Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 1964, p. 17

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* HGTTEST topio on tomo ibis cook booooecsa[o[ly heethe [hotal0 banono[amoaoad gardentwaor- [o. Coooo[[oos phoncs bano horon bootoisg ooilb oallo, moop q000000[Oompoot[[c, ppOr- contl. Phoncs [o tho [ows office anod [ho polior station bane a100 hoo s oo, I oodocs[ood. Yoo, [ho Champion bas hooo rooo;iig o lot of oomplaio[o [00, as cil- eoos vent [bobor diofike for [ho Slogiola[[oo. Ill doa[ ooilh [s ar lly od[[ocially. *i THE TEMPERATIIRE drop- podl oligb[lv oo tho flop issoo bot couos arc otl ou oosing high a daitsfron ao mor e ti ordn [o boll[roc * THE [000000f 0hut ha,. hooo olirood op laiol oo vrller [o flhc [0000. if doplioo[oda itelor to olecoo [ illo, coight prodooo more sîeoooîsiog ceooios cin Somoe of tho old oleolioo plaoko [[ho aooeoatioo and moro inddo- [cv migh[ pol remodo [o[oo thiogo $iko capital moobo plaosisgosnd [ong-raoge doro[opmoo[ poioioo. * EVER TRV fiodiog o boooe I doot boomiv bom voo fool aboutlit, bol [bat "dis[inotioo" Caotditt [bg mi[b tho thc tp[sdly maple [ictives on it milioo tme mont oa bom opt Hd boboe to sec oomobodo aob va00 [ao out00 atod[fig[oand dieofuroi. Nu, l'ninoto RH- kEoigo bor' . The Rcd hoobao 0000a ot.thohif[, at bco[. lit o loî ooofoodmwithboloobalomoand tho mooobaot marine and tho Union Jackhrvero t lobotoctop oH. Il mvr MUIST haro a Coo- oHiao [ltg, ohioh I dooy olo- lot 1. tvIrl iolo, I lbttb hoi Cor- alliaot Logio lias baHl sortie prot- tn oboddo troaltmo[ [ront flho daily preos beoaooe of ils espoo. saI of tho Rooigo. and [[o lss to-ooýtboiatio roopion lt flho Primo Miololor ai tho Wio- nipegonveotion. Whatolo n 00000 an Drb o iioo stonding opi for sie [iin il holioooo itn? Eoomobodv chio Hoo' il frot bol proHoo- 000 to II ointors. Botliho Logio 00.00 ooideoolov maHl' hoi hout o1 a0 Oiaooo aod. oloiod aooo.toh lot oootain doilio'. Thte tioon 0100 Hd tho ol;Ioto ooork oion v- 000r 00000 ldon- loootohaoouc Hs ao ou0 of ro- 0,0oili: 000son daiov pot somber oi sigbs$ It is a remaob- ab[e esperrboooo. ooro hoorse- holder oeems [o baveooosp[red ta makoe iî impossible [o meach tho rIlh hoooe. Somoe tiroot il- Iom[oo[ed, otheco are [ooked aa insieplaoo mohore [bey oaroo hc e oo from [ho rosid. Deo[[oa[io-boo[bog [lakesooooo aura of myo[0ry if $00 000 flosbligh[ osd [rod forioc[ fromn lame [o [0005. Il[omioo[ios of fibl oomber by tho poiol ligb[ toooldoid inooaman-oayo,ce if on bcep[og oobosos[boonal vs ors off Itoor tomsn. * IF $011 bovo ofilor or [li000 [000 boaolo [o obilorooareoond, gol id of them onl tdomber one io ao oooo.ed ioo bosocroferifior- 0100 misb tho dollr o[i[[ os. Nom- ber [ixe0 [o plostio bago