J4 lTe Cahadiati Chymion. Thursday, June 2!nh, 1964 Wellington Breeders Se.k HeIp in Lightiuig afMw Ca Sb TniCorPrprty lrd MW01111111 Farm Safety Slogan Contest See Aberfeldy Buli Nawn court tuPrhooehlde the highing ut the Milton Tennisfnig He sgge-t"'i 'o nar oniiît u bonth aa Abb loud of 6 Weingo henederause av parînr actie Courtats n a untie li fu a antie ktliaca lo D la g tn la lhn întnrnloak bail a o i ln nampî h l o n s gt nnl a ha haeese Ipi tttn a, bui a v atire iir co ne he o.he f6l D a o n p e e h a s 1taganndlaiaaktnittt.a-ianlrttit a R RI Mo ju R t liea juWnrFastocknal]c Mhi,sn i Caîhy foid thean.t Mtttptn.tr.rttttiHdt frai apcmtein an [ru F~~~~~tmi~~~n ofid Oina riaý Ja thi ha tuaata hagit halii hete, hnanaht.a utt hittn ti W.r Gainhenne Mn. Gandhnun anhdiaa nnelnnltt.h Top Enre eeieP ie uh bmel Den-npee a an greietat 1.lo utasfnl ijianahingp ha[h taptmtia tiinanthaittnqatatnghni. rnidniiiiaCaahanhat -aan tiarhaant iatd tni papaaItatinth t2itelitahitItl, ndagnat atmttadmCiflnte.hthto Htttan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R FRn.at tant t-natitata d tatt- ipt dpit 5thn -a h in to A- rai rai o f ad nhaittee n id Royal Rteain an nnai nattntta Ma bita nnspt-i ananmitaît taag i dnd beasnin l i nl an t logan Hiittttt tntt ara le -t %,-na- e cont an te a rin o petaitit - 1 a h ..înu- Mr.Giaie dna hkiet Bthe Chcagoht n ional n-Vt lortstîa ani nnit-t ýtf Netaipiit-nntnt l tî mIni due, i maie n vu r TritntFtigtni-- tt t*~ ~ -~ -< h b.tt r a ttr gniçr.at n a t h a r whi t n C-Po-I H . antl rn. ardie ttî h nti. Jhtgor efr niaighi sfr o.Frceniis s' R ,Cut , R .Clipl- -b ivddt i ai- a navI ieIbi-uh fic onai aTtattinl in ttnt 1.M h, lgi uirFre o b , a ind aniy.Trers Faouri Cl- Ri.ad plan-,te a ntct tmeaniblntîpotitngillesnt. % veto R Tht- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sl dciin at-tnttio t1t Rotta thtJlgall tPormt r Hwr ig nn-nitnAt t uilenîa . Mit TatîtndCtand tn ulin ait hau, Haa Imritmn AJnuaniorntlaitiy apat-at anu il hait bers ha Kin . . . AE ha t mà r ttatttttt &ttat Se Mîlaî Io anrvnitinniaz L wr nc tf i rIa 4 -H tt a n atlt p tln at ii h tlw A a nt ttle tî ah a n R Mag at T j in renn R fia-ain. Fin ca ge da n the aaalh atatin th Batt. ati pnge inltc0dA N S .MI t NC I i 4 .Wan , Mna Sape int-' Rnt and,,, Ant Tlaann A M etingalyh atn Cete D iv o Plc nia [ha aah~~ e ntlh H lm Fepdrt -Io ___initiative,_________________________________________ Th. t.ttt tU ta> iati îta ttia-H Ttal. Nainn Hag aIMgaihadtlp d Amrvnr tA socat on , -T Co n ant and a ihrnatnhadfi eKig h, t it O fi t tt h atceMlo n" h T h i t- nil lbs p a n Lonn a e an ahe haidttn .y toth naan iailhinu rechdIn aiinthe r ailant a9 Ci ph a lkHl eg or NMLO tnt-n T itda Jneî Iai-.- tlan in a 9 ta a i) ai n t t. 964 t. inbis shihng n ighly C aie for.th1 3 erin ralisud24 Iba.it ouclrG addsnc t io a s h a made the Junior P1,iulllz; d Cauliflower emps, dire I 4 h a.h aStIda n 51 i isc-i Ian tinat-anda 61-t waniat- dd hs ,h utbenr- RI H tiiIar ne th Romii e toe inli prt-ana H il he tp aa -h n- n.an t-tiaia h niatat da', ,;Crtenlbet. 