Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jun 1964, p. 3

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It s-el ON S~it u91 l2n TO PRINCETO Os-sos W. Keriehas, sos of Mr. and Mss. M. S. Kerisehas et Mi oe qiodacd lits, University of Toronte teth hesese it Rnclsteeiel ansd Phystes, and ciat av'aidcd tRe dooste of OgIchelei et Aptclcd Scitece He Rat aseeid as Acieritan Cas Comspant Fats- daions Feitessshie talacc as $4,350 se attend iRe Oradate Seheti eto Pritecet Usiersity hestitees s iR te faIl. Invite Loywa Bo0wlers1 To loin local Clubà tes lestes -listes B,,fsstlg Club*? A titlsI uilitei est ce1telettltil'WtIncu 'te e t.n el TReî'îteî't bal'se se, kteeî lieus 1) pies' Isle fusse, .tt torest 1,llesl-isttt iii ie.iststsii Il tv ais gel ihesi ii tlise gîti's mel sowIl hvvteiese Lases Reseliie RetsI R i e s-itd et in leete tes- its- 50 e- ai-t and lise veat tocltov s et fetief -sill. tlel litet vi, isie localailtts set cýsiio sies-tiai SI. eati Mtittl.t Tiuts day and Saies-dat yseîît tci i iý Tesstsi ites-es ted tn esteiiiit Shssîtî 'tissus- tsp et tise 'tiss an n l li ý tiss ighit. Bes-îee Wtitei,l. Brunocs ve rae i e n ceci, i o n e e - sIte lfer ta s 'I isi ses" Cs-edit on MoIltdats teti ill r fis-cfor-their secnd gic le- night fThur-sdayl. PERSONNEL POLECY Devetoptsnett ef a usaito eser sonnet peiicy fus- couels estiptes- cs wît be cas-s-ed al Ris O Bolet. meers et Ceeely Cour- cil deulsesi ai -thn Juty anllet un Tuesday. Anxious Moments Ms-. and Ms. Ras- RSlt'ttts 146 Meadostîts-cat Dr., tpesss a tees ansdiaa hieur.t Fsl and Sassasday wen ihete heas- ai a tiecse exspiona in Santia Des leI ihs- Domninit Ropeh- lie. Theis- ssa Donsald, a hueR inpco itis ihe Banîk est Noa Souffla, esa tisilug the civa- the finie. fotrts Miliardi Saius-day ecesiasai l. nsîtity hlu pas-enta hi te.t ai' 1Dosnald siepos-i the winssit thora One tas esarking te-se hs-akcs heer ts-he usssusssss lason atei a sille ateOy ,its hissen ep al isigiti tOnn-o tet as sthe astk. "Wctsie-ess-ss- elcl-eed eus-as Os- caaisd. - Ms-s. Ges-at seposied. 'I CREAM STYLE CORN 7 for $1 LiRRe's Fres Mestou VEPOTAB.ES Ihitit Buile- cr Chesa Saacs O P E Sa', Box 4 for $1 Mapia Leaf Vacusssm Paed Casnada Pacees Rhite COTTAGE ROLLS SIDE BACON 49c lb. 45c lb. Lean outîl Tensder-Ptusp PORK CHOPS CHICKENS 45c lb. 33c lb. PHlONE TR844 RESTU VOS ElRVFY S IRA WBERRIES M ACTON PICK YOUR OWN 2,5c Quart * RCYSIDL NtI 10 PTHOE oATN O . JUNE 22 le(,ý, MODttiWDNSD AND FRIDAYS- M I A M TO12 NOON 5PMP O aPMI PINERROOK ISATURDAYSI FAMALL DAT 7 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Campbpilesîle- PICK-IN QUART BOXES ONLY - RING YOUR OWN BOXES OR BOXES AVAILABLE AT PATCH AT COST PRICE PIRASE, NO CHILDREN UNDER 