Ml - A*k P.rmissi.n t. R.g.ct Bids Crek Water Removal Worries Halton Conservation Authority 1 Hatton Relgion Conservation Au- be les thon 100 G.P.M. Automati It ie start prooldioz things tike puy 100 per vent of tthe voit; thtte i baok to ho eoriously uodor. thority liai deulded to petition the metering deoives are ta be instai- snack hars, prctty soon 0w-vcon- jodioldoul Authorities wilt have cu t, DuR Murray, Field Officor. Ontario Waler Resources Commis- ]cd ohove and hiovo tho dam tont-vativo areas s-iil look liko t urepa 25 per cent by 1967. repotttt] that the Depv-îmtvt befor permisision tu rievinws- ec that these lionits are not ex- Cooy Island!" S.Plooo seaing f or, o igin l lat d -tt.oto-- d havlv î- lk a07 roquesti for- suser pusopioz oonded. lhisu tp htoto p smt withlin the Authorily Creok Greehilosse po, Ri a,,t he oictiofî PiI tile authority to inovsigolo howtu sto p tho tove ationo s svotershed. The meetingootttiormeol tlt.ttl totot Coservation Authoritv ithoyt ld copcFte totth thec ov cu re; t.-vih deep Lut- Mrnihori spet oîidrahlv. grriohose pcraiov un Waodi chlto- ht.-d tlîldavjinLon- Oaitt'lle Ltons clubit.ttolvt- d I sqttth ;t ovillîo tut bc limetal their regutormeeinli et' sîLitraooiluldttvvvittt A., ini io a nOkvle1rI aogth akfi ri Thursday, dIsvubiig vartots alp- fontd pipe lu the 12-Mvil0 Cotk chaos-u frtiai acott- OoluriLt. itok lantti. tttt tplace. TIR enftttoot -tiltiRt- plicaios frotpriva, adcom--ands-opropiedttar uirvi met with he.ottvite.tolEO-gvMr. fDtlil tso uggutdhlth hotd.bift-pofilsvvtint.-nd, merctal ttrmsfor permsion to iog iout apermnit. Amottton ad R.u-sot.esManagement ta a flod contrat prouttlut-aoBrneitottttulttoh ight terni-ot dram s-atcr from uuthorityospassd r.qu.tngthCo îi ,tscnstiRtkoth orkdohein adeauthrty schm. Mlttatitnt. vtreantî. Saime memhors oxpress- mission ta intostigott thts -sitr povionce. Purehase Traetor Mt. Coipps reoutnc-ttt rat cd convertifthit the demoods for lion.TotttyIi Rt Bs-oS. Haris, chairmanof the . Tltutttivttt tanl Asiattie-h vreck s-ter in tho Halton Regio Regardiog the Milton pupn Lpandotte iite the Us do- Bordan eusi [lpor ao:ei- wvcif the prescrit trend coin-îsaint oftctdKlo sen thie ttploot toh e -to tinth. "00-e totît-t pirhsfr10 aeo nopralfoocnta morud, going t0 eduvo the floto m es orct -fihit il toould hc a Fîrim pocd s et hc îdms-oîî . il un Iternational Cuh traIt-r suttv ot. ie it Hitoo Rogon in- taadagerouslvvl. guod ideaif iîooud bconsruoî c dtraoinîtheCttunty Agriutrl oqutppdsviril auplot, o.lva ulti-vo-pirptt he Itoa cxttiof t- Renies- Fint cd undergrnd otlof sihl.A Roprco-nttiicsoffce rallirt.o lo rs aîo-nduadouhledise. This pvortsi Btîrliigtuotv ,ok The gro p agrecd tsk OW.