Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 1964, p. 7

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Student Job Wantedl Wanted to Rent 1 SA RemTATI Ceninluned) inted -Maie or te- gtubee TO c-3-4-283 -Min#. Muet tachery. TO c-44367 craneportatin 2 dape pe c44-371 -Main gracse und emplop- [le ares. Muet 7oner, %vilin Cnli TO 8- c44384 - Retiale eut car. Avec- fn exenieue tutinigbs, DepL. lieu St., St. c-44362 - Ladie of Oequeeing pcnv limel muitiptp lu efforts. Avon clicc t. Zlug- t. Ont. c-440026 od penfitable SS ein ue Avon Cor. A. Collier. 41 pin. or catI c-4-4369 rJTED tation 3nt round pavil 00 empion pariene C-4 JTED ulders cd people y. mical Ltd. 878-3141 c--t - MALE ornes able on tbeîc W MEN i HELPERS ANDS DON C-4 Sale :ar. . LION )S.- c-t-tf \MBLER UNT LTD. I onajiteits 1T- 3441 ST' T 08-rade If sto d~~~~ ~ent omte,-erame-umîa mel 01lite 6e n nu Cli STUDENT-; lOS-Geade 9 vîns deut ducivesatonnmev ntpttoy ment. WiinotSgl>natintc - c-t4316 STUDÎNT JOBî - Stadenu rrîrptctieg grade 10, ourS tn ing anA hcokkaeping.oiraic 1 uta jobi. Beverlcv Woody. 878 1057. C-4-3-4402 OTIJDENT JOB Kathuýn Crosby, gi-ada 9 cladcot, raliabi, baby ciller. rs avaitchia; aso ottd. liike ctarkiog. Phone 878- 6617. c-4387-tS OTUDO6ENT JO--D 10 vîdeut decivë unmmev baby sitting job, fullime, Jnne 16th J li 18 and the moth of Angant. Lynda Jouer 878-4430. e-44333 O-STIIDONT Jo - Ca-roi Ol-iv- er, grade 9 otadeuL, ceqoirar a srunrjob, prcferahty ootdoor oorkb. o utbllng oe do indoor cark. 878-2786. c-4-i4388 STIJOONT 100--Grade 10 sus- den t ,ishes a hahy citticg job orsietype o! office wrcik, ccv lie fcrir Jonce 16. Violat Ohiciiht TO 8-2016. c-4-4332 sTiIDENT- JOB-Gr-ade Il sr dent dcvircconmmcr emph.v- ment, bacs drivei-c ficecre and ic oiliig tc i-n anvîhicg. Phone Gary Coi-p 878-9588. c-44317 OTUDONT JOR-ýFirnst ren- ivevcilv ntodeut, 18 ynacn. veekr emptosyerent an otatats lin parteln), lotor lin French), ratergiri. recepticint oitracr etc. Linda Peliattrro TO 8-I.t e-3-420 STfDENT J00 - Gr-adueala gradc- 12commeccial sntrcc qoicen toit lute office eclicv mentL Avaitahîr ton oek coni- lime itler Jonce IL. Margaret Prioca 870-645. e-441 STIIDENT JO-GCac 12 tIre dent, 17 reacc. otrb,-n rcutrccm em-iett foullcor pat* tie asclcîk, cai-rn.s i-ccepOionf horpimai anvisnIant, hbh n ittire cc vicv Dale,, TO M-834. c-t-3-4t314 Employment Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED- Cterk - tyIn rtorecterk, c conrnlicg ctcrk or baby drting. toitlai- partcimue. 