irkt_&îuanbiauO"ampîou _ Vol. 105.-No. 6. s I." h:C, Zz ,, MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8th 1964 th,:,, Plaet ofre Page aloen Cents Accept Miii Pond Offer For Centennial Project TeLetter ... -The Acceptance.. The bc 180093. Ale hiau 4dbac Mi onyou tak l"e in sourdbc COsuaino heTownofMilon ion Monday agredt a- kjoe so i oConnnalPark. Mijt;),n,,Ontariop hMil Pond and rnd i-Yo hounot etish a po- GL e en: Codod rthe RobnHood Floo edo hv1kn hoe sand tho TeMilPn hashs.ooaun sntoes-al partroutoottos or Misof, The nw sollctrnopnrosoo have no frhe osurtu thetire at outPlata it. tp aosîthe, 'ssstttd o ops hnao' atrfontepn ad boeil a soreof[power forthe Mi.Tlt e agseantant baistase the toton Conilo C. Fs,' con-ad bis podlisax x-na teuy spost in os Towsn and nus Coman y issiand tis fi-to. support tar taking the pond oiver dcRs.oooC Aii Mastseusîsposiss as a psojact for the Centeonial tasr ta donaie fli Pond. iogaîlc*vrl cerst ai ' to he action, poiotcd ou Ilot ahý Consosttee. bot opposed nttacb- ote ad daet tflc Pond and nos onosoi hs o fil settn oof ny egineeringtsat îînor cs n emr i nbînou 01. Croaino [le TwntfMilton sbjectto to tt liosoîog 'on- estttnMason .rthe psojat... a a uoo ggested the tosot dirons: ~noted theland oud nesas bc stould be ree n i20 yearssto 1.a th pnntlbc dispod ofby thCorporationsostOosOootomtsiiOll anosOtO. bot turo it overt theConsrvatin one ossile ecep ion, îtslicConservaion A orist andfrit ýbvaaoptng iltetosn woutd Autobosso- pt iîîte emost i4cniuhu cznda a "Conserovation" ara, i- "Pasksora. hl .sotîtlad 'vitiah dosîs tfor dt daiabla ose. "I tant Robin t8ood 2.Ta i oeti s a possle aoaaaion.stoa oosthe tie ar rn ig tuotis o an atit- s.tîasltbatttso osibatnaoit.cstalefic oodasias ofltica Couts itirat -~~~~toa '.r par pipsî on spoîsbot CoossilorC. MencrysnnproeWd 3. Tha ther bcn tantre n tesat inag galis i nu ar s O shblandsoutd bc is aptaîiatisnof tbat was iy- prsrtsipoeI tIs Élie aaek. tae hoe tvfic s to n Tlti ing to hc donc. Ho suggested, 4. Tat he xpesesconecid wth andsubiiionh. orn bsouldhbc a erotlarcsto t line bomevoas.tbat 'toto ooss ouid --Strf Poto by Éie own.or rha o-%l si-a ,saaping soit bisata hc flld i,' the apptication 5Thr-hpodan lietsarca bc asstue RtmotHaotfd l PI*.sstricossat sarnotad'tsase.o loiuas ntssosposas,sltasvshotd WEEKLY TENNIS lESSONS hegan on Satorday -oonin site tqenonstrates tise pioper woy tn orip a acquet. as Mis, We i ho ploosad ou sisooss saisis voir thea eact uoîîoss ot boss'.hav baali pcrpand ioi preserita- D. Ptolemy, prsodent nf tise Milton Tennis CIoh noýndoct1in the J .W. McCutcheon, tefi, loohs ci. The courts arenooo rendis for tho' paspasi,' oonsoss sin titis oiter itnisadsttl tioion yosr ucoaf- C