,,e ip, Chesii ce Jacki iersaond ses han in that pitohed, againsi Sence vtrnok out11i Miltont hia- ices n thegoot.. The locatos on lv raon caei theve.ond altor Doog Novi,Ir îvoikod, Dioh Marshatll sacified and Gorrv Meunan i e d foiîc l. score the ni Branmptoie î.d thol scoreeite hforthon snle,; a oiovcrtbree, a stlîen base anti a fietdc'v cheice. Tht-v scotr,.d Iomoein te h cu l aî vinig! aed a hoe n . M ilto loîl chace ora Itîr cae ih îiettî w.he Steo. Gervai.. singod anod Pelle McDîtlto' hit oIeo o double plav. Stot. Go- vaisv had lt-,o itnge,, Rtichard Cîeiet one iriie ando titt Meenilain bad] a tippi. -Soheot ed, ibis to kil i and, seai , nivch i ptîl. S..d p ex heko r duI REMEMBER THE DATE BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Sponssredhuy Miii.. Disticta Hospitl W.A. LEGION HALL TUES., JUNE 30 2 . 4.30 and e.30 te 9 p. YOUS DONATION IS URGRNTLY NEEOSO Papier Collection THIS SATURDAY 9.00 A.M. Your Co-operation WiII HeIp Our.Milton Scouts Papers Skould b. Our thanks Ro the following who Bunidled and donate ttseir vehicles - Dave's B.A. Securely Tied Service, A. (Gus) Mowbray, Esso Please Place Your Agent. Smith Transport, Trafalgar Papers on the Motors. Streets by 8 a.m. 1_________ 1___ For Collection For Information Coli Harold Wilkinson, TR 8-6632 'IL 1TeCnadien Champion, Thorsday, June iSih, 1964 5 i Meers- Re ai Unbeaten Tie Vote E- Y EIN G Mtr eanUTurn Down Or Top Loo byFurPins aiedo motion to begin on TL.E ~ I( EJ~ I S Keidi NewuII sevrat runs on a ne hita and coin- ,!ton of a five font cercnent THIlN O Canardiat Meier woin their fiti mitted one ternir idewalik on the ivevi ide ,f On. ,aight tome of the sessa and Ah Jannuzz wa sihe tient il tici Si. freont h,. nin nac ___________________________________ grabhed a four point, firs place bai for the Menters ith isso oý1 Ile Ontaorio Suhool fîithe iead whea thev dowaeditheLe- singeand adouble andohn. licol o Main St. The. fN-pt bealensi te o.vc garns ncvoottBengais ocemhelmothcfîeakees up'ci the Fer.s 10.9 a the Steel Lestan.t8 Flyera 4 continue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Legioiatosfte 91o hrsa n ope h latdaod l avi h "Sa us Frhe sc ainni gtc1 hregiih oal hRodth Gi ant od bthe lvins usla ihtcr in i ol a 75 er on h eio 3 em h fo r te Site 0 E65 uit Wededyatht .B..L a bhn tepae rs i n bio ne ou r in the. off hrdy ewsal epd hc i efracsb i Bhpogr 69o u o teTgr.DvdCosrc bilah and nmi Iod v te crier. by is en s who î in c ke -2 r e ur * and. T oi. orelli crcocc foar eo t e totn 6. Soeîta tîornei b ai m te a oit h Sî l ue tc te v . it c rod. . Stas o fier ilhwi icî - Ionclas toîtvocckond gameWlc httkin the ieatrile. maemd*W ice.Ei h lesadhdcnr]tobee rmtn 72 h %l .icdy 0homa a il voared h te 6vThe Mtslie cor aterd place oezaldteLgo itei h eodii ewsbogttelek h eod îsiestitc w il-A aolensnhdRdSx17 atW eaynd "Kaz" ou the loris ll envted ttof Atte and s IaTon C-fMDI E 000061 h ols îite easn Holio obe r Sit h ws t e wihotarg 1 lyrs9 eýe iini os Sui Bl isondanenMarstoasl a hsietr1 sfot inShe fiud te .,neh frs ofth jANi Nh eIERSAiue teRYrntiue asnl a hiler.a tiie lt c n d î, GU STNDNG H.îtitto thedo fîtos.Aurhti bu1era ofbr ond tescn n ilu' etgin . ac vin. opt îaeight otstad C Sm tolhoa torautanig n a t. Joiot e o 16 su Rae M cay 111e tetb, no s o te 3 0 ke D Aros Cn th fia nignn sBbMPalsfccýudyi ulnln pIni-icd Rai dc ion lin oth, Ganos. ............ 