Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 May 1964, p. 15

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MM dw W s _iuplta~ r Ob » lt.* wa ,roft elitOm The Canoadi '1111 ' te -a, âd les aoi m ê nd Tise famaksen Ia moste and titis recoruiog (her oU Captsttn. POIL IGH T 0 N Ti E Scontd véreý mk iE oa up l $' ~ ~ ~ Wp 0 in no lime, Ilie record So ple h Bu JIM GILIREA bas____________ haciing n a ries Milto -f o he lackis f lit coet thev ototad 13 - Worid Wliihouu Love, iete 1I tie il and tiserefore lie fit ta Thtettsectîtîce of Multon's Toos I Bp Jim Gldea tl'ulj Teen Spa hase, el nsdGrdoo olasngod. Diasce. Thehiootp, unoîtocedi Once zigain it's 'toxn nf tînhal"t' i kh Up lB. -o lit issuti 4 - Kiss Mo OticEt, Binis Pe. Sittemiat of a chanige of tue aneon liastoro n-t o ttnck 1,11, on itttninuut kunu i fitle ette'so sete 1" s n titit hv [a o e itc sisca4iPrescta lî-ttîs-î, iîî nut. t-iOnYo Love hie ,Dace constapopular musicchrts vetlMav 30).arv Neilsîîn e. iîlittisna a flairdesignsshaalslhbcîtpresn'tî p - îiktîsscîiit ttk l ' Itiis visee ithe nature osf Ban. loa'tdhe dancessasne ut tl Git it t, 1I 12 odnt tise uot Daiou ut 1.stî - tlrs(u'cnikn lr iee rai Sts'eisnod. 'Iisen fraim tise cooplu Platini ton the' nstsinit Mitn hIît tiooln ttttt t, le"t, Mtt "t hoiino aia ig hîw uîtstnothing. Our' 6 -Shonp ShontSongo, Betiv 13r«odway sih*"FusnpOirl" in pto htoitth nnltttk -îtî iîtc tiSi Inmutking ss nosn onal ntîn, lîther'sîttui lus' lthe ft'oedomn Eneteuals.d.Timgi uagii v,,g î ýIdMl Ml Fi tîthtîiiiin tlhttugit pt'tîn5ts tît "I(iîuuttiîw n nîn, -<pt lpyhu ,i hicit Miss Streisaod, stars,lie'etnd ntctd SStop tî(IîîtîtiCnît-î'Ititltti tre'ttt'îfinte n s),Ivtttttlt.,tctt ai thu" *ing Blue Jeans. ' tttolle Pot gs'ncC M~Ilstnt,- ' CR. -"I inntcatsnko 1n 8 t-The Fech SogLuilio The reoondisgisun Columbhiaihave :tlîheurtlîuing nîaîl fiîîni rd .tîttîîîîl Wek. tuîîîî hc it nous es c iit5 rti 1 n i i M .'tîitts'n choi, s Stars'. and as meotiosd st s sonne. sure t'urns'ue hîs bu'c nîtîs G,t ha, ue-t settp t itt tttttu l stiealon ttî,îanunh,'rnmoisi, 1 teghi .tîcan onnltan'titc 9 - CitinO0f Lare. Dixic Capts. misat a change. of poure tramn ing. [iuîcis.Ii 1nn. i i icIl ttt.,î it. A,'o Itt pi'upt,' snont ltt shun ttnintt luo p, - Hello oILststsu people llke Presley and Tht Wltvsnt unv snts'si ai ,îîcnî,tsînîtîtuîtSsîhî.îît suggtestion. i vroreh Lîwn Iî.nîî'unidno1, ltng, .' Beatles.flts a sang sngason-hrek titscknd ted ucnudnmoiandtfietri -unn : 1wlînîîi hi, Whai ninsu do tîîr tn'în"'s'ntt (tîti flag stcn Ihîsý Titis leso listing of lthe top fus lv Baritra Stireisaod oald sing ont and ns helîn? Il lît'un exîî.ploit, itrip tn Oltuîu.tand Mnn tint, alin hatve? Wtell, sorte cumitn ,co inci-t t,.n'tstv'ni n oua lunes in Miltonstand auta furIlle iand the kidslile i. Ilike i, reponIiti s'n rgutttiutss suit', ttcai Iti -luuinting