IIGAL Cmfue) LEGAL (CoutInumd N~Q MUNiCIPA.L, AbARD »Y the CaeP.00esmI of the Tawn at 0ak440.e Mar apaent of a BY-Iaw ta reêdate laad use peaaed paeaui to Section 30 66ePlanrflagf Act. TAKE NOTICE thai 36(3 ((3(3, ci3 Of the Corporation af the Town o(f OakvIli64io33ds tap- Pli "0 The 0(334(33( Mua.i<ia: B(34(3 putnuant 3(3 the3 provisions( of3 section3 30 of The Plaa(i(g 3Ac3 for approvai of3 Sy-iaw n333m. ber 190-I, pase3d on( flic3 3533 day of lime. 1964 A (3(p>3 (31736e by-iaw la ftirnished 6(3(33(3>3. A note3 giying ain e(3pia3ati(( 0336he putrpo33tand (333>3<3 of6( 6>3e3Il 3 andtsd rï th0(135 e 36(346 afei 333< theey ix ls 41(30he tore-634hc 33>36. Aoy pe(33(3( i(33(r3(33d 33333, (333366 foutteen (34> day.. 333333 the date of M6i notice3, 33(3(3 by registêred mail or3 dde ta3 the Cie33k of the Ta(3w( of 0akille, notice3< of3 bis3 objection0( to 333<3 val33of the(33>d bya, log3t<36( wtb a saaeme33 of> 33(33 g(3(33(33 of ..ach olbjection. The Ontario( Municipal Board 3335> 403(3(3e of3 th(3 (3.3> 33, 3.33 but hefore doing su3, il 3333 ap- point3 a lime and place (36(3( ami objection33 1(3 the hy-iaw v,113 bc canidered. N30t3ic( of 3333 6334< >03 that vay be held 3,iii b 31(3(33 cril 1(3 pe3(3(3(3 wh6 have< 3(364 an3 o3bjection3(. The huit date for >3>3313 objec- tions0 wi1 6(3 Juiy 9, 1964. 'DATE» AT THE TOWN 0F OAKVIILS ibis 251h day of J4(3(,31964. S. A. FEATHERSTONE. (3333<, The< Town of3 Oakvi3,, P.0. Box 310. 033663333> Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF3 THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE By-Law No. 1964-81 A by-law la amead By-Iaw 1958. 48. WI4REAS the yard (3339333<33 orients(1for3i(34(3(r(3i3zones3have been roud more3 (ha,, 44<9(3433 for' lois 3m3>oig on( (33334 roi3 w(4n,3ha6o6>3m3.3and i il de si3(3363( 3(3 alter( th33 proviions33 of By-iam 1900f.48 5300 THEREFORE THSE COtiNCIL OF3 THE CORPORA- TION3 OF THE TOWN OF OAK- VILLE 0533(70 AS FOLLOWS. 1. Parao(3ai:h 15 of3 Su<6>33c33(3( A of3 Seaction 7 of 0,'3a33 1950-48 is (epealed a(3d th33 33333(33(3 ,ah,333(33e4 36n,64or 13. Areas Reqaidramenta lnan Iadaatrial (Nil, M2 or M3) Zane <a) Except a( 3(3(33>4(3 3(3(333 paragraph >(336> ) 33f333(33336iph no0 p(3(3((333( ih inan36333(y Indus- triai (MI, M2 o M3) Zone, <(3' cet(o Élian.33(yhbuiling(3or3(struc-3 ture3(3(( 36<es the 33(3333(33 (333 qui(3(m(3(33(are(33mp3334 ith:3 i. Minimum front yard .6.336 -50 63333, 3(3333>433 that wherc the (33333(33(33>43(33(6(333(33333 on( 3363<6 the lut3 frnts,, isi zone(333363(3(33(3(3d3(33>3 use,3 are 3(3(33>33(34 il ,6al3 6<e 133 3<3t. i3. Mtinimum (>4(3 yard3 333336, <ach side-103atell,333634334 36,, wh6((3( a3 (34(3 lot3 fine i.. part3 o3 the bouaa34y 6(333((3(.33 an(indus trial zone333and43a3zone3333(3(333<33 >dn,33la3 uses3 are3 33633333(34 t6he 3333(333343 distance3 h<3..3 fl6< si4e lo3to fine and the n3<33.3 w(a33 of a building on the lut, il ,6a3 6< 35 3(3(3. iii. Minimum (3(34( yard3 d<pih -25 feet. 3(3(33>433 (631 ..6n'< the (3334( lot3 fine is part3 a3 36h, boaodan< 63twe an3 34,<3333 zone an3(d a zone w3here re333333 enflai3us a re 3(333 d 33(3333.i shail lie 50 fect, and. where a rar l fine( adjoins a r333(43333>3<3'3 33ay, n3 <(34( ya(3d shall bc33e- qi3ed. (b) N(33.333hta(3ding (336333<33' graph (a) (33 i6bis 3,33(3336,os cepi(3on fine3,33concession(, o!3ser vice (3(3334, and(3(344(6433>33.a 3(3>43 greate 363(3 66 flot,3.Ille minmu criremenis shall l3333333ie:3 i. Minimum front3 yard< del>3> - 30 333(3, 3(3(33>4(3 thai .,her< flic (3pposite( ,ide af 3633,3(333333333 3363(3 the3 3lot3(33 frnt 3(3 i333zone 3363e re43333a uses3333 are P( 3333333,13t sha33 be 133 3(333. ii. Minimum (>4(3 yard4 33333. ,<ou6 sde - 103~ 3<33333333.ie Ébat where a si4 lot fine3 i, pari or the boa64ary 6333m,<o .3n ;n 4(3,3(3343zone33and a33zone33333<33 <33(3343(33>33(3ses33r( 333(33333333, the minimum1(3 distanc belw'een3 the lot3fine a(34 t6(3(3333((3,3 3333 on0 a building on( the3 lot ,6a» 6< 35 (het, !i. Minimum rear yard ,cpih -10 feet3, prod<cid tirait ,.her 3the33( 30r lot(fin is.33< pa, ofth 6333333333< 6333.333 anir,33 I 33ou<,33nd 3a3zone<v36r,3 33 ,ai use a, pul<3'3<<3 d. i 3 633 50 flot, and4 hcr,3 a3 333, fine( adjo3insa 3<33333y r3<.33 wO>3, no3 (3334( yard( ,6333 bc< 3(33(333. (c) No3wi3hstanding sub-4(333 geaphs (ot and t6) of36> ibispari graph, no building an à cone lot1 3333> b located 33(3> close(3( In the ..343 lot fin3e whi<h abois33 the (3(3eet 36(3 half li Inini-(3 nSas fron3 yard required for 3he, building on~ the 3(3<333(3 lot 3(3 the (3(333< PASSE» by the (o.33d3 this 353h day of3 Jlie. 1964, A. W, MASSON, Mavor S. PEATHESTNE, (9r. SUMMARY Restricted Area By-Law No. 1964-81 PtapSte of the By-I.aw 333>3>3 ci> 66 >3<3 or( le,,. Efteel of (ha Bly-Law front3 yard and a 25 foot3 <(333( rial>building. The(3 re333333>3333( are dee(m3d 33(3(333333333(333- str<ct66 fee<or<lesxn ,>436h a303foot33fro(3 yardda3 10 fon3t rearva4d, 336>3<6: 33> hoped "service3 type3" industr3ies3 3363 Location of the Lands Affected AiH of iha,< >i33(333(3>33 lands Rad <,oere 6,v 0>3333. 