enaise ePac haO tino C oilo" t 'o'c reviw- propsai lessonsalthe Main St Cort hginning a 9.30 a.m. Abnout 20 play and clobhmomhorscarihe snin oactionoooory nnof l>ae o poroposN.Paoai.adCosito acn-niondcn teenagers showed op fornthe foost classes and toarned a skoo th wnn ath- prsttmsq. Qoote iew mernsh ps are Roaostl.innccdo on the pais or tisa termiat gianis alabcmnntd bc ofletmeintrrimos Rootonbor aat- [ n d the fees are $6s for jusior merobns and studonts, btIPs'isioao't rsliîoaoo saotssatosbcntl bo$9tOoohoochr nbe ni reessary for cilis members. Mms. Prtemp is shows '$10 for adoîts, $12 for couoples and $15 Ion fais. DivisionortRoin sct-t ot - opinion Illa otiatis os ganasos orit ha raisd by tise tin. oh fMitis Limitait. gasinca t 1 saw sttootd aoaapl 'Wa aooaptad ibis as ihe limita. Wl.Kanady -i oaspii o disstion, oiip sed. "lion," ha souggcstcd. He nsptatn- W. J. KenedylIn coctinued. oottiniog tisa oron adsthepltodrainthenpond for Increused~~~~ nist K oPl0,l.tha o-antaooiai oommittac. tba a saar boit buloeilt denpnr Unceasd Csts~* casnsido-sstions of osions pro, batosa rotilting. la JuIy this stcsatilp nat nf tha pond aod board liing toricd adics Kloos fi iisig Pas wl open tri e R s u oson peirk lansd osas an approsr. sa ios L11ý N ix M ain St. W idening 1 ;, i, Iioossisa. otio 002 iearuyii D row n'l Haasp .rB Bs sgese toi>siHss n toainosi hae sii sîsîkeaît iiioi illoisasaetu bruori oMilin Council, wiib ibsaa prnparo'o un anti sida oi thea Thesusii,,osstir trissa ri .1o otu sais liraii n gag- 2 N a l r w n I-uceedI s sa". Ha ont befome this. He noted the Colliers ot pariicipatisg ha- Strnct snnntd bc taken. Anoiac, tosiglinsa oiinaas e s s t >100 tsta thd ai ii o nsd eon cannenf persna] intnrnot. dccid-! scbamn.snbicbswoodbssaegivn woul ieb0 percentoi anntonsc-, mnt. Oatniac il Crpris the sontte IuoL gI' nc iedandft %%as adeî ain siscmido nd ondaytot tn p-nnedssith'a pefctaat straight si-ct, wo td lin and 50 parcant on land ac- suitl hoe doaepais (lpioiieoe a b trciea Ulssw aeacntutv the ssidening ni the Main St., at takc ai]th lbatnd -front tisa sonsth qoisition. Cosin to tlto-sc n isos m sin oss-ats .sl daiî noIniisspnc n bs.n tn-mi prnct tbsi sas initissiad last sidc. Thennssginaas-nntad boss- ,'nosly Ctiim-iad batsaa S24,1 ;soaI iaioisisisgns hsaveapss îoîa i a.,i i ? hot Si Mbtoi sual ostn a lass on ndotirs vepl t e isea fai n tona yea bat nt cunstined. eoas. ibis -onnd magot-a smanoil 500 and t27,000. An smotOi t i o im tasie. rîsi ina-c k. s ti.raoid MiIti EddY1 ]lias losrs Tisa Chamsionot ,noa, ha stsggao-ad.mad a osatl groopo'. ha ansphaoized. nnting The widaniogsonurd aettha of theafrnt n-att ni thbChai-tsIS16l sois iaisodasin ftica Car)- io.Iti, oi Oth aimd a