12 PINEBROOK FARM R.R. 3 MILTON Stanifil J. Brown Phase TE 8.4867 Tif 8.6352 Watch -Immigrants H ihs P r s ae For Typhoid Foyer Heg tPer cW le Halles County ïhas repoted n casei of lyphoid fesses since 1959, Dr. A. F. Bulll Hal MedienTo n W n'alerL n Offices- ef Heatîts aid tiis week.1o n W 't A erL e Howeer sayne comnie ifteHat os H R e ton fretsn Scotland is being closert elt eiintai 9rs cttante l mee tede dt ]y catched tfar the ditease. fletteeta2 ef cý jet the tevet-cutbseak in setetet dehied t alter te' 'i 0thesdpwts cestsder anlt<ttt ov O trtîendsse hp'te .l~eadl s-- senllt lioLt% fii arrys ater- i, the The eicrs stteefl atvsed ttle suppty that cores t hrogh et these steeple by the Provincialiteel. taetttsî.tcfe5eltiehisetteeitttl' Depos-imeel t tttettts, aed sse l ie Pu ilion asedý tt,, tsskttttla,, The, îstieltd oui that gestcd tise ineresc ef Pustils1 'fii b ol fctteeg eath ue fr iîî,dtî. biietîntîtRît tîtefl ettRt týis fes, .0s tht, Onta-ittatteite' .t thst -seee. and thet a lova eek pts-iud tcesakete- the -ot*i s-adt ths-ttgt Msitin Wter esoi- Commitssionstciins4ticne t' the prscritt csrge tains tha t shes-ole no ecideet Huightc .ttd tk's-crallies thar wes- ovail of et . ses Ia t s-île -ee tank, cteld injes-te the tsspity of ittee sescemtstleg typtscid Iso, Hifica 4011 tu Highwa%î tîcttergt î,te stations. Tilt iseet- I blat. He ecttd the sergce tank feves-Os-D. Bullcaid. 25. silt loi exsnplliestc wcicg t ecut Ie thtecIl -.and vt Os-. Bull setatled in 19000O- Sorst Nons assî scette pis ctution ilît s itotl 12 festbct o the s-e-t tas-iat typhetd ds-.sh rate a Il ult ist'tttt e d t ram inc ! se ttld tatIo t li ost u lc srore ai 2f pes- 100000, wtih ascasetsattlte o t thiai d f..1k 1t Rildfiti asttCIL Nus Nendesi N ut 70Pr1000In16,leadeawtrso n 1ud th h eni arC1.p O.Ijtsttct about tlic o-t[ dit iRes-e ces-c onty 22 Ontao-caee ises uaiet ai Rtts affect thte pare i sketch ci a pt-tptstd abovtfienttl il ta4inch titne es -n and te deatts. Ho ps-aiced Iodavs ivtes-Uthble ie tht ast., tht el ttt tspc ie coR- ettIeid r2aier t. tht ecsie- effectice seethods sf sseatmet, ictttd Rt diieti tcsponsihie ti" isio tot et Athots i f lle mectiott1einhfete gic andstcid Hatttehalltt -ttc C e t ii-seetestt oît [hu datsstee.' lsthh - tietti citiic betimffa cts lt eteced onein_959. _ o set iIol pi staect itet ed i Eeough Until2,tt tîettctdttî0tttth te ex 1 a oeel invedn thee~ Meîhni.t ts qsttt iitte ets Jet tfise ettîf the ie ni retstling. te a itletsgthise adtquavcatttttssitetiitofttittseft xeil Last Doy Ce ~Egttte K. Hvclc tilt tîfieta- the I-l inch st-aIs tisse thes pro-t<Ilhe the amouttcsc al vltaal Sshooltcloses a&snuce tîtd.t best(il csssil-tîltroule pctt- p.csdtIroteficttKttsttteittc1.tis