12 table growntitaa Aaietue-alis th set. ai lai. lonFde Ontarin Go ser Jamets ei ad n ussatiently EtCa -,ia dh oa a sshdldfirJc .Tvo.Nmne s Cast lge.Ro a ha s ap lpt-ai t n I on nA griultd e pai an era ntga O U T S.tilirciýt%. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 aagt-inhl ',aae. nah air Rtc. Hnnnhe R.e Rgso 6ad1,4 . of ai h 5 1 l o Th ont o91tho Jiitin. hi,-arni)onemilter25 s o N.cmbi- , 164. a rsandc ha tihe Maction hrad ha., inith. 215 cat, fat- in ï4 anti e vilg-fCmpevle" Polîmen onic Pan Prnin9.l7inilaacf- ancv ha r theini ai Ma rbr Lai Himare nnaa loin 1962 -ar lafclfigthswei ir o V c t o a s A quà ha ~~~ ~ ~20 hl h. pul an la7 ofdlian inaahna ahr nninat- nekn' atenlaa a 0haia-fi.Tha a n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yas Pc tatailil i O-naat aîiandlataanftng.l.S inlthendtlOll a clerti TO P ai cor- p aS ply drfse n Wa ntihttn- iaaaah 19.18nt5a neatann Take M il R n SI, 'le aititiwcenitad e p r a h Prat-ndial Eretht- plningis 12.604 nnilh. 404 laiova .12 tati' ATO E HR Ailri at ilnaîtalmntit ro AthaedntriGha Agic iaiaaadgatdf li ndt-anHaat. P llmust. iiilptt-ipaaaaathaî.la.t90ilt..tiknna t a ble rnradl- hrt -Ri2 ,taiinA y d Sa , it,5A ai tpnaad pnSa ap a.a itat at Aniiaatatnint taapp n rt-iai tht-li ten tn it-nltýI i lk 5t 0 S a fr 2 1 4 inikohi T aaamaliitaa ntdtat tarm laid han tîta n nda Vafaadth rayn Lainaniti in23casn - ohnatnVt 196 WEEK au The na n na P)ici t a s a or l.al[iah no. pret icla O an t h nnoR. it-i h, t-lgoeaidian till di sit Faadmg 224 m I, i f been elalihd Io PI-%deilctnai.iltpoanmta v pta t e Ta brni nat-eaaiad. a 30bteft hsi nice rot- .taîîaa t ., Antitaa tai.lth a nti dh arnf 10[e inagei a ng frmvr li t He1 naia fluewe ClanLie Beauti HaSeT OiePowrTre ra ngnsT han. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'c an.taa est-n tatttat gr towIern it i h it ntttiandt.tlt lu p aSv hice lit niei tht.igs Anater Sito M.R , Wlaii oprn annîaia ad mer i 5 pelil ce ago tpe-iara t ç1264m ,84ft- 3 Ai... aapailitt a aatlt Atlid C o a il hi musY Tbc NRWrin thos Frof. -oe Sian Sixr Fui-ye Vn Son0 OrThe ion.~~~~~~~~~ ~ oUAR Ontri M igiity Golde Com and V-Swtrarc m edd cnro rcie yR .1 194 ik 47f - F O T E F E pond e 1a1J Cacr s ha lai M.aaS nd ~i tac alie a litiltr ni e 'lrlDwah Ht-oi nul theaea Chanta pt-t-ai- lain tianatie Yourr' au Deedal Econosicyie Oihanaie.a Massist- a nct,-ititda n liijý.ui gttrrc an Carndnc Youine BEauoy HsRa ie o e.TreGetEgn an-an m tai-nidaor aral rin 1- U Mc 7KI"E Driv'th o gvnmchhp orTe e n e oa Tsat itali. h it- a- aa C ,I n , th r, e t h A i cnt f ot Mag i h, C o seF o -S an i, uy -0 O h Kn, tadstuti it n tala eclti gnein pcaitver banit exaasiv NOWINRPP0 ONý SUi i U Y THLY CHR SLE timt- k. t Io ia ,in en . poa La i - iu.aezalbe on cridota h olg ana conae Hiap mit. USEDemtr UR U M odn o mnoV8 Bah~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Coar, titi Citai t-tlt-il Yo rP rkFroR ueuae mnblReANsRC, H 500 MiePwe FIanat ct-ah as l ec lita Lionsa ArvND NUTr BRIUETE Can. No Sev a aWntt dChit aS t ta de li ta Lal, Mil th InentinlCorcIiorantya B io, 'nsuevu Jnae meet ai aiita n Aal:Fo o u He î lnat- l [ucla harte Tttî.