Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jul 1964, p. 18

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-r I. * TIT. C1'.LFBRATION oh Cý.'phchft,'sfc' 501h aoofvteooooo licv theceeleod appeacod tir- go oit %Ihoui- o hIitc. Gaod cotodo weonolaod fort'evotoaend tho itic cooldui lihave hecti liotteoc Not onlo ihaI, thocef fito tir lwio totoe rîinog wootlwi'hîotoinolod o foi of oioofcoo areopropocd taoae, tttiao oooîdlifca lotone n tot-o fiîito ,t ako tl afOO htce.M conaoiattlio', f0 tlic cottmiftcc ood aiticosteîthtsctcap flic meoclied. * liPEAKtNG of etoodo Mît ho 0i10l Fo,hioood Dc',' aod aI foirý lor th cli ol lto ice Ste - Fra chor il tae oc oo flic Lahoo Dot tocckcod Agaio tooli an cvndwli take flic efiotiasm .ootd participation oh eariotto oaieolt'î'ooe,tial. Havc otot tlole op oneold hothionedcts- tumeootot? Aoo mtotiltIoocr trtr haor ac t tloaî diýplot' It otifl ail bellp. * WHItLE ilicecopliitflihe ant ho ad faitooed doî'îog iho pî'Laoi Dattao'licd iîtiofld h ou loaiht! ifl he ho ir tît ilac a ,ho tdoo thocoa ot othiog tod- or, atterri Mitn Feohapo !Iho ftndaotiatomiaon ood o- gootccea dtpot, proatooetît 'o- caueO, liar toiglt thato ato ah tlic ftow" iodototai prodîtots and samne aI tho adoantages aI fcctfeg fotittat fa the commusn- m IS TIHE RURAL or if box s. 'me kihol ef ant conocato bacuant- ohocahta lacet? Drtctoo aooo oo lot coai',s I'te ofton etaodcc- <'I alioflic fliconoditiona oh flbc maoif bot rrffecs le a0V tO0y the tftdifaon o' tlic fatto. Ttoo cioc thc hou lias oot 0,10c oeccoif', po'ettcd and tlic marreio t li f foot. Wlictler if rcffectt a Iackl o' prfcinotheofacit tc nome or acompfct 'cliot' cancec"uforu: 4paac s dilfticuft ho delco- mioe. Attrctive houes do te. haco tlic cqicktimpreostinoao cett driein y. e FOR ANYONE oho os fric- fug retirercmcnt and ouf happy et flic prospects, taice a tip hromt Clofo Hcver tolo receetly recclo- cd flt bachlier of arts dcgt'oc. Cloiis o3 P ars ofda cgrand- hailler, aed h c rccetf rotircd Icomth fli li hootoud Hc hat enooftd cs futt-titte caottt- isg strident at Noartlro 111fisoi', Uniestyi' and plaîst o obtafo hi.% oa.%tct"t dcgt'c on histot" ho flc aouosm of 1965S and beotoc o ucaceohc Readieg aboot ibis msan'tachcveceoteandcamitioo oalices saine ah uts lok like ,lit koco. Sqad aa4S« e.. 11Y suL Umm "Yoo'co c Jan, huom, Bill Soifef ." Tlaisai'occutrcs o chlitrcand oc phacec tir mfo- ai-o fhliag bot dot, ai Jet', lie- ait. AndOi 'tt me taliog oe oel., I toight add. The Biblo tohit at chiat c pr-o, pbi stoo t hooîlbaooorsaoo ini i-, tto cooctot. Tlic', deot, a phioopheor b not wifli- outliccuc, savc hiuooobaci Nard, oben som0cr contes. And lied loch pccfto tubl oiffisg outcc ocremdiiafieg sn Jau- I keowtoe lieldge oeod., til- oflag and the fume ocedo momiog aod tflhottrbedo occd ocediog aod flic bock portb needo palot- fof asnd flic lidu neid a clip on theoooc. 