i cithtttttried iThusday) cor tht tcteets ettteittfttttiîtiet sEtss gin~ecesttciisttt eîîî st lis sti t Ontas-ie Scheet fus- tht Detiu. ssiiiei. $40000 tttu f est .,t tîflct tht 12 tinch tfî îili cests îîî'tt iîittd ergudtieion iltKtit h. Mito. il eystitthbcpitttets tine. At ttttiittttt tht'tttttetie hee \vk n al u:ieutllo g 1tt ttcriictitintetieout hac oe by pOrmi. ilealies wllbctesld bc equIslloieou ent s sequieistt ast tht es-I htsehy s-eeestssettlet.5 ltroutte al thtt poitt ht tttg-~ silliosns fatIiîts tiail sttid b Rt! n vtotîl bci l etsctîsghtiv paniedbty heusepsetsteah 1tssed51 tn [ie contuctionsspee esalî et stt ctîettit eiîii ttt e s-se-'w tc udstttttt ttetded thsaothtttttethc fors addttitioenttf tttts"tlicci d misttttttt Thelasttftel, eesîal. eeseethlhbutaîtstctfthe dile'et ltttthertsesssltshtsithetdeilsitti Clektscunlclsttsettt'tstll Race iectuded tsaosextrI.s .( gsetîottiioeîeeicttsittî'tt. teeltt A 14 inch esainetc tld cett-ssts-s the cilielsofltendest tufs-ic las- acticitine for- iRthlt Nu Chaste Aukus eief-st littct t-ieeiits ssst ttec h sen.Thcy feld a pienasitEee Reese C. A. Martin tstttletl tee it the itsestitt iet Ht totepisinsethe ncsivt on .ite ent te Ris-edate Zoe il 1 tlisc et mile esi' no c tesite Isai ths-t-o-millionte gel- pitte tetttat Ket.,.andet tht 0eý 1 on.ifi %e e alshit, ferein tuti Muncipal Bosîet appees'et. Torts-oe und %orne vsil Iitt me tis t chsantgtethi flic teste, taîî1 1îetlcOfîtstsepe M uteots. A fis-lit day, oîpen Ilct hut lekt tstout l siscîs d ht til l'settssores- ~ls test i l . C us ltttt R uiîed si cet el ntso thte ttetsi plto ttttstitsctt liR ei' iiet Open Kelso Dam Area Teboz lau . cn--rui Ai e. da Iles tVile Pttet thteetg thtt- e Rt.s-t in tl I tlo.Iitin tise Stttt mît ueese -t tep nee 's-' Mus' In Saturday C erem ony eti,, Ocet 1- unWtt, setel' e ettdtet tsi atttleleniny t2 pm.Sehs Th 16Ntl Crul 192 KC hr i ovo,:b es-tay alîseeeon Itet lie t l linAtthor hitleC,, tht pteople Ittisît lste-sh 21). cC eli îlot Ai s-ns Ibis Rth,,t ti1 ehe 'île Tt ttt llthIt a eette te iatty optted an etdttedsttst' lits thîs s-e-se hete ss l Hi leli M.P. De. liatte tittîtscette yece Rat. Grah it.aed s-ce. T. R. Hittiassd. Oepety Miei'- -tie 12 Mile (ec telAs et Enesgy and 'Receaas-es Ma nage.' ternis iRe Hallonî Reesce Ctset - Tht Cat-eltats Champieon, Thlsee Jase tsh, 19R4 ' nisa plaqeataslt sll Aitiseetti. Th - es-alinth Ie eset. (oes atlargtee seirhld;rýb t-undedsd speeiaifetssstt!no, tes 85~es k, ~e-eî.