w Il Election, Reports, Baking Contest At 63rd Annual of Halton Institutes n h 31 roi 1l.*I ), 'x %,a Wot br nche naid "0 e h.idàl 11,!vcaset rnmbes. Sficeî.le M", Bakiog Cots o,,iioch hcii D nal i lc I M G. Yong and Mr. K. ,I 14 ,,p C i,,,m pis rt prize M L Mr, .gadpie Mrs Kennedy of pi, , c Oubona, fi h mihio -al meSnt d h l~ail Mc pn lad uln se hco prizMs o ed he hLadis Adof Knoxs ,11udiaiMny Prolectn nngnouandhe afienoonnc se 1J N i D l, il- i,,-i , avth Ynpcnd hhc Ntons.oll0 Lî,iiii. îîîiLiîîi iic-ii.iiiii , ,c"11 niasinsnicred hy ea,.h hi M. h cci lîîl,,ca.Lh a-hiicihciiaîi i;nch pnncoiint thei- Penniies b,iiiîi M- '-I,,l il n it i,kiî iiiiii ,F-edhpcdeic Mi, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hI Msuîi.,hchii-i 1iii îpportî the A.C.W.U. J ½ liAl uni. iiîuî.-îc Me:ii- Centnni Project r 5.fh A l', ii iaî.i. c. ccii iiiidiii, ir. Annin Ziciuîc, pubhlic rda- EXICUTIVE MEMMERS and gcnni npeaker ai the 63rd annuei menting cf HaIlînDnrcW- tiî,î SO, iii i,, ,,li I i, A, îî,l iii, l.,-- ions annfiluer F.W.iO., as special mesxnianhi iKn chîîîc, Anion, recîiw the afiernco prnniaci duici the non ,pc.ikeric.i-.inrodiicedhbyMi. lunchhbreak. Left Ioright arn quesinpeakerMrs. Austen ZneiierNew Hamburn, whuiiipub. V. Norris ad gavc anic.i en- lic relatinsn nfficier for the F.W.I. Mis. Camiphell Sicli, imenei,ne secieiaryiiiencier; iienalk on mny anpini Mis. Jesse McEnery, Saliîafad, pînnîdenti olnd Mes. Veluna Ncrin, Campholininl, fednratnd ni' lutiteî ui-h. pariicall rnprsniain and Miss Charlciie Tuer Miltn,, hnnrary prenîdoci. THIS SUN AY'S i ie ii ocun nlice ni puhlic rela- THIS UNDA S ons. Rhe mnincd the Canad'i Georgetono; hiiisary, Mes. Go,. Amll Centenn~il oecit nmollie Con- Busseil, 79 Main Si.SGog dIis a, icicili Tiie Ticonial Cc'ii %n ui etia erse lernc %iI b hldinIrlad n atve Ms ams arev i icpinc Retiring Teachers Cuinil ngng vdbvico i , ilin, Con. R Rersm M Ch rc al n ariiiiChiod Ircid Ro um e . .i.,i Mvcf A Present Two Federation Pins FNOX PRBUSYTIIAN CHURCHI PARISH O0F ý'pIcsn c iiiii .hange hcicc [liect I.i ,i,, Min L iII,vd rwod Minisier, St. George's Chinois Longurulle ' ii uni tiii c t,. Mir,. Jolin CIlcii,-cii Ir iliein.,ig i ie Mil'oiii Thec excti i fi- fi c iiii, 14 e J. K. L. McGcwn. B.A. St. John's Chuanis Nassaganisa Foykin ci Scotich Block pi, ltil IJlto lWimn16 li Orgonisi and Choir Ma-ice (Thte Angican ChuChoai Canada) ciiii.d thi c-poit ni the nma AddCsdrn i i i1iiiii,,l WM,,ic MEi,, Aing ccmpicý whic <lii, a,, Fiiicii Mi-ache MiE,,,r Mrs.R. Wright. ATC.M. mcm,, Rig.iiiuiii.iii liaol a,. Fi,'cl Bonhi- pa 2ci) 0iiiiiiiM I2iilic 1 i. iciiii, MI-,.Maikani% "0'O etnusiinaihip and P. SEJetae ,cyii-iiiiiihii iciihec nomna-cahid. Iii, chines, ne,.Gera,o ýlii, Siii A Ilj,.i iii, imh -,-ii'ii , lciiii 'n'Cac,2IclciTn trii o iii l iiiiiin', ci- Tiinisia.n andi one ii, ,,ii,- l,,,1,. icîî.i'Mm ho. dwn, let us Ciicci bciace Tnicnhonn Ni niLsir 4-2577 ifb lc a or