of [bfs film bha[ soold ho deo[coyod or a[ leao[ op[ viel 00t of tho banodo saod reaob of oliilîdiro. Ra[b the ioo bon ooi[b its tight doocr aod [hoe plastio film ooo cause suf[oca[ion [o ooooopoot. iog ohildroo. * THE MEETING bolmooo[ Mil- too ood Gaboillo rooproostove un 0000io ila aIl] but amie- able bo[ Mil[oo camo 0000$ ooly wth a oloarer [des, of mba[ Ok- mil vlas m[lliog to osoedo. Thocy [t. a ooooch of old ooldioon," tro- ing [o tell flio root of Cooada oobt [[ag il soold boavo. TIti'. oanard vilo ohmaooJ ho a brotal cartoon bp Doot euMaoPbooooo [o tho Toron- to Star, pootrayisg the Lod- ionieas a bloar -oooed hocry - nool old bhimp, othtg- iOg 10 tho pool. Eros [ho Star oooos mbootoooodb ho r cr tottooto bob of [osto. Rot thio ioot a dofos of flho Logioo. Ih 000 look oÇtco itoolO. lo bas amiooritv of old ooaooo. So dooootebcohîclobhaoj ohe ourlittg olob aod Ilho oovioý club and [ho prooo olob. Boforo I finioh [bis dipreo. sio,.letmeoash a queotion. Whoss lrong ott booinp tho Primo Miniotor$ [i maybeim- polro bot [ts o ioob of a lot liior [bao a.ooaoinatiog him, anA I kot bod rallherbo hoood ibao daefoaod on offioo. At [hc saimo limne. lotic x p0000 000 admiraiono for Mrt. Poaroos ouoooago io tiookiog Ito Oýfag hiayoo, atnd dooop it in foo[ ofa body'6ýoocd [o his riooo. Nooo o! b1o [hooo ['Éod [osr hc le ut do il. Rot to got hook ta oloot I Orgotot0o oOoz [oH 'ao Ici', oerloioh[-ooo*t ogaioIoroahboum- dory to tho tbird fioo [bait oooold bane ioo[odod [ho Hood Chomi,. a[ plan[. Thot ooemcd goilfe hap- py bo000000, to [oro oror tho 0000 we001 o[ [ho tomo. altboogb sot as foir sooî as [ho boopitol or Casadiao Meier. Mil[ooos main ompla[oî os [bo[ on oob[ Oak- ville oi ooifliog [o pic0 [boro os litermfor iodoo[rial 00p00- sio, [ho oory tbiog Mil[oo ooodoii * WORK ON riho local tni [our hons ub progrcoojof asd. olcoogolo eoogb dcoolopiog saomo oolbooiaom. The out a00100 tookisg bottor lboo Irve vrso Étioaodooi[hoomoreard or[ and o-copcatioo[front[hbc00- or, tboy confit berceau a cool as- [0t [ahe own0. Ccr[oioly [bobr appearaooo oror tho poot 1cm $0000 bas rovor hoe oooohiog bol bcao[ilol. Moo. J. W. loCot obooon aod Mo,. D. P[olcmo cer- [ain]lv dowerroorodit for oooor- boadiog [ho oorroot eflort. * A POllUER 0000 a)oiothol on [tsfaoito TV prooptoo ,oboo]li oooionoooooîrod on [o .oo bim aboot a bomomorb poobloco. 