ih-onli-nd booc troasorl ,sii itsirinis lara adjoiniog Mar-tin St. inigil tise reaowmnditiu tnt aoapt- section nf Main St. fions, rougir- Hntnl anrd tisa stns-ampto store' ual budgat foc tha psojaot. Liaassis s aiss is on ir -snd sn rona 'Dt assa.Mis as c ialns h otn * I ly Commercial St. tiOntarioSi. on tlia sot sidn ni Mo a i bo sioi std ao- iautisinooAato an e r esa u t In o m orcongin Daleh Puban, Musb oni e 1 ad Tbe eateosd Reinto annicmot oith oalcn Cousneiltors C. Sosn and- 8.lCoammeral. Witesib li1lst jo aO Te wdnn ,ti eur 'l 1l cJl bIadJn th Mito toast nic tis -aot dans. fe TIss a nctnm- iss ndt sn RnnlcoMas-intnasn e sn Bast eod Reme 'Martin disctnsed pronfdèd te the nit- icheme. csetidieg thalbrisiga un -banh Mosiaif -nil OIikvikWe. dAists Jeaa Asitoritias psaisad atnon-d of we nt oe l g vsa foocior s tresse fpicàtnî tik e Mtn n tbn s se ba prf ou H andotednainlaenba cnatirsoatc. Tesa ritss 'o-ood %velicusno ulnl55adJl51p0lce li es tsr u vrfr cinslc plctosliet ute h rj .H vidapas-ingon iotbsosts.instheS Ossossigiosiosilisa itioopaa!EbosadMaLansniMiitvariess nscoas ataillflia ianpd3bar.,s-ailton.d nutbCourson bissai ais,' bsosiiiiina.., ssd sils,' = jb 1aoa lir aia atosta nirc lent.l andiolî Pa!aatsssi-i.s theisooi w atris oale dnsoabosa onle1 andt. baisafc 'oigai 1ln porstaacd abo posIjs s oare sidako n ,Cetn tisaee bottons bairie tul al sn Rso Mai-u asa-gad Yw onne oas nota ic lCnaio snaLsoasîad 'fai-m.oodap196iadassitiaialsof TransportdolPaanEoflsublooitak stno sc ithnaioosis.tlbyaaoaespiranaoncots. Retires After 37ll Year Herec hecmituonis.e li etr fflcc -ýs gi- il d % 1alln RL2i.1 C lis ltio grn Btin ery ronds c scals anculaSn rFetbefil t,,etli orh b-r ntllo 0l% slso onbs bi-oai fae Satrda W ainn Drin Resevoi (sassisîsatî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fam andso ilpie oOr0î5OOO5i se- oliasnue oo. Pages. ougit tna-uisislalsosoc I ts ao loo isl' oors ttaksasis osai icir attita o t.I l!o byiaS pia aaso pa ad Tis OOtttiloisil f toat-o st silsios ossiti 00. so saissua ooss.tasooiiiira.' - Mbtaesaso aoliosa siltdcandsoion Re iesolsoter ltto 37 is ,-o J..D-stosiois inDklootnosoi.iOo ossiossooooilist a bisiMotok .-sotssi ,olactstss8ooMKo iaonioaitssoi-ot a Mssa'îîscisi t so ttisis iiboa 005551- ti soits hostoio t'si.-' t s01 oi Ols ioai.osoo i Oa is o-tttt.t so boîîs t tsîosoîosis to si- tao ocitai sas i so bas isscî h agtis asilsssssssos.îtiasda un taIi.I lois le aiisa io.ooal I ouc St i-ssiiioo itoss.iio i , .tso.s Iioiso i f" 11, we e\icril suk l,", S tu d y W t r r i as Rsdtiseroti t ir ssni i reie Ibi ait - a n -la ,.I - -,h i, o 1 , a t.