Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 1964, p. 2

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Ain The Canadian Champion, Thursday, June 4th, 1964 DRUMOUIN H arH l i Nearb Haot sid Scottish Farm Delegate Visits 1 u Hd| 'Final EuchreSieO psto Cnius By1 Mrs CA a stnMrs.D Ceey ad is OakvIlle's application to, the On- The Ward One Ratepayers wvere toa sel] 50 acre s .of la .nd front. 16 Jo in Z im m ermTheCNorth Traalgar Co- os MrieD McCaht% 'n iltario M'unicipal Board for $1.025, repre.sented by W. E. Williston, lng on the Queen Elizabeth Wag By Mrsgn. George Pelletterio lton, John Dunitcan Sand Leonard, trip to Algontquýin Park, Bancroft, l ot lb hed s'ondeuhr Blossom Tea« 000 for acquisition of the $425,000 who chargedl týhee were he for prestige industrial sites. Lasi Wednesday., Mr. and Mrs. Civiera of Elgin, Scotlandi. iNorth Ba,, Sudibury and Mani-|flihe season in Perev Merrv, Thec Blaoo Tea at Betheýl 1: Eaton property on the Seventhi brealches of faih . wo ere by Another 25 acres to the north A. Jack departed by plane for, Briane Cripps participlated at a toulin Island. . colo hrdyeei cuc a elatne us.Lme, and the eventual erection of counicil -- go the people who l'av- an1at eo the administra- England where they will be va-,piano recital last Saturday after-l Sunday visitors with Mr. and Fourteen fables were in play. Win day afternoon. The ouests were a $600000 municipal bumilding ored amalgamgation with the tioPn' ofc sîte will be sold for, cationing for severa1l, weeks. noeton ai thec home of his ieacher, Mrs. James Marshall w rg Mr unrs for the euchre were: ladies, jwelcomned at the door by Mrs,. there, went before the O.M.B. at a Seventlh Linec site a promgised loca- 1resid.entiial developament. Plans John Dunean. delegaie fromg Mrs. Moore of Oakville. and Mrs. Bill Calvert of Niagari MrI. R-v Elis and Miss Dora Me~ 1 Juhn Picket Sr. and Mrs. Clarence hearing in Oakville lastwe.A ioadothvtrshoa-rprdbyhepnigbad the Scotish Associationof Young; Mrs. William Davies was guest Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Wilrd : rr1n;cue puni, Anderson May and Fred ricision will be handed down proved the site. The thlirdi breacha suggesi Iis area wdll fond itself Farmers. Clubs of Elgin, Scot.,of honor ai a birIhday% dinr re les o apbellvull, WV. fam Hamihon.MsGadsFaheso a later. was by the O.M.B., wvho didi oi to smngle lamilyv housing apar t- ,and, is spcnding thlis week with' party on Saturday night ai the A. Marshiail of Milton ,.cnd Mr. 'Mhirs lad s for eafternon ws Chier among thee opposinni the ao by the resulls oi Ilhe Ple- menis and maisonettes overlook- the Pelletterio, family. homne of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pat- land Mrs. Tomt Souter and ons I.uc kv draw, were won by Mrs, Te rm nldd oo application were the rescidents of biscite. inig thec Queen Elizabeth Way. Mr. andc Mrs. Bruce Bawden terson. Guests included Mr. and oft Oakrufle. De" a ,kI Mrs. R bb Main. h M rs. P n k ney de ofBrmpo av Ward0One, who hadi forced the Sell Part |Other wviitnesse.s said the town and famliy viited Sunday with Mr,. Joe Mathias and Mr. and, In St. Thomas " cc.r. aocmaidb r.Hahrn-162 voie un a town hall site and In thleir subtmission to thev was wvrong Io ganyble with fax- Mr. and Mr.Viggo Fulangand Mrs V i C Hple, al] of Ha-|1 Mr. anid Mrs. Fr edl Alexainder Robbi Mamci. Mrýs. 1-Lrne Fist, Mrs. 11o n e Mrs. HofSewa.rton had swung the vole to favor the bsoard the town, represented lby payer,,smoney in the hoples the son o Peteboro miltn, . ars. Ra rps'adMs . .Cd iie atlllis -,nde Mrs,. Chas. LaRiche. tcdon i st anRed Mrs