'Dad, hoe side, oohooo 000 th0 Alpo" «Aob vaut- motilor", came [ho roply. Silo polo cverylhiog 0000$. go! il avec oobt The h,, buoonooooof flago ol o otIl, toI borlgotot, ooflh juvootle av Meo oood to rail .oood [logo, on flto daoo o! i boandoobato filao too o%,,r rionog t0 hond soomohody oloo 0000 wa 0 [bn nle ido. Wtt ooolood lot* dogotl cri, il îoo [bof) otit ho nstrotohoj -hoeorr hooonto o lot maoro hteroie litao lcrn dard - boomor. If vaut00n ao bitut ol gouticol- iotg, ho aIl oooîoo go [ohf. Iloogr 0$0 000 ouypplo for flho Gooooa an Voollon, or, o loit,Ie [ Or oooutoostNovao Sootia, oi i rapn vloofu Calgooov, andoolooy l. Bot .Cooodoo [[ag ioa anaîonoosni, iro, [bost plaoo. Ant in1 [hoe seondo plaoo, tho moplo bol, [o 000or MaryocriaillerCooodtooi. io i o doog nuisance0 tirol olotoe,cr 000 bon on otobo,. The oobo poosibleooooohol filot otoitIl oopr'eoooo i ohlolo 0[C,oiooo i ohol. DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNS SECRETARIES: Unoosyoar Oooolo Ooi offieo duewo [or [h mintesoooooo-to anid harga -Do No[ Doooooh" oigitor flio oborontot flooiooooooloooi,] ,il oo raotiosoOoo aooo t[oIrp1~oatooo (Illto paîrt bolom tlooiroboootos.[ trodooî'î O'. OMA phoolool hil Bol tiho hoooooý,oi,oo dont totoi' toi flio doo boo oloooo all ho1 flleo. Tho 'ohiol can ho Alîlotopi poooo otbA ion o figriter toit, Illeootosos ac Hooor[hod ol oolîîohîc ci, ttoirr phoo- i looooss Thono Ho noo.fil papht~lt 000000,0. coOOtiltoi il luton, legs, bol! tovr- olght. ROI totoe [fti' boIt onlo, tilo an o!en i. Coor li l[to ao nd foi-oo fitooicl Hoooooooo-,. Noos ctaogo iî-btoo opn. Coo[,toto blîlo. Tiglhoos anod tolotoo tiont 4-Go.oop, hoi aval 0001 0000000 chi siil vont haoHo ot ycr00 ooîboo. Koopiopg vaut, ar0000 il taiseotnoros[ioo body o[[ tho sen iv o o Ilc li[so t u ato s nerttOnL otaod op oroit doi. LetNooo- logo aod bicb mosoleo do hl. 6-SoootHo p and raily'oarbead il ol oboo[o '.ral tireso. (This a lefine [or nwpprin [boey Ho tl tiI theotitso. Notorol- ]y.) 10 gîa.. . . . ['ohil voorof[oofdo[o 0$ ,,oood yoro.co.s roood [homt n od Osoon br ig [hem bocki [o CARF T lO TRY [hiaouteo nor[[ol Tia[o n ifio[ goo [11 self?~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h' o'n n iei ob esofi and hofd [hrem foonoord oclÙ[oogo.hcrgoo d odopoood for1scoods. [101 f[i oc cloriogs, 8-Sot dlowno. Sipihtoo 3000 I SI, 'I ol l r oir., f lI NEW AIMENT I ondoooîond poor w,1e is qile il" Voot, she boA a ologb[ co01H [eed ta cre herself bp ceadoog a oiîî foaffh hoor and i0 ooffooosg bromn a typo- goaphical eroc.0 if)Woîlo rte ic oogooo otoli cl.0op tdoto r vaut- olioo , fatit yoit brook 1itreso. li-Sod lt vot- doob. Toob ooob t oo utoor4 lo'gohoale Io fic lb.I Thion do oiplt lien poohopo. Nooohooodu oofolc Il0 CANADA, .to rl Coooadioo (:iticotoot v000000 000*clu An' immigrant ,ootld Obc h.tpît [n aooopt Conoda .00it hoci ntioot, ahido ho [ot loooo. labo pot io i'. pingloo,odoo, sanelsCoooo Iltg fit elleto f RîîoBuloto-, lo Ilo otoitnd Op ond oltg Cooodo'o i oII cmaler oltg tl h[o fi, otool t 1 lc0c lot il [ a [titi lob piooo ol otolit ooHd Ol Co [oil