Il Te Canadien Chrampion, Trady, Jarre 18ch, 1964 WANORRING "WHISTLERS" Iroor Grcrrrîeaýi, K enrr,, Clab lin alli I--i-g facen, b whisrlcd ranes, ara brrqhr ard gop an they perforrrd for the 10 .Di. "Soauth Pacin, at Glensana Farrson orSoarda. Gar tho irabira lllacîn firqiird out yer? Weil, oa irao iroo benhero to nae rreer rnhisrlrrq? Franc lfi arr Treopr Mooren, Dean Taylor, Bob and .lm Cooper. 10h yen, rherr fEAL facen and arrrr ara hiddao. heearir rhirr han - whiar oppear o b he hor soardors are rooîîy ther vaisnro Gar il pet?) I'O.DtE. South Pacific Supper, Dance- Party Features Exotic Food, Hilarious Dance Act Tihe annuai iawc pariy ai tire, pecally ikooraied wour palin Cooper, Dean Taylor, Treoa Ihoy. dîd aeltaiei an rie.aile..their anoual dame, tire Kinetie Sarah Martin I.OD.E. Cirapter, b rans, a fioalirig r-aft pi palms Mornan o Clat na.rly Tha -ombe eo. on muit p Cos.Knse ui a Milton, liit soverai inonotionn and corailrockso Eceoaat'.og"brours dreerandBC i n,,.YaneireWiier"ni ru iree poK i rnant fuhowtir tin year. Held Sotordoy elle- noa aing modal gr ired tha dir'iag lapigirer cohen iirey preenird reoilan pime-daanas roarenrshow, and onen bmough along niag ai the rpaaiooi Grni irpd li1, aaofouný ";Whrmi Iln ibaak foarneaor. ,,fu hnr o raotiof aditincive Ferr honta oi Mr. adM.,Triarrnrid o le - iaber, I dafied, ail de ap- Tfa ladies gai nia lire arr îa.C di.i fia. Bru c Frame, Spearnide, thre party, 01 table irearitg a anort einînaoeaioeiaaDandnFear a-o iî, Soriokdooraior iantd aet encinfrmaninm n mn laad ri r epe, mo a rdt e aiei Kineiten Mary Cooper, Gai! lCai- doooted by Balit and Not Sopply cd le oatimo. a rigirligir oil lire eoeoing and' TIr- foor laiea ware liicd iry lait, Donte Moore, Jan Mut-phy a eCadinMercota Tir innoations pard Oit. foi' hradl mono gannin romief brikfr In Lon Dearslay and Art Ellin, ail and Joyce Meirifiy did a nm- ,p a. Cntaien SteetC m-c arawotid hing elle secotnrandsn-and irirds t tur drnned asn"FrenchrMaidi", air er boey prasnitîd rrenl atI (Coannuedon Page B7) apartd iraing liretne ai c d "Ciiien Stanaiion" aid "Po- tir linon" noirn aire party 0000 ivnoian Rire" aampliinee irbv_______ over. Convener MrsnC. Watters hem, turrpo, carnedireef and and I.OD.E Ragent Mrs.N. D, ohiaien, andad a i anlaof iti c 'v Martia rapa'ted tire sial leveat fruit antd arfatlek nalailo. Col- %as armln reeinad ry lia tee and a Hitaoran iceapple Pute parsi', and complimentn ilero a!] frult nundea lapprd aiohf da the thlng- eveniaf an tihe napper, ire entrcien arrthn lamaent and tire open air dance. ' Cotoriat Satla vo want Souath Pacille Themen Lin[ ver lit 0vas a ariaken FaIloring ltae nappar guoanirce-wihn orre h barbrecae irrlrîrd by afashian lr'irdarlthe roeaaîî,lhen alth i inyu ah shaow aratlia driplay and a caiirlle teni curt 'lhetre dane. This, var"r alient won a Ilrr sprni tha rani a ori thrae- "Soth Pacifir Party" and the îrrrradaningrrbenearrha lare Ilhamr mai ia'iid lrmnghaai th, iirriqraec. Tomaiv Ranzellins ci nacniaf artllo rlad orahestra pranidedi aithto nc O.D.E. mamraie ware celai' lIraenoria, tfroaaea dr or ur tiroir lai