1loac'flhavectolicfrad orat and erairain, likc ac- focded ehild. Bat thoecaceahlof oh olter baingo, liai occd daog o obole foi moe. Sa I cdi,, my odhc ouaed attoliaf op abouat cliose poli o, oeiaot ohlireo and ici me ge ootîli-li ometings mocii- Tlicco", hico-lochuog ta ho daon.o w-it goîca ha ooiao flic hlic ooihi- and o fiiliccoicafu- tiogoondci rctspoinkleo, iatt hkc tlircc dooagert and a gigolo, il l'n nou flicre? Wlio'sgoihgtfousttliaoi- soifs to tlic otariogu, ucoo flic oparrtmu cliar flic cal is utlkl ieg, and scaro off flic grillu ao flic soop dloser end clooce ta flic barce, if l'o not on banod? Theccos ruminaI itg ta ho dooc. Soocoliere on iis oracy contin- oct liece lias t0 heone mou off- ring quicfly, fliiig ncrioîoto - if yu'tliacewitlime -about flic puycliologlcol aod mocaltech hoofu of he lcoupess utoo suit. Tlierc'u plannin ta 10 h dorse. Hum cue a cbap pion a golf game aod a flobîag jaunt aod e campieg trip and a srele courecand acolum aodca speechlandliot asid doiog aoy oh client, cf lieu muddhlog ahout offli a poafn brusor a pair of slicarsf Thlire's o lot oh figtarbtg telic doec. Wh lescrmudlirc io gofttg fa figure ouf row lu gct flic oortgege eutended, mcl rie note cf theboarrit, and ufup oaf oh dîbieros prisoa. mien oui ouilla ecodoir inoumiiy an * THI WEATIIOI occos te ltot maoo peuple. Sot pier- bec, toc ail have I o omaie- tho0 t0 gouetle aloiai fikeon ft'lfoo tho aan ionocale gcatoler. Noflig plcascd luitn. ot fatl lits ocigliftccatoîchat ho lid aooeocelcont applooi'op anodîliguedeat lot lic ootdo't goatolle aboot il. "Weil Jton" o.' taid, h'hoodlo like Io Joies bo liappy abioot voo' opploocrop. Eocco ooc of tho eppîco tooko po'-- fooet!" Jonocgacd athim a.,hci îeîhied "0111, gooto Iltotîl eda - bllît e' toicth flc ofco 'tîo, ta cVd tlic pfgt?" * LOYAL ORANGEMEN t o tohot Jo!', 12 riogs imtpotanct toif lic utagiog lthi0 i day on Aotoo aon olo 1f. Foo th flic ports,, t promisestta lic qoitfao * FO0TUNATELY loog grlit' f0in t ff'ot ta Off coît 00 tolihoir cfly peoplecaloogtroot- %fOc', bof liott atatlt oj ii pretoite rocotosido', aood ho il pco.iog oototf',tt didofi go ti-at toc' a.s.otofog fic', ttflh ev ceunt icwto e lic s toc" heato. Molicsore fblici ntavs aifli voir on ',ao trip, fot, tu- postiig Maec i o oeftsoloio iofoi-'r. Yoo'll biodoog foot. parit ta liccp Ootario greenO. lodececi r00 oh dipito. Thcoc'oc cotd driks ta drcfi. Aoy si opltoncoo loto ap tho lttdoo wtt'fl, an.od loito if flicce, tckfo0 op taloolf 'p,,oo. If falico a toocli of he flic te kcop if moiog a.tfuttic cigli tpccd oo cliot ',oo'oc n oo'stookhifvoarfcchfikcatiold ooc,holtare joot fcctliot whoo Tlicoc arc booksit blc ocool, cloudo Io li coouotcd, tociocof. figlito t0 rcfcece. Who'o folio, ft 10te fli thteco crakinog loto. flic coce' droppiog, flic lic' droiug, if l'o ttceafieg aoood hiod flic coco of the totnooeaa c r? Sia. Nesit finoc