8744097. c4440 EMPILOYMENP WANTOD- Pact-lime emptaysmect oactcd kv mtlc aturnoan - ecacicgr 6 p.m. on. 878-2927._ e-t-319 EMPLOYMENT WANTED- Oi taka caca al childîca tit ru v vcco home. Witt gladinv pick Cp I ebild rco and raton co 10ha.. bcmes. TO 8-2h56. i-4-4389 - For Rent - * F00 OENT-Portabta air cis prc-srre. 878-3500. c-3-.8298-ti F00 OENT-Ocout. gedntcoian pîclie -d. 578 3283. C,4-4376 F00 OENT- Oiuc gentle- mnpi-ciamceA. TO 8587. r 34305, F00 OPNT-Pasntutri lard Oc pIs Bon 83, Thc Coanadc C mr pin. e-34247 F00 OONT-Ro O aou nd ba roitabclac on usner, {-ctticuadf, 878-6729. C4-4373 FOR OENT-3-rou barculert aparismeot. raîtchie toa ncoplc. 878-9230. c-44335 -FOR OÏENT- Euctrcblac heateri utitb fre snrerviice. Phoca Milton Hydco. TR 8-2U43. c-i FOR RENT - Cotetooata l I ~Ii-T cnl nom i-cte.o or c-ibot boacrd R EAL ESTATE BRORS varice avaîtchia. TO f-6050 - -c-Hi42 189 Main Sr. - Miltoo F00 RENT - Pantord bic 20 $9060 mci] i-uic-. 3 - htcd.oun beadofccalle, rotnins icater. natrc bungalown anA wok- TO 8-2708, McFaddcn ccd Son, rimai- siiu.aud -i ovcr 1 ac-i- c-2-4264 ici, - mile ctir, Miton. Ç9,900 li] pI-ucc large brick sec SIN G ER clavae i. thoolraudrshoppigf.S kacîiibh i-tarîccr (I cci- SEWING MACHINE ?lohriccn omr d stoil -c SALES - SERVICE ia,gccui-ortr md '.ýhiuact ,pnli. faoin RENTALS $12,550 fui1 p 3, 9-hbctro PHONO TO 8-6861 bicki buogalow îîdh i.arautr Milton Fabric Cetr 51450 lot ik ilaiga tolbel Snervices anA OaRo ou s cot i -Icipral liic-g ci irn aP ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 milce ofiii:; e. i-lin. Ini hi000 choi. cri- ici rrodcrr mcdiclargebtiharn.Terns -S29,0 fou paicc 148 acre farte 9f acrec corkbe. siecc i oie 2 bc ns 2 tiei.ci Toers CcLII 3 i i ~ 878-2095 878-60571 vA4 WANTOD TO RONT-Menfig -from Owven Sond. Uvgentpy ce- Icqaire aore on Mbilon er ricin- t il. Adnitv nt-. Plinte re B on 85, Ccuadiao Champion, WANÏTED TO SENT- 3-bed- i-ent berne iu Milon, i or 2 i ear lise. Ocevencer available. Repli- Bort 86, Cnnadiau Champ- io oa r catI TO 8-2361, et 49. r 4-4370 Miscellaneous IGOTHINO i-od r intctcd ancd repaired. tohu Vaudaereer. ..1,Limeorr. pone Gorg- loisrsu 877-9503. c-5 MILTON UPHOLSTOR1NG - On apboictericg, clip-coere. cus- rote bailt farndncre. Fee pick-up and detivery. TO 8-9094, 338 Main St. c-37-3180tf ROIMOR Upbointery - Re-np- boltrricg. fauiîorevefiuicbiog. i-og cccicg. Prompt service: banîqochîiy matciatr, fine or- macnbip. Baitay hi-on., TO 8-9741. c-49-3883-If Ectactainerr of stage, Iciavir- ion and radio, hcbbs. Ociabt acd i bi Coontr Oer. Stodior o located ai 225 Main St., Milton, aenwbocking toc choon. dan- ccc, garduo pardies etc. Foc Ihe beot in Country Mosic, calcii orofficc ecenicgr hetecn 7 and59put. c-3-4294 ODD JOBS YOU NAME iT - 50E DO Tl! n TilinIg (looc arA caiti ne Sta. ,ind.w. - Paint iog * Roolieg e Oeparirn Cati ED STROUD TR 8-9937 c.-If Loansome George Han, gol a fc-o billc O' gui Ic,, coin H.