84 the Cunudlae Champion, Thursday, Jolie lBth, 1964 Soil and, Personal News ModettHeymrdMr. and -Mrs. Cecil 'Siim'IFui- flymng Oficer and Mon. Craîg ___________________fer of Puiormo wikl ho ut homte Kerr undidufglr Laurle of Idl te ,frieods and nbeigMtorc Satur- mnoton urrived in Milton Mon- W di M Ma t Ch p lRIGHT AROUND HOME da, ole 0 rei2:g2:e :y te sen: tlime weks afihï 7 to 9 p.m., for the ce]eelo . hhduvAfth Mrt. Kerr'& parene., 1Uviniy. Col Babt R oth cf Toronoe and sBKL Congrotulationscto'Mr.and Mrs. Meadoca9rook Dr. ýt ~~~~~~~Elmer Leslie, R. R. 1, Milton, oil r n r.RyGrm 4 kiii ho ceelrio tMesr Donnh on-i Mac Ado!e Tunr fRcod MoMagter nv cgom itd e brdlsni Jone cs the montih of strawe Retero tocsucepue and sil STRAWDRRY TULIP LOAF i bcebrfngti 5va- Ms dTueroRchn, erttty. wou. dec- Afl the bride. htednsý erric,oadhtheeining of te ithe L t cep sugar and toit. t uhgmtuhervlroc eorcury, Jone 24,..th iei .C. . sng ait te hume of orated veillrail golceed in lilaccand bloc si/k 1oteeoAcieîo packageileorctret jelyt~rbryf e fumiio. lircuisMr and Mrs Coar ancdardo 1prtll.lolltloo hcl fhpî lc onne onE RR Mon 'hile chn oskc-ev Their headdre.sses ole elrî ecom ore plerttjlo oaîd eceroondvîirilot itcvt. lcopibtîwuer A very enjoyable poi si. rho um ad J- ,ddig a dixofila'c voilier o the mat , henu mailaerv cd herrice. Rcîcro le boul anîd i 1la coid muter per wue iteld .ut th bret o coi ~ ~ ~ ~1, [ul-eclcccldvl. c"li 2Oelr ecoe cup hled fresh rîchcr ,Mr.and Mrs.'Ray VarevMoft locks, for lte thidcrain n cophutfteee.. clcar-ohout ttremioe ries 'ibtter of Mr andMI Gerad aleccllcioc dttelc Foc oco more dciicioec and iAdd eeoughlfood coloriegîoe 1/3 cota luger Paupst Ince ory Tees De wedeitg cfMîv-. il in. lai anl d wohite litdc .. coomical desserts,, add a fewc gice a light rcd color. Cool 6 murohmullomv. fincye ut c la Icof Cempitefivillel.Tetbe Hunvod Jea Mis'iaGuetiv oi Bîîcllîîg cextra iegredieelv te te iterrico slighllv, thee vtic ie iemon loptional) mere decoruled milhPn n O' Chavlerd n oilaaism flower îtrad gel extra servings. Hereurc lîîloo Atrrangeremciniegherrice t eup creum, mhipped Whitetstreumter,ltink a Mre onâ elin tale blc fo l trm cc n oera ol ne s feoluring I fr o c e d crool, iig %mai] islesrwer flvo eu le und a itridi eat h an ý9 h rd sflcîesad she carieolu slraberre, whieiyoofIenjîo ccries;mvitle and cîlig frgr Discorwhryfardeeldmtltm g flic daighier t jhbaset of lilc. and wrhite flowî. vervieg vour lamiiy and fionds. oes je boive, and qlurlerI. jel pomder je hotlatr Add e netmed the cedn mae. B U Y Mc.. ccdZF STA RRY Splioe glace clier terrie, then fol mater. Chili enîtil sightly They n ef.del iANW*IUIAO Mr an Ms SQAEthl.Clin squares or ohlongshcknd Combtine slromherries cedts ceuiveo repe ý ro .TV A ANEW MOTM,@ Wllic Mole Ltvoe Cmhlcf Il eP butter îcp wîlit îceeeed wltippeli aed soger aed Iei stand 10 mie. KitcitenerWutelo, an