dM, e fih. Lard or Mailc si 'chAi MA.Y 3i,1 ici-O Offenr and repr,ii .hci ' pi f noIa,.i iiii i i. Kentî;imipccii - îî,î IliiOi~ prieic , M-, Ii,.ii.' nec lr116-6.W 1 i ,B ChailotticTiiiccR.R.3Mi.ii; s-ioig piciurein imiiples, o i h, eiciiii, lupiin \lr i J. Mii D,,,,,i,.JB, SUjNDAY, MAY ilt i "6 i InO Si. John'sI Chornls, peiin.M s us cnývterýok hs lnhslf iiacp,. l.i 9ýNolisaasseya R R 2, Autane; fil,s viciprsi,a kc n s.sen ai acconipiih cil re.iiiii pi ,ii,-,liii B,,., ., Mîi 100,iJcoCiiiiuh,.iiii 'Aid, ai--l r Scmn u Mii L McCar,n, R. R. 2, meiii. ,,i~L.,,c î,kîlWi, ii 10.50 cic cîîrhhLý. scnic-prcidcnt. Aler muichisîcuionithe ReJ f la 0' r Pesent Pins 1'001i GIl,, ut ih P bf(lI Si. George's Choech, Loonsille Mi R. Webb, Caniphcllviiic- mluiiicncccning Nate ios , oL fi Mi lIL.... yriciiici Mi P,ciua i t.i Adlii.i iiiAii Lî a rI ii Scrii,,, .Feiie d ccprcmcctivm , Mis. i o îîcaoccîn I tche Arei,, -d(f, arna IIIL li cI] liit tahr iui fim adI- ti 'l nu Siniiav Smiiiii. V 'No,,,,. R. R.i1, Campell-andiii asdceciiiiitaitn e Btii .... Auip,i. iii, ,,.-,, 011ii, ,i aii .i aii.i oiii ci micnalr BOSTON AN OAN iiciirnaicMrs Hacc Wii-ecau Ccunmiiiicc micet iiih th, A ccirnill, in\aiiiiiciiicc i i1001 a.-ýNcrecy. PBESTEBîAND C HE ic Paiccino; m,.ccclivranui,, cîccoive. c dcmdc on quiica ,t' c;nnej ulI il ,in iniîiî-i MijuiRiii,, 12.30 pEBTRA CHRCE el,<,giiai0ic, Mr,. Camiphcll Sinclair, R. lion, A,ý siodcci,. M :,Iii.Bl ois laicihip Liuncion. N iMinitr Rev. B. A. Nen,B.AR. i. Lîiehuîîîe. Mrsi J. Mmnr anî issC 1 Mi- L. M. Ba.k, .hii\%,a, alcohi ,,, ,,., c,,-, 1 LCuiiicniagriclture.ad Tur,inrcîccppuncd dcicgiic , ,,. niiii iiai aî ici -, ,,,il] c,,,,.cdc,, iîîîîî cm ni 6cmn Sî'cDAY. MAY 31,1.i1964 lacadian industîrics, Mri No,*- 1iaAica Conenion fi Gueliph ini 1o -1 Il'lia1 "fliic' ii.,i. iiii li, iiimiici ii for4 ,ca, 2,30 p.ni. District T,..îch c c 10.00 coi.-Bosto, Wersliip cio L!the .R.7 iia.,s fal. ii iyac h. i ii.icuii. Training Caiiîc ,,,, acnd Kicîlcgarin,iiiecchip andcedciion, Me -as iciio feu. This %as Karcen Eiikiccithankclflic 730pc Adli nuii-,iiMiii- 'W. J. Cicamc. 61 Mapic Anc. w.. Ceampbeolile Nons hiicmcli Bcull, lin,, M. Dc,c,c a,hcî,. h7.u0p. ia,,11ult.-i Mii,, Sîîîchîi Gcamgcicmnc: hone ecapnmici An invitaion fici Campbell Monîl., J,,,, i> A piii-Tii,- c., ý10.15 o.ni--O maigh: Sanday anil hc.iiih, Mii. Ma,,,cii Neliisi, e iihanch. cu hid the aiiniil Tcg,ihcicGm-iiip i,1IiiiiiiiiI Achoci RR i.1 A,.iac puhblicieaioan1.n,,.rciDcii piciicai Humio CfIiiiiii M1ii 1130 oni.-Oniagh: Wornhip Rer- ictpiii,.ciaim, Mi. Fi-aiil,.iac Chai-ch, waia ccepicd. -icc. KIîîs Diii, iiiip' lice andiiNiiiic- Ci.îî. Pe, 300 OChip]iSi.E. Gcorge- Mrs. GeorgelcconuidcciSof ilîg.îîc , hu,,iidiS,hiiil 210iiiî Siiitiiiiclt ciii Tea.îî,,,îc hîîic,,c.,i researc.h acdcicod, ciinded the <crt.-, ccm.n,(. i ive aiiai ic Ti.iiiii C aiîî .îicii,.i ,.î,.ci, Mii. Hcî Reid, an-d thenimeetuing aimuid iii ara.Biiii,.iiiii.iiii 830i .iiii.