î, hae dscri No onc- Lxnepu hirs Creserumaagac- Fac ail vous bilN cit a Creccc r Coorofliaat; lion Crescent FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITCD D. V. MacDonaId, Manager lOi Main Stceet Ecre Real Estate Country Estate Oeqoircd hv Tont o-cdc - rivc. accagc 25 c- IIS c - socor brck 2- strehom cvbich bai hee canertoi-cA in bal- mai char aceae Iacbtan. Mort have quaecr cor bausnao vii- voas Bainrnoucrraueial.Mni bacc goci caatrrouppiî aci cocdeclhloe rencec Ait cah. Mfs. Muîhowo PAUL S. STARR dND COMPAS)' LTD. c 4 G. W. GOLDSTRAVY Suai Ette Brailler Ail Trpes of etI Oaste UL 4-2213 R. J. Inglis Agent UL 4-2202 c 58-t. Client Waiting Foc a pvodnctivc faîne, au tcaoil10acr-es,rooodbhaone aud haro. Thic propaevtv r reqaired toc avinaei fat ting a-rd necat b. oortboiie. Excellent tincucii arrangemetsîcco b maclefur a gnod farte ai a farte pricu-. Mrs. Cagharino Mathews PAUL SSTARR AND COMPASY LCD R. O. t1, Georniciarn 877-4059 bAS9 ACTON Chotecof 7Thomten, in Glectea Subdivisiaon, oiîb cw pas- Fromn $500 Mîust hc rotA Matie fftav. COU .NTRY HOME NEAR BALLINAFAD d-ou bout,, on '4acre rced loi, udar cavad noad. Arkiog $4.900 Fou PriueO FARM NEAR OSPRINGE 40 acrs,5 -.on ohrnebarn. ni-cane. uropicmte inriodeA in peica. Actiing only 011,000 toit pricc îotb S4.500 doîrr. Il!- mile ar ain higbncac. Sydney K. Lamb REALTOO AND INSUILANCO t Mill St. E. Aclou, Ontavio Corne of Higboayr 25 and 7e Phone 853-1030 Menier Ontario, Cacradian. Or. cngacitc. Gi-e-nic RrîeOai Entoie Board,. h49 REALTOR AND S11,.500 PULL POICE - Modarn 2-badrîone bongalow, on ci Iigh ictinc ltvwn large kt cbcr liing inote, bath, i tuîihcd i-uc. cole, atitit c-rote unît tcragc cpace in barsemtent, gas hîred air focacc, dooble gaenctan icciodo atomin- unerrtocrnsand ncrers Pic-c eniecarra's or $75, '1ci principal ccd inteccni. Cci Art Pcccock TO 0-6-47. NCOME HOME - 12-ro.um 2- ntoce%- boick homne, clore I rbopping ccd cahoa)In. i..L foc apaotmerl vaery goalI pot- rii oidb ceavoua bic Aons pavinert. Cati Giadyn Home 878-2621. :3,000 PULL DOWN PAYMENT - Solidi briek 3-bo-l raýi bor- gicov. dîcidcd bacaentî.,aI- Luindrsccped and lcnca. lii patio. $97.50 ginclipal, intcia.cc and tarer. Paît prîca S33000. Lali i-ian Ban-s. VACANT POSSESS[ON -MrA- arer 3hedrfoom homea ,ith car. i-cri. Iioishad recrati.îcc om ccnebiavouEc.vngcand dning rnompavrd dlr*ýecr. ai rcci-aA arA ficoced noi %2000 pincu di' Cal! ..i k i. IîI,pi .nc if h..î c - srnepolicar. Tdrni ou 3 dcyr t 10 day.. Armoritai o ionvuaocn $5.000 te $50.000 oitb $50 meioal ondeteohi- iovinded midi catvh $5.000 Pre- miner as c oo arskI t10 oc 3 days. Cati Lewn Sales. 10 Main Street - Milton 878-6292 or 878-6592 g-O RÉAL MISTA (Ceeuinued) AUCTION SALIS <Ciuod)» CIaIm Glisnt [Th, Canadian Chamrpion, Thurreiely, Jiire 4Oh, 1964 7 A.NN ESTATE]EF" leu Ca-nutntineedarse Mrs. Wallace King Hosto A. E.M LPAGE AUCTION SALE C4Zenh gaie thvae t 'haMetn mede vueiebte by the Peon.