Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1964, p. 10

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iffl&Y 82 lTe Conadt4c1 Chtampin, Thurtdnp, Jane 25th, 1964 Women' By Mr". J. MeCarron Th' 24 rh anîîal caetniotha SouthS lamils was itald on Hr kv Park %%!tht 97 aîlroding. Lsîch ca-.-,cd ai ltae Oranga Hall lallauvaî bu -puoI-s, linivhîug ull a pracul varamitia and a piceirý sappe-. DMa nSrie SI. Vý-rh -. Aenlcar Chu,h sevie . a udav'Jurie 14 wa- dr..ignaied aaonrmarial servic. Th, chîîrch mou tilled and macsi lm-,paihianarv and friand" tuert, wvluimadhbasalleramavul yearS. Rev. Jas. t.. Maxwuell aI-ý tiaiateetai ta-asrîîurand tasa a movtîeseaevlsguaermunaoiug 1that tha paupla ot lad au ara va uuneaaud abut maleacal Ihlngv andl secrituu'whareasuthe pion-, ceas ai ti- chitruit mare muore moraiad ahut haveug ltae couraga ta tace the future. hl is huped thal 'hi, mîli ha an annuafal - rullowing the service te ýlad- les of the aungregatian servad coekiet and ra in lthe Citat. Hall and a dalighilul scriaI par lor suas atiaurd, meetingad i,-iend and walcamitgtews'orv mi uv Sandra Palan af Milton peavocal titumar for Carat M- Ca, lac. Ahîcai 35 iriandu mare pramul' aud fllluls'g a e games,' Caroîl wax aeated iteneatit ahaýauîlilvydacoald araitith pieit and wite vîrcamerv and bams, îi th flIaiet- forming a humer overiteali. Carol mas s sisledby Sandrainopening the many eautîtul gillu. The- uhuver itat mai ptaced on ber itaad acd vaious pictares weetaket daaicg lte ereel. Curai exprrsed itea titatits tua lthe lovela gilt and titoogiîl teusaofthota pmtet andrstd- cri un inuitation ta ail ta vivît tulîeuite lthe sueddiug. A haucle- eus buffet lunch mus set-ced ity lte tmsîest, assis tal hy Mstu. Putenn and Mes. McKay ut Tur- Mr. and Mrs. J. li. Cordinglv and lamilu altended lthe Pankin- sac renduso ai Puandale ot Sut- ut-day. Mms. Nadir Wallon nf Whiltby ond suc Gardon andlfamiiyuof Torot-oeuisited wiltMrs.Gorge Hamilton un Suduy eenitg. U.C.W. Mein Eden Unted Cittrit U.C.W. met aI lthe home uf Mt-t. J. D. Curd- icgly en Toesday ercning, Jute 1h, mth Mrs. Eleer May pre- sidicg. Thte devulianal mat giren it a. W. Mats and Mrs. Johnu H=tlon readi a chapler fro lthe SluUy Bouk Thte Word and te Wav". Plant met-e disciriseli for a hte, regetahir atd aprue vale ta bchelad in Stauetsritia Plaina ant a date uamed in Juty or Augoat.* A corn atast mas alto dtscussed for Seplemiter ut lthe home ut Mas. J. li. Carditgy. Mrs. Frank Hall canuatnd e contrIt mticit mou mon hy Mas. Har-y Lumdnn. The test meet- ing wiii be in Septemiter at lthe huma ut Mat. Jack ixitn. Pal- lamitg benredicîlan lita meeting adjurned. Congaataioinv toMa. andMrs. Diavid Rovcemito -emcunilrd in marriageby Rer.Jat. E.Max- w el in Slephut'v Atglican Chîîrri ut Salurday, Jane 20. Car Sssasited Wteen lthe car Rainer Bulisaitet of Bramptonmwas driing smung att the igimar lit lthe duith op- pol;ite Hurnity Park au lthe Base ine mevt ut lthe Seuculth Line. ite was rat iutred. Hocuer lthe contile' umned ity iî lalter mas itadly dumagedt. Edes U.nited Church YP.S. met ut lte hume