1958-48, the Zoning Bv.333333for3the3fl(3(33 e(3 hait of3 the3 Town of3 0.36 ONTARIO TREE FRUITS CO.OPERATIVE LIMITED Notice 3, 6n,6bv given (,at 0(3t3(3i( Tree Fruits (a.0pé<ai DATED a3 Milton 36>, 37<6 43v of 23333<, 1964. c-7 A. Kem3p, <333<33. Notice to Creditors AND OTHIERS In the mraiter of the Eatate of ISODELL HENDERSONý SHORTRE3D, (some t tme a kaawin as Isobel or Ia6ela Shortreed), laie af the Toma. aldp af Eaqaesiag, la the Coura- ty of Hatton, Spinttaer, deceas- e4. AU3 persans 6.33333 <>3>33' ni aisith >3,65 of> 3,36<33 Hn- 3,<<,33 36(3<333(33, laie3 of the Township363 of> >33933333>, in3 (he (Ctutv of H33333333 533.isi. do- 36<i 3636 4ay of3 Mav. 1964, ire33 on 333 or 36o h 333h day of3 Ja<v, 1964, a>33(3 ,33h>3h date3 (6(3 said E,3ate ,a,33 6bc d3iih(33< 33333(3 t6< parties <(33>33<4,33(33<33 t(3, and3 the Excluions w..<il (333 1964. SHARP( & NICIIOLS 207 Mary S3., Milton, 0(3., Solicitors3 33or63 the Exe6333 33 Notice ta Creditors AN» OTHERS ia the mralter of the Estaie af HAZEL ALMAA CHANCE. AI3 prs33( h.>'33.>3333.. 333 ainsi3 the E'.3.333 3> Hazei Alma Chance3 laie o> the Town of Milton, in3 the Courir% of Hal- ton, M3«3334W3333, dL333><>33 3villa343334o(333<3a6out3th6(333 33333of2,33333<,31964.3<336(3(3(36 (3333>33<3 3333<3n33 ith Éidr .33333. ,><3<. solicitor fer 4he 33(3 is<3333< of36 the 3333333333(34 (on or 6633<3 3h33 2536 dit,3 ofL3 1964, full> 33<3>33333<3 of he daims3, a3 '3.33(33333 of3 lhi volant and the value vif the sol ur<33(il>333(3ild>6< fileu.363 envol(333 aller33 th, aid date 633 33333, hain logar 63.3, i the clama3 of 33 clilie33<. I (3>a3,h, Élu 6 25 3>,,,,l ci,, 1964. GRI>333>33 WEATHERSTON BOWLBY, STRIhIGER & 1-(3 (HAK 3(3SOULE & Soi(3" 4623Jackson(Street3East, H.,33,>33,, 0<33ar<i3, Solicitors3 for<the Administrai- or.<c, 3 Real Estate G. W. GOLDSTRAW Real >3,3a3 Bruite A»l 7,3333333 Real3 Eia3 UL 4-2213 R. J. Inglis Agent UL(4-2202 PLACE VOUS 303035 WHERE 3303>30 SURE l'O SE 5(335 - IN THE CHAMPION mmL EITASU(Comed US 5A A Privâte Sale Crsi& od J.hodroomS modern semiWeieach-C rite.o d ed home, derep, lot, close3 tu pulic and4 6336 sbols. Taxes REAL ESTATE BROKERS reasonable. Owner bovin g farta. Phone3 Si.67 or( w3(33e 189 Main St. - Milton R. VERVAEKE 12,40W fall 3(3>0( 4 - bedrooam 144 Healop Rondi, home(. (3((. riront, garage3, clos3e B33x 1505, Mil3ton. t0 shopping(3 and (3chinois. Ow(3. 3-7 200 ACRES ERIN TWP.' Farm muibc old on (accourt of4.<th in amliy. 