Mitn Wilerdomo wao lthe ring Ilce 1 1/3 cop iretly packed hroe'ccreilmo. Utes. and ail eciuhed the nom cwds ANY APPUANCI UMiL YOU lîll roihd I for lthe doubtle-ring ceremeerv. luger Yid: 6 large or 9 medlium Place siigitt'y thicitened gela- thei- besl orishet. M und Mrs SU NEXT WIIKS CMPIO gr ot s sn Charles McDomell of Buriio lcop ifled fleur veectegs. lelhmo cudueadPee iircde ile GelMarier[M acl wEclr useoudo 3. Crfeam flt a d lgr d STRAWBERRY DELIGHT mhip miith egg heuler ueli fief. SI., Milton. Gefg M uvitero. îildfeu e lend tftorougit.! 2 eue., hoîlird frevit sîramiter- fy ced Ihicit. Fold ie etremiter.____________________________ Tite , ~~Renupion Hetd lvwl clvhrdr1rfe ilries, murciteallome ced eclipped Ir iiiLsger lipsl. Pal mixture evenlyiol 2/3 cup soger crecet. Spore hile ouf flue. etara Reo. K.E Een illc ..hl elt ec -ohoor ut u.r Fo riecl Chili celil firm. Uemould. Serve YOUR... (.~liieitv H oe oof Midi- Scite int tooderate Ovee (3501 1 tablesoc glelatie ln slices. Mchcî 12 selelegs. C urch : ,,1oîclieîitr liup cmitippiegerr.me.itîp- To gureijit: Whip Licu celo CLANefur pr bfi oeigwthte olSain ie o fJa, Deano P. R.herîleeeelllccleerild.hi lcl.ie ceiti lie el ccîlSprîocîoolu itM 1crMl o. ,t a mther leiet traecberries. ESrcîcist errice. cdd lofer mck,og lIce roue of smriit oil.,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Di,%,,inilh cCcîiel- 1 na lwrdatH el Gu LAZED STRAWBERRîE andesait and sir el. Let stand TopacitPoffmith alra.terry la,~~~~ quartei boxîlîcrdiu Heeîc.,,c ec-lo ehrries lOminuese. Soehgelatlieincold olO.Siil 4 merchmuîîomc tîol. DEALER lGoei f lccpcrple vilets.o îcep egcr [îoer for 5mines. Pourjuice maie8 iroler haires. Usine IMLO itg , da u r G.Mari 'ast rgfl, i vîrec d Fewofrainsvsait .,h'romcltramherriet Jietoeecepeeomilfciarp iteife, rot eci ccc lite icofîfor itr sion mcrief lucor 4 icpeîcrîlch edcldoaedlcoremershmelluw Iritje lthe chape I ADO ' V&APINE ,oaIleu, levglleg.iîc lenlk gl fedclllcc e gg lhei ced1 cep ucler moe fromt heeleend elir u01 on loup MTVn & clip., on 1 u L of ,i I il lce cr'n. S, ir 'd c id hîu nîl aîî lcorsage ol Red food colcrieg [clie is dissolved. Addelra em cn side of lf i t e nheraice. chleodi,. l, rhd.> tapo eonj1ehrresi el, te hli arit il nn luvs»21M INS.MLO C L Rgfl boite. sha aio l , plqe itjl.paoiiîeî fil,îîc LîClîi oceîl 1o îcupole ojoo doriî ter ml, te hl.grie oltme ev. u noIS.MOO A Â 1 lîlelle lace. He,- calhedial ilîîî or i. trip 1 'bc leiooc piel clîippiog ciîCam ilii Witee mixture ls perlialir setI cli front th, an.iî deî hi , , I îî H il, Jaet ii.rd x, h, îu Niagarac F.Il.l te bidie.e coi pîtl bold je wciipped. rreem ________________ lhu.eaeji.