-Cliiiiiin liiincciMil. f,.îk Smîith, RR. 1,iOî. ______________________ Fi,îi, i îî -Icciiic Bap HIGNWAY GOSPEL CHURCII fii diiiiii A local aseun a THfE PENTECOerAL EMMANUEL BAPTIST HR P O ES NA DI CT Y AnSEIMLR OF CNAA MoomrIaa HUBH PR F SSO A DIEC OR C.iayiooeu Cales as a , u fC Lord's Day 1_____________________ SUI'4DAY> XiAY hi i 11)(14 Lnrds Day s-i lu, 9.45 a.m.-Snnday Schoci. Si 'cDAA, MAY 3i 1, lOh DENTAL ACCOUPOTING Clanses Icr ail. i ar.-iiSîîîiî ,i,iii , EARL G.BLACK Il.00 ar..Mcrcing Wcînhip. ages. DR. G. A, KING B omRSCA 7.00 p.m.-Eangeiiîc Slervice. 11.00 ar..Mcmniiig Wonshi p Dental Sargeon B.Corit AcolCA. and aye Mpc. tihge S vcic5 e .-YicgPpenSr Office in Royal Building, Mitton Municipal Andilori Fiand 8cfc pmeeiiog. lii,,'ý .00pm-oplS Heurs 9-5 163 Main Street Frda. pn.-mcg epim .0 pn.-cnelSrcice, 1 XRny Service Tel, TE 8-9762 Box 460 Milton, Ont, sevc.iMcndac, 6.30 p.ni.-Piner Girls _____________ TRiangle ".542 A Chcrch Ycu Con Malle (Grcades 3-8). - __________ Yccr Home Tncidaî., 7 pin.-Chrinlian Ser- DR. H. F. GALLOWAY EA vi Brigade (hoys 12' - -A GlACE ANGLICAN CNUBCN ycarsi. Dental Sargeon <~ ~ /PRESSWOOD'S -SLICED S! Micon, Ontario WeLdoeidai, 8 pi..Bihie Siady 155 Main Si. on streel floue KENNETH Y. DOCK Recia,, ccd frayer Meetinug Houri 9 t0 6 p.m. Barrster, Solicitor, Nolury Pablic Ev. T.M. Dcîcn,' B.A., B.D.DD II X-Eoy Sereine 196 Main Street RvCaoAiîccialec, TNB UNITED CNURCN Tel, Office TE 8-9201 Telephone TE 8M491 A C Re.Ccn F. H. MKIî MA, 0F CANADA B D. Mîniiicc. Rc-. A. K. Griffiihs, ____________ HUTCI4INSON & THOMPSON R. R. 2, Milton. Barristers andSolicitors Trii linmenan United Church DR. W. C. P. WRIGJHT T. A. Hutcltinson lrelired) Sf 'OS ih i 'q Aîîiffeb ile Dentisi F. David Thompsn 8,00 an, -f1ii Ccc,î,,on Dia,,, i Miiý i G. Carnel. 17 Mactio St. 219 Main Si, Milton 878-2841 lb 930 anhi,,,, .îd 'ciiii i'IA MASliii 11)4 Phnne 878-2491 SHARPE and NICHOLS h.0 niOa,,, îîî, iS,,,î, D, iii hi ii, i ~ For Appuiobmert W, S.SHARPE 1043 arn S,,,, h... , illfî , ,0 W ac ii i i Biii,, i.100 1-1 BA.nn J. iiln NI nd SWIFT'S -LUNCNEON MEAT SEIL Il o lwil United Cbaeth OPTOMETRISTS Nolarien Puhlic 7.00 pcii, i. .... ii ,, f. ii uiÀc Oc 207 Mary St., Milton MIR eehn R823 2z CNUBCN 0F CHRIT MG Sii .... LIiii, 100fa Inc ARTHUR A. JONSON Toipon TE823 iii,, ii, ii, & îî,ioîîîîî,î 184 Main SI., Milia PUBLIC ILISRARY HOURS T.. iig, ?Hii i Phnne TR 8-9972 Es. TEl 8-9678 ____________________ S aihl,îci Fccrsciiý Tuenday Aflernoons Mendny 12 non-5n.Smý SUNDAY MSS hi, i10ih Thursday Rvenings Tuesday-.........l.30 - , 7-9 p.m SP EC UAL 10.15 n ni-Bîie Schaci. Cilassen ST. PAUL'S UNITED CNUBCN t'riday Morningo Wednenday- --..............Closed BALLET - TOILET 4 COLORSI for oil ags Main acid Jame' Simela - Thonsday-........1.308-5, 7 -9 p.m. 110 an- aongKr~m. Moaiee- Roc. J Lorne Grahamt. triday-.........1.30-5-90 42B L J.- 8.00 p.m.