O. Mudrtw .Tfrafalgar Square" site furthfer J. J. Robmette and John Depewv, ra estate venture would pay Several Ladlie romai this di+- an sons,"ý Mr 1n Mrs. Harold Thursday willh Mr. and Mrs,. The, FirI Dnruqi Cub spent or gnis of Geretw Ratstorth on the Seventh Line. AI thec OC, towvn solicitor, sa d il intends off. trict' attendedo the Lucky Lun- jPaitterson andaugeandi Chr Daioo t hms h weeda h cu ap Chrc plye .ev-erao rgan Bt time, fiit had, been a choice bc- checon held in fihe Christian Edu-l Megan Davies.. and Mrs. F. Alexander vi- at Noisv River near Creemore. nuber lwen thatnow kil and av S. it cioCee atS.Pu Snt Join Church sited Satiurday evening wilh Mr. EihenCubs enjoyed the week- Thle guecs, speaker, Mrs. Roy flioe to ie d wn ownOkvle, ad Ag edi Church last Wednesday. Seixteen candidates were re- and Mrs. Barney% Wanamnaker of end. Those,, assisling Cubi Masterdiso of Bram-prion, returned flcO. which as tordere bnya Mr. and Mrs. William Mer- eeived as new membhers of Zim-.Aldershot. Fi ed Johinston were Mr.s. John- misio arygae al very interest- ·r )f ws s ron y in avl o pet r ic dithi. Mrs. Low Reichert and Al- merman United Church atl their' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shirley werce ingtl on the missionary work oroft e w St e. bert Stephenson, visited Sundasy Confirmation Service on Sundayvistr on Sunday withi Mr. andbgcrid on in Trinidad. Oakville Council had sinice pick. ByMs1ei atro Campbell enjoyed a holiday re- with Jack Stephenson of London. morming. They mncluded Mrs. Ro- 1Mrs. Alexander. l\Folo"wingz the program lunch ed an altogether new, site jus[ n hundred and five Halton! ceýntly go several points in the Dininer Guest bert Cornell, Mrs. Ray Powelh, The ladies of Zimmierman Unit- Urge Donations was'se-rved in the basement and 'nrho teQunElzbhCounty 4-Hg Hoem akisn clu U..A Miss Anne Meredith was a din-! Audrev, Donald and Douglas. Mary edi Church held a cleaning bue at . a social time eniovedi. Highwa an it was iappoeh by nt 4-r H ga here t iam Stree Mar AnnSvrsar ner guest on Sunday with Mr. and Myil Speck. Larry and Ka- the church last Wednesdav fol- The annual lund-raising cam- Besty Wahs o n il w nly Wa d One Coun. Hghe holat Saturday foret Con raltio sa r. n aond . GDnGubwosurig-r n, ampbel, GoLnaand Jon wd by ali poluck dein nier andr li f .e Nord h an s ei el wishes are extended cillor W. E. Ford opniosed. Ward Spring Achievement Day on the'Mrs. Allan 'Rae of Toronto on ton. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i Dawson Danioln n h ...mem h fe- enn r Reatd I*ilr1 en 1 Mr,. Donald Hancock who One representative Joseph Will. Uni( "Whag Shall 1 Wear." The cele'brating their sixth wedding Miss Jean Pelletterio and Miss Bob Everett. noon. a lin rorss ndofii l mdrwvent an operaction at Oak- mnoli, who had earlier held oui morning wvas given over to var- anniversary nMy31t hi Jane Poell of aple wre week Mr. ad Mrs. erb Smth of Aout 25friendsandrreatlgas hMeweerurgedesidensotohe TTraagargMemrialuHspi-IncatheÎTafalgarSiluarcloca-sousnduging clssesrad Pheeater- Mrrent ndM. and rs.bRobrtMMar end guests of Mr. and Mrm Ro- Markham were weekendi guests gatherd ai fihe home of Mrs,. w-d ini 1hi doallons rightil eon Moda.lion, changed his mind and vol- rnon session was attendled by shall attended anniversary ser- bert Wheelband and family. lit Mr. and Mrs. William McFadc- William Davies and Megarc n. " Grami Williamison returned to edl for the Eaton property when Mothers and friends to enjov the vices at Nelson Pres.byterian Dinner guests, on Sunday\ with den. Hamroilion on May, 23 for- a hahv Thle Liens Club of Milton