îrlcloeli.lkîilOilodc 2 t2î4 lchlevpccecîsugar Te s erve asca pudding, loin ohclldel leeelh voileOl.,lc!b ilofhrirLn Ms pe oîeucllu e fiirsitd oclîci Wchtlcdainberrie,. efona4-cup mould and chl SHOP THE. PLAZA î,îîîîîîivîîî.li,,cc, 0...d Mrucar- lrîpllrempsnherries ii(lîîflirm...lemold and serre uer- Imall s'ucepan, eig ce. eishedîoilitvriolehcerriev. (Serv-FO "Outreach Through Evangeismî,l"BuîVl cccl maiedbres cee icepad ,ol ce sev6s.1 i, ui it , Il fMMse nvr iu heî le vcpeenîrbtmg l u ve cvpie sel, cîfllOoI FATHER'S DAY Study at June W.M.S. Meeting aduati hîlli ein haSocial il9oTe ho pul e groll Open Thurs. & Fri. Till 9 leellecen ALX il .iKox itt.lý ai iii aiii thil.i illeT Une i cuple vill roidle, aI . elf Alc la, îpeedlin Tic,îl îLifill, iîi Iîl i, cEfficiet2 ih llîk Grn, îîTorotoANDAe DAY WEDNESDAYSh S iO Tii? i i uil île eh, guvi prehe lue South A TIS 1 soi AO Due',an heî l ý jLr tiopi, iita tnla leîl le %îeîLIiiîîg .îcaleonNiagcia WELCOME YOU LT F Fl Lîîîîd lae" h,\ lulîR.1-1- ii llvi lei. c Fille, Gaîll Bcîellccrd.r Simeîc, LA I. PARKING SPACE. P capellr e î'cueittiieil , il e ifi aiei me iîcliîiiclil, L ,f, Oiiaan T oroi h w J. M ~ilton I. .D E J( andc Mev LIl -,p.rtd the lbit Aegliî.ie hi ean..d. a t G itole, pe.l.ed Listî menth îî.î iii Piýelîi.iilaitî Mres A. G. MacNcl sh o.JS RIE ..T Iloii2410Tilîiîil Wîîlî h leWýM, le , er ttahlie regolor metn f USE THE COIN-O JUiAnVE . furol c,ipekeciîb Mpî-,.ii ai An Ji OR OLSM E NEW ADDITIONS TO THE ereine as hit ril lione fi,, I tiîent pree., ftoIP/,/ The Regenl Mrv. D.E Mari FO O L U M Rl terhcaie f h îîî îll îîiî.1 fcI l thI,, lM Y i b. q1 USUACUIHURBARBIECI famnily Mr. Johne MKa, i il, ac. ha tiel il aîcn d ch,-a Mr MaI Mcv Hcdlev, a Gir Gud AHNSKIFPER' and "ALLAN" ou An leleceolice vil iii Oui- Reeîeic eeiacl -m'.i îîîîî-kîng iîr hiec geld eod plc lc ss Oit e e m u ef-servce . .R roci Titreepi Evccgelîei' iii. .. iaci .1 le1d0 t~eà uc lthe volejel "Brae m.le" h uceyudfuf Are NawHerefaoYut thei au lord bc Mco. E. Rueor PcPo ' 1 i i nda ahnst ah anr n lf r 00ev cevîîc T Si dle ei uen in o Ma c l n Mna A Z A ý A Nh E S MI T N L Z plcvigîtheepart f lcecretay;1 Thecmeetingcadcoure dveh a]. bore pleyed loe mcmbr Gi f Me. J. MacMilice, c mielion emlci ecccrv hîme, ~Fortle en th OLitd TitreadMrae a- L A ALU DEES ITNPAA Mes. W. Bail, .ee ndLc.î Chu:- Nemeý ordcî.l1Go," a oprv ThsI moden For Mh Habto ucs v. . Thc pplicaionsfo mt 0 MILON LAZA SMOKE AND GIFTSHOP Fî ian Mlc.W. Cîce. . tuur-,boilepithcleeeofcail lds hsmus xdfrte h ide frIle ehip e cceed,anilws 0 e 2tr.aiDs 0 a amiaton ac rain t ilve«Yyong -Ceev it erp l cdcido i teld the Jue meetinge a coe colen d thihld% ueko n oi Chc Kcek uCHllcoMuseumcaîKelo MrsaC off.prt Ailp a ce thui %%vinfla Hareold, Hubtert v s 1..,, Showt Sldes o f M rs.~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ l.D v n o t u lhfsterl f'e c.,an A le Rcivieg Eîpecicece, Waoleli liai i Felloeieo lthe busiessv pcriod SAFE, INSURED WINTER STORAGE: STOPP'IS ce cn co eo' atI look Lit Little Meuve. Ye'dhi. elle Fiîa Iicîccîltrouccîl. E. Hacroc ehueeo lthe I HAVI YOUR WINTIR GARMINTS CLEANERS AND Hostse Scotc forc a î~h~O~ l oneg limie. ,Tîle leecechose nîeita bolv fiteoulihl ced inter BO-TRDFROL _. .....