b4 the Canadien Chamu-pion, Thuridiy, June -25fi-196u41a..hr- Eich club wssll e geetgned a IItegI upprecialion was -eeln - noeq,' 1U-O-_ ,y1.ancd bc reqet-red tu develop !- the Milton Figure Skating Clu Miltn O.P.. recovelted a car lformaîtion. oe ,cunetry repre. fur the hellpreceisbd in the canai etuten le Oakulllp li e nak. Uc ..L Useeeeed. .via]. A cheque'lfor SMl was e O utiiie Lbafl flge À ~ w Y a The prneciples of Rotar mem ei apprecialibe, whue an acaldnt l mbr eà,, O tli esCha nge of N e' Y ar ersip mboyin sevic wee Alte o aI ppreelalien was toarut the Base UJe.Applby Uie EahDistrictiAful<,> ItW Ov Gesereor'elee Mike eiued. Last year eght welscere the areat e e the p ecti e urphas-zed au te governorethis dffreldte inu Jeaovns fer etreaiwne t n lewn tien A Couei Plaent-ng Ascialîu! 'the planiniîg board, and one frac t,edsctth, addressed enoeurs et develeped i t-1he ai-id Rajahetue actien. isducled ico newclu cinemuer,,hi efrtemrveg le arendbOrl nVsa cas furated tact sî,, iiludlg' the. pi.annin stîaft, tgutîher ui-ih the Rotary Club of Milten tact distict AfIntdia hireiugh ceeuriý Aeray of FI Rd Ltlt aed Doeg Ceeeely. ParksSi etruece te Rotary Onevitte was a -cumplete wek. lersna iv e i ro planin-g, îîîî tutthîsîgti frotclttucIt ui-k eeliouting te challeeges hui-cs fi-oc th-e Retary district Tctgie edîlaetn, Ptia.Brk.esuîrecdie _______ se ote u 1 n n 6 thuard and planntinsai Nitii 1 t . t'or the, new Rotary yeal begie- and eue t-e Austealia e'hieh werc, b, itctîduced inte ,Ditsrict tht-s chth's appi-eciatiue tu thte'sptah -Miltoe Kiasmen hetd thet-r have heen charged hy Oakvlle heunI,', il c-l, ' te iii i' Lagrada ]Planning ecng iii July. eîai..hed hy the ludian geveru- iear. th, iuceutt-g goeiout au-et auncut gelf teereaneent et petice with the theft af the te. Ceeeiy Couct- tgi îsik i, A(lii.t.cii icc'tl- iofa,,,d1, i-,îtc etece.t sa egeidaltgîetccd ii ,erptc l iu kae- hnin Geguee esekilt(. t-t.Oa ie e itn Ruuie H. Hiio. fuitu-Io Filsit p.i1i, 'ilIti, ,lea11-1dth ditrctWdlsmet.Itpa sugeted l t-Iuncd iaTe cnrpceo ig ktm hns Gogtwls ek olwdble n ie nMlo Rees', Hite,,n,,t îti i t , ol t i Ili, ntinig.î,tî t,,,'i loi FrI ii preglaie tsuld hc tue. cf Relt-t-uns maybu arane titwil Évleilte cleb tu colub. Du-t-g the meting a ltte ai-hp a dine,,. one Iived in Oaksitle. hud fc.l,,ed tîîtit iitit utî,,î tîîil, tn uA îth miiît- Accoraidîgtiî a.ti 'l'onti ,~ p.îiu, M,,'ilîthtiip tii the pt-ccedhbyî,eptsistti i Flir. J,tti \\,)nidî hi' îiitipIteiNt talan- eîîîg hoards aîtî st,îii, titni rite- lît. th-p te flic, gtiltp \ti[ t, rialt, ht-iuttu iiitt, î FEtîtý, HM À&tîî ucie at.ppitedbitin-iiuit 1011 ýIICi l "Il,, ba Ille 7 > io dWt Half-Way House Consider Cedarvale School A report toh C. -t ,giîI tiî it, - l f o 1h, gdt th, Girls in~ -tt County Firefighters '%tývoi"b'lt ;f"c',Xis Tour Gypsum Plant One wigni,rdiIii.