is shool onu Monday followving an iheeie the newest site was skits and displavs plut on by church and tlce )Oined the Rae the Pelletterio family were Don. Mr. and Mrs. Sitiart McFadden 1shioe ini honor of little Conniulh uulL ing ihe mlail campaign here, prai to weeks ago at[ Oak- Li "*cmpr'omise" and offered as the girls. fa.mily for dinner in Toronto. na Harris. Don Kantel of Willow- ind children returned homne Sun-, Patterson, babiv daughier of Mr. whil, the. Bank of Montreal i, cille Trafalgar Memioril Hospi- muchl as the Trafalgar Sqar Hornbyv South, the club repre- Hapybrha ttlzbt date, Gagry Bellhgouse of Isling- dav evening from their eight day: and Mrs, Harold Piolterson. icein doaios Sct. loaton sentin hsaehdalmm al1 ronue6 Larrhd y Grliavesh bers complete the unit and Pu'- 9 on June 7; Randy Newton 10 mng on our exhibit uf "A well on June 4: Donna Gowlandi 11 on HORNBY chosen costume for church f or Junie 4; Anita. Allant Il on June Li club girl". Commients on this 4. Bridal Showers Annual Lilac Tea Banquets in W eek's News cOpeerccvn ®crsivraiced h utea rlircu ci, 1 poon, certificates and the new ,m the later Mr. Ernest Van- By Mrs, 1. McCARRON :The Annual Lilac Tea of Si. The Hornbyý United Church ning. May 26 i the, hiomeuof Mrs. Pearson of Burgessville wvas unit- Tornto Milk Producers, Dis- memobers a 4-Hl crest. The follow sickfer of Toronto on Monday. Friends and neighbors gather- John's Anglican Churchl Guild, 1-adies catered at a banquet spon, Flod Do.,, Th'îe roomi was cd in marriage lo Stuart Ireland tricÉ No. 12 hield their annual ing are the young ladies laking Coniratulations to Mr. and ed at the North Trafalgar Com- Stewarttown, was held on Wed.' sored bv the Feea io Agri- iastefully decorated with pink Aikmian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Producers' night on Wednesdlay Pari. Diane Dolby, Rosemary Mrs. Jim ·Hamilton whoonMay munity Centre recently tol han- nesday afternoon, opening with clture insurance Comimittee on and while atreamners with a large Thomas Aikman, Lonsdale Rd, evening, May 27, in thec Esques- Boothl Kathy Dolby, Ann Rhul' 30 celebrated their silver wedd- or Mr. and Mr,. Jim Brown, the hymn "The Church's One Wednesday, evening. Mau. 27. wedding bell suispended over the Toronto. The bride was lovely in in, Community Hall. Don .Hanl- ancy Hazvyard, Reverktv Hoev,inanvear.Tefmyad recent newlyweds, with a mis- Foundation" accompainied on teThere wa, an attenldance of about guesi of honor. A contest was a whfille brocaded dress and car- cock wasi guest1 speaker Keilha Greave, Gwen Rut ege, find ad rarv preentaionl and cellaneous shower. The hall wa organ by Mrs. J. Maxwell. Rev. 40 membher, presentl and Mr. hek)l and theni L-vndla opened her ried a bouquet of pink and white er Gnda Kuenz.1g, Sharon Hill, prty, for th e n thi scad decorated with pink and white J. Maxwell led] in prayer and Massey ofl Hamnilton spokie un gifts assisted by Valda Royce carnations withi lily of the valley., Man happiDreret rns o t i he d Ccladireawerea d Lyn Ealier occasion.> We join in wishlIing streamgers and wedding bells. welcomged the visitoirs and ladies. flrm liabihit,. Present al-o wa whoIi read Ilhe greeling cards and The bridesmaid, Nancy Madden, bol both v many ore happy years. The first part of flhe evening Mr*. Milburn, of Hamiilton and C'aro Mc:Carron, mlaking thec Toronto wore a gown of pale' hrilhday, June 5 and Valerie Ella son and Mrs. M. Kiernan. Squirts Win was spent playing cards with the- De-scending to the Parish .Hall, lwo rerse tie rm the. shower hat. Many beaiuiiful and \ceow. Garry Fishiock of TOr- and Diane Royce, June 7. Belated birthdcay 2reetmnes to Oahlouaio'sTa following winners: Mrs. Harry the ladies enjioyed al euchire par- Guelph office. prat-.