yoo drifve pool ooo place, and yoo sc o co- combatffguonoaltooochai, incr, tod vor toihc ',at, "Tht Bill Soilco is afoey lin, toI' lie? Dooti agme fîke f lieco, ccd yau arc. Joot rcfort , "olits. Hc", a philosopher wtoiot lion- or in is otooh.ok yard." DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROT DOWNS OLO GEDEDE os a lecetf, a roi-ius,oapopo-hucc as cOul boll, o mtrti o moitootoot, encd otf" moto, he' ci- - scti l En,conced %-O O in hiscv ri ho hrouo oh Raa loonako- Pot an tho ottoopocncor scoon, lcekaes ouia exsnc hti.tttcg ci hi, arc bacul, miceîtoar anod.oaiotsuht ho collot, ompit pi-p on1 heo liho, ocd Pop i on i-cko bat- it top. loi-kni- i-t pîîoî irisn. al' liir, tri fo'lli-,t utilh tht, i-hc oi- 0<0000 lii.ýù ocnd i-cmpîti- a1i-hi toi o hoe ho flic roadide fI a-oi-1 hi, aiotýaokoandOpoodthflurcapn licur in hri', lhi-i-oIt o thîe Morino, ocl SotIhun'i tortce", pi-p. h eoc ai-O ohr'ioî boulot. soi hogo ond athooe parai phoocali,î fi-' tîtil-hliI ný hi', iliecîioî, ond 23 i-cao' aga ho do- ci-uld tc ilcowin l hi' towci and boaO for flic hiho for peace ad cOsuocutun Bot George i. o kicdiy oui, a devoor caodor, o lcoruedl trao-ie.eandon icoaci- pacohe torvitlico e Alice h lohi tbc oof'iOd oclut hfor hi', tni eh', talaecon ho liii',ido, iho woacd w00 sirfof lto ond hci hi- ghohol au -rf hiO -n Ecoot Oece if a mIle, olico I ecOanopinionso acarrent topf- ic rson dtice ou tome Hol- toc hist', 1 seek ouict OdGorge inti mouoctiscretreaf. Ho ai- 000' histonco patisftly fi m puiro. iliont flinit ouf an ons,- mcr cii ooocîî'oeo faic a heto hoacotso t clwaocot pack a picnic lunch), and lifetly otîci loi- made ap lit olnd, lic givs flic aeitonoithaunaeriog certain- He", it i-ca mighf cal] Mil- foot% "Oid hM Moto" chIco tho elioraceofa At Capp't, "Li'] Ah- soc" orooo stbip. I POUGH'F DUT 010 Georgo os thettohccd, bcctsi 1Ihadoa big poli on o', oisd ced toaldc't secm o 1 iiol thc as- Ie. fatisd hom oltO'sg cf lie mouil h offlt cave ccd sfariog ceeevot oco Laie Ontarco. "Hi Gcooge," t eattcd, matiof o lita bosdie ch Chiampicoss h-* m0-to e. (cGeorge laces The Chaoptoc, ond coud', a fali- faO, t-cmn fcoft fi bick, ah- fhnagli I colo go oot ovor, hec' moouifis ond sotoîtime bote quhe o pie i- i-crryf 'llo ihece toccy" lic as- aceod. "Waiehe gît cnyrca bhit lime? Mot-c potiticu ou the go?" (Ho moot buve romembeccd hv a't coocus or aîopedIion on île 1962 Halbis Fodeoalci oio Nii Co- c-ihi, on,', a ltl i i l..i Y'îîllî. -( ih,î i-iio-'-..n MORE POWER A delîcery trckl po-leol op aPongside e fetale driver et a bup intertecios. Site w rafi ste mollor mifiy, lius eppeaeeo octahle so get ste car moing. Afîco oasohuog lier for a few mintes, tle trocki driver thoatterd aboon flie coar of the musr. "Let lte ch/toitc ouf, lady. The fan wae's pull il." have Icone aii-oit fr o fce liaul- iogoiuittiis voooi- Iliso- oo mode sookod welito e flic', oiot ti-itbthetioo-pictceo adi10koi lio opsocivootee otbco fi bicot bikinis, came ot, bot othot do oo fbinkof ciomooc gcing aroosd oubli ni tops on clioir bhitg toit',?" I îoked flicd tape. 