HALTON WEED NEWS ROADSIDE WRIED SPIRAVIMO The varions municipaSsties in Haion County ait praotice Chamon icot uord etottroli on cuadsidet. Pouit ospersum.o huit pruven tbat herbiciderls are useful and effici- ent ando a eelatuuely ecoomioal meansof u kittîng werds on road- sidet,. The 1,4,D and 2,45-T or Seshkilt" mixtures are step most efficient chemnicals usedas they kilt a mide range ot uceeds and brush but leave tIhe grUsstiun- baented. This is very drrirablr as a thiek geuoth of grouit pro- i vides the grerrtest rrsistarce tu future weed infestations. The application of these hrrbi- cideshotuever, can bedagerous especially instaress whItre suscep. tible orops are' grume. Just as -tf ht toux as somebody's totouto Patch is damard, somen is in teat EXCITEO STUDINTS AT 0.S.D. uauat a turn tu gel their mukeop on, preor tu, their preseetatior trouble! Se you ecrt-ottidr of a fee-ut opereeta, Cîrderlla for a rowd of 300prens and oests dorinq Friday's ucerd spruying Isecomes a spec- oper huse ut Ontario Snhool for lte Deat. Teauhir and assistant director Mrs. PhyllOs Amont ialine bsiess ohr mpan bpr- appliet mnkerp, ICu Cinderellu's mtourer (Debloir Solliote) whilr ther daroers in the play wat cots lbe bomosry mar their tri. The 45-minote show thrilled the auodience as lte stodents perfuctord in rime for Ssceptible Cmoe Hrntust knun-obat crops are seusitive tu 2,4)andtiilar 300Attend oompundis. Thrse, by the tout. bee, beuns, tornipx. cautiflusuer F fm r c atnd îtbbgeM::rucllerbrs Cinderelia O peretta *F*era ACNDRELAOERTT oî and fruit fres are suseptibleA IDRL OETAint acertain staes ut tevetomet lI (I of Ontario Sohoo fort he Deuf He mot atto understanli bit s sI,,x t~ J ~ o open hootn Fouduy afloeooo, spra-ce and uperate it ast tbe S.Jx.IRsJxJ fo r D eLII O pe n H o us 300 uuuersted patrents und s proer spred and peessure, ftbnc Nac elin re ing intu consideratior mmnd dir- Ontario Scoul for the Draf os etILuha e cihoot hatpital. iof Mrs. Deoor and Mît. Snmitbh. ue(uo Wie, te ection and velocity. Ne mont a bappy scene Frilay aterun n ein md-aItaroou, tbe guests ru- Stage p copertit ooere but ariut cl Ciodetoila IGoîl fiauttufon read the label ou the cbumical a., 300 pareuts, friendu aud spe- asuembled artbe auditurrium to paitted by Mru Amon and car- Latky), Uoiy Stets (Sotott Fuît and ,tottotu a11 directtonsocuro 1c,41 guests toareol the-toutdoutiaIýtuch 30 01 flice childrett pre-et iote B01 il! Rohh. Faitg Godmotiteî (ebhîe Soifî Outtly. -hool uoing thesecondtanual'o thro-act opeuictta, Cinle-lit Guit Brusonuplaet the Ia A flood operator cill be uon tbe Patrtt»openholouse. o ieu-ie 10 piaîno mnusiu. treut palît of Ciodot-ell.î, vviîh Su-j loukout lur pouted crupx and S tn etthe, fr04104 cuests Music topeîtî-îr Met. tH. SIot- 'an F arr and6 Dohhio McClure î,îiî io- îiOoî perbaps go006cr the route in ut the auditorium tnthe Junior h i direeu hol operelta att play- Z uly tito u, and Dotatîta Lat- 1 -, L" Sebool, fben ted tbe viitoru O o che molic. ler assis*tat tir. kv bor mother. The toit-v GodI scau. 0îîîo îo',uoe R îîîl îtvac a cebu am't- oondooted touîrs îbroagh the ecoruwre teaîhor, Met. P.moîberuoos