- phturphof apuotpiogtation thtv bytohe Coînseroatiton Auitrtterttitluocused ta ultvods vile R.C fr prmuoie u -vot-in okiiloîiîuctîîovttvo ti ii This hbing doncJ 'bottotlvofootoloplant- Ttoîtoîoî M. Haîhorlo repototi laidfu pervision tou rev ov in huOlhvio ithtttv asnt bt-101eIlIi I trouson oootoî-votion pruporly. tlztttlie Kelo Ctostrvionîîu plicatlins made hv frismtîîtin- hu%tuîfleo mtintg. Anvfr , tito pttiootiezt i ftrm p tîlîo At-tîoOgd inlhp-îto--ooviTt dividuals furs-olg wo t.dntndod [ha[thti flihocnfutp-oîn HOtttt uO hor lltOgrtttottttflottouttltotu $27 One snoh application ta ro tus-ntil the Cunosetvattttn Aulit art-t il tIhe proîittt.. Tîth o-tnlt httoAttîiut. eOtoii t-vtoil 27 the Upper Canada Country Club bud tobuanceo lt noot-ithîhI Gutuoîts-otti,1oîtt'tdiog a vtOttt gtest the Towtnship of Niî- eîoîtîîiih turduohoing raiod av Il a 50 porctt.orup tuunnmaxt ie Oakvilte, s-hivh tonks lu pus-p Milton Counoil roprovonto ma-~ ~ in- o 5 lu futer fo cont- t.tîv y Il noguoto le n agrev- ot 60 galtons per minute [rom tho Mos-hurt diseustoittho put- ttuotingî vil is-ic fors- ponds. s-ont s-Ilt Miltton Outrt Lld. lu Woodtot Fltsî 1t Mile Creeh. ThevAuthurity ask- cttof'ti so Itiopts- fro The cosraioi-otot-aýrrsrea 0 otsii fth il ffcDeMre cd O.WR.C. tu rejc the bld onlil Dlomittnt Ti- antd Chenjti Tii0 C îo. oroîîîî ouhtîto ttop ,R scr n ow on th-i Qu- Iho tott il abto t Dthe aMtttt the Aolhnriiv von ttudy t- un tîto norili laof ut îoott .unk cssanrolu1 nvtdas-tbuiltpuîy Illelit îou-tutitî h i îlsîîtîîî quest. Point un the s-uotoin. Actuon iovbadrcmee tt o teshcvlusfa A etier [voir O.W.R.C. eîpluin- îlst ibolood tiotil o reot frous- Crauh Darm Progeumi the Cîuoservaiuo Authoitît plant tîtîtîtit nd look tîlis ote s-aic c d the Campblivilto Grandl Sup- o lard cortîvluot is t-otoiîotl. Th iît.sîttr itptînedîthtthe tu ot.quire bue 300 faut virip of' thorntoîlie inîtractionîîoOeu f pty Lld. had flocn granled a rire Plente Lunecses Provincial î-îoots-t.nt ivtio lantd. il o til itottt le mr cn *ycar permît tlnpomp fronts-the Cîloon seriesfurltheRaile-îvg ooicrast progaitas gel v s Ketio Erion îtoiîîitiitîîitiî as tho "B'lttooîta weeiliranvh ofltheOakillo Creok. tllako Point Couservutiun us-o s-rnt tt.oetuirs ct.oîruoîtda Rot Ciipp- uf tho Wot.- Con- Niîîooe, This fien liai conettroved a dus- v-ot-litt.utodbut no onclîuiont quiokît ut pot-ible. Tho ontot frilbdîltîo Bordt-eoui-tt The AthoiIetingt..îofolltîi- avonthvckand isprm-it- tovro ovooboî. Mos-bier S. F îoiiiilîimn cxîtottltluîtttu lsroustution pobls- tot ci ti 11.30fhott. ][lie tltotto led Io drus- 200 G115 Up lt Dutoîl onprottovl the fee-olngsoft ottotti îotoiiitlotithf -tnt 1te devoinpiog aot he ea1 enut oflnos, titd ilo to-tttspit.-îotltand 24,00fgallonsoperdaybnsooovro-oori-oesttMieh.