n' tilt tn'cvitedo onehiog tîs ol tî ,enlncs iitriIlle PM.'s coice îeck edig Mas3. butiousthow far ilmitsgo re- nersnng deessutill hn s'ntusutttip înhnh il nntî cach tit owç: of li-iln. lt)%ctei asmne stOee 5'-inos lîor pick hil. mains ta ise seen. Regordless, I somesshat fus' tii dsoc duc lu vecîn bv tite giaîclni2 tutut ]ei R. H. - "Canasta andî ils «nu- pot il, "SLu ctnli pIeuse evets- ratu e titis one as excellent. te more ecent hout and nttckse Miltoun Hilii tic e)II" it tiai pie are yoon, itot sn ,toothns u n.'. tin %ut" PiCK [RIT OiF TiHE WEEK Ose or smo entiers mortitv of turather 15ese hen hutig. n ttc tîl Iieni itfinttnt va,~t it lat, ' snrsn stev're hoti slowc. We CerninilttihisitCanada shoald flon's Let Ih Sun mention titis weoit isclade "'Toit Dress, iles, suili ho infurmît sutl inotitiin it Dt.i Illii 'al l nhould have itad a flag a lunizihaun lntertus flag bt 1 thisit Catch Yot Cen-inn Me Why' hp Bali Vinton on or an thc dasce nscotise naid. ic, M.P.tfot Hllatli. fitltr hi, limle ago. I tise Ms' Pnmî'n os nn Ms' Pearssocod hasveuconne its Epic Records. 'il Gel Araund" hp dress tuhbc cmris'tht. Name go Lise Up Ta I unt cieeiofteMsibt1ncat-cs u "intîhticmetinLehItait sstd ndTe aemkr tise Beacit Boys aon Capital, and If ass oft ho boys. wotd <are t thedesgn f te Mill Leves" lokslik a apl Lef iitOnne Upon a Time" hp Mas'y go chance it inthit, Bermutdat tIntni tttGiutthcttttci Ottint, , D.B. - "ffille lh ninJack". tri nthig îta rokn iloe a Wells and Marn Gape. shts. sure qoise ssolcomet nînu the Misn Chumriscrî 'tc CtîîGice nîný J. C. -"Il dnessi'i reaiit mtîi- sitcits lonpriot, duiot non? Hct C atr ETSELRdtnc Oul est <or huttosAre.N.n ntcîl -invn stttepiv itale. i ter tn me schar kinof flag tus , tt 1 am, Whsie Platte in eratter u tte.Whuî's ss'og tuiti iii, BANANA HIEAD Jinmo Rogers, o poong mass Tise hestsin record in Mil_, ste noil. te Tane.tnAri punlluli Union Jacis? W arsttued Atît 0 - h ite Eles'honhe<rmtisbet[rmte populos charts_______________________________________________ Crown ut Eottand, as'sitt," plac ibnana pur onethis hiadfornsre fiie ontha just ai GlT. -Ithinktihsnttnr' AS He ttud lu sc ipadise elcased b Dt Reords peolIein hgsellahOînitntclnp blondrinciIo thavemore 'Litn. 1caled -The*Ws'id I Used to shutîtld is gîtes te haeti,'%:. Keot. Thte lune is a iulssd aod stiat thusmonl lk atii ai], tIlt% toi mns 0 igit ver selit e a top 10 r tus' arte csîleenso ri cootendes'. Tise record. in mpop fIls finieCasnadat iad ilnstîce flia inion. rares gead and sisonld ho and 1 ike tthe PMh nîhutsL Teen T 'tn gond nuit,,. D. S. - o"Itdl.. î , To_ Analses star long onedue is 50n<ho<î. 1think c hoffldî 1Bt and îîîc es DaveClark Tomm Rae. ecordiog onSpar- have scn tthng lie th, Rd En- sie on, Tomons eud erp vietil sign. oscepîsinPlaceîofîthecsUinî - S'm Se On, Gtis5 and! have anth-s "Sheita" isit mils 