ohoobd ho flho Nototol An thoco toi oor ow w o, - RouI o ,,oo .oo..oo. ole , f ,. ([oo, 10,1 andtooîhio, il,,iots, io Mooho oholo Pootme Mioioteo Nliboo miood Il8in the Popg con triersy lbec oulnsoigotnthe Aod id be istercstod in rs ev isg any, roades noittos opino EXPERIENCE [s a onodorfol sbbsg. Iscsnahlc yooîorcog clos a nobssako cohen you moalle fi agaoL The Gate is Open OMAGII PRESSYTERIAN CHURCII, a pr0100 litilo total 000000 000 Foor Seoooo, 0000 footoded ino1838andothe bickboldingqtsoedin 1909. Otot phaooraphoo loooid hlcop00n 00100-0 opooholood [te wbl sorti, of o ta rai oloooh. Wuter, Wuyter, Wter... Lat voccksddco banon laWoatdidga,. Hon 0-atcoog, cat ooasbing and 000 000 of a boose, bot oesdenos flbs a hombohll anA the oooohoooo poa was iomsdiateoanddiect. If os [otooaîe îlot Miltoo C oooîl,' on Moodop, was able t0 redooce tlie total hon and at leeso petomit isAc hoase ote, before thc bown hooamo a groot ostoork of loto' bocahoos and ,ofoooeoo. As il ooao thc poloce ottooas bosp as ooîî oos oosocoîo.g tho Hocroto of coooplatt Élot mivers hoong loHgcH vvtl libreti lettocoaroters osehoopoo ad there Il no 0segmnt of tho popolacotha ilaf 0-05 ooptosooeg lis gonneral oolappincss. Tho oid oong.oarod ahoot Ilote hooog plooop tof oaior bot 000 soffoocoln presoote oastotortoed. loolooolîo ibis ol truc, lot to tOc atoeoogo ,odooHoal ohe imo bost Hoo'o îile. Wofeo looo milos front tooo il, n00 of totol value Io [lic ftmowooosnot ortlcIý [00. [ia1o,îoly fie oloooloaoito of thte Kolo HeJ latwl ooble hoi pr000000 oniopol oopply, [os oeatototompioola, ta i00.00a fils, fini l 0000. torthoc 0000 befoo. Uro dooloooolJly fileo oooelopoocoof oll [hoeol loto ben ooggod hy ted tapo ooil île recuire- tueur tofill00000 0000 afptovlo tlao 0-00 footootoly toloolu o oloo a -0000 000000. froe olI, I ootooe, 0otia rueor tino tof îoa onoo.oo fine pet lo ho tenderdo, olIII ontoflao reaias- 00000000 ftort ho 00000 gardo 00 Mollo,,' onafot oopplf ri othe lbHoI,,,i tioo- sytteot have 0000-0 sooor0-0 lobe Topoy. heoog otte of lc fotot coooooooo,îeo on th atalo oh[aveoteoroopplo ftom theooota. hoooouaoo oo l.oooooot oooura0pyselot lot rire goth îloti loos heo eoodeoo ot theIri li~ts osooooolio havectoe plago- 0001 o,o,ci ofo, Yeats. Uoiortoooaooi 0ll tokoooao oca crisi to pomopt aotioo. dCool tot ole fli oîuo ols IIIfooofo a910.tlcr011ftfoy toi 0-0000, a.0 rsrvi oroo,.ocoood 000-0109 oopaooy 0-Iflo rotai proolm o, oii toolo c ases, île 00000_ 009 of 0-000. Trie installaiont of 0-aber 0000- ors il 000-0 ho, bot. Hisoooood as lot bl os [1957 oooi oi Joor of 1958. [n 1957 file Heoottoooaotoete ptoleonwtoh a nro omolliont gallton tootot 000 a o 000 of abot $70,000. Lroiyp >oloto .o. o ,u, Htl[o[foo- dad H oitollnhd ueof oîîoooothocdatCris regardtor the 010ooportdaoof 0the cooooodoy Foon ooooooocpaibooo cotinueo [o opotate r a fiai rtt oltoogoe lot 0-a,, ooy 000... latOIi tley woold cordote opooatoog or0 o fiot rtl oharge for opoiro. 