0eoo 0o ho b oît th et ci âeatfi om rt'cgie-jit evcsi i n "A nnarktin R. îtcoeiooui itv h o Sidra h... nio ......h.. 3 1 0 7 e.frtewneswieCre SO TS O T :TeLgo i cuce o-E0 n iodn offeanTusa v ieotin bC. flP irat .....n.. 6 1 0 fo entra ... a er fnefn"i ugig, iiatnd K o ri ctoned adtoe an e b aîcî "B" AMoroho Wld tari e ln nTusa Sqek ioIasteIa i Nlysrie nAiui%1I, i cecoto paye on: Mone cîein 5 0u of1 hom RACE WÂa1Y or. .tphre o ae...Gr da eingtc an i llb frelyo n oR e o ........ 4 0 3 8 Sut.fiihlifrte Ka zcims .prg on in tripe t..rt Itîcîhor sthci Route Du1- î h..... ........... i........... il5i Oo *HA W Ks Cai P ouevc îohilee hIed bhiuo coln',te r .f ton ..hi...L..a... -iu d3sh- Midget Smorha de i n C N si t U MOOndI4 toFv t O ..... in.ie ~a thrce eient te Admisio $1 oi R' eh met Availabririeeaion Rsoaidephloron.o tpit Rotet Rec F0as Th'Eeýoesoýý-iePasteatn ap Sot Bav i rc-anttodi th isthm rno eh ho.er b i1 rn se. ofif Il Dael a Ude' Canniersavci *A ,ht,,Srie ferec feor e t o fvs t îot Sal udv atron Ha itn w eteSel Pl anv liaid Putnâ.Ea iatoi veeres a ed 3-t bacv I ac k alntptott-ec adsav AJRMEI hotcolu vi hut vn vî-5 w ok an ___e PLA Nh Tito ATTEN ...we Stadhen udgeCt 100e0 i ola c foo Dl-Jiu tiens -e Paradai .- SpuAr s - eiral nmit - Rai Ae C-PMEDCL E Mitten h 1-6 otî v oi te. pî t74 oITO - TL. 87 lTh ewI v lo ti e Walteîo - aot Ottiela Ceîemnies et... et...d inn Namh .. ....... doncu erivviavovr.tkovogo.t M% i mOu Terformances A P EL IL diebaling Maohooleoee lie, ,oT n otlu atesehiehul iat the OPLANE Ilf SAT.,JUNEO 20 -1.00 P.M. - Acton Park 6 CLASSES RACING - 2 HEATS PER CLASS Sdîîclioned by the Canadian Boatîng Federalion ioS Admission - - $100 SPONSORED BY ACTON Y'S MEN'S CLUB ANII THE OAKVILLE HYDROPLANE CLUB UNACCOMPANIED STUDENTS - ----------- 5 0e PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN with Parents - ..FREE - - __ . , Sp mi itario St. WaIk to pot 75 fier cent ci the. .t 5,iaela 7,360. Lavîvoear the ..oit hud uitt-tdî on Ill s le Dopteteet Ouiaide Toasat Th, acion.onetvir,It il inpt lit M o, Si. R,,,,, C A ..h.,ld not vpvnd vit.c lu, puoplu the I tît 11ht, On ,c ath,lo, I the 1of Oz v ille andi Ille p. t lit Ila ini.tial ,CltLitilîi hliilevttot 16.11 ~ ~ ~ 1-0 1îlt , i.I.î1 Cai Oaiy $1,800 Couii... N .u..ol.c 2S pot- ctof ,I l-c and the, Dc,.tîof. Pohliç Purk.. 'hai - t klfl n i -OPERATIVt ARE PLAN Empltvco Groaps Regarolless i, Sire ît. a y enrl ii ai .any tite ofi the year - RATES - OnIdv $10.30 Per Monih-Fanldlv S5.00 - Single fîî. oo.I .Annl,cI VICES .9712 n Obligational Addr- à 1 sreet wdoning pions vohen thev whu opposcd action on ho aidle. aeimplementc. lk efore heMain S. Niden. A tîe t n the pojct wa, ing.oeti a dad oenddik ai brke bMvorS.G.ChildsiOno i. and ManSt tokes more thon trength! It fables "knowa-how" ta its il saeao we'i gei huil Many stiran, siipe dis. and sprains have reulted train inptsper lifting If yeu have a heay toasd te lift here's hei te de il sefely.. *.Ihil esee a.ioily t eded theh.iu ecy te ffrupil *place paon feat cl... ta if e.ag. odgîpip ..if balrd y.oî, ha..r. and keep yeur bcch.ia.ighi kep the Iaird clire. ta y..,btri Il. .a. ycs crin sae pcurt il IF THE LOAD IS T00 HEAVY FOR ONE PERSON GET IfELPI CIA CC-operators Insurance Association Co-operators Lif e Insurance Association