1Tht faakes Smhi latcns e<us't catled ttCaol".t ~~ ~ The' nstromental bkitnig ufth ie reodng u oowits tise lp- s'ris nthe other hasd, cold tbu Setter. Wit5 the sts'ong baci- tint, [lie record nhoold onahe tho 1 tnp 201 ai boass RatIls on titis t one infair'. Teres (Suspicion)t Staffor'd e car cu efor'Rue Recordsismi. J~~si <0 usthe' laid fue staedomn tIIS hîn ries eecoedsng calted. "'l Inouit a Star". Tise ootp' tais Ten~e' sili toui oitit titis *#IÀ coq~~ Iîcrding n lte isind pou bos' in She file usd drime. Titis re-! c in il t, poos' <ollIow-up sul hSm tant it recordise raited "Sospicin". t <ans seesthisone' i cumisg an'ss'itre cloe and I. i~wl rtotîsate ilas poe. 'Ms Bo Lollipop" is lte ' nantc of Mornurs Recorda' lat- V"Jest reteuse. The record fi big, %%htile lthe name is Sotati, Millie MsC.o tC. GailThomas BURNEDUP e-- OR PIAMUMTO NOVE Cali Iipefli Oii now ... and ln 48 hours youi hmv the savingsanmd sevfice you wsnt NOW'S THE TIME TO SWITCH TO ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE * . ..Canoda's fitst-and fintot-oome heasiot plon. In 40 houes on Esso*M Home Hoon SeMcje speuiist wiii siorouhly chsecku yoneiseoting equip- *4M metothe hatiu eqipelin otttn homeSOf eu art movng, > moite ail tise necessaey odjsSootoU and completl coditioit for puais ptrfdmmco so= iter. YOU PAY NO MORE FOR ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Iut thora'$ a world of difforonco in the vafle. Yntte liîntinn tî"îipseot is eesiued udued cost throug Isispral srviue. J ® IMPERIAL OIL LUMITED ANGUS A. MOWIWAY, malton So Nearly Indestructible I 'sRelaedFRE(IF IT BLOWS THROUGH IGH-SPEED PLY EATIN % CASH and Use the Cash BONUS COUPONS for BONU CUPONS FREE INSTALLATION and WHEEL BALANCING Learo itow retonod drînîng con be . .. Thnnks tn Sttper-Lnstic.n Yen, Conuidinn Tirte ptuts n price nn this suIper-tire - but rin "Safety 99". At sustited hIsth speeds, ynur car feels sn easy tn htgher thnnnthers furt heir ntctînty tnp-gtade ttre te.n Nnme nny handie. You'Il enîny LIt nem meosute nf cumfntt, quiet and rtdtng istusd ou tstsh. Col it o Premiurm Tire, a Loxurs' ie or wttot u unit the htgh- BUT, ynur "trade di scunt" oatd spectul nid lite tode-in ulîntuonce style Super-Lostic "Safety 99" Htglt Speed Nylon Tttt puts Safety unre itke -mnney in tue bonk, thee ynu cnmpute YOUR FINAL Fi rse TIRE COST - nit Cnncîîn Ttte. NYLON TIRES- ALL NEW!!.1. UB TPE SO 00A KWAL TUIELESS WHITEWALLS OO 88 :00/: t:95S 77070 tS ORM - ddS $,0 f , i 761l 5 ftLL~IOWSCHUYLER BROS Il 459 Main Milton TR 8-2349 an Champion. Thurdi May 28th, 1964 8 - u Illenttt awrd eltnt R EV.Gond on 1 :u ta h- d l n Gc i n "' i' ït ii ittni,, I o o i h- it CI.tî Goo n1.i .', I w, ele, lcî,h ttsý Mtli'pt ih, tth , h fiul jlcltct Lt, elttt 1t. (R t ,tt ieîî. IiiIne %t lh,'ttî,tcltt p"" ot l I, i, - l lvni

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