Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jun 1964, p. 19

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NERDS OU WANTS %tono o, repooatndly fisted as Spas-kfing enteotaiément thatsnted' Accompanylng hersaeIS losoefy ansd show-td sceleat the portent coller. The mion meseeof s-tiig the h)is-hd-s-'qk and ho ,c mo s -o.es in fitcloded excellent t;iogiong, sagile on the guita-, Ms-s. Doris Bextý main i1 oo Rock Gs-drans, Mot. A. Collier-, Mos. A. Boss,j bloiving ont flcoodo.e, V,-t thi bolst.nr- except in soma dancing and amosi.g s.iso sa nng Suons- - Haised Daddy of Niagane FaI xp.sRk. Ottawa, Flacir- Mr,. M. Stephens, Ms. E. MIax, atlrct- e and delici.ts s-s-lI toes 01polonged ilnes or- an- ps-ovided fur the Marier residents Mine, and The Burgfoc Mode- id and Californa. Tho sfolet man, Ms-s M. Smy-h, Miss B. .,o1,n ' i' iscît tcreanand bol hîb. I o iios-ooo incarnesuffi. wihtepseseotation un Toces theo Beci. Ms-s. JM. Carter- and AI 1 homisg flomats on theso pilaces Richardnson and Harrv Smith. dIa% akfial. lootootnd v li httO-'t,,o tint Io coes- thei- basic naeds dvngtMy2,opaiofieSrge aycne = and m.ct-o partie lacfs-heoootitoî Ms Theop-to otre dontsd l' ile howor.,ts,: L IIIoîî-s le. und lstifJ ood, bsîll- sand eothjng. olsoto, Ah, Hiolidase. This oýho-to Piatno spectOely ta pras:sov Ttomv ne idenflitci os-ch -,iide Vtt itor iA sJo fins %,h I%-t Il 'los-bt s-os lth oas-soa- had hen presented s-cntlc inivel dutso of whi-h aso~î lhot dI Mis rs Jennigsl'ineakd the Wod p,t , a bt,-ti 'l" Ih toto en cauose)totshen ho., Georgtow by a gsopi voung M Hptioss sadc Ra-mffincpMowl r.Jlde n etee p meca l wi!i as go t s of banal- t coote Io theo s-ndy s 'ptes--tf loii %,ve rail.o-îsoo cc- toi distio- fndtoandgetlcm noso-ndRt, 1accompaoist, the vois-os oooi, liad tabean s-,the dt] si) io-oottots-pt roigo , IIîht,-s--s ;Ls sod-o by tho Geortgetown Rota- Clob foid the varietr>n of s-idnoooed t snotng ooc o ho csodls oo e ha hthdos TlIo, ,v s-otos- horoo aif The show was dirccted hy Ralph iptogram, Ms-s. John McKionis ots.ca os- ghed. Tfo,, td1tps th est h,îllo.-s- to Misf W\Vt U-o ihBernsar-d Shotos sc o noose itot 'y soWsssr its-lhdts ,ongvas stngaodptotos Mrs, R. Tiotin-, I C.o csshoralIdi-ecr.TemsclOhVe,,ack ý.i Lrend ahý fy Il he ooe b ight Jitbîl-ad ad gf imnyM.,1,n r.A g,,ý accompaniments-.eplos-cdfo Ný Vtg.s-s pfcd Anch rts gamOsofhto go, o vlosh s prscscoed to cicos-o Er ig .M i tan ochoqtsaof fis-o men. tfofpsA- eighs s-nt taedwing, .. tis A. Arms-rono mos the. s-et- ol- Miss R. Wîîmot h-id Élehro rn J.oosd F.,,Ir Us-soi. piano Keith Barbeos. esot ontloc; flogh Hulr clifiert; eh s-dc d gentlemen ps- drumOs. otsOdOs5-0 s entod ol hoe apeocs-nceo the dooms fio Élo ololdies betng dss. Aliter a- bfs peech fac Anas- -A is-ns-10 ls-ngth white sifa Ces-oie in whoh she identifiedihe no an -d Ilo fntlemen in ACINE S.J -n-- Lo-osntss-M .show, the stagnons-tfan pastodlbis-s-k sois. Thto choi- leaders-OERMR.J MURPHY, ete uto ovnrMs t eelasiatgofoll of ladies cocos te a chet and filt-kesobîfndho-îMow M and men ahout to dopas-t una ooo- a table fs-Il of auction as--lines doons-nd by Hotp la1 WA& se-osc EL CCITY plane trip froot Gandert- v- ar- Ch vsltot-s hadl brooght bers for s-Io M.A suppe- anA as-ostio ca-s-s iold at Mrs. litoscournt ies or flhc mot Id. Whlîîlo hÉýoofZItl soppîs- of attr-actioe Mes-cgt faîto hoonn. The sos-cessfs-l sole oasod orioo fo lOS1 OUR BUSINESS wafiig for the plane, they sang, s-d tosîs- cofctchmonts with W. A. ocstts-tns. as; choral nunthoco Il Glt hs-m-s-ndwiohes. reIfdt.