ut George May un Sunday euenicg. Jane Hall prer- drdin alte aliseare ut Ronald Break.aod upenel lte meeting, mitit hymn otluard ivtuha Lerd's prauca. Thte rail rai "Shuld Ralition ha Taugit an te Sahooli mas atvmered by lthe 9 memiters preset. Sommer plans o arr discued as itis iv te tant mmîtiug Sciure Sepîrmbr. A swimmingypaatu tilit aie place! on Jane 27 aI cte homne ut lion and Mary Hamilton. Ih mas de-1 cided ln syatd a day ai Toronto Island and anuter day mud he upent ri sitg Cava Lama and lte Bulttas Convrrvalion Area. lThe meeting ututud mitit a ityma and luait suas sever. Contgratltionstol Mr. anU Mns. Daany Titumpsua mituve ma- ataga tuait ylace un Salurday, aI Haanhy United Citarrt. Best mi sien tua a vpeeiy e cavry lu Lloyd Maruitmeut Whot tnderset uagrrrai te outh Peel Hospital lt ment. We misit i wcl. Fissal Party Thte fintul euchîte party ut Noreth Tratalgar Euhrr Club mas fi. on Salut-day in lte Norlth Tna-. falguar Cammanily Centre. There met-e Il laities in play and priet ment lu Audrey Wilson, Lauaru Cupetaud. Mat. Kitg, Jouit Mc Carton, Clore Wilson, Geraid Ta Eyake theterucg and evturca dlc ions lunch ni trevit srawharartes Sitotake tue cmeam, Ira and cnttee. Mauy ltants t ail mita hume made cte rutitret ta sac- cesatul and me'l be sering ynu ail lu lthe tatI. Blanc itappy relut-ns et lthe day at-e extlended te Ken ONeill cn Jane 28, Gor-don Bt-igden uni Mrs. Artur Pliant, and releinsat ing blth&By. - s Institutes Take Annual Trip Visit Midland Shfine, Indian Vilal. Antie t Reid en tr laied a nam- and Susan Luykes, Dist Tet-tv hald iheîr atinual bas tripon nenampment a itasl ier the siteetcemun Tis It aitaed sitea abie Ocoig ti. th bat- of ltIle friands aI ber home and Jet[ De Haan and Mar iyn'We dvdau-eaing Ham 8î bv the Midtand Y's Men underý lank place an gli1a 51rastahlsuhfitnadculeo hllasta pae an Jae22 in honor of ber fith Reid. Thea children playedgie an Ie ahoard, lhey pro the supervition af Dr. Wilfrid siglIlinto lthe snuy in whai lthe :Va cyprey apot. Aller lsitaeltefiscie lum l bireba. Psent" mers Diane, and hIb uaeamuert ulj, o cuedçd ta lthe Hunrondait Vil_ Jury, one of CanradaN leaditg InÏdians livd. Ttey lthes JOur-I lthe bus coninueed n l l alo lite rovnSe nf Ossee, Carol and Cindy Reid, Julie ilunch camplete with a bîrlhday lage ai Midiaud, jut! Outsida a rchat-ologisîs. 1 neyed ou ta Broekesa Gl andl beasalital Martyr's Sitine at Mid. il labg testimonilal Sa Niorlth Snau, Mur-ray Grexlun. Satan caka and candlet. 'Little Laite Park. It is a fu11- A cet-y prelly guide conducled' Country Clabitlu enjay a delie- land wcht eau ite seen fot- miles 1 Americuts tirt cassnlssd Slaints. Alctander, Tracy Titurpe. Party The Harnity Wamenus lusîllule traIe palitlgreplier% uf a Hua silugt iasilg cliaoi g dnner. ieuearnu.I îaîne ePg 3 A&UUNY au BRAND amsUY u ~pi ,0 M 1.0 MIMAI 64u.5w @"- uif SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION 1 UTPORTION F~~l IAr.LAD Po»at Salad 12-ozî ct29< Sesst Ptatetsd, Va. Psue, Hlas Cottage Roils it49c Cr.u.d Chuck i59< BraUnSCdiger auit at623c BSessr-Scaghs W ienerS ALL MIAI îit49c Qsalesl sed Bnntesd, trisai and Est Pork Chops "8s9< Bstcsîd.rs Citit IJv.r & Baon 8-ozit5le23c Allases - ms.ok.d, Bleats. Rnîdissa Sie Bacn t lit kg 59« 111EVEIL, ABBORTEB PLAVOSNS ICI CREAM ON THE NEW ZI-OPENING PACKAGE HAI) GAL CTN 79C Ras. Prise cartn 8is - BAVE 10. YURON CLUB GaINGER ALE éte Prs2 asit .33e-BACC 17. 