00lai3000 pet 0 cen oealer lha, airoaverage lot a sotoolar thootoopoloty. Whl ivo agree ii woricioerfol t0 haoe ooiioood use toi thc muooioipal oaoeroouppy.o ifis aitocox [pensive. Instolaion of wtoooo 0000000 wooH le lot loo, an ,imediooe 000000000 tooday' oalet. Ooforooaoeiy wlco a pieoîofoi 000- piy os aoooîahil oIls n0t poiooooiiy etopedieot for0-0w [Othto to jootif Instaiiatiton of cooodeooooon of cioteto wlco oIe oeo, oeil woo opeoaoong.I ant hoooooodotoforgerthe rordiotfortoresa ooloootie,loter and [li' 00.10 y wîoo haoeilooor Noo w-ooo il, a ewtround ofi 00000 ooorioporot 00.01 o $200,000 pr000 tag ont itoo drde hope oisto,, clooooo t topoot bolif rire Koloo oholl -,00 ho, ot d.l[o olt ou io o la ohe 0-ot >.oy1oI,'p'" 00 00 Tit,toluoIelt,Ig oi.oooiyo,, ulae i ltOI"oi Il otoatq î i to.. l soi,îto l 00 , g00lo,î , Lt 0000e (ost itoo Ip oooooaoong oh, f1o, ai lot c0100' lo0-o -ae irc r n I oo. ori oo do0 ItholgolilKýl, Wooiootoît'ootooo otoo o96, 0.00.r ob l 000000tbtoi ottIoo. lobig I, o*r i e to,, duth,, ooîoooooilo ni:, ot0 1[obobo [t file t 1 î lot w,,, lt I[o 100 00- 0 I -0 0 I lob oiîoio IlOiswd eIl y toI oîboooî.aoo. aw 00e,1c , ofls tîo,-., loi. lo> ou, i,,oi alh nui0ob, 0, o u01 The Canadian Champion th , h[ lIffigaoiVbihlgC,1o Poilolhodoetoro ltoodoooi [191 Min Sni.. Millot. Ont. Mocoet til the C(109h.., [loc Ostoriomoorbo, Ditioott C.W.N.A. aod Casadîoo Cocmmnot Notoopoporo Ropre- sontotoeo. hohsorspnînss payable sn ad- rasoe, 33.00 ts Canada; $4.010 te Eoglarnd and other Commonwealth Cotris 5.00 in [ho U.S.A., and othoc Foreigo Coontoico. Autotbioed as Second Ciaso Mail, Pol Offico Deparîmeol, Gttawa eitooo i o il tolo[0.o I o- thoal [ortio 00eil flicrdoohooing 00000 or. oapod lor theoeronroi tm floonloor nolohrooonable olIocancefr lotigotoore vril oot ho oboogrd [or, hot Or loalanoe oftheO advrirtrcornîn il] Orl ['10H for ai 00ec appltoolole oorc. "le ohe ti0000nt o tîp)ogooph-ol 000000ad oooootogoodootmot-mir-o il otooog poooo, gonods no, orootr toto'. [toit ho ood. Adco lîoootp ils otootol oi fot loet ob ao map ho soi[bdoamo ai aooini to.oa fùJQTTINGS IY .IIM DILLS Tabo frets [hoe filles or [ho Cao- adi Champion, luneo 1, [944. hidJn 1 r otodooo uiqoe otiII ol Gracoo Anglican Clot,,.h. Milton, hot lnficfii looootro,oi,. olbnlow l[lo Ooot.,irg .l Gracoo Coh" [[1,0 tot, feotoe [ho dI..o [lot Mollo, hoooooe inoo oroted and oiof poooihfo looos t[oo 200 topo And o, ilo ,.hooh c0000 beoe foic to an foic peto ple$[ oil dooon Hiiough