitier 9,o 0akville lean V11 4. ll, soe t c in thefIsi (If no Anse.er Caîl 4409) PHIONO FRE08NE as the 199991 999994 199e lie or n [lefrhLn nceih i TR 8-M3 RESIIV IJ DELIVERY 0E i9 1h19 seconn , 9999 t'c f Ihý