$3.95I Mo t C c tc El l D.I e Beti lIdeali. 101 i., ce lîealý For eider chIIdree -Kiîlivu., ev l eg vlile, ichen doeieg hie 1 O-TRDFROL TAILORS ý M .C . s. D .in., eit 2 it elu cec,îiler Ciehaoreovgeseuelh Fast Oupundabla SurviceI hosot h th ock epor wo i- e larci foeclr research butefor eeel..lula le Book SeurmoN Mii,l ee~llAcrc îe9 Isfaiahea PuI Thte Fiee L'ili P pec MacKc eîprevei lthe crolise' FRIE 100%_Mathpraafina an maery Germent 878-2972 Frais Fick-up I 111 men' i li-[r f-i ueoa fbsns wr di cul aice. Wit lv relaatin Au oli 0it.h eere i. S,', r arp ad t or T l eîccNegrovanmatooleeo il liuse.epoiclcThe Great Hou dle,-M abcNilte tev. Tpr e ceîe hnl. fur,-î l Hall Ane ii ta iin . en lî1e ce îî e noloieg ilh Bolee Iel At the cloe ilt elldi * RLAIIY h S a 0 Thîecîîaîîu-eIitflo M K, if vile lvii.n i ThvueWonder Cleock, By lthe leitiei.Mre. M. Reeheerv ced lierceun-: -nBLt. u lrviiegiîpeeeol~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i liellei.liil îiil îeeeî eci eleî iexaeice r, Il il]vep , e., il Silver Lae Ri cnear militee erved deieîv crevime CHMI h o. a a L Z -the Ole eand Mi-i Sii. cmeeinin lelthe Hosvpital A îi.il- feiic.cielu-ll i lie Cearv, Woli-Eve, The Baci and a social limie 0ev erecvd * UAUITY-1. th. Cao Fao Iuy AUTHORIZID VOLKSWAOIN DEALERlu Colleci. Thearcil call IHlâîelic ii- m Roi ilsie.ceplael îdleire bcmol se-u il îo ee One, Knighvit., taCruvcv WHIN YO UF A Hew and Used Cane Sales a.d Servit.. dit clmiiuiîihcnolii.iiinc erî, [lie.iceioiil haboitdîîcee Thc Secret oh lthe lepcnivh aDvý Tit ecre Ahpiec ed bruhi.. a, n 1hc,filoneletl.. Thariilvite' c.i.Waterloo, IlvLhTiiCiiigmeiieleîhile voiie VOLKSWAGEN Gnt.Vkmauao ho hcNglilie mii, e. Fllîkîîî Fa\îL i11 pte li l eeei,uoleelaxation.ic Ttc Wceldoi.1 ctel . woiîiec. Miltan Plaira Tl M29 e , d20., aaIa, Anîî. Pieveii'i p dolîî eclciien T o i i .îîr0,20 K oFrîî.îîî,î eîîî ul elaaion. Tharie jie,1 LockiesVWin i A 1,Liî d,îot lolheiliif-!fe -- IF YOU'RlEot'ol vu cri, clc bei ,,, ,el,, itî il il îaiv%,ýrelaii - rt% RE HEADING FOR FUNTR SAL At Iris Show 1iua ilmo îî ii, A îv îîimce lleeu in le k do-~ A WEDDING . .. UN R SAEW ieiv helditcirciinil IrilSilIiifl' io a mo ur l ,, ReangList iO O N Loi te lte Royal Bui.eicl Gael S61.75.H1 ilv i ]lt Ifrr- ARLY AND AVOIO DISAFFOIHTMIHT. Lm teadqîîcaree en Hai,,lton i.M vî.elî Tie ocation. ituhollilc (oudr 0FTEWESÉE IARGAINS FOR IVIRY ROOM c iva Jue lice .,u \ei-,, ii.viiliieien,lantaiM i l in.Ad fovroe vo Lir EADIA DIDI Ha TH' aedvaedeneclook, Liu va, l îeîeuî S-el c,-v iferse A io hhtype ofernd H ht ope1 itringicu lie Oll île v,,,, liic.ii. ileH lvitelrvcîliluI AIR STYLING I FABlIAN~ FURITURE Me clie,ilt,ieriieî.iieu e,, ,Ieileinieîel, île Oai ,Lýa. PHONE TR 8-2501 FatenoniujDoeft atm tlo cmi ica ane Il..e.i De., Mad'm Talc, Uo FOR AN MARLY APFOINTMINT DA R829 a adIi c h ficl-L - uI C U Staff Kîid A Fîegee' incEverv Pic Ap tr ti, te iîioî iniL ,iî 1,1 Haiton Saf peuc edv leigui smoia Mcr crai' -.! lÇ outil BARBER n .5l Open - Me.Tues.Wed. .0t ierc l/el0iL~y Pîni 'Stimlatinneand lugie TNE STYL AA RE S HOP Thues.