'Wfliaftafi- No tops ci it timioi' doolit Wh, chr- t theili toacleou thiogl1 ocoo beactiof," soooteti Gorge fi- a vi-ciihou tbooatefr.d o. maocuo'raioalho ache doos flic mooooin i'Ot. "You boome toit eo ooa ut, pcaof o AND SO. LEAVIN oui no- fbisg, 1 raid oh flic ececîfvnt chat bcave ulaien the ord, flic so-fop bafliof atire andtheli foptetu cvccicg driosco flot ac cia' on salc thcoughout tlic coot- inentoand thecbigoush flic to- neo aeoakisgaonthieoeents 010 George lifscnd pcîicufto. bai It.ufd secebin getfng ccd- der aed coddor lo tIe oinote. Ho ufarod olcaigli aecat i eli taie and daodroaoed le deep Ibooghi hic osly a hoo mincutet,, mbots 1 litisird thc fate. Sud- delolisvoireoucstaoutfandin otaceato temo le dolivîccd tho follemisg s0ero .- rcprotcct lic toili ost e flic ao-wodt ohimieofed' Sici- liii, i-l tO- k ait î i- i l .d ii . a- o' Io Topioto su0t, oh.' Weail t tel oit oco" tIc coll tfuc oh thc cyoc. Att ofartcd liackinl Adao and Eve'u daysin ulieGardeuf Edens, oîli thouc fig Icraves and attheaL. Don't lt tir histoions kld ym boy, tirette ocre NO fig mets in Edcsn, flhc fig ma ourc- beurd of dieu. Adam and Ene wece nicted asthe dy tey wee crmeut.i lima sud mumen itap- cd tso way SU the cave -m f Conlinucd on Page CiI) Destruction tua husm the foue af the Ca. admui Cbufgulss lune 30, 1954. One Turuday atfccunoue 8.27h Haffoe poli o chool popilu frcom sxta 16 vactfd ticoaucoo aed headed ocfoiv maiotins oh sommurer hofîdayt. Lot vccc's curofcent cf thit liiei ncon ty uchoou tout jaut ahout 10 lest, inupeotor L.L. Alioce poioted ouf, lu Milîttu 450 stodeofu ho- gant fliir sacation' loaeiog flic Il olasuraoms bchind aed licadfog for f liir liolidapu. Priocipal Pot- ter eupfaiod atoctopcckhino crolmet ts aofioipatcd iu Sep- fember. Gradc ciglit hoys oapfoccd ait thie pooficos' atoardu dooaîed liv tir Jolin Milton Cliaptor oh tir I.OD.E. ibis ycar. Mot. J. F. Noble, educatienul teorctary and Mru. F. W. MoMaufer, Re- Sent, preueofed flic amardu. 'Bryce Hamilton won the amard for the top euuay, David 'Loolie wtooe i pogesfu atoard, Gary 51 lu toau ibird for flic profloieecy amard, Cliarleu Kerr mau scond and Fred Htvmard mac flic amard. Ou Suudoo Jole 20, flic Sili- ONE G000 REASON ohy hunioco acnd larme os don'! ueeo ho peh clocp ovel fooeshec, îqhhhbe hi tsreefotsd onadistrctfaci. Whos tlic iciiceoc le/t, sAc haniers raie- edf il ihpceofoeu soofng. If leacsont ocloa an -ut hess, uto poilsslieooerial valae aI fthe foee ond exposes tne foco ho diooaso. .Ai. COonsuîuing Procedure..s Halo- upiitiis ptccdere an misor tii- ioaftiiu Oas oiaute morte lime ai a mect- ing of muanicipal aotliocifioo ilion ccp otlier siegle factor. At the miss rccesi moiti-g il