Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 May 1964, p. 10

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!12 The Ciendiar Champon Tha edlay Maup 281e 196 MALTON MANOR Choir, United Wome By Miss Murlel Tlue nepe icdcot -lThe pncgt-nm cs ioiioct- The fosolc -,ingisg ni e tifin- cd is cfic e riing ni deoicooo vocech nrof oa hoc atd tacoco-ctinci itsonchchschth girls fliid te* enditocin ne ccd-ces, eod ie. and eo-c o Thce Tbarsday ocgitt, Mes t14 ibren%' ceciendic laieio-cieod Beonard 5h, oh,,no or Goi-cgoment imolton- 1 ) c.m get cenoed h-c te tuotoct Choir ut lThe ccstnr cf fitre o entr Atdtrst-od United ittu-oihltTo- rn-c-cofis t,, u edixieccp of ono.Mr.Shco-nic-i, fico- -cndcooiincc, vweithocciin. je di-etnofth iir. Hot-n G-cet-idb, n-ed girls,.papilc od aibnoonompeimocc n -the or-, ot- Ceo bitroet Pnhlc St-boni goc and piano ced enconoci cthe on Georgetomo Iiod cite stage ni' satinas Sccion. Se enicaditorium on Wedno-dec. Thechoirsang eghthoeliindlt Mn,, 20 whon chovcaome nnmbetnof lhi-hnsixoeec t cpioccote a-cMui-col pogt-am t-odenngc.eandcnnoonecla flAI] itote-edontcThi-cinging file coognoore-cSung in cors fineoa tcotdtcoed bs' ýKm Harrisn,1 ____ _ l Lc essions i afa e t Alrcod h sedamwuod I3nouling SIfl fa e t ii h tdet a cz -D-~Eisturbed Mil-ton Hiigh Visitors uy By Marle MeNel tlong eoommie p-eparatieecs by a lae Ite ielormality - par- Thot- ooo-tded theircls te iO- Citfi,v ctmpt-r:ved, oxeoi- otitga ,packe len:bmne.lm ac flo micot bovcnt-tm itill a npleole party te the 'd Iilll (tto Mito Hig an oe tetr doce to the dli-, edf leelead aceio.ocno-pool ait ho Cheau. Grd 2condtthrec-eo!t ti ogcar aed retreredwith a ful tike argumeet and dettote sec-., At hr-hoourin ide broegbt dx ed .0.,_rsoc.nppr dbtoeat-- jr lie -celrge'ioe-cbneutc ft m ceie- hgrotaptoMoetreai'cLare- huidteaheaj aip nii Ockj r sptending pooket,. mit did flot hoce tho flot, battg-; ioo Hot. The- tmnajodor nf the Saudvntghctt tcl ttcgpcc Informai cgntdectccondsortiettteettto ccenicg tcaccpetcigteeing ci ii thsctoai ~> ~ 1 PPeted Io îgneot the tabote docoototo Moflre~id Feidooeight -,ilni lre hoo]vear i n Otto-o cth gmaup ofou Oltptocedaure met-o obsoc'bed jntchoit- tooat-aorpetion of Tboccdoc Ale ooch-otipprioctrpccd p teochccc-toomsoathe caes nîghî in,otrac--em aco- and etoontcg ecitemntti, file leao Lauoier The toaobosIlci00areSonne trank opinionscct-ttd. I pooochtd ttcc1ettobarkd ono ahcped tho ettarte ot l o tdohsddec ai the prnaeioce econ!; liE leprere Slghle c bS rpt Oetetot aed Mont- end the etcitod graflp moald fils htledt olo botc dide oc Satcdy mot-totg tho otedeetc reladretautcd nocdiegxtoop, cteodomnto'sceeplfor ceceebhoar compilailt mah."Miranda Fer. coorcct Mnntoeaihb s.Oeo oood coi.ie inprttce hadi been Homheru cane