-ntb oti.k torîuitt (damstihoîoareplvood IltuLuk Tho pit.oli oi [11n, ,e ni1onîtoil îties-.t aoirai ilut lheovolumoftvterhvingroI cd"f peopleownîonapionio thot o Il ttittiotofauttioor.tttittt-tOtitut- , oeN., lvciýý aecu it Otoo iii k ttîi f ini.1(l tîlogli teuedliclboedam i-nuttuuhou ltlhingt.iroir rito The Pmiutittlîutoînitoi ttîtttoOl ttttlion hui-o.t.ttttithorc agct Thing are nCookngreThe Canadian Chas-pion,. Thurîday, May 28th, 1964t WeIl Known Driver Plan for OId Fashioned Days tIDies in Collision Thient ut-o rootto ovukiîu ul tho Ontio iStt.ottin ad Atti- (Iltoît-itîigootod tutono atvc A.Kbi at tiitttli0î 'I nowLClomlor of Com-merce-, -gît Ptt.-totooo Asoitiontttt. The to0l tit] lltntiltoootttllil Iirl oi' tti i Militit titi kîlloti tilt vvulivcuovcretary Eor G.Black Chts-bo-'î îtîoiutgt.lohi.uî iintlutooantt-arutditplaosif> <-ttot.ttiivtg itîlltiît t-orled tihis s-ok, asîteCar lmxdo licCînas-- -J ofli ppîoohoîtoorioovvoglil) til o t ruckio oiut HîiItt ber hoegint tayieg plans for ltt luootvii.-tooîlîtt Te Rouis Stucs 40i ibout t5 s-îlt Wo-tt c' Loît tunnunolttnns--vp Stca Rountun, ond inoludod looi. t.vtov îotvgit Ii. liaisi humilier stivkott unit lorge ries-t rdeîoaondt tuotiv uthor* ovoottîto rp.tosuriod.One ltonitOtioi Steel PtOuv.îMi, plastiv liaener signsar ot- vovrdor ttrctironsu. Tleooooni hrouglii 1t-îp lis dcido tuîokontvLi t i tro tt o latt%,ie oedunuronopvogt-un fot phtti o ît lotRott ito-otiing proîoo and thv lîo 1oitot tppovoîl. Pttlto ing TVonlriteorGordio Topp an u aise p holp -t. meh nt Clonhon ts atios-ptiîtg lu get til tîtîtol liosbe ige inaa-vt srie rm tonbfi t'i thovont to palc ' in t ot 4 1 iituhorLîoittt.oî tr ii lion'fr he vnit.ut t-Pthe tbboyrlolitvoou. Deorotoil boules, tonv itght-vhe41aflnidc o) Started tait Yens Clîosberoffttioioa-s oiged nto-: in. luItot-ond Ilag itti go lu ttttt) i e or at ît.înotîu.tiîîti ilî. "Old Foshiored Duos-otlatohnts Iuo bgin ihiîohîg no:liotps-oi-otho celebrtion atsu-! attiliooltIit-k rooitîti highlv suvvnusful uoook-tong pou-lou bioir s-induit dispi.ttu avd ceootol vne, tho Chlsg- [lie0 toit ti tlltet.tttuî.tîio truc. notion iniiiatud lot vorl ht theo plant lut- Oit Foihiovoit Goto, gt.-i- ant c\ei\ie it Legon Membler Cbamber of Commertt-t., in tott-, ohit.h tli bt. bld thtis )cat ltuOiît tob pot-t in thow inoh ivn Bat r 0tttî Stu oi-ti -ucinwthteana s-uio - ru gs- 3 s- Seteb une %%to i u îuuîît. sotttîtoin Mîititu. iti fltic r 5. VICE.PRESIDENT ti ao it I i itaiotî 7Gîtfftv B. Thoms-pon bas en 5t1il titi boot tItîtt pp ited a. itte-piesident of ii h t Cor t iltnb S, 1 Brnd titi Dump Trucks Hit Head-On O0ppose Generaîrl Mt.Cavn-Erîobnon (Cana-da)lLs-- "Ho \,i, l it He lu diioctonr of ne iho lietîloil' 1 MI. Tw o Drivers in Hospital Purpose Room seas-b for MoCann-fioon lstied .î îtt.Kt i lCnîîîotîîtio o CDridersdhannHospiital Foîtîtîl , li E voii ruk r uedymr orribi MrýGa, iý, 100MtvîoutîiiibeoîltîttîIIIPLt F. ThomsonThoînasSt,leHaitn i0 n l t nt l u en I Milti - ii l ko'I t3h, Cîttiilt C Oiltuttid u t n lo i g g o ot fins Mo- ,tto Hutpîaiuîoî MrSh' li, lIlil* os ja t Ille Rooivr nd Carleton nunnt Mtltu t ioii, II anîîd Kiiîu contdîluTint. oaccdetîîiîon ,c l lj l i n ut., ira",- i plt-îiiu îtî ttîtt He ba anh o doncpost- toit Clîtît îttîiilicgiticOti ti- tho Toton Line EtqOootof. 