MISCELLANEOUS <CoewSiqus MILTON UPHOUMRING- FR.-IeIçhiî-ng, slip-noyers, cas- bmbft 1'isejsePrspiku and delinecry. T~ -04 35 Mals SI. c-37-31e0-f hi1sig futue reiniings rug ceeslni. Prieompt service, levt quality maîneriai, fine tcork- mntcnhip. Baiîey Bli, FR 8-9741. c-49-3893-f Et.t' rinteso s Illel vs ion tnd radin, Bobby Knight and his Countryn Gene,. Stundios now lcnted aI 225 Main Si., Miltnt aennn bncking lir showslnî, dia- ces, gardien partines etc. Fnor the besttin Conetr-y Music, tuaita ont office eveniegx bettneen 7 and 9p.fi. -3-4294 ODD JOBS YOU NAME IT - WE DO T! ci TiIing lor and ai e Stnormenintlct, *Piniin, *Rîntng *Rpîî Cafl ED STROUD TR 8-9937 PLANNING A WEDDINC? Call Marilyn E. Oldham Floral Deigner *f 14 yeâys' enperience * Wedtlieg bouquct specialit "*Retncleepicen " Ft-ee delivet-v Huttonsville 865-8504 Weed Sprayinci UL 4-221I3 R. J. Inglis UL 4-272 c 9011f REALTOR AND IN SU R AN C E MAL MTA" (CofEnsmd REAM EMA"U <Cenoaa PRIVATE SALE GENERAL STORE MODER0N STOREY AND A HALF 'fnod tcckeen, feid ownIr ap- WHITE CLAPROARD atinent plus rented aplarentl 4 bedrcnm, largcelivingt'ccnt plus tepait-ehcp aed etctmage large kitchen, anint slt-tne epace. 111 hclth fotrces ente. Coin. and serreeon,e.roua,nlinOceîl,' iereclangeeon prcpety. Ap- vat-cl gae'ngc, cloe In sutcll piv Bn-t t1l, Acn Fee Pess, tnîl sho~ppinîg. St-inn. le-Sf 878-9862 c3 $500 Down Payment One Morfgage PRIVATE SALE $57.00 Monthly Btilntill 99500 clown paument for' hie 4' nomhome in Acien, cnntptete 10 ACRE LOTS n-ilS moertn kitchen and balle- riA grandt nppetnity for- Clo-cmi Geortowîîn. enttc fitel home witle pamett $200. DO.Wit. less flat -cc t. Full pt-de 15,500. Lo,î nmarihl paîenclv Phone Brampton Handyman's Special $800 clowcn nîvinient lto t open 451-6798 ennt-tgfor et-hie ltrge 2-sît- e- cy leacte homne in Aclnn, 3 bdcot-nn, fourd eleeti kitchen and licing tuntm, ne edt- pait-s, dccncntieg andi 1he cnt-e of î, nîrtutonee. Monthle G. W. GOLDSTRAW lenîintc $64. Fullt tnt-e $8,000. AlReal Esînle Bicher E. A. Mitchell Ltd. AFTý-p'e of Real Eslite REALTOR Braii 41 9 CA"S PuI SAm teoeuwe 50 GALS 0F GAS FREE teilh purchqe of newRatl- eo cset car- tcring May. 1963 Ponti Parisienne CONVERTIBLE Black execit.-td intcuc, con- -oie eqcîpceent, 327 mnt- bu- cket sceats, sactv becs, pctver tcinnlcee bclttes, steeetinf and 1980 ENVOY $795.00 1959 FORD V-f. aatcetcIic. $995.00 1958 METEOR $595.00 1957 FORD Fait mcc 900 $795.00 1956 FORD Fnirlann $395.0 1956 li Inn INTERNATIONAL TRUCKR FildCrpe Pnetîîe hristie&Woods F ,'îîr Tî,eclnvcî,eng" Main, and,, Onio, -'l'. REAL ESTATE BROKERS P,înii.