Hul-on Coaîtp CoasoFl, weee prîocedi-e lu doti/- cd i-s c moiti-pupe hohe-, e disocusso oncteoong saaiso for one gcroup mau de- batel lo- 90 minateu. T'he pi-ilum mou sot ua moi-h ooletheror iotheualaries uhoard orsuhooll nih lic ai<toc. TPle pro' blemt o-cu herlier the ci-alec ulicld ot uhold ni lie cefecocol ta i-he commîitci for a tecooocsdatios a ciooti laer, whli- flic tlic coascf coolol adlifi foc a feo seis- otsu to petoli a cîmmolovo meeting asnd te. cîoceet holeat a report, or ehhr tho cooncil coalol diii wisi i-ho prohem immcdi- aff Ip. Ncr flic osnd o/i-lic discussion, cs lihe Wardeei oou oiaintly t'yip ig ta ntonglo ptooe-lrc asnd iirce os lao cesoutions chat lierd hein inhlel to oti-aiplisco the ptohlim out, hspauep's houai Georpe Leofie, lio-id ota cîmmos seneopinion that iiefict- The Celluleid Issue a s Lîike meut Canotions weccc /ed ap fi tlic ai-uwtl "Mc. Peacoi- and thec /lap douate chaf hou liesn the lotcsh "upectacle" in u doahl', ocOd fcato of Ctmmos fi- cemu cacots inicedible thot thoe uhoofd lue talli cf cncchoî pereca clocoion iceaune lcuse hbusiness con't gcf aound nlicuo titi otombep blc-ks aid is otymîcd bypda/ fccoicvacp dapcfoendiusandpoint« ieuu deliate. hvooe iu shîotînp c/f abiout flic film "Mr. Pearson" anoolh lnoolic thct liai-o seni srerot lat a 1cm ptess pclle-y repoters aid sortme top pactp licoto. Un- dîalitclp the pcfitîciaor icacoleed istoiiho film liedi neet oon madc, buat i-ho Cgc itils /sreent "foot-moi-ccth" Oiplcmai-y h au coottihoted to wai i-cmo a tellloid os- sulich CSC, un a', tefuoci fi otcre h film ah the otrnp ci i-hn Primte Minstes and Leadec if the Oppcoico, hs sappcocdly pccfectop iseif fscm polîtcal intcc/rci-no in clioîop whetatîl wi-o oeloorod. Wecl, bllp lo- tirenm sn flic mcaotîmc i-ho colioîto the film liautcclei e ciaii-in -pc mpcocltl fchat pîvn ancthec i-c-nt Ck di-aticn, "The Open Drave". At cc rciil thfli Leadcr of tht opposition Oas sttnp ot if ccishoas 'if we'hi poif hoto os rappeop apn pro- todorechlat ooo tait use usote coiion tOnte, i-'s ti0mi ci ait eet home." No ost oucld arpoe fliof procedare is sot impcrtani-t. Ilui etuestof to the ef. fi-ions i-ii-dact il biausesu bot uomofimes in tri-yîg c spol oat pocedace to the ciii- moto, theto io i cm oeftfo ontrition senso, tando ti-emondcu amoonst il timear wauteol ii-i-erpsotiop flic taies anol appliis tii-m. Coosi-f Caarid is one cf the cecp ef- ficiecnt motîrîpal oopeeicofio. sn loaf cc wosolcoa utomet if Ous c/ficiecp 0 fit uo ptcaf that meolieu ure liardpresusd t0 fArd itoms ti salie issae oîti aid fias ococri to matesofpcedare. tf acold hi di/ficoit fi paf a price fag on tho 90 oieotes 0/ delicie thaf cccpied the conrtyi-oontcillitu aid their utaf/ ai flic ast meetieg Thetcmcere hoee, 14dmembero of coonici pcoeet ah $20 ecd foc a mect- i-ig of tome thrce boats doratice. Fiaif of 'i mot cievoced ho lic one suoliett