7 30-FL-OZ BTLS 99 C (PLUS BOTTLE DEPOStT) A&P Food Store 128 QUEEN ST. S. Sireefsville Chaste Ca1 O' Nais t-s Off Déat INSTANT COFFEI 5-oc jar $1.25 A-srt.d Clattars KOOL-AID 5 pkgs 29c FROZN M~ EUTMES BS" a.-Id. Haddock ea. Se-BAVE 0s PISH Ï CHIPS 2 i6-oz pkS 89C BSuthlarid. Frsnch Cast %PEIAL t GREEN UANS 2 1 0-oz pkgs 45< ~IÉiU0 S- IàW CENTRE CUIS 70 WHOLE l or STEAKS "79~c HuMs 53 PULL CUT HAI.P HAMS - NO CENTRE SLICES RIMOVED SHANK HALF iit49c * Bull HALF îit59c WIENERS 1zb11189c (ANNED HAM 3db Un169 1' Goad Mameesq Nsg. Pris*ar .' BSAVE 4. MARMALADI tHIRBIFF 24-o.na, 5 9 C Hé.lons Curtis IOn. 12.na san, On. t'a-uacoe) HAIR SPRAY polt-bâti dal.88 Iteeith Chasa n Tsstn a.) CASE OP 24 TINS $4.74 SPAGHETTI LIsvsY 420-fi uct.s 79c Insetantif 13,ik Mu. ega Prieja 15rt-SOVE te NESTUES KEEN 4 FLAVOURS) 12cals, 53< Pnpat.r Bir-dut Asa. Prie carton 5315--AVE 7, CIGARETTES saesasn2003.09 FOO ST O ~ rRES REDEEM this COUPON ut FourAÀ P Fooid Store! lcss (Cage., & Psetic Add.sel e. Pries e, 63e-B1AVE Ou RASPBERRY JAiA 24-l.isaîs55< S..«,. Whie ne Cntner.d RC. Prie. tes 45n-BAVE 4. TOILET TISSUE pitgn4.îîs45< Calsuasa R.s. Pt-ina 2 Its Be-BACE t5. SOLO MARGARINE 41ît-t kgz99c Détrget eg. Pel as 97B--ACC 8. OXYDOL gîantlîîebox 8 9< Grasse Pens. e. Pti- t-te Inn-BACC 6a SALADA TEA BAGS sdessilo79c Msksr.s'. R5sg. Pres le, 87e-BAVE i15 CORN RELISH 3 'Sassal100 E Flaveurs* CASE oC, Bt TINS $1.fl COlTS MYRAGU 6êUoitns49e lgesss AI., Kola, Lsss-Lis. 0-oais Rsat Ba-e) CASE OF24 TNSB$392-SAVE74. aa Cie s Qu, a. .a. Pria, tie 2Bn-BAVEI Il. AaP PEACHES 4 20-0eo tns 99C CSE cFr24 TINS 16.94 - BAVE $1.02 A&P Shitu. Quslty CANE OF 24 TINB $6.32 TOMATOES__3 2tinis 79C K.iff, RN. Pr c. 2 tins 35e-BAVE i0s IONA PEARS 3 5-zt5ints 49C CABE O3F 24 TINS $3.92 - BAVE 76. Ltiby'. Gsei Eruned CABE OF 24 TINS $5.34 BEANS lcTnesuSsue 1420-acies 89 C Ail Pries. t. Tis Ad Es...et Bateary C... oasts. Ttrug Ta...dey. J... 3ttt, is64 B Iffl - 11@011 SPECIAL! EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFIE 1! A&P Cea Sun Y., Mfay M Fruits1 #ad Veglaubes1 (ANTALOUPE .-....-,- MESICAN, F NEET CON JUB 7. 39 Cs ifaia ent . s a as e Ns. i Gsade PLUMS bssag 1bo 9C Ctorid. Large, Bm- Buaas Résl Cat. tn. WATERMELONS "99c M I FREE' FREE! AN 11-FL-OZ UOTTLU 0F ANN PAGE KETCHUP CSEE WOtTt A PiNCHSSAE nr $6.n0 ne MORE Tis Ceapte Vst d Unlet I aturdae, Juet- 2Jtt 1964 I h lits ý f.ee s tm e n 4,it cn thi. p-i. nithit a t, htit CHERRY PIE 2.4-e Si.. 49c EEG. PRICE EACO Ms - BAVE 10o ns. Pst-test, Cnats.h es Pt-ct. -11i at9-AVE f FRUIT CAKE 0.rb 3 3c .1s.s Pst-test Nase TaCi eg. Pr s s..ih 43e BACC 4. COFFIE CAKE ssuit39e job. Partes Reg. Prise lst 25.-AVE s VIENNA BREAD ug ls 1 c -REMEMBREZ! 111111

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