7 - ua< 233(33333o33 furnae, ah3364anc bati barn, pole( 6b(3(, (3(33 Pl b33rn(3 2 3la<g< impiemeot s6(34 2 silos., drilled weil3, s3(3i( 333(3C333 and1 pond. $44.. Many cille 333(333 in3 thi, are3 Roy McConnell R33(33(3( Hiîlsburgh 855-4411 b_ A. E. LePAGE REALTORS LIMITID Members af the Toronto, Oatar3 and OakvilleTrafalga' Real E.iate B33o(34d.. 51 Y,,ar' (ont33uu Service CAMPBELL VILLE HOUSE AND0 2 ACRES 6-roomed hume with 2 acre3 of> choice g03'de oli mortier343(3 633(36(3( and3 6436<3333, heate 33336(333(336334333(3, bas ba,, ment(33for333((333(3, (33(3303334(3 by 6<33333433(33363, a 33333 3'o 401 Highway, convenient 13(3 ,chool, and3 shoppin3g. Mu', have 13,700 down 3333333(3 BURLINGION 100 ACRES AND BEA>3TY 3(333<43333(3( 3.3(34lan, 4(3(3 abl>e for< fruit, grain or3<33(3 33333433 for (33633333 and3 sho« modern conv(3 eni333(33(33 ihrough out3. ave(3rage3 barn. An, fi" -Ici. This. 3arri h.,, 3333..36333 Tom Bradley TR 8-9543 J. A. Willou.ghby & Sons Ltd. Realtors 64 Y<33<s' Continuon0(3s Serice t ni o_ ri d c- ci 0 t t. ci r- IL 33r 3(3.i33(3((33,eILTernis., $0,000 fo1 price. 2 - bedrom 6..3,uia<ge 633336(3( atd living volant, cao<oed bath. ful3l base- 34(34(33(33(3 lot. Moag, Io3 bc 6 135.000 ful3l 3(33(3, 111 acre(3 33(33, 7-roon haus, i ou r3nace. 133 401 Highwa3 Ternis., 878-2095 878-6057 c-8 LAST ONE LEFI $800. DOWN 33333<333e a,6eto333,gl (6(333633e, ne33 .33 1733<3343333. 3ce ,had<4 1.13. 3363ng $8.500 .Mutt. bc (3334, Make an3 offe. (3,,,, SOLID BRICK DUPLEX APARTMENT HOUSE Central33, ,(3l>33333(343(333, in33excel- 2 acres33 633333333( 33on 4nd Mil- ion. 0(3ly $13,300 clown3. (.3(3<3< $20 330(33633. JOHN R. HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER 84 ChurchStretEast1 OFFICE 853-1650 b-1 IEALTOR ANDI .-N R;1I?ÀN 4. - EDROOM HOME, FULL PRI(E $30,500-733033 3<3333 7 6<us. comp<ised of 6>333633(3 <33033 4 6334<0333 a(3d bath- (3(333, par'tial basemet, a Att >333333333, TR 8-6447. FULL FRI(E $12,000 - 7-30033 333333<3333 of3 3>333(33 <003. 2 kitthens, 4 6<4no33, 333<33333 arotha,2>3(3 garage33. C.3>3 Immediate Possession EXE(UTIVE HOME-Large fi,, brick ' ith.333<port, 36332 63343333, dinig oo, 3,33. (3(3333, >3(333633 TV <33333 3(3d parquet3 33333<3(33 3>mi3v i,, 3(3iato 63,a33l(33 in33ise 36(333ch, 3 6333333333, la333<333 336333g'<33.3, mn ta(333333,3 large lot,3 ull 33333 33333363333ahe lot, ni333333 linds3>a3<d wit garage. Cal3 Gla,ý Hume33 ,hi3363, 3333(33( and3 hedge, al 878-2621. An~'3<3 excellen 633333home IN NASAGAWEYA-200 actes, cls u public and4 66-h large36batik4barn, 230 >333s,3 3,3(333 and4 tht, 63333e i( (303 large drive shed3. Owner sef «eady for( 33333(43333 occupa-3 333 6(333333,33f il] 6h<333. A..>. tion>. Asking $36,538. 