-Prea.hicg ut the Go, BA, B D, C.D. CHIROPEACTORS Saiurday-............9.3-12, tV 5 --ROEPAES N pel. TISSUE_________________________ 3--69 iiamci. 8 pniBih Evngiîd SI 'chAY. hMAY 31,, 1964 Dclor cf Chiropractie TRAVELCERS' GUIDE 878-6362 W-, ,,, , ,, ~ i , P A. P. KENT, D.C, CANADIAN PACIFIC EAILWAY FRESH BAKERY FRATURES A WannoWelcoe Awnails Yc,îai 237 Kings CouartCrescent Standard Time Ec,,, Servce diii <fCil SCHOOL HOURS 1 Corner Martin SI. Goieg East. Train 338, ]cav Balneelln Orange Chiffn Rinhanalîn Sone nd1 i i i9 i ,.- Moeday, Wedcesday, Tbrsday Miîo13 i i,. îîî MION GOSPEL HAL, 9 3( ,, ip,.o9pým. îî., i ,maa Oaii,iicia i.i Sr ii ioa~ii 4iP cs 'cliI 12 A K E ROLLS uihiiaisgaeuiS in ifean Toe,, n ficdayand Fridap Gi,,,,i iî5 in L7ilîiiA K cf the Lcrd Jooci Chu,'. 1II i-lo adgrs4Io 9 am t 0 m Toronto 5.20 pi.. aime i,, i Fia ofi12 8 icar, imeliiu,.nili alie miI6pm 5.57 p.daly. l Math. 18: 20) Climrh Sercice nilh parenhn Satneday Il arTn, toS pa. TE 8-4471 f > -ODSDY AY3q,16 and prcceed.10 Christianl d - Phn 2-2031 Wc LOE'S AYMA 31i. 964 ucilc Cetr ait second Phon 87ITERCT 4 m~ 10,30 a.m.-Breakioe af Bread. hymo, _______9______ 2 7____________ 12.13 p.m.-Saoday Scbool. 11.00 a.m.-Nurse-y Deporîmeni ï5JNnIR4, PiEtB DOAD.SKNR 7.00 p.m'-Gotpel Service. ini Christian Eduention ____ _______DOALD_._SKNNE Wednetday, 8 p.m. - Peayer and Centre 1cr aIl babies aad B.Arch. - M,.A-.1.C. Thuriday - Friday Nights Ail Valuo Bible readiog. chiidren under 3 yearn et McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME 17A MiII Rtreet, Salon 2, Selon AIl are beartily wvelccme ta aile. Regislered nurse in nI- Complote Air Caatdltioning Telephone 803-2740 CI@ald Ev"r Wednesday 12.30 Effev U these services. tendance ini Crib elata. or Beboid, n0W - itenaccepied St. Pacins Cborcb entend, ta you Sincein CourelOttfs Servie 20 Stavobans Rd.. Port Cedit fl U IIlif, May lime; bebold, now is the day of tbe bospitliil of lis morsbip TE 8.449 274-002 OPEN~ 9- J E lV avation. 2 Car, 6, 2. and feîlonnbip. PgtIb nr Dap Office onura Nyl Appointment 64- hI. Photo PriCeS II %vlie $1.25 (Pl-- MaW Due ta increasing costssofpli- >Glossy reprins arn aIW>y ocoji- ble filma ChantlWo . M iii0iophic naial, The Cham o t,. Negoice are fihd ts increac fihe pices ait news' Ilhi, liaik as 1957 QiOdere Intutie reprintis. Effecive Jun,, ist 1964, pion-ci ai iThe Champion affilée, a5x7 reprinticill coni $1.00 (plus 191 Main Si.,and cash niust a- ibrftecents proiaicial tas) anilan Jcoilaî yuîcciir IDE PRESSWOOD'S SWEET PICKLED ROLLS 491b_ STRAWBERRY OE EASPBEBRY SPECIAL AM Tan. 24-on 49 Swil Beef nor Irish JO-azn s Raeaal ST-E -W Homoz - 15-on Tans SPAGHETTI Ad. - 3 Fîaeors - 4".o Tins SPoolaîl DRINKS_ 3'85c, Assorted Lcao Valley CANNED POP PEACHES in MlM lonfCESLMIE fRil Cie. ingDO NINSOELMTE 3*O1N 1% YMON R0'89c Speoill 6 $1 s now is the time for ail good furs to corne to our storage vaults! KN IGHT'S Dry Cleaners 300 Main St. Milton CALL TR 8-9941