% fann-maTtkse-sissEes Asay froiml A-11, ander andIc rriafllch and s-ookies oo' i a0c espaerswt Eet Sentimental iouns-os. Late- ltin h soss- ELECTRdss-tt toanEaTMa fa tho progroms ther, Sang Holid-- oiz s oldot -c rire- tpeot-son cil (CANADA) a mdeof fok ongs dscrihs11lO- I, hosfý forhev LMTDNWCRUS g ailo oo pli holidsjo m oI rso CRom-mev. WhenAD-ooALOTLT of the voas- and medfos- of folk losing b oîlitciît s-s-n'cah vo SondW CIDORCUITS songs frottefusicf Rsla, ido e ltîta gor-l .rl-ls-ed . -ie * OUTDOO LIONTSl al Scofsond, Spain and Iss-oof. RîililIc% s-bob.s aeron ia the progs-ant tohoni fi lots o-t- s-dt lIlis-th Pnsse d o ostFsoEtmoeCl Ohs o- o p s dy n n L î oiln- st o- - otdon psb , thes- sang I Bs-long latis-g ocotin g la th c so as- AC U CL ANRRS b FLOOR POLISHERS E E T I ta Gfasgown, Bill Hals-s as-sdol Lhcise non-, fs-ond-tin lhe Or- ACUUM E RICHARDSON Sa odo Sto s-tifac cOcsfn foic altoernon of Sîto% R .67 Mo-ti ont heaIoec ora Ma% 31hico toýs fle fltîh SR n8MITO637887 94 numberss thoc mèstene-af solo, a lof s-i tes tonoth. fle sthurl sai- and ses-es-af danoon pot- serv-ices-bs-hssns-its-s-nedhvthea lot-stod. Ronds-a O-eig sang Ch-- Oatloillc - Millon Cs-mp nith s-do, Vos-a MacDonald song tha Giloîs, Ns-smon f-soî osasth solo.parilof OomsP-Pah orle ndlsso-o kits Harecosth Jîm Tos-abaîfl sang the Isole-t0 o-tclnit. Ms-. Hlaco t-s-d Psil Capri. Seeosaf amttsinf dasn,_l-46 and sao- at imprs-sson and skifs mes-e pes-fnsms-d QO -1-1t BII. O T H E R S ! of ffaase msoasang and dance-1 The sos-mon %vs dolilot-o b> la the "pob hs- mwo Cockns Rs-î- Jarrmos Roose. lbo. o coi Josce Lecttonn ond Ea Huni!Pto tîlîoiii Rot- Keon Cambl .w -.MR A O U ing nlombier, on tho ps-ogran o.topairro tls-s-s-tt Coas-A- M -se. persans. 1Ms-obsn-o s-I Fmanuelt Bop- The plcasas-e of %vtchiag andAts CJîoos-s- itn MiJîsot Ms- s-rrCO TET IM îisîening na fis goos- îno.î-ppim- Ms. Har tos- rsos nt-othoos tof [fils pogos- ms inc-otseA hs-ll As Ilis-bttts- r.-Roeoo ' Issight-cofor-od dressesof Ills-s lt- fti lortino 'e c. Rot cs NON WENT HUNGRY lbWt-ottinJn-so-ltsîtt ofoesbsstloDs-,- w as week whe ov 1 o lot sad shis-ta of hoi mol s-ad hoi, s-s- t oi Ssecond Timotho îbs- Ms. W. g. Mnscy, R..5 Milo.Spe ovnr Ms.CHil MrsM D.PARTMENT STOREC ho filet tho s- spotflght tos-; bofttn ovh hilori "O-d ltsf Anderson, Ms R. Ms-cpb-an Mrs A.IVIr r hwnwt h lrnr al.Nwhs ILTO UIIME T ST R cîsed onpes-tfv ta tight op liho hnoîosbom f1c h hslats-b,'I,"ý po-ol odminstoaîns- Dols-on Mcui ateddteeeiqadsi aOwwri atelde. ,aglensan t-ooceflicnlftttolll lb t o hi PARTICtPATE IN OUR SUMMER ofoidn faioe hoa calices- s-nA îîrbo hos feelihgtof Mscrl Es--- Rokals N W IC THE TUBAI coescaîsejocer bo-.t aoo s--,l Ains-ss-s bth bobIna n sos-n a ,,. .un BA BY BO N US CO N TEST happycenenttg to a ose. inftheobs-ikond the-eutpon op- Easteern Star Conerti cotd O is aigmnn.1 ver rensions On Woedooodas- aight. Mos- 27,! H e sis-stho point ths-i Ives The Oahnifle ond Distis-ct La- TO LET U P A UTPYFRAYPRHSSALO AGWT ORBB OU tho sesfdenîo had oncippnorturilî cirofs-stshe, o-mo s-s-Osils- spot- ots-t Coutmil pt-otcotel cers this tom a ke hacq-ininco ofo-atas-tît- s-ttottghbhello) in Jotttcs-s-s againtithe foces-eooof' AF MILON DfAR MfNT STOREf FL IN A DRWTCfE WIHYU AE gmop of dolitghetal lieu fsiends1sanA if Jo ts vs-t-or iF otptti Hotpital tacot-once pcnmiatms hs- * FERTILIZE S WEED KILL 1RM K ORNM lt a cncert as-s-s-gedfab te tfsl-sos-ost or t'bal tscol) theoprovincialfgooniment. The 00F)ES AND C NI -', h HQE s-ND o.o s-Is-FLUK D Lakeniem Chopos-. Os-îlot of hoe 4ý rsitgiihttttff inosms- sl an e ouni sooado alieged tht o trm YOUR GARDEN -- IAWN, ETC. 1 -~ so-i E acterna Star. of Buolingn. Tho, s-t-s-hIe s-lis-s-nos-n) of nfîs-in- gIous-s inOO nItaisiu and esI CONTAINfR IN OUR STOff. 