Élio ooul hooov lioo goidool 0'ioo[y ho flto Ploosoaoe 000 onolot o.0ol Ille 0 hoourar mooiipolitioooli O lto Cooolo [o oopplyomrgoro looo floo, dotoop hoohî ooolan loto,ol. rares0 Agoîooolu ooo Rop, -Cura0tivo J. h. Whoj[looh. Go loolng otolgl [toI vook., recin %%tsbton Il Agrlotol fina Ropoooo,[[tai00' Ofofico, Molý ton obIiol voo ohoondcd ho, [ho oohoo l000 and aoomber of [.00000 lo.oollt . [t vtîs Itoecon- GLANCING BACK Titien fronto the [[[s cf [ho Casol atdisai Chamopion, Joue 4, [914. Ol lttît,.t alternat a1 tomber -'.odooooo cI trial .otoooood flic oatteonoo of !i flic on. aooo too. ooedothe.ooo CIo i tlfheoomoll. otol Mollo,,. Tlioo o ril hooIttotoooollod ol oair[000 placo'oothooiig lle oooopooo., 0001d l blotI otot.ioooog ho toit uluhofip-oolu ooII oooox oi lic ,oolooid o < kiîo o,, \,il go , 110 oooot [[ Illeoo o t o est.ll , lotl K.i [oîoto o. loto 1,000 top 001t' Roit,ii,, Offce, GI t [100 oloiu looclioon too -[,oloo ilonlo n22oH 0000 an 0000,1 291li. Mo. l-loiohol, ooousof opini0on ai [blo meeting lI 000$ prospectosooooexcelleot. tito and 'ohoot dolioloclo mhîlbe hoeu%%, atnd op[it graoin. ingnr [li oobiogproomooog. On tho loocoi bad. oimlhooi,oo ltio- uso.o[oo.oond oeooiooo by [o flic Wooowo Poo,.oo Trodo Boardf o, pruood obtisooaooo- [0,0 rons Orî, loood [or extra fril holn oogoged Caotioailo o n 00 o.o af.nao.d. oo [io b-oio of oI ooil of [o,. tools pot- persan [hoi Millio Roolof ot Trode ,o[og ,t bord oo Toeodap o[ooo[,00 [holi Coototol Chombers. Mo. Wolloool ho, ord oohotitoted loto MI. IohI hoi prooideot. NI, in, WIdlt oportod [bt [hoc rIlgooOd oomntf[o was 11,0lin flic 00 ofgin [ho loooe lfoih Halon 00 htaol Soo- oit', h, loto, jliviong Joo1 beoo odiere Tooodo,. Mo. Wafdic ooggooooo[ [hoe Board orv tloor- 0.00000 .0 thifl loogoo lot Mol- ro 50 YEARS AGO [[o hoto, .000 .oîglg [or polliog ploaco'. apuioiotoog Hopoto rooro- 000 etcooo, f. Teoo h Il AIolirooo, th.,o ,oo polio- ical gaohot ooool Wesotern Otor. i.Noith EssexCooooootico 0,,,i ord doooooo à Éllgrom troom Promieo, Wfiooooooommcodiog lioo. Doý R,o,oo, (Oooar E Flem- olof hoe, M. otiiie ho loito onm [e liooog oond o cousoin of [ho hll ioop,, M,01.tt on fl[[ oui ouiloing o of [ho J'al 000 .o l,î I otl, tfor a r OooooOOloo buio1lding ho odop- lo ol'ott l looolo[ooo o.s0. TloO h 'te [o lio, d, Il, otio oH [[. not vvi[h ,C,1,dlJus vo,r il [o ih i loto toof to o l t flic INEVVS ARcOEm DISTRICTi j ý i i i, l I I0 Il [tîl l l[off [ d,,a [ -.[ t[ 00 [0 1,ro, o, 001101 bd uî S4,898. f.LORGIOWN -ooh0,,,lIon , ie fco, 0000,11 l[.,liol pr1fI ol,[ [I [îl tîtlour, lî l Illo. Il It, ' o l o t o[lodo l il, ,, ot,',,ý C Il, o ,îî,îî i, ui a Ifh.3011l flN Ihoo l,îO loot..., .. l , Élire, 18.19oo2, vll o.o,.o.