%,I t lefne rd vw trn etitosw lt In t w eevi leve lre ia7 tus9 u p oi at o litMing ei h 40 sa'oî osoa pubtlatictunÉlil 9.54 laciosgîssleotcolit flU i Mlo ti ee or etSaudy irt asnaA jntsa bhsnI iestoir matisa lo wn I o Sa ta isa M isoiant l hoo ou ns i f'si-- ta ii n lsissl.Ln, i ion l i Osl ,o l l"jh a 1 u dv atrlo %if il n , ae beiid ý g 1 of i'teiidl f o n l1 td e tiuai, li( p i o laita s las il " i tnr sti astn Élis i l ! i sotsttt liaaola i saus toIso -,Itltvlo aeEgi)O iiah fi i i itte lia- -r os,,ý P oouuosoîs ia, u, ittloitto Os MIi.lsu tn a i us Missa s 371 -ui , si- n ad n w Irn n j îssos a l o li sas t -il ig. so lsî ios s ou sio soisn a l ie Jd I . i a hig iso ,a MtaosOoi o. O snoîî I, l , eucoioos ai lassos Has- st a il v us soit -i ls No iil. [itsn su i sai ui silo- \ t011 0, oist, os -IýU1 ono a il ts to too il- i souusu u îs ida e aig osr to Etuatu C nre i. 1 a tol-l fouls snsi S.sýalia TuIvstdinet102 ler6 e nc e.o o fss f.ict lui 0iii .sttttit .tiiti riiaot djclitc a- C osip, Oci f0nu oSi.stasW do Ni rc ooss i fo lsoso a s iltoo sîuaî loosscsosi5Ei51 ssslo.00 ssois ss--tds sa io. iao Bi t -tle rSCCille LPCSlp I, p ii o i l ain ,iianisli-, i. oagril soss. osoos ()i ah to-ina is tho. Msî l.s tIe sîs rtiipalSt ndso ies Érit- fil lis \,ot Oitajls' fil, 'talfo M t- I .w 11 dt.3 6" ll o ,II Oc od s l, ltt e o tl lat Halliillon~~~~~~~~alas litaa tOiitOOiOis aind' flec oncidcive i'lgvn Flltaot rI on ss sait.alao.hfp n j 5 ~ ~ ais otia ilos Icl tasa stiliti to tis ConyCouosiciltiOAoiOsiuOtOiodonco--ît s kt bel.îiaor ssionusoasriidA af 115 819 Totalr p sseJssssoîout l Ovflcretios anudion, i-eson als C.nL ity n i il outn Aclon -mc, -u Tin Cbos-cb,ýI oas 244edi 14 Oplii, ae vlioit- aisn nnusan fersos ibe71" des.t tha nina othe aliai55 105 MsttIN lt GlacI Asnmn nlseg 5 1 , ~ e ngtsi-scane Clocil tons c lîad isalon - - - 0.5760 il l__lIl j rae e 82 I s st ,h f $5 pa-tl lint ta-gi iOOs 8nsiii-n- - -.7dfgJ02 lt.SOthh'tr [Pitt ait n tino p en ih, Go onî - - Sg.t 18l4t~ MIS M1GA- 41EMEU, snmten ber 370h Ileo ni Rens Ilncse oni rpodosntniespeeîd brsu o cn-bsoobttt \ao 44.4 Qasla- - 10.5.0 144J59J osg sMoto aho Sbnî. msmorsu soti odo ni-heuifios psitnO eaoe asltslo ,rmshld, o ~... -11s ass2s Mto -- Igt1, q.2Jr pas asn i on 12911 anî si iuaig - t.2.40 Ongo,- -riipiogs srhsr iih si io ooom fiosoi tsetnsot niotOatnAIaCnsaho1.iorn -in nlcuai nn ne 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e- lssists loi, payo Ill4 pas,4 cool.n %-sasaa - - .7.4 .100 t olsCrsto doais eus.O Teda h oa . peesefislrpic tnier r. . aiCopbutitnhat naeod (lentrig i.tnncmibir nsii aot 1- isoore hp(1 tise Muin fais ootBodadfiosiaa-Bions n n .Pes iapeeidfs aoioierh saie 6-28 g o teayo 5.2 cl e nsl totlon byý.Sllm e tsuns- pait 87t.ll581 500.08888 orsnag The ahrc die-to leu e innn C1u8s is ts or rnolda aaa ia51h4otant