î I heet inciled se attend tht teie- n ,tctttdee'ipttts P.] iniflý,-f':ý mnetand the gettttah ulictts seeeet lest su-t- clite Ski T . L A W R E N C E alto eteleemtu leatted elet tht sIt te,,l H aliunet ni cIls IsbGet FRUIT and GROCERY STORE I Seen Recupslost'f eetettatAîethlsetteîit Goltden Ripe Lar-ge C-sp Gren Husteg-own tes l Giletli.w (tle vp l t.j BANANAS HEAD LETTC Medvel el e n Cteed , Pd Ahel Mat-t JanCsasee 2-lb, for 29c 2 for 33c Settei s»~eîstîîSUNKIST ORANGE CUCUMBERS I roh AR3ste.tsitlts doz. for 99c 2 for 25c jol nd Rol \;IlSavse 30c teetettnd Aetlseeet ita OMO DETERGENT KING SIZE BOX ...---$1.29 eseeeeîieeesîessptse KLEENEX TISSUE ECONOMY BOX .4 for $1 A. Mes tees - ttt-lditttlt'ltlt'b, RAID HOUSE and GARDEN BUG SPRAY. $1 Attlsceits. sl t bc he ,,io th r Ille firnt.eett pi etttlttc'- Feastce-Atercis 15 o. tins a alier J. J. MîsepheoiMlli SPAGHETTI in TOMATO SAUCE . 6 for $1 Wash'n Wear COTTON TROUSERS N CONTINENTAL OR BELT STYLES SUMMRR SHADES CF BEIGE, SANANA, BLUE SIZES 28 44 s4.98 - NO NEED FOR A TOWEL WITH THESE SMART SETS Cabana Sets BOXER TRUNIKS ANC TERRY INFS JACKET C MATCH$1 9 WINO AND tAIN RPELLENT - MENS 10f TORS ENE R GOLF JACKETS FUIL CUT FOR ACTON AND COMPOOT e F FRONT. LICHT BLUE -OROWN -CHARCOAL $9095 Jack ShirL> Tî.ý Laîcîfo tas Large Cool Easy Care Casta Wear Mal' Short Sleeve sport Shirts Chcie teea, Lght Rhales Wih Neat Pailers-t or Mediest Ccitt t in 9VarieteseofStrtpeeto Checks Ry BCURRTONE R Ct RIIL Medai $YSoDY Lai 298te69 cr fEssra Lai You Can Neyer Go Wrong With a GIl Certificate trntsn Milton Department Store Scoli Medium omU and Rossa Large rm$ . 5 p Hooded Fleece Lined Toughie Wjfd Jammers WRti. t s ec 3.95 Full Cut for More Comfort MEN'S BERMUDA M n ya a SHIORTS FfA ' ORNGF BXE A R c C We et Chetks estLL SeAXER R NG fA CON REA W att Cecs vvt t, SRNG ALO ET Peekeit canorzd SRu Coto f c ci ch se Assteted 4 Pckesfatters SRpes and Fastest $AQ E AfBCO-E PROM R0ZE0 s4 9 3.98 Here's Some More Ideas for DAD s 0 DRESS BRACES FOR BUTTON OR CLIP ON S HANDKERCHIEFS * UNDERWEAR 0 WORK CLOTHING * CARDIGANS * BANLONSHORTS * BELTS * CAPS For Cool Working Hours Gîve Hîm Mon's a Short Sloovo 100% ToryIon. TRe S Twith short point collar by BrîlI ThyAie Se Rate to Casc s4.OO HATS Siet 14r-t 171 ', s4 0 BT ADAMS OR ...COOL COTTON SHIRTS by hoo tr Mediu kEl Beige $4.00 FRO s2.98 RETAINS SHAPO AND TIE S STRETCH EVEN IN BAIN' SOTROPICAL SOFT SOLE BT BLUESTONE X Sttt 7ý 1i BO- l", FANCY C Frm$1 .501Irom $1up $9.95 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 MAIN ST. E. TR 8-9261 Open This Thursday Till 9 P. M. FATER'SW DA!Y GIVE HlM SOMETHING TO WEAR.. Muke lm GIud Hle's A Weil Dressed DADI We Have Everything ta Help Dad Play It Cool and Easy This Summer Here Are the Gifts Ho WiII Wear - Witli Pleasure! ..AND UT WILL BE A PLEASURE FOR YOU To Sliop in Air Conditioned Comfort at Milton Dept. Store , Il- 1 il N.t.ý,-*. B-t 15-oz. Tins

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