Dobbie Suliaîîîîîhtf oainso uce-!1 Heîiî, arîîi hleîethJan B Don fil roph ail he toa iot .oep s tebs oot. whbe c lauurmout ee e Amuon, Mis.u P. Draper andu Misst NancvWeltein vvas the hioul-ome I.. îito jîlitoeu iE % lisîî tibeooW EoeoontîSa3oherv-elin action. Tbeotours-in- D. t-iti. Theos-tumtes lî-eee île- printe. Suujj 1otic Iî- îl ourk itdonceilhehctbaben oîk- cideu the aîdmîîiitration h,îiî- signeîl and malle ht Mr,. Amon Miner Ports Pîiltîî. ouîl Luth, ing oitb beusbkilt bu must shed is DleoM.Pial -,d irh atlbuoatideootbsgbeoeeet îg, ohîtutretut reoiîtenceu. Lard, ooî Miss Drape, vvîl, tho heIF! King aoît t2oeon l-oro HeteuDun îMctui îîaM-t WickuiîdtU-la Hondlîuhile S1 h îîe toî- ~,h tecirf the netghhoets greettboo-îo ttaulatarrcotandtJean Barîont't lflli , Danllî Flkiluland or getingf tou cose to his wite\ sxaa ptoed t he met-cîlge .îatd oAok. Phlîuipheîî- flowor bed! to hret a slap-bap -jr~ a e s V rt The ItorIotIhîl îtreîo Iîîoo- lle diîîuî sc,-i -tu,d pv weellitpoateropeatoeoîîFRtt AND ,Nr i ho kec ala',urna ete,,- Roatti Ciao- îiî>,,iîîîeuulaîîluoeîîl th asurociol6grief to both popr-1 FAFRL AND Noos-kop ooe colo ni Kim Gouit-ot Vibre Man- oîp-ou - Ivonrand muitocipat aothae- 1Rogarditta hi- ltter of 28/5/64 Ca oaîian- iîIu puîlil cal liîîîlto A-, ii îo - île lotît Mu-. MiWilims ap- the haelhoooe of a oo-mopolitan, 1PlaIlitg lack of nationtalti -1coooio ationtihev hae eeevr it Pnst With Signra 'dence olhtuhinf. help utermitie tho piitic lioffSa tL R asd ooittf.wngceOsotrut Nocan Canada eercaspire îheir adoted homeloiud. h a l ceptihie lu 2,4-D catt be cotttdet to he traNv atttooomos wohite Wr toe t bai Mr. Peo-m flag BIG SHO an DANC1E ablehoipta 1e cod auhuciietotîgiog ou Biish traditiion and t- espeiativ appeopriate, favor- hi piutic ho t feotago ith etige7I The Union Jack ando ilf itoithe- British nor Frencth,AT A SVL E H L ho coold aoîl ahite 2,4-D ioarttîtt tho Red' Enuign arc tho sywol- bot oneompassiof att Canadians- ticîr. The areo auailabte teeL ut is-h oohieoemettt. We haoo, it onte limtiac ando distincotive 7 MILES ABOXS HILLSBURGN oflchargcte a t[îeo of ILe noight to them! tustaa-lembet. For oe ac aHrtt Countu Agriculturco epretentat-1don thit pat-auitio action! Noeo antd toromoot Caoadiantî. SATURDAY, JUNE 6 ivn* Milton oc rom the %hed lit Caoada mve havet dotuotopeil a Re.tpootfulty, ttttpootoct. The voiufltarv prc tctitv distinctivie contcept of de- ouc c mowirif roaduidet beside mocrao,, anîd t %vas for THS Karen O'Conor, With Bobby Knight and The soch crops ts a commendabte one ihat 57,006 ciliert, diod inthic Jaok Kieici. Cut Gm and rellets thcouonec' peido in tiuo geeat luaet, noi Seiîaiu Country___________ tho appeaîcîoce ai bit pi-opurty. Me. MoWittiamst car- lotitug hit "sentimenttal tics %uitb St-lt- FFATURtNG _______________ aind Whatnt trenat thud. April Dawne Smiley Moon Shiner Bill Lu,,' (letpecoiteli claim, unith Engtaod? Thceîe Caoadtcw ttag AND THE LITTIE WESTERN SWEETI4EART - "MICHELLE" it iutotded not'otiv for thi-t e feeratiiou, but foai p'ett.i - SHOW STARTS 8.30 P.M. di' ho-o *allegcutcic mat ofnc A.T MO R iitî b heoon more remoe1 ATrOOR ADMISSION 75c, CHILDREN 