ohile flic liolance of i-otu, hp-laits afnd orcspcc- il ente ooos hýndcle ite coausnpn fin. h ooinp ucen if, in ao c/fort fi viiol op usot poli-i-ai suppoi-t. Thon flic-es flic manîcr cf the Conaduot flap. Deupite assocancet friet seaclp ail di rections i-lai flic Casadîto flop if limee mapt ef', iaid to lai bacs ut aciceptable amooç a macofp cf mombers il the Hoase, disuts sindroeo on. Thmni t onfoafo marfer foothes ccc'oe tc liane asothîr nofe cn et coptaic of theciUnioJack, spmboicofou i-emooccclti coosctioe. Oc bathi, tt Poarson Dcesnmcnf liau ofae lis f pciitiou fifre. Oat cnlp icpc hat thc meistoctu i-e lgoocemoent and opposition parties ohl i-i-i-ictlp aoge flic /eeling cf Ctsaduaeu os i-lina thenanîgceu cf $10.000 per peur. Sore y thnrc are mayu to gel flic easicc's boul e fli theiod and licep the itheclu o oeî-meîccrlbnp pciprscuicclp Af flic ar inqm, meeinmgs toc ing astaîpel to ai- tcmpt a catmoniop cf lime toccasds thosac compJislmenî hi-t sold tlicp fail, ail partief aill fîcd acoeptctarscictcac. Tlc cîsi-ctate map lie uo celootaof ibmt the te-oit ie pactp standing cr11 ochacgc lîffia and acicornlsh ittleItciîssh ecieeîti chocse eho arc en a poiit Si ocecc, fliai pscpscus bcd honni lie made if iliep arc ti lic anloome on flic houtiepu. Tuken frram the filles Wf the £. adian Chamion, lune 29, 1944. Tlie oervic aI St. George't Churcb, Lowvifle, mat el i foodcd on Sondat mAcs Rec. S. A. Kircl oh Oraco Choroli, Milt ou, octlicratcd Hof vCoooîoiot and prcclid. It mas eooncod cliat c toîener ruatt tootd lic lild hor flic yauog peopleon0 Tborsday oiglit. The cogregaioe of St. George's are tookisg hoctoord ou the iuit oh Bsuop caougbalo Sttoday Jalo 23, oclic flic iitlop wiii dcdiocfc flic oecoticl ca- vi f05. Tlie farmn hctp prolic coplin- cd iosmcedîail iu etas bighî coco au flic p/dce gioco tat mccli. Weutern haro licodo et- pcctcd oa hchp sic h bacocot h ave sot o cf artiecid sditod ohfflic 1,200 cupcctcd, flic nain- hcr ts more fikly Io lic 600 Thfs melischa Hahfoo'u thccc oh ibfis bli o il lic cliout 20. Trahalgar Towns'hfp Coosl I cil1 Mondeteigi pcooedca oioo uanfoooly csdocoieg tho $100e- op ohNa gaa tir Rigi Roc. W. É. =aaui BAD., oioitcd St. Georgc'u Anglicat Chucl, Lots-otIte 10 admtnittrer tir Apot- folio Rite oh tir 0,ayieg oh tlic liaudu on Couficmstio. Tbot c oufirocd mero George William Jaolison, Tliomas Harey Jaci- son. Barbara Elleo Kraotu, Macr- gocef Elizabeuth Neoscît, Evelyo Macle Neucefi, JadioliAoe Tliom- au, Mru. Laiu Ailele Marrit, LiE- flue Roue Macla Çardeued, James Peter Jolinont and Cutoy At a nomination meeinsg lu Milton Tao Hall laul mccli, memirru ah île Haîton Ridlng C.C.P. Association nom inated Staney Alleu, Georgeftown, au Ilir candidate lu tbe ecot pro vincial ellci ion. In accepting Ilie nominatiuon Mr. Allen uald cbat if hoe uas succesua in beieg c- cteti, lie seaufd improve ou lhe record ah the paut cepretentaf- ives for Hattoo 10 tir legiula- tare. Ho uaid lic lid aiwayo tild toire outieotiouuincarry- ieg out liiluloicute in municipal affairo. Mr. Afle fasl Reeve ut Georgeitown. 