1, ne adtiois-oikotihnUniin -ot.-t- Op.prenortioIifie trukw ioio a itiio tetd -icalp. Diiiozge:1i,, Ill to-It iii tît ,I liou nîofMichiganîbiîunpf R-n'Otol otiio Mttlti\ il] tire drivnoly Spyos (IGogît l fi îîlîîtîîîk Ntt- 53.000. \,,,kiootIci îîîîtîîtîîîîptîîîoîîîtî uobCenître. -nva1,i, ' Ith i1 itiguiti [( [ie Depopîîtîî ttttî fli Lgtitn hotu Ilii Litt C1,ili e f fttiîltic Loi l'atl ian-1i 'liNedwi, J Nussuguwebyu Waunen's Committee IL tut iiiho i,,l e Camp Expecîed iR L tîîtîtît- Seek Decision ut jue 1 Mueeting. tlittit Ilit t BoBa SnsorSdtln lei r il Surs ut Scutand ene îtt i t o iic tit- cl ho eý %ii iIi. Wm -~îîîî tlt.'t lt o. tii ttti IOii oition oui ot-tn h amo ti is leîiîî p otiln îliîîîutîî opnh koe' vetnna Otiu hLitJoIacte ixiic, iteO tur' cotiofnlii ai ingoitheIiisi (ni- oItioitiz diLiý.io to-iovngo lpea Io nL îlooihrfi[i ri,,-ta hVIIVý program t hve .S 3rout ,it."lJuI iiitod cItiitiCiiitttiiihi oPodi lu Rh soddtiottv- lîîîîui,, Poitlt Ciii it, du oit for on -dinistration bud traaai bulin uTi ot Pooti 0 . utool1er iît u iet.n Ghddtiiiit Miii,\ t Atl. ii i 75l ingoto Tows-nhip ooueiaio i n p atoto tu1 1 iiittitiittioltttttt .L t outtiilttt Mtl. ticoultd.uutt~t îttt7 pvojvct: Tl n500' fîie îîîîha, oîîî d otii For th.opast Iitoook ho C .iialtitfGran ii,0 viiiriut"itiiiit.tii Na.ttogunvoo tntu Co oloît i' Tloti oiltiitiit lotolleto fl ic titotoî Cîîîîîtoilîîîl lotl Pruifool Cus-sitlo hate ro- tliot ,l i ýtt li e% ho- i %ib i(ti itît AîIitîtîî .tggtoiI i tititilt tIti ta i etd lli Ile" adOllOO littO tilitO tit o , Joili tiîîi ltii il. 'lîtou (i, Ilî, 'o i, tu tirer the pioloot iio -ttt ei ti l' tii-i sii c , u ituto-tiotot t ii the JIi t-t t ut1 tit , tit bi I,, tttsing Nu.3 SolutttuttuIlleTon-iv os Ln i iiotiiitt Tlîou loici liittli tiioIititioi oJIi Offioet. - îîo o h îîo ltottiCîîîîI Ciîîî ii Bu ltot i T eot n l y i i y s - î 1s - î . noî t î o l i c irt t o u o i v iii t ii T tî t t tt1 i i i î i cd tu tis req si f-lotii titi tit l' t coÀ tîailîi îiioinj lt. ht. meetng, ut tPAID ON ing. 00maI objection lb van itvu o tgottot ot Cint-vniol Piiet. ttuttteouidliig. Atm olit ____i' eteiil rie t îI î . GUARANTEED i, lring disouStocd. os holi tur CoiitiiiiOotttogîiui ho Roevooand Colicui l thii maCar Cavalcadeli Txe i TR 89533 TRUST CERTIFICATES île fue tit il it ho Tootri- riglit tn atend aro soeîing ,ýnd FocA4.. ~e isuud Ion eonunto frein $100 JI i] dtiusiion andthtot Ai tiFor M ariao Day upovards for S, 4cor 6 ycarn, nih ol o i edfln, Alreo i Mi ui eacru 51/4% intercnt, payable half. OnMy4. notoiho oie it C ii es0 1nttt Ittoti [ EiSYEVU -yal yeeo îot liv-o preoruîtoîl11 liittoii hoîîîoa hiraii Daýit atl wi IL W eal yelq il nooo ogirod hv bauth patoieso Cîrît. Stotiiti ini fliii on i NA IR 50 UNIQUE - e autlncriovit 10 stnsrnt for uit biri s-iio doetoiola iitiet t îîîlî li liiîî.