îî tt,, 80 - W~ ,,cyd ed thec.m ittîs, 1.i ofC, k,,,liig fast aiL, Ihbis ,'c ihîh te. t ah- itind The, titi - t T - îî.-îîî,îî i'-' Moe Report' 'l'u.utsid 'i, lt-i tut ' 'Yu - ,i,îe itte, ili, l' f i. u . uu, orne, hoaid', priipety and tt u ruuîtutu i utu il- ~ i 1 d i ,.uk fu,, tut* ieI l, menit,îîfat al .î- , i, I-""", i.g tIitîu ,,î, ivd ilf gesledhî' Juidc.- [ciît.î Ilîuî,, Comi t,,,,,,d hllo h, f, filsý r xel" l'" 1 Centennial Grant finie t. , t, u-p,rif uuRefused Georgetown Th our- s iti , atoit ,,, 1~tt h t.g, u, ucut tM itt Recto NiAi M.ut'I 1 ii tuikuui, nh u tu î,î,.. atuîeîî . recgglil . t il ini..îuî t l...u h u,îf guuut tuis th. , n 1ttttîic, h, i mri i,u u ,-uîtî, tut, G.,-,,, A , , h t î u th , , ' i u t c itt.tt" ' or , nff -11 t t' **fI IfIiý ii 'il i l:: itnfi .t ' i f t ttu ugit ig- N%.i1I l; (ii uit tif \I, "g., tIle th tN tid Iil - . 'l Opens New Store Here Hus WeaItIî of Experience Whe th', dix-i o t ii ,ii Homt, Appliiî. tu lor, 'N, Si. ce P'n'd w Il,. pltu 'tnitidI-î,. 0,ut,,-, t (Geii'v t ChL- , 1, Fttti", sajh- ý t,,hih CilI, r suggeted tutti i li ut hti of the modtt-g." eIudu iiii hi f i -Si cf 1i, Si., i l .o Ili, t,ît, i-, pmoudernt Iu,tt , t 'l i i ii iî Chase i f -I I lleii fi , 1h \Ii SI. tt BuihBll lerr irdu t it, il, ik ý. fL r ,, " l îJ-t~ t .,ii ii i tous'd m h-t, i'ndu, t, utitu , i,, tl i ,i, pna tî, ar ti i,, i.' - t 'i f-, uf i , t, f it kî brate gti,itII tc Ili,îî tl 338 tWufi i- ii ams e . $9,50 Il, "INha Gallo onOW us ai NONI COTEIN PAINT P IN OWHT AIR COTOED QUARTS HARDWAR t r - { r~ hoiîu~ qplùuices 1-411à,le l v ON THE OPENING 0F A FINE NEW APPLIANCE STORE CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES - 191 MILL ST., MILTON, ONTARIO BRICK WORK N ikkRedekoP R.R. 1, NORNBY TR 8-6419 GENERAL CONTRACTOR RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LIMITED 0 Custom Housns S Carpentry *III Commercial Buildings 0 Renovations a Speciaity P.O. BOX 569 MILTON UL 4.2263 CAMPBELLVILLE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Brian Best REALTOR AND INSURANCE 310 MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-6292 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Featherstone Electric S WIRING * FIXTURES 8.8. 1, MILTON TR 8.378 PLUMBING AND HEATING TED FIG Plumbing 0 PLUMBING S GAS HEAT 393 GEORGE ST. MILTON TR 8-9782 EXCAVATING EDGAR HOWDEN & SONS S Bulldozing S Excavaling 0 Trenching R.R. 3, MILTON TR 806258 BUILDING MATERIALS MILTON LUMBER & COAL CO. LIMITED S Lumnber S Building Supplies 159 MILL ST., MILTON - 878-2337 CONCRETE BLOCK J. COOKE Concrete Blocks BURLINGTON - NE 4.7763 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE JIACK HALL TR 8-6365 R.R. 1. MILTON _________tel _________