000compaign ooouudcruoavfor flic Oakviltc-Trahalgar Memoriai Hoopitcl. Ta harîlier asuiuf thie campaige coomitîce le reaobîog cooldoîto ohfliche orticruusectiou of flic township, cuoii aise ap- poinfcd a otmittec ah cl5lif towouship ceuideotu bcaded lip Stcc Hall, M.P.P. for Hai ton. Tbc comoifice wbici miti orgaulcze thecoortliend ofTrafalgarlow- si-p cootisu oh Stan Hait, George Kenneed, Joc Wiloott, Emerson Ford, Mru. Joho Lanuatfe, Mrt. Aclio King, Olieldan Featicc- toco aod Mro. Percy Mcrry. Ae R.C.A.F. pholo rceivcd ho flic Caoadirte Champios faut Set- ucay thotos W/O David Bruoli. He toco cmoptycd by Caoadias Paeolcc liclore jaiofa0 flic .C.A. F. oas a toi robot guoucr lu Aug- att f941. He lu ulioen faikiog ta e Poctagcoc harmer, wo it ou is ba to arkiet, ear bis atti- oaboa'fe patroi busc io Ilie Acý oe.W/O Scauli, toone tcoin Mitfou, upeot uiu monflis in tcelaed mitlicoatta command beloce hi', coclvai enflic Acorco. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Tsbca fram the files iCil tià Qin, dcoppcd. Tbc cooeoif atjouret adia Chamapion, lpl 2, 1914. uctit coul Tucodap, olico the Atlocaltcctidccttoabrough tecderc or heildingogu flic hohoro Police Magistrale Dici ou cew Rogittrp Ohfice %vii lic open Soturdas' cbargcd toit bn abiuuie cd. and gcao y îosufieg Icoguage fa At flic cceft icriminationu a e oog lado. Plie oieO char O, ibe Casococao oh Matie, Hem lic mec pc'tced hec hootorun1 eon, Mit', Geotcudo Cartworight Cooocrcial St., Ho mud iaig- oh flooc c, ucsla aagoobhicl iteiqootcd iccor. pofic ie coian d ja uces n Tbe decridption 'ausiv ccd asn he voladjui gcîosinuatfîg'ao et aceo- piaoatolos. eggccatiuo. The mna me', focdl Se ports ahflie ceoult cf la-o 2Jand $.25 eourt ott. Maada'ooe1loctiuoon inoHalto Tbe lcaul Orcogeoco arc bau', Coocto b ', poticg salidfiisioe- pocperitghfotflic grcdeoceba haeooaricosoomchiubu hrdtto tioc of he fli civocoaro oh tho 000 uthat Dc. Nisoot majocits Bcille ohfflic Booco leti Miltoc htct The Geot-geftotn Hcrotd acd oc Mocdco, 13 lot. Il flir c tl- lie Saciogcon Gazotte liave pub it- proct havoaletheli pcrade tioheol cftcgcd houl rt-canu. Tht toliibo thehas'gcoficfthehitot' Hocld gaveDr. Nixonsamatriî oh Halto. ai 436. ThIe Gozette mtade il 314. Tbe opooliectiai oh aoocosmiof Astihe Chiaopioae prcdictcd Ia cn thc coont pa iat oOfted et stock, t-or oct no stampode tu, Toudavus oeeting of hei ccacio Cococucofito pt-liiiionitonO eouc'u ccdiaccto byLocttoc Modîoand theptfinesumcoo pcooedi. 