tefkiledici, hi grailon;;ocpeaîed cometccg mtare!tems tmpeccoceciglts mac ,,.nci*til Execltios rid een Hoeve, son he indy, utcerleets. - aaledttke ahanch ofltho ccoct cmccrecoice sigets w tgh and ecototoi tttrott thoctrn Mr. Atbeoenhad occrstbieg bide" Le ry Gardtoaoc cgaeo an c ioctol Cattcocltat aod ac ot id toc.n met. o nder coectmt. Stog and spin-j tdeaof nI hat Peorcon' c tike tho mont intoc-ecling and cnei ah gop boerdod tho traie et -tcr parties qaicttp coetieaed foryToa:'Ikdta ejrosm igc mctemc Oki on Thorcdet ettornoon. Ex- e glond part aI ttm eigbl. All ry il as îlee ip Ilacee t-yaa1Macom. Dighaîlethewa ,; t doned o e ahetthe nd akastoc ctdigou ctcceed read about tbrm je the papor bat -mbinh mac cpeec sbopping, the laelcil run ofchater nd arfarniBuidins an neercee them je pereoe' Maog- ctadoetc memc detigbled ce the uhtc gien me in ons. dcaemoecning soothease îae Clement; 'Wbe-e.mac Girfl-opportonits to preolise oteir b- suet tie the trpoCmmoeclbThestdetc were;enbakrccArneBoer; - eem- Eronch. Thrvmwereoesvioonoor edtfiklehesmoehacicg a gnd' iletre cerkctc-haceeeeedco a cimle and gItieg paid tnr it' netarais' hictiegoot. anln Meokios';- they sit On apocigOkil h e80 nouy Rosary Cniiaren boack and relax mvith aoc monos, vhoo groop gave chree bip i ai<e First Co m mun iorn in idicotieg the tte ports" tan, toits gond ftom" te Mr. P. Att- Robinone --.disgrace bhat fia mon, Mrc. A. Medothor, aed Mrc. va ilridvih tavad iGcoo , Titctt-kcorck. Goas. iSiameaca-e repoecibleîm-r bý11r .1 od,,atroon Kcoi Hood, Maine Ds neofntchegrocpm hocshattre-t1hecoooccb fte trp. , id8 gil ad humd ki Do e-lly Chccttna m.tjed oeeamedi -tatod bait ho Tnks cs arico dded la thne lrtr[Hol Commnion The KntvhikkRobettkedvktoJae- o-oc tnti-edttin. iout boord for theit $100 Ic- o'r ilesdi ak tou, te MoLcod Corneltcs Mncccc Afttr theession Dr. Harflmccwrd deraig thecost of ibe hflefit n -r hk , Donis McCeno John Mc. Hclttnc M.P. cpnkc to hoc gona ltrip. - t-icctl i vhit ci i-c taiccd Miioc -Wtitceýnt Mitor, ine lice oh jtdcsn ohe triadoet icoo Molte. Tei,en- Noce. Richard ___________ o111: On, oeojn -, 1 S-e-i O'Neitt, Anne Gectoon 1 ' o H R Catheine Ademot. Davidc Ami -Chonstophotý Orpon, Hoea Rigo, r hk, C l ieo Aroldic, occon Miohtel Rcgo, Aods Robieson. 0FT HEO C S N Geci (orge R Gcccn, ci iteooci Pctoc. R---ciTbFTTHrCCSO tteclaiecn Doe ine Maoie Rnhcnoco - hoccoia Sheno - a hncc0ttcnn R-coert Rogltton Aooe Sitotceec Miohelt Sot-etn jet .. AND TO FIT YOUI Ma'! k Rce-, lcoooe Bceoncoiac Fiaceohsnoockc Gordon Sor- icicc e ar tkcAlcenccc etito Rhortomas.cLocian Tic- Oik sre ronornein of RncdTi e A.Capi Kecocct lcior lirethonriccioba fl de cunaoc ton, See Ticooincc',A. hapin,- KcîicîîîcCet-oit, Josephb C-e,, cionRooto Lawc e Voer, Rital L. (tiitciI and B. Mocnou 1i.