0>3333 con-3 >333 140,330 33336 3333 terni3,. si>4«r4. Cali Anna Cairns 73 C.113 Bob (33(33. 6wnr69 an80.e HOLIDAY TRAVEL 3333r 53333re Ae e 3(333(33e33 If3 33(3, 03333 i >3 ce Io333 t( av ibis(3 cari.03003 >33e yo< o 2 (333333i, 6333333333, (34(333 si33 home, the amour333 ut3 35,030 and3 S5W3 33(33,633 in3 white3 333.3363364 33(4>34 for as, 3,i3l as. 32.65 loi, 33,36 5 633e333.o3333303 3>33ou 333333 3«(3 pe-o. Cal Lewin~ Sale, 333333, 6>333633w extra(3 w>36 nourri ,î,î. taciv 3r3are1- 310 Main Street, Milton 333h patio overlo<i0(6( 6<.,,,,> >33coutr 3333(i<33'3. O<,3333 i 878-6292 for sale3. Ftull prive 5318000 Cal> Anna Cairn fur<3>3poi(3- 878-6592 mont 3R-6980. C-8 Lots & Acreages _________ 33< have justl(ci o re 333(33 633i 3o u 33433 buildin lot,3 34<333<g AUCTION SALES parcels> ut> la(3d 33636 qaily for3 V.L.A. buildin(3. (.333J. A. >3>iol<, 73 8-9233. Golden Anniversary Farms & Businesses FR AKLETC 343 6.ave333333>433 hoice of good 191 - A(71053>3>3- 1964 litr,,33,3stores«,ad3servi3 stations, .33 Cai. A. Elli.33, 73 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 8-9233. 1 At Il a.m. in3 the For< prompt3 a(3d 330(333333(33( se. eorgetown Sales Ban vice3, 33333 330(3 Willoughby' AN type(33 of antiques, n ANA ECLIRTT TR 8-9380 '< > C-8 USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIED ADSe FOR RESULTS il 'taitfs t. M oha*k "1e Ca adin Championr( rs Towniship Taxes Down rccvi%ý1dassiawev ratpayes.th 2333363 townhip asqeshien. -tid phi, cent633. ,p rn, ~e3.<,mc h>pom ,newI (1h3s flic SOt33(î,ar3 Joke Club'3 L1bil 33,63 [i, oce Cu', Mo-, i, 63,r<î3 3.. corre Li upplement33 3.i,31,,p,'ir,3.3'd But NVeUd Am re 336, 56.25 , comm rcia rail, .«. 3,,3,,..',,hI<ar for Ille', 343,33i h.92) in th Ac3<33 Iiigh Com(3plete List 16> Ivk J>lT3 ,3,...< <3<,,,'3h>3333>I.. Tnd 45.123>33 hiicvita «.3i3. nier3333, rcrvto diro î 13 and)3 5016 commercia (clown< 6.92 e 6~I<,.<(.~ 5 3g.3'3333333 nrlI.<( inh< Milo-inhigh (336,33< township,> 33lh3 ]List <6333 3h33' 336<3>.",33333 fif,, n 63h(o .., 33<a3 in .lakci 33>3<3333333 thi.. 3,zdl,, date for 33<<>(3( 33 Separate Areas <C>uni" 4.3 o<' hpls titan3 103 risrW(3,n>a ha<3 8 3ii333<33,i >33e Police 33><..3.,33.<<(3(of 3333 0.>92 (5.44); town- blli reccived33<3. Considerablv3 mort< and(3 Ill S.S 6 hChristi)> cho (2.h..j 96); 333333'.hip 3333d 6.94 <3131 <3<33(3.3 for3 3>333 camp33> ewrc33 arca3> Aco Hig6 33363,3. ',3<'3.'cia laie"3(in6.h33umme. 7333<33333>.33 D 16.HMM 38 (6817.47)33 and 33<33 14.74 T>,hii,.i i, il, vc a 133<,,',,,,,Ip dor,36 D3 n .