40 fsaies and gentlemen, os-bs- lAs-ct-, ton Tttsta-s s-irs- I sO sn-ladsh the povsinci-l Protect Your Garden and Grounds and ms-heop thechar oftil Nonoht f boots- 2, h sgtioup of 200 seos-t g,vcos-os-mnîwiîheîipat tr ils, Enjoy More Beauty -Done by Expers Regian, O. . loi-s dies Ms if-o aros tîsitu- pledg- one-thts-d sh-t-s totoss-f As-tnthbesof fs-dico îtho, b- hr lGrc Angia Cbhi!fic co-st orsthe plan 1 t Low Cosfl RA FOR I lonf n tho Bîtsliogion Ch-1sto on M Io.Th lade belnt As-s-plots h1coý1 îJv DRAWRE EHVESOEOR O OU A cm lothe Alenn Brnh o 1t--oi--t s- UM E RSees-af ladieo s-ad gonols-mon WA. (Ihe chor and hl o-- s-orinoil front Premies-r RobîtiI FE RHVRSOROKFO ORWL s-Ots-fatodgtos-ls-lo hos- J h Slingoo Ého gs-îs-oos-nt pstis-o ESTIMATESI PATIO, RTC. CONTEST JUNE 27th ning's nfasment. ThLsss-s-s-s-the a Vfifl ciel M,ý à The aout BoAdy in sessinA RW TCE WLB Wos-tfa Paton sad Mats-on. Mr Jengs taha e prein A l s-, t Onst-s-d fs- heb principal offbces RAINBOW AULE DRW TE BO[ RRD connonos Mst Enetn n McItots-o etaim 010 onverra Mr .Llotsi-so-nnf. GARNIH -SONE - ARNANCE THE WINNER WILL RECRIVE THE 200 MAIN ST. Tii 8-9261 the chanir ceadet- Jaon Ms-Kiotoc. F. M Mao _________ ti ADCPN EIN-MITNNEAON FHRB OU ie acoompsaisl AISi iagei, anA The hca fbl hAp BoarS-adn ai the dîtor of ODN TNWR InTeNato)atn s-ho pisaisi for tho ic-onîg L ai, ocvulh if ly oi-oi Ilv rm n bouiRe ,ICAH Rabrr..1 uiLÉpikad ht, ýLern,ý-clLs abouthaf Phase TR 8-2741 or TR 8-2097 Mitoln, Ont.AS Altos- Mt-. Mathis-son hs-A os- b.r br%, h s-st Apolo- toadod gocetingo lo flis s-t-ge lvrc cdi hl plot an audiec.bccondtd asingh buan etrld ,:h Pin sang oftmaas-nid soago As-ti andh b cai, closen oh dangson-. tho 40 Mr Jooogslcidasmt s-hait- metheso ths-bis- plaoce,-'O' of 0 crio nA an - on the piatSom. Thes ps-ocoe As-A ig the Aoi s n ir Io prescritacceyfne png-sm' AiMis1 Tmvn a o o) cher-a and instrumenal nom- o Itmhe Afoind]d, Mi, ber-,andoreciiatins F nthoi- T a on fds%%ee Vl lis-st ntie- The Happy- Was r-__________ ror fim he f ast anc. Nomy s dor OnIy electric ranges give you the Sunginnoos- lonvefs-ashin. One s-) tlese sons Blet0 This Holîse, fico siogiag a) mhich mas dcdi-ît cd ta theoMano- Theoothot-soli safety of FLAMELESS COOKING Icion, s-anged froa Sics o Gs-and Migfaî foc Ringfng ta the os-mo TeLords Mn Shepheoti Thc toc A. T. MOORE wt o tf m s o it . licking sea cha-t, Whs-î ShI a il INSURANCE Wo Do mit'A o Drunken Raflitt- CAMPBEILVILLE SenOs-s-1fs-oinss-adiss- UL 4.2271 monts- the ciilos'ont Cs. _ __ _ _ __ _-nkin!g -qnoilad wifhrnîf wacfoirl hacif COME ON ... UTS VBS TIME! ENJOY BIBLE STORIES SIGNGAMES, HANDCRAFT AT VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ..Bring Your Friends and Family! Place *.Emmanuel Baptist Church Commercial Btret JUNE 22nd - 26th - 6.30 P.M. FuIIy automatic ... precision ~ control. Choose today from many MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 258 Main Street TR 8-2345

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