% Ma-rs ConoeDa. aaCorr-c VorhaiooPcieoo VerratChaite, olorde . .citeec to lit cccOcioch TbnkMe! ci, t otocea Cii-ci, Soin Ct-c-coi Vocteoko. Kccco WatsonScphon \o aldio ndc-e Do Re ML! Sfic cc DAt-ociinu, TioocDe- iioci Diaoe Wicciit1cc, Daeot ynn to prfecion' n V isitors f.tor-c-olj l-tcco ond- Ococol Pc-cor DoGraet, Deorohl lc ?,coecc,. Lnco.c Zoion, Erc unc -cico-,Stid ni Lond! )-Viceono-. Macn- Detino, Socitot Elizaethi Vancder Hec- A.R.T.C, Mosic Dicor ofiho (LIn-en Ci cthe RO-coc. Mcc. Et-aos fioiiit Dmigoe' Suzannoe Cuit oen. KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR Gonîýgoinno pnbic ch.uon,. V. ced Mr.icc-ci piae-od t-nli -e tcc R ichad ceon. Dici ne lic hîîtrcil c -hiown in tho Scecn. hor prinoipal ni tho scoot ienO cioo-' holico and Cenedien iiOO Peitrcle cccoccki> con photnor et boit e 202 Main Sîý Milan TU 8-4472 ',ý ,c- hermen end Mr.ýCct,,,toicd VtCaetloand D.c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jaeo Evsons ooc flcit cconmp Wcil(, nociactpiaenoolSke'. anist. ig Wclio lice pcogran con, e sers tine Sfic- V. Wethoo, o-ce nf iltc- one, o' i,,am-ecc-c cae, mten (lenooun poic -cohonlt ech- DVI P0#97 I/NE TO 0Wi 00*vi $Av# 9089 chic caeted choir ci-cit, tho Man neors, c--cced ros renfiler Macsb- nr. The choir of 50 vnooce sang -cil andcle Rcob ninnon plaed -ccoccoancinam hnrc icn- Socieoctctfileraeod aeo re otodod Dit, -hahe e uecio n thitoc h-eptp-. I IW Mori ng. G Soie Mun acnd Gondý Ti os et me-dngp.-rt digit. Ms' Snmoono The girls-c a me-bot cil epvi..dd b, Ihe ct-ce t-chonr cang Mc Cecorooe ce-- ippicojotise acdionoo T hiJ e ur S itoc nd g it-fn o i The oicors and occid n eR -; AVf#4E II 196 3 C hev rolet C o nvertib le ~ Grade 8 oeog ticrc'e Sngc, ana nf' josed a piecopt cimie togother l fdotoctn Knon-c cthe Troubtole- n'etcorsedoaterrche concert-.~f This orne nec heootp cnmec cih radco, whcte Be Thino end Potow thr Rnnd flfecled paroeotoary toscis. The snhieh prnred the vsxty ni th rcoir c heoParade of teI Wandcn Soidcet-c eed The Votreý A L N L duetlsf'ong gr--sang Not-r Lacet,, endt %Ir,. . Thoohorav sange-csopra-cncii, I Wciko aI Toaos Nitoro Jo-,, Wetkod. Belhlir cefet-ti-o-s netr greectoy edmircd ila Chooio ceik and troc,, mnc. gir nicoi, citre srocidoot F R L theopcngromerudthe onScand, .Mr. Sitrobseo n--o-eced hl macs inds %%ho h-e-c hnon him vilen ho o-c, e mocho, USE Pet-tcoct boind,,, wo- oite-coi d on te chaepon Sinsde- actei Il Mec if. Rt--. Dt-.T.M Dutt5tn, rotct- ni Glae AnglicanA Cbnrnh cn Milton coodoccd che cetciceo oodiecPuot tram Chepior 2 ni cheD ce n hi-c -et-mon. Dr. Do,,ten e hge hic set-mn' hvsp-itaking ot te onpotace' of Peeccocai ln ch'.