- bleutberm o ut u Teorone onteel Or moedem, O1lé Style and ciel and federalaerramet W omen'sM sin r e tn and OehetileTreftgevr Rea Antique Funeuee Coucilter N. Pearote, chah-. eorge legiu si I "s in Ml., And"',, meeefBars.theewuVI' ceteeta r Mî1 i,,r,. -s, .mrI_ tckI,-FLaih, Estete eerds. ncIadirnvt elet ppîiaencer; CVnclunit teendeupteieed the Ils o î.h, ML, ic. îîcg ii Si. Itaîdas 1_1%t iicMPhd 51 Yea-r Continuenat Service dihcr; TV vet; hcnldig; -tabler; eu teilevai gocecu- ~ îîîî ,aaî6 il" iii ", Mi. i Sclrîîci roctingchaic;urn Hoover va- muentt eechcvaeitbtet SI-. os, A\ ,, Il-ats f eteii WE HL AVE I conte ctnars larve fncnirr; per cerpite. Thc tlelpettt.ly nîcI mecîhiîîlcîet.-ciîîh tr- Icc, fîî,, Mahoas living and hadîceer sutes;: O met aie tlibeleliac so cîci aO,,eîoîc , L. o-i.. I,.,. h n Wc have Listlugs cf ntait 'Jtd-tohite- ciflon ec. 195 acceptable pvoject. Thenccun îc,-,îi i., OItt-ý irîc mc j-ci't,-îc sacagcn. ornitc v thont Wil.i h .cd Ici- thc c-talc, cf thc muntcedvreuttrvndhbcrr i, ni2- ti... Nt.Ir-.a,,- c So omes-, odr fear Y rpre LATE MINES JOCQUE peovuatil919Oh311iaeonltvo. l hrnrceca c o. etvtt uvtv cuîîe. - ..u visi iil, ivi: li LIh... - Coti as n un Listings cf bean- Jo-ain Iocqr.c. on Highoay 25 cnnîcIa eutvevuedn davitte ,,,i,,,,~, -. . .., .,., c.,I o- litai aid racune bauses rvith ave- atte-otithcrtr tiiutnoftAcîas ou. te eteuvktedu-thervl- ,I Lb... M.Iui~. Ion, 1î.îi,.i-.î~..i.. lp agen. ramne vnady 10 mnovugeon filaentofeTaritelndobtuHaad I, Lie-rii. clI,.,r11. .i..,.chtcln athct-rucdiug reovaion alvo Tbnvdy Eveig,tuectt a Pekcp odAobineleuri .î.îliili.nl .îc,î,nî,lt,. . -ccnd an pavcment; makc gar- TFOMS. Cah ith clctcvi tne ao Weteut ta Na cae iU,-Ili,,,- c.f®... ..l r,-ciicî Iden acd dolvs far nith cuingoftnale. edev o heentlv vea1 Lhiiisr S i' O,,kiclI..,itf I trcctttv. No resserve. Ictrnuedatin. clililiei, Si- N Book [or Biii , I n lcC ,R Inrpecticon[o5 put, atter. -e" s'CI lish, oni o ou _-___ Let us showo von ov Listngsencoco oi saie. co1IltI-n Mill. SI,,ili ttIcl ,,l- OTEEF. INJIED of cccl alîvaic e cv bung- Aacticnecrr: AUCTION SALES ltuutiued) i ,l, Nifacliai... ai,, ii, ii, .S i-sc. - i bh n , Cri-p. - oc-n that provide the maxiumu ELLIOTT and H-OLMEO fhca.tcI (i,c.ch i.-L -iiiJ R R. t asc.hii ini in coantvy livingThnru prapev- Cterk:pF.oiiou, iri, I hhon iiM st jsced S.c....i..., cccic air- liesnarecailtpriccd tarei. C. Landnhocoagh. CLEARING Ac n~ ficcSiiii. i,nicircliio viciiih, aru Cactccerehtncothcothon grouod. AUCTION SALE Mvao fl,,, cc ls, l ic ,d t.cNncagirîa Cbi -49-2 i,cc o Mik- flic,, WIý,ckdccna, t ci,, cas occ- il6, Tom Bradley SAE Of Stove Cee-ant MnA. T. Mccr,cîposi sud hîlisî-Ic vii.n. AUCTION SALE !1c ofî11î, C-t Of Antiqe and Modevu Cocritric 'i raiodern ço.,iii Pî,b-nri Mi, Thc anîicrrifrcd han ieccivcd faleic. bc rcnictrfitd. rcrci.iia h i aht i îAinsrciicontt hnll public-ti, and