înîlJ AlAl 1,11 Fence Rctee Lanes & Lnîtte '15 APARTMENTS RENTED - AS S SPECIAL M ,,,, AI,, 11,11 i,î t i89 Main St. - Miltnn Afitnndv in the Mapîc Gien Ap 1958 VAUXHALL. $195. a -, i , i 1r. , Tom s S0.900 fufl îticv. 3 h c,nîn St. . No ,, e iltr tin u n 1956 PONTIAC. $150. al. o h,(n - l", hbuegalowî, Il,i, kiltce, e ,tinI înei ue t ehle, CLEARING"' C so p a ig lîîîîîg îo,,,î di,,,ngIc l,,, lu ,t. 1916 PLYMOUTH. $75. ,,SI il,,, , R.R,3,siton 87-300rayîngr.uii AUCTION SALE s c h l'o ,-1 pnî.le, pic o Terr' ilet. CUStTOM HOMES llev L,înen- A iIi, Ii oot c n Pîlet.OD Modem and Older Style ' \,,,,,ov Mo, ,,,,letil 51h0 îIl Iiikc, ei ,li,,it andî Higi, Shcî,l, 3 le.-llCnni VI HÂIÂAPoSIIkIT HSI brick homnt, i î,li aluniumn paicuis, licigt-n tîil vu .y gvN/Rum4 cvuha tet-iititi lie p, k, NO ! NO ! NO ! NO ! lartîî geîkî,ict. timng l, dliî,îîîni n numikîtItcn. ,,, ,,ltctn clci ,,î,.nI,« f'ie dil I,, a ., ' il nnltCC,"at[ille elenl tll I jitIcîlz..- ,, î,Iuio,' gar-age, fuci Branle t.oth ieurca'lecpitall envi aîie; c, ni.ti , e . î S ,..,. Ilot pne-ttan", colet sec île W,'][ l, d'oit,ecî îin tî ITN ONT. den l,e euinI, caini l R ,ltk,. v ,,.e tentl ync $90 laui , u) w ei S2_3500 fll II,, l,,gi brick 1.i 1n ar,,î an MILTON, S en l l ,i ,, ,e4 v ,,u,, ili 47 Iv,, e 3,8-ne [Iiî doso p11 niiice en- PHONE 878-3441 SATRJRDAY, MAY 30 cit,,ei Si Sada cents. Fa, sinvîîeî , conf,ien-l aln î,îtîgllî ii n Pat. -~ î,S200 il achscl en, -3 A 1o.1I I, îtnou, a oa pnin t Ç150 ial, Andennu dclineC los entî, ,til -l îln,îapiIll dal' tri~ Ii clîneîllec t.\ c3 AînCv,î fiind. AeR for a Mni-Lcnn ai Chie ie.a v,,lale pvîpct't AtlBnBe.M S AR Y M.si Huine 11 Porcl F ,,,, , Rn i, 181 M IN ST., Piton, 878-2171. ,î,tît î,ll woth elItî 'CTOPIA'-Ai Inel. ye haeat liel- At. hctantî2cy Id c , S.E. .nîî- i v ,î,î i,, -cul 2 buildiîng lots eleat yce Legal Catvaflian Tire sltr)A-nIit In u ' C ECE T Campbellville Arna havîie e aiîing nor: ______ash_______________auei 80 an CkS T Fr, fil liatce, 2-st,îce' hoe,. I0acretree lof It evile clnaeing SL -di S ale . fo ma hi S, it FINANCE ds dcv cr enln 'Fenî t,,,' pni Pl" Fi,.c, li Ivvi c, 3.500 [lîl UNDER AND 5V VIOE 0F 'cid Insectin lo I l ,,,,,,, CORPORATION LIMITED S35.000, teý Ii i,,. a Wîit of E.ecnîicc ieeced (,le, mnng ofci, f0' i O. V. MncDONALD,Mancager c'Ii I,înîlîciîl lot, urvetvcit and cille pur orto