maa'maan ad ail thenoanîts ard rn palm-ns aid bair-dracyrri Party" nierc praned naiti a lei ta uirl the South Parifilcnrrrrrrn shud war araocdiireiraanek.Thranrd in Milans reaeanirsalicf* îh xl ntia musir fihit hasbn n iraam cli nial Collerî irademarkirn Hawoaii, Bol and, I ri lilght If ai lie r-r an emdawfe nhofir tia %irî tha appoarancc ai 12 Kiri- air al eveing, agesî stmal ranrd Krneile', ftra th' rodth rme' iudoar pool, CGeofgetown Clair. Kiarmen Jiar "FRENH MAI00" (or nomalhioq) noho noore arocq nia cran doing a baller virarer ar rire Sarah Martn 100fD. lain party Sararday, iaaladed Art filin and Lae Daariley. Salir ara Georgcleo Kîrrer, and wera acraca 12 Kiocrrcr ard Kînelten no colartaia. Tiroir inrerpreraraon oi ballet noan. wel. nocel, la raf rira loanrl *r"BA-NK OF MONTREA L, iFï amiq inance Pa Brinig ail pour parsocal credit needs under one roof LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS Milton Braaair: RAYMOND MURPHY, Manager M INIF, . A LIVEIY CAN-CAN NUMBER ai-yil, itaîra Sârrila' r I 0,F T parra irrrlcdod daeri Mary Cooper, GeiColîrr il1 M ouir i Muryly aird Juyce Miraiy, ail Kicerre Clair merciers fra-r Cer'r r . Orl, - i- r ecîn ;Dr,,î,anc a- î,aîhcan iraerrhaduiod ly lire manialir, wo di'i Ira Wl - ' r aid a - j ti f ci, a a llt CALORIE COUINTERS REWARE: la 1c ' r ,sly lurorrter Sarday canrca wirea ouar 200qarnr.r,,- fie rîoifeic,i-,r i1aîea-ar the SarahrMartinChapor .0' D.E.' 'Soauth P-Fa lic ,ý Or i -r i i,k . a i l-luaiii" riraI 'oclariroiar îaa' plan tr- hey,irama haaori .id rjlolrar,,,,di'riaiirîaaaldsurereratahoed wihoi'qor byfl l liirya viiDr irriaon ,ým ' ,ii. ld)iiniri.c'îa irao lle ar.a orkiaq embr of Ilr 1.0 iE Chapici k. p- -te- -m--*-. ,- M.n-te m - -tai- -» W, 'M 4 et- dl-m- -sa'e IMpOSiS Phrilosophrer: I n, hraIa HOLY ROSARY ANNUAL inaaer:H l lnrra G arden P arty :ý SAT., JUNE 2Oîh - MARTIN ST-r MILTON D I0 Pony Ridesr a*ig $ lbV Penny Sale 9111 Fun and Gomes B U Supper Served For Ail ANW RRPRIGERATOR , 5.00 -730 pm. S Grand Draw * iETOVE, WASHER, TVO SaN AANCEUTLYXT WEKS CAMAPION GROUNDS OPEN AT 2.30 P.M. -~THIS US THE TIME -*HERE US THE PLACE.. >* TO SAVE ON A BITTER CAR For Care-Free Summer and Vacation Driving Good Used Cars --At Deep Cut Prices --'Father'sDaySpecials--ThesePrices for l WeekOnly 1962 FAIRLANE 1962 VOLKSWAGEN 1961 FORD 1961 FORD 1500 Delaao. Black. A Real BIG STOCK 0F 2-1).r, Black, Aur nana" 2-Door, Blue anrd White, White wi-ch Red Tran, Radio. Shr o. N WTrans., Radia. A GoodCear Standard Trasmission, Arr Excellentl Car. Shr n. N W CARS ON Ca.Radio. spcil 1,95 special $1,494 CMOND; .NOM special $1,289 special $1,289 WE'LL GIVE YOU A REAL 1961 PONTIAC DEAL ON NEW 1960 FALCON 1960 RAMBLER 1962 PEUGEOT 2-Door, Hardop, White, * FORDS Stationr Wagon,. White wifl V-8, Aarooratia. Just Like Red loterior, Han Branrd 4-Door, h-Cil. Auromatic Station Wagon Newn. * FALCONS New Ford Rebarir Engqîro Traon. special $1,095 special $1,988 m ARAE special $1,237 special $895 THIS IS THE TIME FOR THE BEST DEAL AT B ~TRAFALGAR MOTOR S LTD. j~ 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 1TR 8-2369 I ______