çical Lifts werie received for onto. sise the groom. Rev. Congratulaitions and good wish- a little Irienld now, ihma in Truro "TheLl Squirt" werevcos oert Price, Mrs. Jack Royce, Tom ty. A sale of home baking took , At Synod whchL zdagrcefully thianked .L-s Manveli officiated *at the os on the occasion of their wed-NoaSta.LnFrwhcl-Lwvleem1-4a L vie Bousfield and Carlyle Feather- Place wvhich was very sucecesful. Rv. J.Mxwl attended thc evxeryonTe. A delicious buffet cereonyiv ding anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. brated hier fouýrth birlhdav r,, Park onll Tuesay vni ng.ý-4 Drum-ll stone. A debelouis toet was served. Help- Anglican Synod oftelc Dio)cese ol lunch wals serve. Mrs, H. New- The reception was hel in the Craig Royce and Mr. and Mrs. cently. She hiadt a.e red o unan ea pig em Aferte adsth ouging with the arrangements for Niagara wNhich convenied in Ham- ton and Mrs. Flovd Downs wereurc h1ICIall and der was ser.,Gatrnet Howden, June 7, Mr. and PG also played al the samne lime and couler wee calld fowrtohheferonwr Mrs. J. C. ilion for Iwo dayes fast weeck. in chirage of the shower. edb\ Si. Stophen's Guild.Metifr ne n. ADlneruss |lc.CdrSrnswr the rceivle ther manye lorvly gift Murray, Mrs. Fred Armstrong. Ray Jacobs of Toronto was a Wedding Hem Thle bride is a recent graduai.. and Mrs. William Chisholm, Junie M r. and Mrs. A -er CarfOn of . winner 10-6.pins e andiv god hes for a Ivlong an Mrs. Hlarry Scott, MrS. George dinner guest of Mr. and Mr- A ,er piretny wedding took ed dental nurse and the groom 9, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Me. Seattle, Washington.* Mr, ani Hviynithda to0aser6ar appyon -ifetohefr. Slncered Wilson, Mrs. Jim Stewarot. Mrs. L. Kuenizig on Suinday. Mav, 31. plare al Si. Steiphent's Anglican uwil] be on the staff of Cedarbrae Millan on Junie 10. MsLodCr foron drv G e hoil] celebiraie his thanks wre oetened t alnelTim M JoWarns. Mrs. Cla on. Friends, and neighibors atten d- Chutrch on Saiturday, May 30 School in September. We ih WladSir it ie r Mu M. J. at irh - nI brhaonSdy, June Carol~~~~ an Jim. foJhi in-KnWton Dcensont and r- ed a miclaeu hwrfor he Penelope Gail Pearson, iheum every happiness in the fut-i Hornby, is stil in ciil cni- and Mrs D. Downs t.Aseilfaiyprywl ness. Lunch was served by Mrs.i Linda Lealrmiont un Tuesdayi eo- diaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ilre. lion following a iolen edo Friends are sorry to> learn thial ble heIld. Art Peacock, Mrs. E. Bailey andI collision belwe, wod Douglas Leriche has been a pati.1 Masters Jimmy and Ronnie Mrs. Frank Anuzis. 1HALTON MANOR trucks Tuesday Mau6naien in Milton Hlospitail for the, Larouche of Oakville are ispend- Jeanie Kuenzig entertained a ton General Hospital officials re-! past week suffering with pneui-'img the weekend with their grand- number orflittle friendis on the port fihat he is completely para]- monia. We hople hie is soon re- par ents Mr. cind Mrs. T. A. Leslie, occasion of hier birthday un May |vzed and suffering fromi a poýs-'stor-ed Io health. Sixih Line. Happy birthdlay tri 24 Games and contests were Re bekah S p o nso r M ay Bir ay Pa rt sible broken neck and bruiken Mr. and Mrs. DouLlas Green Jim.h ibe six N'ears old enjoyed by Denise and 'Daryl back. iand family% and Miss Myr-na on June 7th, chmentan ohnvKenig DObbie'S Mark 60th Wedding AnniverSar lovely birthdav lunch was enlov- ed by all the children. 