35c ýCanada has lashioned o deti. INSURANCE eare ter laf o a de to etiot CAMPRELLVILLE STUDIO AT 225 MAIN ST., MILTON eaîted on ruoa ic tinootîto 4-2271 Mr mwil> sse .tLe Now TaiqBookings -Phon 878-3645 ELECTRICITY h' ue, are crvn n lslc lion isteadoption o 1S OUR BUSINESS a itaîiionai flia anoetpettion of DoLt e aTb«« At E htul lu ohaiît a fareignna Clity. Cal an expert Ene-6 in *NEW CIRCUITS *ADOITIONAL OUTLBTS A: *OUTOOR LIONTS ' Free a Free Estimute Catil FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC cee aott, otagro by 30 stadeoîo - mut a huothîoht of a parent,' thul wos atteuuded 6v about eoîi qaestt. luthbe photo the t, goldn slîppec on the foot iwhie the: Mother (Dou-ildu and Dehbie McClure) ando the .an) Inok on. The Cannolian Champion, Thursday, Jlne 4th, 1964 a Rules for Handling Gasoline The poplitvof gaolioe gasolin utoage snce haza-ds [,%n hwr a- brought about uull esut if the cotiner a v ire dgr orhumov-hi ken. ersacoditfuto li Canada. l Do roi stoe ga;nhre Poilvr e , a t/ýon eio~ ,, I i I, Il,,- lodotalo4 Do- ,,,i O O I.Le g tllne in a 1 roie- lh tot ut aSm-oeae ilm ,onteammoot t l ioî I 1, ,-, Lit -e li hoate- ihal ma% bc slru unI isd Take flic luw oto e out of lia] propetl. fOne gallon, 1iîî îtîî dur- lillin, the a i~~~~ ~ ~ inî ao-- puucnlI,, i I ma H i Ii 6, 1). i- o .,k , o h le hodtitg oih.ndii ai giI,,olaic \ u O îi a pilled gaoine 1. Keep iuaslicei aoi il] 'it hdcl îîep.uiog the moor. ,,hil, i, oeil !ulicîl V;InIu___ __ %vihich t-t-o- Lit the top et a par Theic Lire mor hian 237.000 larlNci.nt.,,. 2560 brances of the Carradian 2. Do nul Lise icontiners a Hîgh Sebou] Red Ceots, TEEN AGE CHALLENGE 'PRESENTS ONE 0F THE MOST SI4OCKING FILMS EVER PRODUCED * DRAMATIC SCENES EXPOSING TEEN AGE DRUG ADDICTION. * SEE: GLUE SNIFFING - COUGH SYRUP DRINKIRS- ROLLING AND SMOKING MARIJUANA CIGARETTES- "MAINLINERS' a BABY GANG FIGNYS - MUGGING - RORRINO COLO 1 URKEY. a TEEN AGE BEATNIKS - REVEALINO SCENES PROM GREENWICH VILLAGE NEW YORK CITY. HEAR REV. VICTOR JACKSON SUN., JUNE 7th - 11 A.M. - 7 P.M. View Film Bt 8.30 p.m. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Cener Wakefieldl - No. 25 Highway or TOWN 0F MILTON Notice Re Waterung DURING THE PAST WEEK'S TOTAL BAN ON LAWN AND GARDEN WATERING BY HOSE, UT HAS BEEN POSSIBLE TO RAISE THE RESERVOIR TO A SAFE LEVEL. IT IS NOW POSSIBLE TO PERMIT LIMITED LAWN WATERING FOR THOSE LIVING NORTH 0F MAIN ST. FROM 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. ON FRIDAY EVENING SOUTH 0F MAIN ST. FROM 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. ON SATURDAY EVENING There is no restriction on Ethe use of watering cans or pails. Your co-operation in conserving water w ill we hope permit this continued usage. Since reservoir levels musE b e maintained in the interests of f ire protection and industrial production we ask your continuing co-operation. TOWN 0F MILTON WATER COMMITTEE MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCN 136 MILTON "D"j DAY Commemnoration Service SUNDAY, JUNE 7th St. Paul's United Church ALL Velterans are renqasted t. attenda. Parade miii assemble ai 10.30 *tM. ai Ils. Lagitos Club moins et ou