naic Avîciinect-e v ip.t, din 3 neiIe, ennie ni and n t m îlirt-ccl, weecin ELLIOCI andl HOLMFS. . fi1 Manc Si. F. Phoe, 878-1171 7)5l OO0vG i i.10I 290 i.. OLGA BERNICE MtTCHELL el Clet-ke F. Sceîcei 12-4 878209 878-1 iccil, lI,i950 Cil Bob Lak- Plaîntîlt andi JOSEPH ORVILLE C. Land eleîîih c3 n.MITCHELL le Dceente, I haee itî472 c-3 1 I IFLP, ItLLP'-We ti-cetlv i-c- and i lî citer-fort-aente l PubFah Real Estate clait-c a 3-lecîiCncn bungaîlow Aictin nI nty cffice in the Nvî AUCTION SALE ______ ,î,i uih al[ conîenienc- Couert Hce. in th,, Tcennhipeoci A. I. ePAcG e,,î,cl le,îîîcen Milton Rsqeqî,ing, le the Coute of Hal- I~n ,î,, ziîn1)ellileîc I cr a c.lient Iton, on W feneeflnn, ihe1tIl fiat Of Antlquandt Modern REALTORS LSMITED %î i t l a'nnfcl cwn ilvmntn. of Jane, lt-b-, at 1he hccr of 10.c Fc..n..are 12A.W i,11h Cl Ale Coik c'cich in the foctnecan, ailth 1h, J. A. W lloughy Mne-eîoftehe Tcorento, Onario~ B9~K ES rEM-tight, titIle, inteeet and eqcity of The clldcîîijied h, &Sons Ltd. nEsta Boanrds. -largealoi Rin -on t-efcinpti .eLEMITC ELL, ORn ethetrelcnl d c ohne undiicîî,d cne-half intereet, in LATE MOS. BESSIE NIXOIN 51 Ycrs Cntntuls evie itngan dnigandtu the folicîing lands: 169 Maril,, St- Mi1r,Ie Realtors cin. aIll h,îycnieiitrollf't T RA, nîE 6,i19d caIIT,--nieÂDCA Icd ait- heel. abnaîin ALL AND SINGELAR that ce- ATRA.JE6,16 64Yeats' CcelinccceSSerice, MVIRLO REA lo ,,,,,nnd scrt-iîeend dccîe, tain pnîciortrlaclflaed acd AI 1.30î'.lnklîlIl,,v N rh M l n 151 ICrI I OS TRI Lit Prenielîî,ît-îes li, 696 PI~ pt-neie., sitct, ling nd buegchi,W eilerri2ni; hg NAorth, MltonîAieîo onh picipal, intrs andî partIIi of caee cen,,:as hal îî,eî,.î Lceety3-bedennntS55t0 fî ticl u,1 iîl îî, . ,î lit lIeI taxes. Docîv p nc, $2,900. Lut1,Cnccesinc3inithe Town- a\, n ic nkî,hîî~î brick, spacius iveing .dii c I, , neIîc -1 lîîî ,iIî, Caii <.lArt Pcck TR 6447. esi oi Nnsaevaî-a in thentptI,îîi. ,,,, ate aet Oînpnce Tis I i ci- le, I lil ( c,î Iln. 1 MOÇN l ULY - Muet hc C -îl ci Haltcn, nti-, liai- nhnt parli. ev,îl ,, îînu lîîî,î trnclin,, flcuît- plan ai-c has al Lý,,hîi .,,î jar t iîîîîî 3- ho ebîngalowît, , d iccîef e0clî lid i îk nief,, orl al vic e czd Rilchcn andi rcici ai" .î l loltitf -kîiî ,nfîitnlîc COMMENCINO ai n pointî inc cxe cîînfîî tictl, 1 lit-ccd tel Fuîll pt-ric $59,700., EDEN IIM ILLS îi , i aînd scrt-ins. Te îvnre (401') Scelle Fnt-five de gt-c sanl] nlîlicg top Ii ,,,I i 59s mnt-tgngecvarre for $c 92.20! li- onele $2750 fll clon pay- Wet l(S 45 degricee Wl ft-cnîl, th ae -Isft t-îîî eîc,,e v..