<3333,3 (,1<.72). Milton H><3, S3363333 3333( Miltn nd ditrit ou gsci .n',poied h3333'>'3,33 i, mercial 103.65 (16,,and33,..,3,..3,<.have h34 an33>3>333333333tu3Lu- 3>33(3<3.3>424 1(6.45; 3hS N<,. 63361033e36333333l Camp35333Hi><h AUCTION SALES (Cantied3 commercial>.3>12.34 <8.93333rosi- .33325,nrho Ille3 33(3401 (4>3333.333. 363(333.3 10.84 383,05, Edon M<3>,,has 633<( .3<3.333<3 andchid AUCTlON SALE >33336 ou >3363. 3633 12.15> 1.1 <3> 633,it ach 333333 >33333,,, ogs Of 1005- A(3ee Fanm o.1th Eve.- l333 Fi333 33333 1.85 3<.96<: Milton3, 33333333 Ive3 il -1 35- C<3<>3<3r Flowing Sireamand th64(e Enti ie Aron< 1.<3 49 33.48>, sc'.al-al, 33vif3.33 have 33>3>33<33333333333><.333< Conentsî of a Il-Roore OId chocl33 N.. 6.330.48.0>5)33333.3se-(i3ahuri3333.3333and3>3.3>al-3>33.3 llaa33atead pelai,3~3>333 ,a<<3 14.24 (W645).333333 and<3 >33,33 333f. >3 ' LATE ISOBELL SHORTIREED ««ih ,hil and .3(33 33333 51<. --d3 3<,<3 3. 3,, b,33Ili,<3,ni,,I be aehome, L>3t 4, Con. .5,' tirezu 43.32 >5117) >7<. No., Township cite, cam33p .333>3633(3< 4th LieTv . f E qten 3 6, 41.72 >42.77< ,'>333'3 Mil], police, >3333333 3>3,3i33 cas3.3. . excellent3< WIEDNESDAY. JULY 8 ,~ 964 3>,>33<l 43.87 >46.63). camp3.33>333 The 33>3], 333.33 FURNITURE. ETCge Ibis3, 33<333<>3,.33. A disoun 333o<3 >3333 3,363 (.3>3.3633.ab AIanS3333>3 ETC. ' h.3en( 3i«i3zd and3,333 >.3«',>33<3>.>>33<3D.,,,Il>33H,>333m ,3, Id 3333<6, 2 3333(333 6>an33 (333,, pet r,3> il33 6333 .P33<(.,< h,«,>.g" 7. 33336<', dock3; Eli,h. H.t3,<66,, i'. addd.3 Afic< (>33<33 vrd of the: ai th, camp.33and><.33<333,ill3b6 3.<.,2 Pin,33363. 2 large< AUICTION SALES (Caehinued) hi ,, dr% ole6 >3>333 b33333<( 3, 6.3>3ac <.333 sca33~<t; (3Lif hall BANKRUPTCY R3 P. 3.H,3 scat3 seve<3,3 (333.33 w i',3>(333 3.333-3 "'(333 -3> >33( il 333 33333., flu « AUCTION SALE ""3tat3Pa 3.3 rra3333., f33313 334(33 6bo33lin 336.3es, a nu. (11 (,333,.3 and 33 333333333»,nvi test3table; 6 3336 4>33>33 ('3333 UNDER INSTRUCTIONS The3secod3cours <333((33(3 bogin on chairs;3, 3 pire(33 633<boxe 6-333 0F TRUSTEES ORDERED 6.3ve3 filon recei<33333 An.h<, reg- coostrve ithhel an. A34,'33 4'LIQUIDATION 0F FINE bc~<'3» 6< noine rosi333<3<33< 3333e(33(3o(; Vikin3g 12 3333 f«r FURNITURE - RUG AND Ledr and durer racks; <3><'ri '>o'<' APPLIANCE STOCK An,,<,. (C333<33,, .3nd Car, Ford 24'; <><333<>3 mahr <><ct<>c vil> ho in charge of (l3e3 .333363~~~ 2ie ';,,~3~<d(.,< NAME BRAND GOODS 33lourds>tu,3er.3 T333 sommet-3 2 sew3g33 mahin,,, filet 3<3.3>. >3>\..nd praglam <3<3.33633333', lied;4 bras, 6<.