chairs, hcrniîackr. oda Ksili, o M,fh,d, .,c Mi- c Lh, i ff a a. A. W illoughby aucroc .t thc hrute of the chair, Iam kcck-kc.ickn dir', 'cpcc Mrcc,iCclî isYulO2 LATE MRS. orSoSo NIXON es eai.: alo ner-c rtisorn, c ýIiii M. ticich. ci, Li 169 Ma un* Sti Milton Onc itr, , . intei ondes"a.i1,ci RDA, UNE6,- h,,irdgOiina, îr t-urkeir Mis. tc iSimonir s & Sons Ltd. cAII il - 94 hi. l,, jeans' unc sut c dd-,li re "Il", 1 Realtors chcnt sasik2okc hforums Wil Mat hl hctA a aci icc,-c h ciuli chaiarsCoctiunoorOcrvie cant char:2 1c.Maon St., Steetovle d chair;aod roecrrs;oo-ai l ou n c-cs Ilce Lord' f nýorIue aIet.hievtrit 1.cric. Fvtday Eveteng J 12ut ,,Ilhiiii fron ,,, cIi Iii Beautiful Corner Lot ,iIl1 LIu o AI73 111.slhd Red br-ick ranch svre oith 3liA o.k Aioicg rout natta unchici JACK LLIOTI. Allericc,_ C,,ctîdc-t,-. . 1ec.c hcdroautsn cd t aîgc living- lis extnion tahile, chinc.eahcr oi Car-ici, lc iIl, dnn r , aoay fns etarilleriandt oeachiog cir,; ri hiI.c icc o c l;l r cd rcrratiornate aad nTVa- sis fligtpý civ p i ici Hae ai i lo DiiiiH raout ioisnct ccrporl anA dLînrle7nsable; ny nutati i Legal 101 ga rdru This hrttcr trotiir er- chicome kitchen tahle and A i ,, ii.J.. conc o pfabtrbtie anA aig vcael,, d ici-ic dccoi and Notice to Creditors cciIriDA ou e ia i ttoor. halaii- cri ch Lic ight rs nitae rn- 1, r-c ida Si'cli Ar nescio n Iuccic porin Mq.50 Cali o rrdnýIccu l uebxýr? the Fsate of SARAH ELIZ& ,, ...- -i- Islii On Fatherds Day Auna Caicr TO t-6980. aircli~hd a uivc BINXN.rtlco 180cc. , a iiivrrdheer-OICIi Mavrtin Stee, te the Townof et ,[ fi chia hcech. dBcick "Miton M In thn Couty of Hal- Sc- ilu Two Storey Brick dcied hî; MrCIaccî sefiaeîî i tan, oWdoo, dnceaued. .i ...... ui- ,- EES OEGO hecutor Icoidi home on quicet o t Sur ciih tececicg rare- Io-.adM I-f, HR' O EGO i-rndectiai nîecî clore Io parioiact and dccc racks; Mcltm fion adohr inmLicî MI, ýh i-ic lihn UGGSTON dacclaccuarcs, hcaavhdo lot lat elci, oe 24 i-c Cicdrc a rd cMarbîr I CIc. l -ý Chir SiGETIN outhîtrcer. tc-ced .hacbvardi achingnmachie; oDmonc icr,irtura tchc îîri.ielvInr,.a IOis-_____ anA gai-cgc. Ffpriee sî2ý.soS0cctic iccc.: 2 hot plaic;ia 'M" r.rlî c. coscSi 0-i.-Ca ucît h $3,500 D.P. Cati Aona tri cadic; 6 dan, nlack; chîldîcen ri ccc ch clienaîl'.a Caierns TO 8-6980. Itvc iuelvdicg table and chaitie cl, dan cf os n. or14 iioc vM-i Licin -- 1-lc-iia SPORT SHIRTS sel, wagon, kîddîecearteicu»cr l uncci cira Ma- Clh ichit164ails Immediate Possessior srcueg ral, doliCn coage, oirlciche darcte hn f i-fr i' "I-e' MUMME TaniESoh Atm crt ucv hrick houtc oith 3 bccrcgo:o.otodeon iii dlamnai i. fAra, t1",crcc ainaalca tic r bedroomr. icuatt cordt- t ccc chairs; elog-i ieicic ri-d hcchcd. test r. Mis, 511r. I,.. Mr, i ion thcoaghaat. lacgc cicdccia clir: roeait îîaac nafec; oaîî THE CANADA TRUST