î Ilik Pi. Cil AICnirnsîe TR 8-,,EXC[7II[ENI FISHISO l elt. t-Il Bîî.,n Blest Eett-i anei vaifi Let No. i. nIIînPlcýIt i,îhl, dci,î 6980. va m ll ,tli,,,il,, 0w, .1 "evnic;eieTenh Flui, kîîtn, fable anil 4 o ir 21 Ivceî,îf 2 ,l,l RE-SALE A2,000 DOWN -Clny Cneso 3.ith Twsipc i r chi .. o l J Reduîee t Sell I Ill. cl f ick 3 hci,,îîî. hbungalow Nae-agnveyn. in file Ceîe I ofleit-n;, -I . .in cf . t-I Il Ilco ie ' HallcctltI I.lc Iii ,a o îi il,,lîP-I l îIL'vlapà livingicnnI u table liglîi, 4-lredit-nn I Ct ett-rci Wie C1 î î,ipîk , ., î Iord h, - lii olaeitîe lo ca, lai-g, le1, THENCE South Feeltylin, tic- Maheganî Secv ,iiîi, boart-d home, cican ande allen, c î,, do-îv.iIlî î,îîenîî nîv Publliv at-f Higli gre-ce Weet (S 45 degt-ee, W) Ii uiîî f ourbgi,,nll id lîvv,,. nive,lage o erntidt i hei , in- ion, onî.î 1,î.i îI, îîi-. Caiî ml Sfîî l i c.î i G,î HainecHncdied acd lc,,ne-tive Ici ant spîîîîg siîli,îîv~ ilklicuI .,îalnhlin ro ,x l ,f 878-262; 1225') parallîl tn lthe hourdaiî table, bellik Iî - tienaiiy lin,, let i îh tcew ga- f,,,,,, ,,i,, fîli'neHOPIG Fe-t-ai nltance hntwtcn thc double licîl Mnklo* B A.1u1 ngc Mn-t vcit as eence leOESOPSOPNG-Fr_ tt-anvlcCcd. Full etic $13200. Noi î,,,, ,,, c,,, iiqlilclci TonshiîpclNaenpgaecaaed iet,Scl i,\t h IuvrIîcoi C,îIt Anna Cafienv TI 980. CA MPBELL VILLE asîî n-, piî,,dcd ileîvîgl t ieiccî Inîniiln- nencI.iîî,lllk ,, C iA C OF A LIFECISOr cllî,.i SI iliO Caneaîiî,îeN con Towînship); fa la rc I24'ý' Mr ,I Country View esio,oi fu -, , lcr 200 F,îvcililiiletî Autoî THENCE Noth Fct-f-in de- cl,ai,i ei Di i., ntcephîee 3erc cuene larige tiîtîîlîicies ndI;ll,' MvîFivicîcîc c FîîcHn ed 'anîl Eighîî c i in iclîîiegîfible ind fhi lInnl oi-cnt %it-gctieeiciean clicîîin , .f ,,,îîih I îiîi. fi cepn H usvtîn vcHE C NtlFc- l (5811: ec., kii, ittE T -ralo m fn tihen, nc l c i v i i ,v ,,fîî,î fi,,,otFrvfie(e i ot u rctniegCge slainro 1 " lc alill l Iliic , I 9 Ioi (ii Ipe Sit-fiî Hn-ca,î Tîniie cvc cec;l", î IS E T lio roulla la91 lIl kSle pRisav ,,ee TEST DN4 ere tfil d t- e r, ta cti len ,I cc goo tveîî v orIfer te, balaî-; ; ti).o lld pecid c. Pike518000 95000 .în~I lt~0 i ~t64l ~ 5 310 Mai S Saee i H Mîtnican THEESenlFy-Iief takl;pvc DP e tn tt-age al n ,.l ,,îî,c,,iiI88 2 2 r 87 59 ecehai Sf Cg-n-E Fî llnlc-Guelph l m,,, i,. CntneT 25îîl);, e f EîII-n led racdncîlîîi.îcîi f5I' nahe île, 'ac c,înntnv îvif , TESTv D î.