>. -Id» l> "«Ir Provincial - Colonial - oeil333< >33N'.333l333 >33333.333 mi, or4 3.33'.333. oiros >331(1- ,,,, n3n'>, ai tIi >3<. D .3< qu 3ti <3o<,. 3 l>,'~ Period - Scandinavian S,«33.33in i3,,.3> WIt,,, n Ili,33 ri alpr and Modern Living Room 337M 33<-3>,333 .3 orai 633(33>33>333< 33»3333sets; 33 - Dining and Bedroom \ <il]3lae <3333ol>un 33 3.3Pa a 1 6>63t of 33333333333<63(3 Suites - Fine Occasional 33>.33333"33333 33<.3< antique3( 3>.33 «<nd . chnaan Tables and Chairs - 200 145-Year History esand c<333n63(3e3(<3 s;>'3 we Mattresses Ail Sizes - 0f Family in Area an roilrn cilrsal rii Stereo Hi-Fi Sets - Kitchen Bo,niidge 3>,3< il; holding 1 REAL E6TATE - 33<o, al and Dinette Suites - Fair3 Gronds. This. lamil, -l ihere 333'»> 63e of3««e3 3,, sle Leather Couches. and Thomas.3 Bt*,.riclg<e333'of Y333 conditions(33 of> sale ..3,,,3 3,33 6l Chairs-hed Chesterfields Caad i.333. 13 819 and3 633333,.333 3(3g>. t6< fai,33< living WH of Loi3 and Daveno Beds - Finîe E.,Inl3,.«H, <33(33>3 Wa. d and33333>3 cosi >i of>31003acres,3'r- Broadîoom and Orientai codat l 333333333< 735, 63333 e3c>3 bout <, acres, .3> 33336<6 Design Rus -Bunk Beds3(3><<> 36<333>3 ,3<3< 'al3 fron Iu - Dressers and Chests of l"', n ,,,<,3o« pIl .n3a aic poprtv ala >,,«i. 4,, <,.« 3(333 333333333 333337>3 oel,%- Drawers-Tabie andl Floor '3<> I av3.3<33 ter3fo 3333333,33 (3,3_____________________ The 63333 ,3 brick33, 2-s333«(. Lamps 10 (333333(3, full basculent, 333333 c3334( pire< 333333<333 3inishin. T6e barn3 i, 36 le, 84, \vi>36 333333 A>,,saie fie rmriai 333h o Milton on excel33'»<33 TO BE SOLD IN DETAIL situaied3 on( 33<33.3<3<33<3 ris of > WîTHOUT RESERVE lan,34 333ll a33 vc3 3, .33 aciv sol3< 33 3>(333and3333333333e3made<3one3of the3 333,3 attractive33 <33rn>lv os- rda ihtJ TERMS ON (HATTELS: Cash 8 3.33 Lt ,e33tilIien > %fh 33>«3. da of3 'MILTON FAIR (3R03353(3 sale.'43333333 Ont. 7(3<333 ON3 REAL3 3667 ,,,,,. <> ,,,,>,,> 103 . "f',3 . 3 3 ' 3 d33 -k(333333333334 tInspe3ction331of333((al (3h>3333 - Ter,.,,, Cash.(hques ac3epî> l p0oi3till(3t 33>6 J. A. >3333033, TR ed. Al] 3334(3 pu(333633 must3 bel 8-9233. <3333(3(3 nlho 333(36 >3(3.107 & tIOLMES. in 3(3(3 am. un3 [0> fini of33 si3 v3.3 2(3(3 Curre, clek. b-7-2 b-8 * LUBRICATION SERVICE * TIRE REPAIRS * GASOLINE h'na 9 am i10 Pat DAVE'S B.A. SERVICE Ontario St. et No. 10 Sldemad Milton TR ".741 hy, .333> 2â.i 1964 D o W N ON NEW FORD... *b Galaxies *b Fairlanes *e Mustangs lb Falcons BECAUSE WE'RE LOADED WITH NEW CARS DEAL NOW No Reasonable Offer Refused Trafalgar MOTORS Veur Ford Dealer MILTON ~~~~1 7