1Two oevbouquets of white a.nd Turkev in h c ai Te hecuc sevc wscndce!soe ofa" ui e and friends paw chrysaienteums and Pink carna- were heai' aplade and bhRe\ J. L. Graham1. Mr,. K t ¡drn the af ternoeon. Their, 1 en, and a , ery attratLiI birth- camnce back luer cini, l the pro se plated theorgan and ho, dghe.Mr, Shirley Bronson of day cake. complete with colored gnuni to, lak Road tol luhe 1sl jn Ralph Fsrsang a er.ogewnand, their son. Henry, candle,, made fihe hedtable ook and' two 111hlunbrs ipsiesolo, FierKo eDbi fFriOtro w PUBIC CHO L * "" " I""My nghti Fur orsplaingelelri gu- N I, ak n o Menidelsohn Lrandchildreni and fourt greai iMay 21, for the MaNy birthday,% tars ca e-e. Tho, played Srto iS. Paul grnchlre ere ali present., N E WS pIarty ai the Manur.l The pure\ ueet o , n I -l whchn , Th-I, roe an appropriateGrol Glahr Warden of the was condueoed undier fhlasice, Swee1 1.eilani. Teebu-s w e o r the, citr ed C unt o Halton and Mrs,. Gal- of Eenig Sar ebeah odg. Bll axwllGeoge axwll hic wa veses5-2 ofChatert lagher came Io express their good No. 79, oft Milton and somte 30) ,airry Buicklev and Rickie Down 2 t Sf S.Luke's Gospel,. Mr. r ihs Rebekabs attended. Among these:A ifon e luld by Mr, han lermo wa b dpni Mr. andi Mrs. Dobbie eeie One hundred and tent Grade 81 were the noble Grand, Mirs. Sadie , P'addy1 Wilson brogh thl I, e p. ula n -ers 28 of thi por. Iheir uet in [Ihe auditorium students from Milton's Public Thomas, thle Vice-Grand. Mrs.lgram tol a L close lion oft Scriplure. H, said 'h'l' and near their chairs al beautifut schools were treated to someu Lsie Stover, and the D.D.P.. Mr,,. Hoo Gust o mo e, wN orfi'fodaragmn of pink car -AH R sage advice f rom Halton County Heleotn Jones. Mrs. Thomas exfoed-' hono weakenedý and our hop'. h-a naions, vellow% roses, and pink Judge George E. Elloit on Mon-ed gre Ing foile ridnsid The six gut ofhnrwr laded and, we, cnol -ee he snapdragons hadl beent placed, stuipnis ai ungte% tiulum seP annouinced The programc. MÀ then calledo I- ohe heo I ai a ha l s, Ih l ill l Thse foesweete ito vi-sited the County Court Hlouse Thoma wa, the, enleriniem'i and as they took th(1l1 e e utloku adfllu and Administration Building. The convencer and Mrs. J. Hopkins was _ah cone was deoce, i hoad The soutl chat Î, a0tENYS SO E SL youngsters saw the judy; swear.the lunch convener. Laý p.apr hal ind prsntdwh ae s extem l hard ' e . Sopectale Caelon in the Grand Jury and direct th osaeo ne lrs et -,r nuheo ieg of e1, Two in g [ ale haditm bee se group. Th, firt nube on thle pro Nrdar Lard and j h)irilhdatt gi lopmrt. Iti fh ol Fhal upN in the auioru. nhe In ~ ~ ~ ga wasak eeruI p d 2.i - a group of accordion ofr a bo l ofhand lo i for , look for ireý,Icti 'ni G-tl these hadl been decoracted with Inhi tlk gneoulyspced solos played bv Robert Nevin. Hsheladies and ac bo-o c hoks hat receiesh;ici o Thb'w ovl bonquets of mixed with humor, the judge explained seetin ranged from, There* i, for' th'en on an. Th æru meage of Jesus is that Godt will 1 flower and a vr tatv he. LDE,(eTo) eei nqeFte' the British Law and traced the! ia Tavern ooTeBl! ynwr isfo ekn lrssmet sadbigu ap. ir anivrsay , au tifhuly AAIS gooc, selectio ofr qualitye Fthr steps of several men of greainess. ofu the Republe., ¡n Oakvilie and th', wer pr n ' nes omrfori and - ec. iced and dlecoratedi with lily of Da isgeto tas r xetoa Men's shoes in brown or The students concluded their Old Fashioned Tunes li by Mr. ThorniocTe"Iap 60th Anniversary thle vallev. The second table hadc saVings. MEN - treat yourself to new shoces and black in light weight fo g b turngt-e outyBuld sase ai prtof prgMaa o , - 4, '-lits bealtiful ials, In