îîl i --- F Irn pc d ot-n lit ____T___8__3_58____teoitofco mece_______a utiit o n ,îî a ,îîî grood ocunn I c i 'l Ic fi, i,,rSa e,,iii, cr J A. Fîlît( 'FR 8-9233. ki,,f î 1, I i ,,,,,i' ,d, F,,idwiîi,îd For Your NeRI Car - Dan-fl ai Milice, in flic CcInî IACK ELCIOI ,,' PRICED Fo pom tan curcus er Fl biInnîîllhlo Halten. thie 241h îlny of FebS S3-2 lE 8-Q733.1 vice, vielf ycct Wilcughby ing well zI_,,Iapd Io 100'xi__________1964 t ersnttie 200'. A cice Pince te lie, Sltîil bîîs Fases dict-r. BUCK HAMILTON ANDORW W. FRANK, ANNA CAIRNS TR 8-6980 Sheiff ATnt c-f - Hatînit.81 BH 340 Main Se. E. Caî AT B E LLTROOHH J. A. ELLIOTT TR 8-9233 TOM Bradley BELL BROS. PLACE VOUE WARE5 WHRE f Cîet tN.TR f-9543 TO 8-380 THEY'RE SURE TO EE REAS - MARTIN ST. 9CorStN. c3 .c-31 c-lAi - IN THE C*"1111MPSON ' IOAL <CtbasSînusd General Session Cccnîy cf Hcllcn, i To Wil: I Notice is het-elei given that tie Coutî,fOGenCcttitci,nv, culthe Plcnî ani ulthe Cî,ne Cout - COUNTY OP IIALTON wilt lcel-d in the Courtt R,,,een in th,, nent ADMINISTRATION BFUILINGS Base Lirn,. Eqtîeng, COMMENCING ON Monday, June 1, 1964 a[ Il- lin of 10.1)( neta I.h Savncg Ficni ofltînh ,eII JUi îe e' il tite P,,nc,, Cncnnct, Con- stnles, Gotcl, ,îndl aîl] nls cocer,ner:] iir reuteiîlc tu lak, noticeand ttndt don a "a pt-i-umt cIl dtlIiCtnhikle apele tiin Ithent. ANDREW W. FRANK, Sheciff, Sherifte, Office, Halite Cctîni Administratin Buîilding, Base Lin,,, Esqncsing. Ma, le, 1964. c-1-3 TNEEE MILTON SERVICE CLUI Lons Club hosend etber t-q in the, Legin Hcll. fe b. Auction Sales WIivt him tii, lvi elent eit ob McCn,i< ni Rotary, AUCTION SALE Gae A, flic $995 in Damage GatLitesînck Extchange Milto n- fîi,îî Illeln, R R. , I,,tnNi,.,,7 Hnlîe,a\ înityh,ytk, ith mleslcyt .1 nF,,ltn. 1 t-î,Cr, flîl,i age , ,teti l Jillt .111 l.len ltc ic S1195. adpLIrin hic,îîcdcena. Ait L,c,,n, i it ,,,v, îî :urtaun is Up the New RACUDA IAILABLE NOW lE SLEEK SPORTY LINES RIVE Il FOR YOURSELF )OD SELECTION 0F ED CARS FROM $50 TO $4,000 BROS. Ltd. MILTON TR 8-6380 ES pennndi tht-e' t co-pnîni mni ,- q theni îAady th e the Rotay Cli nd ptnqtct avhaon tr-serîvice clu nI pn atham, Lions CClu brqa tt-cîva , qi, h c nai e p ro-h, c,,,,,, of Kevvc,î Chuck ivvtni ofLi, nd Pàp riiefnt oi, - 1 ,î it .1,,1,I' APPLE I ',ITVRITY t,,I' ou , nh,,vi i il e i vk. t,, 3 ,,, 1 SPECIAL C-I-L EXTERIOR PAINT * WHITE LATEX * WHITE PRIMER $4 99 ED ai purpose painS * WHITE HOUSE PAINT -GALLON TENPRO DISTRIB UTORS LIMITED Main St. N. Anise 853-0860