- oeondcnE cte, Lhiticcan i-c ( it wh ct- es A JOB c ,, e ti do oihven (hrit-ca e-cd hrtii lice Ho,, IflKUUGH THE bt- Oh ceot- ce onpthecOOO, ni Peolcor esd tliod ite ohoroiCH MPO it h e e-ccd , n -c-gc (h-i-' ceocsincthe oto-ntcd o r-dcrir Hoit Spirit ce -ed ihem ou ho trllcrc ivalohoci ounoodeandS gccO tem coi ccc. Mc- Roc Wzicci, mn.c'chieic gan, FREE TO ALL STUDENTS At-et-t-pieoneaitrsonwa spcnt in tho o,,opi.o ni fiadire, GRAMMAR THROUGH HIGH trnm Bunt-tgoci itcet-erge cun SCHOOL WHO0 LIVE IN TH-IS AREA antcni t-r-ccc-ccc Trnica et lacor -otio- ci-c l h o lt- lais M' idý,, lit' t- te-N Gtpni i her t. i Ud C hrit Womt- orh Peul', Unitd Charo in Biitogin th, pce-oNo dent ot tirc gronip M,, W. Not- toc.rr chcootc e,,ocMStJ. Waleikr P o a i and Mr,. t. itedkno k-c -c-cd ch-c h o e C a ein isot,,odM-n Rte. o i noie ai] prococo Ahrie eotdronncpcmncopn- P cd tho pncgrem.I c o n- '.00 dnotod ttc S- SL.Iidk hot ci w- i-l i Cc- Siý IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FULL OR PAR Fonoru 1 , itle pcco-in'id YOU DO - Place Ycur Ad in The Office, 191 o tit-ot sicngsog ni nid heieadSi und fomilierbymc. 1. One Adeeanh studet mabe rpetedaeptai3î The maie Ieaîue of the aifcet-i pien bp eashlaesdayhbefoe5gpm. mo ac tho ptaying ni saouac umutueyurnne i h d gamniet enehoc. bridge, nribbage 2 e aeeepa an ete d anddoleekerc by the siileeatd 3.Yee mapause p to2wedefmscpy. cecideete. The ptngtamn eboced mith the readieg of loflEdgar Gecle paremn hy Mre. lncof S0 DEADLINE For Your Fr.. Ad is TUESDA and tbe fliegiig af Bleif Thie Honte by anc aI tho sisitieg IUDENTS, T lIME JOB HERE'S ALL Main St., Milton ies if pes eenteelt The Chaem- V, 5 P.M. 't ciic, cndchid cshecc and sc-indr poower gExerirîn cs cneoc clcore. icnence Bf16073 c > Regler $2,895 c._c... s2695 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Milesi of comme- hnlicdno dtincgcand coifotinthic four doc brooto. Auto- matin trancmicsin VR8 power,- radio, t-owetrfeer- iOSc power htckee. oheri dics, cshite ooaicc croc heltc, dont mut-or Witat mont-od hon ach? Son it chic oeeh. Lînces B15755 s174,5 Regeler $2,895 .. 1963 Pontiac Station Wagon Hr' liec 93f t S Regler $289w-er s2695 1959 OIds 98 Convertible , 111!11110 rre'e c fu0I 1962 Volkswagen eccoipped pc- Whcc oe can we fiat Wei o poun on one ces poer econnnmpand the p-ce spet atrctie oDrie bteiipwrindrdi, ime to Ina secnd -crno pteec amen, olr micrdio g-cof t top hihnq in nchrs Whitr enterior Wcith orec R1R580 cootrtcctngeed nphniscerp. ies B80 $9 5 sl 7 8 ' Licene Bu600R Regeler $1,295 ------ Reglelr $1,995 ... .. c ... . OVER 40 OTHER MODELS TO CIIOOSE FROM AT Milton Motor Sales Ltd. 388 Main St. 878-2355 Milton THIS WARRANTY PROTICTO Yotih CAR FOR ONE PULL YUAl ANYWNERE IN CANADA AT A PARTICIPATINO GARAGE. f Cie lai, bc soi Cra boa flic 1tc an( a 1

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