SPECIALLY SELECTED -'FULLY COOKED SMOKED A PICNICS il3 TASTY - TEMPTING - MILD SEASONED WHYTE'S WIENERS 45cIà1 10E TAPPING MUSIC played by pianist Mrs. Beryl Laedry, set the stage Thsrsday, Jwine 18 foai iieret, .5 soht of enierti, eni asihe s rdents of the Brenda Busho sohool of Danl ,,resened the,, annua recial in he MarinSt. high school. An audieneoof oeriee paeritsandfie,d .samhed the stodents erforin 24 dffeent neibers, ranginqfreina high- ladseet o ea dawes. Lynne Oates, Margie Peiletteio and Barbara LeRiohear sliowi r Irsoro lire siari o ePorr nan-e. WELL STREAKED - LIGHT SMOKED TREND BACON 69 11 MILD SEASONED - PURE -PORK ESSEX SAUSAGE Troy .55lb IDEAL FOR BARBECUE! - CHOICE - PLUMP C HIC KE N LEGS or BREAST Compare at 73c! - SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 32-o:. JAR 59C Compare at 47c! 12-o:. TIN KAM Lunch MEAT 39c Compare ait 39c! - SWEET MIXED ROSE PICKLES 16-oz. JAR 33 c Compare air $1.991 - 20c Off Pack.. CHASE & SANBORN l Jar $l e5 INSTANT COFFEE 15 COMPARE AT 79c DEBBIE LIQUID DETERGENT COarE 69 C CMAEAT $1.29 COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE Fairli 89c SPRSAVE GINGER ALE 21g btls.29c (Plu Deposit Comepare et 33e! KRAFT JET PUPF Marshmallows Cella Baq 29 G01 COOKINGO" r. o 'w wr tl. Beveorley V W, Srw y Watters bcicr, ji ch' ,.I ool M.,ry of the Milton s i Irr ule teladersip of M COI.ORFULY COSTUMED DANCERS perfernrwig many dance siep vaarrer,,n orere rIle order of the eveig as more. ihart 50 Brenda Bushy Soirool of Darie studerirs displayed iheir tlnsai 1ire Malir Si. igrh whooi. Gettinq set ta" on stage are George Cescwî. Molina Cescea, Kelly Vroery Biath taod r ey. Liebbr krýjya. drrrd u.regory Wood. r! Comreaint 45c! -GEISHA Comepare at 37c A II f SOLI WHIE MAT ALENS CA NED F TUNA APPLE POP FISH UICE HIRE'$ ROOT BEER FISH UICE ORANGE CRUSH, ETC. 7-oz Tin 4dç)z.[lit 10oz. Tins so ' ecF 3 for 25c den h v tc ompleed ther 3 R $14 24 for $1.95 iMary Reid.___________________________ Compare et $1.69' - MAPLE LEAF 11/2-1b. Tin AKCompare at 65cl - ST. LAWRENCE 25-o:. TinF STOP ' AT . .. FROSTEE-FREEZE THIS WEEKI LACE YOUR ORDER NOW! FOR MONTMORENCY HERRIES These are frl pitted red sour cherries chilled and rushed to you from the grower. Dy lb Canning * Freezing )R * Preserving Delivery - Approximately JuIy 2Oth ORDER NOW C6 The Canadien, Chamrpion, Thursday, July 2nd, 1964 I. 5 31b IA Ilc