taile advantage of large saVings on quality fOOt- Summer or heavier for aill Seatut at te three schoolse formance by file membifer, ofth flc k wer, Bg. T s i x Fu.s dra foue (o thie fa, thiat it a Jos. Hoare, Mrs. B. Lantz and Wear. begn o wit exmsthi wekCome Double Club of St. John's rIelMr.BiIauMr .Per hm an, opportunity toexen Mrs. Katie Metzger- poured teal. and finish their test.s on Junte 12 United Church in, OaNl Teso, r i r C, gn iongra.Iuations, and good wheVrydainly refreshments, sanid- Tabloid field days are being forlde ntegou eelrur i A. R,41id n J-1k i, Mr. and, Mrs. Henryn Dobibie. wiche, rse, light acnd dlark McHALE - Canada's Finest Men's planned for the three sChool sini dressed in old-fashioned dee Mcae.woreriensfthMnr rtckendmalaesee1-ir the middlýeto June. amd hat, and ilhe one goenlan Since the daywa tbit an hol weeclebrating thir 'erved to the mrany relatives, and Shoes, Rarely Such an Opportunity Pre- inafl dessit hc wsstdi' "i ," "o ('1 Nhh nn erwarus on thtu dat t hiends ini attendanice. s 2 9 of b hs no-hie ai, out hka rsM Tead, she re , lhereeion wa; arranged hurThe rsident of. th M nOlr sented on This Make of Shoe Adjust Salaries ach ndad TheI, mn i - s I , a , Mpuudavan oeta r n rDbi plavedi the violin and ilhe flir,, Dl cus rrshnl sdIh, prsie i flle Auiir ill be, spared flicr many years, to 2Pairs $2 . 0f Extend Holidays tadhe a ,ed a guoal' e pian, ae NIa l \Id , A.lMen,- e td.orn ind Nvil eno manv, nor Re Uler to $24.95 Adjustments in the salaries of a "a hau ass \io;inn" andI Mh da ae dntd h, ihe i erlocn', atie. happy wedding anniv\ersaries al the town employee were approv- dtrms. Thec ladies were Mrs. And- lor' werel erve ith el lan Mr n ne M Dobbie ree1 heMaoi ed by Milton Counicil Monday rev Thorncton. Mr,.E, ao Cri coffee. and, a r,1ol o1 I1, er an alemlyee wr t e se. Mrs. Mary Milford and Mrs. was presemeld loeac redden1 en lbemor heee wes holiav Doreen,, Wilford. andi the ete Mr- B. Iamz gae a \er, flimne JARMAN - Most Popular Men's Shoe 1-ai after 10 years service with the on wcas Ken Thorm-n. .n peech Ic1 ihank, le fil, iod8 .95 town. After Mr. Thrtnhadl given lacl' Ilr chi n""i",- M LT N KISM N-IEG O in Canada and saVage Seniofs.• Hourly paid employees receiv- a huimorousý explancation oft the party"l and t1ho herirund uf M LO oN M N LG O ed a five cent an hour inctrase selections thev wereC about to pre . aIppbLu- g2la rws which, wvithl contributions to the senl, thie group played thecir in,- aplc io ifl". e ulrt $ 89 2.Pairs t new pension plan wilH make the 'IrumenoKý sang anld danced in, Re ue $1 .5s 6 0 total incemase 13 cents, Other ,erv comnical fashion to such cldf Left lUp Our Heads - increaises were $150 annually to fashionedl tune, a, Nellie Gra, On()I Sundayc aferoo. a 24. the clerk-manager, works super- F intendent, deputy clerk, seage c plant foremant and $250 to thel ALSO 20 PAIRS OF BOYS' SHOES ai[ s50 an th, e o MILTON MILTON Every Wednesday ut 8 p.m. Sharp SL aa ilea"l __ .. REGULAR SL lieh[ Jan n am 1. IN MILTON ARENA os sPRC Thurs.-Frt-_Sat. June 4-5-6 ....Mon.-Tues..Wed. Junie 8.9-40 RO ETR A ITN JERRY LEWIS mnl ROTORHMLTO "ROCK-A-BYE BABY" "THE HAUNTING" 2 A E 23 AT $25. THIS SALE AT MILTON STORE 'ONLYt also G. Scott-Jock Mahoney 3 SPECIALS $100.n Evenby oin t n t" Julisars larBloom $1 Admission for Odie Card, or BA RTLETTf'S SHO ES m Ev" yApo lï Techmicolor Jai Pheo• Osoretow" 877-3971 Maîtise - Saturday - 2 p.m. color Cartoon $3 Admission for 13-card Package Deal BRAMPTON 188 MAIN ST., MILTON MILTON 116 Mounteinvew Rd. S. Above Programgi 451-2306 TR 8-3501

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