COMP- lisi,., sic ic,, Mi- MclI Stiira. kilchcccandccepcrate diing brcrtn: pictaren cid hanc; 1ANY Wrrdhaut ai Cccrk Sic. ci Mr, Cteac e1- Misc CLI, WALKING SHORTS room.tliig nomt15rxt5,full htnketn. qaittin civos.o hca-! Guep Onario b iccicchlaaucr ' bosm n. rc 13,900 tcî yeîo rdcn nae c.9 i l slictîrc i I ca i aitchc n hanerico Pcicencrdrvmaeil,5" SUdOPE & NICHOL. Or'ncîki iii criicl,ia oacBET 51.7500P.tctirnîNht.A.incet ~ ~ Q'n 1ir caoni Iac 207 Mîr hi., Mil,iia cc.chii gage. Morst nelf an C ot -i%;china, ndccraarce d garr.pot; 1 - "Ill LitiacMntcr r tr,întferced. Cafi Aura Caucns pan:; arder fon etc. IlM. 1- TO 8-980. TOOMS. Cash se ucet ncithi co. --tai1 Il, iii.ii HANDKERCHIEFS Farms nd Aceagescîcrk dcv ot sale. cmcdoitSheriffts Sale of Lands lici and iii int hcî ., praul, Fam n cegS Nathtcg e i eoe itl- nirtaectnt eleaent nl madle. UNOFO AND OY VIOTUE OFL cîcîvoîtîl erici,-î For fcrmrs 5010e 2.50 acres, chosecc aJACK ELLIOTT, Aoîninrceer as W.it ci Lnecoition miSL cl cili ha hfil cn Scuid. lccr PYJAMAS aoiÉ otsei.c icafct -si- TO 8-9233.0 cthchLpîcecfCourtctOaioc ai S. DLrfa' Lc ici A' storesmotelsrand narria-rsia aocl ic. te,. , -. ios cl . A. Fllic. TO S- OLGA OLONICE MITCHELL tv Lil 2 cuti. AmnniiLoincrtci DRESS SHIRTS 9233. BROWN IDGE ACRES Piairlîli aod JOSE PH OVILLE u,c i..u.uc -il,î i lI 50e tiftie caiiîr vo il yan auc GLERNSEVO MITCHELL rl D-tcrdac t have ocs com tct attendil c lacuro, netiicg. c cistt i-ilt ou. i Complete Dispersali ncciaud takcv tinecccicr .ecc.c n uithaie lcuu i-- STRAW HATS iacghhvi-ecgcnciane ara ou Ilc flot -orale hr Puhbl iciCons. sa i oîn, ,,Mr - doction at oic officc in tha N.-o fLdc.îi li(IMo- l of cOiai-. c- Os-O ANNA CAIRNS TR 8-6980 Aiguo Sle Coue t tinoîcg in h Taucnsip Ha ir i occ Tfic- M Ir ,1 SWEATERS 340OMin St.E. cn ti,,t.onhlcdciar,.uN hcifth d.ýI, i-cric, dcccl M f lUNE 6, t964 of Juca, 1964, ai Ilhc hbos cri if.0 If o l 'hli]u llic cla.,-Ite un Il Mr. J. A. ELLIOTT TR 8-9233 cAts 1.3 Iloc as hali-caca. ail] thc iSllîco McL..,acl SLACKS Accecdited Auuea f li cl Aoa, riiltitic. rieuean c aqoo i-f 5Orti Aoniversare S Coart St. N. Calfhcod Vaciraict - eadipioicc CA OSfPtl 0f- ic,.i.i, shi s(111 ccii e-4 Pccguarcicn Gîuacanced VILLE MITCHELL, hictco ha uii ii 11Ils, illl, o ROBES Theceompiatc hed of MO. J. ordcicid ccc -hafi cuîuc i.cCcchi l, ic M. OOOWNOIDGE ci Nc.c.dal lui toIc i.dlo.cng land,: I oire Isae o o-itt he divpai-nad peatpIii on ALL AND SINGI LAO ih..t h. lh A iii, "", lIES Auction Sales thcotad noe l lce cd.