[,oolhoooo[,,[ol..llparade'o. hauo,t IL .... n oM, .îoî, ;r t an flov,' o[oo .1,îo did fo,.ok 1h., [,oo f01dla 11'i i l îl isof l [ lit [[[ ,' 11 lorbot ., looru I01001 ,l ago.1li fi,- fl-, I.,\,. [lo.,ooi,,, fto,og R,I.o, bas ,ol latil oldbc I ,operdfle,'o .1v, ono ftt,[Of[ns 1[31 A111 fllî Io, au foItll, mai,. ,,t lo IoiginiIted [leorson -oIf , tîto i M P , If,, o,1, I\ hoo[oou[ initte if00..Ilol tlllll,,0 00101 [[fCn, Il0 11 l, I 1, , Il., ololîlît [0,100 .10[0l011 , fiîî i r 'i, 3îît QUOTE OF THE WEEK OlIeon o enocrelp tao morî ooooporîî aout on- ioooopp miarnages. AIl montiages ie happy. lits solp île ltotng faigier aliecoardo Ihal ceoses OIe totobln. -Anosymoos - i =THE GOOD OLD DAYS= GLANCING BACK TO 10 VEARS AGO Taiollufrontthe[llsofbe Ca- o.odoooo heoprolomioary plans adoss Champion. lune 3, 1954. lui, a hoopiol in Milieu, t[oev Apptooval via, go. [oH ton flho hli Lo.hhout 0 at[odod the oopooditoo or $f120,000 [or oh.e meeting collod Ilo flhc ocvtoigot- nwpoposod si ocl o.h,,o ing2 '.,oooot or flic Milton loloooong [Initier .ooo[Io Clo.oooho .[ Commerceo villhoo Q rc atc. il Moodao evo- pou.io[ or] hoei, filoigo in the oto, ouoir[[meeting. Mouiller[, p[o.ill[ol o oostr[cton oo[[a irisa ,[$po[o [ho passr loo['5:. hospital. 1,0' goooo o'og [ho, bou.tof cl-o [IhCot o ool[ rught 0u11a ofdoohoO, po 30. $32.000 in [ho oooopoogo A 40 1-t ilsooiog [oioh poooo [o 'aisoe foodo fur [hoc Ilo Il flhcooohL andoo.oooopoooodho lhiliton.[o centreo of [ho Cao- apotoinL2 000-oo poo.., on ail ainlIniucfrL. Moion .oo3 a,oSoiodoEi- Blindoooo.dgot .D.Ma. clnl ldo.d [II[oo f'oo hoUl ool, 0000000 oh,,,, 0,1 Milton foooo lioA tooato lto haoo ho on- l'iriser. ,oCI' 33,000 oohi,h ovao 125 kooo persan an0od ooolh et holvo 1" et ortiroi coola. G. F. doo'o d,,ol 1,1[h file ooo loko lfoooopoo 'a.0,0101 fi-, hoi blazeo o,io, l,,ood, ciras- Hoooo otoflio o og oqo[poooo[ III ~ ~ ~~~h hoooie tuoo raetri.[i[bs bgn aOg trho, .0v for a bail lo [ho top, ohooooog oui oooh di,,oodacie ollhoo %oh a[ tho so orce[o iaooh,oooloooooe reportl Roooooocluhpark osithiýooIIh CLÉo teo,oo vohiol Trolitoio,o Ai le fs t[îo[oooo[, s ,ohothe lo.C.1od oo [hoe Willot lato[ oo, olobuhoo ootso oi,ood [ho No. 23 Higlio[[' 0o[I[ ol Mi[ton, os[to, [o[Ood[oo rrngmet Mllon tiho hrigade[ooooooo oO,Io, poooood oilh tho [[oOo0ionlt xig010[[(l[eola.t0 [oo[l[[og. [t[0oil, o[ lic[ hoall Apublhhomeeoing ilicMihtoo d[,oooo oilf liooonloopo for hoohooshool ouditoriomIoofoigo[ p[.oog onoil [ioe.o-rfuur p[OpoooHd lhopponohntoolol.[olthofi pipooohood Ioono- [0 t[0[[l l o ar .[ chet.ot r foouc [lif b0- stop and lcili GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO SaafidSée isa ;ý UMILW il

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