'Fli appoat liet hecoi pcictail ttooc. NEWS :~DISTRICT BURLINGTON - Tmo Booliogios cois cectiocu bave josi h îeaiced fIai flic f1462 afh ofooti penny, aacod b', ose cf flic îlots ose', lic totbl 55,00f. Boili Jobn Maclai anti hi', brochier Ronald Aspdeoooloetois end abaut a i-cao Mr. Aopdcc picd op cno cd-bcoig penny fin ohange. He and Mo. Mollet cooparcd if mfbb ofbect cn ulofo olerotii' aid ecrde il ut igbflic oauble Recoacfli',.aoy paod Mr. Aspdoc'o pou', fvtanoto-tlickpvfco F aidticibc oob $5,000 oodlcovcrohliot inoocovdi0 GEORGETOWN -. Georgoeato t-ii ilote flic mot madern sop signal o',oieo on Canedo ucintlou ich doitotownou icor- t-rt' on Aogot. ThAo lioao Signais druision ai E. W. Biot baotchic' cddfcet-instalatioendftheignicaioo'iii bcioiaid ad maieioui a u oexpefstc t e tow- Icc fi- oclI' autuoauit stop aid go titis rogotateti ho toothl fhou Thte lortol toto oi ute the sysuec et a tlcccpieoo aid tho foies caO deoce in atdoo ieudnit miih ololos ttei toms romc 0101 chIliai, frotcilrl mooloipeiuico. BROAMPTON Foe! Cooi',liardc s at,atba oadcoed ta death lic Poci Caert toontiiacs. If mot ecoideO tu rand Lire pleut e "nouinos meetI and adO fut clai-O fatli f osae mbioh mut lc dctoycd. Tbe tiio mat S', no meas uoaoîmouu, ut humc oh tbe 15 caaeiiboos Ochoodoo flic buotci lo- fits sentiental, aootbcuio asti prcufea value. Brampton deputy-recto A. M. Wiluon heid îlot flic liocik't long cool', are bocîfii ta tIc suit. Boý tuOcu, Mr. Wilsonsaoid, "chilOres pfavicg in c ficeld miblouf Iscos in chtoirmweaters foot itooldet bcnasoca.' ACTON -Aeoomoenito poiet toosithiomaliCsud' Ceotii in sw aocbo boas îl flit bet ail mas', oeeings otver tlic lois e leckt. Rtcocctieiocith botuctioon afimpotoo fi linov floiti ît ppcr rot li ithe i-'piiroet aî oporiI ol rmiitoo I QUOTE 0F THE WEEK Wccce nice tapele ine omres, but5 onc sot I nioc peoplec bebîndtshe achecl Magisrale P. W. Sarcm, O 9'JOTTINGS 111E:GOOD 0WD DANS GLANa1NO BACK TO 10 YEARS AGO GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO The Canadian Champion Pualislicd by Ibe DitIs Prit'bnlg and Pabltshlng Ca. Ltd. C.'A.DIIll, dori (F f j-, A.DIll'O IZR',floo'o-Newslditor 'ulifiid h\, ai IOtNi st O s io[doihficîodtion Miltons, Ot. Monboh ieh C.W.N.A., hli chat, i oltieovoli oftypograplioal error, Onfario-Otaebeo Diviioo C.W.N.A. and chat potion of he flcdvertiuiog upace oc- Carcillnt ommnit Newpaprs epr. copicd liy the erettueouo item, togetttec CanaianCooooit hdcopaero epr- oili reatonahle altooaaoe for sigoature, tentatives. Sobuoripîloot payable io ad. tout oct be oharged for, but the balance vance, 53.00 ln Canada; 14.00 lu Eogtaod or tbe adeertitemeet ol be paid for ut and otber Comtnwoealh Couantriet $5 ' 0 tbe apolloobte rate. Coare. "te tlieeoest of a typograpbtoal error ad- lIt te U.S.A., aod atlier Foreign outis ocrîisittg goodo or tervicet utaoro Autbaricied ut Second Clans Mail, Pot prîoe. goodu ortservicespynot betold Office DePartmeut1 ottawa Adverîioing oi mecetp an affer lu tell, and stlap lie oitdauart Uap tins." e n e 9 r a 1

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