îccc niri i-a-cltiat i ad aigfrIs î.n on a.uccîîIon Soch popoiicar ii'laLI p part otha Noc.I hall i pic' cacnuIC -h AT.. AUCTION SALE Roland IV.) csen0TaLo1 Concessicon3 i, rha Troc sici ccItccI(V.G.W-neernluCF i O Nannagaccia, ciuhc' Tirîna ýltclucci cc-i h lcic FiuancieralV.G.),Cautvett Nire (courue of Hadtor.neore paielscc cIt and h.kc ai,- i ,ililt 0f Feuriure, Doisn Etc. busv IVO I. and Nocihrn M Ar- lauia dlecrehd an ol%, U -tai- IV.Gl hava haccn oad Par - hrocghcou thi, hecd as ocIt an COMMENCING ai a poivt MIES. HAROLD BARBER the noteci McDonatd t'.., s ons- Hondiri 0cd O heciu PoIIockc an N G T Li2,5hLinc. Erqcaning. redng oeil asomne intycuici (40l'i Sovuthilvi atinC mpel are concessiocno-cnt ot Lime- b kkcYs5ii; estclcdcldLu (S 45pbf KNIGHT'S oith MONDAY EVONING, JUNE 810h es fcndtoIli sL Conccsscon 3, il ieTonhpo MancfacîI-'ýo MEN'S WEAR reaonalK ,llbd lci. l-Narvag-aoil ll Cucîî c-i HIGH GRADE MEMORAI Ai 6.30 'ba-p. thc tcttcCI thoa0h cou han.ing heer - r ah Hallocn; MEMORIAL ENGOAVINO MILTON omcis oeodbe ofcîni î. Ii-dcii inca] .. Mc; inocr ug THIENCE Soutuh Ccjii, ira d 62 Weu Ou., NectOh GAMT 20Meut. 5847 cahui. 6 rcirs; cbeeritd foandatcu, Thisr cccib hNoi fi-cas Wscru S 45 icgucc, W)la Telepbeene 621-7S0 07Miit. T 847 nuiein oai cc-o condtticon; apportcrdrl ou purecrrciHocecdand Totnhnci%ý leu hcocuc toc bitchen table and 4 Oaci-n.,, eattie at voli- 1 r122Y), iaiallai 10 the boccia.ichairs, crocow; gccd 7' tIt. ca- pi-i-, ulci aliowac bcuccac Ilhe tvigeaaoi-cithtfreczcr;Ooa Thicheirr iau vrel TownshipciN.1 ac and v-acuuasrtrer; gond 24 in.cicac cciv lait ecircia, ranci-il cathIl Tw ittau riiiSuuutuciitoiiliu toe rancel flaod GbE. ncrrhcuenr inter.airs, opm einaîr hNc-,in ooohii mnachinlhban cid:oclithlid. fi-andcipcarocicc111. llf, HNClNcd, rfiv-hrd f w 4f fSe hcdnî; oci-drohe nith dranri-; iThc Sala' Ac.iiiocicîir ic Hcodîcîl ccd tigiviree Oak dreavser widh bcvcfled ir oh- e u tcroh ofiNu.7oiftibay on i-ci; wchite. chort aI di-accr., tha 71h Lioc, onO c ieso'li.j it 'e 5l; hugb otitite tabla; nmcti tahlen; No. 401 f6ha - cha 7ih THENCE: Noth butt ide! hcn.ýck triigbt tautp; 2 reIn Lice. graec, East (N ddafier El T-1 ,alcecoana: pietocen; barecu:c R OCKWOOD tNTFONATIOrJSL (225'1; ombri-]]. clatîrer fiicc; 40fi lux- LIMITLD -e-. tensioiaidcc:ard othcr rmoi. Bon 679 Gccyccîu Oc', THENCL Souiith Fa &Jna CL1L EtIIR PAINT lu, F- S 45 i. ic fi Cc 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i hii i, ,o lot II ý111l fo oi il, i e) h, B,, il' li -WHITE LATEX bouta. mens,_________ ioir1i ic (3) A,-iroscIncr O WHITE PEIMERS TEOMO. CASH. lcr- e GREEN-GREY and f FOAIO PTCH AncioncitTEOMS. Cash for Eqttity oi, RE &0la peepanu paint b-49 Phone 873-2864 gRp e- aimitioo. TWA moama 11EDtda iuo.ctuCot WHITE HOUSE PAtNT M GALLON IT THUNTHE ofHaltcc. hI 24ub dcv ci' Pcb- PLACE VOUS WASES Wi*tE VATA iaci-, 1%4. TENPRO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITE i-HEYRE SURE TO SE READ AN5000W W. POANKE. Oheritt. Coocty of Hattcon. Main Si. N. Acion 853-«60 - HN THE CHAMPION acIO_____________________ r

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