î hori FR/ENpS W/LL STO Canadîutî Itîturance Cuopau ou îlt q-Ogsit tit hoit Ptio 1 titio Iii titi milo t iti j Duttui il.tu t u in i', di 1.- - t tinitittt -ii à iolt i o FOA SECOND PEE1104tr11itti liai Conîîtito oiiîOii ii itittt 1 1 oti 12 tîtîîti %il 1TH nilo todinostheibs-ltert-fnti-Tttttoo ttilrdt'W,*oOtItiiiitStt So EAUF' 10 ther. proveeditoiobnufnallt itlargo oîîoîuulîîuîo-l MilItr;it- I hofilin-u hote tai thei oorlt-h STERLIN O T R S I Meeting on May 25 Ihut for flit- Thit, oor Miltnt toitS ust hbc faut ibren s-elis CotuS clia bru protoontoit o o [ot lu the donc eolhing tuntard fuSi,]], ioo iuo bovoi o u tiroir part oS thev ugis-cmvn lle ma0oin fivol. ho noit. Tisitisge9 Thvre in haror II- nmonfil.,o it1 bu the ilOt vtarioo 372 bep Si. an Dunlo Sit., 73MhiseE. loSt hufore lic opplication i, vont hou-tu, ta o ihol o t f nlesie Sarsie 0.1111e lie Ceotonnl Gr t-o ut b a nito otulrpuuonted HolyRusaey M; mode Dors the Coisovi! imaine Churvh in thepoarude. le MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE E ND 0)F MONTH SALE MAY 29th AND 3Oth Sale Starts 9 a.m. Friday * Corne Early to Get These Worthwhile Bargains 17 ONLY - LADIES' DRESSES Regutar te $19.95 .$2 13 ONLY LADIES' SKIRTS Reguataî $9.95 $s2 10 ONLY LADI ES, PEDAL PUSHERS Rngîlot $2.98 $ 1 6 ONLY LADIlES' BLOUSES Renotar $2.98 4 ONLY GIRLS' S UM ME R DRESSES Resular $0.98 -$1 4 PAIR ONLY MEN'S WALKING SHORTS Nauy Outly Extra Large Reguiar 28 ONLY LADIES' BLOUSES Reooîar to $5.98 11 ONLY LADIES' DUSTERS Regulan ta $5.98 27 ONLY BOYS' BOAT NECK T-SHIRTS Sone 8.14 Regular $2.90 -s 14 ONLY BOYS' BOAT NECI< T-SHIRTS bionu 3- - 6 xu Rngtiiau $I.98 -s" 5 PAIR ONLY LADIES' DRESS GLOVES Whie slgli curre v bu et Reouhar $ $1.98 $1 LIMITED QUANTITY LADIES' SUMMER STRAW HATS Regatar $5.98 ODDS AND ENDS 0F ASSORTED POLISI4ED COTTON rtmu'um) 36"4 COTTON IRITC REG. 98 Y 4ny ODDS AND ENDSO0F ASSORTEO DAN RIVER COTTONS And ARNEL GINGHAM CHECKS 6 7 36" - REGULAR TO $1.49 YARD67y 2 ONLY - REGULAR $9.95 Pansy - Haed Embroidered - Reg, $2.98 MEN'S DRESS P ILL 0W PANTS size 28 $2 1j CASES PR. $2 MEN'S LONG SLEEVE EOYS' TERRY MANYu KNITTED CARDIGANS MANY ... T-SHIRTS -tit bo n [o -Rq3,98 O E SL Rcnuon $ onITEMS s2 Ony s2 Too Nmru To Mention Here MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St. Milton Phone 878-9261 TO OUR CUSTOMERS... Aittunsoldtems oftlast nth's EOM. sae ae been utt-h-eoduet. j This isin accordaneenitlithe rutes ofhis montht sale.Newîiems hae * beni addnd. MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE GUARANTEES That any ston s ale nhinli reomains uosold durino thie f000M. sale s-lt 1, bn furtlier înduned neut mnohl.1