-Fri. - 8.30te9 Bat.- 8f. 6 Peu iii, eh.,' luci ,,.,îcîoî Rire voiai (loi hl'LI ncd Hneoglvplîv, Mandla SieDA PR The liai pikeo ir,,, le, pii. l iiiPel il Hiddeniai il. Glan MieîCaieO * A P~li vOeu. Blue le.iplii' ai,,i an J,, Palk.Oieie uni.hiiihc iii so,\,, uvial The AmîîeecR Re- ~ I Il V~E ~ l ll Ki munîent mion,,, itl'i,iiii, leir,iiii of ,î,, oi,l tc Pove cI Piiiii * UALITY PLESEFAH Lcvv", ma ie eîl , -n , t h ,,,,î eu 'pole. iiiii u Tiikinie Thea Musvis of GortoLOKlU BS O i OD Fîîîvlî,î,,0 Hall,,],îand W.iî,,,le, e (l nnGllaget cf vol., Ouriental Met g.Ocý Regular $4.95 Doz. LO ORîO O T i. ll , l li , îi otr, , c..iiî'IIlliIg Ioenel Mvthlog>,,PrimilieaMv lB lea ie Iw iih e rl. [li i , am, R -, andii ýaomniei el-c noel, liiecluge . Reslere ChrOn do ,ýF T E " A lre gairdon. SuIi pik,, ii, lîîi i, fl p ie ,1 il li ta, ,i i Illci ch lthe Drctgui'v 7eti 1ff t,, eief. iei..irillitinaJihitecpieiecip FaiherPilanagaechgBv u r, A DOZEN l' '-Loi n %vaa!h iirw ofth hoi Tomlon%ýa i chrgeoffli $ 3 7 7Vist te orAne Shoppe for Cool, Cool Cotions te envlie îîîîe ii te n'î lic.eiiiii. eelîig , ii l. lcaolv The Slcve Tr e . nd the Best tin Lingerie int vcrdhig.claicleiie.nieaol vc, îeiied hielMillvBarbhieiCimrcrpl, Hunerean SIRý sin.WDI.MLFTIA ial v inuaîICap hlc.ne u g Lîîeî aeon, Aie, Hî,eî,îî, Bill Mat- lucv. Sceut BenciththSeSEORNWDAMIF A .f Woander le.co iceludiol Dr. Bruie ofi Ouccec, l..k, Miv. K.,% L,îîmil ced Mill, Mcvioepîcee ch Religcus -eic OR -T Mr. Iceleivul MeninaciieVd A îc, 1lc.,,,. ThteMagieof Believing, Howt tTeLR-N ESO a A, R. Buehl,, oh Oicîc _______________ O E FRa h OI-NESOP Among 1011e %%tc iold/i cen-~5 PHONE TR 8.9512 Sal tries le il o sho' vccre Mi. andî 2. _______________FOR______$ 7____ SPI Mrv. C . S'Lckia, Ciieni Se., hy mdocatol rIroingli litih a ttt Have You Guaranteed lthe D'cu, ailtl li L O B LA W S FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL e,,.. aîlîcl FîîlîCntinue Your inco Wtisaiig tei, Lieiîîîîî c.. eeoî i fillSes Wlsen You Cannot M11 n'WNOue Sport Shirn $19fa$ Ttc cnoci Iis eiven ti Work?" MuEEu ROWN. 97_. -u $1F.,9lte $1.9 peur mii itl d ain' lite _oc Reg.n 97cE~ Mor 3 Pr.t Ilot $3.9 lie~umv' BEANS ftteRlEnglicli Knoys and Cestîce Fool B18.ee itaqîrev Bl RYN J. CROSS NATIONAL LIFE ______________________u Represet ti 15oz. lins u 18. ~ ~ ~ ~ v c____Rpaette O F CANADA 200 MAIN ST. TE 8-921 WITH PO1KPLLC SOS COifMON TERM Gvrc yeuet of sertvi IN" A Hueheed lduering quarre Il- te f-fIIn ores «I Thle Hin of HaIR.u TOMATO POLLOC fN HI FA Wifr ire gui lu, oyveutcce undergtugd me.