îîtî f iapnt Jala- 4 I ba it n tallen BI L UA T JU S 2% B TTRA 43-in- hl 1tlat t al lie at-aidant allahn t h cit at,ri haadnatMi, Rý,a Nata" at ai i,aît .t ît gatdentag aSd gali. LKAWVIRKU LUMBER AND FUEL 854-2232 CAMPRRLLVILLE Wa anadle a Comuplote Ltag of Raildlacu Supplies *L 2 Ot. Jug I4omogenized 50c M 1 L 2 Ot.Jug 2% Mik ..--46c AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY NOW S PNONE AKFR AR Mi 8-9723 PAKFR IY ________________________________________ ... ilI H A L T O N THE HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES COROP $100 SCHOLAIRSHIP- Eery year your Halton Co-operative Supplies offers a $100 scholarship ta a student who wiII he going f0 a two-year course in an agricultural school. MILTON .. . ...PHONE TR 8-2391 GEORGETOWN PHONE TR 7-2271 ERIN PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES ... Cb ahec thasfeiy ai pain mcrm tht, week. Doli wai fer un accident tor poit eau the haad, thai devaleua on th. farm. husà a y bain n e n ahe fane bui ,agaany lu an impartant inviaaaaaet e n lima of ahe liat. Patialarlp ai ibis aima of ah. yenr yeu dol a nt te cltinmne ny acident se dea't jet bazarde gcaw. Thiel SMl. This Schloarship Competition is open to any student (son or daugbter) whose parent is a memrber of the Halton Co-operative Supplies Organi- zation. A committee appointed by the board of Halton Co - operative Supplies will select the student who will receive thle scholarship. IN THE LETTER 0F APPLICATION INCLUDEa Norre, uun. addîeîî. acatrse innendnd, sahani iniendnd, aunior farii-ns ai S-H actinitien information (if eniai, pai-anti' raune, and aay niher pertinent anformation abat trili heip the itanittea an iheit seleatian. SEND YOUR LETTER OF APPLICATION TO: MR. C. HARRIS, Manager, NALTON CO.OPRATIVR SUPPLIES, DRONTE ST., MILTON. BEFORE JULY 15, 1964. I What Ils A Co-Op? A coorperative ta an organîzaîîon whîch belong- la the member-. The COnirol rotlt equally with ail memrbera, and the profits are diaîributed la the membera. Who can join ically cnateonmi cn- a Co-Op? SatanansOand help pi-t-at-a h-OU non juin a an-an i Mnaies. h-au liOl amaie usat ai ltae an-ads and semvices i f How do Coops Howessth help us? How is he y t-tiaat-aaq te adan- Co-op business slophy tu tha~nae ýnoir run'? lit-tS ai tae people a thmie ltqaiaataaa ofian-pea- lot-h mamitar. et-nîdiena riva fact-tnn far dintriha- ai han nt-atatent. uas ane ti Prodat-tian, murt-t liate ta iteip aaantn anS ing, haaaiag, heait, itntu- tan his Ca-an. Eaah mali- uane tedit, t-aid nioage. bat nay ase hl i-i u nS athainînie aad athar ser- istea nin i his awn a iu; vicesntaaanilihitnnpetine he mmli snqeat, adniaa, ami- picle ab pled litant- anS tatanend. Merrl- paaaa n enpi berat-it-nia bard oa im nntcnnat-nst pt-aain t-eni Shauld you join taîaaaana a a a Co-op? --,ait- datida ananaqst Il h-at an tnt t-aittnantl lth beatt- itan proportaan ai lte t-ana af vant maaey tn tnihenus t ahi m ai of . il noir mai ta make te t-oapematneîsernices. enan opinion and anSce courir . - if han nient te Why do people aaiitiîoflhaeian aad join Co-ops? îizn a comnâFivmn Ta abtaîn qaii t-nada . . t itan nonr belong in and seriles at itampetitîne ta-an. WE MAY NOT CEL Tir[ ýIC,'ýl L't'7 WE ÇELL 1"k riÉÇT G"ý,, 93ETTFR LjSE'--> CAQS MlLT0NýT9Z8 Q949ý2 J __ IM11111111